Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
Old Thread:
Hill 2449-5151-3791
Reposting from last thread for visibility Rhyperior Uxie Seviper Electivire Sneaker Once again all 6 iv shiny and most have egg moves. Put up a disc with the message /hill/ and tell me what you want
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997232 Level 90 shiny Heavy ball Mewtwo. Flawless in all stats but sp atk. Jolly.
Drain Punch
Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Not ev'd because.
>>20997258 Disc still up for rhy thank you
>>20997258 disc up thanks man
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
>>20997264 What do we put up?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997264 GTS bee or Acquaintance trade?
>>20997266 hey, psst, read the first letter of each pokémon
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997141 >>20997141 >>20997141 Still got some spares guys put up a bee with "/gg/ Kori" double dipping is fine
>>20997258 Put one up for uxie but i want to redisc after for seviper if thats okay
Robin [0232 9395 4691]
>>20997258 My last disc became a random Skitty 'cause I got sniped; can I use that instead for a Uxie?
>too lazy to get new disc Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997282 >>20997281 Put up a Combee. Somebody else is doing discs.
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>>20997258 Sneaker is shiny arceus right?
Brent 4570 6724 4866
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>>20997258 I'll take an Uxie, Thanks in advance!
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>>20997284 Oh wow thanks anon I feel dumb
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20997232 You know what I'll do a giveaway with the legendaries I supposedly *jewed* from here. Who would be interested? All of them are lvl100 and are either Penta or Hexa perfect.
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>>20997264 and what do we put on gts for this?
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Wed 17 Sep 2014 00:15:19 No. 20997313 Report Quoted By:
>>20997258 Disk going up for Uxie if you still have one.
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>>20997258 Does the rhyperior have any egg moves? Is it kalos born?
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>>20997258 Disc up for Electivire
Greed|3711-8214-4011{3050} !uRgku3GJXw
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>20997293 bee is up for one please and thanks
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20997304 Isn't that locked from GTS?
Also ongoing giveaways are
>>20997258 Aaron
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>>20997321 lol i am an idiot
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20997291 I can give you one if you want, just tell me whenever you've put something up
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>20997285 I'd like one, please
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>>20997264 Combee is up, thanks Bob
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>>20997264 Combee up thanks Bob!
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>>20997321 Thats funny, i wonder if the uxie will have transfer only moves.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997343 Sure thing Maggie
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>>20997264 putting up a combee now
IGN: Syssinia
Robin [0232 9395 4691]
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>>20997342 Give me one of your Skitties? Yes please. My own Skitty (lv 1 female) is going up now
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>20997285 ive got a bee up for white mage!
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
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>>20997358 Bee is up, then, thank!
>>20997264 bee'd up, thanks bob
>>20997282 hey nymus i dont know if you saw what i posted in the last thread but i was seeing if you wanted to do a frosslass i have one with headbutt and timid nature
Tom 1907-9496-1998
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>>20997304 Can I have that meloetta? Are we doing disc for disc?
>>20997304 Thats not all the stuff you took. I'm discing for that jirachi so fuckin scum like you dont keep it.
Greed|3711-8214-4011{3050} !uRgku3GJXw
IGN: Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
>>20997258 Disc up for uxie
iggy 4270-1524-2839
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>>20997264 i put up a krabby since i dont have any bee's left.. ill hunt more in the future
IGN: Xanniqua
Brent 4570 6724 4866
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997375 >Nice name >>20997386 Just putting out there anon you catch more flies with honey than vinegar
>>20997342 Could I possibly do an Acquaintance trade for the Skitty? I see you on my Acquaintances List.
IGN: Syssinia Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20997386 What matters is doing the good deed. Even if an asshole ends up with something, you helped someone.
Greed is a respectable quality in the right quantities.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997381 Not sure really. how many egg moves does it have?
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>>20997264 Bee is up. Thanks.
