Hey /vp/, sorry I haven't been able to do larger giveaways like this very often, but hopefully I'll be able to do some more this weekend. Anyways, Lapras is 5iv, shiny, kb, and in a dive ball with the egg moves Dragon dance, Freeze-dry, Dragon pulse, and Avalanche! I can confirm that this Lapras wasn't modified/powersaved in anyway since I bred it myself, if anyone cares. I have 3 boxes of these things, so first come first served! I'll mainly be going in gts order Rules:>Put up a Luvdisc >Change your message to "/vp/ Lapras" >Change the pokemon you're looking for to a level 1-10 male Lapras >Give me your ign so I know that I'm giving these away to people on /vp/ and not random outsiders >Enjoy
Quoted By:
>>20851221 fuck you nigger with your cancerous giveaways
Quoted By:
Cancerous comments are cancerous.
Quoted By:
>>20851221 ign cuallo thanks bassed glaceon!!!
Ign Colton
IGN: Pablo
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>20851221 disc up! thanks!
>>20851221 Disc up. Shitposting General is getting a bit worse isn't it.
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Joshua and thanks man.
ign nigger
Quoted By:
>>20851264 but anon, this IS shitposting general
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:47:16 No. 20851278 Report >>20851221 Well, I'm in for it. Disc is going up.
I really like your giveaways, Glaceon. Why are all mad over you? What happened?
Quoted By:
Disc up. Ignore the shitposters, Glace is Based.
IGN: ur mum
Quoted By:
disc up tnx op
Quoted By:
Luvdisc going up in a minute.
>>20851221 MODS, i love all of 4chan from the staff to the actual community. This place however is no type of environment for children, hence why you must be 18+ to post here.
This is a screenshot of the smogon account of a user here that goes by the name "Glaceon". That account was made in april (5 months ago) and has the same friend code that Glaceon posts with. In that pic you see that their age is only 16.
No one will disagree Glaceon is a great member, but they are not of age to be on 4chan. I hope you all take action to protect todays youth and the 4chan community.
Quoted By:
>>20851278 Someone Googled her FC and found her Smogon account where it was revealed that she is underage.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:48:23 No. 20851301 Report >>20851221 >>20851278 Another question here. Is it nameable?
Quoted By:
>>20851268 Micheal Brown yous alive damn son
Quoted By:
le disc up maymay xd
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>>20851278 nobody is mad at "her". It was just the whole being underage.
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Discing up! IGN Above. Thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20851221 disc up, thanks in advice
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up, Thanks Glaceon
>>20851297 lol underage b&
reported this shit
thanks based anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up, IGN: Max
>>20851297 BTFO
git fucked kid
Quoted By:
>>20851221 disc is up thanks glaceon!
ign: Javier
>>20851297 Here's a screenshot of the friend code with the same trip
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:50:45 No. 20851342 Report Quoted By:
>>20851221 disc up! thanks Glaceon
>>20851297 >>20851336 TOP REKT
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up, thanks
You people act like this is the first time someone under 18 has posted here or anywhere else where you have to be 18 and older to post.
lolwutyyy 2148-8142-3095
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Quoted By:
Reminder that the janiotrs report violations (i.e. and underage user to mods. This can take upto a day for a mod to see and in the mean time the person who is flagged for a ban will be able to continue posting. I know from experience, have fun with your last giveaway
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo) Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:53:38 No. 20851380 Report Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up, ign Tiamath
Anthony (U.S.)
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc is up, thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc is up, thanks Glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20851359 Nope i avoided this site until i turned 18, then i caught them all and hopped on /vp/
Quoted By:
>>20851359 Rules are rules, no exceptions
ur an faget
Quoted By:
disk up tnx OP
Yo, nigga, y u be dem 11 year old horny year old?
if you don't mind me asking, why is it Jolly and not timid. I've never heard of a Physical Lapras.
Quoted By:
disc up ign:Huntet thanks
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
>>20851407 Two words: Dragon Dance.
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu) Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:55:55 No. 20851419 Report Quoted By:
Disc up! IGN Tennikah Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc is up! IGN: Ramona
Thank you so much.
What's it matter if Glaceon's under 18, yeah it's technically against the rules but she seems a lot better than most people on here. How can we turn on Glaceon after all she's done for us?
