Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons.
Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
> DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Where would you wear a Mega Stone Activator? Feel free to make requests, so long as they don't fall within the above noted categories. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Old thread:
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
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>>20808600 Here you go anon.
I'm just a simple newfag but I think the past says differently than you.
I'll be back later with HA Female Gible in Dream Balls. Be good everyone
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
Anyone want these? 3x Jolly Mienfoo w/ Smelling Salts, Knock Off, Feint, Baton Pass 6x Adamant Machop w/ Ice Punch, Quick Guard, Close Combat, and Knock Off
Best ball for HA primeape, premier or timer?
>>20808758 ability and iv's?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Ring if posible I got 4 hexa modest gooey Goomy in dream ball. EM: counter acid armor irontail & curse
Pokemon: Lileep Gender: Female (only unless asked for a male) Ball: Dream Ball Ability: Storm Drain IV count: 5IVs mostly Nature: Sassy Egg Moves: Curse, Recover, Stealth Rock, Mirror Coat Still got some if anyone need one.
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20808802 While we're on the subject, best ball for piplup?
IGN: Silvaretha | FC: 4365-1700-7121
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>>20808838 Discing up for one. Thanks
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Tue 02 Sep 2014 19:25:50 No. 20808847 Report hopefully this thread doesn't turn cancerous and sad like the other giveaway threads.
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>>20808838 I put up a luvdisc for one. IGN Jean Grey
>>20808824 oh and all are females
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20808809 All the Machop have No Guard and I have one Mienfoo with Regenerator. I think the IVs are pretty good but terrible.
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20808844 Moon ball empoleon is pretty perfect actually
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>>20808841 I think dive is legal
>>20808871 I want a Machop for VGC stuff.
On the subject of pokeballs, anyone have the big version of this?
>>20808824 I'll take one. Disc is up, IGN is Artalias.
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20808896 Okay just disc up
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>>20808838 Discing up for one. IGN is Ster.
>>20808758 I'll take a machop then, thanks! disc will be up in a minute
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
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>>20808875 Its illegal however, but I agree
Ok court is waiting, later
>>20808758 Could i get a machop? Disc is up
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20808925 Up now. Thanks.
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
Walter 0318-7863-5433
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>>20808838 Disc up for a Lileep, thanks!
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20808942 Can't remember what bottom left is, but I'm considering it for shiny milotic
>>20809108 Looks like a heal ball
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
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>>20809116 That's it! What do you guys think the best choice is for milotic? Probably lure for nonshiny. Heal, dive, or dream for shiny?
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
>>20808758 Disc up for a Machop please & thanks.
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>>20808847 Who says it hasn't already?
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20808758 Any machop left?
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20809526 I have two left but they're both females
>>20808838 id love a lileep :D disc coming up :D
>>20809561 Still got any mienfoo left?
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20809977 Yeah do abilities matter for you?
>>20810052 nah i'll just breed em later
discing up
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
0817-5165-5203 Anieru
>>20808758 disc up for machop if you still have one please
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20810196 Sent
Also, I got some pentaperfects to giveaway to put more life in this thread. I'll put up a list later.
IGN: Lisa
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Hey everyone, I was hoping someone could help me out. Ive got 3 more pokemon left until I finish the Nat Dex. I was wondering if someone could trade me a Stoutland ? Disc is up.
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Tue 02 Sep 2014 21:20:58 No. 20810295 Report I'm looking for a mudkip line male with ice punch, disc up. thank you!
>>20808584 Just merge with wfg and gg
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20810254 3x Modest Mareep w/ Agility
2x Modest Rotom
3x Timid Gastly
1x Modest Chinchou w/ Volt Absorb and Soak
4x HA Noibat
1x Skorupi
1x Skorupi in a Dusk Ball
1x HA Durant
>>20810295 ice punch is tutor move only
>>20810308 /gag/ is awful
IGN: Unknown
>>20808838 Disc up for Lileep. Thanks
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20810310 Can I get that Chinchou? Disc up in a minute, have to go get a Luvdisc.
