Yesterday /gag/ got a little sneak peek of this guys, so now its time for a propper giveaway. Kalos born, pentaperfect and holding one of five random items.>How do i get one? Put an Abra on the GTS with the message "/vp/ Wipi" asking for a Lv1 male Shuppet>I dont have an Abra, wat do? Route 5, you can also follow the ways of Bob>B-but im blacklisted! Can i still participate? Sure>Im a gigantic faggot whose autism doesnt allow the use of nicknamed pokemon, can you send me one without nickname? No, no special treatment I cant run out and i'll be here for a little more than an hour so be fast
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>>20838343 Abra up thanks in advance q
Guess everyone finally has had it with these genned giveaways.
Asura 2638-0478-1013
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>>20838343 abra going up in a second
IGN Jean Grey
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot man, ur da best!
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>>20838343 I put an Abra up for shuppet!
My IGN is Cynthia
Czero 1521-3804-2764
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Abra is up, Thanks in advance Wipi
ign Cody
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>>20838343 Thanks! Abra up!
Kayin 3566-2065-7747
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>>20838343 Abra is up, thanks Wipi
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>>20838343 Abra going up, thanks wipi
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>>20838343 Turning on the 3DS right now to post an Arba. IGN is Nicholas.
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IGN Zack. Abra up. I think this is the second or third Pokemon I'll receive from you? you're pretty cool, OP.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
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abra is up IGN:Sera thanks :)
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>>20838343 Thank you for Geno and the assault vest Wipi
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>>20838343 abra is up, gracias Wipi
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>>20838343 Abra is up Wipi
IGN: Edwin
IGN : Kalem
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>>20838343 Abra going up ! Thanks OP !
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>>20838343 abra up thanks wipi!
IGN: Chandler FC:1564-3311-2793
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>>20838343 It will be up in a minute.
IGN Christian
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>>20838343 A bra up. IGN Jeffrey
IGN Jean Grey
>>20838343 Can I get another one for my nephew wipi? He's 8 and started crying when I told him I got one. He forgot his DS at his mom's house
Alex 4270-2720-5722
Quoted By:
Abra is up, thanks OP.
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Thu 04 Sep 2014 23:56:01 No. 20838577 Report Quoted By:
>>20838343 >>20838343 Abra is up,
Thanks Wipi
IGN : Suvi
OP, we've received a call that someone's giving away an illegal ball combination. Shuppet is only available in a safari ball in HeartGold and SoulSilver. We're going to have to take you in.
Nave !4oMKUtChS2
I love you Wipi. Every time I have a bad day you have a giveaway. Thank you! Putting up the Abra right now. Any luck with Tyrunt yet?
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
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>>20838605 sorry officer, i have a severe case of balltism
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>>20838343 Abra up! Thanks again Wipi!
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>>20838343 Abra up, thanks Wipi!
Gateway Drug
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Sera 1864 8625 6813
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got my shuppet and a choice scar thanks
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
Abra going up shortly. Thanks so much, OP!
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
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>>20838343 Put an abra up! Thanks!
IGN Sean 3196-4375-9792
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>>20838343 abra up thanks wipi
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20838606 its next in schedule along with Bill Rizer the Pinsir
My Abra has been deposited
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>>20838343 I'm putting one up,thanks as always, lovely wipi!
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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Hope I won't miss. Abra up, thanks Wipi.
Quoted By:
>>20838703 I forgot my ign
>>20838343 Abra up.
Ign: Andres.
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen)
Mason 4141-3895-3017 (Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Braixen) Fri 05 Sep 2014 00:05:25 No. 20838727 Report Quoted By:
>>20838343 'bra up
Would you mind if I redistribute some of your 'mons if/when I get a powersaves
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
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>>20838684 ayy the one I suggested forever ago.
well I have a few spare Abras if anyone's having trouble finding one. I'd probably worry about it once Bob comes.