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20997411 sure, I don't see you though, so send me a trade request
IGN: Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20997386 I know here's the second box, that I'm planning on giveinf away too.
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>>20997416 sadly only headbutt
>>20997410 Shut the fuck up you filthy jew, you wouldnt use honey to catch flies unless you could turn them over for a profit. The only way i see you catching flies is with someone elses honey sort of like how you take shit and then give it out even tho guess what, its shit
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>20997264 Bee is up!
>>20997285 Thanks kori!
IGN Neokry
>>20997258 I'm
>>20997294 from last thread, put up a disc for Uxie, hope i wan't missed, thanks in advance!
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>>20997264 Thanks Bob, bee up
>>20997435 i was here the first couple of days , you really expect me to believe thats ALL you took. Why dont you speak with your sister maybe she has the rest of the shinies and legends
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>>20997432 Ahh! Thank you so much! Sorry I couldn't give you something better in return.
IGN: Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
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>>20997435 Id love a Victini, should i add your FC since they are non GTS?
>>20997450 >yfw you notice that the first letters of those mons spell RUSES Robin [0232 9395 4691]
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>>20997258 Got a disc now; could I snag a Rhyperior?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997441 >Shut the fuck up you filthy jew I've been doing giveaways all day... its a saying you probably too young to know it tho
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20997264 Forgot to say but bee up and thanks
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>>20997258 Im discing for seviper since i never bothered beeding one.
IGN: Joseph
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20997462 The fuck is your problem, I'm just trying to be nice. I even have some Arceus that I can give away, but that is literally all I have.
IGN: Bloct4via [FC: 5043-2923-3274]
Greed|3711-8214-4011{3050} !uRgku3GJXw
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>>20997488 Can I have one?
>>20997475 Not that anon but what you have been hiving out all day has been shit. Wrong egg moves and alot of the time wrong balls. I guess if they are shiny i can trade it for something useful
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>Update: I have 11 Audino's left These girls still needs homes or shall I WT them?
>>20997488 Shieeet! Did you Jew all of those?
Actually impressed Anonymous
>>20997488 what's the deal with Pixie Plate Arceus anyway? Every time somebody shows one off to me in trades it's holding it,
>>20997509 I should show you the collection i racked up in here actually, thats nothing
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997505 I suggest you save them since this thread is crowded with giveaways. We can do it again tomorrow
Robin [0232 9395 4691]
>>20997505 I could take an extra one, if you really need a home for 'em
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997513 Probably to show off the new Arcues type.
I've also seem japanese hackers with Fairy Gems.
IGN Neokry
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>>20997469 it doesn't hurt to try
;_; Anonymous
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>>20997517 All the same Pokemon though?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997502 >Wrong egg moves and alot of the time wrong balls. Remind what was wrong anon?
>>20997518 Sure thing Nymus
>>20997524 Ok I got you Robin
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Just put up a tauros for Audino but will take whatever I get!
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>20997527 >Fairy Gems. IT BEGINS
Did the mewtwo giveaway start yet or are we waiting?
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>>20997488 I'd take an arceus if you're giving em away.
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>>20997505 Please dont put up that junk unto the wonder trade, its bad enough as it is
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20997517 Exactly, see most people racked up way more shit than I ever did. I don't understand why everyone came after me
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>>20997264 Bees up, phone didn't let me post anything >_<
Robin [0232 9395 4691]
>>20997543 What do you need in exchange?
im kidding I've seen your good deeds but still man wtf Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997557 Been going for about 20 minutes.
iggy 4270-1524-2839
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>>20997568 i put a krabby up there since im out of bees sorry
>>20997568 I don't mean this in a mean way but I think I posted first
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997565 Because you can do endless good deeds, help old ladies across the street, and donate to charity.
But you suck ONE cock. Just one. Forever remembered as a cocksucker.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997562 I'll tell you a secret you are bad at being a jew, got caught too easily. Just put up the disc and wait till they hit it. Its sad tho because alot of the stuff here is shit compared to reddit.