0817-5165-5203 Anieru
>>20810310 thanks for the machop, i've also put a disc up for the chinchou and if possible i'll put on up after for a noibat as well - both will have a heart scale attached because why not
>>20809958 >>20810344 Sorry for the lateness but Lileep delivered.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20810310 Disc is up for the Chinchou! Message is /ggg/
>>20810326 mass givaways (clones) and legends/shinies should go over there while breeding leftover go to wfg.
less clutter that way.
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20810437 Sorry but it looks like
>>20810382 got it first. I can breed another one but I can't guarantee it'll be a pentaperfect.
>>20810390 thx mang. appreciate it.
In fact i appreciate it so much i'll contribute.
I have 6 male Timid Ralts 31/xx/31/31/31/31 ability: trace all in moon balls.
>(fairy competition coming up O.o?!) i actually have 18 but ill part with 6 for now :D
>>20810515 they has ally switch and destiny bond egg moves.
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>>20810515 I want to badly
>>20810310 I'd like a Rotom if possible, already have one but Bold.
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Tue 02 Sep 2014 21:45:05 No. 20810597 Report >>20810326 well damn, my 3v3 singles swampert is doing pretty shitty with icebeam
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20810476 Ah...if you can breed another that'd be great, I can just change the IVs using powersave.
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>>20810597 http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/egg/258.shtml according to this, you can get avalanche via breeding with stuff born in kalos
>>20810452 they dont usually take stuff thats not legitimately bred in /wfg/
as for /gag/ i thought it was voted to be killed off; and most of the time its witch hunting + shitposting
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20810310 disc up for mareep. female if possible, if not no worries.
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>>20810452 >less clutter for who? People who want less clutter just filter. /ggg/ is fine for helping people who are looking for specific mons, /wfg/ is for everything, but have specific requirements and you may not get answered and /gg/ is a train wreck on good days.
Ralts, 5IVs (all minus Attack) Modest Nature. In Pokeballs with EM Disable. Let me know if you want male/female and Synchronize/Trace
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20810766 do you have any males?
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>>20810525 Delivard, enjoy! hatched them my self, no clones here. dont have the tech D: lol
IGN: Gio !!p6SX+GKBJQl
>>20810563 >>20810699 >>20810633 Sent and here's an updated list
2x Modest Mareep w/ Agility(males only)
1x Modest Rotom
3x Timid Gastly
3x Modest Chinchou w/ Soak(imperfect)
4x HA Noibat
1x Skorupi
1x Skorupi in a Dusk Ball
1x HA Durant
>>20810766 id like a male plz :D
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>>20808838 disc up thanks, female plase
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Tue 02 Sep 2014 22:00:16 No. 20810832 Report I'm tired of these threads devolving into whining over who's breaking the rules, and how, or even why. People start picking fights before anyone's even put up a pokemon for trade and it's just sad. isn't this supposed to be fun?
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20810798 Thanks Gio!
>>20810793 alright, didn't see the last part of your post..
i'll take a male with sync, disc up.
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20810766 man i'm looking for synchronize right now, have any to spare? don't care about IVs in them, i could take some rejects away from you.
was looking for this natures: Modest, Timid and Impish.
sorry if this is more request than anything but it just happened to be that i'm in an Abra safari hunting for syncronize mons and maybe you have something with bad IVs to spare.
nice dubs btw.
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Tue 02 Sep 2014 22:04:07 No. 20810890 Report Here's what I've got to give away, btw 2x Brave Honedge 1x HP Marill 1x Bold Chansey 1x Timid SS Horsea 1x Timid Noibat 1x Lonely Gible Let me know if any catch your fancy.
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>>20810832 Relax. It's just anons trying to ruin a good thing. I'm surprised they're around with summer being over.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
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>>20810832 >implying that there's reasons behind shitposting Karye
>>20810888 Yeah I got what I listed, 5IVS that are Modest. Put a disc up and I'll give you one.
