Would people be interested in these? (This is my first giveaway). I currently have 30 of each, but I'm cloning up more as I type this, planning to fill up Pokémon Bank entirely. I'm gonna do this over GTS, as I find adding/deleting new friend codes a little tiresome. Put up a lvl 1 Honedge with message "/vp/ Kael", searching for a lvl 100 Ho-Oh/Lugia. I'd really appreciate some 4-5IVs if you have any leftover breeding rejects. I'll prioritize you if you have the egg moves Wide Guard/Destiny Bond. Other that that, I'll try to do this in chronological order (the replies to this post). Remember to state your IGN, which Pokémon you want, and if your Honedge is "a good one". You CAN go for both if you want, but then, leave another reply AFTER you've gotten your first one. Other than that, enjoy! :)
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Wow, I'm such a noob. Was supposed to spoiler only "Pokémon Bank". My bad...
Quoted By:
>>20919730 female Honedge with wide guard/d-bond and shadow sneak up for a lugia
ign: UA DOOM
pyk ign
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Going up for lugia! sorry I dont have much goodies.
Sword's up thx op! IGN: Alejandro
>>20919730 Honedge going up for both! Ty OP
Quoted By:
>>20919730 4 iv Honedge up for Lugia
IGN Keith
Sera 1864 8625 6813
Quoted By:
sword up for lugia ign:Sera
Quoted By:
>>20919813 Btw going for Ho-Oh
Quoted By:
>>20919816 Lugia first btw
IGN Lily
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Honedge is up! It has destiny bond:) And I'd like Ho-oh, please:)
Quoted By:
op has delivered. thanks Kael
IGN Lily
Quoted By:
Received the bird, thank you!:)
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Honedge up for lugia.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
Just a heads up. I'm gonna take eventual breaks to continue my cloning.
Quoted By:
Received Lugia, thanks! Honedge up for Ho-Oh now
Quoted By:
another on is up for a Ho-oh ign UA DOOM
>>20919730 Just noticed my 4 iv honedge is lv 8. Is that ok?
Quoted By:
ign Johnny mine has egg moves, Ho-oh please
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Putting up a Honedge (has Wide Guard and Destiny Bond) for a Lugia. Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>20919730 IGN: Domi
put up a Destiny Bond sword for Ho-oh!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20920036 lvl1-9 does it! :)
Nico 5086-1142-8374
>>20919730 sword up, thank you!
honedge is a WT leftover, Quiet and 4IVs. I'd like a Ho-Oh please
Quoted By:
Deposited another for Lugia IGN: Alejandro
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
>>20920061 Oh, and it's level 14. Hope that's ok
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>20919730 widegurad luxury ball sword going up for lugia
Quoted By:
>>20920057 Just got it. Thanks :) Can I get a Ho-oh now? The Honedge should have at least a few perfect ivs. Upping now.
Quoted By:
>>20919730 honedge up, was a WT leftover
thanks up!!
ign Holly
Quoted By:
>>20919730 4iv female honedge for lugia please
Charles - 4570 7977 1191
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Swordmon up for Ho-Oh
Quoted By:
>>20919730 i have what you need OP
Quoted By:
IGN Bernd Lugia
>>20919730 I have a good one with the EM's you're looking for OP, let me breed it really quick and I'll load it up
I'd like a Lugia if you have any left!
Quoted By:
hook me up with a lugia if you have any left OP My ign is Riley
Honedges up for both. Thanks in advance
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
I'm putting up a 3 IV Honedge now just in case you run out quickly, but I'm breeding some decent ones in the meantime, I'll give you both if you want. IGN: Dr. Sam I'll take Ho-Oh pls
Quoted By:
>>20920165 Well, just Ho-Oh for now
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Ho-Oh pls
Sword up OP....I..Its only a normal on i hope thats fine IGN: Logan
IGN Ewan
Quoted By:
>>20919730 4/5 iv Honedge with Shadow Sneak is up for a Lugia, please!
IGN: Zexile
Quoted By:
Posted up my Jap sword for a Lugia. Thank you based Kael.
