Okay everyone, for my final giveaway (before i restart my game and gain a new name), I'll be using the GTS to giveaway Shiny Togepi I have just bred. All are perfect all around and shiny. Just drop a Sharpedo on the GTS and ask for a Lv. 1 Male Togepi. It's been a blast everyone, and thanks to you all for helping me finish my Living Dex in one week. Let's get this rolling. Only 2 boxes worth, and it's first come, first serve.
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
>>20811923 sharpedo up! thanks
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey) Tue 02 Sep 2014 23:36:13 No. 20811972 Report Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shurpedo going up!
Thx Anon!
Quoted By:
I don't have a Sharpedo, TU!!! :(
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
Quoted By:
>>20811941 >1941 ▶ >>>20811923 (OP) nvm, I dont have obscure pokemon just lying around to trade.
Eddie 1950-7356-0748
Quoted By:
>>20811923 great, I don't have a sharpedo either
would anything else do?
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Gonna miss you Tu, RiP in Peace.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Putting one up.
Wait, do I have a Sharpedo? Fuck
IGN: Matthew
Quoted By:
Sharpedo is up!
MDgl13 FC-5129-1618-9869 water safari
Quoted By:
>>20811923 shark up IGN MDGL13
>>20811923 Hey broseph! I'd love one. I'm Micaruba, and I appreciate it as usual
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
I'm on the case. Putting up a sharpedo, thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Putting a sharpedo up. IGN is Ster. Thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo going up
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Tue 02 Sep 2014 23:42:36 No. 20812039 Report Quoted By:
>>20811923 Well, ok. Sharpedo is going up.
Thanks for the giveaway and wow. Live dex in one week was fast. Any hints about how to do it?
Quoted By:
>>20812022 It's up btw I forgot to mention that lol
IGN: Zero
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo up. Thanks OP!
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 02 Sep 2014 23:43:14 No. 20812048 Report Quoted By:
>>20811923 putting one up now once i catch one
Finn: 5241-2374-0616
Quoted By:
Shark up in a few ; o ;
Quoted By:
>>20811923 I threw one up for funsies
Joshua 4141 3994 2158
Quoted By:
>>20811923 sending shark thanks op!!
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
Quoted By:
>>20811923 shark up ! thanks
IGN Ima / FC 5129-1446-2810
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark is up. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 IGN Andrew
Thanks in advance
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Okay, so... hahaha, oops. They're Girls, not boys. Ehehehe... my bad.
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
Quoted By:
>>20811923 sharpedo going up!
Quoted By:
>>20812116 Oops! lol reupped. Micaruba here
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo up! Thanks OP!
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
>>20812116 can we do a straight trade? I dont have a Sharpedo and I can just see you here on my DS
Shane 1736-1423-4444
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Pedo up thanks OP
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
IGN Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto)
IGN Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto) Tue 02 Sep 2014 23:50:16 No. 20812146 Report Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo going up!
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey) Tue 02 Sep 2014 23:51:00 No. 20812157 Report Quoted By:
>>20812116 ReUpped!
Thx anon
IGN: Matthew
Quoted By:
>>20812116 nigga. redepositing
IGN Gansta
Joshua 4141 3994 2158
Quoted By:
>>20812116 reupped thanks again tu!!
IGN Ima / FC 5129-1446-2810
>>20812116 By any chance, any surf pikachus left?
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
Quoted By:
>>20812151 ok tyvm, just initiate when you arent busy.
MDgl13 FC-5129-1618-9869 water safari
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
IGN: Andres
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo going up, thanks, and grats on filling up your dex.
Quoted By:
Sharpedo up! Thanks OP
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812169 not at the moment. When I restart though, I can get a few ready. I'll even be doing an Omega/Alpha/Delta giveaway
Kia 4725 9287 0534
Quoted By:
Sharpedo up! Thanks for doing this.
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
IGN Rico
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo going up, thanks OP.
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
Quoted By:
>>20812185 Ah you're a good man Tu.
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark is up Thanks Op.
