Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>20999641 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on Topic of the Thread:
Which Pokemon has the best Pokedex entry?
>>21001498 TOTT:
Linoone and ditto :3 :)
Looking for Diveball Omanyte,Kabuto, and Tirtouga in particular.
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
>>21001515 >not netball tirtouga pls gib when you get dive though.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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ToTT: Greninja.
>>21001515 > lacking superior Premier Kabuto and Tirtouga :)
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>>21001524 I wouldn't mind netball either, but will do~
>>21001536 s-sorry :(
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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TotT: obligatory Ariados, it's actually decent
The important thing is a Scizor, Kingdra, Magcargo and Lugia are all that's left to get to have one of every Pokemon up through the Johto region. Fun times.
woah : 0061-0841-0434 (ditto, minccino, dunsparce)
woah : 0061-0841-0434 (ditto, minccino, dunsparce) Wed 17 Sep 2014 06:12:21 No. 21001589 Report >>21001584 if you want i can get you those. all of those.
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>>21001589 Perhaps. This Pokedex project has put the breeding project on the backburner, so I don't have any good pokemon right now.
Lemme just fumble around my old versions for a bit, surely I have those somewhere.
I'll probably need help when it comes to Y exclusives.
>>21001584 >Having living dexes why? It just takes up unnecessary space.
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>>21001620 It'll be a lot easier to complete the Pokedex if I can just drop in a complete Pokedex's worth of Pokemon all at once.
>>21001515 I need that Dream Ball Shieldon.
Are you looking for anything else?
>>21001584 Nice I'm still working in gen 1 Dex
>>21001656 Not atm but I'll breed them next and hook you up
A few questions regarding guards and protects. Does using quick guard -> wide guard work? or using wide-guard / quick-guard consecitively work? Or do they have a 50% failrate when linked regardless? Because I just went into a battle where some dude pulled off at least 3 guards back to back and another 2 guard back to back. He literally did not fail any of his consecutive guards all battle. What the fuck.
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>>21001678 Alright, thanks. I'll see you around.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>>21001711 >Quick Guard can now be used consecutively without failing, although it still decreases the chance of success for Protect, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, and Spiky Shield. >Wide Guard can now be used consecutively without failing, although it still decreases the chance of success for Protect, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, and Spiky Shield. reading is hard I know, I know
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>>21001711 Yes, all guards and protects run on the same counter.
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>>21001674 Yeah, once I finish 2 I think I'll skip over 3 and get most of that done in the remakes.
Xer[Rexxxie] !!9fwD2XsiIDo
How's things? In order to get pokemon from games like heartgold/platinum to x and y, and then eventually into ORAS - do we have to buy the pokemon bank thing?
Also how is the competitive scene and breeding? Last time I was here was a few months ago and I just saw thread after thread after thread of cloning/fishing for shinies/bullshit giveaways.
>>21001506 Linoone is so good. Some day soon I am going to pick up a decent sized tv for a good price and get back to hatching legit xtreme-speed zigzags.
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>>21001765 yes, you must buy pokemon bank in order to transfer pokemon up. it is 5 dollars for a year subscription.
Could someone please tell me why using curse before explosion makes it stronger? Baked and been trying to find an answer for half an hour!
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21001815 Curse boosts your attack by +1 ya dingus.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21001823 So
I honestly thought itd be more than that lol...So couldn't you just use another attack boosting move over and over and make sure explosion is very strong? or is that pretty much pointless lol
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21001833 ayy lmao
>>21001848 Can you not tell a contributing member of /wfg/'s Elite Council to "pls go" it triggers him and the rest of us.
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
>>21001896 TAKE THAT TRIPFAGS Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>21001902 BTFO
Also, dead hours.
>>21002088 shut up ravinder
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21002097 aay
>breeding special attackers >End up with hexaperfects Why does it always happen me
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>21002114 Tell me about it,
No really, tell me about it. What are you breeding? [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21002114 if the attack is not 0 it's not hexaperfect ˙͜>˙
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21002117 I was breeding a Heliolisk
>Breeding parents 31/x/31/31/31/31 and x/x/31/31/31/31, with a 80.0000% modifier, will produce a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon 0.2083% of the time or 1 out of every 480 eggs!