Quoted By:
>>20851301 >nobody is mad at her >/vp/ full of shitty literally 12 yo underages wreaking havoc >nobody says shit, nobody complains >somebody starts to get some attention >people start searching for reasons to ban her Osvaldo
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>>20851221 Disc is up, gracias Glaceon
IGN: Osvaldo
Eric 5043-2680-0876
Quoted By:
Loving disc is up, Glaceon a good person
YuNg NiGgA
Quoted By:
>>20851405 yo dawg u down fo 2nigt?
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
>>20851416 people use Dragon Dance Lapras? any sets?
>>20851421 We are not turning on Glaceon, she is welcomed back the day she turns 18. It's just that this site contains adult content and only ADULTS are allowed to be here. If the staff did not follow these rules there could be legal consequences that i'm sure they would rather avoid.
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
Quoted By:
>>20851439 Oh, the puns...
Quoted By:
>>20851421 It's a fact that /vp/ is full of underage. But the retards that don't know how to hide it, they deserve to be banned. It's natural selection.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
Luvdisc going up :)
pyk ign
IGN: Krist
Quoted By:
Putting up a Disc
IGN:White FC:3368-2035-4526(Togepi, Mawile, Floette
IGN:White FC:3368-2035-4526(Togepi, Mawile, Floette Fri 05 Sep 2014 23:59:40 No. 20851488 Report Quoted By:
Noire !WaOzk0yfwc
>>Site contains adult content and only adults are allowed here >implying kids haven't seen porn
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>>20851436 Disc is up, sorry for being a dick
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>20851221 putting a disc up in the middle of this shitstorm
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up hope I am not too late
Thanks anyway
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
Quoted By:
>>20851455 My personal favourite set is DDance, Waterfall, Return, and Ice Shard. There isn't really much variety available, but it catches so many people off guard variety isn't that necessary.
Quoted By:
>>20851493 I'm not sure about you but i wouldnt show porn to a kid even if they told me they've seen it a million times before
>>20851221 Disc up! Thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
I might disc up for your last giveaway
Quoted By:
Why wouldn't you show a kid porn?
Quoted By:
>>20851481 Jesus Christ did you just sperg at your keyboard
>>20851527 missed the ign sorry
>>20851221 Glaceon, I've got one from you yesterday, but I couldn't bring myself to ask you to change the name, since you had a lot of requests
and I noticed you had acquaitances turned off . Would be so kind to rename it for me today after the giveaway is over, please?
Doge: 4356 0644 3028
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Neptune !JkyzHGZAbQ
>>20851492 Oh haaai Noire~
Quoted By:
Disc up for Petra :) Thank you
>>20851594 Thank you so much, I'll wait around. Let me know when you're free, please.
why is this outside the general? as if there wasn't already enough shitposting here
IGN - Julio
Quoted By:
Please and thank you, OP
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Discing, ign: Kei , thanks for doing this Glaceon
Filip 3179-6052-0215
disc up, hope i'm not too late. thanks so much for doing this!
>>20851456 To be honest, I've always found that sorta sill and contradictory.
It's against the rules as well to post porn and stuff like that here
I know there are boards that allow it, but it doesn't make much sense to have an 18+ on all boards
>>20851615 Because the general fucking sucks.
Quoted By:
>>20851597 Lel is the whole giveaway thing turning into a circle jerk now? That's pretty fuckin sad
>>20851641 and these threads don't?
Filip 3179-6052-0215
Quoted By:
>>20851635 couldn't ask for a specific gender since i had to type in the pokemon name myself, i'm asking for a 1-10 lapras tho and my message is /vp/ Lapras
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>>20851639 One site, take it up to the mods if you don't like the global rules. Underage B&, end of story.
Quoted By:
>>20851651 No, because someone is actually being generous and giving away a mon. Unlike a certain general
Why do you people even give a shit about who is underage? Just get the free Pokemon and bounce. Lmao. Why waste time with underaged people who give out free shiny Pokemon?
>>20851221 Hi guys...
