Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
Old thread
(from old thread:)
>>20962007 No, I already have one. Save it for someone who needs it. c:
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20962290 ok.
Also not trying to hype, but the next give away seems nice.
>>20962301 oh dang did I miss your giveaway today?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20962410 check last thread. feel free to pick 1 before I go.
>>20962443 I'm having trouble deciding between Scizor and Diglett. I realized I never bred a shiny one.
IGN:Elijah 3609-2282-7971
>>20962443 May I take a Reuniclus?
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>>20962443 Ok I decided I'll Comb up for a Diglett. Thanks for shinifying it.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20962499 Oh shit its you. yea man the diglet actually got taken quite alot which is nice. also feel free to disc for scyther as well if you want
>>20962504 sure just combee up
IGN:Elijah 3609-2282-7971
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>>20962529 Done. Thank you.
>>20962529 Disc or bee. I don't have any more bees so would it be ok to disc? I put one of those up.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20962535 either really. i got used to saying disc but the disc queue is too crowded so I went with bee.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20962535 and sent. anyway thanks for the diglet. Imma go sleep now. peace
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>>20962564 Thanks. I might be breeding some egg moves on more Hoenn hype Pokemon. I'm too lazy to shiny breed though lol. I'd like to know if you happen to have that Shiny Sharpedo from earlier random giveaway today.
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>>20962564 I'll be sure to let you know the second I get them though.
Shira 3582-9620-1002
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>>20962713 This is my giveaway thread
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Anyone have breeding leftovers of sableye
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Giving away loveball bunearies
IGN Gori
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>20965068 Fell asleep :/
Put something up on the gts for a buneary and tell me what :3
>>20965520 Female larvitar in a bankball up thanks man
IGN Gori
>>20965652 Forgot to add my Ign to my header
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
IGN Gori
>>20965705 Sweet thanks man that larvitar has at least 5ivs and egg moves maybe it'll be useful to you for other giveaways
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>20965735 Doubt i'd MM larvitar but i really would like to get my hands on a dreamball kabuto
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Beto FC: 4785-6437-6555
Begging for a decent Gible / Deino. Also a Honedge if possible.
>>20971002 Bring it back to life you know you want to
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20971040 I will once I'm done with what I'm doing
>>20971021 Try the Wifi general thread
>>20971002 do you still have reuniclus or diglett left? Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20971076 Yeah I always have spares from my previous giveaways. Bee for it later once giveaway starts
Beto FC: 4785-6437-6555
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>>20971063 Yeah just realized wrong thread.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Okay i have 9 shny slupuffs form my giveaway awhile ago you
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20971603 look man I fucked up. I accidentally deleted the one you gave me this morning. is it possible to ask for another one?
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20971650 sure put a disc up
>>20971654 you want one?
Blues 2895-8874-0321 Poison/Bug(Ariados-Kakuna-Whirlpede)
Blues 2895-8874-0321 Poison/Bug(Ariados-Kakuna-Whirlpede) Sun 14 Sep 2014 23:38:37 No. 20971715 Report Quoted By:
>>20971603 Putting a disc up
>>20971603 Hey what do we put up? I'd love one
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20971603 its up man. thanks for the 2nd chance.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20971735 Is this no longer luvdisc?
>>20971752 Well Nymus does magikarp and others did flabebe so I wasn't sure. But thanks disc is up, I have to catch it first
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20971784 i guess put up anything just tell me what
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>>20971603 disc up! thanks
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>>20971679 >>20971752 You are probably thinking of the /ggg/
Also I put a disc up for a slurpuff, no gender or level though
>>20971802 It's cool I just caught a disc thanks
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>>20971603 May I get one? Disc is up
Blues 2895-8874-0321 Poison/Bug(Ariados-Kakuna-Whirlpede)
Blues 2895-8874-0321 Poison/Bug(Ariados-Kakuna-Whirlpede) Sun 14 Sep 2014 23:45:20 No. 20971847 Report Quoted By:
>>20971603 Got it, thanks!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20971752 Well the luvdisc queue is always filled with that mintberry giveaway which our good friend Bob is working on so I switched to others. I tried karp first but its bugged so now I do Combee. Shira on the other hand use flabebe.
Also got the slurpuff. thanks
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20971603 Oh shit can I get one?
