Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
I'm MMing Oddish and I'm running out of space to store all the pentaperfects I'm getting. Please help me get rid of them by putting up a Luvdisc for them. Ball: Friend Ball Nature: Calm IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Egg moves: • Ingrain • Charme • Razor Leaf • Teeter Dance
>>20949971 allright ill take one
thanks m8 for keepin these threads alive
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20949971 I'll take 1 c:
I put a disc up
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20949971 Disc'd for one aswell, thanks m8
Freki Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950184 Myrapla?
tysomuch<3 Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
Quoted By:
>>20950198 It's the default German name.
>>20949971 Discing up :) Is it too much trouble to ask for a female?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
Quoted By:
>>20950281 No problem, I've got plenty of either. Sent!
>>20949971 Can I get a named female?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950329 What name would you like?
>>20949971 Can I get a female one please? I'll disc up in a few min. I need to catch a Luvdisc :)
Quoted By:
>>20950342 Samara, please. Luvdisc going up after I beat diantha again.
>>20949971 I'll grab one either gender just name it Fauna
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950362 Sent, if you're Miggy.
>>20950389 >Fauna >not Flora Anyway, just tell me when I should look for the disc.
>>20950419 I already have a flora tho. Disc up !
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
Quoted By:
IGN:President disc is up
>>20950419 Discing up for a male non-HA, could you kindly nickname him (something you like)?
I've still got moon ball bagons naive Pentagon perfect. Also hasty pentaperfect houndour (counter, dbond, sucker punch) in luxury balls. I need these guys to go since my next mm project is going to be blueball swablus with hyper voice and agility. (I will let you know how that goes)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950495 Oh sorry, sent it before seeing this post and didn't give it a name. Want to trade it back for a nicknamed one?
Also is 4chan loading extremely slowly for anyone else?
>>20950511 Thank you! Sorry to trouble you over that
Quoted By:
>>20950511 Yes it is. the whole thing just crashed on my phone a minute ago. Also thank you for the oddish.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950521 Sorry, had to go and name one first. Is “Nineveh” okay? Named after the ancient city where the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (which weren#t actually in Babylon) were probably located.
>>20950542 It's fuck
tastic, tyvm! Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950548 You're welcome!
>>20950508 Can I have a female of each? Could trade you some other breeding rejects in return.
>>20950560 Sure give me your breedjects. Do you want nickname?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20950579 Nah, I'm going to use them for breeding anyway. But thanks.
(On second thought, I'd prefer a male Bagon istead.)
Koda -[3411-2109-8227]
>>20950591 Luvdisc up for Samara.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
Can anyone get me a Spearow? Can't find one anywhere. Any IV's would be nice, I'm just trying to finish my dex
>>20950789 Spearow is friend safari only, my friend.
>>20950815 ACtually you can catch Fearows on the Victory Road, but I've been looking for one for quite a long time and can't find the damn shaking bush/grass/whatever
Guys, I,m looking for a protean keckleon? Female if possible...
>>20950835 I don't know? Do you?
>>20950845 My bad, forgot the question. Can anyone provide me with one?
>>20950823 Serebii says otherwise.
Quoted By:
>>20950961 >Implying I didn't said Fearow in an earlier post >>20950823 Anonymous
>>20950823 >>20950876 You can catch Fearow.
You'll need Rock Smash to get to it, though.
I've had the most luck with finding them by camping... in the right side of this image. You can get to it from the second cave area.
>>20951045 I'm stuck there trying to get one, but my luck isn't helping me
>>20951063 Leave and reenter the area. A lot of the time, the spot wouldn't respawn until I did that.
>>20951077 I'm doing exactly this
>>20951081 I guess I can only recommend patience. Another tip would be to keep moving around. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Quoted By:
>>20951097 I know, just bad luck I guess
Stefan 1693 - 1910 - 8368
Stefan 1693 - 1910 - 8368
>>20950863 Give me like 10 minutes and I can breed one real quick
>>20951280 Sure, please! I will be uploading my luvdisc right now!
Stefan 1693 - 1910 - 8368
>>20951464 Did you upload it? I can't find it
Voules 0173-1324-2074
Time for Porygon leftovers! all of them are 5iv and Modest, 12x Analytic, 2x Download, 1x Trace Disc up if you want any
>>20951751 I'd like an Analytic one please.
