Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
The listed people are confirmed jews, we are not saying you can't participate here but everyone is on to you, so if someone skips you...well you know why:
>>21001056 So what giveaways are active at the moment?
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
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>>21001079 None because these fuckers think they are so fucking great.
>>21001056 Did someone already share mintberrys post about us? Am I late to the party?
>jew pic >blacklist >trip Why? You just set the tone for the whole thread.
>>21001106 Nuts have 8 perfect IVs, egg moves and shiny (freshly shaven)
>>21001114 Im sorry i'm new here. What is this mintberry i keep hearing about?
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>>21001130 are they so fresh you could suck them?
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>>21001127 /gg/ is dead again. it was fun while it lasted
>>21001149 No no she made a whole new post especially for us, I'm just wondering if people from last nights sniper fest are still around
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>>21001177 >write a whole new post for /vp/ >they don't even notice >;__; Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
I'll keep using this name, but I'm buying a new game tomorrow and I'll join in the giveaways with a new save file just to spite you pricks. Thanks for the future mons :^)
>>21001211 > being this stupid Pls leave
>>21001211 No one cares, only you will really feel any satisfaction by receiving them, and no one will think twice about giving them to you until you inevitably post your IGN and something referencing Ribbit.gay thus causing everything to link to you again.
>>21001177 I was here during the sniperfest. it's just that the shitposters returned and the OP is just asking for more of them based on what the past 2 have been.
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jew here, I want free shits :D
>>21001211 Thank you for supporting Gamefreak and ensuring we continue the franchise (^_^ )
>>21001211 Go ahead and try you wont get shit from me
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001223 You don't like me anon :^(
>>21001229 You seem upset enough and that's all I need. :^)
So we have mintberry to blame for trying to mess this place up? How do we stop a person with that many followers?
>>21001211 you cry like a little bitch
>>21001250 But no one is upset, you're just a little kid looking for attention that mommy didn't give you because she was too busy getting beaten by daddy, isn't that how most redditor's lives go?
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>>21001233 Ugh sniper fest was so much funner than shitposters, maybe if I post her words to us the snipers will come back:^)
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
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>>21001245 > (^_^ ) And people complain about me being from Reddit
>>21001248 Well you better not do them throught GTS from now on :^)
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>>21001250 I wouldn't be this annoyed at you, if you, at least, attempted to be good at spiting people.
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>>21001261 We're not trying to stop her we're just having fun with her
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001274 >Projecting this much I'll be the Daddy you never had anon :^)
>>21001306 >Implying I need a nigger as a father That's an oxymoron, similar to how you are a moron.
Yes I know I'm feeding the troll, this thread is kill anyways. Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001267 Sorry I missed you anon, were you hurt by my comment in the last thread :^(
>>21001332 Look at this faggot, begs to be taken off the black list then shits up the thread all by himself. Then he asks whys he's there again.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
This place went to shit incredibly fast. Might have to do something about that later.
>>21001346 Just report for rule violation (global rule: quality of posts) and move on.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001318 Anon you're hurting my feelings. Let me just be your nigger Daddy for a little, I'm sure you'll love me after a good fucking :^)
>>21001360 The janitors dont care about that, underage posters, or if you caught them all anymore. Its the reason we're allowed to have shit tier threads like this in /vp/
>>21001364 That would both require you to have a dick, and enough braincells to figure out how to get it in.
>>21001376 pictures of her?
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>>21001379 Well i feel like if we should suffer so should the mods that let this pile of shit fester and grow.
>>21001376 Holy shit, this person is worse than glaceon when it comes to wanting attention
>>21001381 I second this
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001376 Oh I am so ready for this.
Sadly its nothing personal against her or her followers, I'm just a raging asshole.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001346 I don't need to be off the the list GTS giveaways are still fair game :^)
>>21001380 Your right anon getting past your fat rolls will be hard, but your worth it :^)
>>21001376 do you have the rest of what she said? I don't think she understands the concept of shitposting though. does anyone here really expect to be taken seriously?