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Abra up but it wouldn't let me ask for a male shuppet
IGN Jean Grey
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>>20838761 Thanks man! That'll make his day and shut him up lol
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>>20838343 Abra up ty wipi. IGN Vi
Abra up, thanks again Wipi
Quoted By:
>>20838797 Do you guys think that if Abras were real they'd get real tired of human's shit?
Nave !4oMKUtChS2
Quoted By:
>>20838684 Sweet sweet. Got a day in mind? I really don't wanna miss it.
bran 4313-0350-1661 (flying: hoothoot, doduo, tropius)
bran 4313-0350-1661 (flying: hoothoot, doduo, tropius) Fri 05 Sep 2014 00:13:57 No. 20838861 Report Quoted By:
>>20838343 abra sent up op. hope im not too late
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra up. Thank you.
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>>20838343 Abra is up.
IGN Bill. Thanks in advance.
Yoruyoru (IGN: Yoru) !!KACLeiYrCbX
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>>20838343 I've sent an Abra up, thanks as always, Wipi!
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abra going up, thanks wipi
Quoted By:
>>20838343 abra up
Thank you op!
Noire !WaOzk0yfwc
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20838343 A bit late but whatever, Abra's up!
Quoted By:
This is how it should be. no blacklist. no bitching. just happy. wipi for giving, us for receiving. no hurt butts. Thanks wipi you're grand.
>>20838343 Abra up! Thanks
Micaruba - 5386-9149-9021
>>20838939 Maggie! I've been looking for you! I got a present for you maggie for real because the other day you gave me a really really nice shiny so I got a shiny lickilicky for you I wanna gib. My friend code is 5386-9149-9021 and my name is Psy. I hope you add me!
>>20838343 Put one up, thanks!
La Flame 1349-6981-4986
Quoted By:
Abra is going up now, thanks man
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20838964 Oh wow, really?
Sure, I'll add you in a sec!
>>20839006 Yep! sounds good. you deserve it
Quoted By:
>>20838967 Forgot name.
IGN: Oscar
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20839019 Aw, thanks... Added ya
I'm also trying to breed Wipi a shiny too!
>>20839039 If you're wondering why it's lickilicki it's because it's my favorite lol
Quoted By:
>>20839053 I should get in on this when I've finished my Pokédex (30-something left, going slowly); anything in high demand, maybe something for the Fairy Face-Off or somesuch?
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20839039 Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it!
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra is up, thanks Wipi!
>>20839083 Glad to do it, thanks for the Shellos too! I'm a fan of the sound gastrodon makes lol
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20839094 Me too
Also, that reminds me, I really should get some Pokemon with little messages set up when I trade. I like it
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>>20838343 >Abra is up, thanks Wipi! Maybe
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>>20838343 Abra up! Thanks in advance!
Mike (0146- 9188- 2252) Panpour Quagsire
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>>20838343 Abra up in a few! Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20839098 I had to, I kept getting stuck in eternity trades when people just keep offering me stuff until I turn off my 3ds
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey) Fri 05 Sep 2014 00:32:16 No. 20839123 Report Quoted By:
>>20838343 Thx wipi! Upped!
La Flame 1349-6981-4986
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra going up thanks bro.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20839068 It's a pretty cool Pokemon, including the Shiny (I actually like it better)... To be honest, used to not like that line when I was younger but for some reason they really grew on me
Raphael 5000-4215-3819
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Abra going up, ur great dude, thanks a lot.
>>20838343 Anonymous
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>>20839145 I know that smogon probably says he sucks ass but I've always had one and never had any problems
IGN Marcelo
Quoted By:
>>20838343 yo abra is up
thanks op
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra is up, thanks
Quoted By:
Abra's up Thx man :D IGN: Alejandro
Musty 2981-5394-6954 !Ho4BAxol6o
Nave !4oMKUtChS2
Quoted By:
Got it, thanks Wipi.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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Trying to hatch this Abra! I just need a minute!
ign: roger
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra is up, thanks OP!