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Its Riley again i forgot to say my honedge is a 5iv brave one
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
I still have a few of each left, but will go until emtry before I clone anew... Also, which über/pair/trio or non-legendary 'mon (that might be hard to get) should I do for my next giveaway?
Putting up for Lugia, thank you
ign Holly
Quoted By:
>>20920207 I got one, thank you OP :)
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20920207 I've done a lot so far. Doing this as fast as I can.
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
>>20920232 The Kamis would be a big help
IGN: Zexile
Quoted By:
>>20920232 I would really like to see the Crown Beasts.
Quoted By:
5IV (31/31/x/31/31/31) Adamant honedge up. Lugia. IGN Ivory
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20920232 Forget my earlier post, I have 2 5 IV Honedge's ready for you. Putting one up now.
IGN: Dr. Sam
Ivy/RS FC:5215-0415-9781
Put one up kael, I remember you from yesterdays give away, dont know if you still got me added. Btw, you name is dutch regional slang for dude, is that intentional or a coisedence?
Quoted By:
No need to rush, I'm sure no random out there is looking at these honedge requests as fair trades.
Quoted By:
Female Moonrune Honedge with a few maxed IVs up for Ho-oh. IGN is Loid.
IGN: Osvaldo
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Honedge 5iv's (-sp.atk) Adamant. Ho-oh
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20920306 My name is of some Celtic/Hebrew descent, I believe...
Btw, if I run out of either Lugia or Ho-Oh first, I'll just take up requests for the other species so I run out of them both, before I pause to clone again.
Quoted By:
sword up name : Nile
Quoted By:
>>20919730 honedge up for lugia
Quoted By:
Sword Up for Ho-Oh, ign Wadosh Thanks!
Ariana 5429-8118-1966
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Probably too late but sword up for Lugia!
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile]
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile] Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:34:45 No. 20920406 Report Quoted By:
>>20920232 If you still have any Lugia left I've put up a 3IV(atk, def, spdef) Honedge.
>>20919730 Second Honedge up for Ho-oh!
>>20920402 OP are you a miner?
You should probably stop delving and start delivering.
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:36:34 No. 20920438 Report Quoted By:
>>20919730 Putting up a Honedge for a Lugia. Hope there's still more. Thanks though!
IGN: Spencer
>>20919730 Putting a DB/wide guard sword up for lugia! It has a japanese name, too.
Quoted By:
Honedge with Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Wide Guard and Destiny Bond is up for Lugia. Thanks OP!
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Thanks a ton OP! If they're still available, I'm putting up a 5 IV Honedge for Lugia too. If you don't have enough or want to get other people I would understand
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Thanks a bunch OP, you da real MVP.
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20920479 Also with Shadow Sneak, btw
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile]
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile] Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:42:44 No. 20920537 Report Quoted By:
Got mine. Thanks OP.
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Kackie 3969-4973-9626 (Munna, Sigilyph, Xatu) Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:43:31 No. 20920545 Report Quoted By:
Honedge up! I didn't have any with egg moves but this one is Japanese with 4IVs Can i get Ho-oh please? IGN Tennikah Thanks Kael!
Quoted By:
Got the Ho-oh, putting one up for Lugia now. The Honedges I bred should be 5IV since the two guys I bred have 6
Manuel FC: 3153-3732-6282
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Honedge up! Btw, mine has good ivs (5vs in everything except speed i think)
Quoted By:
>>20919730 honedge is up. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20919730 I hope do you still have a Ho-Oh OP, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Breeding reject sword up for Ho-oh, will be coming back for Lugia
these swords are set up for special attack btw IGN: Andy
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20919730 I'm soon out of Lugia now. I really thought Ho-Oh would be in the limelight more. Will be taking a short break soon, to clone up some more.
Btw, from this point on, reply to THIS post, and I'd like for you to switch Honedge out for Vivillon (level 11-20). I never thought of this before now, but that's actually a great way for my to get the different patterns. :)
sword up again for lugia it has 5ivs without attack and also shadow sneak
>>20919730 Honeedge up for Lugia! Thank you! Ign: Rodrigo
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20920695 >>20920697 Would it be cool if I got a Vivillon instead?
