Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you! This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome. Guidelines: 1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people. 3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing. 4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways. 5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade. 6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
OP Maker !LzR3uguMS2
>>20758318 Is that what people want?
>>20758414 50/50
It's better if people have their own threads for bigger giveaways, but this is nice for the smaller ones however it's basically the GTS general.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20758414 nope, this fucker is just a attwhore
>>20758292 What kind of giveaways are going on right now?
>>20758414 Pros: Condenses all the giveaways into on thread.
Less clutter on board
Cons: Makes it easier for trolls because they don't have to look for giveaway threads, they just go here.
I would say keep it.
>>20758433 >basically the GTS general. So why cant this die then and everyone can go there. They need the traffic.
>>20758456 It's really annoying to be giving away your breeding leftovers and someone comes in with 30 shiny somethings asking for Luvdisc and the thread blows up, you can't find the discs in the gts, or follow the messages in the thread.
But deep down I think we'd be better off merging both together anyway. Anonymous
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>>20758452 >Less clutter on board Lrn2filter giveaway
I want to go back to the old way
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>>20758503 You can always do your giveaways on your own thread, anon. It's not like we're gonna force you to do something you don't want to.
I need a beautifly really bad, and everyone on gts only trades for legendaries Even better would be a growlithe with morning sun
>>20758489 Not to mention GTS and other communities use luvdisc. The biggest complain i have about every giveaway here is i cant keep track of people responding to me because i have to dig through other peoples giveaway. It's 1000x worse when the baiters are here.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20758525 you could just ask people to put up something else, like magikarp
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>>20758503 Me and you both anon but the people really want to make these /ggg/ fused with /wfg/ covered in baiter shit threads.
Well, I voiced my opinions more than a few times now, so I won't go on and on about that again. What do you guys suggest we do to fix the situation? Should we do a poll and see what people preffer? Let it run for a whole day or two, so we can get a more accurate answer?
>>20758579 why has no one thought of this before? that seems like a good idea. What would be the choices?
>>20758579 > implying trolls won't rig the poll IGN:Ray
>>20758589 Since you said please, I'll give you a growlithe, put a disc up with rarara as your msg
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>>20758601 The trolls are a part of this weather you like it or not, if there are actually more trolls than people who want to keep this thread then it was destined to fail
>>20758596 I don't really know...
1 - separate giveaways threads
2 - Giveaways general
3 - Merging shiny/legend/events giveaways back to /ggg/
>>20758601 Well, it's worth a shot, maybe?
>>20758615 I need one with morning sun thoo
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20758633 just breed one yourself if you really need it
>>20758633 It does have morning sun and flare blitz
>>20758629 Choices 1 and 3 are really the same thing if you ask me. If the poll shows that the general should die then some of you will go to the gts thread and the rest of you will make your own giveaway threads.
>>20758639 Idk how and all the espeons and beautiflies in GTS want untradable legendaries
>>20758660 Right.
How do I go about to make one of those strawpolls? Also, should I post it now or wait for the next thread?
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>>20758657 I just put one up, if this is legit i love you
I just got done breeding one for modest nature and pentaperfect ivs and flash fire
Then leveled it up and i didnt have morning sun
>>20758680 It can be made whenever so we can start voting now. Future threads should have the link to the poll in the OP. Question is how long should it run for?
>>20758579 We should do this so we can finally know what to do
>>20758601 Power in numbers anon
>>20758662 Other pokemon have Morning Sun anon
Alan 1134-7468-3603
I have one sugestion, all giveaways continue on Giveaway General, but the Cloner has to Timestamp his Box to Giveaway, so we all will know what is a ruse and what isn't
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>>20758702 I'd say two whole days is enough.
Maybe one. Anonymous
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>>20758714 This. Why didnt any of us think of this.
>>20758722 Already voted anon
OP Maker !LzR3uguMS2
http://strawpoll.me/2451817 That seems ok but the wording sound a bit biased by keeping the board clean. I don't want people using that against the poll if keeping the general wins out.
Is everyone OK with this poll?
>>20758741 >making a new poll because you didn't like the response Fuck yourself OP.
>>20758741 Sorry about my bias. I really would like to keep the thread alive, wasn't on purpose, though.
Plus, my english is not very good. Also, going back to the way it was before is winning so far. I don't think people will really mind.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20758714 Can we not do that, giving away free things will become a chore for some people
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>>20758714 Having to make a timestamp to give things for free really sucks, I wouldn't dig it.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20758813 Just put 3DS in front of a PC screen, and take a Pic, is not that hard.