>>20838343 Abra going up. Thanks Wipi
Quoted By:
>>20839258 Crap. Forgot my IGN: Edgardo
>>20838725 My Abra is lost to time.
>>20838343 Abra up! Thanks a lot, Wipi. :D
>>20838343 Abra hopefully going up soon.
Wipi, what the hell happened to the GTS Giveaway General? I was gone for about a month, now it's gone to even worse shit. Did something big happen? I was planning to do some breeding leftover giveaways, but that's not "allowed" anymore. Brad 1375-7210-8632
Quoted By:
Thanks, Wipi. You my fav. Abra's up.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Little late, but I can do this!
>>20839286 The /gag/ is just a troll thread. Look for these kind of threads for actual giveaways instead of just getting yelled at by morons.
IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra is up. Thank you Wipi!!
>>20839286 Its plagued with shitposters who just hate giveaways, but Bob, Glaceon, and some other big names use the general now.
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra up, cheers phone for acting up
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20839302 Bob pls have mercy
I got sniped, not by Bob tho. Fug you, Mike. Abra going back up.
Quoted By:
>>20839275 Putting up another due to sniper casualty.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839302 come at me bro!
Quoted By:
Damn job taking away from my sniping passion.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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>>20839333 Waiting, buddy.
>>20838956 Got sniped...hope i can do it
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20839333 Nice trips Abra back up.
IGN: Gabrielle
Quoted By:
>>20839286 Fuck. IGN: Gabrielle
>>20839306 >>20839314 Ah. Well I figured with the name "/gag/" it wasn't serious, but I was upset to see a thread with such incessant shitposting.
It's cool to see that all the regulars haven't left yet. They're also on the IRC, right?
Quoted By:
>>20838343 A tad late, but Abra up! many thanks
>>20839333 I came in late too but I'm hoping I got here in time!
Thanks a bundle, this is my favorite pokemon!
breeding an abra then I'll send one up real quick
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839302 how have you been bob? i missed you at the buneary giveaway
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>>20838343 God I love your giveaways Wipi, Abra deposited.
Quoted By:
Okay. Ign Andres. Abra up and hope I'm not late.
Quoted By:
Got my Shupple! Thanks Wipi you're grat
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839397 I got about 2 dozen of those, I just did an under the radar thing to test if my presence makes people comment about being sniped or not.
Also I'd probably go easier on your giveaways specially if you started giving the no name option.
Quoted By:
>>20839333 >>20839379 Got it, thank you really Man!
IGN: Paroro 4785-5169-0781
Quoted By:
Oh boy I hope I'm not too late, I love wipi's giveaways, putting Abra up, thanks in advance!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20838343 >wipi abras up thanks wipi
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra deposited. IGN is Ster. I know I probably won't get one but thanks anyway for your giveaway.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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>>20839397 I don't wanna be rused again. :(
>>20839391 Abra deposited, IGN: Devon
Quoted By:
>>20838343 >>20839281 Poop... Forgot to say my IGN is Emily.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839413 so, you hate nicknames? no name is out of the question so i guess we'll be seeing each other a lot
IGN: Gabrielle
Quoted By:
>>20838343 internet a shit
How long do you think you'll be up?
Shuppet's my favorite, I don't want to miss it. Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839456 I just find unfitting names people like to be against the spirit of giving.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839456 I just find unfitting names people don't like to be against the spirit of giving.
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
Quoted By:
>>20838343 abra up thanks wipi
>>20838343 GTS or Post order?
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
Nigeriasz 2122 6731 7786
>>20838343 That thing gets Gunk Shot? nice.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839536 I tend to snipe in GTS order
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra up, hope giveaway is still going on.
Noire !WaOzk0yfwc
>>20839546 Are you not giving out anymore?
I love named giveaways because they fit right into my team. Forced no names just stand out if i were to try to use them and end up as breeding stock or whatever.
Mikan 5043 3576 5547
Quoted By:
Received mine. Thanks a lot wipi.
