Trading | Breeding | Battling | Autism | Shitposting | Giveaways | Circlejerking | General Questions
A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things, my nigga.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit, my nigga. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on Old Thread:
>>20778569 Topic of the Thread:
What is the cutest Pokemon?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
ToTT: Quilava gets no love
>>20783050 >Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? >Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on >tripfags always point out the hacks and friend safari shit in the op >they've never just taken their cancerous circle jerking off site so we can browse this general without having to wade past blogging This is by far the least worst op in a while
Quoted By:
>>20783129 I know, right, thank God we have anonymous to create such stellar OP copypastas.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
This copypasta is shit and so is the person who made it.
Reposting because I did a Mooba. Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Free things are free. If we're not friends, then tell me what you're putting up on GTS.
Quoted By:
>>20783129 It' pasta and this general is the original containment thread for the shitposting regulars.
>>20783129 >>they've never just taken their cancerous circle jerking off site so we can browse this general without having to wade past blogging >what is super sekrit club Anonymous
Paul 4639-9271-5529 !S6JiF12KQA
Looking for Infiltrator Zubat/Golbat, no preference on ball. Will give a derp with any berry currently legitimately available (aside from Lansat, Starf, and Enigma), a Rare Candy, or PP Up in return.
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
>>20783151 >I agree with Ravi I think I just puked a little Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:18:30 No. 20783173 Report >>20783021 It's ok, thanks a lot for doing this. Sorry but, can I ask you something? Would you name the Torchic and Charmander for me, please?
Kirzi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:19:38 No. 20783188 Report >>20783143 deposited a froakie for a meowth on GTS if thats ok
>>20783173 what do you want me to nickname them? Anonymous
>>20783148 They still blog here anyways
>>20782355 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20783211 boo hoo they post about pokemon in a pokemon thread
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>20783211 The blogging and circlejerking are part of the fun. If you want to trade in a place that's strictly business, there are other sites.
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783188 That's fine but if you deposited it already, I think it got sniped.
>>20783223 Like reddit right?
In all seriousness mistress master trader, where is a nearly as good site to trade that isn't here?
Atedovr conse
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:25:43 No. 20783251 Report >>20783228 tried again now.
Paul 4639-9271-5529 !S6JiF12KQA
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>>20783163 Anybody? I need it quickly.
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>>20783191 >>20783173 for some reason the diancie won't trade, I'm sorry. Do you still want the Char and Torchich? Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:26:28 No. 20783267 Report >>20783191 Charmander: Oceanflare (Yeah, i know it sounds horrible), if possible, with X stone
Torchic: Tao Hen.
Sorry for the wait, it was my fault.
I'm gonna see other legends I need and ask, ok? Thanks for everything, you're an angel.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>20783245 >>20783248 The only site I have experience with is everyone's favorite site. For actually getting a lot of trades, it's pretty useful.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:29:51 No. 20783294 Report >>20783191 >>20783191 Well, If you could, for the second part: Xerneas, the three Lake Brothers, Heracross, and the torchic and charmander we talked about.
Take as long as you need...
>>20783267 nicknamed the torchic, I however accidently traded away the origjnal charmander so I can't nickname him (but he is holding the x stone). and sorry about the diancie. the other legendaries will 100% go through though. Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783251 You've deposited a Froakie asking for a Meowth? Cause I still can't see it...
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:31:21 No. 20783313 Report >>20783298 yes i have.. and i dont understand why that is..
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:32:37 No. 20783329 Report >>20783298 its a male lvl 1 Froakie, asking for any Meowth, nothing on gender or lvl.
>>20783294 >>20783297 Also, I got the Xerneas in a wt, but I just realized he's shiny locked. I'll fix him real fast, because otherwise be probably wouldn't go through. Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783313 >>20783329 No idea what's happening, just add me and we'll do it the old fashioned way.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:34:43 No. 20783362 Report Quoted By:
>>20783297 Awnnn, it's ok. I can try to name the charmander later, somehow... And relax, you're great for doing all this... As for the diance, I'll just wait for the event then.
Anybody got a spare Shiny Stone? Fuck Super Training. being left handed is suffering
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:36:19 No. 20783382 Report Quoted By:
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>>20783286 Sounds like a fate worse than having to see tripcode !!sOuIUPxchDO on nearly a daily basis
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:38:40 No. 20783412 Report >>20783360 thank you so much!
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:41:07 No. 20783435 Report >>20783354 btw, just wondering, whats your ign so ill recognize you when you wanna trade?