Lapras huh? This should be interesting ;)
Bell 1220 7262 3630 [Phantump, Shuppet, Dusclops]
Bell 1220 7262 3630 [Phantump, Shuppet, Dusclops] Sat 06 Sep 2014 00:11:16 No. 20851690 Report >>20851221 Disc up, thanks based Glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20851683 >no tripcode nice try you fucking moron
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
>>20851690 Bell, can I add you for your safari please?
Hey Glaceon, I'm at work and won't be home until 11 est. Reserve meybe?
Bell 1220 7262 3630 [Phantump, Shuppet, Dusclops]
Bell 1220 7262 3630 [Phantump, Shuppet, Dusclops] Sat 06 Sep 2014 00:14:21 No. 20851743 Report >>20851719 Feel free to do so
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc is up, thanks!
Quoted By:
fucking retards want a person who gives out free pokemon banned lmao stupid faggots
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
Quoted By:
>>20851743 Please add me too :)
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Quoted By:
>>20851740 Sorry, probably not since I don't really like reserving pokemon for people, seems a bit unfair
Raptor FC: 3024-6182-7618
IGN: Pablo
Quoted By:
Lapras received! Thank you Glaceon!I love your giveaways :)
Quoted By:
>>20851221 IGN: YurioTy
tnx based op
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
disc is up ign:sera
Quoted By:
Are you still giving it out?
>>20851673 That is not the issue here, this site is not for children. As a father of two i would be outraged if i caught my kids on here. I would also not like it if everyone knew they were underage and the staff did nothing about it.
IGN: Oscar
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Put one up, thanks!
>>20851822 This. What the fuck kind of parent would like to know their son/daughter is on a site full of pedophilia, gore, and my little pony
IGN Derek
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up. Thanks
>>20851882 None of the things you mentioned are on /vp/
Quoted By:
>>20851882 But /vp/ has none of that
Filip 3179-6052-0215
Quoted By:
nvm, put the disc up again this time asking for a MALE lapras, thanks again!
Quoted By:
>>20851930 /vp/ is part of a site that provides all of the above and more, and those places are as easy as clicking a link. /vp/ is not its own site separate from the rest of 4chan.
Quoted By:
>>20851930 /vp/ is only a small part of 4chan, thats like saying children can browse porn sites as long as they stick to clothed fart fetishes only.
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Lampent, Pumpkaboo) Sat 06 Sep 2014 00:30:29 No. 20851980 Report Quoted By:
Got my Lapras, thank you Glaceon!
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sat 06 Sep 2014 00:32:13 No. 20852002 Report Quoted By:
>>20851221 Got mine. Thanks, Glaceon, that was really nice of you.
Quoted By:
>>20851221 >Give me your ign so I know that I'm giving these away to people on /vp/ and not random outsiders How the might have fallen
Quoted By:
Disc going up!! Thanks glaceon in advance!!
Riley | 3196-5228-5382
Quoted By:
Thanks Glaceon! Got mine. :)
Glaceon, Lapras still up for the take?
Quoted By:
Luvdisc up Thanks Glaceon.
IGN: Einar
Quoted By:
Disc up, please OP!
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20852047 well, considering that this thread has more than 120 replies with only 90 lapras, probably not
>>20852071 Lots of it are shitposting, though.
Quoted By:
>>20852087 can't deny that
>>20851221 disc will be up in a second if you still got one
>>20852087 I would not call being concerned about the actions of the staff regarding an underage user "shitposting"
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc is up, thanks Glaceon!
Quoted By:
>>20852123 Have this yugioh frog, anon.
Hope you get well soon.
ITT: Glaceon is outed as being 16, white knight pedophiles rush to her defense.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
I'm gonna miss these giveaways, hopefully Bob can keep the free pokemon coming.
Quoted By:
>>20852157 You barely found out this out? How retarded are you?
>>20852158 >Impliying the mods give a fuck >Impliying Glaceon will stop because a bunch of anons are butthurt Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20852158 So what did I miss here?
Quoted By:
>>20852196 Shitposting. Tons of it. Don't even bother.
Quoted By:
>>20852196 If you read the thread you might find out
Quoted By:
>>20852071 I assumed at least 40% of this thread was shitposting though.
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
Quoted By:
>>20851499 Got mine! thanks!
>>20852196 Turns out glaceon is 16 bob, too bad i really liked he. Rules are Rules tho.
