>>20812532 >you will never be anally vored by a Male Goodra, feeling his anal slime envelope you as you become a lump of slime inside his slimy slime hole. What is the purpose of living?
>>20812532 >Dusknoir will never be good Anonymous
>>20812561 I get ban warnings but this shit goes unnoticed?
what the actual fuck am i reading right now
>>20812596 hey eviolite duscops isn't THAT bad...
knock-off ruined so many pokemon this gen Anonymous
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>>20812532 >you will never feed her sour poffins Why even live?
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>>20812636 Dusclops isn't Dusknoir
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>>20812561 how to derail a thread in one post
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 00:57:19 No. 20813014 Report >>20812561 Why on earth do people like you exist? Your faggotry is truly astounding..
Male Goodra does not exist, and it will never exist. There is no way to solve that, and it shouldn't be solved because they're not supposed to exist anyways.
You should seek mental help.
>>20813014 And you should stop posting. Your joke has gone on for too long.
>inb4 b-but it's not a joke! Do you really think this man's existence is anything other than a joke?
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:04:38 No. 20813116 Report >>20813052 >And you should stop posting. Your joke has gone on for too long. >implying it's a fucking joke But I'm not joking, you fucking retard. From your perspective, everyone's posts including yours are bait amirite?
>>20813116 >b-but I'm not joking! Nah, you are.
Only your posts are b8. Because they're shit. Anonymous
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>>20812596 This makes me so sad, because Dusknoir is one of my favorite mons.
Life is suffering.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:10:48 No. 20813175 Report >>20813153 Thing is, I'm not joking nor are my posts bait. I can't prove that to you much like you can't prove that I am joking because this is an anonymous imageboard.
You can choose to stay in denial, you fucking moron. That's your own fault and shouldn't have an effect on me.
>>20813175 >implying you aren't joking Nice ruse.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:13:18 No. 20813204 Report >>20813188 But I'm not joking or rusing or baiting for that matter.
You however are by telling me this over, and over while being in your false stage of denial. I bet you're that faggot who spams this shit all the time in my threads?
>>20813204 Your point? Doesn't change that you're full of shit and slug ruses.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:15:09 No. 20813229 Report Quoted By:
>>20813188 Let me give it a try:
You're a fucking ebinruseman :^) You just keep telling me this shit which is incorrect and inaccurate over and over huh? :^))) so ebin of you with your ebin scatman maymays? :^)))
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:17:03 No. 20813272 Report >>20813223 What about YOUR point?
You cannot prove that I'm baiting much like I cannot prove that you're baiting either. I come to you in all honesties and tell you from the bottom of my heart that I am not baiting, but you choose to take the "ruseman" route and try to convince others into thinking I'm some sort of ebin rusemaster like you huh?
>>20813014 >goodrafag >telling someone else to seek mental help Anonymous
Holy shit guys go outside for one fucking second.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:19:06 No. 20813301 Report >>20813279 The guy thinks male Goodra exist, so I am unironically suggesting that he does seek medical attention due to being so delusional much like the scatman guy who is attempting to trick people into thinking I'm a baitmaster steve.
If there is a "mars" symbol next to her name, that does not mean she is male. That means she is confused about her g.ender.
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>>20813286 oh god no, it's bad enough we have to see these people on the computer. I don't want to have to deal with them irl. Just let them stay in there mothers basements (where they fucking belong)
>>20813272 >le ebin female slug maymays XDDDDDDDD At least I'm not rusing. Also, I have a quesion 4U: If everyone uses female slugs and male ones do not exist, then why do you spam these threads? You're wasting proxies on absolutely nothing. You're a joke.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:21:52 No. 20813341 Report >>20813309 >At least I'm not rusing. The irony is astounding because you are a ruseman.
I don't want this becoming a maymay, but it's the only way GF will pay attention to me much like they did with the Ice bucket challenge. The species is too feminine to be male, and nobody uses male ones.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:23:31 No. 20813361 Report >>20813309 >: If everyone uses female slugs and male ones do not exist, then why do you spam these threads? You're wasting proxies on absolutely nothing. You're a joke. Simple.
The gender ratio still remains at it's inaccurate "50/50" state. I intend that to get changed. Now if I was an ebin ruseman like you, I wouldn't be using proxies would I?
