Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
Old thread:
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I wonder if she'll follow us here
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
So what should I do for the mintberryx Pokemon giveaway I'll do tommorow? Moves? Natures? Pokemon? I'd love ideas, I want to commemorate this beautiful event.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987679 It's okay, I've been remembered in spirit
;_; Anonymous
>>20987695 Even the screencapper got recognized, which I am thankful for, thanks mintberry. Glad you made a post just for me!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
what was even going on in that last thread? I feel dumb
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>>20987678 How about shiny vespiquen? Since she tried to use combee
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20987711 We made salty berry juice.
>>20987711 some intragram event, then the based snipers sniped the pokemon for the event and they eventually found out about it
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20987678 If you want you can do a giveaway of the 3 bros that was handed out on this day.
Then Bob can then snipe as much as he can Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987708 Bit of a shame her profile's private. I wanted to see all the angry comments about Topkek :!)
>>20987711 Some Instagram chick was using Luvdiscs and Combees to giveaway Pokemon, as /gg/ was doing. Nymus got fed up with it and just started this snipe fest.
Bob joined in, so did I, it was a big mess. But it was the best mess I've ever been in.
Duo 3351-4378-7742
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>>20987695 Surskits would be nice, I thought it was really cool when I first played ruby
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>>20987723 I actually have all of the slowpokes including hers. I helped with the sniping when they tried putting up the slowpoke
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>>20987721 Top fucking kek
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>>20987721 >>20987729 ah, ok
makes sense now.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20987729 nono that's not completely right. I think Bob was already doing it before I started but he didn't tell anyone.
Also, anyone got a copy of the derpbro? I got myles and hers but never gotten bob's bro
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20987732 Holy shit this is golden.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20987747 Put up a luvdisc. And I was doing it for about week now.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987747 I got a few Derpbros, put something up and I'll throw it your way.
And yeah, I joined late so I didn't know.
>>20987707 So do we have anybody working on screencapping that?
>>20987732 Let's all post selfies so they know we aren't fat loosers.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20987757 I dont have a disc... will
bee do?
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>>20987770 >>20987722 made this a while ago. hope someone sees the beauty that must be preserved.
>>20987770 Capping instagram?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20987757 >>20987762 bee is up. IGN is Serena
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>>20987784 no we mean those ebin meme screencaps
>>20987772 Shall I post a selfie of mint? She actually cute
>>20987784 make sure you screencap that part she comes in the thread, please
>>20987801 Go for it. Clearly a follow whore though.
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>>20987783 The archive is better
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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I sniped a Slowbro off of the GTS, so I don't know if some people are still doing it.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987802 That was a ruse.
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>>20987806 The Pokemon community on instagram is actually quite small I ran into her page one said meh Ill give her a follow, her personal page seems to be public tho
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20987829 But did the instagram kids watching know it was a ruse?
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What if we lure mintberry here? Wouldn it be good? Bad?
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>>20987732 If anyone here participated in this, you are fantastic
>>20987829 And I was 'le ebin rusemaster'. I just wanted to ruse the screencapper into capping me rusing you guys. ;^) Anonymous
>>20987801 Meet the star of this thread
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20987842 Why does her eyes look wierd
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>>20987839 You can claim it was a ruse, but it was probably mintberry.
You can take credit, but it was obvious mintberry.
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>>20987842 She is so cute.
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>>20987842 She ain't cute.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
Some Combees are still going up for Slowbros, not sure if that's this thread or not but I'm still sniping.
>>20987842 Jesus Christ; look at those bags under the eyes.
>>20987854 Cuz they are bigger than the average asian eyes. Either she did some operations or really opened those eyes wide for that pic.
>>20987842 meh. I've seen better.
>momma >living with her is she.... a minor still?
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>>20987842 for a girl who plays pokemon i'd say shes above average
>>20987866 thanks for the Topkek!
>>20987842 Updates comrades
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>>20987872 Inb4 glaceon is mintberry
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20987885 No problem. Enjoy it. :^)
Bromide = IGN
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>>20987872 hard to tell with the slant eyes
>>20987867 Kek I thought about that too
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>>20987886 So that really was her. Hah.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987886 >PLEASE AND KINDLY FUDGE OFF. Come in here and tell us to, then, Typhlosion :^)
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>>20987871 >>20987854 Colored contact lens. They make your eyes HUGE.
>girl Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20987897 >>20987867 Yeah it's probably the bads thats why it looks wierd
>>20987886 >I kinda wanna talk to them, see why they like doing this to a group of children Is it sad that this made me feel bad? Anonymous
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>>20987886 >why they are doing this to a group of children. for the keks kid. its always for the kek
also how bout dem giveaways
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>>20987886 >implying she didn't also have "spies" here like that literal Snorlax >children this is an 18+ site. only manchildren here.