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20971857 n the orignal giveaway for slurrpuff i asked for ralts
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>>20971826 >>20971826 >>20971735 Sorry I guess I forgot to mention that i disced up thanks.
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>>20971899 Slurpuff received, thanks for sharing.
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>>20971603 Could I have one too? Disc up. IGN Jeffrey
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20971885 yeah put somthng up you'll be getting the last slupuff because i have 1 left
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20971923 I'll put a Luvdisc up. That's the second time today I got the last one, lol
Beto FC: 4785-6437-6555
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>>20971923 Awesome thanks for the slurpuff! It's adorable
NotShira !kk7QzXZayk
>>20971899 ralts is cool but its a bit hard to find in the wild compared to combee and flabebe.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
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I will clone more tommarrow
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>>20971923 aw damn. that's a shame. maybe next time.
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
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>>20971923 >>20971932 Wow, the shiny looks amazing! Thanks a lot
>>20971958 Maybe something that can be found in hordes?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20971976 Horde means you have to kill everyone to get the pokemon. while flabebe have high catch rate and you just throw a quick ball. disc and magikarp is even better but the queue for those is messed up
>>20971958 I think people like Wipi deliberately pick rare and horde Pokemon so not as many people participate and more sniping chaos ensues.
Speaking of him I haven't seen him for a while here Anonymous
>>20971994 Hmm... maybe fletchling or one of the monkeys then?
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Now dose anyone have a modest kb mewtwo? ((For future giveaway))
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972025 Yea wonder what happened to him.
>>20972026 fletchling, pidgey, caterpie, and weedle is a no go for me because of a bad experience i had trying to get one.
>>20972034 I both have mewtwo ready for mega x and y if you want one.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972048 I am looking for a mewtwo y ready what do you want for it?
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>20972048 Lol you're not on the other thread so i'll comment here. Do you want them now?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972063 Just combee up
and a Thank you >>20972074 Taking a break. ill bee up later for it
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972096 Ok let me go catch one thanks
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Y'all notice how that retarded blacklist died out then shitposting stopped about 80%? How odd is that?
>>20972204 /wfg/ lost interest in this place, shitposting stops
>>20972244 I used to love shitposting in these when my name was on the blacklist, now I don't really care. Weird, when not provoked this doesn't seem so bad
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20972279 This thread is usually dead when there is no giveaways really.
>>20972279 Why didnt you just ask the anon who made it to take your name off?
>>20972244 I think /ggg/ died out for good. Ironic isn't it? Especially when more people were in favor of /ggg/ staying than /gg/.
>>20972309 Did, politely several times. Only got "YOU'RE A JEW GTFO" ect ect. Had to resort to tardation
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972167 by the way the mewtwo y is timid and mewtwo x is jolly. you still fine with the y?Also they're both kalos born
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972332 I was there were you Gio or Jannis?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972365 k ill send it now.
Also giveaway soon. get them combees ready
Is this thread a replacement for luvdisc generals? I've been off /vp/ for a while and miss those
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>>20972318 Its still in the catalogue, doesn't seem nearly as active as in January
>>20972370 Or was it Micaruba?
>>20972389 Seems like it for now but its prety dead at the moment
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972370 Nope. You wouldn't even guess. I participated in literally 2 giveaways. Didn't ask for more than one, or specific things. Was polite and thankful. I made the mistake of saying "Why do so many people copy Freki's ign and post with it?" Boom. Instantly hated.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Micaruba - 5386-9149-9021 !!TqifpzO62Me
>>20972411 You guessed correctly
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972430 oh yea what happened to freki?
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
Micaruba - 5386-9149-9021 !!TqifpzO62Me
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>>20972460 No clue. But that's all it took
>>20972388 In this thread or a new one?
>>20972430 >>20972444 I dont think asking to remove you would even be worth it since nobody uses it but I'll ask to get you off
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972463 got it thanks
>>20972495 meh i'll start here and repost on new thread if we hit bump limit
Micaruba - 5386-9149-9021 !!TqifpzO62Me
>>20972497 No need. Made a new character and haven't participated in any giveaways since I bought my powersave. Now I pretty much just generate perfect mons for the people who were cool to me. I ain't even mad
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>>20972506 'k, getting combee ready then
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>20972506 Yay it worked! Your boxes makes patterns lol
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
For another future giveaway
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972558 Does that have a move from previous gen tutor?