Nave !4oMKUtChS2
Bob you're a huge faggot and I hope you die. Got my Shuppet already so I'll be leaving now. Keep fighting the good fight, Wipi.
Quoted By:
>>20838343 abra deposited,thenks for giving out some of dem shups
Quoted By:
Got my Shuppet, thanks Wipi
>>20839613 I diagree. I'm forced to pay extra to have somebody change the name because a vocal minority likes this crap.
Forced names kinda makes mons unusable.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
Quoted By:
>>20839611 i am, be patient please
>>20839563 i love the animation
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839621 >Keep fighting the good fight, Bob Thanks
>>20839628 Ruined the giveaway for me, too.
>>20839453 My shuppet isn't pentaperfect, nor holding anything Wipi.
I appreciate your shuppet but it seems you gave me the wrong one. Can we try this again?
Pretty please Aleister
Quoted By:
>>20839628 Understandable, I do really wish they implemented something like turning nicknames on and off or some way to change the name of traded mons.
>>20839658 >>20839628 Then leave you self entitled pricks
Quoted By:
>>20839676 >self entitled pricks It's not self entitled when the nicknames exist as a form of control and attention whoring over the populace.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839628 no one is forcing you to be here; why dont you attend to glageon's? i think her giveaways aren't nicknamed
also, do you really pay? that kinda sad >>20839668 you just got Bob'd
But they seem to have so much more character. I can't wait to add this guy to a team with my Duster.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839694 Havn't dont a thing yet, somebody is doing my work for me.
>>20839705 Bob what do you think about the French
IGN: Oscar
Quoted By:
Got mine, thanks again!
>>20839703 >character I bet you like to draw dicks on art, too.
>shiny shuppet giveaway, boy howdy! >"i'll be here for little more than an hour so be fast" >post was two hours ago
Quoted By:
>>20839721 pretty much lol
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839712 You hear about the WW II French rifle? Never fired, only dropped once.
Yoruyoru (IGN: Yoru) !!KACLeiYrCbX
Quoted By:
I got him, thanks a lot, Wipi!
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Quoted By:
>>20839705 Their name is Mike, I believe.
Keep making giveaways interesting, Bob. Always glad to see you show up. Sniping is annoying but it's always fun to see you. Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839726 put your abra up, im almost finished with the GTS requests
Quoted By:
>>20839751 I will
if I can find one. Three scraggy hordes in a row Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20839739 the plot thickens
Quoted By:
is it too late to still put an abra up
>>20839694 Well slather my ducklett and call me farfetch'd.
My Abra just hatched so I'm going to send another one up.
Hopefully my babby abra will go to its new home.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839739 do you like competitive Bob? prefer karenfag teams? whats your favorite poke?
legit curious, we should battle sometime Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20839694 >no one is forcing you to be here; why dont you attend to glageon's? i think her giveaways aren't nicknamed also, do you really pay? that kinda sad Becuase I really like Shuppet and it bothers me you'd rather adamantly stick to a silly concept that deliver a superior product.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
Oh sweet, love its nickname!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839776 Oh heavens no, I havn't wifi battled in close to 8 years. Too busy breeding and supplying mons to others.
I like to watch, you see.
>nicknamed Didn't notice that, Op. You want it back?
Okay, I'm putting an abra up in just a bit. IGN is Reid.
Quoted By:
>>20839791 tell us more about yourself, dear
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>20838343 i guess you're probably gone, but i just got home from work, my abra is up anyhow
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
Quoted By:
>>20839812 keep it, maybe you can use it as trade bait
>>20839814 >connection errors Work you son of a bitch, work!
>>20839791 Those Porygon2 you sniped me with several times have gotten me some good deals recently.
Filip 3179-6052-0215
Quoted By:
abra up, hope it's not too late
IGN: Reid
Quoted By:
>>20839843 there we go, it's up.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839847 I'm still technically giving stuff away. And you get your mons eventually.
George 5300 8628 9880
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra up, hope im not too late. Thanks so much for doing this op!