>>20851609 >>20851594 Hey Glaceon, just to let you know that I didn't leave. Still here, thanks!
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>20851221 DISC up, op is love
5300-9960-3583 Robb.
Quoted By:
>>20851221 IGN Rupert, Would love a pokemon. just put a lovedisc on GTS
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20852232 I have a little less than 2 boxes left at the moment, so it shouldnt take too long
Quoted By:
Ign Bill thanks in advance
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Is this giveaway still happening? Got my disc up.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20852189 >being in this much denial It's right there anon, she's underage and isn't allowed on here. Just let it go, I like my giveaways, but if the mods see this it's ogre.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
patiently waiting for lapras :)
>>20852252 The ban process can take a day, the janitors flag it and the actual mod bans the user. The flagged person can keep posting in the meantime. I know from experience.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
Quoted By:
>>20852159 >>20852244 got sniped by someone else first. ill throw up another disc... unless OP is kill...
Quoted By:
ign is beaniegirl i hope that i am not to late for this
IGN : Kalem
Quoted By:
Disc is up ! Thanks Glaceon !
IGN : Kalem
>>20851221 Disc is up ! Thanks Glaceon !
Glaceon is just the quintessential teenage girl, looking for attention in all the wrong places. If only she had the mind to not put her age or lie about it she could continue her fairy tale /vp/ life. But now her thread of fate has been measured and cut, and so falls the titaness of giveaways. An ode to you glaceon: Ohhhhh glaceon! You were so fine Ohhhhh glaceon! Won't you be mine? You came on /vp/ to give to we But I know that it was just for me But alas we're not meant to be Oh glaceon You are my favorite eevee evolution Your pussy got dirty so you went a douchin' Your my final solution OH GLACEON (chorus) Poor glaceon, sweet glaceon why must thy leave? The empty presence moves my heart to grieve My loins yearn for your touch I want to fuck you with a crutch Oh Glaceon! The cold air you emanate mirrors my heart The beauty you bear is off the charts You freeze my love eternally Forever us the lovers plead For cruel fate to take you away from me But I know we will meet again In 2 years, but will my heart mend? My heart feels like its trapped in a lions den I want you to eat my semen OH GLACEON
>>20852244 why aren't you banned yet
Quoted By:
>>20851221 I Enjoyed your last giveaway!
Quoted By:
>>20852311 /vp/ shall sing this forever
Quoted By:
>>20852311 Beautiful, I demand an encore!
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20852311 Gotta give points for creativity
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20852311 And I thought I was dedicated. I like you.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
>>20852367 my disc is still up
im not sure if you want me to re deposit or just patiently wait :)
>I loved Glaceom so much, I had all her given away pokemon >I prey to Glaceon every night before bed, thanking her for the life i've been given >"Glaceon is love" I say "Glaceon is life" >My dad hears me and he calls me a faggot >I knew he was just jealous of my shinies from Serena >I called him a cunt >He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep >I'm crying now and my face hurts >I lay in bed and its really cold >A warmth is moving towards me >I feel something touch me >Its Glaceon >I am so happy >she whispers into my ear "i'm sending out the first batch" >she grabs me with her powerful feminine hands and puts me on my hands and knees >I'm ready >I spread my ass cheeks for Glaceon >she penetrates my butthole >it hurts so much but I do it for Glaceon >I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water >I push against her force >I want to please Glaceon >She roars a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her luvdiscs >My dad walks in >Glaceon looks him straight in the eye and says "pls go" >Glaceon leaves through my window >Glaceon is love, Glaceon is life
Quoted By:
>>20852311 The song was okay until that last part anon. Having a 16 year old eat your semen is illegal and immoral
Quoted By:
>>20852367 Take off points for poor grammar.
Quoted By:
ok so has Glaceon even commented on what has been discovered?