>>21002118 >not running mixed Heliolisk :^) [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>>21002124 that's not a timid or modest nature though
and not a special attacker
rekt Anonymous
Mike 2234-4555-6709
Looking for these entries If anyone could help that be cool :) Meowth Persian Mew Chikorita Bayleaf Meganium Cyndaquil Quilava Typloshion Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr Unown Raikou Entei Suicune Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking Feebas Milotic Castform Regice Regirock Registeel Latias Latios Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Jirachi Deoxys Uxie Mesprit Azelf Dialga Palkia Heatran Regigias Giratina Cresselia Phione Manaphy Darkrai Shaymin Arceus
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius)
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius) Wed 17 Sep 2014 08:59:39 No. 21002256 Report Offering shinies (and fancy Vivillions) for extra Master balls if anyone wants 'em. timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
>>21002256 >wanting masterballs I'd give you mine for free if I hadn't used it on a level 2 fletchling.
>>21002271 did you catch it?
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
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>>21002274 that's a secret Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002198 I can help you out with a couple of those entries.
>>21002256 I'll trade you my Masterball for the Talonflame if you're able to nickname it.
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>>21002198 Use a pastebin, nerd
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius)
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius) Wed 17 Sep 2014 09:19:07 No. 21002305 Report >>21002271 >level 2 fletchling Plenty of other things you could have used it on though.
>>21002287 I most certainly can. The Dodrio's the only one that's not mine.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002305 Awesome! Could you nickname it Seraphina for me? Someone wondertraded me a Fletchling with that name and I've always liked it since. I've already added your FC.
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius)
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius) Wed 17 Sep 2014 09:32:01 No. 21002336 Report >>21002313 Alrighty, whenever you're ready.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002336 Okay I'm ready. Just had to give a Pokemon the Masterball, sorry.
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius)
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius) Wed 17 Sep 2014 09:35:32 No. 21002346 Report >>21002344 Ah, it's all good. I didn't know I couldn't trade Pokemon with HMs.
Be right back in a sec.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002346 Only if they're in your party.
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius)
Riley 2122-6730-7148 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Tropius) Wed 17 Sep 2014 09:39:40 No. 21002352 Report >>21002348 Cool.
Well thank ya.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Free shit Quick note that my internet is being shit and I might suddenly disappear for reasons beyond my control
Satore 4914-4021-2909
Looking for help with 2 trade evos Looking for a HA alomomola
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002365 Could I grab one of your Poliwags?
>>21002368 I could help you out with evolving you Pokemon.
Satore 4914-4021-2909
>>21002365 Can I have the Chatot?
>>21002373 Thank you, I am adding you.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002373 gts something that isn't a luvdisc and confirm your ign. I'll try sending it asap
Mike 4871-3702-1838
>>21002378 Okay I'll put up a Spoink holding an Oran Berry.
Mike 4871-3702-1838
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>>21002376 I'll add you right after I put up a Spoink on GTS.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Mike 4871-3702-1838
Satore 4914-4021-2909
>>21002400 putting a rufflet on gts with my name in description, then
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002420 Is it there already? I'm not finding it
Satore 4914-4021-2909
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002470 I didn't do anything but... hmmm... yeah...
Satore 4914-4021-2909
>>21002481 uh.....I just noticed that it wasn't your chatot....
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002494 I told you I wasn't finding it. Upload your chatot asking for another and I'll send it
Satore 4914-4021-2909
>>21002502 Uploaded!
I thought that before was just internet going slow...
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002509 still not finding. Please check if it was sniped
Satore 4914-4021-2909
>>21002529 Yeah, sniped again...I am going to do a last effort with a zigzagoon
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Is there any reason to use Leftovers over Black Sludge on a Poison type?
Satore 4914-4021-2909
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>>21002582 Thank you so much!
>>21002591 Aside from switching items with another teammate, no.
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>>21002640 >>21002672 Thanks, muh bro Arbok is pleased.