Knyvz 0361-6923-9432
IGN Ima / FC 5129-1446-2810
>>20812185 Ok. Thanks anyway ;). Sharpedo is up again for the baby egg.
Quoted By:
>>20812032 >>20811923 Trying again and thanks!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>20812116 Sharpedoing up again
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sharpedo is up, thanks
Quoted By:
I want one but I'll never get a sharpedo in time
Quoted By:
Thanks Tu, gonna use her in my OR team
IGN:Elijah FC 3609-2282-7971
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:01:16 No. 20812305 Report To all of you talking about not getting a Sharpedo in time. Go to route 22 and use the great rod, Carvanha appear in lvl 26 and evolves to Sharpedo in lv 30. You just need to fly to Battle Chateau and fight a duchess there, don't forget to equip it with the lucky egg. You'll have sharpedo in less than 5 min.
Asura 2638-0478-1013
Quoted By:
>>20811923 I will take one :)
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Half-shark is up, OP
>>20812305 You can get Sharpedo using a Super Rod on the same route m8
Quoted By:
>>20812116 Re-upping Sharpedo
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:04:10 No. 20812333 Report Mia
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark up.Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 (OP)Putting one up.
IGN: Suvi
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
>>20812195 Bleh I got sniped, who on earth is trading togepis for sharpedos?
Anyway trying to catch another
Quoted By:
>>20811923 shark up, thanks!
Jojo 2836-0374-1552
Quoted By:
>>20811923 sharpedo up, thanks and see u soon with your new name :)
IGN: LazerMoses
IGN Ima / FC 5129-1446-2810
Quoted By:
>>20812228 Got sniped too :/ wtf. Im going to catch another.
IGN: Felipe
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark up! IGN is Felipe
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Quoted By:
>>20812352 nah, I got a legendary from you once. I'll look for you specifically.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:12:18 No. 20812412 Report >>20811923 Got mine, thank you so much, Tu! That was lovely.
A question now... Can I keep contact with you after the giveaway? I would love to name my togepi, but I don't want to give you troubles while you're busy.
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812412 Sure. Just add me if you haven't, and let me know what to name her. Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20811923 >>20812116 Because it's seeming to be hard for some to find the Shark with the cross on his bum, I'll get a THIRD box of Togepi.
Quoted By:
ign: Nile shark is up
>>20812430 Please tell me I'm still on time...
>>20812448 Oh, excellent!
IGN: Emmanuel
Quoted By:
>>20812116 reupped thanks!
>>20812462 Ok, I can't choose gender because I haven't seen a Togepi. Would this be a big problem?
Quoted By:
>>20812318 >>20812333 the sharpedos on route 22 are very rare tho
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
10-15 min break. Potty Break
>>20812512 Nope.
Quoted By:
If you're getting a sniper, post they're name here so they don't get one Avaricious
>>20812525 Also, I'm not to route 22 in game yet and my only sark got sniped, can I get a trade request?
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark dropped, thanks op. IG name is Phoenix
Quoted By:
Re-pedoing. Got sniped
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Just in case i'm in time, shark up.
Filip 3179-6052-0215
Quoted By:
shark's up! thanks so much op!
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812538 sure. add me and send me a request, Wiiilllllsssoooonnn.
Quoted By:
>>20812420 this nigger is sniping!
Quoted By:
I just leveled up and evolved a shark to put up. if it gets sniped I'm going to be upset.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:27:51 No. 20812625 Report >>20812430 Ok, I'll add you. Thanks a lot, you're really sweet.
By the way, the name is
Starfruit . I know it's dumb, but i Think it's really cute. Thanks in advance.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812625 send me a request. on my way to the rater.
um... he's in...
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
>>20812639 the town to the left of the daycare
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
Quoted By:
>>20812651 RIGHT! sorry, right
Quoted By:
Just put up my shark
Quoted By:
>>20812512 Sniped. Trying to fish up another shark.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:32:39 No. 20812680 Report >>20812639 Already added you. Now, you just need to add me, since you're not appearing here yet... Well, I'll wait, ok?
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812680 Okay, but I MAY need to hatch you another egg since's it's technically a traded pokemon now.