>>21001399 Let me give you some heart to heart advice here. I get your mad that you are on the list but you are just making it worse on yourself. Also the :^) gets really old, really fast to the point where everyone here want to tear their hair out.
>>21001399 You're
You are a faggot
Your posts suck
Yours are the posts that fail the most
Yore of ancient times long past, please rescue us from this faggot.
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>>21001394 And thats why we like you Bob
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>>21001414 Informing the jew that you are getting mad >Gentile pls. Anonymous
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001414 Perfect :^)
>>21001420 Aww I think you're a fag too :^)
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>>21001353 Please save us, oh almighty Bob.
>>21001433 she looked like she went and fought with those korean plastic surgeons and lost.
I expected it to be do-able when i saw the tiny pics with an asian girl. But please someone KILL IT WITH FIRE!
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>>21001453 hahaha good one
IGN: Gio !EfVwyVp5SE
>>21001440 Jesus I leave and this is what happens.
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>>21001460 >dat overpriced cheap materials yes asia fashion >does she even /fa/ >dat caterpillar eyebrows. *do you even pluck* >dat ugly ass highlights sounds like an asian trying to fit in in murrica.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001470 I know, rite?
So I'm taking suggestions for a legendary giveaway. Hit me up with natures, moves and mons.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
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>>21001470 Welcome back to my thread :^)
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>>21001480 how about a ho-oh?
or an entei
or a mew?
>>21001480 Naughty Palkia
-Aqua Tail
-Fire Blast
-Draco meteor
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001493 That doesn't sound too bad, actually. Was meaning to do a level 1 Palkia giveaway.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001480 I'll take whatever you've got :)
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>>21001480 Shiny kyogre
>>21001460 I noticed she takes alot of her pics with her head cut off. Reason : Its fuckin HUGE. Anyways she meh tier
>>21001497 And so will every other anon in this thread that's what giveaways are for thank you for participating
>>21001496 The autists outside this general get mad when they see your lv 1 pokemon.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001509 You're welcome :)
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001513 It's legal at level 1, but good.
>>21001514 Carry on good sir
>>21001507 shes breeding tier imo
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001519 You seem like an upstanding man anon, I like you!
>>21001517 Yeah they were arguing that its not legal and that hacks should not be given out (they fail to see that they clone). Go ahead tho it give me quite a laugh
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>>21001523 Yea but you always just toss aside what you're breeding with. Hopefully the next one is fine, if not breed with that and so on.
>>21001525 Thanks! Why can't we all just agree we're taking shit from nice people even the shitposters
>>21001496 Weren't you going to do the pixies?
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001539 Because people like to hold on to the past. I was just here for the giveaways and I get called out as a jew. I get very emotional when provoked :^(
>>21001548 We are all Jews it's nothing to be afraid of I'm sure we've all double dipped here and there, and what's wrong with that and to the victor goes the spoils
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001547 Saving that for tomorrow. When more people are on.
>>21001528 Using an Arcues in your Heart Gold/Soul Silver, you are able to access an event where you can choose a level 1 Palkia/Giratina/Dialga.
Regigigas is a similar case in platinum.
>>21001548 And you make it worse for yourself. you do it every single fuckin time. Some people have made it clear that they skip you, i never did but starting right now you're cut off from what i give away.
>>21001566 Ssshhhh dont tell them that it's legal please, i want to have a few keks when they see this.
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>>21001570 Effectively being a Jew about your giveaways, although I do appreciate what you do, unless I'm replying to a shit post
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001557 See that's what I like about you anon, you understand me. Now I don't think I was being a jew, but apparently others did. I just want free stuff like everybody else.
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
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>>21001570 Hey they started it not me, I was just defending myself. Being stuck up isn't nice :^(
>>21001582 Giveaways is a quick game friend, it's all about the speed you either have it or you don't and that's what separates the zebra from the crocodiles
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001575 They don't come anywhere near here, anon!
In other news:
Palkia, level 1, shiny, 6iv, timid.