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20810888 nice trips btw
>>20810890 can i get a honedge? disc up
>>20810915 what about Timid and Impish? i really don't care about IVs for this and woudn't want to leave someone who cares about it without their penta ralts.
>>20810941 Working on a project, I have nothing but Modest Ralts. Anything 3IV or lower i've dumped, the 4IVs go to WonderTrade, the 5IVs I save for the fine people in /vp/
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Tue 02 Sep 2014 22:10:52 No. 20810977 Report John FC 3196-5140-9641
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>>20810977 i just disced again, got an impish honedge from a "mario"
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>>20810959 it's ok, i just got a modest poke with sync, thanks anyway man! hope those ralts ends up in good hands
Anybody have a Defiant Pawniard that knows Knock Off so I can breed it in Y?>tfw don't have B2W2
>>20811063 Looks like you don't know
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20810798 Thanks a bunch!
>>20811063 Knock Off is move tutor only; it can't be passed down through breeding
>>20811077 >>20811091 Disregard that, I suck dicks.
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>>20811103 It's ok anon, I'm sure ORAS will have tutors
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I'll try my best to help out.
hey, who wants a 5IV timid bagon with egg moves and cool nickname? i have like 20 of 'em after breeding for a hexflawless.
>>20811211 Disc is up my nigga
>>20811211 May I have one? my disc is up.
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>>20811291 Got mine. Thank ya.
>>20811276 tried to get yours but i got a comm error and when i tried to go back your disc was gone :/
John FC 3196-5140-9641
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>>20811211 can i get one please? disc up.
>>20811392 lol i got a salamence, didnt chek his ivs tough, disc is up, again
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20811211 was that your 5IV Spanish "SALAMANCA? If so, thanks a ton!
>>20811581 >>20811561 there you go guys, enjoy em :)
>>20811635 great random picture, totally relevant and necessary, perfect for posts such as yours. don't forget the emoticon!
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20811654 i like the passive-aggressivity :)
>>20811663 i like your invention of words, definitely adds to the english language. oh, was i being passive aggressive? i thought it was just sarcasm, but maybe i was wrong? maybe everything is passive aggressive and nobody told me!
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
>>20811716 Discing up for a goomy if you're still around.
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
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>>20812191 Thanks so much!
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yo shut the fuck up
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>>20811671 You project so hard.
was browsin on catalog saw this made me kek, ur all autists
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>>20812798 You probably made the other 2. The GTS Giveaway has been here forever.
Updating, working on my MMing project Shuppet 7 female / 10 male>Pentaperfect (-sp atk) >Adamant >Imsomnia or Frisk >Lujury Ball for balltism >Egg Moves:Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Disable, Pursuit also have a buch Penta ralts from my other MMing
Well, git a shiny buneary, which means I have lots of leftovers from the mm 1x 6iv female limber dream ball jolly: fake out, fire punch, ice punch, sky uppercut xx 5iv (mixed on what stat missing) same info as above first to disc up and reply get the 6iv female.
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20812860 Discing up for the 6 IV
>>20812978 I don't see you disc
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20813027 sent, hope it's useful to you
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
Quoted By:
>>20813049 Thanks. I'm gonna breed a lot of beautiful babies with it.
>>20813049 sorry it was sniped just as I tried to trade please redisc and narrow it to female buneary lvl 1-10
IGN: Outi
>>20808838 I'd love one if you still got 'em, Discing up now! Thank you in advance.
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20812821 Are these Shuppet for distribution? If so may I get a Frisker, gender doesn't matter. Thanks mate
>>20813114 alright, should have been sent now, what was the buneary you got sniped with? Out of curiosity. Hope your shiny comes out with limber, mine sadly came put run away, but at least had the right IV spread
>>20812821 Discing up for a male insomnia one Please
>>20813152 gotcha, forgot to mencion i only have females with frisk
Shakti 3969-6203-1515
>>20813135 Female 5 IV with Klutz
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>>20813182 well at least it was a nice snipe and not just crap
danny 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
danny 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:13:38 No. 20813211 Report Quoted By:
John FC 3196-5140-9641
Anyone have a good IV female swablu in a ball fit for it's shiny?
