Quoted By:
Breloom (pretty much just boost to what it is)
Wailord (defences boost, maybe give it some recovery as well)
Vespiquen (she needs one badly, give her better typing and some nice boosts)
Crawdaunt (my bro, awsome moveset and Ability, give him some stats boosts and he will rock)
Galvantula (no particular reason, love it and want it to be more viable)
Gastrodon (see above)
Porygon-Z (the proper Porygon, none of this thrid-party shit)
Shedinja (Pure ghost and give it Wonder Guard that also has properties of Magic Guard)
Stantler (so people would finally remember it)
Mostly those. Truth to be told, I wouldn't mind Mega of every Pokemon, but those I want the most.