Quoted By:
>>20920688 >>20920697 Here is my post, sending a Viv up instead when I level one up
IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Putting honedge up for ho-oh. Thanks OP.
Nathan 1392-5226-5687 (Gloom - Swalot - Toxicroak)
Nathan 1392-5226-5687 (Gloom - Swalot - Toxicroak) Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:55:57 No. 20920755 Report Quoted By:
>>20919730 honedge male 31/31/31/xx/31/31 quiet
Quoted By:
Not good Honedge (sorry) up for a Lugia IGN: Kashiko
Quoted By:
>>20920717 okay, vivillion up for lugia. i will give you my most obscure pattern
Dr. Sam 0404-7077-9790
Quoted By:
>>20920688 I'm breeding a Scatterbug and leveling it up for you right now. Lugia pls
Nico 5086-1142-8374
>>20920688 Uh, you skipped me entirely for people who posted later with lower IV honedges
but Viv is up now, pls deliver this time
IGN: Spencer
Quoted By:
>>20920464 >>20920688 I guess I'm putting a vivi up for lugia instead.
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20920688 Vivi going up for Lugia.
Quoted By:
>>20920688 >>20920408 Put up Vivi instead.
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
>>20920688 Viv up for Lugia
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ
Earvin 2895-7102-2818 [Ice: Bergmite, Piloswine, Spheal] !!9VBHHzzzPVZ Thu 11 Sep 2014 00:58:41 No. 20920807 Report Quoted By:
I got the Lugia! Thanks Kael!
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Wide Guard Edge up for Lugia if possible. IGN: Roberto
Thanks in advance
IGN: Osvaldo
Quoted By:
>>20919730 Second Honedge modest 5iv's(-speed) for lugia
Thanks Kael!!!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20920765 Sorry, couldn't find you earlier :( It's sent now.
Nico 5086-1142-8374
>>20920839 Thank you. I do have a 5IV honedge with egg moves ready, i'd appreciate if you would accept it for lugia since that was my last vivillon.
Quoted By:
>>20920688 I can get a Lugia too? Vivillon is up!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20920857 Sure. I'm searching for both Honedge and Vivillon now. The ones that posted BEFORE my last post didn't really have to take down their current Honedge for Vivillon. I was referring to the new ones, posting AFTER me. But I guess I'll search exclusively for Vivillon soon/now, as most people switched over.
Quoted By:
>>20920688 Vivillon up for Ho-oh!
Quoted By:
>>20920688 Vivi is up. Thanks.
IGN Gori
Quoted By:
>>20920688 Vivi going up thanks Kael IGN Gori for lugia
Quoted By:
Putting up Viv for Ho-Oh please! IGN: Elyk.
tobes 0963-1178-5487
Duo 3351-4378-7742
Quoted By:
>>20920688 High Plains up, thanks for the giveaway kael
IGN Noctis
Quoted By:
Putting up Honedge now OP. Has neither of the Egg moves you want but has 5 IVs.
IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
>>20920688 Vivi going up for ho-oh now
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
>>20920688 Vivi up for Ho-oh,
Thanks Kael for do this giveaway
IGN : Menta
>>20919730 Honedge up for Lugia if this is still a thing. Thanks!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Did everyone take down their Pokémon (Honedge/Vivillon)? Can't find anyone... I'll be searching for Level 12-20 Vivillon at this point. Have you said that your Vivillon is going up already, no need to re-reply to this.
Quoted By:
>>20921082 I haven't taken Vivillon down yet
Quoted By:
>>20920688 >Vivi up for Lugia, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>20921082 I still have a Honedge up for Lugia, sorry op didn't see that you switched
IGN : Menta
Quoted By:
>>20921079 >>20921082 Welp, I guess I'll switch to Vivillion then
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
>>20921082 Still have honedge up, waiting on that Lugia. Or are you totally out by now?
LightenUp [4382-2984-3063]
Putting a Vivillon for Ho-Oh, if there are some left !
