Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
The listed people are confirmed jews, we are not saying you can't participate here but everyone is on to you, so if someone skips you...well you know why:
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>>20820174 Thats what the list should look like, good job.
>blacklist I don't see the point, but whatever, let's move past that. Where are the giveaways? For this to be a giveaway general, there need to be giveaways.
>>20820222 I have ray rizzo's aegislash, complete in a deam ball. Post up a disc if you want one. Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/0
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Reminder everyone sane voted to kill this general yet epic shitposters keep making OP before bump limits even hit
>>20820222 >I don't see the point, but whatever It's to try and curb shitposting. Some people are only here because of giveaways, and are obnoxious, by denying them shitposting should go down.
>Where are the giveaways? For this to be a giveaway general, there need to be giveaways. There should be one active. Check the last thread.
>>20820232 This is me and i only have about 20 copies so yea
>>20820241 You can all make the message /vp/, it really doesnt matter
>>20820232 >>20820241 i'll disc up in a sec, /vp/ is the name of the disc and the description, IGN Rocka
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820222 >>20820177 still hav 6 of these left
>>20820236 >some people are only here for the giveaways >give away general yes, that was and is the point of giveaways. To give away something. How dare people only come for the giveaway, you know, the point of the thread?
>>20820268 >>some people are only here for the giveaways >>give away general >yes, that was and is the point of giveaways No it wasn't.
>To give away something. Exactly. Thanks for changing your opinion (so fast).
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>>20820258 Got Lapras. Thanks for sharing!
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
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>>20820232 sup bro can i trouble you for one of those? Discing up in a second!
Also I'm giving away some ralts with shadow sneak, destiny bond and two other egg moves and some 5 iv petilils
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
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>>20820258 thanks for the lapras!
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>>20820258 Disc up, description is "/gag/", thank you!
>>20820272 but don't you. I don't know, need somebody to take what you're giving away? Otherwise what's the point? Are you mad that they don't contribute anything back? Because some people may not have the ability to clone/gen/powersave
>>20820300 >but don't you. Yes, I do.
ign: angelo
Ive given away 3 of the official ray rizzo aegislashes, any more takers?
>>20820304 > they put a period instead of a comma, I now must disregard the rest if the post! Anonymous
>>20820258 I'd like one if there are any left. Message is /vp/.
>>20820300 the fact that they don't contribute back is why the luvdisc shithole is how it is
>>20820322 Is everyone just staying anonymous now because of blacklisting lmao
>>20820324 There's literally nothing wrong with this general
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>>20820321 I do not know who you are quoting.
But if you're trying to imply something about me, you're wrong anyway. As the guy that I was quoting was completely missing the point. It was merely a descriptor.
>>20820335 Couldn't be
closer to the truth
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>>20820331 From what i heard that list only has super serious jews and trolls like freki. The last threads op was someone who got mad they made that very short list
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820258 Closing this, next giveaway is for any pokemon of your choice on this list:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gre6ULJykpqkNP7C7y7fKffkqqR5T18cpdaDi97ZhV4/edit?pli=1#gid=0 only doing this for the first 5 people that reply
ign: angelo
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>>20820258 thanks for the lapras
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>>20820258 Glaceon is legitimate and awesome. Thank you!
>>20820340 You people have something wrong in the head. In an hour or so this general will turn into pure cancer, its been like that everyday now. Why people want to keep it is beyond me
>>20820360 I'd like the Meowstic on Row 91 if that's okay, thank you
Joey 2020-0627-5756
>>20820360 I'd like the Porygon2, if that's alright.
ign: angelo
>>20820319 I'll take one.
disc going up
>>20820360 it's too much if i ask for the articuno and yveltal? sorry if it is but i just can't decide...
Mila 5258-0715-7385 !Y7ctWdcox2
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>>20820360 Oh, can I have the skitty?
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It doesnt seem like anyone else wants a hexaperfect ray rizzo aegislash, complete with its dream ball. If not i got places to go.
Koi 1993-7810-4833
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>>20820360 Clefable please
>>20820374 Shut up and leave.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20820385 >>20820387 sure, let me just get them from pokebank, disc up
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>>20820360 hey! any chance you have a defensive KB articuno? i have a timid HP ice KB zapdos for trade as well as some breeding trade bait
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>>20820331 Says the anon.
