Hello everyone.
After speaking to the other Room Owners, we've decided on the best course of action to deal with Powersaves, Cyber Gadget Save Editor (CGSE) and other methods of X/Y Hacking.
We're going to have a dedicated thread on /vp/ & Reddit that will allow for Cloners and Device users (Pokegen accepted) to do trades and offer their services here.
If you would like to Trade the Pokemon you acquire here in our room then you're free to do so, but we ask that you quietly Trade them so the users on Showdown do not become upset due to their opinions on hacked Pokemon.
Feel free to use this thread as you see fit, and remember to stop by Smogon University (Official Server) or visit us by going to
http://pokemonshowdown.com/ and joining the Wi-Fi Room.
Without further aideu we open this thread to
FT's and LF's.
Smogon Staff - Forums
Administrative Staff - Site
Room Staff - Wi-Fi
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>>20994966 eat dick and fuck off
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99% certain that if the WiFi room legitimately did make a thread, the creator of this thread would have registered an account. Nice job, phony.
Tyler 0392 - 9349 - 1923 !DpzfxcAWdg
>>20994966 LF: lopunny, sharpedo, camerupt penta perfect
FT: perfect shiny froakie, fennekin, chespin
ty for doing this
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>>20994966 Sent! (check your inbox) ;)
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>>20994966 >aideu Holy shit, kill yourself.
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Fuck off stupid idiots. We trade LEGIT pokemans.
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>>20994966 We had something like. We called it the Black Market general. I miss it.
Hey guys smelliott here. Mod in wifi room on Pokemon showdown. This is a troll post from an evidently salty banned user from our room, we as always do not endorse hacking be it 'legit' cyber gadget injected mons or powersaved/pokegenned. This will not change and obviously a post on /vp/ would not be how we would ever announce anything. Please don't trade hacks in the room or you'll suffer the same fate as said trolls being a ban from the room.
Jenny 809 9382 - 1382 - 0437 !EPt5neq9kA
>>20995001 I've got a penta sharpedo I PS'd will trade for a Chespin
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>>20994966 I haven't laughed so freaking hard in ages. I guess this is one idiot who got banned from their site trying to bring their edge back to the room?
Captcha: 747
Official Showdown Wi-Fi Trading Post !!WVzzGygd2hj
Official Showdown Wi-Fi Trading Post !!WVzzGygd2hj Tue 16 Sep 2014 21:00:41 No. 20995086 Report Quoted By:
>>20995059 Reported for misrepresenting a Mod also lying and interrupting Official Wi-Fi Trading.
Ignore trolls like this. They're actually the ones who were banned.
Just ignore people like this completely and don't let them bother you.
Tyler 0392 - 9349 - 1923 !DpzfxcAWdg
LF: Legendaries preferably KB FT: All Shiny Starters
Shgeldz !c855OgX.Go
Gonna embrace the hate again and say that, yes, this is the same guy from last night, and no, this isn't true.
Shgeldz !VLj.C1Wv5g
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Hi this is Shgeldz here, or Scott as some of you may know me by. I wanted to step in like I did before and clarify that yes we have allowed this thread to me made. Some of the Moderator Staff and Users were not made aware, we didn't announce it and we may not. There will be a thread made about it on Smogon's Official Forums but we will not make a Room Announcement due to how touchy this subject it. I won't go into more details than this but I encourage any Staff who are here to PM me on Showdown so I may explain what is going on. Remember this was a group discussion but overall was Zarel, Chaos, and Haunter's final decision.
Shgeldz !VLj.C1Wv5g
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>>20995148 Obviously this is an imposter. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't undermine myself or any other of my Staff in Wi-Fi. Thank you.
Haunter !!z/cRIj40AFm
>>20995148 Lol this faggot's fake.
Zarel !!nTsrr2NPz7f
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>>20994966 I usually don't get involved in policy but I did approve of this. Don't like it? Don't trade here. Really simple concept.
Immortal !sD0PGdaG1U
Haunter !!z/cRIj40AFm
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>>20995250 lol this threads shit anyway i'm going to bed again
>>20995128 forgot my fc 2918 - 0391 - 3848
Korrina 7403 - 1329 - 8476
>>20995270 Do you have a shiny torchic?
The Immortal
Stop changing the room desc
v-dart 2918 - 0391 - 3848
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>>20995284 yes what legend do you have
Penta shiny starters for Meloetta
Immortal !sD0PGdaG1U
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>>20995287 Why fake being me? that's stupid
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>>20995296 I need the boogie
I love the boogie
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Hey there friends, can I ask that you all please stop entertaining little Matty over there. He obviously needs a few days to get his anger out some more, and wants to throw a little fit of 'rebellion', so it's best not to play along with him.
>>20994966 Fuck off back to whichever shithole you crawled out of. The WiFi room on showdown is infested with the worst kind of people and we don't want to be associated in any way with you.
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>>20995394 Second this.
Look at all these faggots clicking "inspect element" and modifying images and pages client side only as "proof" so much same fag. Fuck smogon trading room.
Look all these madfags from wfg
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>>20995439 b-but muh trading economy, m-muh bike simulator...
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Haha, because I totally can get the exact same color as slayer. You can easily check the WiFi room rn and PM me if ya want, or you can be a bunch of oblivious fuckbois who accuse people of things just because they think they can be smart. Spoiler: You're not smart. o3o (Unless you are.)
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Wow, look at all the trading going on in this thread. :^)
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>>20994966 Assuming you're the rotom guy, you do realize that no one here gives a shit about the room or its rules right? Like, the amount of people who care are so minimal that the fact that you were dumb enough to bring this thread back is baffling. GTFO of my /vp/
You fucking serious? MODS delete this post. This is just Wi Fi staff trying to create fake drama to publicize their shitty room on a shitty simulator -regards PokeBattle
>>20995493 lol fuck poke battle it's all about pokemon online son
fuck pokemon showdown and fuck wi-fi too you fags
Zarel !!nTsrr2NPz7f
>>20995529 Nice meme dude, pick it up on 9gag?
>>20995559 Can you stop bumping your own shit thread?
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>>20995562 Thanks, but i know how to use sage while you apparently don't