>>20813301 A) Obligatory reminder that male goodra does exist, you fucking retard
>that headcanon Literally seek mental help.
>>20813341 >>20813361 Shit answer. Still haven't convinced me this isn't some sort of joke.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:25:42 No. 20813392 Report >>20813371 I assure you that it's not a joke.
I wouldn't go THIS far for a joke in the internet. Ever..
I mean what I say. That is why I keep going.
>>20813364 A) It does not exist.
I don't even care that I'm posting these out of order. I want this thread to be purged to the pits of hell for eternity.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:26:51 No. 20813412 Report >>20813396 Sorry to ruin your fun.
>>20813392 >implying you wouldn't The fact that you deny it in such a forced manner only proves that you're a ruseman.
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>>20813412 ok, what the fuck
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:28:10 No. 20813427 Report >>20813418 And how exactly does that prove I'm a ruseman?
You're full of fucking shit.
>>20813341 >it's the only way GF will pay attention to me Or, y'know, you could e-mail them, or send them a tweet, or something. But no, you're right, clearly the only way to get the attention of a japanese company that doesn't speak english is by shitposting for several months on an english imageboard they would never ever visit, because they don't fucking speak english.
>b-but I'm not a ruseman! >not giving me any evidence to the contrary >implying I'm the one full of shit
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Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:31:35 No. 20813468 Report >>20813439 >b-but I'm not a ruseman! >not giving me any evidence to the contrary >implying I'm the one full of shit >>20813436 If I knew what their fucking email was, I'd be spamming the fuck out of their inbox. Twitter is full of botnets that would track my proxy service down, and send the info to moot so he can close it.
Sending fan-mail would get the feds involved. If you can tell me GF's contact email or Masuda's email, I'll leave.
>>20813361 You intend to get that changed, but GF is never going to listen to a guy on an English message board. You know this.
So why maintain the act?
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>>20813468 >Twitter is full of botnets that would track my proxy service down, and send the info to moot NOPE, NOT DELUSIONAL IN THE SLIGHTEST.
>>20813468 Nice excuses, bro
You don't really care about getting anything changed. You just want to cause a scene.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:34:01 No. 20813505 Report >>20813481 What act? They will listen.
Also it's not just that. One of my other purposes is to make people hate male Goodra. Whenever I see a post about someone complaining about it's existence, or hating it, I feel really good inside.. All warm and fuzzy, ya know? That feeling when you accomplish something. I just hate male Goodra more than anything okay? And posts like those make me happy.
>>20813468 >b-but you're the ruseman! 0/10 poor try, m8. Also
>not knowing GF's email Holy shit you aren't even trying anymore.
>>20813427 >>20813505 I know I am betraying myself when I reply, but why do you continue each day when you really don't care about what you're posting for? At least have the dignity to stop pretending to be another and reveal you're doing it for replies and nothing more.
And add Bui back on steam to occupy you both rather than just shitposting here, before something happens you'll both regret.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:36:36 No. 20813532 Report >>20813497 >xddd u dun care aboot anything! xddd im so right i tip my fedora to you :^)))) Thing is, I do care. I care more than anything, even my job. I dedicate my life to that fucking sexy gooey gooddess in every manner. Not just spamming this board with my beliefs.
They're not excuses either. These are what I do. And I don't want to cause a scene unless it involves getting attention from GF.
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>>20813505 They won't listen to a thing you have to say. When has ANYTHING on /vp/ EVER changed GF's mind? You're barking up the wrong tree.
And don't pat yourself on the back either. You haven't accomplished anything, and you contradict yourself in the process.
"Male Goodra doesn't exist" then "I hate male Goodra!"
Can't hate what isn't there
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>>20813412 >namefagging in a thread that doesn't call for it >being a goodrafag >posting the forbidden one without going through the proper channels. >being this much of a shitposting nigger in general I feel pity for the woman who vagina you crawled from.