Most people in this thread are anonymous, it's the people doing the giveaways that have to keep track of the list to avoid the jews, if they even care.
>>20820360 Sassy amoonguss, please?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820394 1 per person, sorry.
>>20820360 closing this since I have more than 5 replies now
>>20820398 Ok i was warned this place was bad but ok. Goodbye, hope you all dont infect the rest of /vp/
>>20820408 it's ok i was just making my time to decide and feared you got a thousand replies before mine, if we're still cool i'll take the articuno.
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>>20820414 That wasn't even a reply to you.
ign: angelo
Joey 2020-0627-5756
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>>20820408 disc is up for that Porygon2, thanks in advance! Message is Glaceon /vp/
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>>20820404 Disc is up since I believe I was number 5... you're the best!
Brad 3050 7907 4589
Glad to see you are all up, i have these things to give out a shiny and 5/6 iv if you want one put up a disc with the message /brad/ Relicanth Entei Tyranitar Ariados Rhyperior Dewgong Seviper I only have a couple of each so sorry if someone gets something before you
>>20820469 Ariados please, i can breed megahorn onto it if you didnt
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
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>>20820469 very funny, original too!
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
>>20820469 discing up for t-tar please!
Kiv (5429-8718-0972)
>>20820469 Ive been looking for a goid rhyperior snd didnt want to breed one myself. I hope im not too late
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
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>>20820522 >>20820489 >>20820481 you niggas, check the first letter of each mon.
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>People still fall for these
ign: angelo
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>>20820489 >>20820481 read the first letters of the pokémon.
IGN: Unknown
>>20820469 Disc up for Tyranitar. Thanks
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>>20820469 Is the seviper kalos born? I would prefer if it had knock off.
IGN: mike
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>>20820481 >>20820489 >>20820522 >>20820547 people actually failing, i hope this is b8
Koi 1993-7810-4833
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>>20820528 Thanks a bunch!
>>20820528 sorry, screwed up. it's ok now, check again whenever you can.
Brad 3050 7907 4589
Im getting alot of requests and i'll go in order on the GTS. For all of you that want to know these are kalos born minus the entei, they also have good egg moves. Filling requests right now
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820575 sent, Im going to go clone a box of something from that list, was thinking buneary
>>20820469 Ok I have to admit that's pretty creative
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>>20820583 This b8 is gr8 m8, make me constip8 and my p8s ir8s I'm l8 but this g8 I r8 8/8 pls no h8
>>20820469 Can i have dewgong and ariados?
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>>20820469 You still didnt breed any sneakers? You promised me anon
Brad 3050 7907 4589
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>>20820612 Sure, put your disc up for dewgong first, then redisc when i get to that.
Still around, Glaceon? Just wondering where we stand on the amoonguss
>>20820738 Why does glaceon still even come here. This place is so bad and hes such a good person for giveaways. I'd go to his thread if he made one.
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>>20820594 got it, thx so much man! cheers
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20820781 >it I dont care what gender they are, i just want to be able to participate in its giveaways without being forced to come here.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820795 If glaceon does that i can finally add this place to my filter
>>20820812 >>20820795 This place is literally made for giveaways to unclutter the front page
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
Ok, got a box of these, quote this post with your ign and disc up if you want one
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20820823 Discing up for one
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>>20820823 Disc going up IGN: Nicola
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>>20820819 Yet this general had 3 active threads yesterday. For something thats supposed to "unclog" the board you are all pretty shitty at it. Also people who have done giveaways outside of here in the last few days have had less trolls and were actually able to do giveaway without any hassle.
Mila 5258-0715-7385 !Y7ctWdcox2
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>>20820823 Discing up. Thanks Glaceon.
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>>20820823 IGN is Victoria,
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20820833 Now is up, thanks Glaceon
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>>20820823 Disc is going up thanks glace, ign blue
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>>20820823 Thank you based Glaceon!