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>>20997590 >in this metaphor bob has sucked my cock IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>20997568 Hey thanks bob!
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>>20997590 That was beautiful
Sr Samuel
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>>20997264 Bee up, IGN Sr Samuel
>>20997582 Fuckin wait your fuckin turn you piece of shit. Some of us have been here longer than you and i have shit i need to be doing.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997635 >>20997582 >>20997568 Just got my Copy. Gonna clone them out so queue goes faster.
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>>20997590 I love you Bob, specially after the top keks given yesterday
iggy 4270-1524-2839
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>>20997264 ok finally got a bee
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>>20997590 >i laughed so hard Anonymous
>>20997258 So I'm guessing this is confirmed for ruse at this point? THY osiith
>>20997638 I need that mon that being given out. Dont tell me what to do fuckface
Robin [0232 9395 4691]
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 17 Sep 2014 00:38:01 No. 20997671 Report >>20997285 Kori? You there? I'm up for the name changing at any time you want. Can you still do it?
Greed|3711-8214-4011{3050} !uRgku3GJXw
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>>20997568 Got mine, thanks bob
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>>20997658 Don't pay attention to the mistyped captcha. Serena
>>20997658 I got my first mon, im just waiting for the second at the moment.
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
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>>20997595 But I'm not a jew. You CANT be a jew in a giveaway, the only people who say that are the same ones that aremade because they didn't get something from the giveaway that I did.
>>20997660 Well I just got it thanks for looking like an ass for me
>>20997670 My bad sorry
>>20997590 I was hoping this was OC but Google broke my heart
still funny though Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997693 I got it from my grandfather, to be fair.
>>20997686 Same here all im telling you is to be patient retard.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Looks like /gg/ is kill for today... maybe. >>20997667 Got you, check it out ^)
>>20997671 Still here what nickname do you want me to name it?
>>20997683 Proof? The RUSES is pretty hard to ignore.
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>20997264 combee up! thanks
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>>20997699 y-your grandfather was a cocksucker? lel
>>20997505 Do you still have any? If so, what are their natures and other details?
>>20997719 Dont tell us that, keep it to yourself.
Now i understand why you were such a douche Aaron
>>20997741 Ok I'm gonna stop this here. You should probably take a nap you're a little cranky there kid.
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20997232 I see you guys have been doing some epic ruses. Any idea when her next giveaway is? Or did you kill her will to do them?
In other news, I'm kind of out of ideas for giveaways. Have you got any requests or should I find something random in my boxes?
So....the Mewtwo's OT name. It's "Sakurai"
>>20997488 Yo, don't dangle that shit in front of us and then not do a giveaway. Come on breh
>>20997757 I'm here with some intel
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20997729 Also Lv1 holding Leftovers and has pokerus
Picture with info is here
>>20995516 Anonymous
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>>20997755 You dot even want to get me started you shitlord. Ive had my eye on you for a little while now and you are pretty cancerous. How long do you have on this earth so we can all finally get some peace?
>>20997706 Sorry had to find a pen.
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20997775 Sweet! Too bad Diancie can't go through GTS
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>20997787 Hah, I get it now
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
>>20997304 what's is up with that Keldeo?
>>20997821 It's the resolute form
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>>20997786 >>20997258 >Once again all 6 iv shinyI can't help but feel skeptical. Thanks for taking the time though. I've nothing better to do anyway, so I guess the Disc stays up.
Ian 2363-7075-1232
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20997764 Sorry I need to actually clone this stuff. I was just seeing who was interested. I don't know how to give them all away though since some can go throught GTS and others can't.