>>20813913 there really isn't a yellow ball, but i've got a dream ball swablu with egg moves. Got level ball too but they'll take a me a minute to breed.
>>20813121 Disc up for female <3
>>20813913 not a thread for requests
Quoted By:
>>20813969 message is "vp". thank you!! whichever ability is better for VGV
>>20813983 yes it is as long as he isn't asking for specific pentas, please leave.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:10:19 No. 20813999 Report Back again with more that needs to go! Please make sure to specify gender and IV amount (if I have different ones) in your request. All pokes are in regular pokeballs (don't give a shit about balltism). Double dipping is fine by me. If you want a nickname please be patient and allow me time to get it done. Disc up!
>>20813983 Eat a dick, it's entirely possible someone would have leftovers
>>20813952 I almost posted the same thing about the ball, but since both the shiny and non shiny are mostly cloud, premier fits the bill
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>>20814005 >>20813995 Don't respond guys, it's not difficult
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>>20814007 premier is always a nice go to ball for lighter shinies. I don't have a premier female though, only dream and level.
>>20813952 Whatever you think looks best, I'd be super thankful for
>>20814034 most people like dream, and i have two already on hand if you want to disc up for a female lvl 1-10
>>20813999 nice trips, could i please get one of those male poochyena? I'll put a disc up in one minute
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:16:13 No. 20814074 Report >>20814046 Didn't even notice I got trips, nice. What's your IGN? I'll keep an eye out for your disc.
John FC 3196-5140-9641
>>20813999 discing up for the snivy please. do you have one with 31 in sp atk and speed?
>>20813073 Delievered. Ran out of lv.1 Lileep so I had to give you one of the breed mothers.
>>20814046 Disc is up! After looking I think I'd prefer a level ball if you have one ready to go, but beggars can't be choosers. Thanks a ton!
IGN is John
>>20813999 disc's up for a turtwig, ign is Poly
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:18:56 No. 20814116 Report >>20814075 Sent, only missing HP.
>>20814102 well go a head and take the disc down and i'll breed you a level ball one really quick
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:20:00 No. 20814128 Report John FC 3196-5140-9641
Quoted By:
>>20814116 awesome, thank you!
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20813999 Disc up for archen
IGN Saphine
>>20813999 Disc is up for Chimchar!
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>>20814074 >>20814090 i've disc'd up now, thank you for being so patient!
>>20814127 Terribly sorry to inconvenience you. I can't wait for mega altaria.
>>20814151 its okay, i don't mind at all
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:23:27 No. 20814179 Report Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:24:50 No. 20814198 Report >>20814133 Not seeing your disc?
>>20814161 Disc is still up when I checked 5 seconds ago. Seemed unlikely to be sniped
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
Quoted By:
>>20814198 Sorry, I'm just slow. It's up now.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:25:56 No. 20814212 Report Quoted By:
>>20814198 Spoke too soon Alex, sent!
>>20813999 Can I have a Chimchar please? putting a disc up
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
Anybody have the means to breed piplups with egg moves? Inb4 beggar pls go
>>20814206 okay they're in the day care and i'm biking for all i'm worth, just keep hanging out in the thread and i'l l quote your post again to let you know i got it.
>>20814250 You're the best. Out of curiosity, are they hidden ability or regular?
John FC 3196-5140-9641
quick question.. if i use EXP share, does the amount of pokemon in my party affect the amount of exp one pokemon will get?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:33:12 No. 20814302 Report >>20814215 Think you mightve gotten sniped.
Mallory 1306-6893-0814
Quoted By:
>>20808838 disc is up in case there are some left, thanks!
>>20814280 >being this fucking new Anonymous
>>20814279 i have one dream ball female that has HA but the level ball ones are natural cure, sorry
>>20814243 i've got one piplup non HA with pound, agility, bide, and yawn, so 3 egg moves, i could breed it for you, and maybe put on icy wind in place of pound if youd like
IGN: Outi
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:37:41 No. 20814356 Report >>20814243 I can breed a piplup with Hydro pump, agility, aqua ring, and feather dance here in a little bit after I hatch my penta HA sewaddle. I'll start on those next if you don't mind waiting?