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>>20972513 The powersaves are great
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972558 Nice I did these guys too they're pretty nice.
Old pic
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972572 I belive heal bell is but it one of audinos egg moves
tm are wish'heal bell and draning kiss
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972596 mines diffrent dream ball'bold and draning kiss
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972599 seems like its a breed move from skitty
ermm should i put items on my mons giveaway? doing so would mean that I will have to delay the giveaway to put items on them. Or is everyone fine if they dont have one.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972620 Nice one maybe I'll clone another batch so we can do a giveaway together, you can do bold and i'll do careful
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>>20972621 Dunno, what would that item be? If it's something like lefts, no items to be faster
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972599 /em not tm
>>20972621 do what ever you think is best
>>20972638 sure
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>>20972621 Items are a nice touch, but it might be better and faster for you, without them.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972655 When are you planning to do your giveaway anon?
Also am a britbog so that might affect time
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972663 is 10 pm tomarrow night ok?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972674 Yeah thats good
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972682 not to get confused your time zone or my time zone?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972674 Add me so I know when you're online. Am planning to do a Numel giveaway tomorrow too bertzen ethlyn
>>20972707 I was talking about my timezone if thats good?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972739 Woops my fc is 2234 8425 2804
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
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>>20972739 k well it dosne't say your fc
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972771 Same here just cloning the audino's again mines are lv1, pokerus and I made them hold leftovers perfect 6ivs too
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
how many people are still here and lurking?
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
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>>20972791 I have also started to clone gave mine sitris berrt
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
>>20972771 Jonathan, do you have by any chance a spare Shiny Gengar from yesterday's giveaway? I'd appreciate it!
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972831 I never got the gengar the op didn't reply
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
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>>20972845 Ugh. Thanks anyway.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972845 Hey how much boxes are you planning on making I'll mirror yours
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>>20972831 >>20972845 I missed that gengar too, so sad.
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972863 about 1-3
IV already have 12 cloned
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>>20972807 combee prepared
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972872 I got about a box done, hows two boxes sound?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972845 >>20972831 I have a sludge wave Gengar that might be able to pass through GTS but I haven't cloned it yet. I'll trade it to you some time
>mfw field is too long Anonymous
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972883 good im just imaging its mega purple
IGN Gori
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>>20972807 Just got off work so I'm back what's going on now?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20972901 Yeah I cant wait to see its shiny version
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Fuck it field is too long so here are the details. Also they're all shiny -hexaperfect Luxury ball lvl 100 female Synchronize Impish Umbreon- Knows Foul play and Heal bell which is only obtainable from previous gen and wish which has to be chain bred. -hexaperfect Dusk ball lvl 100 male Sand Stream Adamant Tyranitar w/Weakness Policy -hexaperfect Moon ball lvl 1 male Torrent Modest Piplup -Hexaperfect Love ball lvl 13 female Klutz Timid Lopunny w/Choice Scarf -Hexaperfect Luxury ball lvl 1 female Effect Spore Adamant Shroomish. Knows Drain Punch which can only be learn by breeding it with a mon from previous generation -Hexaperfect Dream ball lvl 1 female Infiltrator Jolly Zubat. Knows Giga Drain which can only be learn by breeding it with a mon from previous generation -Luxury ball level 50 male Steadfast Jolly Gallade. Knows Knock Off and Ice Punch which can only be obtained from move tutor from previous gen. -Luxury Ball lvl 57 Magic Guard Clefairy. Movesets are Soft-Boiled, Heal Bell, Stealth Rock, and Hyper Voice which are all moves that can only be obtained from previous gen(seriously it even has softboiled which is gen 3 tutor move) -Pentaperfect Moonball level 50 Trace Timid Gardevoir with Life Orb and knows Hyper Voice(Gen 5 Move Tutor) -HP Ground Dream Ball lvl 53 Pixelate Sylveon. Also has Baton Pass and Hypervoice from Gen 5 move tutor. Make sure to combee up and put /gg/ as the message so I can clearly see you. I'm giving away 10 of each and I will be posting when the box is over or I'm taking a break or when I'm done. I don't mind if you disc up for more than one shiny but I do ask you to be considerate to others if you already have the specific shinymon. If you missed my previous giveaway feel free to disc up for those aswell. Also Big thanks to Leo,Crock, Thuggins, Serena, Bromide, and the person who gave me the umbreon who I cant remember his name(You know who you are buddy) for providing the mons for this giveaway. Good Luck
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972925 i got mine all the hotel ribbons and some of the other ribbons also
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>>20972939 Combee up for the piplup!!
jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>20972939 ll put combee up for lopunny
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20972889 I think everybody cared about it more because it would be KB, I dont know tho
>>20972944 I couldnt be borthered with that
too much time ;_; Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972939 >had one job >fuck it up sorry guys loppuny isn't in today's giveaway. Also I'm going from oldest to newest not by post. Although it's useful if you post so I can see if i skipped ya
>>20972960 Ill give ya a spare one from yesterday
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>>20972939 combee is up for zubat!
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>>20972939 Bee up for clefairy, amazing list!
IGN Gori
>>20972939 Combed up thanks Nymus I would love to help out with your giveaways
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>>20972939 bee up for Zubat please. Thanks.
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>>20972939 Combee up for Clefairy! Thanks nymus you're awesome.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20972975 Wow I haven't fucked up this much. Umbreon couldn't go through GTS since its from special event. Wonder how I got that
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>>20972939 bee for shroom! thanks
>>20972939 Combee for umbreon!
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20972939 Combee up for T-Tar
>>20973004 Hmm BW and BW2 DW events?
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>>20972939 Can I Bee up for umbreon
Mario 2036-7757-9453
>>20972939 combee for zubat going up in about 10 minutos nymus, just need to catch one, thank you in advance!
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>>20973004 Well shit. I put one up for it.
Oh well, changing my pick.
Desirey (2637-9916-7643)
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>>20972939 Bee up for T-tar. Thanks!
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:09:37 No. 20973037 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 Combee up for Gallade please
IGN: Suvi
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>>20973020 ign Bluesummers
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973018 sorry man it was too late when I realize it was an event mon and it couldn't pass through GTS. try re queuing for a different one
>>20972939 i dont have a combee but i'm putting up a luvdisc hopefully for a sylveon. IGN: Nick
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>>20972939 Nvm Bee up for gallade
Aaron 3754-6462-4993 (FS: Corsola Dwebble Rhydon)
Aaron 3754-6462-4993 (FS: Corsola Dwebble Rhydon) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:11:04 No. 20973058 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 Can I get a Shroomish? Combee going up now.
Hever | 3024-6182-7618 !!K9tXyOcGoN3
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>>20972939 combee up for a gallade :)
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Thanks for the piplup!
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>>20972939 Combee up for the Piplup. Thanks!
>>20973040 Just read that after posting, don't worry, I'm queingfor a gardevoir
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>>20972939 Combee is up for Gallade
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>>20972939 combeeing up for the Gardevoir. you rock.
Sera 1864 8625 6813
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>>20972939 bee up for clefairy
IGN Gori
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>>20972995 Got my piplup thanks Nymus!
IGN: Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
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>>20972939 Bee up for Tyranitar!
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>>20972939 >>20973044 Caught a combee switching it out
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20973033 >>20972939 Ok combee up, thank you Nymus!
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>>20972939 combee up for clefairy
Combee up for the gardevoir!
>>20972939 >tfw I'm still in queue over at the Aggron giveaway Life is suffering.
>>20972939 Nymus my man, could i get one of those umbreons? Got my combee ready
Mario 2036-7757-9453
>>20973147 Yup, same here, but i took my karp down because honestly i prefer the ones that Nymus is giving away
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>>20972939 Combee is up for a Tyranitar, thanks
>>20973068 Good taste.
I did exactly the same thing. Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973154 sadly i fucked up and it can't pass through gts. queue for another one. sorry
>>20972939 What do you look for in donated pokemon for giveaways? Do you make them shiny, change ball, or change 4IV to 5IV? Or do they have to have all of those and you only clone? I am considering helping donate, so long as I get my original back
>>20973172 mah nigga
Nymus, mind if I combee for a clefairy?
I already received my mon, thanks!