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>>20987854 Probably just circle lenses and eyelid tape. Not sure why she went to the effort of doing that and skipped the undereye concealer though
That's actually a really shit picture of her, she has others if anyone wants to check
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>>20987915 Yes why would you feel bad
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20987906 Rear Admiral Bob says the war will continue. Our spies are well hidden and our morale is skyhigh!
>>20987934 we still need to find that scoundrel Snorlax sir
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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this has been the best laugh ive gotten all day! you guys are the best
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>>20987928 I can provide others
>Lucky Punch Myles, you're a fucking genious. What's the iv spread for this masterpiece, again?
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yeah no one is screencapping this. oh well.
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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Hey instagram kids. I feel bad for giving away these mean Pokemon. I really do. Put up a Slowbro and I'll send you a REAL Slowbro. Put it up with the message "I'm sorry". I am trying to apologize, here. :^)
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20987943 >we still need to find that scoundrel Snorlax sir Leave him. They need an information pipeline so they can rage harder.
She actually is a qt I actually made a fake account to follow her but she won't accept it, it actually looks like she knows her shit about breeding she has her own Paige just for it
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20987952 0's across the board, baby.
Best part is I literally slapped a bunch of Calciums and other shit onto it. It's EV's are garbage.
>>20987968 Told y'all she was a cutie.
>>20987982 not that much tbh
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20987971 Should have given it 31 speed and speed vitamins
>>20987982 It's debatable, her other pics are meh
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>>20987992 >>20987986 She fits my taste.
>inb4 bad taste Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20987989 Should've, but it's too late now. My pride is the Lucky Punch, though.
And I did give it Speed Vitamins.
>>20987842 >You will never lick Mintberrys toe's Anonymous
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>>20987989 I just checked and there are some speed evs.
>>20988001 Why live?
>>20988001 Not that I wanted to in the first place...
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>>20988011 Get out of my board, you faggot.
Put a bee to get one of the bros for the memories, and got a TOPMAN with bad everything but speed IVs ty to whoever gave me this :^)
Any updates? Does she know we are posting&rating her pics?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>/gg/ thread >sniping >rating >no giveaways >>20988031 Didn't give that but its from me. Myles's bro is called Topkek and Bob's is derpbro
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>>20988039 Sadly no, it appears she has gone to sleep
Is Bob still here? Could I possibly get a Derpbro? I've got both others from Myles. Thanks again, Myles.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20988119 I can get you one in a minute. Still doing Shaymin experiments currently.
>>20987968 I forgot to post this one
>>20988127 I've got a combee up with the message Mintberryx derp. Thanks a ton.
>inb4 I get sniped by Myles again Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20988135 >has a name and was holding lucky punch Feels good, man.
>>20988135 >lucky punch nigga what
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>>20988135 >rare ball >male >0ivs >31 in speed my sides
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20988139 Man, I am bad at this. Sorry about that.
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>>20988153 Glad I could help
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20988159 That was mine. I handed out shiny 0IV Slowbros with them.
I did Lucky Punch because I figured it's the most useless item. Nobody's going to run that on Chancey.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988153 Miles mind sniping my bee for a derpbro if you have a spare?
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20988179 Sure do. What's your name again?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20988200 I-I'm sorry Sent it your way. Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988221 Thanks man. Gonna start cloning these guys just incase.
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>>20988231 Nymus, triple battle me with the Bros? I'm only missing derpbro, as soon as Bob send on my way I'll be ready to send you a battle.
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>>20988127 Are they shiny? :^) Anonymous
>>20987968 Confirmed she is of age
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>>20988303 Thanks, anon. Now I can fap without feeling guilty.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20988303 I like how they're still talking about this.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
So I have some Shiny Shaymin, here. Do a disc for disc trade on the GTS and I'll send you one. HP ice, timid, some tutor moves. You'll have to ev it yourself, though.
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Sooooo how bout them giveaways?
>>20988337 Could I get one for the combee that is up for a derpbro?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20988337 count me in. Just waiting for server process
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
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>>20988337 >Shaymin Oh Bob, how did you know my favorite Pokemon?
Discing up. Thanks m8.
>>20988337 Disc up ig blue
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20988358 I don't see why not.
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>>20988373 Thanks. The ign is Serena.
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>20988337 Discin up for one
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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>>20988368 How did I get sniped, cmon Bob
Re upping
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Just so people know, you cant trade Shaymin over the GTS. You need to trade me luvdisc for luvdisc so I can trade you from history.