Quoted By:
Thanks for Geno, Wipi!
>>20839812 I know, and I have to actually get a cyber gadget dude to remove it. Like, 10-20% unnamed would be ideal. Everybody wins.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839882 i dont know, sounds kinda logical, i think i'll try it in a future giveaway
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839906 But really, I don't think I have a single ev'd mon on my cart to battle with. Just do it to trade them off and or get friends battle ready.
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra going up, hope I'm not too late thanks
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839914 if you ever get a team i'd be more than happy to battle you
im still waiting on which your favorite poke is Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20839956 The Slowpoke family. In fact, I've been breeding some perfect with 0 speed/hidden ability/dream ball ones.
If you can shinyfy, I'll front you one to give out sometime.
>>20839973 What are your thoughts on Mega Slowbro?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20839989 I like it well enough, but shell armor just isn't as good as regenerator. Will have to be used wisely. Would prefer a Mega Slowking.
Quoted By:
>>20838343 got sniped with a derp shuppet,putting up another abra
>>20839845 I've been hoodwinked again.
This is not fun.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20839973 sure, that'd be cool
Quoted By:
Thank you for Geno Wipi
IGN Fernando
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20840039 Been debating 0 attack ivs, but a japanese buddy of tends to run a physical slowbro with an odd amount of success.
IGN: Reid
I wonder if I should consider re-uploading my abra. I'll keep at it for a while longer.
IGN: Paroro 4785-5169-0781
Quoted By:
Agh got sniped, abra going up again, hopefully
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20840063 damn japs are always revamping stuff wich is nice sometimes; 0 att to minimize foul play and confusion damage?, do you play yugioh by any chance?
>>20840078 im 2 away from you
IGN: Reid
>>20840117 Okay, thanks Wipi.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20840117 >do you play yugioh by any chance? Off and on online with a friend. It's not anything I do regularly or anything.
IGN: Reid
Quoted By:
>>20840126 ... Or not! Someone sniped me! Son of a...
Quoted By:
worth a try i guess ign: Nile abra is up
IGN Raelin
Quoted By:
>>20840029 After the third try, I got one!
Woohoo! Thanks for Geno, Wipi.
IGN: Paroro 4785-5169-0781
Aaand got it now, thanks once again Wipi!
IGN: Reid
Quoted By:
nother abra going up.
Dan [0662-4058-4151]
>>20840237 >get back from school >see this good thing I got one last night. Thanks wipi. IGN Raelin
Quoted By:
>>20840211 Sniped, Abra up again
Dan [0662-4058-4151]
Quoted By:
>>20840272 Shit. Didnt mean to quote.
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20838343 Abra going up if you're still going Wipi
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
aaaand thats it, thanks to those who participated and see you next time /vp/
>>20840131 take care Bob
IGN: Reid
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, Wipi. I safely received Geno.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>20840117 hey man, i just came back and found my abra was sniped, hopefully you're still around. ive got another up
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>20840337 fuck are you kidding me?
IGN Fernando
Quoted By:
>>20840337 >got banned from all boards because notation for a fighting game was perceived as a banned URL >forget to check this board before bed >miss shiny shuppet you HAVE to do duskull next Wipi!
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>20840384 my IGN isnt wipi, you got sniped
Quoted By:
>>20840384 pfftthahahahhaa
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>20840337 >>20840359 oh gorsh man! thank you! made my day a whole lot better!
Quoted By:
>>20840384 Derrrpppp this nigga new as fuck
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20840423 >>20840427 I'm actually out. Didn't make too many and came late.
Quoted By:
>>20838343 >>20840423 Hey I got sniped any chance I can put this shuppet up and get a good one?
Quoted By:
hey any chance I can get One of dem shuppets?
Lux 3239-3557-2190
Quoted By:
abra up, hope i am not too late
I guess I am too late. Am I?
Quoted By:
>>20847176 >09/04/14(Thu)17:38:33 >09/05/14(Fri)11:59:00 Do the math.