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>>20973184 I said I beed up for Gallade before it was up is that cool, thank you btw
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973209 usually just good egg moves but moves from prev gen move tutors is always nice. I can change the IV, nature, ball type, and shinify
>>20973184 okay no problem how about a lopunny?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973243 yeah i fucked up that one aswell that was from my previous giveaway. but go and bee for it since I have a spare of that
>>20973238 Okay! I'll breed something up for ya!
>>20973213 Fuck, got sniped, rebeeing up and just noticed
>>20973170 Thankfully I got it just as I got done typing that.
Bee up for Piplup. Couldn't choose gender.
You're Bee-ing an excelent person, Nymus.
I'm a fucking idiot for thinking of that pun. Tom
>>20972939 Put another combee up for a Piplup but give me lower priority. Thanks again Nymus
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973264 make sure to state what it is first because I might have it already
>>20973265 yea I realized that
>>20973262 Do you still have piplup and sylveon?
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>>20973262 youre a good man nymus!
Mia 0817 4155 0647
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>>20972939 Combee uo for tyranitar. Thanks.
Mario 2036-7757-9453
>>20973262 >>20973033 Hey Nymus, after you send me a zubat can i ask for a shroomish? just asking because i dont have any combees so i need to go and catch one, thanks in advance dude
>>20973268 Oh fuck me then, only if i waited a little more ;-;
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>>20972939 Combee is up for Zubat in case you have any left
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973275 I just go oldest to newest.
>>20973282 yep
>>20973312 feel free
Also since there are more people again, I'll increase it to 15 of each mons.
>>20972939 Shit I didn't put gg as my comment is that ok?
Asura 2638-0478-1013
>>20972939 May I nab a zubat
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:31:34 No. 20973359 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 Thanks I got My love Gallade Shiny thanks Nymus
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>>20973347 bee is up thanks man
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973349 as long as it has vp,gg, or nymus its fine
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>>20973365 Sweet thank you
IGN devon
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>>20972939 Can I get a piplup , please and thank you
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20973347 Alright, combee up waiting for zubat, going for another bee in the meantime, thanks in advance Nymus!
>>20973277 Anything in particular you're looking for?
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:35:05 No. 20973395 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 Combee up for female ZUBAT please
IGN: Suvi
ign: Matt
>>20972939 hey m8 can you hold onto one gallade for me? I'm waiting on something atm
Shinji [2466-2602-4320]
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>>20972939 bee'd up for a Sylveon if you've still got some. Thanks Nymus!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973401 oldest to newest. Dont worry you might make it.
>>20973389 Not really. if i think the community will like it then I take it.
>>20973365 I was sniped while asking for piplup, a new combed is up if you have any left
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:38:03 No. 20973431 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 I would like one Gardevoir, the combee is up.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20973434 Nymus did all the T-tars run out?
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>>20972939 Bee up for gallade, I think I missed out on draco's :\
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>>20972939 Ign Aaron bee up for gardevoir
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973443 No
Also gonzalos if you are around I cant trade umbreon in GTS
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>>20973434 Sorry, forgot it
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>>20973137 Hey Im not sure if you want us to specify our IGN but mine is nilus just in case. I'm sorry that I'm always fucking up in your giveaways
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20972939 Putting a Combee up for a Sylveon ASAP
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20973415 >>20973033 Oh fuck, took my bee off by accident, putting it up right now
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20973452 Oh ok thanks I thought they ran out and my bee was up for no reason
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
Giving away the meowstics from earlier, 4 male and 4 female, disc up with the message male/female depending on the gender you want
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Thanks Nymus I just received my gardevoir!
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>>20972939 Bee up for gallade hopefully I'm not late
Beto FC: 4785-6437-6555
IGN: sal 3625-9300-4294
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>>20973452 Hey bee up for a sylveon if they're up! Thank you bro!
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>>20973415 >Not really. if i think the community will like it then I take it. I see.
I'll keep that in mind.
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>>20972939 If its not too much trouble can you save a zubat for me? thanks
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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>>20973467 I'll take a male, thank you! I had a hard time choosing last time hah
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20973467 Long time no see Glaceon
>>20973467 I'll disc up for a male in a second! Thanks Glaceon!
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>>20973467 May I have a male? =)
Disc up
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
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>>20973467 Getting a male while I can!