OP Maker !LzR3uguMS2
>>20758776 >>20758786 Fine we use that poll. It'll be linked in future posts and should end 24 hours from now.
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>>20758844 Thanks for understanding.
A bit off topic but why havent 4 of the threads been deleted after the 300 post mark yet? are the mods asleep or something?
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>>20758855 /vp/ is a slow board, the threads cant be bumped to the front page anymore so its ok
>>20758855 I thought they just got deleted after making it to the end of the last page?
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>>20758855 They don't delete it here. We just let it 404.
>>20758837 I'm sorry, I've never seen you give anything away.
Why don't you just let the giveawayers do there thing
You can either trust the person giving away or not.
No need to make them go through an extra hastle when they're are doing a free service
>>20758837 Not everyone has a webcam, some people have to use their phone or digital camera, then email that to themselves
>>20758894 >extra hassle How fucking hard is it m8?
Anyway, there's nothing to stop trolls from posting fake timestamped pics, I have multiple times
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>>20758894 >>20758900 I tend to agree with you guys.
Also it's not a big deal to fall for a fake giveaway. You just have to withdraw the mon from gts. Nothing really lost.
>>20758924 kek, i love you anon. I do the same all the time and these faggots eat it up just because it has a picture
>>20758924 >>20758947 Now that's just sad, thinking you're actually hurting a person by lying on the internet
>>20758947 y-you too, anon.
I can't lie, I do feel bad afterwards
, but then I see another giveaway and see how stupid some people are and it reminds me why I do what I do. Anonymous
>>20758974 Don't, remember you are doing it to jews. They deserve much worse
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>>20758964 No one said or implied that retard
Why do people argue here instead of giving things away? People arguing here are stupid!
>>20759011 If you feel so strongly about it why don't you give something away? That would require you to not just lurk and give something back so I don't expect it.
>>20759000 I really don't feel confortable when you guys go around calling everyone jews.
Or autists for that matter. . I'm neither of those, but I think it may hurt people.
Also, this isn't bait. I know I won't change a damn thing about 4chan behavior, but if you think about it at least for one second, that's enough for me. Anonymous
>>20759011 No, you're stupid! You come here wanting free shit without contributing anything. This thread is going to die because people like you dont know how to act civilized
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>>20759011 This thread at least have some actual content, while people are discussing what is best for the future of the giveaways. It's better than ironic shitposting anyways.
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>>20758964 In what way are they getting hurt?
>>20759027 Its called giveaway general dumbass, i come here to get free shit. thats what it says, maybe its people like you shitting the place up
>>20759025 No one cares about your delicate sensibilities. If someone gets their feelings hurt for hearing the word Jew or autism they need to reevaluate how feeble they are.
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>>20759025 Think about this anon, jews dont like to be called jews.
>>20759041 >>20759046 It's fine. I won't make a hassle out of this. You're entitled your opinion.
I just think real autism is actually something to be taken more seriously. As is Antisemitism for that matter. Anonymous
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>>20759037 Don't bother i dont remember anyone giving away anything worthwhile here.
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>>20759027 people contribute by hijacking and shitposting and arguing?
Mmm... Re-evaluate... I don't think I'm the stupid one, stupid.
>>20759073 No one cares faggot, please leave
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>>20759093 Already did. Sorry.
>>20759021 Of course! That's not my role here. I wait for a giveaway. Apparently you're one of the stupid ones who can't wait without arguments ensuing...
>>20759125 Just fuck off, anon. If you can wait, why are you fucking complaining? What does it matter if the thread has 300 posts or 10? You're going to put your fucking disc up anyway.
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>>20759125 I don't take things from the giveaways, I just enjoy heckling you idiots
>>20759134 Human nature. Get used to it, anon.
>>20759135 Duh! I just wanted to say that the arguing you guys do all the time about stupid things are stupid. Anyway I'll be back to lurking because I don't want to lower myself to your standards. I'm higher than that.
Good luck with everyone's arguments about nothingggg!
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>>20759145 I'e seen wild animals that are more tame than some of the people in this thread. Alot of the people giving away stuff think they own the place and start tell others what to do.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20759025 80 posts in a giveaway thread and not a single giveaway yet? Bit ironic, isn't it?
Anyways, I'll start. I have 10 of these things, disc up if you want one
Alan 1134-7468-3603
IGN: Gio
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>>20759135 Did you get anything that anon said?