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>>20997801 I know, but she'll do another gts one soon we can get her then, Ill keep us updated
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
>>20997264 Hope I made it in time! I'll even use my PS and clone a few to help the giveaway
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>>20997852 Can i get that jirachi tho. I really need it
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997852 I got a cherish ball milotic from the GTS the other day. Weird stuff happen.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 17 Sep 2014 00:52:51 No. 20997865 Report >>20997705 I'm full of ideas, but can't really decide, I just wanted something "unique" from you. Gimme the name you think it's cuter for her. Ir you're out of ideas too, name her Nurse Plum
>>20997647 Hey nymus I come here every once and a while and I can't clone for giveaways I have a shiny 5iv moon ball gardevoir timid would you be willing to give it out on my behalf?
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>>20997852 disc for disc aquantience trade.. silly.
Yo where the fuck is the fuckin Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde giveaways. I fuckin need good iv ones so i can beat my friends
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997883 I actually have 5iv Yveltal and Xerneas with good natures.
Nymus can clone em for me or something.
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>>20997780 Alright. Combee's up for it. Thanks dude.
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>>20997889 Make sure they are shiny because i wont accept anything less
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 17 Sep 2014 00:55:39 No. 20997897 Report Quoted By:
>>20997488 You should clone the Defense Deoxys, name him Kill-Dozer, and give it an Assault Vest.
>Maybe shinify it too. I think that would be a good way to give back to the community.
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>>20997864 http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/350.shtml There's a cherish ball Milotic event that didn't have the ribbon that seems to stop GTS trade, was that it?
>>20997883 If you want to beat your friends why use Zygarde? lel
Also there were giveaways ages ago, you missed them.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997889 I have some good Good IVs/nature kalos legends but my net is shitting around again
>>20997901 So do them again, i came here for that giveaway now i need to get those mons.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20997901 Camouflage+Extreme Speed Zygarde
>>20997908 Do something faggot. I need to go to bed soon.
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>>20997889 I could use just a simple Xerneas for the Dex.
Pls Bob and Nymus.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997860 So you get your Mewtwo yet? Didn't see your name on the list.
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20997889 >>20997908 I can make some good Kalos legends right now.
Tell me which one do you want and what set you'd prefer.
>>20997942 Do all of them and hurry up. I cant stay here much longer. I need those fuckin legends right away i dont care which retard gives it to me
>>20997913 ebin troll m8 :^)
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:00:14 No. 20997968 Report >>20997942 shiny Zygarde holding life orb?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20997865 Sure Nurse Plum or a name I can think of got you.
Trade whenever you're ready
Asura 2638-0478-1013
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>>20997264 disc up thanks in advance
>>20997962 If you're not doing a giveaway shut the fuck up. You clutter p the thread with your shit and make it harder for me to see whats being handed out
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:01:15 No. 20997983 Report >>20997960 someone sounds a bit rude.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997264 Just a reminder this is still going. I have 6 left and all you need to do is put up a combee.
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>>20997978 ebin simply eric
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20997942 I have no preference really. I just hand out what people gives me. If you want, make a giveaway of that and I'll help you distribute.
>>20997867 Already did a Hypervoice gardevoir as a giveaway. Thanks for the offer though.
>>20997929 Net is being shit so I might not do a giveaway and just help distribute other people's mon. Go to sleep and hope you can find a good giveaway tomorrow
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>>20997988 Ok I'm just trying to see a way I can give back
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20997960 :^)
>>20997968 I won't clone anything illegal. I can do normal Zygarde with Life Orb.
>>20997983 I too would like you to hurry up. We dont have a day
>>20997889 are any of those the injected ones?
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i
Leonard 4785-5852-2148 [Paras-Volbeat-Venomoth] !!Zp57XHzKZ9i Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:03:30 No. 20998023 Report Quoted By:
>>20998003 I'm not giving anything away, I'm going to be getting a powersave
soon.tm UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
>>20997837 what is the nature and moves for the keldeo? is it up for trade?
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>>20997986 thanks for my mewtwo just went to eat and was pleasantly surprised when i came back
>>20997988 >>20998002 What the fuck, i come here for ONE SIMPLE GIVEAWAY and you faggots dont hand me shit. I fuckin hate all of you now i have to search somewhere else.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20998007 No, just friends that took a really long time to catch theirs and get good natures/ivs.
