>>20977851> Mega SceptileUU at least, probably? That Electric immunity is going to be super handy and it can completely break the momentum in a Voltturn set up. It'll have some use in Doubles too hopefully, which is incidentally what most of these new Megas are geared towards...
> Mega SwampertRU to UU? I can't really say. Its ability is basically useless due to the fact that rain is no longer infinite, although again, in Doubles at least it could have a partner to set up the rain. What'll matter here is the stats.
> Mega SlowbroBL to OU. Slowbro's already bulky as fuck, and it trades Leftovers recovery for presumably even MORE bulk, and it won't die to crits either. I initially hated this thing but hey, I think I'm warming up to it. Let's just hope it can really tank a nice hit.
> Mega SableyeUU, most likely. Magic Bounce is useful, but its stats just aren't that great. It'll at least still be the same tier as the base form.
> Mega SharpedoUU to BL, possibly. Boost up then Mega Evolve and eat to win. Hopefully it hits hard enough.
> Mega CameruptRU at best. It has some okay moves to take advantage of Sheer Force, but it's nothing too spectacular. Its stats aren't great in the base form and I could only hope they give it a decent enough boost.
> Mega AltariaUU at least. Dragon / Fairy's an interesting type, and its ability gives it an offensive presence of some sort. Hopefully it'll also get a decent enough stat boost.
> Mega SalamenceOU for sure. Its stats are already great, and with this nice new ability, it'll be a force to be reckoned with.
> Mega MetagrossOU as well. Already great stats and it gets a very nice ability. Definitely something to watch out for.
> Mega Lopunny UU at best. Those STABs along with that ability will be nice, but let's just hope the stats cut it.
> Mega GalladeRU garbage. Utterly bullshit useless ability that doesn't help it at all, and it'll be outclassed by Mega Medicham.