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Showdown Wi-Fi Trading Thread

!!WVzzGygd2hj No.20994966 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello everyone.

After speaking to the other Room Owners, we've decided on the best course of action to deal with Powersaves, Cyber Gadget Save Editor (CGSE) and other methods of X/Y Hacking.

We're going to have a dedicated thread on /vp/ & Reddit that will allow for Cloners and Device users (Pokegen accepted) to do trades and offer their services here.

If you would like to Trade the Pokemon you acquire here in our room then you're free to do so, but we ask that you quietly Trade them so the users on Showdown do not become upset due to their opinions on hacked Pokemon.

Feel free to use this thread as you see fit, and remember to stop by Smogon University (Official Server) or visit us by going to and joining the Wi-Fi Room.

Without further aideu we open this thread to
FT's and LF's.

Smogon Staff - Forums
Administrative Staff - Site
Room Staff - Wi-Fi