Quoted By:
>>20812599 also 3754-7584-1677
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
Just realized I forgot to take my lucky egg off the shark that got sniped right after I caught another carvanha to level, infinite sadness works
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812717 Want one? I've got like 5.
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20812599 Tu, can I get the Togepi through a normal trade? I couldn't find a half shark so I had to manually evolve the only Carvanha I had.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812730 I'll get to you, Wilson, Taiga, and Mikan in just a few. Let me trade a few more so those people waiting don't get snipped.
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
Quoted By:
>>20812726 That would be lovely, I still need to get around to adding someone with a chansey safari so that was my only egg.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Tu, your Sharpedo is up, thanks a lot!
IGN: Felipe
Quoted By:
>>20811923 >Felipe Was sniped, but new sharpedo is up!
MDgl13 FC-5129-1618-9869 water safari
Quoted By:
>>20812751 thanks a lot for the togepi
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20812751 Alright, understood. Thanks a lot, Tu!
Quoted By:
>>20812751 Thanks, and take your time
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812801 Oh, I will need your IGN, please
Quoted By:
>>20812751 Got snipped. Reupping.
IGN:Elijah FC 3609-2282-7971
Quoted By:
Sniped for a 3rd time :(
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Quoted By:
>>20812810 I'm on your friends list as Yoru.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:44:12 No. 20812844 Report >>20812705 It's ok, take your time... If you want, I can send this togepi back.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Quoted By:
Goddammit! I can't for the life of me fish up another shark! Please wait for me, Tu...
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20812844 Naahhh, you're good. I've got a 6 IV Ditto and Togekiss getting fresh. A new egg shouldnt be hard to hatch.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
And that's one box done. Now there's just 2.
IGN: Felipe
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Sniped again '-'
Another shark going up.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:58:22 No. 20813032 Report Quoted By:
>>20812925 Oh wow... Thanks a lot them. :3 I'll see what to do, then.
Asura 2638-0478-1013
Quoted By:
>>20812943 sniped getting new shark
fc: 0318-8884-1011
>>20811923 >>20812943 OP I dont really have a Sharpedo lying around and am having a really tough time getting one.
Can I trade you anything else for it?
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark up! thanks
Taiga 1349-6886-4122
Quoted By:
Super thanks for everything, Tu!
>>20812943 I've given up hope on finding another shark.
Can we exchange FCs to trade directly? If so, would any Mon suffice for the trade?
Quoted By:
is the giveaway done?
jek 3067-5225-8069
Quoted By:
>>20812943 having issues finding a shark, could I put up a seaking with "/vp/ tu" in the message?
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
fc: 0318-8884-1011
>>20811923 Are you going in GTS order or post order/
Bromide = IGN
>>20811923 many gyrados and seakings later its here!
Shark up!
Hope I made it in time Tu. Thanks again
jek 3067-5225-8069
Quoted By:
>>20813299 just fished up a sharpedo, he'll be up in a minute!
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20813326 Just scrolling down to oldest to newest as best I can. I said it's a first come, first serve.
Though, alot of the older ones have been snipped it seems.
Zack 4957-2297-5639
Quoted By:
>>20813342 Shark'd up if there's still any, if not it's cool, thanks
Red 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Shark going up; probably too late, but just incase.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Hey, Mikan, does it matter if the new baby is Boy or Girl? I may have hatched a perfect Starfiish... but as a boy.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20811923 Sharpedo is up, I will use it on my competitive team with Follow me
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Thanks a lot, Tu! Good luck in your new game! (Lost my lucky egg in the process, but that's okay. Accidentally traded it along with the shark.)
Bromide = IGN
>>20813335 Togepi received. Thanks again!
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:37:51 No. 20813549 Report >>20813472 No, I don't really care. You spent all that time just to do this task for me? T-that's so... So sweet.
And the name is Starfruit, by the way, hahaha.
Thanks a lot, i'm amazed.
Quoted By:
>>20813472 Tu man, can we please put other things besides the shark? can we at least like trade directly or something?