Duo 3351-4378-7742
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>>20820823 Got a kiss disc up, thank you for the giveaway glace
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>>20820823 Where the fuck is switcheroo or encore you piece of shit. Everything you give out is wrong. Stop playing this game please and do us all a favor
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>>20820823 >Dream Ball >Not Hidden ability Why are you full of shit glaceon?
Also disc going up
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Wed 03 Sep 2014 18:38:35 No. 20820915 Report Quoted By:
>>20820823 Discing up, please Glaceon
Ign : Suvi
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>>20820823 Disc up. Message is "Thanks Glaceon".
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>>20820823 Just got it and its in the wrong ball, looks like i have to do this myself. Released
Hey i want to do a giveaway here but im afraid that none of you would participate seeing as theres already another giveaway going on.
IGN:Elijah FC 3609-2282-7971
>>20820941 Do it, people will participate. I already have a shiny buneary, so I didn't ask for one.
>>20820823 Thanks for sharing.
>>20820941 Yup so gtfo you piece of shit. Looks like nobody wants you.
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>>20820823 Thought we weren't supposed to "quote this post" because it'll clutter the thread?
>>20820941 It's free Pokemon. People will participate.
>>20820968 Wow anon, someone raped you when you were a child?
>>20820966 Thats only one person tho, everyone else still has discs up for glaceons stuff. If i post what i have it'll just be buried under all the comments and no one will see it.
>>20820981 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
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>>20820981 Does that idea turn you on you sick fuck. You are worse than the cancer thats killing this general.
>>20820987 I'd be interested in seeing what you have.
>>20821008 I have perfect hp fire xerneas and 6 iv mild yveltals, i was going to do one or the other but its fine glaceon can continue.
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>>20821002 >rape confirmed Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
>>20821022 Oh i looked in my boxes and also have some 5iv timid ones.
>>20821041 I'd be very interested in a timid yveltal, if you don't mind?
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>>20821052 What you offering man
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20820823 Have about 20 of these left
>>20821065 didnt receive mine yet you fucking whore, cant do anything well?
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>>20821052 I kinda do, i want to give out to multiple people but its impossible here.
>>20821065 Attention whore confirmed, i wanted a fuckin good kalos legrnd but you have to steal the fuckin spotlight with dhit you can get at the dollar store
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Wed 03 Sep 2014 18:56:56 No. 20821115 Report Quoted By:
>>20820823 Thanks Glaceon... again.
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>>20821041 Please do the timid 5iv yveltals, i dont have one yet.
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>>20821022 When you say perfect hp fire xerneas do you mean 31/0/31/30/31/30 if so thats ALOT better than my xerneas. I'd like one please.
ign: angelo
>>20821079 >>20821103 JEWS AND SHITPOSTERS
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821040 er you put up two luvdiscs
>>20821189 I want a fuckin yveltal but glaceon wont give anyone else the chance to do a giveaway. His shit is complete trash anyway.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821227 Just ask the guy for an yveltal then
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
>>20821208 oh fuck im sorry bro, thought i disced up for something else in the gts leftover thread. It's late. I didn't mean to jew ya. Thanks for the Buneary though! (and thanks for notifying, now i can get muh sheep)
>>20821235 They already said they wont do it because everyone has their discs busy with you. Also btw next time you plan on breeding something consult /wfg/ for egg moves and the ball. Even the shitlords over there have more common sense than you
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821269 Didnt breed this myself
>>20821262 Ah sorry about that
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Thank you Glaceon! This is a first where I've been in time to participate in one of your giveaways. I hope the trolls havent't scared you off from future giveaways here.
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
>>20821269 nigga fuck off and let this person do his fucking giveaways. Go be an ass somehwere else. Go get your ass a shiny buneary and trade it on gts for a fucking Yveltal if you want. Stop shitting up the thread with your rampant autism
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>>20821286 Then stop handing out shit, you make this place worse by not handing out good things. Or is it that you must have your dick sucked by anons on the internet?
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>>20820469 can i have a tyranitar? ing:FouxLaw
>>20821286 what about if you fuck off from here? i d be happy receiving a 5iv Yveltal
>>20821306 Will that yveltal be 5/6iv like the one that was going to be handed out. No. So go suck a dick, ive been looking for one forever now and glaceon had to fuck it up for me.
