>be me at age 10
>playing crystal
>get female eevee from bill
>hear rumors of show to evolve eevee to the new evolutions, people say it can't die and you have to be nice to it
>slowly try to conquer its friendship
>daytime: tries to evolve into espeon
>levels pass
>shit never wants to evolve into umbreon and i don't get why
>maybe its not friendship its meanness
>eventually learn bite and baton pass because i had no idea what it did
>can't make it mad at me, very level up by now
>one night playing
>it finally evolves into umbreon
>i'm happy because i wanted to try it for a long time
>final moveset ends up having bite (lol), return, mean look and baton pass
>figure out what the meanpass combination does years before i ever read about it online
>first pokémon i ever leveled up until level 100 entirely without rare candys or any of the sort
>years pass
>battery has run out
>meanwhile i got a black cat irl
>mfw i named it after my umbreon
i'm happy now