>>20759166 I'll disc up one last time, thanks
IGN Traumend (3411-2457-3065)
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>>20759166 I agree it's ironic, but if you have the time/care enough to read some of the posts you'll see it isn't as bad as last threads.
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
>>20759184 Yes he voted to kill this pathetic excuse for a thread.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20759152 >I'm higher than that. Fine by me, anon. I don't give a fuck about what you think anyway. I hope you find the giveaways you're looking for, though.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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>>20759166 disc up, thank you
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20759208 voted to keep it, without /ggg/ there cant be any more small giveaways like this one without making a new thread
>>20759228 Good thing we left it upto everyone or baiters like you would just decide to keep it even though the majority hates it.
>>20759228 You could always do it one the /ggg/. But I don't really mind, whatever most people choose is good enough in my book. Anonymous
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>>20759248 Glaceon has never baited us ever
>>20759252 This
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>>20759166 thanks based glaceon
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>>20759166 Discing up
Ign :Suvi
Oz !!axoA77fHn6p
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Thank you Glaceon!
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20759166 Glaceon aways deliver
>>20759315 I know, right? I just wish Glaceon had
more nicknamed pokémon. I love me some nicknamed mons. Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20759166 Ok, out of misdreavus
>>20759331 I would, but most of the pokemon I giveaway aren't bred by me, I'll probably do a porygon2 that I bred giveaway either later tonight or tomorrow though.
also can eviolite be traded on gts? Anonymous
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>>20759166 Glaceon is /vp/ secret angel
>>20759362 That porygon sounds great! Hope I don't miss it.
I probably will, because I'm shit. Also I don't know about eviolite. Can we try? I can send you one from acquaitances and you just send it back to me. Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20759374 sure, just tell me what pokemon youre putting up
Alan 3711-6798-5215
So I have 5 shiny drillburs to giveaway and an impish shiny beldum. Caught them all in white. So they were justing sitting there Before I do, I must emphasize that they have random natures and ivs but I sure someone will appreciate it Disc up if you want one. Except for alan 1134. Fuck you for having the same name as me
>>20759362 It can be, yes.
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !jQIKmYRYuM
OK it was really hard getting this past the filter so bear with me>what are you giving ? 60 slugs. 60 fully-evolved slugs. Shiny. Level 100. In a Heal Ball, femme. Competitively viable. With an Ability Capsule. No Nickname.>how can I get it ? Go on the GTS. Drop a Bunnelby there, and ask for a level 91+ femme fully-evolved slug. Wait.>I still don't have it ! Just wait. I'm probably the only one doing this, and I'm doing it from the first to deposit to the 60th. This takes time. Please understand.>A-Am I late for it ? I don’t know. I only have 60 of them. Just drop your Bunnelby on the GTS and wait.>Can you rename them? No, but feel free to ask that to any Cyber Gadget thread that happens sometimes here, they can do that for you.>How many have been sent thus far ? More than 90 boxes. 2,700 people love the femme Slug!>How can I help to distribute these ? Grab one via the GTS. Clone it with the Powersaves and either another save or Pokemon Bank. Answer the requests on the GTS. If there aren't, you can drop them massively on the Wonder Trade, too.>I have other questions! Feel free to post them.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20759384 I'm stupid. Acquaintances trades wouldn't work. I'll put a Carbink holding it. what should I ask for?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20759399 Nothing, an anon just confirmed that it works, thanks anyways though
Alan 1134-7468-3603
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20759416 Hope you realize I was kidding.
I have no use for them so anyone can take them if they'd like
>>20759395 no one wants your shitty slug
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !jQIKmYRYuM
>>20759395 Just sent out the first one, keep them coming
>>20759395 I put a bunny up, thanks. message is /vp/
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
>>20759395 Why not. I'll catch a Bunnellby then put it up! Thanks Jill
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>>20759432 I DO! You're stupid!
Thank you Jill! :D
>>20759387 can I have the shiny Beldum?? I put up a disc :)
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>>20759443 Received, thank you so much!
Nicholas FC 4313 1821 3717
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>>20759395 I'll throw a bunny up for one
>>20759444 >>20759443 >>20759439 Guys its female, they're are all females
>>20759490 I know, I don't really care about genders in pokémon. But thanks for your concern.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20759431 So I want one, discing up for Drillbur
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
>>20759490 Your point being?