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
>>20821344 Why would I fuck off from a thread in which im actually doing what the thread is made for.
IGN:Elijah FC 3609-2282-7971
>>20820823 Disc is up if any are left
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>>20821372 You're right. You're jewing in this thread. Who ever is in charge of the list take note of that.
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
>>20821357 >glaceon handing out shinies first >someone comes doesn't want to make his own give away because they won't be the center of attention >you blame glaceon for this 0/10
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20821378 Can you change the pokemon you're looking for to buneary instead of lapras?
>>20821395 looks like you are glaceon's little bitch, you are so assblasted, noone is fucking with you
>>20821395 Everyone who does a giveaway needs a little attention or their shit wouldnt go anywhere. Ive been looking at the past few threads for something good and a i see is glaceon shitting up the place with derps cause hes an attention whore. When a good giveaway FINALLY comes by the anon says they'd rather not if inly a couple are going to be handed out. I agree with them i wouldnt do it either but i sure as fuck wanted that fuckin mon.
TL;DR: Fuck you and your shit glaceon.
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>>20821429 nice shitpost man
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>>20821426 Ive seen her/he/it just take stuff all day. I'm starting to smell the foul aroma of jew in the air.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821429 Well, if the other guy doesn't want to give his yveltals away, how's this?
Lisa: 2964 9022 3850
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>>20821429 Alright bro maybe i reacted to aggresive without knowing the full story. Though I don't think it's very far to react like that to someone handing out shinies. It just seems ungrateful.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821498 I'd have to clone it first, just was wondering if you would want it, still don't know if the other guy wanted to give his away or not
Mila 5258-0715-7385 !Y7ctWdcox2
>>20821429 Calm down, Yveltals are given away like 5 times a week. Maybe if you visited more often...
>>20821474 >timid >missing Sp attack >not even competitive just wait for someone hand out some ScyresM yveltals m8s
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>>20821474 Ok if this is not an attention whores post i dont know what is. Just make your own thread already
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821511 Sorry, Ive always marked the star as special attack for some reason, they have 5ivs missing attack though
>>20821510 Go fuck yourself, no one has mild ones to abuse sucker punch with
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>>20820583 Still have any Enteis left?
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>>20821504 Okay we'll just wait patiently
>>20821522 do you have the 2 yveltas from scyresM?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821560 Nope, I never got one honestly, sorry
I do have the injected hp fire xerneas though
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Wed 03 Sep 2014 19:31:17 No. 20821582 Report ¿¿¿ Braixen females Shiny thread ???
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>>20821560 What were the 2 yveltals?
>>20821572 this guy
>>20821560 put a luvdisc asking for a lvl 100 yveltal, then i will trade the another one from aqua
Would anyone be interested in 6 iv naive swinubs with egg moves stealth rock, freeze dry, icicle spear, and icicle crash. They are in nest balls if that matters
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821626 thanks, I'll clone those instead of the one I was cloning earlier then
>>20821644 Will you be giving away those timid yveltal, kind person?
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>>20821641 Yes
May I put up a luvdisc for one?
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20821536 I have one, I can give to Glaceon clone, but only if he/she don't give it to you
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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>>20821641 Sure! Thank you, Paul
>>20821660 More like attention whore. No one else can giveaway anything while he's here. He MUST have the spotlight.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821684 Who ever said that?
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20821641 I don't have Swinubs yet, I'm putting one Spritzee up for it
>>20821694 Like a big faggot like you would ever say that.
Jojo 2836-0374-1552
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>>20821641 Disc up, thanks a lot ^^
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20821641 Spritzee is up for one
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Okay i dont like the vibe in here i think i'll make my own thread to hand them out.
>>20821710 >this man takes the time out of his life to give away free Pokemon >faggots like you get mad at this for making people happy for little gain i dont understand your mentality and never will
if you're shitposting though good on you
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>>20821729 Confimed for being a jew. Collect all that jew gold dude
>>20821694 Is that shiny amoonguss still up for grabs?
>>20821694 dont see you in aquaintances, do you have bloqued it?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821754 sorry, I already got 5 people from that
>>20821763 I sent you a trade request but you went offline, I'll go online again was just cloning the yveltal
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20821770 Have any legendaries you're planning to giveaway?