An assortment of tutor moves:
Earth Power
Draco Meteor
Hyper Voice
Ancient power
Put up a luvdisc and ask for a level 1 Palkia. Will have 30.
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>>21001596 Disc up ign Aaron
Aries 4914-2782-5779 !vBOFA0jTOg
>>21001595 Mein nigger, I'd let you come to my house and fuck my sister anon!
>>21001566 Nice thinking. Convenient as well, since I gotta go to sleep already and probably would've missed it otherwise.
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>21001596 Putting one up and thank you
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>>21001609 Hey thanks friend, I'd be sure to treat her with upmost respect with her coming from an esteemed household such as yours. Add me 5043 2267 2933
>>21001596 You know bob i really love you but something has been eating at me inside.
Earlier you said you go jogging to keep in shape, here i thought you were a neckbeard and i look up to your sniping skills as if you were some kind of god. This is why a few weeks ago i started growing my own neckbeard so that one day i could impress you with its glory. Now that i know you dont actually have a neckbeard i feel empty inside. It's like my whole life was a lie.
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>>21001596 Discing up. IGN: Josh (not the same Josh on the jew list).
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>>21001596 Disc is up, thanks
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>>21001611 Seems like I'll be missing
>>21001596 though. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
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>>21001596 Gonna turn on my ds and disk up
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>21001619 Want me to snipe your second chin?
Yo, I understand it's rude to ask and all that, but would anyone with power saves access be willing to do a Tornadus giveaway? It's the only genie I don't have a good competitive one.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001649 I actually have a mon of that up. When I finish this giveaway i'll get you one.
>>21001655 Thanks dude. That would be great. I'll be lurking around, you want me to put something up on the GTS?
Dan [0662-4058-4151] !bujB8GgAPs
>>21001596 Discing up in a sec
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>>21001655 Thanks for the palkia bob
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001662 Put up a luvdisc asking for any Tornadus. I'll get around to it.
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>>21001596 Disc is up ty based bob
julius 0061-1740-1810
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>>21001596 disc up, thanks bob
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>>21001676 Disc is up, my friend. Messsage is "thanks bob"
Dan [0662-4058-4151] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>21001669 >>21001596 Fuck, I put a bee up on accident. Reupping a disc
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Could someone please explain to me why using curse before explosion makes it better? Pretty baked here
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>>21001596 Fugg, putting a Luvdisc up now
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
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>>21001655 >>21001655 Thank you for the palkia Bob!
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I missed the kyogre giveaway the other day would anyone be willing to part with a spare or trade?
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>>21001596 Just got mine, you're truly based, bob.
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>>21001596 Threw up a disc, Lets see how lucky I am=3
IGN: Pie
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>>21001596 Disc up for a Palkia Bob. IGN Jeffrey
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>>21001405 Yea I need to look for it
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
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>>21001596 Putting my disc up. Thanks Bob!
Scotty: 2165 6849 7476
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>>21001596 Disc up! Thanks bob!
IGN: Keinart
>>21001376 Sorry I got too busy to spy but I have more juicy stuff coming
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>21001596 Thank you very much!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>21001842 Splendid! Bob helped!
Dan [0662-4058-4151] !bujB8GgAPs
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>>21001596 Thank you based sniper
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>>21001596 Disc is up! Thanks! IGN: Danny
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>>21001713 Based Bob, thanks as always
>>21001842 They think we do this out of hate, but really it's just for pure fun!
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>>21001878 if any of those guys are lurking here again they should probably know they shouldn't take any of this that seriously.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001878 It's a valuable lesson, to laugh off such things.
However, one should not always assume things dont out of hate.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21001910 See, I was just gonna snipe off and on but comments like that piss off the hivemind.
The very second she started making comments to 4chan she destroyed a huge chunk of her free time.
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>>21001926 I knew this would encourage you, if she didn't have any hard feelings about last night she would not have taken the time to make a post about it, she secretly enjoys it
http://strawpoll.me/2585167/ posting this from the old thread
giveaway will be on Friday
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>21001926 I hold no bias, if i see a mon I can snipe ima do it. Luv me sum pokemiles.