IGN: Gio
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>>20759387 AHHH!!! Thank you for the shiny Beldum man! :D
>>20759490 >caring about pokemons gender back to tumblr
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20759481 Sent
And Maggie if you're here please rediscover.
You were sniped
>>20759490 At least they are not nicknamed something stupid, like the 'male only' males that are given away.
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>>20759387 discan for drilbur :^)
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>>20759504 >>20759510 >>20759533 No problem thought you guys never knew
>>20759518 >Implying I care I was saying it because it sounded like you want to be a slug lover too
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>20759527 That, I was.
Will do.
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>>20759395 >disc up, thank you IGN: Suvi
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>>20759548 Thank you. Forgot to say thanks lol
>>20759387 Disc up for a drillbur, thanks
>Shitposters have taken over the place to the point where it's unbearable >People driving the thread are complete retards >Voting taking place to see if something should go MFW giveaway general has become smogon
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20759605 Don't see it
Don't see yours either boontz
The last one is for whichever if you puts it up first
>>20759627 Do you have a better suggestion other than a poll? I'm all ears.
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>>20759395 dropping a bunnelby
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20759642 Received mine thanks
, chará Jill 1649-8430-8111 !jQIKmYRYuM
Just want to mention 60 is just the number that was there when i used to do this on the main board. I really have an unlimited amount. I'll go until i fill all the requests or i get tired
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>>20759642 guess i got sniped
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>20759527 Thank you for the Drilbur!
>>20759644 The poll is rigged because it just has two options. What if there are more.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:13:09 No. 20759712 Report Putting disc online now, for a drillbut.
>>20759387 Any nature or iv is fine, for breeding purposes, since i have time.
Thanks a lot.
>>20759674 Would it be fine to bunnelby up again, one for trade and one to keep and use?
>>20759395 Gotta catch a bunny will deposit when done
IGN Jish 2.0
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !Dq7jUlByC.
>>20759719 Go ahead like i said i'll keep going till im tired
>>20759700 We went through how many options to put, no one came up with any suggestions. Read the thread, please.
Alan 3711-6798-5215
>>20759712 Is it up cause o don't see it
IGN: Yoru !!KACLeiYrCbX
>>20759387 >Sure, I'll take a Drillbur. Disc is up. IGN above. Anonymous
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>>20759739 Alright, got another bunnelby up!
Alan 3711-6798-5215
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>>20759766 Don't see it :T
Put something else up
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sat 30 Aug 2014 02:22:38 No. 20759848 Report >>20759756 Yeah, it is... Male Luvdisc, lvl 15... Your name is the message.
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The sad thing is, despite me disliking the slug shitposter, I'll likely use the Goodra I just got because the m.ale one (man there are a lot of filters relating to Goodra) has a nickname.
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>>20759700 >>20759749 Also, if you have a better poll idea, feel free to share, we're not smogon, we'll hear you and we can swap polls.
>>20759722 >>20759739 Im sorry i havent caught it so i couldn't put in female
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>>20759873 Oh shit, never mind
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !Dq7jUlByC.
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>>20759873 Thats fine im actually hitting all requests for a goodra
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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lol, okay. I was making sure:P Thanks in advance by the way.
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !Dq7jUlByC.
It looks like ive completed all the GTS requests. Look at the status of your bunny
>>20759979 Wait why is this shit female, i thought you were that giveaway person. Complete trash you worthless piece of shit
Ben 2852-8553-8756
>>20759979 Do you still have any more?
I'll put a Bunnelby up if you do!
I know this thread isn't for begging, but does anyone knows if wipi already gaveaway those Buneary? I wanna know if I missed it.
Jill 1649-8430-8111 !jQIKmYRYuM
>>20760003 Go right ahead
>>20759995 Did you read my post?
>>20760011 He said he's done with this place. Too cancerous for a person like him. Look for his giveaways on the main page
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>>20760033 Yeah, I just wanted to know if he did it already...
Alan 3711-6798-5215
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>>20759848 Didn't see it
Sorry dude.
If you want you can add my fc for it
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20760019 My Bunny-kun is now on the GTS.
Thanks Jill!
Hey I'm back with more clones. These pokemon are shiny and have perfect iv's. If you want one put up a disc on the gts with the message /Dan/ and i'll be sure to trade you for it. make sure to post want you want here Cloyster Ampharos Nidoqueen Clawitzer Electrode Raticate Omastar Uxie Seviper I only have 30 of each so make sure to act fast
>>20760118 Disc up for Uxie
>>20760106 shiny one, love ball, named littlesister. I really wanted to get one, he said he'd do it yesterday but I couldn't be online. Don't know if it happened.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>20760118 >CANCEROUS Obvious troll
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>>20760118 What nature is that Clawitzer. In the mean time deposited for nidoqueen
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>>20760118 omg. can you be more original? are you on replay? this is so old.