>>20813505 >One of my other purposes is to make people hate men. Whenever I see a post about someone complaining about their existence, or hating them, I feel really good inside.. All warm and fuzzy, ya know? That feeling when you accomplish something. I just hate men more than anything okay? And posts like those make me happy. Scatman
>>20813532 Again,
>posting on an English imageboard and trying to get a Japanese company's attention >shitposts get deleted seconds after you post them >posting so many of them that they're completely meaningless You're going in circles, m8.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:38:31 No. 20813558 Report >>20813525 But I do care about what I'm posting for. This "Scatman" guy is spreading his fucking lies by samefagging constantly, and honestly he's made me fucking
pissed .
If I never cared, I wouldn't be posting this at all. Risking getting fired is already enough, and if I never cared, I would NOT be doing this.
>>20813532 >And I don't want to cause a scene unless it involves getting attention from GF. Then why do you do it here, a place where nobody affiliated with gamefreak in any way has EVER visited, every day.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:39:53 No. 20813572 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20813532 You always cry "tumblr!" and "fedora!" when things don't go your way. No one is going to take you seriously, and you're not going to get GF's attention here of all places.
You're wasting your time. Go worship your waifu. The rest of us will use male slime dragons or female slime dragons or no dragons at all if that's what we want to do. You can't change that.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:41:31 No. 20813591 Report >>20813567 Because I have strong hopes that they browse here as it is easy to ban evade, and it requires no accounts to sign up. >>20813551 I don't hate men, I just hate male Goodra.
>>20813558 I see good in your heart, goo, I see the dedication for a dream. Right now you're not pursuing a dream you want. I've watched you from day one and the adamance of your posting is admirable, but not put to use.
I don't care what your occupation is or whether you actually have one, and if it's risking you getting fired then quit, you brought it upon yourself, but pursue something you love in reality. You are not a lost cause and I can see a good man behind this mask.
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>>20813591 Strong hopes that they browse here
Protip: You're living in a fantasy land. GF does not care about /vp/. Nothing we do or say here will influence the franchise in any meaningful way.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:43:06 No. 20813612 Report >>20813592 I'm sorry, Bui. I love Goodra more than anyone does much like you love
I do everything I can for her. I'd try to prove that, but one of you faggots would hunt me down and ask /b/ for help resulting in a doxxing.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:45:40 No. 20813633 Report >>20813557 Also, rusemaster scatty, GF does not supply their contact email on their site. I swear, I've searched everywhere for it but to no avail.
If you somehow have it, supply it here.
>>20813612 I'm not Bui, I see good in him too, and I try help him leave 4chan as it's what he says wants.
I know you don't want this, there's more to you than what the common /vp/oreon sees. And even though I cannot see it I know you can become a great person, but now you're just trying to open a door the wrong way like Bui.
>>20813572 Not even b8. If you want to prove your love for Goodra is real then fucking do something about it instead of shitposting on a board GF probably isn't even aware exists in the vain hope they notice you. Otherwise you're just a ruseman to me.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:47:03 No. 20813650 Report >>20813644 >not even b8 Yeah right.
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>>20813591 Yes, I'm pretty sure that when GF is looking for a website to browse, their first criteria is 'can we ban evade?'. Stop being a fucking idiot.
Oh, and you completely missed the point of that post. Just by changing 'male goodra' to 'men', your post is literally indistinguishable from a typical feminazi post. Protip: That is not a good thing.
>>20813650 >le ebin fish maymay xDDDDDDDD You aren't convincing me otherwise.
>>20813633 I'm sure you could figure something out with a machine translator and the dedicated Contact page on their web site. Failing that, try to contact Nintendo of America. Or maybe hit up the Pokemon Company web site.
I don't know if any of those things will get you anywhere, but I can guarantee they will be more productive than banging on about this here on /vp/.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:49:06 No. 20813672 Report >>20813635 You can't make Bui leave because he's a moderator. That is his "job". Both here, and on moe.
If it weren't for Bui, my threads would be lasting quite a bit longer.
>>20813532 GF will never, ever, not in a million years, ever acknowledge the existence of /vp/.
If you actually did want to bring about change to the game by posting about it on /vp/ instead of being a gigantic shitposting attention whoring namefag, (which, let's be honest here, we all know that's exactly what your intentions are.) then I have to say, you might qualify for some fat disability checks, because there are people with severe schizophrenia compounding a case of down syndrome in this world, and you're making them look like a bastion of logic and sound reason.