Nathan 1392-5226-5687 (Gloom - Swalot - Toxicroak)
Nathan 1392-5226-5687 (Gloom - Swalot - Toxicroak) Thu 11 Sep 2014 01:19:50 No. 20921191 Report Quoted By:
>>20920688 vivillon up for lugia
Quoted By:
>>20921082 uhh I don't know if I should put a Vivillon or Honedge so I picked Honedge for Lugia. IGN Jeff
IGN : Menta
Quoted By:
>>20921082 Got Lugia, thanks a lot !
IGN: TJ FC: 3325 - 3437 - 4971
Quoted By:
>>20921049 >>20921082 putting Vivi up again, put wrong level up.
Thanks again Kael
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921156 ~
Actually, I'm out of Lugia now and only have 9 Ho-Oh left. Hope everyone reads this, and switches their searches for Ho-Oh if they haven't gotten one from before.
If you've already gotten a Ho-Oh, you won't get a second one, and will have to wait until I've cloned up more Lugia!
Reput up a Viv, had a swordface up on accident. Didn't see the switch over until now. :3 Lugia please.
Lily 1865-0255-6997
>>20921082 5 iv honedge up for lugia
IGN: Kahuna
Quoted By:
Vivi up for ho-oh. Its female and in a primer ball, just in case that matters
IGN: Osvaldo
>>20921082 vivillon up, modest 5ivs (-atk) Jungle Pattern for Lugia
Thanks Kael!!
Quoted By:
Just got Lugia, thanks so much!! I re-upped for Ho-oh (different pattern) is that alright? If not, I'll take it down. :)
Quoted By:
>>20920688 putting vivillion up for Lugia
IGN: Andy
I know youre out but Im perfectly content to wait for you to throw one my way. IGN: Serena
Quoted By:
>>20921082 Got ho-oh, vivi going up for Lugia in a sec. Thanks OP.
Lily 1865-0255-6997
Nico 5086-1142-8374
>>20921259 aye, please stop skipping me.
>>20921259 Oh well, I only wanted a Lugia, so I guess it's time to leave this thread. Thanks anyway dude.
Quoted By:
>>20921263 Oh, you're out, nevermind. XD
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921323 I keep refreshing GTS. You're not one the list, but I see your reply in the thread ofc... :S
>>20921324 Did you get your Ho-Oh? You CAN put you Viv up on GTS for the night. I'll come for it eventually.
IGN: Osvaldo
Quoted By:
>>20921274 I will wait for more cloned lugia
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20921259 I eagerly await your cloning.
LightenUp [4382-2984-3063]
Quoted By:
Thanks, Kael :>
Quoted By:
>>20921375 No, I never really went for Ho-Oh because I already have one. Basically, the reason I wanted the Lugia was to fill an empty space in my Dex.
Also, do you mind if I put a level 30 Vivi?
Quoted By:
>>20921375 I'm someone else but I put a vivillon up for a Ho-oh. I guess I could leave a Honedge up for Lugia since I'm out of Vivillons
Quoted By:
put a vivi for a Ho-oh~
Quoted By:
>>20920688 IGN Wadosh
Vivillion up for Ho-Oh
Quoted By:
>>20921375 I've changed to Vivi from an earlier Honedge
>>20920253 , still waiting, thank you very much
would you accept a Lvl 11 shiny Honedge
Quoted By:
Ign bug honedge up for Lugia thanks
Quoted By:
>>20921259 IGN: Lux
sorry, didn't see this
Vvi is up for ho-oh
Quoted By:
>>20921259 Vivi Up, a purple one with Pokérus.
IGN Yuri, want a Ho-OH. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>20921259 So, are there any Ho-oh left? I really need it.
Thunder 4811-8114-1731
>>20919730 I hope I'm not too late OP! I uploaded a Japanese honedge
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Thu 11 Sep 2014 03:04:55 No. 20921579 Report >>20919730 Honedge going up for Lugia. It's got the wrong nature but it should be 4 IV.
Thunder 4811-8114-1731
Quoted By:
>>20921578 Err...for lugia. Forgot that part.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921509 Anyone know if 4chan have been down all this time? This is the last post I saw before I couldn't post anymore or see newer posts. Had "Connection error." showing.
>inb4 I had a hour ban Anonymous
>>20919730 IGN: Edwin, looking for Lugia. Honedge is up.