That said, I'm probably going to be the least of her problems...
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>21001935 Just want to ask what's special about scriesM injectedmons?
>>21001949 different anon
they're KB and flawless
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
>>21001954 This might sound stupid but can't anyone with powersaver do that anyway?
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>>21001949 I also forgot that they're mostly eventmons and legendaries you can't breed. Soft resetting for a KB 6IV Moltres isn't fun. Soft resetting for an HP Fire Diancie is also not fun. Oh and getting a HP Ice Zapdos that's KB. good god.
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>>21001962 Yes, but these were given out before the IV codes, natures, etc.
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>>21001962 Powersave didn't have IV Codes then. Only Japan's equivalent. I forget what it's called.
fatty j 1633-5082-1391
>>21001596 am i too late!?
got one up, thanks!
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21001926 I cant wait to see the updates of her followers dropping like flies when they get sniped every time in her giveaway
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>21002018 No, but you'll be the last one. Palkia is now over.
fatty j 1633-5082-1391
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>>21002028 woooo just in time! thanks again
...have the shitposters left?
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>>21002349 Checking to see if it's safe to Jew?
So, uh... I missed the Palkia, didn't I?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004559 Did you get one of mines today anon?
Hp ice offensive KB zapdos or defensive KB articuno?
>>21004612 What did you gave today? I got Audino yesterday
>>21004612 Do you do giveaways every day?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004634 Zapdos
>>21004643 Oh cool and yeah I gave away some Numel's today anon
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21004649 Well I intend to do a giveaway every once a week
>>21004651 Hmm... I saw a separated thread, didnt knew it was you, but yeah, missed that, thought it ws too late since it was 150+ replies
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004661 Put up a mon and I'll send one to you
>>21004670 Could more people join on that offer?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004685 anon I only have two spares so if you wanted one I will need to clone the rest
Fatty j 1633-5082-1391
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>>21004661 Yeah I missed it too. Lots of replies so i figured it was done.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21004695 >>21004685 So yeah you can put one up to I guess
>>21004695 Put up one of my penta Yamask.
It's me, Blues Anonymous
>>21004695 Nah, I rather not trouble you. Thanks anyways!
>finally get net working for ds >no giveaways damnit
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004712 Thanks Blues, I love my ghost type pokemon
>>21004715 Its totally fine anon am going to clone some anyway so we can bring people back to /gg/
>>21004736 Oh alright, awesome. Do you need any pokemon specifically?
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>>21004736 Wow, got it already, thank, Kori
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>>21004730 is that you Nymus
>>21004736 Btw, it has egg moves, but since I used it for breeding you'll need scales for that
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004744 Any pokemon that are good competitively for TR or Ghost types are always welcome. But if not just give me anything anon
>>21004761 Its no problem Blue
>>21004772 If you need any ghost I have them all "almost" ready, since I was gathering them for breeding, I have 4/5 IVs Jellicents with egg moves ready
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>>21001910 >Badass.vegeta Well now we know who the mole is
>>21004772 I'll breed you up a litwick from the chandelure I used in the VGCs if you'll wait for it!
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004786 Any fun ghost would be nice, I would love to go to VGC and get top 16 with my ghost bros
>>21004798 Oh that sounds amazing anon also
I wanna learn how to be good at doubles I've been in singles too long and I want to git gud, will you add me anon my FC is 2234 8425 2804 Anonymous
>>21004839 Could we perhaps talk on pokemon showdown? And I'm currently breeding the litwick so in a moment. And if you got a team I can happily battle you with the team I used! Though it was the last VGCs in 5th gen so I'm not sure how much help I'll be.
>>21004839 I'm doing two mono ghost teams, one being TR based and another with fast mons.
For TR i have bred Yamask, Jellicent and Brave Shuppet, all of them have egg moves.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004855 Sure which chatroom shall I go in?
And I havent made my team yet I just know what I want in it.