Quoted By:
>>20852394 my favorite part is the "sending out the first batch" for some reason
Quoted By:
luvdic in trade, ign Jamie
>I loved Glaceon so much, I had all her given away pokemon >I prey to Glaceon every night before bed, thanking her for the life i've been given >"Glaceon is love" I say "Glaceon is life" >My dad hears me and he calls me a faggot >I knew he was just jealous of my shinies from Glaceon >I called him a cunt >He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep >I'm crying now and my face hurts >I lay in bed and its really cold >A warmth is moving towards me >I feel something touch me >Its Glaceon >I am so happy >she whispers into my ear "i'm sending out the first batch" >she grabs me with her powerful feminine hands and puts me on my hands and knees >I'm ready >I spread my ass cheeks for Glaceon >she penetrates my butthole >it hurts so much but I do it for Glaceon >I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water >I push against her force >I want to please Glaceon >She roars a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her luvdiscs >My dad walks in >Glaceon looks him straight in the eye and says "pls go" >Glaceon leaves through my window >Glaceon is love, Glaceon is life
Quoted By:
Eat up this last show of attention glaceon. Maybe reddit can provide help you when you're gone
>>20852469 Way to copy the first guy. Not even original or funny. Fook off
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
got sniped luvdisc up again ign:Sera
Quoted By:
>>20852485 i fixed some errors from the original just like glaceoM
>>20852469 You re-did it and still have mistakes...
Kill yourself. IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
Quoted By:
>>20852469 >I'm sending out my first batch Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20852311 Sameone screenshoot. I'm on gay ass nigga mobile
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
got my lapras :) thanks Glaceon
Quoted By:
>>20852506 This is not me I am not a figgit who copies shrek pasta, I only post OC.
Noire !WaOzk0yfwc
>>20852555 >a blacklisted jew using a tripcode Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20852548 I can only assume an underage user gets banned until they turn 18, im not completely sure. Whatever happens however if glaceon is found to come back during her ban period she will get a lifetime ban for ban evasion.
Quoted By:
Am I too late for this?
IGN Jean Grey
Quoted By:
Disc up, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>20852525 >MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS. Lel, moods.
Quoted By:
I have no idea if I'm too late, nor what's happening in this thread, but I put a disc up.
Noire !WaOzk0yfwc
>>20852567 actually that's not even my friend code that is listed on the black listed better be safe than getting blacklist for no reason
What if Glac is actually just a really hulky guy that pretends to be a little girl on other sites? I'm sure they're not the only one who has done that. And for that matter one screenshot of a website isn't all that much evidence that they're underaged.
Quoted By:
>>20851221 Disc up, if you have any left!
>>20852644 You get banned for pretending to be bui, you get banned for pretending to be underaged. Learn the rules
IGN: Martha
Quoted By:
I hope I'm not late, I put up a disc. Thanks OP!
>>20852644 Except that it has the same friend code that glaceon uses everywhere so....
Quoted By:
If you are out of shinies, i'd love a normal one. Where the hell do i get a luvdisc anyhow
>>20852657 They won't pretending to be anything on this site. They were just being Glaceon here.
>>20852669 I'm not denying it's the same person, all I'm saying is that they might have just stated they they were underaged on another site (like quite a few asians do for some reason.)
>>20852669 And how does a list of numbers prove he isn't a man, or underage?
>>20852689 People have been banned for alot less than that. Are you one of her white knights?
I thought 4chan LIKED underage girls
>>20852703 I'm not on anyones side, actually. If he/she is underaged they do not belong here.
However if they're not underaged it would be wrongly banning someone because a bunch of anons are upset for some idiotic reason.
>>20852721 you wrong just /b/ is filled of pedophiles
>>20852699 Why would someone lie about their age on fucking Smogon of all places?
Quoted By:
>>20852737 >Why would someone lie about their age on fucking Smogon of all places? Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
Quoted By:
>>20852730 The "i was only pretending to be underage/goodrafag/bui" defense doesnt work when you appeal your ban.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20852232 Got a lapras to everyone on gts, need your fc if you're still here
Quoted By:
>>20852812 Reveived mine, Thanks as always Glaceon.
Serena (1865-0701-2136)
Quoted By:
>>20852812 It's on the ign field, thank you.
IGN : Kalem
Quoted By:
>>20852812 >>20852302 Sorry to disturb but someone send a normal Laparas, I put another Luvdisc please Glaceon
>>20852640 you motherfucker will not void the blacklist, i got you in PSS and have your FC in my 3ds, give me 1 day i will find you
Quoted By:
>>20852735 Talk for yourself...
Quoted By:
>>20852866 Kindly fuck off.