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>>20988409 My combee still up&waiting, based Bob.
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>>20988337 Disc up. I think I have you on aquaintances. Huh, gonna check.
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>>20988337 Disc going up. IGN Jeff. Also suddenly activity. That lurking.
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
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>>20988414 oh shit ok discing for disck
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>>20988337 Disk is up thanks!
IGN: Alejandro
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>>20988409 Then post your friend code
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>20988364 Disregard this gotta do something
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>>20988337 Hoping you still have one, disc up (David)
Nymus you're a rascal :^)
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Uh was the Disc supposed to be Golden?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988483 >not appreciating the golden disc. Man that's like a free shiny legendary ticket.
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
I was going through my boxes and found just under a box full of Brave, Protean, Kecleons with Drain Punch, Ice, Fire, and Thunder punch. Anyone interested? 5IV's, 0 in speed. Disc up if you want one.
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>>20988506 I'll admit you caught me way off guard, I'll cherish it forever.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20988483 But I thought Megatron stole the Golden Disc.
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>>20988483 Hah, I got one of those too
Myles (3737-9650-0553)
>>20988337 >OT: Sniper >ID: 00360 Damn it, Bob.
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>>20988337 Luvdisc up. IGN is Keith. Thanks Based Robert
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20988521 But I am Megatron. Also should I trade ya or you send the request?
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>>20988509 I'll take one, I'll disc in a second I need to catch one
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Just a reminder: After I trade for your disc I will leave the GTS and await your trade offer. Trade me as soon as you spot me.
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>20988509 Ill disc up for one
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>>20988565 Discin' up again
IGN Tuatara
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>>20988337 Disc up
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>>20988565 Fucking metal as fuck, dude. Based beyond belief.
>>20988531 I chuckled uncontrollably.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988565 thx bob. want me to help hand these out?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20988628 Sure, I'm having connection problems.
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>>20988509 Oh shit it's shiny I honestly wasn't expecting that thanks jk
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>>20988531 >How do you like to battle? >Use lots of tricks Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Ok helping out Bob on his giveaway. If you can see me feel free to trade me. my net is shit though so if there's an error, just reconnect.Also if you trade me back a golden disc ill toss in an additional mon for ya
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>>20988694 Can I get one from you, Nymus?
I have you added Anonymous
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>>20988509 disk up thx!
IGN: Alejandro
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>>20988337 Shit I'll take one of those motherfuckers if there are enough
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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>>20988694 My disc is up still, thank you!
IGN: 0Lunar
>>20988694 Thanks Nymus youre so fucking based
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988753 thank bob not me. It's his mon and I'm just helping him spread it
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>>20988694 Can I have one? I have you too in my acquaintances, thanks for this and the great night!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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Tom next time trade the golden disc first. Also dont quote me quote bob.
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>>20988634 Thanks Bob you're so fucking based
>>20988767 And thanks Nymus for redirecting me and help distributing them
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>20988694 aight. so do we need the disc or no? Thank you both in advance.
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>tfw first giveaway after Mintberry shenanigans is a fucking awesome one You people are unbelieveable. Stay like that.
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>>20988337 Thanks bob, appreciate it
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988824 Bob is doing disc so he can aquantance trade. If ya can see me just go ahead
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>>20988565 Didn't see that
Disc going back up for disc now
Ign serena
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>>20988694 Thank you so much, Nymus!
>>20988634 Also thanks a ton, Bob, for making these available!
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>20988834 ok i'll just send a trade to you because i don't think i'll be able to see bob after the disc since we used to be friends but we deleted each other.
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Thanks for the Shaymin, Bob!
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>>20988834 >>20988634 Received, thank you both so much!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
right ill be back in a sec gonna clone more. seems like there's more people
>>20988834 Thanks nymus thanks bob thanks mintberry
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>>20988912 >thanks mintberry kek
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>>20988565 bob, top bloke!
cheers for the shaymin and the laughs
Bob, if you have time don't forget I still have that combee up for a derpbro. Thanks.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988948 Ill do it when I come back
>>20988960 Thanks man! You're a lifesaver. I just re-upped it so it'll be more visible.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
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Thank you Bob and Nymus! This is cool.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20988909 I have about 3 left, so if you wanna clone more go at it.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20988987 sniped.
Also I'm back so get those trade ready
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>>20989048 Thanks! I'll keep them as a reminder of mintberry's night.
>>20989048 Nymus pls. I have 2 Golden Discs now.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20989048 If you just want me to start genning stuff for you to give away in the future, I can do that.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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Net fucked up. reconnecting now
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989109 I actually have a friend who gens as well but problem is I dont know what to gen that's why I just get the people to lend me mons to do giveaway. Thanks for the offer though and If I think of one I'll ask
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>>20989109 Gen us more legends!