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere {an unlikeable cunt} !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere {an unlikeable cunt} !HScrubDAYw Wed 17 Sep 2014 11:13:55 No. 21002716 Report Are we finally rising and throwing out those horrible, non-contributing tripfags?
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
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>>21002716 I sure hope so.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
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>>21002716 tripfags are the worst
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
I'm looking for these Pokémon to finish my dex, any shitmon and/or balltism trade is appreciated. Here's my balltism list and these are the mons I need: Slakoth (LevelBall), Combee(LevelBall), Tropius, Krikceot, Shieldon, Glameow, Lumineon, Bronzor, Tirtouga, Beheeyem, Boufalant
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21002912 I have a penta perfect female Slakoth with 4EM in a Level Ball. Any offers?
I'll take a Dream Ball/4EM/female pink Shellos for it.
>>21002950 Do you want it pentaperfect? Because I'm only looking for the balltism and/or egg moves
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21002968 Just give me the best female you have, penta would be great but I can live with 3-4IVs.
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>>21002986 I'll start breeding right now. You can add me now and I'll tell you when I'm ready
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21002365 I also have about 10 HAF Cranidos in Dream Balls I wouldn't mind unloading for free
>>21003018 I'd really like one. Just let me breed a Shellos for Jamie and I'll upload a disc for it. Ok?
Or I can upload a female Dream Ball Shellos if you want
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21003029 I wouldn't mind a shellos as long as its HA (its for collection, so nature/ivs don't matter)
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Any recommendations on a 4th egg move for Snivy? The selection is pretty shit, but so far I've got Glare, Mirror Coat and Iron Tail. Here's what's left:>Pursuit >Sweet Scent >Twister >Mean Look >Grassy Terrain >Magical Leaf >Captivate
>>21003056 Sorry, I don't have it's HA.
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Fuck, you actually need the legendaries to complete your national pokedex?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21003070 not a problem. Still better than luvdisc
>>21002912 I've got a Tropius with random IVs. Does your Begmite have Sturdy by any chance?
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21003066 Pursuit
Then give me one
>>21003079 It does. Any balltism os Tropius?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21003096 Can do, the IVs will most likely be shit though.
>>21003104 Jamie, just hatched a female Shellos with Storm Drain and 31/XX/31/31/31/XX. Adding you right now
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
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>>21003104 Iv's don't matter, I'm going to have to re-breed it anyway
Premier !puPrinzess
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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>>21003119 I'll add you back in a sec, just gotta hatch these Snivy.
>>21003102 Unfortionately not. It's just a random Tropius I got a while back when I asked a guy for a random Tropius. Been using it as my Sweet Scenter since it is the only poké that learns it and Fly. Will it still do? The second best thing I can offer is battle maison items.
The Bergmite doesn't have to have any specific IVs, ball or nature, all I care about is that it has Sturdy and Mirror Coat.
>>21003128 Just give me some minutes to breed it ok?
>>21003077 Shellos up
>>21003145 Will do.
By the way, I just remembered I also have 4-5 IV Solosises with Regenerator and Magic Guard. They're in Dream Balls though. Everything else I've bred is in standard pokéballs. Let me know if you'd like one of those instead.
>>21003152 Actually I'd like both, Solosis for the balltism and Tropius for the dex entry. Would you like a Shellos for one of them?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21003145 not finding. Check for snipes
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Hey, is anyone up and looking to battle?
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>21003164 I would love one of your Houndours instead of a Shellos if that would be possible, but I'd be fine with a Shellos too I guess.
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>>21003190 LC Rotation Battles?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
I have to leave very soon. Ellis your 4EM Snivy is ready if you want it now, and Lucas you'll have to send me a TR if you want the Slakoth, I can't see you online.
>>21003200 I'd breed it for you if I had more time but I need to work. I'll tell you when I'm done with the Bergmite
>>21003207 TR sent
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>21003217 Okay, so the trade will be Tropius and a 5 IV Solosis for a Shellos and the Begmite?
Does it matter if I give you the Tropius I've been using as my Sweet Scenter or will its offspring do as well?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21003217 Thanks for Shellos! His model is pretty qt this gen.