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20813515 I have a lot of Lucky Eggs from farming. Do you want mine?
I can't get to my game to participate in th giveaway, but may I ask why you're changing your name Tu?
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20813549 Cool. Starfruit is ready. 31 HP/SpA/Def/SpD/Sp (sorry only 5 perfect, but he's chill -calm- and has Nasty Plot and is shiny)
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Quoted By:
>>20813563 Uh, sure. How should we send it?
Bromide = IGN
>>20813537 Just noticed I got a girl. I wasn't able to set gender because i hadn't gotten togepi yet. Not that I mind, its all the same to me. I'm just wondering if some other based anon gave me a perfect shiny. Either was Tu or random anon, Thanks!
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20813563 Thanks for the offer, too.
Bromide = IGN
Quoted By:
>>20813584 >>20813611 Nevermind. That would explain it.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20813577 Eh, I originally named myself Tu, because it was my second play-though of X. But I did a Diancie giveaway, asking for any random pokemon. I got mostly fully evolved gen 4 pokemon. So, i did more giveaways, and cool trainers helped me finish the pokedex. Plus this AnimeFest thing helped too. I got promo Volcanion, Diancie, Hoopa, and the Ditto i used to make these babies.
Now, I want to go through the game once more before ORAS.
Quoted By:
>>20813472 Should I re-deposit then? I deposited for the male on the op.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:45:20 No. 20813629 Report >>20813584 IT's perfect for me, really. You're an amazing and really sweet person for spending so much time and trouble with someone you don't even know.
If you ever need anything, just ask me. If you want to be friends, I'll be there too.
I had my worst day of the year, today, and feel that someone cared about me was the best thing that could happen to cheer me up.
Really, that was really meaningful to me, thanks a lot. Whenever you want to trade, just ask me....
Kia 4725 9287 0534
>>20813613 You're welcome. And add me, FC is in the name field.
Red 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
Damn snipped to many times, i think i missed out
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
Quoted By:
>>20811923 pedo going up
I hope there are some left
If I don't get one, would someone clone theirs, or let me clone theirs?
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
Quoted By:
>>20813642 Okay, sure thing! Here's mine:
>>20813620 >promo Volcanion That wasn't just a ruse?
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Quoted By:
>>20813629 Sweet, a new pokebro achieved.
Hm.... trade me something... ugly to symbolize the shitty day you had today. That way Starfruit can do what the dex says, and bring you happiness.
-super hugs-
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Quoted By:
>>20813660 I shit you not. I can post an image of Pepper in a sec.
So, after being sniped like an hour ago, I set out to find another shark. Then, after 1 hour of failure, I find this. The first Sharpedo I see in an hour, and it's purple. What the fuck. I wasn't even on a chain. Nothing bit before it.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Oh! I put mine up but forgot to reply, sorry. My Sharpedo is up, thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534
Anyone else want a Lucky Egg? Also Tu, I don't mean to derail your giveaway or anything. Just seems like there's a shortage of Lucky Eggs here for some reason. Let me know if you want me to stop. Thanks a ton for the Togepi, by the way.
>>20813660 He had someone use that Japanese device to gen that stuff. It is indeed a ruse. Do you actually believe pokemon can hatch holding eggs or that they gave him an unreleased pokemon with an illegal move?
IGN Yoru !!HzIICVz7mJE
>>20813642 Thanks a lot for the Lucky Egg, Kia! Hope that Breloom serves you well!
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20813754 Someone gave them out locally, not over wifi
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Quoted By:
>>20813762 Aww, thanks! Enjoy!
>>20813754 Hatch holding items
That is what I meant.
Anyway, he's probably changing his name because he's embarrassed that everyone now knows he's on the same level as "my dad works at Nintendo" kid.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 Glad to see someone do a giveaway outside the cancer generals. Thank you for the togepi
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813752 I want one. but my togepi is up, can you attach it on a shitmon and put on GTS? I would appreciate it
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20813780 You can give an egg an item with a cyber gadget
Quoted By:
>>20813767 No, they didn't. Nobody from Nintendo did that, he's fucking lying.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Quoted By:
>>20813780 Hmm. Intresting. Makes sense, though. Either way, I got to finish my dex.