Disc'd up. Message is "/vp/" IGN's Paula.
Thanks a bunch.
Stefan 1693 - 1910 - 8368
>>20951541 Did it get sniped? I literally can't find it.
Quoted By:
>>20951751 ign is alessa for an analytic
thanks a lot
Voules 0173-1324-2074
Andy 1907-8782-8934 (Ghost: Lampent Phantump, Spiritomb)
Andy 1907-8782-8934 (Ghost: Lampent Phantump, Spiritomb) Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:09:06 No. 20951992 Report >>20951751 Will put disc up in a minute, message will be "/vp".
IGN Andy
Quoted By:
>>20951841 No,, it's still there, uploaded again!
Andy 1907-8782-8934 (Ghost: Lampent Phantump, Spiritomb)
Andy 1907-8782-8934 (Ghost: Lampent Phantump, Spiritomb) Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:10:06 No. 20952004 Report Quoted By:
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20949971 Hey you still around? Im discing just in case!
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu)
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu) Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:15:32 No. 20952054 Report anyone got an abra/kadabra with magic guard in a regular pokéball?
>>20950508 I would like a moon ball bagon.
Kalm 2938-8299-6054
Quoted By:
All are modest with HA and 4-5 IV, if you want one, put a disc in the GTS
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-Serina-safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby ) !ZtqFzIx.oU
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-Serina-safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby ) !ZtqFzIx.oU Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:31:00 No. 20952241 Report Quoted By:
does anyone have a sludge wave gengar ? ill make a giveaway for it if i get one
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu)
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu) Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:32:26 No. 20952256 Report Quoted By:
>>20952228 disc is up. got sniped.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, Adalwolf. Appreciate it!
>>20950508 Are you still about? If so i'd love a Moon Ball female.
Kalm 2938-8299-6054
Nicholas G.
>>20951751 I'll take a Analytic one.
I'd love a trace one too, but I should be able to breed it, right?
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu)
ign: angelo fc: 0877 - 1081 - 1349 (drowzee - espurr - xatu) Sat 13 Sep 2014 17:37:03 No. 20952298 Report Quoted By:
Voules 0173-1324-2074
>>20952293 sent, it can only breed with Ditto so yes
Nicholas G.
Quoted By:
>>20952343 And received. Thanks man.
Quoted By:
>>20950508 Do you still have any to spare? I'd love one of those myself. (I put a disk already up)
Lunar and anon Yeah I'm still here but wait 30mins I need to do something.
>>20949971 Hey! Are you still around?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20953009 I'm still lurking and secretly sending Oddish to people who ask for one, but don't tell anyone.
>>20953057 You still have one?
>>20953057 Psssst. Disc up. /vp/ is message.
>>20949971 >>20953057 May I have one oddish please? Disc is up. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>20953057 Disc is up, /vp/ is message. 1 please
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20953085 >>20953122 >>20953143 Now everyone knows! Why couldn't you keep quiet? >:(
>You still have one? Good joke, with every batch of non-shiny eggs I get one or two more pentaperfs. I'm close to just releasing them as soon as they hatch.
Quoted By:
>>20953057 ok then i'll bite
ign is alessa
Quoted By:
>>20951751 disc up for porygon. IGN: Iroh
Michel | 0404-6250-9212
Quoted By:
>>20953057 Disc up for Oddish. Thanks in advance.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20953275 Default German name.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20952908 Thanks no worries
>>20953275 It's straight out of Germany
Quoted By:
>>20953305 Oh, i get it. Now that you mention it, that GER tag is at the top. Totally missed that. Thanks.
>>20950419 I don't think it was you who sent me this Oddish :( I thnk I got sniped. Can I put up a karp instead? I'm out of discs and I'm in the PokeLeague :(
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20953956 Sure. Sorry that the first one missed.
Quoted By:
>>20953988 Karp is up! Thank you Adal!!
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>20953956 All right, this one went through.
Alright I'm back.. who asked me for bagons?
