Ok guys, last week you chose Diancie for this giveaway.
I have 30 of pic related.
>Add me >Quote OP >Post IGN and FC >Wait (Do NOT send me trade requests please. Your turn will com eventually) >??? >Profit I'll proceed by groups of 5
You can trade me what you want, but if someone has a spare Victini that would be really cool.
Do not forget to vote for the next giveawy here:
Picks of pokes to confirm non ruse?
>>20871976 Shiny or Regular? I guess your last thread got deleted because they were shiny in the pic.
Dot/Loid 4871-5372-6971
I don't have anything great, but I could give you something holding an Ability Capsule. Would that be ok?
Derek 0688-5266-4452
>>20871976 well sign me up for one
Jeff 0301-9844-5070
>>20871976 sure why the hell not
>>20871976 Have you on Acquaintances already I think
in game name: lux code: 3239-3557-2190 thanks so much op!
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
>>20871976 adding you now OP
Aedemiel FC= 3239-4647-1219
Madvillain 1332-8741-6606
>>20871976 Andi (4699 6703 4037)
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Quoted By:
>>20871991 Pics of your mom to confirm non ruse?
>>20871998 Regular. Event Diancie from the JPN movie
>>20871999 Everything is fine
Madvillain 1332-8741-6606
Quoted By:
>>20871976 Forgot to quote, added.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20871999 >>20872002 >>20872005 >>20872012 >>20872013 adding these
>>20872007 Probably i deleted you from firnd list. Pls repost FC
Stone 4781-4983-9861
Koi - 1993 7810 4833
Quoted By:
>>20872032 >>20872007 3394/3800/2515
hey dude im really keen for diancie my ign is K1Ng P1N ill put my fc in one sec i think i might have a second victini
IGN John 0104-0390-6322
Quoted By:
hey my ign is K1Ng P1N and my friend code is 0559 8068 4782 i might have a spare victini for trade, pls add me
Dot/Loid 4871-5372-6971
Derek 0688-5266-4452
Quoted By:
>>20872032 thanks man, appreciate it
btw i dont know if capitals matter but my ign is with a lowercase k
Roman 3737-9986-7019
>>20871976 ty OP b0ss added u yeh 420 praise it.
Quoted By:
>>20872032 I appreciate it bro. Sorry I don't have any Victini's to give you. I just grabbed whatever to make it quick as I know these kinds of giveaways take forever.
hey man i dont know if you got my message cause i did my ign with a uppercase but to be clear my ign is k1Ng P1N and my friend code is 0559 8068 4782 i might have a victini ill need to check pls add me though
Quoted By:
Dat rayquaza doe
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20871976 Yube
0344 9368 4516
Thedrumal 2036-8677-5537 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Thedrumal 2036-8677-5537 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 07 Sep 2014 11:56:03 No. 20872136 Report IGN Jacob 0619-5576-5417
>>20871976 Thank you so much!
my ign is k1Ng P1N and my friend code is 0559 8068 4782
i might have a victini ill need to check pls add me though i forgot to quote damn it
>>20871976 (OP) UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
Quoted By:
>>20872134 wow, thank you so much OP. also, what is your safari?
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20872034 It tells me that the FC is wrong
im kinda new to this kind of event but if any of you want to trade shiny pokes im happy to and to mr OP ill of course trade a shiny for vic if u like
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>>20872167 Please go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of
Quoted By:
>>20872167 You are so fucking pathetic, holy shit.
Blues 2895-8874-0321
If you still have any, I'd gladly accept it. IGN Bluesummers
Quoted By:
Thanks OP. Enjoy your perfect Crawdaunt.
Blues 2895-8874-0321
Quoted By:
>>20872203 >>20871976 Fuck forgot to quote
Madvillain 1332-8741-6606
Stone 4871-4983-9861
Quoted By:
>>20872162 just a sec, I nixed up the seven and eight.Sorry!
Quoted By:
>>20872134 Thank you OP. I hope you have a use for Litwick.
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20871976 Added
IGN: Sam, FC:2363 5618 6771
Quoted By:
now that I have a Diancie, it seems really versatile. assault vesting it might be the best idea to be honest.
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20872058 Holy fuck! thanks for that deoxys!
thanks OP, sorry i didnt have the second vic and i think u guys got annoyed at me for posting a few times because i messed up but i hope u liked the shiny i gave you man
Roman 3737-9986-7019
Quoted By:
>>20872338 Sorry for shitty nich oshawott lol.