>>21003241 That's the mainly reason I started breeding them
>>21003234 Any Tropius will be fine
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>21003247 Nice. That means I can keep my good old Sweet Scenting banana dino to myself.
Trying to hatch yours right now.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21003281 Tropius really turned out to be a bro this gen, Razor Leaf + Sweet Scent + Earthquake + Fly is a godsend for EV training. Too bad his model looks retarded.
>>21003294 I really can't explain why GF did this to almost all flying Pokés. Swellos was so awesome but now I can't stand it's model
>>21003281 Bergmite ready, hatching Shellos now. Bergmite is female so you get the balltism bonus
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>21003294 I never really liked the way Tropius looked in any gen, but I gotta agree he's a bro.
>>21003316 Probably gonna rebreed tje Bergmite anyway since I prefer having all my 'mons in standard pokéballs and I'm planing to give him an Adamant nature, but that's nice.
The Tropius has now hatched. Do you wanna make the trade over GTS or the old fashioned way?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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Gotta go. Ellis if you see me online or in /wfg/ later send me a TR.
>>21003328 Normal trade, I don't wanna get sniped
>>21003168 Another Shellos up.
John | 4527-8700-4039
>>21003361 Okay. Adding you now. What ability did you want for your Solosis by the way?
>>21003379 Thanks for everything John. I have a pretty rough week but maybe I can breed you that Houndour next week
John | 4527-8700-4039
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>>21003413 Thanks for the Bergmite and Shellos. Gonna go breed some new team members now.
John | 4527-8700-4039
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>>21003433 That's nice but won't be necessary. Besides, I doubt I'll be here around this time again. Only reason I am here right now is I happen to be sick today.
Hey, does someone have time to touch trade ? I only need 8 pokémons to complete the kalos dex !
>>21003482 It helps immensely if you would say which eight...
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21003494 Stunky, salamence, chinchou, ekans, barboach, poochyena, aggron, wigglytuff.
If you don't have them but have a member of their evolutionary lines, I can breed eggs or evolve them.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
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>>21003361 Sorry, I had to take care of some last minute stuff and only came back now. Looks like it was sniped again
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>>21003521 You can catch mot of them ingame
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21001515 >Nest Ball Lileep Is that legal?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
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>>21004201 Yup you can choose to catch them in any ball when you go to the Dream World Forest
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>>21004201 No, it's a crime against good taste.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Anyone here with a Friend Ball/Dream Ball Snubull?
Anyone have a HP ice parent compatible with manectric I could borrow? I'm getting my ass handed to me by RNG
>>21004624 I have one in Dream Ball.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21004942 I am interested! What would you like in return?
>>21004062 I could breed you a Blitzle. What would your preferred ability, nature, moveset be?
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Thread's dead, son
Just finished breeding shinx, anyone care or should I Wonder trade away the leftovers? Was breeding for Guts with Double Kick and Fire/Thunder/Ice fangs.
In a quick ball. >>21003316 >Skarmory hovering above the ground like a model airplane on a string Nearly noped out of using one of my favorite pokes the first time I saw that.
>>21005003 Nothing really.
If you don't mind waiting, I can breed one for you in around 3~ hours.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21003316 >>21005015 Gamefreak was lazy with the flying mons, was it really too much trouble to make separate flying/standing animation for a few pokemon?
Okay, so how the fuck do you breed Iron Tail onto Nidoran male?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21005003 Premier Ball Sap Sipper Jolly
Snatch / Me First / Double-Edge / Double Kick
wow why is it's movepool such shit What would you want bby
Hymenoptera 5172-0501-8138
>>21002912 I am breeding Level ball Combee. You can have one of my leftovers. I would like a female Dream ball Spiritomb in exchange.
I just need to get a female for you now.
>>21005061 Get a parent that knows Iron Tail.
See this giant list: Breed any of them with a NidoranF.
Or did you not know that breeding NidoranF gets you NidoranM as well?
>>21005081 Female nidoran can breed? I just thought the entire famale side of the evolution tree couldn't breed. Well, i'll try it out.
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>>21005099 Just Nidoran, don't evolve it.
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>>21005044 I would have even accepted obvious flapping.