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20821763 not sure why you're not getting my requests, could I disc up instead?
Roger 0044 2805 0352
Hey i wanna do a giveaway here if thats ok. I only have one copy of each but they are all shiny and battle ready. If you want one put up a disc and i'll get to you Seviper Heliolisk Infernape Tyrantrum Pyroar Omastar Sneaker Tyranitar Respond and tell me what you want. Your welcome
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>>20821828 yeah you better disc for one, dont know either the problem
>>20821843 I'll take a heliolisk or pyroar if they have hidden power ice. Thank you
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20821843 I call the T-tar I really need it! Disc up for everything on the list though!
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20821843 I want
you to go to hell Anonymous
>>20821843 No sneaker? Someone please blacklist this guy
Roger 0044 2805 0352
>>20821856 You can have more things on the list but let other people have a shot first
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>>20821843 Omastar please. Discing up
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20821870 I have my discs up first though! Just do first come first served. Besides nobody else wants it anyway.
>>20821875 Ah my vision is failing, blacklist him anyway please
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20821929 Oh shit, I didn't see that. Can we just get one thread without these?
I was organizing my boxes when i realized that i had a few copies of certain things. Some of theres are genned but everything comes with an item and has perfect ivs. Tell me what you are putting up so i can find it and make sure it has the message "maxx"
Austin (1179-1144-3795)
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>>20821843 Can I get an Infernape? Disc up. Thank you so much!
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20821956 Can we get one of each?
Austin (1179-1144-3795)
>>20821956 Sure, Discing up.
Mila 5258-0715-7385 !Y7ctWdcox2
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>>20821956 Disc up for klefki. Thanks, Maxx.
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>>20821956 discing up for a sharpedo
>>20821971 What do you want first?
>>20821977 Tell me what you want and what you are putting on the GTS.
Jojo 2836-0374-1552
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>>20821956 Disc up, can i have infernape ? Thx
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>>20821956 Put up kangaskhan for kangaskhan
Austin (1179-1144-3795)
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>>20821995 put up a luvdisc for klefki
Wraith - 1349 5363 0884
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>>20821956 Discing for klefki
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>>20821956 Disc up for a empoleon. Thanks.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
Walter 0318-7863-5433
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>>20821956 Disc up for a Klefki, thanks!
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20821956 Can I get an Empoleon and an Ursaring? Also, what moves do the Kangaskhan have? Disc is up for Empoleon.
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Ok im going into the gts right now and trading.
ign: angelo
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>>20821956 One Empoleon please
disc going up.
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>>20821956 Disc up for Empoleon. .
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>>20821956 Disc up for Infernape if there are any left! Thanks man.
>>20821956 You should do a giveaway like that on the main board, this place is cancer please dont become a regular
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>>20821956 One Infernape please! Disc is up
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
ok for everyone who wanted yveltal earlier, I have 10x Hasty injected 11x Timid 5iv non injected 9x Mild injected change your gts message to the nature you want if you'd like one
>>20822053 Kanga has return, crunch, sucker punch, and power up punch.
>>20822105 I heard it was bad but really how bad can it be. Its not like every giveaway is going to be some ruse by a master baiter or something.
>>20822126 Go fuck youself. Everyone had that shit already.
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>>20821956 Disc up for ursaring, thank you!
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20822126 So are they perfect?
>>20822143 Why are you taking so fucking long? I have other shit to do!
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>>20821956 weedle up for a klefki!
thanks! ;)
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Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20822126 Glaceon the quality of your stuff has really gone downhill ever since you came to /gag/.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20822183 a few people just asked for an yveltal, so I cloned some
>>20822171 Calm down i just thought it would be easier to start with a certain mon so i dont have to go back and forth.
