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No.20945686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /vp/, I need some help with my Steel based team.

Items, moves, abilities, and natures.
Or possible swap-outs are also accepted.

I'm trying to make a Steel team that can actually hold their own decently in Triple Battles.

>INB4 why would you ever do triples

Here's my team, and what I've come up with so far:

Aggron, Sassy, Heavy Metal. *Aggronite.
Moves:Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Stone Edge, Ice Beam
Metagross, Careful, Clear body. *Assault Vest.
Moves:Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake.
Magnezone, Timid, Analytic. *Wide Lens
Moves:Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Flash Cannon, HP (Fire).
Scizor, Adamant, Technician.
Moves:X-Scissor, Iron Head, U-Turn, Bullet Punch.
Ferrothorn, Sassy, Iron Barbs. *Rocky Helmet
Moves:Power Whip, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Thunder Wave.
Steelix, Brave, Sturdy.
Moves:Stone Edge, Iron Tail, Crunch, Earthquake.