Eggster - 1306-6379-7355 (fairy+clefairy)
Eggster - 1306-6379-7355 (fairy+clefairy) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:41:57 No. 20783451 Report Quoted By:
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>>20783294 Want anything else? :)
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
>>20783412 No problem, glad it finally worked.
>>20783354 Thanks a lot again. Are you trying to make me fall in love? Because it's working.
I'll go drink something quick... You can do the other's wishes now, since mine are always big. If you still wanna trade after that, I'll be there, ok?
Thanks a lot. :3
When is game freak going to make a physical version of Hidden Power
Quoted By:
>>20783533 They already did, it was called Gens II and III
>>20783523 What is this, a romance?
> not poplar with Anonymous haters anymore ;_;
>>20783523 I'm dumping a bunch of clones I had from earlier on another person, but really, if you want something else just let me know and I'll get them ready in a bit. Also, it would be easier to do a larger order then a bunch of smaller orders. Anonymous
>>20783601 > poplar Fuck. *Popular
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 19:57:38 No. 20783636 Report >>20783604 oh my god, this is like the best christmas ever x300!
>>20783143 > Can I get a pentaperfect Kabuto with Knock Off? The egg moves are really what counts.
Thanks in advance. I'll put up a Luvdisc right now.
>>20783636 I myself haven;t kept up with events between SS to B/W so I always like helping out others who've missed these events as well Anonymous
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:02:16 No. 20783700 Report Quoted By:
>>20783566 My live is to give love and care to others... Don't be jealous. I can love you too. :3
>>20783143 Magikarp with message /Vp/ Julia for that machop male
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783659 Is there any chance I could get some events from you? Dunno if it's any trouble cloning them or what. I can offer some random shit in safari balls.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>20783729 It depends on what you want
>>20783373 I do, what do you have to trade?
>>20783750 Surfchu, DB Lugia, possibly the Genies too if it's not too much trouble.
>>20783755 Are you looking for anything specific?
>>20783775 Sure, I'll get them organized and I'll trade you in a little while
Surfchu may or may not go through, it is the legit, official event mon but surf might hinder it Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783706 Can't see this, is it still up?
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:13:26 No. 20783822 Report >>20783604 I have still a load of requests, so I'll organize it in the pic, i'll be easier... Be right back in a bit...
>>20783822 >>20783794 Okay, I'll get to you after I get to the other anon. And then after that I'm done for the day.
Quoted By:
>>20783794 Sweet, thank you
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth)
Mushuii | 4570-9221-6276 (Volbeat, Butterfree, Venomoth) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:14:27 No. 20783836 Report Quoted By:
>>20783794 this was amazing, thank you so much for all the fantastic pokémans! im gonna have to go have a smoke now, since this felt like the best sex ever.
>>20783795 Up again, same as before.
anyone have an event quick attack charmander?
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Honky 5370-0538-0043 !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>20783862 What event charmander had quick attack?
Lord Ren !jRTSCAjXVc
Quoted By:
Herro gents, how is everyone today? :3
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>>20783862 >>20783882 Birthday Charmander that you had to get in person in a Japanese Pokémon Center.
Available only in Naughty, naive and Mild.
Every other you get sounds about as legit as something bred by Kirzi.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:22:03 No. 20783919 Report >>20783832 Ok, thanks. You can do my wishes for last, since they're a bit complicated.
>>20783882 Mostly birthday charmander.
Learn to google whitey
>>20783792 Gen VI legends/shiny/event/5-6IV mons
>>20783877 can I put a Gible up for the female Zangoose?
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Honky 5370-0538-0043 !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>20783919 I'm ready for ya whenever
Quoted By:
>>20783866 Anons being anons and kids that can't read
Quoted By:
>>20783982 Much appreciated! Thank you!
>>20783963 Gible'ed, it has the message "/vp/ Stu"
>>20783982 Btw, that egg should have a penta-perfect Poochyena, potentially with the hidden ability and rocking some decent egg moves
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>20783978 Microsoft shill pls go
>>20783866 I missed you and your cutie pix bbi
Quoted By:
>>20784003 Nice, thank you :)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:30:52 No. 20784014 Report >>20783982 I'm finishing it real quickly...
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>20783934 I've got an extra Keldeo, Victini and shiny Genesect
Not surprised if they're genned, I got them in trades
for 5-6IV mons, right now I've got pentaperfect Marills (-spa) in Lure Balls and a hexaperfect Larvitar in a Safari Ball
I know I don't have much, but Super Training for evo stones is shit
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20784056 can I put up a Swablu for the Deerling?