IGN Tuatara
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>>20989138 Shiny Flygon/Greninja would be sweeeeet
Also, got sniped and put up another Disc
>>20989138 Thank you Nymus, and Bob this has been a lot of fun.
Also Nymus, was the bonus for the disc from a recent giveaway? I actually got that exact 'mon prior (not that I'm complaining, I have great a gift for a friend when he gets a 3ds now.)
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>>20989138 Adamant mewtwo with the elemental punches pls
>>20989138 Nymus do you want a Meditite and a Cyndaquil for your giveaways?
Both have egg moves
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20988565 >>20988337 And with that I'm out. But never fear, Shaymin are still being given out.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989191 No Its just a disc that I made for fun. Then I realize I'm gonna throw them out in GTS now and then and if i get them back I'll give away a raremon for it.
Also net is going retard so I'm having some errors but i'm still doing the giveaway
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20988337 C-can I still get one?
Its not for.. its for
my gf, she loves this pokemon Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Make sure you reset your connection if we had an error trade by the way
>>20989211 Is it mintberry? crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>20989210 your internet must not like me or something.lol.
>>20989210 Nymus, would I be able to get a Trogdor for a golden disc?
If not I think I'll just keep the disc, haha Hullinov
>>20989210 I was actually referring to the mon that you gave me for the disc back, assuming you're giving the same ones out to others, I was keeping it a surprise.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989228 sure
>>20989225 just reset your net.
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989232 oh yea it was a giveaway that I helped distribute. I wouldn't say a secret since its just that i have like a box of those.
>>20989236 you missed something amazing man
>>20989235 Nymus I'm the fellow you gave 2 Discs to lol.
IGN Hot Rod
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>>20988337 If there's any left, can I get one? Discing up!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20989248 Go read the last half of the last thread.
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>20989235 Just did.Third times a charm?
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
>>20989248 this means no shaymin? ;_;
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989250 fucked up. what was your ign?
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>>20989207 >>20989248 Do you want them Nymus?
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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It worked! Lol thank you both!
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>>20989274 Thanks for the lizard, Nymus! You're awesome!
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>>20989274 thanks alot bro for the double disc AND Shaymin. you actually gave two of my favorite Pokemon.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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K i'm not taking anymore luvdisc on GTS so if i traded your disc, acquaintance trade me for the shaymin
iggy 4270-1524-2839
>>20989274 hey can i get some disks too?
im always the latecomer -__-
Lily 1865-0255-6997
>>20988509 still giving them out?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989365 i saw you on my acquaintance list so just trade me.
>>20989377 If you can see me on the acquaintance list then ya can still get shaymin
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
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>>20989387 I just got your disk!
>>20989387 Do we send you trade or you trade us?
>>20989207 I have this for you Nymus
(IGN: Rafael) 0791-3282-9812
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>>20989387 >>20989221 OMG I got it! thanks dude!!!
btw my gf isnt asian she is brown Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989436 Tried to give it Extrasensory instead Reversal but she female rate is annoying
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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Who else is waiting for their shaymin
>>20989452 It's fine
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>>20989452 the female rate*
I swore I was gunna stay of /vp/ today and be productive but it's 2:33 in the morning I officially don't care anymore. Is this Shaymin giveaway still a thing? (Nymus, if you're still around: Shiny Dog Trio - interested in cloning yay or nay?)
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989484 I have those three already.
Also if you can see me, just trade
>>20989494 Alrighty, I'll keep hunting. Thanks for the Shaymin!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20989525 np
Anyway I'm done with the shaymin. Gz to those who got one and thanks Bob.
Also I think I still have the pokemons of some people. Just trade me when ya see me. Thanks
>>20989552 what happening on twitter, wth is mint
and why the hate?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989566 check the old thread.
>>20989596 all these white knights on twitter
thats not how you get da pussy
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20989621 >>20989566 So this moved to twitter?
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>>20989621 >>20989636 I meant instagram or whatever the socialnetwork they are using
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20989636 Hey Bob you have any Shaymins left?
Also I'll be giving away 2 boxes worth of Audino's since that anon who I add never came on to do his giveaway or we missed each other
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20989667 I have a few but my net really, really hates people right now.
I have two.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20989672 Oh its ok then I missed all the mintberry fun :^(
I was asleep, well when its better could I have one Bob if nobody wants one.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989696 throw a disc/bee askin for a sylveon. Ill acquaintance trade ya after that.
