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No.20922005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Look at those fucking clowns on the right. One of them's falling over, they're striking silly poses, and looking like asshats in general which I might add, goes very well with their retarded plan of flooding the planet

Meanwhile, on the left, you'll see Team Magma looking like an actual Evil Team. Everyone's got their uniform on perfectly, everyone's in sync, no one's fucking around, they know what the fuck they're doing.

Team Aqua is a bunch of fucking clowns doing stupid bullshit because they like fish. Team Magma is unified, seeking a singular, united goal for the benefit of humanity. It's fairly obvious who's in control of the situation, and has a future.

Team Magma: We're in control. Join Team Magma today.

This has been a PSA for Team Magma. All glory to Maxie and the earth.