John FC 3196-5140-9641
Quoted By:
>>20814331 yeah... i got the game last weekend. the new exp share thing is weird
>>20814335 With mega altaria I suppose the ability wont matter much anyway
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>>20814375 that's what i had to keep telling myself about the buneary i hatched earlier with run away instead of limber
>>20814302 looks like it. Would you be able to try again for that hidden ability?
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:42:37 No. 20814416 Report >>20814390 Alright gotcha this time. Happy breeding!
>>20814102 okay i sent you a level ball swablu, 5iv -hp, out of the four females that hatched it was the only penta
>>20814455 You're a helpful, wonderful person.
>>20813999 Disc up for a Starly.
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>>20814472 not a problem, i wish i had more time to get you the right spread, but i have to head out, so i wish you luck in your hunt for the gold swablu,
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20814335 That is exactly what I'm looking for. Icy wind would be awesome, but I can always do it myself. Defiant a shit anyways
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:51:34 No. 20814487 Report >>20813999 If your still here I'll take that Starly
Disc up
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:52:03 No. 20814496 Report Anonymous
>>20813999 Disc up for DDance larvitar if you're still around! Message is "/ggg/"
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20814356 I wouldn't mind one of these either. Between the two, I'd have my ideal egg move set up. Again, I don't want to hassle anybody
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:57:31 No. 20814570 Report >>20814487 Sent you the last one!
>>20814509 Sent you a fem hope thats okay?
>>20814521 Sure, give me a little longer to try and breed this sewaddle then I'll start on piplups.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:57:53 No. 20814575 Report Quoted By:
>>20814570 It's absolutely okay, thank you! I bred a 6 IV male but I was an idiot and forgot that dragon dance is an egg move.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:00:48 No. 20814601 Report Quoted By:
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20814570 I just went to catch some discs and found a shiny!
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367 Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:03:09 No. 20814615 Report >>20814356 C-could I have one?
Aleay 1220-7619-0997
I came here to present you the following: 1x penta female ha jolly zubat with brave bird in pokeball. 1x penta male timid gastly with perish song in pokeball 1x penta synchronize timid female ralts with destiny bond in love ball 1x penta ha jolly male starly in pokeball let me know, also, I'm looking for a meowth. nothing really matters except that it's a meowth.
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>>20814486 darn anon I just left my house, will you be on later? I'll be back in about 2 hours and I can breed it for you then?
>>20813999 How do you people make an image list? I am too retarded to do that.
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>>20814655 if you need to ask, you really won't understand
IGN Saphine
Quoted By:
>>20814655 Paint or GIMP or other image editting tools
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:10:10 No. 20814710 Report >>20814615 Absolutely, I'm starting to breed them now so give me just a few more minutes.
>>20814655 I have way too much time on my hands. And photoshop is your friend
>>20814631 Disc up for Zubat
Aleay 1220-7619-0997
>>20814726 well, since you did not post either your IGN or anything really, I'll just cross fingers. enjoy! (I think)
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367 Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:16:00 No. 20814769 Report Anonymous
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>>20814750 Got it, thanks.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:25:07 No. 20814858 Report >>20814603 >>20814769 Nice finding the shiny Alex! Alright I've got two imperfect 5 IV male piplups for yall. Torrent ability. Disc up and I'll send them your way.
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367 Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:26:03 No. 20814869 Report Quoted By:
>>20814858 Adding you now.
IGN Alex 4699-6345-2328
>>20814858 It's up! Thank you so much. This is the last thing I needed for my monotype team
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367 Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:32:50 No. 20814936 Report >>20814858 Sorry I'm dumb, disc is up now...