One of ems japanese, too.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998002 I actually have the injected Zygarde shall I help you out Bob?
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>>20998028 take your trading shit to /wfg/ here you fuckin take
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20998042 Oh, well, I'm still on Mewtwo and my powersaves isn't working currently.
>>20998036 GB2Reddit and stay there if you're gonna suck so many dicks.
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>>20997264 Am I too late for this? I'd love obe
>>20998028 I-I'm not the guy with keldeo, I'm just stating why it looks like that
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998042 I'm not Bob, but I can clone it and distribute it.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
Quoted By:
>>20998068 I juuuust realized that
>>20997488 is that Keldeo up for gives/trade?
>>20998062 Whats weong with reddit? The people there are nice. I got alot of my battle ready mons there.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>20997860 Andiki, buddy, you asked for a Mew.
>>20998085 If its so good go back
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>>20998085 Personally i like gamefaqs better but im banned there at the moment.
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>>20997986 >>20997264 Putting up a combee now, thanks Bob
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
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>>20997935 Let me check, just got back from TacoBell
>>20998105 Im part of both communities, is there something wrong with that?
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>>20997864 Thank you for the Mewtwo, Bob!~
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>>20998085 I've seen a large number of redditors come here and impose their ideas and expectations on a group that does not want to turn into them and conform to their ideology.
Hence why I, and many others, tell Redditors to fuck off as soon as they even begin to seem like they are trying to change us.
We are 4chan.
We are Cancer.
Live it.
Breathe it.
Feel it infest your mind.
And enjoy.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:10:21 No. 20998142 Report >>20997264 Bee will be up soon.
>>20998042 Sorry for the wait, didn't read your message.
>>20998037 >>20998042 Would one of you guys be kind enough to have a plain old Xerneas? I need it for the Dex.
I-if it's not to much to ask. Aaron
>>20998119 >>20998134 You two are so new it hurts
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998077 Sure if you want. Let me clone one, can shinfy'd ones trade?
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20998148 Disc up and I'll send you one, after this I'm going back to fire emblem
Jared 3625-8666-1238
>>20997258 this still giong on? :D
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998150 I'm not sure. Let's try it out.
>>20998149 Oh look he called someone new here, are you going to claim we are freki next
Glaceon !7gAtHG9OSY
>>20998167 Alright, thanks. Disc up.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
>>20997935 Not yet. Combee 'Breezy" is still up it seems
I can take it out and put it back
Hill 2449-5151-3791
>>20998171 Of course it is, just disc up and tell me what you want
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Quoted By:
>net is still retarded Fuck i think I'll giveaway these mewtwo later then
>>20998183 Man this was a big day for you! A plethora of "human interaction" you're gonna sleep great and that's good, maybe tommorow you'll wake up and finally pull that stick out of your ass. At this point im doing this to see what shit you'll say next
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
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>>20998207 OOoohhh. Opps. Put Mew, not Mewtwo
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>>20997986 Any chance this is still going on? Bee up just in case
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998142 Ok, well im gonna look for a nice name for Audino for you and you can just trade back the un-nicknamed one
>>20998173 >>20998187 Aww ok well I can still clone you one so you can help Bob
>>20998224 You are just as bad as them if not even worse. Those anons come here to participate in the giveaways why do you have to pick on them.
Jared 3625-8666-1238
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>>20998224 And you called him new. My fucking sides.
>>20998256 >those anons Whatever samefag
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998242 No need to clone it. I picked one up off of GTS.
I'll fix it's IVs, Nature and ball and I'll make a giveaway.
>>20998224 Why is everyone so hostile today? I think i might just take a break for now
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>>20998167 >>20998206 Thanks, Glaceon. Appreciate it.
>>20998279 Dear lelditter, die in a hole please.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998278 Aww I just cloned it too, you want it?