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
Quoted By:
Got sniped. No more pedos. UGHH GOTTA GO FISH
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20813787 Putting up a Swadloon, asking for a Luvdisc.
>>20813790 You do realize he claims it was an official soopar sekrit giveaway that only he and an elite few were able to get, despite no mention of it anywhere else on the internet and the fact that Nintendo never gives out illegal shit or fucking hacked eggs.
>>20813810 I agree with you that it's a ruse, but is it illegal when Nintendo is the one giving it out?
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813809 One minute, I'm taking one Luvdisc
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20813838 Not yet. Had to step out for a second, my brother needed cold medicine from the Walgreens at the corner. Thank god my cell has wifi... at times.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813828 If it has a move that it does not and may never officially have access to, it will be illegal no matter who did it. The point is he's blatantly lying and people are pretending he isn't just because he does giveaways. This is the real reason he's changing his name, he's been rumbled.
The dick sucking that goes on with giveaway people is really disgusting.
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
Quoted By:
>>20813863 I can't find any sharpedos \=
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813809 And, received, thanks a lot
>>20813620 show us a pic of you're volcanion then op
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813863 >>20813509 Sniped, Sharpedo is up again
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>20813882 But if Nintendo gave an actual official event (they didn't, I'm saying if), it would be just as legal as Moonblast Jirachi.
Quoted By:
>>20813915 He has one. It's hacked.
Zack 4957-2297-5639
Ah man, got sniped. Shark is back up.
>>20813947 If it has a move that isn't in its list, it isn't legal. Are you really this dense? Tu is going to just disappear so you can't prove he's a liar when the thing actually comes out and doesn't ever get that shit.
Quoted By:
Shark back up again. I hope I don't get sniped again...
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Whew, back. Real or not, I love Pepper. He's a cool pokemon.
>>20813992 I'm not saying he's a liar, I said I agree with you that it's hacked, I was just arguing about there being "illegal" moves in official events (which this wasn't).
Was Moonblast in Jirachi's movelist before the Tanabata event?
>>20814035 But he is a liar. He says this is legit and he was given these things by Nintendo.
I also like how people try to argue that it's not a lie by saying you can hack items into eggs.
Let me repeat that so it sinks in-
It's LEGIT because you can do it with HACKS. I'm looking at you, Glaceon.
Quoted By:
>>20811923 putting a shark up if its not too late.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:16:10 No. 20814070 Report >>20814026 Thanks for the trade, Tu. That was really nice.
Sorry for the micro thing, I'm kind of screwed up at using this, plus, my spoken english is really bad an I was a little ashamed. Sorry, for real.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
Quoted By:
>>20814026 Tu, are you still giving away? Just to know, no hurry or not like that
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814070 Sorry? You're good. Broken English? What you're European? Japanese?
Eh, doesn't really matter. I hope you and Starfruit can have a good time.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
Oops.... I just traded a non-shiny. Um... my bad. >.<
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
>>20814098 I didn't ask for male because someone else was giving away females
jek 3067-5225-8069
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>>20814098 still giving away? My sharpedo got sniped, can I put up a zubat or something?
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814118 That was me. I put male by mistake on the original image and post.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20814056 Sorry, I completely missed the part about him saying it was Legit and the volcanion/hoopa was given away by nintendo, I was just thinking about the hacked eggs that another person was giving away.
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
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>>20814109 I got the not shiny, grrr
pedo up
IGN Calem
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Just put the Sharpedo up. Thanks Tu!
Zack 4957-2297-5639
>>20813972 Sniper again tonight. Man, people are persistant. Shark back up.
>>20814130 He'll probably backpedal now that he's been outed in his own thread.
>I don't know if it was legit or not, these guys were by the Nintendo booth, maybe they were tricksters! Oops, now you can't use that one, Tu.
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
Sniped AGAIN
Can I put up a luvdisc, Tu?
>>20814125 Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814171 Eh. Legit or not, Pepper has become one of my team.