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-Serina-safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby ) !ZtqFzIx.oU
FC -0877-1314-5126 ign-Serina-safari - ground (nincada trapinch diggersby ) !ZtqFzIx.oU Sat 13 Sep 2014 19:57:15 No. 20954071 Report Quoted By:
>>20953345 im doing a giveaway , if you guys here are interested
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20954426 Put disc up u want with your choice of gender do you want nickname?
Quoted By:
>>20954426 The females I have left are over level 10.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:09:48 No. 20955660 Report Hello /vp/, its been quite a while since ive been here. I've been MM-ing mudkips (with little success ;_;) since i just got the shiny charm a little over a week ago so i have: 75 pentaperfect (12f/63m) 11 hexaperfect(all 31) (all male) 4 hexaperfect (0 in sp att)(1f/3m) all have Curse/Avalanche/Yawn/Double edge i also kept 30 imperfect females in case anyone wants to breed different egg moves from the ones mine have please be as specific as possible with what you want or i will just send the one i have the most of.
Mal !MalPwyBIb.
>>20955660 oww can i get hexa perfect one ill put a disc up
ign Takasu
Quoted By:
>>20950789 if you're still around I'm hatching some if you want one.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:19:04 No. 20955772 Report >>20955715 hexaperfect as in all 31 ivs or 0 in sp attack?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:24:15 No. 20955827 Report >>20955781 i think you were sniped, can you put up another disc
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:28:43 No. 20955876 Report lissa
Quoted By:
>>20955876 awesome thanx a lot
>>20955661 Hi Mal baby.
>>20955660 Hi Michelle.
My phones almost dead, but I'm happy to see you two again
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:33:51 No. 20955951 Report Quoted By:
>>20955920 hello anon, its pretty good to be back. i actually have more mons to give away, i just wanted to get started with the mudkips for now
>>20955660 IGN: Charles
Thanks! A Hex's would be nice.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:38:43 No. 20956017 Report >>20956001 >hexaperfect as in all 31 ivs or 0 in sp attack? Anonymous
>>20956017 I'll take the former.
>>20956017 >asking beggars if the want 31 or 0 they will ask for 31's all the time
>>20955660 Discing for a female, the 0 SpA would be great but anything is fine
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:46:00 No. 20956115 Report >>20956064 i only ask cuz i remember someone classifying 0 in sp attack to be hexa, so i just want to be sure
>>20956057 sent
also, im seeing people asking for mudkips on the gts, be sure you reply to my post so i dont give them to other people
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:47:07 No. 20956123 Report Quoted By:
>>20955660 What's their ability?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:52:10 No. 20956193 Report >>20956170 i knew i forgot to mention something, all adamant with torrent (damp doesnt seem useful to me)
>>20956193 Ah, awesome. Can I have a hexaperfect (31 in all)? My IGN is Michael.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 22:59:09 No. 20956308 Report >>20956265 sent
thank you for being specific Anonymous
Rupert 5300-9960-3583
>>20955660 Michelle, could I get a female pentaperfect mudkip? I'm going to do some breeding of my own!
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 23:03:54 No. 20956373 Report >>20956335 of course, just disc up
Rupert 5300-9960-3583
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 23:11:10 No. 20956464 Report Anonymous
>>20956115 I had disc'd up for a hexa male if possible. message is /vp/MichelleHexa
>>20954017 If you still have Bagons, disc is up,
IGN: Charles
Rupert 5300-9960-3583
Quoted By:
>>20956464 Thank you so much!
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sat 13 Sep 2014 23:33:40 No. 20956765 Report Cecilia
>>20956580 Don't see you guy
Quoted By:
>>20956856 Got sniped by some fucking chink
>>20955660 Can I get a male hexa perfect?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>20956856 Had to go but mine got sniped long ago, disc is up if you're still around
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sun 14 Sep 2014 02:23:36 No. 20958940 Report Quoted By:
>>20958863 can i get that tyrouge, disc is going up
>>20958863 Could I grab the Kabuto (either ability is fine) and the Grimer if that's alright? Thank you
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20958863 Can I have a Barboach and Natu?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
/wfg/ kinda dead, so got 7 boxes of Archen. 5-6IV naive with egg moves: Steel Wing, Defog, Head Smash, and Earth Power. Disc up.
