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No.20924332 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Come on, mock me. Make fun of me! I liked Gallade! What a sin!
What a sin it is to want my bro to be mildly useful!
>Inner focus
This is a joke, right? A fucking JOKE

Forever doomed to live in the shadow of the original Psychic/Fighter, Medicham
(infinitely better ability and coverage)
Forever doomed to live in the shadow of his older sibling, Gardevoir
(infinitely better typing and ability)
Is he supposed to be a shitmon? Is he supposed to compete with Dunsparce and Dustox?

They had one chance, ONE CHANCE to make him decent. Not overpowered, not good, just decent. Maybe unique too.

They made Altaria unique out of the blue and (presumably) gave it a new lease in life, competitively.
Banette went from below useless to decent. Yes, it's shit for a single turn. Sacrifice a move slot for protect or find a chance to bring it in after a death, use priority. After that you're good.
Ampharos too. Semi exclusive typing and a good ability. It has problems but definitely has niches.
Notice how I'm not comparing him to Charizard, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Venusaur, Blaziken, Mawile or Lucario so far.
There are other megas that were unnecessary simply because the base form is better. Namely Garchomp.