>Pokeball: Luxury >Gender: male >Nature: Impish >Moves: shadow sneak, wide guard, destiny bond. Anonymous
>>20921642 Posting was down for a while.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921647 OK. Thought I was given an unfair temp. ban for some reason. I have cloned plenty more Lugia/Ho-Oh. Come and get them! :)
>>20921578 >>20921579 >>20921646 Please put up a Vivillon now.
Quoted By:
>>20921668 Viv up for Lugia please
Quoted By:
>>20921668 Oh I put a Honedge up for one a while ago.
Nico 5086-1142-8374
>>20921668 Lugia pls, Honedge from last time is still up
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921729 Found you now! ^^
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
>>20921746 ahh, thanks so much for bearing with me
got both my birds now, thank you!
Quoted By:
IGN is Erin Vivilion up, a Ho-Oh would be awesome (I can trade you some nice 5IV lefties if you want then)
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Thu 11 Sep 2014 03:28:40 No. 20921783 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>20919730 >>20921668 IGN: Edwin, looking for Lugia. Vivilion is up.
>Pokeball: nest ball >Gender: male >Nature: TImid >Pattern: Archipielago Michael
>>20921668 Not sure if you read my other post, so I tell you once again: I've put a Vivillon for a Lugia, though it's at level 30. Is that okay?
Quoted By:
>>20921668 I just reuploaded my Honedge. IGN Jeffrey
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
Thank you kael!
Quoted By:
/r/ing for Lugia. Viv is up.
Quoted By:
>>20921668 vivi up for lugia!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH
lugia is my favourite
Lily 1865-0255-6997
Quoted By:
>>20921668 vivillion up for lugia
Quoted By:
thanks for Ho oh
>>20921820 I think you confused me. My Vivillon is still there. Here's some info, just in case you need it:
Level 30
High Plains Pattern
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20921881 forget it, I can't deposit since I never seen them
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Quoted By:
>>20921895 You can always use the what pokemon? fuction after Z. make sure to type it correctly though
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20921668 whoa that was fast. Thanks man. Are we allowed to up a vivilion aswell for Lugia?
If you would not mind, Kael, I'd like to nab a Lugia. Got a level 1 male honedge 31/31/31/31/31/0 that is docile. IGN: Betts
Quoted By:
>>20921925 Err, make that 31/31/31/31/31/X. Not sure what the speed stat is.
Tavin 5086-1306-4883 (Paras, Volbeat, Vivivlion)
Tavin 5086-1306-4883 (Paras, Volbeat, Vivivlion) Thu 11 Sep 2014 06:01:26 No. 20921959 Report Quoted By:
>>20921820 putting up viv now for Ho-oh can even put up a different countrys for lugia if you would like.
Gary Oak
>>20921668 Viv is go for Lugia
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
>>20921668 Just got back from classes, just got back and saw this giveaway! Viv up for Ho-oh! Thank you!
I'm sad 4chan died the minute I tried to post this. Currently still trying to post this.
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Quoted By:
>>20921994 Got it! Was worth the wait. Thanks!
Quoted By:
honedge is up for Lugia
Gary Oak
Quoted By:
>>20921983 headed to bed, thanks in advance if OP delivers
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922030 Yeah, but 4chan has gone down twice already... But I have still traded some Lugia and Ho-Oh on GTS with people having "/vp/ Kael" in the message. I guess people gave it a shot when seeing this thread, even though they couldn't post.
>>20922155 Putting one up now if you're still giving away. Asking for Lugia.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20921883 Hm.. I'm pretty sure I've traded with (multiple) Michael so far. Some may have been "Michal" or "Michel", but I'll try to find to you then.
Quoted By:
>>20922167 A Vivillon that is.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20921920 You can have both if you want. My next giveaway will most likely be a duo as well.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Quoted By:
>>20922181 Thanks man ill re-up it in a sec.
Quoted By:
>>20922181 Vivi up for lugia ign blue thanks man
Just pointing out that your image says "dream ball" with a heal ball next to it
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>20922203 I'm so sorry. Didn't realize. I just took the first image that google provided me when searching "Pokémon Dream Ball".