>>20822182 glaceon pls leave this place, you are too good for cancer general
make your own thread of something
>>20822204 I second this, the trolls are taking your things. Why do you want to give people who will shit in your face free things.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20822192 Thanks for the Yveltal Glaceon, you are the best
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>>20821995 Im putting up a scatterbug for a Kangaskhan. Thanks in advance
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20822171 If you're gonna be a dick, then get the fuck out, he's giving you free shit.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20822202 No you're probably just skipping over people! That blacklist doesn't mean shit, the people that made that are just a bunch of pricks.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918 !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20822217 The giveaways Im doing are too small to make a new thread though
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>>20821956 >People still falling for the spelled out slur ruse Anonymous
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>>20822222 Shut the fuck up you faggots dont know shit when it comes to breeding. Ima take all your free shit and complsin all i want until i get something decent. You know whats the best part, you cant do shit about it.
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>>20822126 discing up for a timid one please
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20822222 What is your fucking problem? He's taking too long to deliver, if people are going to do giveaways they might as well do them right, or am I wrong?
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>>20822222 holy quintuples
>>20822233 you are not obligated to giveaway things, just dont do it, looks like you enjoy how people shit on your face by given away free shit to those ungrateful beggars
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>>20822126 Disc up <3
Also Maxx is a fucking ruser, you losers. It spells out "UKIKES"
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>>20822126 thank you glaceon!
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>>20822217 I MIGHT be one of the biggest shitposters here but when i see something i like i just put on a name then post as anon to tell the giveaway person to go fuck themselves. They usually deserve it too, seriously guys a pokeball is not for breeding.
Glaceon 2036 6610 2918
>>20822265 either way, I still enjoy doing them, besides, its the internet, you kind of have to expect people to shit on you
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>>20822222 I like free shit too much to get out. If you dint like me you get the fuck out im staying as long as the pokemon are free.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20822250 nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
>>20822312 Josh stop trolling or i 'll be sure to add you to the blacklist.
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>>20822321 I already added him to mine because of stupidity.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20822321 What? Please no, i promise i'll stop. Sorry for being a cancerous fag everyone.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20822312 Whatever you want to say to yourself m8. Last time someone tool this long to deliver was because they were being a dick and skipping people on the blacklist.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
Okay is anyone going to give out free shit. My hands are shaking, i havent jewed in a while.
>MFW this thread is beyond to cancer
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20822348 Wow shitting on me and you admit to being a jew anyway.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20822350 Then do a giveaway faggot, i need to go to my job as a male stripper soon so i really want some shones
ign: angelo
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>>20822202 would have been easier if you just said a certain pokémon they should leave in the gts.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20822363 At least im not on the fuckin blacklist you dirty jew. I dont get caught doing it, what a retard.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20822363 Nice samefagging.
Look, since that was most likely a ruse, I'm sorry for shitting on you, I didn't realize it was a ruse yet because sometimes people just take a while, so unless it isn't actually a ruse, and you're just a total dick, then I'm sorry.
I don't like it when people bitch about free shit taking a long time, be patient, even if you do have to go somewhere, if it really is taking so long, then wait for another time if where you have to be is very important.
ign: angelo
>>20822363 everyone have a little jew inside them.
only the extreme jews are just annoying.
>>20822295 You know what you should give away, Glaceon? Shiny amoonguss.
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>>20822432 That sounds alot like what a pure jew would say. Watchlodt for the blacklist
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
>>20822455 Stop fuckin telling him what to do. You are complete shit in his eyes so tell me why he would take a suggestion from a faglord like you.
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
So, is this thread dead enough that I can start a new one and host my giveaway, or should I make my own separate thread?
>>20822478 You could just wait 30 posts. With the amount of shitposting that's happening I don't see that taking long.
IGN: Josh FC: 0748 - 2553 - 6407
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>>20822478 We are in the middle of a few giveaways go away you waste of sperm.
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>>20822470 Because some of us have lives, jobs, kids, etc., and people like this have nothing better to do than this anyway.
>>20822478 Just make your own thread dude, im tired of this already.
Oh hey, someone put up hoopa on gts
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
>>20822501 >>20822484 I'll wait and 'host' the next general with my giveaway.
The faster this thread hits 300, the better.
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>>20822511 No they didn't.
>>20822526 >implying the trolls wont go there and fuck that up too Please i beg you, i dont want to stay in giveaway general just for your giveaways.