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Quoted By:
>>20872348 yeah thank you next time limit yourself to one post and be patient.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
is there any left? i have a shiny 6 iv landorus or shiny heatran my ign and fc are in my name
Quoted By:
>>20872338 you should clone that deoxys mate... m...maybe?
ok man ill remember that thanks again
IGN John 0104-0390-6322
Quoted By:
>>20872338 >gives me a Diancie and thanks me no, thank you! I appreciate it.
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20872373 I'll make it an option on nxt week poll. Meanwhile you can vote here
http://strawpoll.me/2512955/r Anonymous
>>20872391 Same time next week?
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
>>20872381 added you
now to wait :)
Quoted By:
>>20872391 beggla, who are you able to get these rare pokes?
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Quoted By:
>>20872403 yeah more or less
Blues 2895-8874-0321
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Still 10 Diancie up to trade if anyone is interested
Sera 1864 8625 6813
tobes 0963-1178-5487
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
Quoted By:
>>20871976 Well I'll pick up one. Thank you!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Quoted By:
>>20872547 No, thank you!!
tobes 0963-1178-5487
>>20871976 Eh quoting here too wasnt sure if my other comment was technically the same thing.
Zack 4957-2297-5639
>>20871976 I hope this is still going on. Thanks op
IGN: Emily FC: 0232 7815 5390
>>20871976 I would really like one, OP! All I have left to fill my Pokédex is so.e event Legendaries like Diancie. I'm adding you now.
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20872574 Thank you ver much!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
tobes 0963-1178-5487
Quoted By:
>>20872612 Np, thankyou back.
IGN: Emily FC: 0232 7815 5390
Quoted By:
Thank you so so much! I really appreciate this. :D
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
Quoted By:
>>20872628 Oh, thank you for the trade!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Ok guys looks like it's over se you next with with that dope Nobunaga's Rayquaza. Stay tuned
Quoted By:
>>20871976 >that poll >Rayquaza is winning because muh shones We really need a Keldeo or Meloetta giveaway.
Quoted By:
>>20872742 When is the Rendez-vous?
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Ign-Nick Fc-5000 3861 5110
i have you already op! :)
>>20872628 Was there a problem with adding me OP? I haven't gotten the friend request yet.
Ign-Nick Fc-5000 3861 5110
Quoted By:
>>20872766 >>20871976 Forgot to quote dang it
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20871976 I'd love one, if this is still going.
IGN: Yaellah, FC 0232-8963-3986
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
>>20872792 last 3 mons available
Ign-Nick Fc-5000 3861 5110
Quoted By:
>>20872803 Sorry for the hastle but thanks.
>>20872784 Got it working. Sorry about that OP, are there still any left?
IGN Klaas 3024 6139 4062
>>20872803 I would love one
Lia [FC 3840-6229-7794]
>>20871976 Am I too late? I added you just in case.
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20872784 Ok im online right now
Quoted By:
>>20872819 Thank's very much op!
Beggia 2122-7076-8867
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20872803 Thanks a metric ton man
>>20872859 Hurray! I'm reconnecting now. Thank you!
Lia [FC 3840-6229-7794]
Quoted By:
>>20872859 >>20872871 Oops! Forgot to put my name back in the field.
JanKen 3153 5359 3225
Quoted By:
>>20871976 JanKen 3153 5359 3225
IGN Klaas 3024 6139 4062
Quoted By:
>>20872859 Thanks man, you're the hero this world needs
JanKen 3153 5359 3225
Quoted By:
>>20872859 noooooo too late.. next time then..
Quoted By:
>>20872803 Ah great, thanks!
Lia [FC 3840-6229-7794]
Quoted By:
>>20871976 Wow, this is the real deal! Fantastic! Thanks a bundle!
Lia [FC 3840-6229-7794]
Quoted By:
>>20871976 When do you plan to do the next giveaway? I'll see if I can ahold of a Victini.
Quoted By:
>>20871976 (OP)President
Quoted By:
>>20871976 IGN IS Derekbrah
fc: 1349-5749-9510
Yahir 2406 6004 2855 [Nincada Sandshrew Diggersby]
Yahir 2406 6004 2855 [Nincada Sandshrew Diggersby] Sun 07 Sep 2014 15:16:14 No. 20873922 Report Quoted By:
>>20871976 IGN: Yahir
Quoted By:
IGN: Grim FC: 4055-4062-6504
ANOTHER Diancie giveaway? Haven't we had like a million of these by now? How do people not have one by now?
Quoted By:
>>20874118 By literally missing them all, like me.
Quoted By:
>>20874118 Some people are new. Some people just missed them all either by not being online when they happened, or just ignoring them. It's not unthinkable.
Quoted By:
>>20874118 i still don't have diancie
Quoted By:
>>20871976 IGN Justin
FC 2922 0434 2205