I'll step up my game 'till my next thread. I messed up the spoiling too.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922226 Yes. Even though posting may be disabled again, just put a Vivillon up anyway.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20922273 Ok Vivillion is up again.
It's shiny President
>>20922273 i putted up a Honedge before
asking for lugia
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922302 Hope no one snipes it! :O
>>20922324 I traded with you just now.
Quoted By:
>>20922273 Thank you so much
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20922337 Haha thanks man.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922358 Can't find yours or any other requests on GTS.
Have everybody gotten theirs?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20922337 Still have any Ho-Oh's left?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922415 I only have Ho-Oh left (20+). And maybe 2-3 Lugia...
>>20922412 You after Vivillions for the collection or just because they take slightly more effort than luvdiscs?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20922440 Oh wait it did get sniped lmao. gonna go up again
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922442 I wanted to search for something with a little more effort, correct. But only to simplify the task... The GTS is a huge mess!
Besides, I never cared much for the collection before, but why not go for it now, while I have a good chance? :)
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20922440 Thats cool. I only need Regen Ho-Oh. I already have a Multiscale Lugia from way back. What should I do to get one?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
IGN WILL, honedge gots pokerus! lol
Quoted By:
>>20922462 I've got a Polar, Marine, and Meadow if you don't have one of them yet.
>>20919730 Probably too late but vivillion up for Lugia, thanks anyways
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922466 You can go for both if you want. Just put up any Vivillon for a lvl 100 Ho-Oh/Lugia.
The Brave Bird+Regenerator combo is quite nice.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>20922485 My vivvy is up for Ho-Oh. IGN: Kagura
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this is IGN WILL: or are you cool off the honedges now? cause i got vivllion mystery gift edition! lol
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
These are the one's I'm missing; the 4 visible.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20922539 didn't the shone I gave ya has a garden pattern wing?
>>20922539 Darn, sorry, I can't help ya then - was hoping I'd be able to give something of interest back to ya.
Polar Vivi is up for Ho-Oh.
IGN: Szeron
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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>>20922567 Yeah, noticed it after I made this. Will update it after I've gotten a pattern more
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
>>20920799 My vivillon is still up for lugia, did I do something wrong?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922625 Is Rin you IGN? I simply trade all I see with message "/vp/ Kael", from right-to-left on GTS.
>>20922480 Can I put another vivilion up Ho-oh ?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922634 Have you still not gotten? :( I still can't find you. Is GTS really that bugged? Want to add me then? I can direct trade both to you.
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>>20922579 Received, thank you very much!
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
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>>20922635 I messed up the description, I put it back up
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922640 Sure. I only have Ho-Oh left, so...
>>20922642 Yeah, haven't got mine. I uploaded it again just in case.
>>20922642 Hey Kael, are there any Ho-ohs left?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
>>20922654 I havent got mine either. was i suppose to leave some kind of message?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922654 Have you gotten either of them? If you still want both, maybe we can direct trade?
>>20922663 There are only Ho-Oh left!
Rin: 4442-0641-7851
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Got it, thank you! Sorry about the mess-up
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922665 It makes it easier for me to find you if you leave something like "/vp/ Kael" in the message field.
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>>20922652 Thanks man, Vivillion up, you're doing a great job
>>20922668 Awesome, I have that Cleffa with egg moves and 6IV with a power herb from yesterday's PokeGen thread if you want that for a Ho-oh?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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>>20922679 Niiice! Put it up :D
>>20922668 I only want a Lugia, but it's fine if you can't find me; it's pretty late over here. Thanks anyway dude, I appreciate what you've done here.
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ign Will: Viv Up
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922686 Sorry for GTS being such a bitch towards you/me. :( If you add me, and post you IGN and FC, maybe I can trade you it/them, the next time I see you online?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922697 There are 10 Ho-Oh and 2 Lugia left, as of NOW!
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ign will fc: 3883-7256-6634
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>>20922697 Yeah, it tends to fail sometimes. Also, sure, this is my FC: 1177-8036-8788
>>20919730 I want a Ho-oh please
IGN Sanuhan
My honedge is atleast 4stats
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>20922676 okay. re-upped the vivvy. IGN: Kagura
>>20922736 as i can't search for ho-oh yet, disregard this....