>>21004875 That sounds amazing, Blue. Can you imagine if Cofagrigus got an evolution. That evolite buff
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>>21004875 fuckin badass if i might throw my meager opinion out there
>>21004875 How do you fellow spookyfags use Mega Banette? I play OU / Doubles with my
gf occasionally. I love it's design and everything but I can't get it to work right?
So far I've tried using W-o-W/Shadow Sneak/DB and protect, it's been working okay but nothing amazing. Might change protect for taunt
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>>21004885 VGCs or showderp. Something familliar I suppose. Name on there is AdmiralQQ
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21004889 I find M-Banette to be a good suicide lead
>>21004885 That would be broken as fuck, Dusclop as it is has a fucking bulk with realible recover. Cofagrigus with mummy plus lefts and recover would be ultimate stall
>>21004889 I'm thinking about going full priority, SS/SuckerPunch/Destiny Bond and maybe disable or taunt
>>21004889 Blues
Is anyone doing an eevee giveaway any time soon?
>>21004959 I could probably do one once I can clone anyways, which is in a few hours
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004922 OR Cofagrigus got a mega, that does prema Mummy and get recover with and 80 sdef and 20 def boost
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004973 do you have any ability capsules left?
>>21004973 I'd love him to get a Mega, imagine he comes out of his coffin and gets
stance change Anonymous
>>21004970 can I preemptively put a disc up or will that not work?
I might have to leave in a bit.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21004998 And a boost in speed
>>21004991 Sure put a disk for disk and your ign?
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>>21001935 reminder to vote if you haven't already
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>>21005004 Maybe, I'm worried I'll forget about it and not see your disc though
>>21005009 aaron thanks.kori ill ask for what?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21005025 shit nvm just saw disc for.disc.thank.you Blues
>>21005009 >boost in speed But dude, it's meant to be a TR mon.
Instead we need an auto TR ability Anonymous
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21005052 >and gets stance change Blue think of the power swap, it will be like Shuckle on steriods
One of my dreams Blue, damnit GF Anonymous
>>21005069 if you still want to my message is vp based kori i can put aonething better up if wanted
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>>21005052 Think of it as a slower but bulkier Aegislash with a different typing. Could work
>>21005069 Damn, my dick is diamond now.
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>>21005069 thanks.kori never got a chance to use one
>>21001056 ...Anybody want some 6iv Dittos...?
>>21005133 i have a 6iv shiny japanese ditto but I dont know how to clone it.
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
Bold or Impish for sableye? Might transfer some moon ball sableyes over for a potential giveaway
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>>21005136 Powersaves, change nature codes are up too.
>>21005141 Depends, if you're afraid of foul play, go for bold, otherwise go for impish
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21005103 My thanks to Myles or Nymus
>>21005106 So is mines
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>>21005133 I'll come back when I'm able to giveaway. Just thought I'd ask.
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>>21005133 Me, I am trying to get my friend into competitive battling and I need to get him a breeding ditto
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
>>21005160 Yeah everyone says go knock off instead. Also whatever ball the female is in, is what the offspring will be in right?
>>21005177 Yeah, the mothers passes the ball, even when breeding with Ditto.
Also, the I said Bold for when you take damage , because -Atk means less damage from foul play, which shouldnt be really an issue for Sableye anyway. I'd say Impish is better in general.
>>21005177 Yes it's perfect for balltism
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
>>21005188 Thanks for the help on this. Still a newfag to the advanced breeding stuff. As of now its a duskball/prankster/recover sableye. Moon ball might have to wait as I forgot I only had SoulSilver beat atm..
>>21005189 Is Moon Ball Prankster Sableye legal?
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
>>21005235 Males can carry HA abilites over now too. So I would have to get a female Sableye in the moon ball and breed it with a HA male one. Should work
>>21005235 Nope, since you can't trade items through gens.
>>21005209 You may want to throw Sucker Punch and Trick as egg moves too, if you go bold maybe you want nasty plot too, but I wouldnt.