>>20973277 Okay, some choices are:
>Ready: Roselia: (Spikes, Pin Missile, Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder)
Trevenant: (no egg moves)
Crawdaunt: (DD, Knock Off, Superpower, Aqua Jet)
>Almost ready: Sableye: (Metal Burst, Sucker Punch, Trick, Recover)
Tropius: (Leaf Blade, DD, Leech Seed, Natural Gift)
>Need time: Numel, others
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973467 going to disc up for this since I missed it last time
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>>20973467 I'd like a female one please. Thanks.
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>>20973347 bee up for piplup
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20973467 Can I have any of them? Just waiting for Nymus and then i disc up, thanks in advance
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>>20973452 Bee up for ttar! IGN is joe
>>20973496 >>20973467 It's up now, sorry for the delay, I was on bank, had to get out asap. Thanks, Glaceon!
>>20973467 I disced for a female thanks
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>>20972939 combee up for a zubat, thanks!
>>20973518 hey are still giving away gallades if so i can just do r]that instead of lops
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:51:23 No. 20973590 Report >>20972939 if this is still going on, ill bee up for sylveon then for umbreon, thanks so much, youre awesome
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>20972939 >tfw won't be home for another hour or so. Aw shit.
That's the Umbreon I gave ya hue Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973588 Yep still going on. feel free to combee up
>>20973590 Umbreon isn't tradable on GTS sorry. Sylveon is fine though
Sera 1864 8625 6813
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>>20973599 thanks for clefairy
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>>20973599 awesome man bee up thanks!
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>>20973541 >>20973467 Received, thank you so much, Glaceon!!
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>>20973599 >>20973510 Nymus, didn't know if you missed this.
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>>20973563 Thanks glaceon! It's amazing
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20973599 Hey Nymus, can you see my bee or i fucked it up?
asked for a zubat, thanks dude
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Mon 15 Sep 2014 01:56:03 No. 20973644 Report Quoted By:
>>20973599 ok thats fine, bee is going up now, thank you!
Hey Nymus how many galades do you have left?
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>>20973467 Glad to see you back Glace. Disc up for a male meowstic
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
>>20972939 >>20973457 Hey was I skipped? It's been a while so I reupped the Combee. (It's Japanese in case you skimmed over it)
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973651 around 7 left I think. It's currently the most requested ones,
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>>20972939 I wish you still have a Gallade, thanks a lot!
>>20973669 Oh Nevermind then thanks though
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20972939 Bee up for a shroomish, thanks a lot dude
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973709 If I think there is a lot more demand I can clone more so feel free to bee up
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>>20973669 >>20972939 Bold LVL 33 Combee up for Gallade
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>20973669 Yay! thought no one would want it compared to the other mons. and bee up for gardevior.
>>20973733 Well I would but I already had two others and I don't really want to be a jew
>>20972939 Combee is up for a Reuniclus if you've got one, thanks
Danny 0903-2843-3150
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>>20972939 Bee up for TTar
>>20973747 Plus I'm sure someone else will do another giveaway
>>20973733 Nymus why are you so fuckin awesome?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20973744 The one I thought would be the most requested is the umbreon but thats fucked already and the one i thought wouldn't sell the most is piplup and zubat but they're actually doing good.
Zelda [4184-2775-8353]
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>>20972939 if you have anymore T-tar, i'd like one please. bee up
Bromide = IGN
>>20972939 Bee up for Shroomish if this is still going on/you still have any shrooms
>>20973733 I am back, so can I get a zubat?
Chico Pez 1993-8203--2082(shuppet,phantump,spiritomb)
Chico Pez 1993-8203--2082(shuppet,phantump,spiritomb) Mon 15 Sep 2014 02:08:10 No. 20973815 Report Quoted By:
>>20972939 i want a gardevoir ign rutee just in case
Scotty: 2165 6849 7476
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>>20972939 Putting a buzz buzz up for Tyranitar if you have any left!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973747 >>20973780 Like I said, I dont mind if you queue for as much mons as you can but if you already have that certain one, then just be considerate.
>>20973763 gj for remembering.
>>20973783 Nah the awesome ones are the people who provided the mons. I'm just handing them out.
>>20973806 sent
>>20973813 sure
>>20973833 >>20973510 Nymus, Don't mean to keep bugging ya, but do you see anything you'd like to giveaway?