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922754 You can. Just type in it's name, instead of searhing for it from the "list".
>>20922700 If you could add me aswell, that would be neat
>>20922736 Sanuhan 3093 8237 2113
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>>20922764 I see. While i was aware of that feature, i completly forgot about it
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922768 Added. If you don't have two Vivillon, that's ok too...
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>>20922785 Just left a vivillon for a Lugia!
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Hey, IGN: Daniel, put a lvl 1 female Honegde up, looking for a Ho-Oh!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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Hey, Keith. I'm not gonna give you ANOTHER Ho-Oh, kek! :P But I might change my mind if you have Monsoon, River or Ocean pattern.
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Thanks, Kael. It's set looks sweet
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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>>20922859 I think running Recover is better in either sets though... I just wanted to get some decent tutor moves in, as we're waiting for ORAS tutors.
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>>20919730 IGN: Finn, put up a honedge (bold, jap) for a Ho-oh.
I have a 5IV honedge if you're still accepting any! I'd like a Ho-Oh please. IGN is Steff
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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>>20922904 Thanks OP you're the best ;w;
Josh - 2595-1383-3800
Any Lugia's left? I don't have any Honedge's left do you want anything specific?
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20922925 1 Lugia left. 5 of Ho-Oh. Got any Vivillon? I need these two, but any works.
>>20922930 Its not a fucking giveaway if you ask for shit in return. I thought Wipi was bad, but you are the worst.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20919730 Going to get my 3DS now! Is this still going on?
>>20923009 Ended about an hour ago.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923053 I'm still here. 5 more Ho-Oh!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
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>>20922980 I simply asked for a Honedge at start. You can give me whatever Vivillon you want. I'm just saying it would be nice if either of you had the ones I'm missing :)
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20923186 Surprised gasp! Do you have any Lugia still, as well?
>>20923225 >Surprised gasp! IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
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>>20923186 Honedge up, it should be a 3-4 IV IGN: Max
>>20923186 Ill honedge up for one if you're still up.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923225 1 Lugia, 4 Ho-Oh!
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>>20923243 And sorry that it's shit by the way.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20923246 Honedging up for Lugia!
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923249 Did you just get sniped? Got message "This Pokémon was already traded."
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20923246 Honedge is Lv.12. Hope that's okay.
>>20923259 If you mean in exchange for Ho-Oh, I took it down to get Lugia first. Sorry about that.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923270 No worries. At this point, the pace is so slow, I might as well search for all levels of Honedge/Vivillon.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923270 Last Lugia just went to Lia. Hone up for a Ho-Oh if you like; 3 left.
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>>20923276 Thanks a ton dood, and sorry for not telling you the level of the honedge,
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
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>>20923280 Yayifications! Honedging up for Ho-Oh.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20923280 Err, now that I realize it, I only have my 5IVs left. Sorry. I'm really bad about second guessing things.
>>20923311 I can trade back the 6iv one you just gave me.
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923311 Want to give me something else instead? Just tell me what you're putting up (species/level/gender).
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794
>>20923318 >6IV wat?! Named Excalesper? Modest nature?
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>>20923323 Oh sorry, for some reason I thought you whre OP.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20923323 So Kael I just wanna ask is there like a database for pokemon related images? Or did you just google the pic on your OP post?
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794]
>>20923322 Oh! Would that be okay? Okay, I deposited a Lv.12 Froakie w/Pokérus. Rimid, Protean.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794]
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
>>20923331 This particular I found using Google, but I know the artist has a dArt account. He likes making these naturalistic "mosaic" feel inside the Pokémon. Whether he drew the Pokémon or just edits them is unsure.
IGN: Lia [FC: 3840-6229-7794]
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>>20923350 Received! Thanks again!
Serena 4399-0249-5466
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>>20919730 Depositting sword right now, it's not good but I do have a Shiny Aegislash if you're interested in that.
Serena 4399-0249-5466
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>>20919730 Sword up.
Want a shiny Aegislash?
Koda -[3411-2109-8227]
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Depositing sword now.