>>20813650 >literally telling you to act on your words >nah, b8 Anonymous
>>20813672 Bui. The paw lic.ker dude. A mod? Is this real? Is this an actual thing? Or is it another one of your retarded delusions?
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:51:02 No. 20813696 Report >>20813667 >baiting this hard Stop baiting.
>>20813671 That sounds like a good idea.
>>20813678 >implying an act on words Nice samefag, Scatman John.
>>20813675 I'm sorry, anon.
My intentions are what my intentions are.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:52:16 No. 20813711 Report >>20813693 He is.
Any mention of him being one results in a permanent ban. Also he banned an anon in a thread and replied to him saying "Only Bui talks about Bui" with an admin tag. He then tried to damage control the situation by saying "Bui is a shitposter"
>>20813696 >being this assblasted See
>>20813671 and
>>20813678 You aren't helping your case at all by claiming b8.
>>20813672 Actually the reason your threads die is because I emailed the mods asking for them to crack down on yours and Bui's posts, it seems to have worked. But back then all I saw was constant shitposting, now I see two people who would be inspiring if they did something they loved, neither of you are enjoying what you do and I can see that by the way you both reply to me.
I do not want for either of you to suffer not do I want that for /vp/, I want you to be happy doing something you can set your heart and mind to in goodness.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:53:58 No. 20813741 Report >>20813725 I get the point, John.
Stop baiting.
>>20813726 That has nothing to do with it. Bui is a moderator
>>20813741 >implying I'm b8ing Stay mad.
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>>20813741 I don't give a shit if Bui is a mod, he can strike me down where I stand.
You both can be happy, but you're not letting it be.
>>20813696 >My intentions are what my intentions are. So you admit to being a shitposting faggot, then? Or are you filling out the disability status application?
>>20813741 He's not baiting so much as he's pointing out what an ineffectual, deluded, raging asshat you are. If he was making it up, yeah, bait. But he's just stating facts.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:57:54 No. 20813801 Report >>20813758 >being in denial over your ebin ruses Stay delusional, madfag.
>>20813726 Ever since B.ui became a mod, his shitposting has stopped. Also it is by far one of the worst things to happen to this board as it is turning it into a "playground for the kiddies" welcoming underaged here. This board consists of users under the ages of 18 now mostly in the 12-14 region. The shitposting is what kept them away, and I hope one day B.ui gets fired and returns to shitposting.
B.ui deletes posts that offend him. Not just the threads I put up. This results in several if not millions of innocent posts being deleted.
When Bui deletes a post on here, It does get scrubbed from moe.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 01:59:00 No. 20813811 Report >>20813784 >So you admit to being a shitposting faggot, then? Neither of those because they don't apply to me
>>20813786 Haha, What?
John is obviously baiting. His false stage of denial pretty much proves it. He isn't stating shit, and I bet you're one of his samefags.
>>20813801 >snitposting >my intentions are what my intentions are >not listening to anything I'm saying Not helping your case, m8.
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:00:09 No. 20813832 Report >>20813817 >baiting this hard ayy lmao
>>20813741 >look! this post got deleted, that's proof! I want a mod, posting with his mod tag, saying 'I am bui'. Provide that, and maybe I'll believe you.
>>20813832 >valid points >i-it must be b8! Anonymous
>>20813811 This is what I mean when I say you're deluded. You cry "samefag!" or "tumblr!" or "fedora!" every time someone calls you out like some twisted version of "I'm rubber and you're glue! Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" You completely discard anyone's criticism of how insane your crusade is with a juvenile response that does nothing but reinforce how much you're smoking your own soma.
>>20813801 >When Bui deletes a post on here, It does get scrubbed from moe. That's not true, the thread where I summoned the forbidden one as a counter to him or an imposter was deleted an my posts too, but they lived in the archive where him, you (I assume), and I talked.
I must go now, do not dismiss my words for the common rabble of /vp/ and her shitposters, I foresee two paths for you: a joyous one where you will never have to look back is the one I hope you will take.
Farewell, Goo.
What if we just stopped paying attention to the goodrafag so his crippling need for attention can't be sustained here.>not saging this thread
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA
Sage/Roulette 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// RdG2LLX4QA Wed 03 Sep 2014 02:04:47 No. 20813920 Report >>20813839 That's impossible seeing as bui constantly tries to hid the fact that he's a mod.