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:34:24 No. 20814954 Report >>20814888 >>20814936 Alright you two, happy breeding!
jek 3067-5225-8069
>>20813999 Still around? could I get a male Absol? disc will be up in a minute
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367
(Arashi)PokemonIGN:Sean FC:2251-4113-1367 Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:41:17 No. 20815044 Report Quoted By:
>>20814954 Thank you so much
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:43:33 No. 20815068 Report Anonymous
>>20813999 Disc up for Chespin if they're still in stock.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:48:03 No. 20815107 Report Anonymous
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>>20815107 Thank you kindly!
jek 3067-5225-8069
>>20815068 that was quick, thanks! Could I also get a male scyther? And I'm out of discs, could I put up a lvl 1 zubat?
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
>>20813999 May I have the 6iv cyndaquil? Disc up
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:52:45 No. 20815147 Report >>20815136 Sure, thats fine.
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder)
Lana - 3969-4209-3945 (Magmar, Pyroar, Fletchinder) Wed 03 Sep 2014 03:54:37 No. 20815165 Report Bawby !/ImuBawby2
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>>20808584 cynthia is queen
jek 3067-5225-8069
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
>>20815165 Received, thank you!
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
>>20815257 Anyone with Sturdy Carbink?
Trying to find one with Hordes but I'm having no luck.
IGN: CARMEN 0404-7627-9386
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>>20815451 Didn't meant to quote, sorry.
Alex - 5455-9844-1580
Looking for a female Dream Ball Togepi. If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it! I put a Chansey up in advance!
Chaos 0619-4805-5246
Big Gay Al (Clefable)@Brightpowder Male, pentaperfect, shiny Lv.94 Bold 252HP/252Def/4SDef Magic Guard -Minimize -Cosmic Power -Stored Power -Moonlight There's 5 of them. I was trying the cloning codes on the Powersaves I just got and ended up with 5 spares of my troll Clefable since it was in slot 1. If they're in demand, I'll clone a fuckton more when I'm home. First come first serve, reply with IGN. Enjoy trolling battle spot.
>>20815941 Disc up or trade?
Chaos 0619-4805-5246
>>20816022 Well, it's a giveaway thread so Disc obviously
Alex - 5455-9844-1580
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>>20815553 Thank you to whoever sent me that Togepi!
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>>20816026 Disc is up, thank you
Wraith - 1349 5363 0884
>>20815941 Love the name. Discing up.
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
>>20815941 I'll disc up for one. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20812821 if you are still lurking I'll take a female with Frisk
>>20815941 Was this a fake giveaway?
My #1 bro is electivire, but breeding his evolution with egg moves line is a nightmare because of elekid being a baby pokemon. Does anybody happen to have an electabuzz with egg moves and I could breed from there? Maybe I'm missing out on something, but is there a way to not make the eggs into the baby version?
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>>20816170 It really isn't that hard to look it up. Anyway, no. You have to keep raising the elekid to level 30. It's a total bitch.
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>>20816170 I have an Electivire with Ice Punch and Fire Punch.
If that is what you are looking for
Chaos 0619-4805-5246
Sorry for the delay. Goddamn stall war lasted around 40 minutes.
>>20816139 Sent
>>20816091 >>20816091 sent
>>20816073 can't see your disc. sniped?
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Wed 03 Sep 2014 06:20:53 No. 20816315 Report >>20815941 If you're still here I'm gonna disc up. Thanks! Can't wait for the troll!
Wraith - 1349 5363 0884
>>20816310 Yea. Re-discing now. Thanks!
>>20816329 wouldn't you say your new thread making was... a little early?
Chaos 0619-4805-5246
>>20816353 >>20816315 Sent.
Got one Clefable left, any takers?
>>20816376 I'd like one! Depositing a disc. IGN is Ster. Thanks a lot Chaos.
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>>20816377 He's so proud. Let's just let him have it.
Chaos 0619-4805-5246
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>>20816402 sent
and that's all of them for now. Gonna clone a few more later
Since there's no giveaways going on, name a couple Pokémon you guys would like for giveaways, so I can breed them to give to you guys
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>>20816467 0 speed IV Ferrothorn
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can anyone spare a speed boost carvanha?