Also you're britbong right? Andrea
>>20989667 When're you doing the Audino giveaway?
>>20989672 If I put a Luvdisc up overnight would I be able to get a Shaymin too?
>>20989787 sup Nymus, what timezone are you even in?
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
>doze off >miss shaymin giveaway Oh well. You snooze, you lose.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20989948 GMT+0/UK but my sleeping pattern is fucked up.
Also if you can see me on your acquaintance list, then just trade me
>>20989949 trade me
Quoted By:
>>20989960 Oh okay, I'll get on
PST here Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20989960 nice ty. also what is that box that looks like full of breedmon?
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>20989960 Aw yessss. Thank you so much
>>20989949 hah I missed it too. I wonder will bank accept all my white 2 legendaries traded up from old gen IV and emerald too. I hesitate to try in case it wipes my game files or something
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Also if anyone is interested theres a shone ghastly giveaway on another thread.
Did anyone manage to get Day Dreamer's aggron
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
>>20989989 Might as well try. I don't think bank erases detected mons that were hacked
unless there was some update. I wasnt aware of >>20989994 As nice has a shone ghastly sounds, I wanna try hunting a sludge wave gengar
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>>20990000 The bertha one? Yes
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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I love you so much Nymus.no homo
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20990008 The only thing it does is say that an illegal mon can't be banked, and omits it from the transfer list. The mons that are legit pass, and the mons that are badly hacked stay in box 1 in your gen 5 game.
>>20990067 so if I used encounter tricks to get legends in gen IV those won't transfer maybe?
Thanks for the tips, btw.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
well its nearly 10am here so I better go to sleep. Anyway cya guys and I might do a giveaway later.
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>>20990083 Those shouldn't matter as long as the mon isn't grossly hacked with unobtainable moves/abilities
Dan [0662-4058-4152] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>20990067 Oooh
>>20990095 Goodnight
I should head to bed too
I got class in the morning
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20989787 Thanks I will I also made a bunch of Female 0IV combees :^) so you can clone these guys. Let the sniping begin. And yeah am a britbong. My class had a trip and I just came back
>>20989948 I'll do it now, whats a common pokemon for the giveaway in your mind?
>>20991356 You want something unused?
Because if not flabebe is quite easy to find.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20991865 Sure thing everybody who wants one of these guys put up a Flabebe I'll give out a box worth and do a second one a little later.
These guys are holding leftovers and have pokerus.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>20991921 Flabebe is up for one please
Quoted By:
>>20991927 I´ll take one, thanks. Flabebe up
Quoted By:
I put one up as well
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20991921 >>20991927 I forgot to say quote me and say "/gg/ Kori"
>>20991927 >>20991927 up, message is /gg/Kori
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
Quoted By:
>>20992001 It's beautiful thank you Kori!
Haya 2964-8709-1986
>>20991921 flabebe up thanks!
I put vp kori ign bug I apologize
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Quoted By:
>>20992005 Got mine, thanks, Kori, it looks great!
IGN: Butts FC: 4141-2775-9277 (Spritzee, Snubble, Clefairy)
IGN: Butts FC: 4141-2775-9277 (Spritzee, Snubble, Clefairy) Tue 16 Sep 2014 16:04:26 No. 20992040 Report Anonymous
>>20991927 ign is alessa uploaded a shitflower
IGN: Azu
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne)
Suvi 3625-9103-7936 ( Jiggly, Clefairy, Dedenne) Tue 16 Sep 2014 16:07:12 No. 20992070 Report Quoted By:
>>20991921 Flabebe is up thanks
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Haya 2964-8709-1986
Quoted By:
>>20992037 >>20992013 Changing message and up! Sorry and thanks again
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Is anybody going to make the new thread soon?
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
>>20991927 Flower up thanks
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Quoted By:
>>20992173 >>20992118 How long do I have to keep doing this
>>20992001 Blues
>>20992164 I'll do it if nobody does.
On another note, serina started another Event Gengar giveaway
>>20991928 >>20991928 Gregory
Quoted By:
>>20991927 Got that sucker up. Thanks.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20992173 My fault quote on here
>>20992001 next time Nibras
Nibras 0920-0809-8173
Quoted By:
>>20992200 Woops sorry about that
>>20992001 Oh I thought you meant make the message /gg/ kori
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Quoted By:
>>20992183 Thank Blue, I'll be on that I missed it last time
>>20992233 I did Gregory
Shinji [2466-2602-4320]
Quoted By:
>>20991927 Flower up, thanks based Kori!
Quoted By:
Flabebe up! Thanks,
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Quoted By:
>>20992233 Please change that "gib shiny pls" shit Gregory