>>20813854 >actually thinking those are valid points >baiting this fucking hard Just stop.
>>20813859 But I don't think any of that at all. I can respect peoples opinions, even if it is about the horror that is male Goodra. I will just call them a "faggot" and move on.
>>20813881 >What if we just stopped paying attention to the goodrafag so his crippling need for attention can't be sustained here. We already tried that and it didnt work. he just shitposted at 3 times the capacity of usual.
>>20813920 >s-stop bullying me! Kek. Goodrafag confirmed for ebin rusemaster. 10/10 you made me reply constantly.
>>20813945 >s-stop bullying me! Kek. Scatman John confirmed for ebin rusemaster. 10/10 you made me reply constantly.
>>20813920 Your entire schtick is hating Doodra out of existence, and you respect anyone who disagrees. So you call people who disagree "faggots" and derail threads with how vehemently you hate Doodra as if it is a position so profane it's not even worth considering as a human thought.
There is a lack of consistency here, and you are backpedaling poorly.
Everytime goodrafag posts I just get feel sadder knowing that he is actually delusional enough to believe everything he's saying.
>>20813961 >s-stop bullying me! Kek. Anon confirmed for ebin rusemaster. 10/10 you made me reply constantly
>>20813967 >Your entire schtick is hating Doodra out of existence, and you respect anyone who disagrees. So you call people who disagree "faggots" and derail threads with how vehemently you hate Doodra as if it is a position so profane it's not even worth considering as a human thought. That pretty much sums everything I do up.
Still, the people who do somehow like it are massive faggots.
>>20813994 >s-stop bullying me! Kek. Hoopa confirmed for ebin rusemon. 10/10 you made me reply constantly
>>20814010 Pls no bully anon.
can we just ban every isp that participated in this thread, including me, OP, and all these subhumans and the people who got baited by them for fuck's sake
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>>20814080 >this thread is still up DO. YOUR FUCKING. JOB!
>>20813996 You don't respect these people, however much you say you do, which makes you a liar. You put up this front of how enlightened you are, but you're another 4chan troll who is pissing in /vp/'s pool to pass the time. You don't really care about getting anything changed, or you wouldn't be doing something as terminally retarded as pretending anything on /vp/ is going to affect GF's development process.
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>>20812532 Sorry about your thread, OP
>>20814107 Fucking damn, Scatman. For the last fucking time, I am NOT a troll. You however are.
And I really do fucking care about getting things changed. You cannot tell me what I think, okay? You are not a psychic. You cannot, and will NOT read other peoples thoughts, you sadistic fuck.
Just leave. I am not replying to any of your bullshit anymore.
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>>20814132 >literally 'i know you are but what am i' Oh god
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>>20814132 Ahaha I can fucking SMELL how mad your ass is
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daily reminder that goodrafag is a male goodra
Quoted By:
>>20814132 >implying he's Scatman >implying there's only one Scatman >implying I'm not Scatman >implying you aren't Scatman as well Anonymous
>>20814122 I'm actually only two of these posts.
>>20813859 and >>20813967 I'm not Scatman, but I agree with a lot of what he has to say.
>>20814132 Like I said, not Scatman. But I'm sure you'll convert me into him in your little mind because it's easier to think you have a personal boogeyman instead of other people calling you on your shit.
You're right in that I'm not psychic, but I can infer quite a bit from how you say you're out to change things without doing much of anything about it. You know /vp/ isn't going to change GF. You know this. Yet here you are. You are a troll.
>>20814190 >You are a troll. I'm not a troll. You cannot tell me who I am because you are not me.
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>>20814211 10/10 best reply in a goodrafag thread ever
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>>20814211 I'm glad you've stopped using sage's name, goo, every journey requires that first step.
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>>20814211 This is some next level bullshit.
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>>20814211 i have now ascended
you are truly the next form of human existence
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I'm suprised how this thread is still alive.
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>>20814211 But I am you. And I am trolling.
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>>20814211 Wow. Just wow.
Dude, you have amazing reply skills, please teach me.
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>>20814211 My entire life has been leading up to this moment.