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:39:26 No. 20784086 Report Quoted By:
>>20783982 Ok, so... My shitty pc rused me and image went to hell, I'll have to write it in the next post...
>>20784056 Deposited a female Electrike for the 31/31/31/31/31/x Tynamo
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>20784055 That's very kind of you ~
>>20784047 The larvitar one. I want myself an awesome tyranitar :D
My FC:1521-4965-4555
i'm online now...
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:43:01 No. 20784125 Report >>20783982 So, let's go.
Zapdos, Articuno, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Arceus and mew(non-shiny), Manaphy(if you have), Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, Deoxys, latias, the three swords of justice, Cresselia and heatran, all regis, and all the three genies.
Noivern would be nice too... Can I ask you something? Could you give me the X stones for mewtwo and Charizard? Sorry again for all the trouble...
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20784056 Zigzagoon is up for a male shuppet, please! Message "/vp/"
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>20784098 Adding you
It's Jolly btw, it's for the Mega DD set
>>20784125 I'm going to go fix myself lunch real quick then I'll get to it asap.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:48:04 No. 20784189 Report Quoted By:
>>20784154 It's ok... Take your time.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>20784082 >>20784096 >>20784133 my internet decided to become unstable AFTER I posted shit, so I'll TRY to deliver your stuff, if my connection allows
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:49:29 No. 20784204 Report >>20784154 Oh, another thing... Can you name the Noiver "Zuna", please?
>>20784097 You're a cool guy Jayz, funny and smart, and not obnoxious or annoying. You're just you, and that's A+
>>20784204 It's a male, is that okay?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 20:52:27 No. 20784235 Report Quoted By:
>>20784228 It's perfect. As I wanted. :3
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20784231 Thank you very much Stu!
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20784241 >Stu blacklisted
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>20784231 Trying another female Electrike
Quoted By:
>>20784231 Thank you so much m8
Quoted By:
shit thread/10 ~
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Quoted By:
>>20784253 P-pardon my french
Quoted By:
>>20784253 thank stu very much
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
>>20784253 He just gave you the highest of compliments.
Quoted By:
>>20784255 Goddamn that picture is cute.
Someday we'll have a real chat and stuff, but I'm going out. Stay beautiful
Samus 5370-0402-3972
If you happen to have what I'm looking for in this list, I'd appreciate it.
If not I'm fine with giving these away: Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20784342 I have an HA female Relicanth in a Dream Ball, if you'd like it. I think the egg moves need to be relearned, though.
>>20784056 > Can I put up a luvdisc for the chatot?
>>20784342 can I put up a Shelder for one of those Chimecho?
Does anyone have a balltism Bulbasaur?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>20784430 put something else and specify gender and nature
Quoted By:
>>20784430 Sorry. I did specify but the message was cut off.
Preferably a timid male one with 31/x/31/31/31/31 IV's, and the egg moves. It would be greatly appreciated.
Samus 5370-0402-3972
>>20784388 Neat, do you want something from there or here for it: >>20784444 Yes.
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20784484 I could use a Dream Ball Swablu. I'll get online now.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>20784484 What would you want for one of those Minuns?
Samus 5370-0402-3972
>>20784502 Send a TR whenever you're ready
>>20784517 Looks like it's been traded.
>>20784520 On the list as well.
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>20784568 I don't have any of those lel
Are you looking for anything else?
>>20784568 yea, sniped, just finished putting up another one
Samus 5370-0402-3972
>>20784590 Thanks as well
~ >>20784594 What do you have then? If I'm not interested in anything I'll just give it to you anyways.
>>20784603 Sent, enjoy.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>20784636 Right now I've got
Moon Ball Meditites
Love Ball Chansey
Safari Ball Larvitar
and Moon Ball Sneasel
>>20784342 Do you happen to have a male Turtwig?
Would you be willing to part with it for an Absol?
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 31 Aug 2014 21:27:47 No. 20784678 Report trying to perfect my 3v3 singles team, any critiques?
Looking for EM Amaura, specifically Haze and Discharge would be awesome. Can give Maison items, PP Ups, 5 IV balltism leftovers etc. in return.
Samus 5370-0402-3972
>>20784653 Put Meditite up on the GTS and let me know so I can trade it over.