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>>20760136 kek, how many times are you gonna fall for this shit?
>>20760118 Discing for Nido
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Ignore it and it will go away, trust me, /vp/.
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>>20760118 I need Uxie and seviper for my pokedex, can i have them both?
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20760118 Give the all to me right now
>>20760118 >not offering sneaker Anonymous
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>>20760203 Jokes on you i got myself a sweet Nidoqueen
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Does anyone have a Natu/Xatu with Skill Swap?
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20760118 Discing up for Cloyster!
My message is Believe in /vp/ Anons
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>>20760118 disc up for ampharos thx
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Disc up for Uxie
>>20758292 One thing I've noticed taht is an issue with this premise that these threads become pretty long and it takes a lot of time to read through all the posts in order to see what is being offered. Maybe there should be a rule in place that those doing giveaways ought to post their first post, in addition to the other details, with an image so that they stand out.
>>20760388 That's... not very kind, anon.
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Disc up for Uxie
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>>20760426 Hey, I'm sad as well.
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>>20760118 Disc is up. Wanting Uxie.
cj 1244-7578-3508
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>>20760118 Disc up for heavy ball Cloyster. Thanks
>>20760420 I usually skim the thread in reverse to figure out what's still being given away. It also reveals which ones are still going on and which ones people figured out are fake. It doesn't take long either and these threads would have less clutter if more people figured out to do that instead of pouncing on the very first giveaway post they see.
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>>20760612 Well that's the thing. There are a lot of giveaway generals a day now. The whole point of these threads are to streamline the process. There should be a way discussed to make the giveaway posts stand out agains the other ones in these threads. A lot of us have busy lives. Just saiyan. It shouldn't be hard to put a picture up in addition to all the other info they put up.
Hi this is my first time giving away something here. I have TWO copies of each of these, they are all battle read, 5 or 6 iv and all of them are shiny. If you want one throw up a luvdisc that says john and respond telling me what you want Noivern Infernape Gengar Gardevoir Entei Regice
>>20760824 Disc up for Sneaker, thanks. ign=baldo
>>20760824 Noivern, Disc Up
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>>20760824 Disc going up for Noivern! Cheers
>>20760824 people still find it that fun to make lame and obvious ruses?
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>>20760824 Disced up for the Waifuvoir
>>20758292 As must as I hate this place, Its the only place that isnt sniper fucking general anymore.Some asshole name Bob cost me a Chespin, a Porygon 2, and at least 3 other mons. What the actual fuck.
>>20760847 may i ask whats your ign
>>20760867 its not a ruse, why would you think that?
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>>20760876 Oh yeah IGN: Ben
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Sat 30 Aug 2014 03:35:11 No. 20760893 Report Quoted By:
>>20760824 Discing up for a Regice, thanks a ton!
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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>>20760824 disc up for entei, IGN: Kalm
>>20760875 Are you the anon he sniped with the Chespin? I've cloned the Wipi one with Powersaves.
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
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>>20760824 Gib noivern pls, disc up
I've sent a gardevoir and noivern who else wants one i only have two of each remeber
>>20760824 Madvillain
>>20760904 Waifu received, thanks John
>>20760824 Regice bro. :^)
He cool.
>>20760914 No problem, i heard this place was bad but why would you want to drive me away when im giving away free stuff
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
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>>20760824 can I have a gardevoir please?
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20760904 Thank you so much John!
Very Appreciated!
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>>20760824 Regice, please, thanks!
Jabinkles 3110-4698-4432
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>>20760904 Is noivern gone? If so can you save me a gengar perhaps?
>>20760904 Could I also disc up for an Entai? I forgot how boss the shiny one looks.
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>>20760904 Noivern Recieved! Thanks for DICKS
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20760930 Can i Disc up for a Gengar?
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>>20760940 >only has two of each >being this much of a Jew Anonymous
Guys i just realised entei is an event and i cant trade it
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>20760824 Discing up for Infernape
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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>>20760960 give me your FC dude
>>20760960 If you're inclined
Do a a disk for disk the. Aquantaince trade
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>>20760960 Really? I guess I forgot too. Thanks again for the Gardevoir.