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>20958863 > disc going up for the Spritzee if you're still around
>>20959214 Disc is up for Barboach first, thanks
Voules 0173-1324-2074
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>20959267 its up now looking for a 1-10 female
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
dont be shy to disc for multiple mons. i just want to clear space.
>>20959278 sent
>>20958863 Can i get a kabuto?
Voules 0173-1324-2074
>>20958863 Discing up for Ponyta
>>20959306 Thanks
Deposit a disc asking for female Natu, I have 1 inside friend ball for you J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20959318 dont have to ask, juts reply.
>>20959341 ooh, sounds good
Quoted By:
>>20959237 Disc up, thanks!
>>20959343 Disc up for kabuto then. Ign: Miggy
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>20959154 the grimer was a parent, not lvl 1
>>20959328 sent
not seeing some of these discs
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>20959306 can i also get a protean keckleon? Chespin going up. Assuming the protean one is female
Voules 0173-1324-2074
Quoted By:
>>20959343 also discing up for stunky
>>20959343 Is your disc up?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20959408 protean is male, fem is color change
>>20959380 sent
>>20959447 now it is
>>20959237 Disk up, thanks! I would prefer a 6iv if you can spare one, 5iv is fine too.
I set the needed level as 1-10, and message as "/vp/ Mike".
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20959456 Would you want the breeder I was using? That one is for sure 6IVs otherwise I'll be a minute going through the breeding leftovers to find one.
>>20958574 Disc up for qwuilfish
Miggy again
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Sun 14 Sep 2014 03:17:08 No. 20959508 Report Quoted By:
>>20959237 ill disc up for an archen, thanks in advance
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20959498 I wouldn't mind the breeder but I would prefer something that level one, so long its not too much trouble.
Quoted By:
>>20958863 Disc up for cubone
(Last one)
Quoted By:
>>20959542 Thank you for the free mons. I appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>20959557 I'm actually about to head to the store so I'll be taking about an hour out. I'll reply once I get back, so feel free to leave a disc up during that time. If I can't hatch a 6IV after that time, I'll give you the breeder.
Quoted By:
>>20959237 Back in about an hour. Feel free to leave up a disc and I'll check once I get back.
Frank: 0748-1692-2379
Quoted By:
>>20949971 Disc'd up for Oddish. Thanks a plenty for the little bugger. I remember the first time I ever thought of Oddish as more than a nusiance was in Hey You Pikachu!, from there I liked the line of plants a bit more than other Grass types.
>>20958863 IGN: Charles
I'd like that Meditite
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Charles 3282-3048-8100
>>20959237 Sure why not
Disc up, IGN Charles
>>20960023 Back from the store, don't see your disc though. I'll be here for a bit now if you'd still like one.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Quoted By:
>>20949950 >giveaway threads are so dead, there aren't even any in the catalogue any more What a shame.
Charles 3282-3048-8100
Quoted By:
>>20960523 Third time the Chinese have sniped me today
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard]
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard] Sun 14 Sep 2014 04:55:49 No. 20960694 Report >>20958863 Discing up for a moody Snorunt, Female, if available.
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard]
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard] Sun 14 Sep 2014 05:03:52 No. 20960777 Report >>20960694 >>20958863 You rock like a rock opera rocks.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>20960777 i dont watch opera Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard]
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard] Sun 14 Sep 2014 05:14:20 No. 20960896 Report Quoted By:
>>20960815 Then you will simply have to take my word for it.
Brandon 4098-3971-0509
Quoted By:
>>20958863 omg are you still around
i need a female ralts
>>20966214 Me. Does anyone have a rattled female clamperl?
>>20966285 Or any HA female gorebyss/huntail.
Ign: David
Quoted By:
>>20955660 Could I get a hexa if you still got one, disc is up
Not sure if this is right thread. I missed the event Celebi and I'm hoping if someone can still give me one. My luvdisc is up already with /vp/
Quoted By:
>>20967180 not the right thread, fuck off
also you can't trade celebi on the gts, retard
RobErT ARnolD
Quoted By:
I have 15 5iv hoppips 7 males 8 females All Jolly in nature. Willing to trade for just about anything. Going to wonder trade them anyway.