>>21005235 Not sure, I don't really know which Pokeball is legal on a pokemon
>>21005252 Males only carry over the HA when you breed with a Ditto
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>>21005252 Oh yeah, forget about that. But I'm not sure if the male can pass the ability without Ditto for breeding
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
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>>21005265 Really? Oh shit..well there goes that plan
>>21005256 Sounds good, more egg moves the better since I can't moon ball now :(
is 0 or 31 att better for zapdos? 0 to minimize confusion damage, or closest to 31 for that extra u-turn damage?
>>21005553 >>21005553 Doesnt it need specific IVs for HP Ice? Also, closest to 31 for U-Turn
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey) Wed 17 Sep 2014 18:09:25 No. 21005571 Report Quoted By:
>>21005235 According to serebii a moonball sableye is legal as long as it's not prankster.
>>21005260 For legality check:
http://www.serebii.net/games/pokeball.shtml Anonymous
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>>21005553 31/30/30/31/31/31 for maximum u-turn damage + hp ice
>>21005570 thats why i put closest to 31; so 31/30/30/31/31/31 for HP ice, timid or modest? i've been using a timid one with life orb for some time now
thunderbolt, HP ice, u-turn, roost solid moveset for the giveaway?
>>21005593 I think defensive (bold/calm) zapdos is better than offensive zapdos
>>21005602 why? whats the benefit from running defensive zapdos? isnt defensive articuno better?
>>21005748 Are you retarded?
>>21005748 >defensive articuno What?
>>21005751 >>21005752 maybe, i've seen defensive articuno sets running bold/calm and def/sp def/ HP spreads; are they THAT bad?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Shall I make some pokemon and give some stuff away to pass the time?
>>21005776 Sure. Do unusual stuff, maybe TR mons?
>>21005776 If you feel like it, yeah...
I'd love a Numel if you have an extra, since I missed your giveaway.
>>21005785 I am in the same boat as this guy, I was literally the 2nd to reply after #60 was handed out :(
If you can't do any more Numels, I am trying to get my hands on a 31/31/31/x/31/0 Harvest Brave Phantump
>>21005783 My request fits either his guy's want for a TR Mon. If you can't do my exact request, I don't really care what it is as long as it's an IVd shiny poke.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21005783 How about a EM Mawile and I change up the IVs for TR?
>>21005785 Put up a disk and I'll send one your way
>>21005807 What's a TR Mon? Anonymous
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (Woobat, Rufflet, and Pidgey) Wed 17 Sep 2014 18:44:56 No. 21005825 Report Anonymous
>>21005818 A poke used generally in a Trick Room situation
>>21005776 I wouldn't mind having a giveaway. Do you have any Tyranitars?
>>21005817 I've put a disc up, thank you so much!
>>21005818 Basically anything with speed low enough to abuse trick room.
>>21005817 Make it brave or any -spe nature then
>>21005817 Sorry for the newfaggotry but what are "disks" people put up? I'm assuming Luvdiscs with specific messages?
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>>21005823 >>21005825 >>21005828 >>21005837 Ah, I see. Thanks.
I was honestly expecting mocks to my ignorance.
Wipi !GL4hb1TnIk
>>21005817 if you dont feel like working, i made a mawile giveaway some time ago and i think i still have some spares, want to clone some or preffer doing yours?
>>21005817 Could I get in on that sweet numel action?
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>>21005860 Looks good to me
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21005832 I actually do you know I got one from Nymus
>>21005839 it stands for Luvdisks
>>21005837 Sure thing, speed IVs too?
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>>21005871 Well, if it's going to be a TR mon it should have 0 IV on speed
does anyone have a glameow they could trade me for pokedex reasons?
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>>21005869 Me as well, I missed the giveaway earlier.
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>>21005871 Nice, mind if i disc up?
>>21005882 I do, let me hop online
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21005860 >All this love Yeah I dont mind could one Filia to help out
that skullgirl name Alexandria
>>21005893 o sweet thatd be great. Im pretty sure thats the only non legendary pokemon i cant get
should i disk up?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>21005903 let me get one from pokebank, add me!