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
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>>20760824 actually can i have a regice please?
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20760960 disc4disc of FC?
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>>20760976 Thats fine my little brother wanted them to trade at his school
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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>>20760926 I don't have mine.
I traded everything already minus the a gengar and its going out to Ben folks. I would do more GTS trades but people would just accuse me of rusing, why?
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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>>20761036 Try using a tripcode, I heard that helps people believe you.
>>20761046 They are event so if they can not be traded on the GTS sorry, my mistake
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>>20761046 Not yours to begin with. He already gave it me
Sucks to be you dude
>>20761036 I didn't get my Regice...
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
>>20761051 Aquantaince trade?
disc 4 disc
>>20761054 They are gone now, i dont know who got them.
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20761036 You are King Waffle, don't let the shitposters of /vp/ get you down.
What you are doing is very kind and as another frequent user of /vp/ I can say everyone appreciates the kindness you give to others for no reason.
people im done i just wanted to give away my extras. Dont be such jews, im voting no on the poll
>>20761058 >Already said his bro is gonna trade them at school >keeps begging for it Dude he said he was done, at least back down
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>>20760900 That was me, actually (sorry for the late reply). I actually did get a Porygon2 before Bob struck. Anything I should put up for it? I really appreciate you doing such.
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>>20761077 what poll?? where is my sneaker? ign=baldo
thesoldier / IGN: Kalm, 2938-8299-6054
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>>20761082 I didn't read that, sorry
Ben 2852-8553-8756
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>>20761077 I'm thankful for what you have given me over the past giveaways you have done.
And I've been around for a lot of yours. Kids need to be less greedy and just appreciate you do giveaways frequently like these.
Yoruyoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
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>>20760900 If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to clone another? I'm also one of Bob's victims. To the same Chespin Giveaway.
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>>20760824 Dude this is getting old please just stop it no one thinks its funny and nobody takes the bait anymore cause they know it aint real
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
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>>20760900 >>>20760 can i have one too? :(
D-did the trolls finally get bored? Can we finally do legit giveaways and not some stupid meme copypasta
>>20761328 Yeah, you can go ahead and start a giveaway yourself! How about that?
>>20761344 Whats being given away, i'm looking for any legends you cant get in X and Y
>>20761364 I've got a bunch of Sneakers if you're needing one just put a disc up.
>>20761446 wtf are you going on about? Do you want a Sneaker or not? It's male, lvl 1.
>>20761465 You didn't get the joke... I did haha good one anon.
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>>20761475 Yea because thats much worse than the shit that was going on earlier. Count your blessings you piece of shit
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>>20761485 What joke anon? I'm out of here. No more Sneakers to anyone. Fuck /vp/.
>>20761465 What's a sneaker?
Daily reminder to vote on the status of this thread.
http://strawpoll.me/2451817 Anonymous
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>>20761526 Go team fuck this thread and all the cancer it gives us all
>>20761526 >the status of this thread Anonymous
Why has the general stayed alive when the super majority wants it dead as shown by
>>20761551 Anonymous
>>20761589 http://strawpoll.me/2451817 Results so far:
Kill thread - 36 votes
No kill thread - 18 votes
>>20761589 http://strawpoll.me/2451817 The idiots that created this general can not admit that they are human and made a mistake. Now they want to drive down all of /vp/ with them
>>20761610 Hey no kill people how does it feel to get BTFO in your own thread?
>>20761617 >>20761638 I created that poll, I wanted the thread to stay. But since the majority of users doesn't want to, oh well. I won't be the one making this thread and going against the tide.
We agreed earlier to let the poll run for at least 24 hours. Tomorrow night we'll see the final results and nuke this threads, I guess.
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>>20761617 I think the fault is mostly of waffle and other attention whores who need an own thread for their ego.
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>>20761617 Actually, OP of the first two Giveaway Generals ever, here.
I know I can't prove it, but just belieb me pls I do agree these threads should be killed. They work when they work, but for the most part it just turns into a big shitpost thread of old ruses, with very little actual giveaways.
The front-page giveaways actually were calmer than this, so that should tell you something. Are they annoying? Sure, but you can just block the word "giveaway" if they bug you that much.
So yeah, pls kill.
Where were you when Giveaway General was kill?
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>>20761651 wont stay. kill
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>>20761666 I was creating the fucking poll that put the last nail in the coffing. How about that, Satan?
;-; OP Maker !LzR3uguMS2