Quoted By:
>>20852866 And then what faggot?
Quoted By:
IGN: Sebastian
IGN : Kalem
Thank you ! I go to sleep now !
Quoted By:
>>20852915 Be sure to say goodbye to your queen you wont be seeing her for a very long time.
Quoted By:
>>20852812 Thank you so much, Glaceon, you're so kind!
IGN Gepfel
Hey Glaceon wanna battle me?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20852812 I didn't even snipe this. I was too busy enjoying the commentary of the thread.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20852949 Sorry, all of my teams aren't that great now that mawiles banned :[
Quoted By:
>>20852812 I don't know my own FC by heart.
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>20852959 to bad maby another time
Quoted By:
>>20852959 you're dead to us, girl
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Quoted By:
IGN: spentonamort
Luca [3153-4607-4211] {2125}
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20852959 I'm not sure what Mawile being banned has to do with your game cart. Juuuuust saying.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853020 But Im a smogonfag bob
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20853020 It's not a simulator. You'll be fine.
IGN Gepfel
>>20853020 It 2hko everything
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853059 Banned or not, it will still forever be my favorite mega
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20853059 And thats a problem, why? The cart itself doesnt ban it. Thats the point.
The cart doesn't have any tier rulings, really. You can do whatever you want.
>>20853018 why don't you tell us the truth, kiddo
you just gonna pretend that nothing's going on???
>>20853082 He's right use this
Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Sucker Punch
- Crunch
- Power-Up Punch
Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
Talonflame @ Choice Band
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Will-O-Wisp
- U-turn
Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpA
Bold Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
Blaziken @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 76 Atk / 192 SpA / 240 Spe
Rash Nature
- Fire Blast
- High Jump Kick
- Hidden Power
- Protect
Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- King's Shield
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20853110 Nothing is going on, just a bunch of useless people caring about other lives
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>>20853110 She thinks by ignoring it the problem will go away, what do you expect from a 16 year old.
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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I love you. Disc is up.
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>>20853132 Nice of you to post with your FC grand master jew
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20853119 If thats what ya wanna use, go for it. More power to ya.
I respect Smogon as one of the metas, but it has little control over the physical cart. No reason to omit one of your favorite mons.
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>>20851221 ign: Alice luvdic is in
Brad 1375-7210-8632
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>>20853080 I hope I'm not too late..
Luca [3153-4607-4211] {2125}
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>>20853034 got it, thanks Glaceon~!
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>>20853146 Never thought if it like, haha.
Quoted By:
Disc is up in case any are left, since people are still discing up.
>>20853146 The fact of the matter is that smogon will crush anything that comes up against it. Doesn't matter how many ubers you use, how many times you use swagger, if you don't use smogon odds are you wont win.
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>>20853212 Which is why they have bans, right?
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
er, for anyone who's still here, anything specific you want to be given away? I want to do more of them but honestly don't know what to clone
The poster Glaceon is 16 years of age and is not allowed to post here; look thru the thread for everything you need
Quoted By:
>>20853307 You call that porn?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20853293 But really, I encourage you to play the game with your Mawile.
Save the super serious stuff for showdown.
Also if you want to clone, I have a Shiny 31/x/31/31/31/0 regenerator slowbro in a dream ball.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20853293 Talonflame was not given yet, and is pretty popular, Staraptor is a very good Pokémon to a giveaway too
>>20853293 Maybe something for the Fairy Face-Off that hasn't been done, like Azumarill?
>>20853334 Staraptor was a few days ago.
>>20853293 i will miss you Glaceon
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
Quoted By:
>>20853334 Magikarp was not given yet
>>20853339 And that's is a good sugestion
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853333 It's fine, already have a slowbro and don't really want to accept anything
>>20853334 >>20853349 I like the idea of staraptor, if it was already given away I'll do something else though
>>20853339 Already gave away marill awhile ago
was thinking of giving away a dream ball all egg move vulpix (shiny kb etc), not sure if people would want that though
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20853349 I know, but not a big giveaway, i not sayed it's not given yet
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20853334 >>20853339 Thanks for some more things to add to my list for giveaways
>>20853293 Picture related
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20853374 Slowpoke*, my bad. Just popped out the egg today.