>>21005903 >>21005817 >>21005833 Hey Kori, it's up with the message /gg/ kori. Thanks a bunch.
>>21005903 What should we up for one? Or to start looking for one at least?
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>>21005908 sry for the wait I am juggling a terrible 2 year old who likes to climb on me and everything around us
>>21001376 >call bitch an attention whore >you stir up conversation about her even when she is absent >meanwhile she does some cool giveaways Stay /v/irgin faggots
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21005948 >>21005928 Yeah just put up a disk, I have 12 that should be enough I think if not I'll clone again
>>21005916 Thank Wipi, added you
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>>21005972 Sure thing, bro.
Now go back to eat her shit
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
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>>21005979 mind sharing your FC?
>>21005979 What are we putting discs up for now?
>>21005979 I'm assuming it's a female? The lvl. I don't know either, but it's not that important.
>>21006020 Oh alright, I'll disc up for that
Kori, I'm having the message be /gg/ Kori
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Did any of you kind cloners get ahold of one of Bob's Palkias last night? I might or might have not missed it due to, well, sleeping.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
Sorry my internet was being a bitch its working now
>>21005979 I always forget It guess its good that I do, anyway heres my fc 2234 8425 2804
>>21006004 >>21006010 Yeah put em now
Female Lv1
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>>21006128 re-disced now, thanks!
>>21006128 I have a disk up for a lv 1 any gender numel, apparently I can't choose a gender if I type the name of the poke in (I didn't have numel in my dex yet)
It's under the message /gg/ Kori
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>>21006128 Thanks kori! I was about to say rediscing but I got it before I could
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>21006128 send me a TR if you see me
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21006170 Sure thing Wipi
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21006186 Its a site I used to visit before I realized it was cancer
>>21006128 I have a disc up should i redisc?
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21006207 No am doing you guys now
>>21006218 Woop got it! Thanks kori. Gonna get this lil lady ready for ORAS
>>21006218 kori will you clone numel another time?
>>21006218 Hey Kori, mine is sitll up, the ign is Serena, in case you can't find me, let me know if I should redisc, please.
>>21006238 But will we be able to trade between x/y and ORAS immediately? Remember what they did in Gen 3 with Kanto remakes trading with Hoenn?
>>21006128 Disc's been up for a while. Waiting for pink jaws.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21006274 You know its been on my head to do a re-visit giveaway on every 5th or 10th giveaway maybe
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>>21006279 >>21006298 Received, thank you so much!
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>>21006281 They confirmed you could use Pokebank and that the UK has to trade the event Diance over to get it's megastone so I assume so
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
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>>21006298 i do that on the miscelaneous giveaways and so far people seem to like'em
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
>>21006291 I can only do so much anon, I still need to get Wipi's Mawile. Also if that all the Numel's done can I trade Wipi and help out
>>21006335 Oh, you weren't doing Mawile yet? Excuse me, Kori-kun, I had no idea. At least I can re-up now and correct the lvl.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320 !GL4hb1TnIk
>>21006335 hexaperfect with 0 Speed, take care of her!
and thanks for the numel Anonymous
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What disc should I put up for the Mawile? Just asking early so I can be prepared
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>>21006281 I figure I would be able to just send everything over with pokebank. Almost done with dex so it will be ready.
Kori !zIF/h8aLIQ
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>>21006379 I got her now I'll be cloning up now
>>21006432 Thanks Wipi man I will and its the best I can do
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
Anyone making a new thread or should I do it?
>>21006526 sure but dont include the blacklist
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>>21006526 Do it, I'm at work and my boss is constantly passing by
>>21006547 Also this, it usually just bring shitstorm
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>>21006547 It shod be included. A couple of those guys come just to shit here openly with FC and trips. Its good to see if they are on the list.
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>>21006569 Well nevermind then.
Goddammit, mods.
Nymus[2165-6188-2758] !kk7QzXZayk
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New Bread
>>21006594 Also No blacklist