>>20784655 Yeah, I already have enough Absol though. Put something on the GTS for it.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sun 31 Aug 2014 21:32:38 No. 20784734 Report Quoted By:
>>20783982 Wow... I don't even have what to say. Thanks a lot... That took even more discs than I tought I had.
Picture says it all.
Thanks for everything. If you ever need anything, just ask for it.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>20784711 Okay.
I put up a Clauncher by the name of Gustav.
Ign Andres
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20784678 Stealth Rocks can really hurt your team. You might want to consider Defog on that Crobat of yours.
Samus 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>20784783 Who uses Rock in 6>3?
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>20784783 Hazards are nearly nonexistant in 3v3 unless he's going against mostly gimmick teams
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 31 Aug 2014 21:37:30 No. 20784801 Report Quoted By:
>>20784783 i had considered that, but isn't 3v3 mostly about doing damage?
Quoted By:
>>20784791 Enjoy your Nazi Superweapon Shrimp!
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Quoted By:
>>20784799 Gotcha. I generally play 6v6, so I wasn't aware.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
Arro, I'm ready whenever you are
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20783050 Anyone got a 5IV Timid Keldeo wit HP Flying?
I don't have too much to offer. I can give you multiple mons given that we both trust each other. Anonymous
>>20784902 Fuck off, this is neither begging nor hacking central
>>20784902 >5 IV mons for a 5 IV event legendary that's probably hacked Get the fuck out.
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20784922 >>20784933 >implying there's no legit ones out there lol
Quoted By:
>>20784882 ok, going online
>>20784954 There might be, but no one in their right mind is going to trade it for your piece of shit Pokemon.
>>20784699 i have haze/magnetrise/mirrorcoat/barrier amaura
>>20784446 premier
>>20784342 i have dream HA barboach and clamperl
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20784970 >>20784902 >I can give you multiple mons given that we both trust each other. lol
Quoted By:
>>20785007 Still not worth it, retard.
>>20785007 How many things have you caught in the wild with the right IVs?
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20785028 Many. A lot of them have one imperfect IV, but they're still viable.
>>20785058 RNG is Murder too, you know.
Samus 5370-0402-3972
>>20784971 Want anything from there for them?
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 31 Aug 2014 22:03:15 No. 20785132 Report >>20784678 anyone? help is appreciated!
>>20785132 Take off Thunderbolt and HP Ice and give it Rest, a Chesto Berry and Will o Wisp
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Anyone that got a dreamball female Kabuto or a Loveball female Buneary/Lopunny with Limber?
>>20785168 > Loveball with Limber? no
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20785184 That's illegal ;_;?
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20785168 Limber + Love Ball is an illegal combination. But I can breed a Dream Ball Kabuto. Keep in mind the gender ratio, though. Last time I bred Kabuto, I got a shiny before I got a decent female. What's your offer?
>>20785099 binnacle and turtwug named Global
pentaperfect for pentaperfect of course
clamperl has refresh/barrier/aquaring/waterpulse
barboach has spark/hydropump/ddance/earthpower
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 31 Aug 2014 22:10:37 No. 20785223 Report Quoted By:
>>20785157 Alright thank you!
>>20785221 > links to an image > on an image board Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20785232 4chan complains about me posting that picture before in a thread prior to bump limit being reached
Brittany !!tZZtrZpUdyX
>>20785007 Should've learned to RNG. My Keldeo is HP ghost :^)
>>20785221 Can you trade me a dream ball Murkrow? :o
>>20784882 Thanks for trade, I checked and also have HA Snorlax and Zigzagoon
would you trade em for Togepi and Shellder later on?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Quoted By:
>>20785250 I'll breed you one asap.
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20785221 I'm gonna have to decline, sorry. I don't see anything on your list that has a comparable gender ratio to Kabuto.
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
>>20785257 Thank you as well, and, yes anytime.
Honky 5370-0538-0043 !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>20785204 Did I give you a dream ball limber buneary>
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Quoted By:
>>20785305 Yep, you sure did.
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
Quoted By:
>>20785249 Never beat B/W and never got B2/W2. I hate those games but love some of the mons in that gen.
Quoted By:
>>20785328 Why the fuck not?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20785250 Nvm i don't have a dusk stone to evolve it :\
Quoted By:
>>20785292 Great, I'll have em ready in a couple of hours
>>20785275 Don't forget to screencap your post for the next time you have to prove that you give away shit for free once in a blue moon.