>>20998277 Stop picking fights using my name asshole.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20998279 Dont mind the shitposters.
>>20998278 Net is on retard mode so mind what is going on/what is being given away?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20997264 And with that, I'm out of Mewtwo. I heard other people were cloning them, though.
>>20998290 You cant stop me from joining giveaways here no matter how much you make fun of me.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
Got the Mewtwo. Time to clone. I'll even throw something like an Ability Capsule in too.
>>20998306 Shit, i was afraid this would happen
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
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>>20998298 Sure, gonna save me some trouble. Disc for disc?
Aaron !EfVwyVp5SE
>>20998306 I'm using a trip from now so just try copying me now.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998304 Kek its 2am already Nymus
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>>20998318 Look at me im super popular
Jared 3625-8666-1238
>>20998317 i assume youre doing a give away? :D
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20998317 Got a box of it as well with masterballs but Net is being retarded. Just waiting for flatmate so I can use his connection.
>>20998318 >>20998321 Shit posting at maximum
Aaron !V2J8Hui6Zw
>>20998321 But Aaron this is the real trip
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>>20998309 No, I can't
But can you? Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
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>>20998317 >>20998305 Alrighty, Making the Mewtwo IV's 31, if they weren't all before, and giving him a Choice Scarf. Should have a few ready to help in a minute.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
So, for round 2, I heard something about people wanting gen 4 pixies? I'm up for move/nature/mon suggestions.
Aaron !fesj9h2Afs
>>20998332 Dont listen to this faggot or any other trip. Its me
IGN: Alejandro
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>>20997258 My Disk has been up since the previous thread for rhyperior...
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>>20998342 uxie, azelf and mesprit?
I think Azelf is the best one.
Aaron !V2J8Hui6Zw
>>20998345 Oh yea then tell me whats my favorite plate of food?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998339 kek hang in there or just take a small nap.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>20998322 This past week I've been waking up in the afternoon and sleeping like 10 in the morning. That's how fucked my sleeping pattern is.
Also to everyone who got rused, Next time if you don't know who is doing the giveaway, just assume it's a ruse.
Aaron !fesj9h2Afs
>>20998360 A big fat plate of dicks. What else would i love in my mouth.
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>>20998342 May I suggest:
dark pulse
shadow tag timid gothita?
Aaron !V2J8Hui6Zw
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>>20998376 Oh shit i think that might be me
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>>20998342 uxie is pretty cool
>>20998366 Fucking stop it!
>>20998342 Yes please! I'm good with shone Uxie and Mesprit. Can you whip those up?
And maybe a regular Azelf? Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
>>20998327 Yes sir. Same as before, for a Combee.
Lv. 90 Shiny Mewtwo, Punches for days.
If I could, I'd nickname him "Punch Party"
>>20998342 Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Rocks
- Knock Off
- Explosion
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998372 I-It's okay.. I can't sleep tonight anyway
About that Zygarde, wanna do disc for disc?
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20998394 When I gen up what I'm doing next, I'll gen you one with that name.
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:29:02 No. 20998409 Report >>20998242 Ok, I'll just wait for you, ok?
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>>20998394 In that case, bee'd up thank you in advance friend.
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>>20998391 Yo i need like all 3 of those, but can i get an extra copy of each for my little brother.
IGN Neokry
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>>20998342 Timid Azelf with Signal Beam/Trick?
Aaron !BxTusWnKMg
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>>20998390 Very funny, but seriously stop please.
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>>20998399 forgot to say its azelf
Man I'm pretty popular thanks guys
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>20998391 >Mesprit So that with
>>20998399 ?
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
Quoted By:
>>20998408 Do what? Nicccceeee.
>>20998342 Azelf > Uxie > Mesprit
>>20998425 Shut the fuck up, if you want to be popular go back to fuckin reddit. Here everyone is basically anonymous
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998375 I like you Nymus. Am a very heavy sleeper so I usually need my phone to be right next to me and I have 4 alarms on currently 8am, 15 mins to 9, 9:45 and even then I still wake up late.