I still am glad someone was nice enough to make/give me one.
IGN: Andres
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>>20811923 Weird... I posted 3 hours ago and still nothing. Re-upping, just in case.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
IGN Calem
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Got the Togepi! Thank you so much Tu!
Zack 4957-2297-5639
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>>20814167 Got it. Thanks Tu!
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
>>20814201 fuck you, zack
>>20814200 disc up
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>>20814218 oops, wrong post. sorry meant
>>20814186 Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:27:51 No. 20814234 Report Quoted By:
>>20814098 Ok course we are. I'm sure he'll be at my side until the next gens too.
Thanks for everything, and for Starfruit. I need to go to sleep now, got to wake up really early tomorrow. Good night and thanks again.
>>20812462 >>20813704 >>20814026 Welp, it took a while, but it finally happened.
Thanks indirectly to you I got an unexpected pink shark AND and cool Togepi.
Thank you very much, Tu! And sorry for being a bother for a while.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
Not too late, right? Sharp is up!!
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814239 Nah, you're cool. I'm jelly of the Shark. Truth be told, i DID the giveaway hoping someone would put one up on the off chance.
jek 3067-5225-8069
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>>20814200 Hey I got sniped, can I put something else up? sharpedo took a while to get the first time.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20813509 >>20813930 Sniped again, sharpedo isup
>>20814168 Put another one up! Asked female this time.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814253 Ask for a girl or either gender, my friend.
Timm 4957-3894-6502 !nNLW83c31k
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Got it, finally. Thanks, Tu
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20811923 >>20812116 >>20814271 And with Nai, i have just 30 left.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20814270 Didn't read, Sharpedo is up now asking for a female
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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>>20814278 It's done. I'm ready, brother. Take my baby.
Zack 4957-2297-5639
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>>20814291 30 left, wow.
Looks like I has some more sniping to do.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
>>20814270 >sitting in gts for the whole giveaway Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20814296 >>20814291 That was fast, thank you very much
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814338 Not sure if you read the updated post, but ask for either or a girl. I picked a whole bouquet off oopsy-daisies and put the wrong gender.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20814360 That's not me, i don't know why he tagged me, but I already received mine, thanks
jek 3067-5225-8069
>>20814360 Hey can I put something else up? My sharpedo got sniped before
>>20814403 >sharpedo disc is up, thanks
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814403 Sure, just let me know what to look for.
I may end the give away with you, seeing as how almost everyone seems to be heading to bed.
>>20814419 Did you actually hatch this without using any cheats or is it "hacked?" I need a Togepi to train for the fairy tourney, but I'm not going to risk getting banned from events forever.
jek 3067-5225-8069
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>>20814419 Thanks man I appreciate it, just put up a level 1 female zubat.
Tu 3840-7531-7361 !!hi0ojVqWGBt
>>20814437 Spent half of my Saturday hatching until I got her. Then, I just cloned the shiny one.
>>20814453 Why did you have to rebreed one when someone wanted a nickname then?
jek 3067-5225-8069
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>>20814453 Thank you so much! Togepi is one of my favorites and I was worried I wasn't going to get one!
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>>20814479 you can still nickname a pokemon with your TID even if it is cloned/traded, so it's powersaved
>>20814262 Little did I know, not only was it a pink shark, but it also came out with this nature. I don't know what kind of planets aligned for me to even find this.
>>20814579 It was the planet of
powersaves. Also nice nature. I assume.
>>20814591 >>20813704 >Wild encounter >Powersaves Not made up out of thin air, brah.
Also, in case it's tough to spot, it's Adamant. Unless it was a joke I didn't get. Anonymous
>>20814660 > it's tough to spot Nature isn't displayed on that page. Look at your own image, dipshit.
>>20814731 Because you definitely can't deduce that from the highlighted red Attack and blue Sp. Attack, which is what I said might be tough to spot in the first place. I swear my intention wasn't to rustle some jimmies, but it looks like it got outta hand.
Let's put it aside, shall we?
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>>20814781 That could mean anything. Ruse harder.
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Is this still going on?