>>20785377 oh thats okay, you want me to shoot up a disc?1
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20785458 My dreamball parent is currently a Murkrow not a Honchkrow :\
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20785442 Try again, darling. That person isn't entitled to my Pokemon for free, and I gave away stuff yesterday.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20785481 Murkrow is a baby pokemon D:
>>20785496 No it's not.
>>20785494 Was that the thread where you jewed somebody out of their shone?
>>20785496 AhahahahahahAHAHAHAHA
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20785514 >>20785528 Then i am a huge noob o.o
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Quoted By:
>>20785537 Tee fucking hee.
Quoted By:
>>20785535 As shown by the emoticons.
Brittany !!tZZtrZpUdyX
>>20785514 Fuck off, Ravi. Put your name on.
can /wfg/ triforce? ▲ ▲ ▲
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>20785250 I got 1 Super luck and 1 Prankster female, disc up and tell me which one you'd like.
Txn 4339-2627-8716
>>20785324 Hey Andrea. Is there anything you want for that safari ball Pinsir?
Turns out, I still have a spare Harvest Exeggcute I bred before my first restart.
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Ded thread. Post memes
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
>>20785690 Anything on the pastebin
Give me ideas for a new breeding project. I already have Hydreigon Weavile Metagross Armaldo Azumarill M-Heracross M-Garchomp Raichu Blaziken M-Mawile M-Houndoom M-Charizard X Vaporeon Gallade Galvantula Zoroark Infernape Haxorus Scizor I feel like I've pretty much gotten everything I want off the top of my head. Trow me some cool-ass pokemon for battlespot/wfg multis/passerby battles
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>>20785866 > /wfg multis/ good one
Txn 4339-2627-8716
>>20785851 Ok then, I'll trade you the Exeggcute for that Pinsir.
>>20785866 Meinshoa, Conkledurr, HitmonXXX
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20785866 Corphish
You got a Weavile with Low Kick, Knock Off, Ice Punch, and Pursuit?
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
>>20785898 Ok, I'm ready whenever you are
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>>20785866 Lotad
ludicolo will be next mega Anonymous
>>20785940 It's Kalos born, so no Knock off, Brick Break instead of Low kick. Still outspeeds and 1-shots Scarfranitar so I feel it did it's job. I was considering Pursuit, but I like having Fake out for doubles, and by extension you kind of need Protect. So it's
Fake Out
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Txn 4339-2627-8716
>>20785949 Thanks for the Pinsir.
>>20785324 I can breed you a Dream Ball Tropius. Will you be here for another 10 minutes or so?
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
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>>20786048 Thank you as well
Dr. Wyatt 2406-5677-6491
>>20786032 Damn, I've been looking forever for a Low Kick/Knock Off/Ice Punch/Pursuit Weavile.
Thanks anyway, and best of luck with breeding.
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>>20785937 Forgot I liked Mienshao. If you're doing the YOLOkick set, do you do regenerator for life orb U-turn or Reckless for Massive Damage™?
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
>>20786049 Yes, what would you like for it?
>>20786060 Sucks you can't breed Low kick/Ice punch without transfer. glhf m8
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>>20786070 A dream ball Karrablast, please. Thank you. Starting to breed Tropius now!
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>>20786078 *Knock off, not ice punch
Sera 1864 8625 6813
looking for an adamant pawniard with sucker punch and knock off also looking for a timid/jolly smeargle offering shiny darkrai shiny graveler lapras with egg moves
>>20786140 I have a Jolly Smeargle you can have, but I can't accept a shiny for it. Put up that lapras on the GTS for a female Lv.52 Smeargle.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
>>20786172 ok it's deposited now
Looking for:>Endeavor Aarons >Good charmanders for X OR Y megas In return I have a ton of good breeding leftovers, including dratinis gligars and many many more but first I need to know if anyone has one of these.
>>20786247 Smeargle is sent, hope you don't mind the nickname.
>>20786070 Andrea, I hatched a HA female Tropius in a Dream Ball. 4 egg moves. Put up a Luvdisc for a
Zigzagoon and I'll trade you from acquaintances.
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20786272 I have some Jolly 5 IV Luxury Ball Charmanders that I've been giving away. Do you want Blaze or Solar Power?
>>20786272 I just finished breeding some jolly Ddance zardx charmanders, if that's the set you're looking for. Plenty of leftovers and some potential penta eggs.
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
Sera 1864 8625 6813
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>>20786292 not at all :)
Ivy/RS FC:5215-0415-9781
>>20786304 >>20786316 Id like one of both!