>>20998407 sure thing put up a disk and i'll send it your way
>>20998409 Yup I found a name and doing it now :^)
>>20998432 In all seriousness I'm getting a good laugh out of this sorry everybody else for these awful shit posters next time I'll keep my mouth shut
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>>20998394 >tfw just restarted a new run and dont have fly yet >can't get back to the combee area without walking for 40 minutes suffering
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>>20998426 Sure, sounds pretty good. I honestly don't mind much for moves as much as I care for the regular/shiny Dex entries.
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>>20998430 I can disc up right away for those
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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Well since my internet is not really in a great state right now, I'll go for now. If my internet goes fine I'll probably do my giveaway along with the mons I promised to distribute aswell.
>>20998446 But you're not me. Dicks are yummy yummy in my tummy.
IGN: Alejandro
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>>20998394 Are you doing the giveaway now or later?
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998434 Disc up for Z, message is "/gg/"
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>>20998394 I put a bee up with a /gg/ message
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>>20998446 Why did you have to go do that, this thread gets derailed so easily and you just fed the influx of trolls.
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>>20998467 I'm a grill btw
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>>20998467 Damn that actually does sound just like me. Do you like Reddit and epic memes too :D?
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>>20998394 i can disc multiple times for these right?
iggy 4270-1524-2839
Congrats giveaway general you got to bump limit pretty fast. I'm sure lots of giveaways and discussions were throughout the thread.
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>>20998394 Can I put up a different 'mon for this?
I dont have a combee and i'm lazy.
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998508 Not yet bro. I have yet to recieve and then clone Zygarde
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
>>20998467 I'm doing them in like, 5 mins. Just about done cloning.
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>>20998513 Nope just me sucking dicks like usual XDDDDD.
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>>20998394 I'm waiting, where are you up to?
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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>>20998532 Net is kinda stable now so I'll start clearing the bee queue
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
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anyone have a keldeo? That is literally the last event mon!!!
iggy 4270-1524-2839
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>>20998531 oh lol my bad i thought it was.. im just off and on this..
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>20998470 Sure thing, its holding a Lum berry sorry about that I was to lazy to change it.
>>20998409 I-I hope you like its name, come online so we can trade
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
I will literally suck dicks 4 Keldeo!!!
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Also any update on the mintberry event? I manage to snipe a straggler bee so if anyone can give update it would be nice
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
Bubble !pls9jDTr.c
>>20998554 Got it.
Starting to clone Zygardes now.
>>20998571 >congratulating yourself for trips I sent your keldeo ;)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur)
Mikan 5043-3576-5547 (Maractus, Oddish, Ivysaur) Wed 17 Sep 2014 01:44:10 No. 20998586 Report >>20998434 And iiiiiiit's done. Thank you a lot and sorry for all the bother and problems, you're kindly lovely for doing this.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
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>>20998571 Thanks me, but seriously do you have any left over Keldeo's?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20998574 Clone away and spread the love
>>20998586 Its totally fine I enjoy making anons days
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707
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>>20998582 thanks anon
but seriosuly... does anyone want this timid wishmaker jirachi? I only have one
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
weird. I saw like 5 asking for mewtwo, traded one, and the rest are gone now
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>>20998556 No GTS giveaways tonight cause she apparently has classes in the morning so she's doing a shout-out giveaway for Diancies.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>20998627 Nymus internet is better now so maybe he did those for you
kaoru 0130-2563-1614
IGN: Alejandro
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>>20998627 Combee in Gts thx!
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437
I'll be giving away 30 copies of the king, Choice Specs HP Psychic Unown, shiny for good measure. Post a Bidoof with the message "Deej pleece," asking for an Unown Level 91 or Higher and reply to this post to get one!
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>>20998804 is this still going?