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>>20822511 >Shit-tastic stats >4x weakness to two common types >S-suckerpunch-san! P-please be gentle! (No) >Crap-ass signature move >Untradeable >Natures are next to always shit on the GTS >Subpar IVs at best >Level 9 or under Zekrom pls Back to the trash ye shitpost wanders.
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>>20822550 >implying the trolls wont go there and fuck that up too Holy shit someone is right for once in here.
>>20822550 I don't think that will happen.
I hope he's not going to give to the blacklist, but whatever.
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>>20822550 Deerman ive gotten things from you and i agree your own thread would be better snd cleaner
Angel !!ihpDuVDTJRR
>>20822526 That sounds good, I need a little bit more time to organize my Gengars.
>>20822583 Then you must be
1)a cancerous troll to this general (fuck you)
2) a complete retard whos opinions should be discarded.
Which are you, anyone with a functioning brain can see this was a bad idea. Let the thread die.
>>20822622 Why would those be the only options?
With an actual giveaway going the shitposters will be drowned out. The only reason why you see them now is because they're the only ones posting.
>>20822636 Has that stopped them EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN DAY SINCE THIS WAS CREATED? Why would they stop now. Just let this general die and do giveaways on the main page like the people with common sense have done. I thought this was a good idea at first i really did. I'm sorry what ive done /vp/, but enough is enough. Be the one to free us.
>>20822685 >Has that stopped them EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN DAY SINCE THIS WAS CREATED? No. I'm not saying it does. I'm just saying that when a thread starts with a giveaway, it tends to go well.
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
I've got the OP typed up and ready to post, pokemon and items ready to give out. Hint: get an ekans.
>>20822696 If you like being abused go to one of thise people that apply an electric charge to your balls. Leave the rest of /vp/ in peace. This cancer is slowly spreading to the other generals and giveaway threads.
Angel !!ihpDuVDTJRR
>>20822685 On monday, I hosted a /gg/ thread, I sent Giratinas almost all day, everything was good except for the fact that there were very few giveaways. At the same time there were /gag/ and /ggg/ which were flooded with jews and shitposters. Go figure.
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>>20822744 >If you like being abused go to one of thise people that apply an electric charge to your balls. Okay? Cool irrelevant story bro.
>Leave the rest of /vp/ in peace. I am?
>This cancer is slowly spreading to the other generals and giveaway threads. Yeah, I doubt that. If anything, by removing this you'd have faggots in other threads.
>>20822730 >ekans >not the quickest, most easily obtainable, least likely to get sniped pokemon What kind of stupidity is this?
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>>20822730 Breeding dem ekans
>>20822730 That drowns out everyone else doing a giveaway in the thread. If you're going to start the op with a giveaway you might as well make it your own thread.
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>>20822792 Fuck off, /gg/ or /gag/ is better when it starts with a giveaway, imbecile.
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
>>20822762 What do you suggest then?
>>20822757 /gg/ and /gag/ are the dame thing retard. People just changed it to /gag/ because thats what the thread makes you do.
>>20822757 What's the difference between /gg/ and /gag/?
>>20822813 Let the thread die, a huge majority hate these threads and would prefer hoing to seperate giveaways.
>>20822828 >a huge majority >Poll got a 50/50 response Anonymous
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>>20822828 >a huge majority Shitposters and rusers
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
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>>20822828 >>20822836 >>20822762 Unless someone suggests something that would be better overall than Ekans in a post, it's staying Ekans
Angel !!ihpDuVDTJRR
>>20822816 >>20822817 /gag/ is cannon fodder, bait for shitposters.
>>20822836 A RIGGED poll got a 50/50, it was 66% kill before that.
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Make the new thread, go ahead. You all want /vp/ to crash and burn when these trolls spill out everywhere else.
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>>20822851 I'm asking what the difference is mate. Not which has more shitposters.
Pretty sure they're both giveaway generals.
>>20822857 >A RIGGED poll Got anything that proves that? Aside from assumptions that neglect that the Earth rotates?
Deerman !!vnEgVaHgov9
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>>20822126 >>20822607 I just got my Powersave a day early am going to be breeding some 5IV Audino with 4 egg moves: Wish, Heal Bell, Healing Wish and Encore then Powersave it to shiny-fy and clone
Caeden 1177-7466-0108