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu)
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu) Sun 14 Sep 2014 19:35:43 No. 20968063 Report Anyone got an abra/kadabra with magic guard in a regular pokéball? I don't care about moves and IV's.
>>20968063 fuck off, beggar
>>20968086 I thought that was what the board was for
Is it not? Anonymous
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu)
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu) Sun 14 Sep 2014 19:42:18 No. 20968184 Report >>20968086 >>20968148 >>How do I participate? >Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever! ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu)
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu) Sun 14 Sep 2014 19:43:26 No. 20968200 Report >>20968184 >We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins. Anonymous
>>20968184 >>20968200 fuck off once again, beggar
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu)
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu) Sun 14 Sep 2014 19:48:37 No. 20968276 Report Anonymous
>>20968276 fuck off once more, beggar
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu)
ign: angelo fc 0877 - 1081 -1349 (drowzee, espurr, xatu) Sun 14 Sep 2014 19:56:50 No. 20968398 Report Quoted By:
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sun 14 Sep 2014 20:27:19 No. 20968831 Report I'm MMing Starly, feel free to ask for one and disc up. I have tons of males and female, specify gender. 4-5 IVs unchecked. Ball: Timer Ball Nature: Jolly Ability: Intimidate (in Staraptor) and Reckless Moves: Foresight, Double-edge, Feather Dance, Pursuit
holi cabrones, i have stuffs breeding;; i dunno, thinking of some dream ball ha aerodactyl got;; 5x premier ball ha absol [megahorn, play rough, perish song, sucker punch] - naive 7x luxury ball deino [dark pulse, earth power] - modest && a buttload of lillipup [fire fang, thunder fang, ice fang, yawn] - adamant sandy's guarantee, all of the above are french, four ivs +, and female if the ball was noted wt;; 1x ENG Oshawott - Adamant 1x JAP Bulbasaur [Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Charm] - Bold 1x Togepi [Psycho Shift, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Stored Power] - Calm
>>20968920 Can I get oshawott
Quoted By:
>>20968937 yup, for sure. put somethin' up.
IGN: Jack
>>20968831 Mind if I get a Female with Reckless?
>>20968920 What Ball is Togepi in?
Quoted By:
>>20968964 It's male. Sorry.
Scott - 3110 - 4617 - 7425
Does anyone have speed boost sharpedo/carvanha?
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sun 14 Sep 2014 20:45:48 No. 20969035 Report >>20968964 Sent
>>20968920 Can I have one female Deino? Disc is up ^^
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>>20969035 Sent her over!
>>20968937 Oi, you there?
>>20968920 I'm discing up for an absol if you don't mind. IGN Kyo.
>>20969119 Did you get sniped or take it down? Apologies either way, had to do something urgent.
>>20969277 I must have been sniped, since I didn't take it down. I'll put another up. Thanks for the 'mon.
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>>20969359 Alright, booted it over there!
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>>20955660 Discing up for a hexaperfect plz, if not pentaperfect will be fine.
IGN: Jared
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>>20968831 May I have a female reckless please? Disc is up. Thank you.
Does any anon have speed boost sharpedo/carvanha? Am planning on making it in my giveaway
>>20972114 fuck off beggar
>>20972142 Don't be an asshat anon am serious
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Just put up a Luvdisc for a speedboost Carvanha IGN: Ludward
>>20972154 Don't be a beggar anon am serious
fuck off Anonymous
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>>20972154 Just don't reply
>>20972172 I bet you'll be one of those faggots that will come to get a shone carvanha wont you? fag.
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>>20972214 >making assumptions Anonymous
>>20972624 helps to have the right subject
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>>20975099 >>20972624 also helps to not be a shit thread
IGN: Ing FC 3067-5215-7474
>>20949971 Luvdisc up, might actually try to get a shiny one myself, sound like a weir one to have
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>>20976820 you traveled 2 days to the future to post this?
danny 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier)
danny 3368 3101 6852 (Bibarel, Gyrados, Frogadier) Mon 15 Sep 2014 08:53:48 No. 20976904 Report >>20950508 disc up for bagon with message /vp/ if you're still around
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>>20976820 >>20976904 >posts from nearly 2 days ago you fucking idiots