In return Ill give some 4-5 IV HA dratinis, unless you request differently
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>>20786325 Thank you very much for Karrablast!
Ivy/RS FC:5215-0415-9781
>>20786304 solar power, forgot to add
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
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>>20786367 Mine have Dragon Dance, as well. So you'd essentially be getting the same Pokemon twice. I don't really need any more Dratinis (just bred them awhile ago), so if you just want to give me a Luvdisc, that'd be great.
>>20786325 Wait, did you get the Tropius? It's still in my box after the disconnect. I'm not sure what happened. We can try again if you didn't get it.
Kia 4725 9287 0534
>>20786380 Oh, you want the Solar Power one. Okay, then I'll add you and you can send the TR at your earliest convenience. My FC is in the name field.
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
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>>20786390 There we go, thanks for the trade
Kia 4725 9287 0534
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>>20786464 No problem. Enjoy her. I've gotten so many of them from MMing.
Alright I'mma ask here. Any of you boys capable of genning?
i posted this to the other thread but i'll post again anyone have a a rocky helmet that they will never use or spare to give away? i have 2 different teams that use it and i don't want to keep switching it out. 4484-8315-0089 | Josh
>>20786593 Have you considered hurting yourself in a funny fashion and putting the result on youtube?
>>20786610 It would be best if you posted offers instead of assuming that someone will give it to you.
So, I'm trying to breed an Aroma veil Spritzee. Is it just a random hidden ability or does it have to come from friend safari? Either way, it would be cool if someone could give me one
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>>20786655 Safari. Next time google, it literally took me less than a minute
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>>20786593 1. Stop shitposting.
2. Ethan is.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Giveaway of free things here: Anonymous
>>20786668 Sorry, this is my first time posting on this board.
I don't really know what I'd offer or anything.
>>20786717 Dibs on the penta
>>20786731 It's okay. Common offers are 5IV Pokemon, Pokemon with egg moves, and items.
>>20786717 I put up a Lv. 23 Zigzagoon for one of the xx Speed Wooper, please. Thank you very much. Message is /wfg/.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20786744 Oh okay.
If anyone wants a yamask with nasty plot that's about the only decent thing I have. I don't have anything with good IV's.
I kinda just started playing the game the other day.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
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>>20786753 It's been sent, but I thought we had each other added. Enjoy~
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20786796 Do you want free things? See:
>>20786717 >>20786770 I'll check my Friend Safari to see if I have a Spritzee Safari for you.
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>>20786812 I have one, but that person isn't entitled to my Pokemon for free, and I gave away stuff earlier today.
>>20786812 Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20786812 >>20786770 Nope, no Spritzee Safari, sorry.
>>20786843 What ball do you want the jewih fairy thing in?
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>>20786844 Eh, thanks for trying anyway.
>>20786854 What ball do I want it in? I guess any ball?
What would you want for it? I feel bad for just asking now
Sera 1864 8625 6813
still looking for a adamant pawniard with knock off and sucker punch offering the previous shinies i may consider trading my shiny rayquaza
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20786885 You might have to search a little longer for your Pawniard, as Knock Off is a transfer only move. One will probably turn up for you eventually, but it'll take a bit.
>>20786878 If I'm doing this, I'm doing it right.
And you have nothing of value to me, so it's free.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20786717 I see Kirzi still didn't show up to pick
the d_____ Anonymous
>>20786812 > do you still have a cleffa available?
female_ xx/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold
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>>20786930 sorry, right post but wrong green text
>>20786919 Oh wow man thanks so much!
An ultra ball is fine
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20786922 ;_;
>>20786930 Yeah, toss something on the GTS.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
>>20786912 yeah i know
if i had my black 2 version i wouldnt have a problem with this
>>20786942 Of all the balls to chose from, you went with Ultra?
Upload something shitty not named Luvdisc to the GTS, ask for lv30 female Spritzee
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
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>>20786981 Sorry, if I had some shards, I would help you. Good luck on your search, though.
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Can someone clone me a penta diancie?
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>>20786950 goomy up with the message "thank you ravi"
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New thread:
>>20787001 New thread:
>>20787001 New thread:
>>20787001 New thread:
>>20787001 New thread:
>>20787001 New thread:
>>20787001 Anonymous
>>20786986 Most of my team is in ultra balls now anyway. Just uploaded
>>20787042 It helps if you tell me what to look for.
>>20787052 oh! squirtle sorry
>>20787128 received
thanks again man