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
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>>20853374 You have given Staraptor yesterday, not a big tough
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Sat 06 Sep 2014 02:17:15 No. 20853400 Report Quoted By:
>>20853374 It is a good idea, I want a vulpix from a long time ago.
If you're up to ideas, Politoed is great, too.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853355 >>20853380 I like me too anon
>>20853386 maybe, still dont like accepting things though
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Thank you OP! Love the lapras!!
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20853418 I'll carry on you name Glaceon
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>>20851221 Ign Aaron thanks op
Alan 1134-7468-3603 !UhjzbbC/QU
>>20853418 No one is going to be banned, mods don't give a fuck about clueless trolls
If people really cared about Glaceons well-being they'd let her stay in a place she obviously loves how dare you try to ban her from something meaningful to her ? Whoever took the time out of their miserable lives to dig up dirt on her is obviously jealous that we all love her.
>>20853518 >>20853480 They are a hero looking out for the little kids. Glaceon is 16, you must be 18 to post here
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>>20853554 post more anon please
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>>20853554 Shut up you're probably some 12 year old that isn't following rules either, if you cared about her well being too you wouldn't be posting those pictures on a 16 year olds thread
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Dang I'm late but just in case my IGN: Johnny
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>>20853554 reverse google searched that, scored a big win
Glaceon, you should change your account's age to 18, claim the screenshot is faked, and pray the mods are kind enough to buy it, just trying something, because I don't want you to go. Are you going to do giveaways elsewhere, or is /vp/ your only love?
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius)
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 06 Sep 2014 02:39:19 No. 20853684 Report Quoted By:
>>20851221 Radrien thx glaceon
>>20853650 That would be the best shop ever. When i saw the first screenshot i made sure to grab multiple timestapped ones myself.
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>>20853688 I guess someone just really hates Glaceon enough to do taht.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853650 Ive only done them on /vp/, and I forgot my password for that account to be honest, that was an old one that I never used
>>20853762 Thats funny. That SAME user is doing a cloning giveaway in showdown's trade room right. This exact Lapras, nicknamable.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20853852 Well yeah, that was me, Auzbat won
Ben 2852-8553-8756 !!AVfkbH7JdE4
>>20853762 Do you have anymore Lapras Glaceon-kun~?
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Quoted By:
>>20853887 I have a few more, disc up
>>20853762 so you admit it's your account?
cough it up
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853905 I have a different account now, but sure
>>20853917 so you are underage
Ben 2852-8553-8756 !!AVfkbH7JdE4
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>>20853917 Disc is up!
Thanks Glaceon!
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853919 I'm guessing you're hoping to screencap this
IGN Gepfel
>>20853355 I don't get it u leave?
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>>20853929 avoiding the question, eh?
Whatever, the truth is obvious.
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius)
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 06 Sep 2014 02:57:47 No. 20853948 Report Quoted By:
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20853932 I'm not leaving, some people think I am though
Ben 2852-8553-8756 !!AVfkbH7JdE4
Ign: Rodrigo
Just wondering but what do you guys do with the pokemon you get from giveaways? I'm too autistic to actually use mons I didnt breed myself or from someone I personally know.
>>20853956 no, you're gonna get banned though
just admit it
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
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>>20852247 Got it! Thanks!
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius)
Raidrien 3711-7317-2637 (Pidgey, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 06 Sep 2014 03:12:54 No. 20854131 Report Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
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>>20854093 Mods, i think this is a clear case of ban evason right here. Do not let her question your intelligence.
>>20854093 Just read up, people really tryna get you banned? Sheeeeit, that's some bullshit.
>>20854154 Wanna join me? Come and play...
But I might shoot you, in your face!
Bombs and bullets , will do the trick
What do we need here, is a little bit of panic oh ah!
>>20854204 At first I had no idea how you knew I was playing League right now, then I realised my name was Jinx. And it isn't even because of League. I am not a clever man.
>>20854220 Do you play jinx, i think she's a great chartacter but she kinda lacks escapes. her w can only do so much
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>>20854319 I did when she first came out, but I like other ADCs a lot better, such as Quinn and Lulu
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>20851221 disc up! thank you for the lapras and ty for the hard work you spend on hosting giveaways!
IGN : Lux