Asura 2638-0478-1013
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>>20973833 >>20973355 got sniped putting up another bee
>>20973833 Oh ok if you're sure then I'll bee up, and No I don't have a shiny galade, not even a regular one for that matter
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>>20973833 hey nymus sorry for bugging im sure you are busy with all this i put i a bee up for gallade
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973843 ahh sorry was meant to reply to you.
-someone already gave away roselia
-i already did phantump giveaway
-crawdaunt seems cool but not sure if people wants it
-sableye seems good since its getting a mega
-tropius no need
-someone already did numel and sharpedo giveaway
>>20973876 Alright, let me breed away the jap name and I'll post my FC when I'm done.
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation Mon 15 Sep 2014 02:15:15 No. 20973903 Report >>20973843 >>20973510 >>20973876 It depens on Nymus but I'm actually looking for a Roserade with HA. So if you guys are up to it...
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973895 If you can nickname it that would be nice aswell :^)
>>20973904 Any Nickname ideas? I don't nickname much, so if I like one I'll use it
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20973895 Also what I will do is i will bee up for the mon that way I can do it while I'm doing the giveaway
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>>20973903 I double checked, it has Natural Cure, sorry
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20973919 Nah just think of something quite original
>>20973903 But I have a Budew with (Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm, Cotton Spore, and Extrasensory) with HA
>>20973870 Oh and by the way I have a shiny adamant hawlucha with stone edge/roost/sky attack/and flying press. It had unburden and holding a power herb. It's name is El sombra. If you want I can let you borrow it
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20973966 that from the previous giveaway? I actually wanna borrow that if you dont mind.
Also someone make new thread. we are past bump limit
>>20973979 Yeah no problem and no I bred it myself. It took sooooo many boxes but it was worth it
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>>20972939 Female combee up for piplup thanks as always
Bromide = IGN
>>20973876 Putting another bee up for a Piplup then I'm done taking for the night. Thanks again for the awesome giveaway Nymus, glad I could help in some way this time.
Enjoy the T-tar anons.
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation
Keinart (4699-5937-0122) Bug safari, need confirmation Mon 15 Sep 2014 02:22:44 No. 20974022 Report Quoted By:
>>20973962 That's awesome, as long as it has HA it's cool for me. Now if Nymus want it or if want to change it directly let me know.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20974010 even better. ill take it later.
>>20974021 np man. thanks again for the t-tar
Andrea: 0576-4765-5729
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>>20973979 >>20973664 here, I just hatched another Combee egg so I'm putting that up instead of the Japanese one. Still hoping there's a Sylveon left! Anonymous
>>20974035 Ok sweet, I figured I'd offer it to you since I've been a pain in the ass in the past giveaways. When would you like it? Want me to give it to you tomorrow?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20974048 well it seems like we might be running out of gallade so ill bee up for it then tell you when its up. Ill clone it along with the gallades. make sure to add my FC though so I can find you easily
>>20974035 Will you asking for Combee from now on?
I wanna know so I can stock up
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20974075 That's the plan until some problems happen.
Mario 2036-7757-9453
>>20974085 Dont wanna be a jew, but do you have any shroomish left? I really want one, thanks in advance Nymus, bee is up!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Also is anyone making a new thread or should I do it?
>>20974108 go for it
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>20972939 Thx for gardevior! one more up for piplup, if there's any left.
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>>20974113 I think you might have skipped me. Or am I being an impatient faggot?
Mario 2036-7757-9453
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>>20974113 Alright, bee is up, thanks a lot dude
Scotty: 2165 6849 7476
>>20974113 Hey Nymus instead of putting it up on the gts why don't I just trade it to you through wifi? I have you in my list
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20974172 my wifi trading is buggy sadly
>>20974135 thanks boss
>>20974191 going to trade "Dr. Snell for your bee in a min.
I'd keep the dream ball, shinyfy, change IV's though. Thanks! This might sound odd, but can I keep the original?
>>20974259 >>20974191 Original that's shinyfied
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20974280 wait which mon is this?
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>>20974309 The Sableye, I'm on the other thread now though
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
Just got home. Nymus are you still doing the giveaway?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20974813 yes check other thread.
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is it too late to get a shroomish?
iggy 4270-1524-2839
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>>20972939 iggy for gardevoir please