Hymenoptera 5172-0501-8138
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>>21002912 >>21005076 Actually I gotta go somewhere. I will be back later in the evening if you are still here.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21005036 Are you *really* sure? I just feel like a big dick just asking for so much stuff and getting it for free
>>21005065 Cool, that's the exact same set I was thinking about, Snatch/Me First would be fun since Zebstrika actually has pretty good speed
Hmm. I'd like an Elygem! I'm gonna start on this right now, but I might not finish this evening since I need to go to bed really early due to work. Just so you know~
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21005114 Sounds good
>going to bed early I know that feel bby its ok
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Looking for a scotchcat, and I have an outdated list.
>>21004062 Oh yeah, before I fall asleep, dibs on everything in Water 3.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
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>>21005140 ~ goodnight sweet princess
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>>21005114 Don't worry, it's fine. I've been looking for something else to breed anyway.
>>21005138 What would you like for a Pumpkaboo?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21005187 Either time or a Meowth.
>>21005195 Well I don't have any petal dancing meowcats, but I could go shove one in a apricorn ball on SS if that's what you're into. Anonymous
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>>21005257 >if that's what you're into. Stop pandering to fetishists
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21005257 Don't worry about it, then, I just need it for a livedex. I'll get started on the Pumpkaboo.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21005327 that's a very fine post.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>21005327 Save me a Drowzee pls/
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21005366 Maybe you could show me your post? :3
>>21005384 Ok just send TR when you want it
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21005114 Ah I forgot to ask is 4iv okay or did you want a penta? I'm fine with 4iiv for Blitzle
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21005384 git on for mons nerd
>>21005327 disc and croak are done. doing deino.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Reposting my free shit Also help me unload 10 HAF Dream Ball Cranidos with a bunch of perfect IVs
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21005447 I would be cool with a 4IV. I might just finish today since I won't go to bed for another 2 hours and I've gotten all the mons with the moves now.
>mfw Nuzleaf has nipples Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21005566 >Cranidos Yes pls.
>>21005296 So I did some looking and moved a shit one from gen 5 because I realized that I still needed one for pokedex purposes.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21005545 Yay :3~
>>21005575 That would be swell~
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21005589 gts something that isn't a disc and confirm your ign
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21005589 It'd be much appreciated if you could breed me one. I can offer anything from here:
>>21005138 Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21005598 Level 1 female Shinx.
Ign is Annie
>>21005610 You are already, I was anon. Cereal Guy (3840-6545-5608)
Gentlemen, does anyone of you would be kind enough to help me evolve this cute little fuck ? I've got some leftovers, in case you're interested in exchange
Maddie Lion !FsTTxUcRPg
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>>21005687 It's that Ann.
So I'll ask again now that it's not 2AM, about to transfer a lot of Gen 4 stuff up, is there anyone with balltism who wants some special Apricorn ball mons? Already giving Zoelle and Fast Ball Shuckle and Ramsey a Friend Ball Sunkern with Solar Power.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21005687 Okay, that's convenient, because I just hatched a pentaperfect Pumpkaboo. Would you prefer it holding an everstone?
Miggy [0662-3962-0637]
Gonna need some help with evolving my Poliwhirl. Can anyone help out?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Miggy [0662-3962-0637]
>>21005694 I'll help, if you can help out with
>>21005713 Cereal Guy (3840-6545-5608)
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>>21005722 No problem, add me
Sr Samuel
>>21005327 Do you still have Pochyena?
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21005709 Without is fine.
Only just got an egg, so I'll just be sending you momma.
>>21005717 Thank you.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21005735 If you're online we might need to reconnect - I can't see you.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
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>>21005734 I do just put something on GTS
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
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>>21005755 Sorry about that, I had to futz with my game for a bit because nobody was showing up from my friends. Thank you for the pumpkin!
>>21005327 If I put up a luvdisc can I get one of those drowzees ? My ign is either bencastle or Ben I can't remember, but the message is /vp/
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21005327 Gib Adaptability Basculin.
I can give you one of my Level Ball 4EM Slakoths if you want.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
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Does anyone have Pidgey leftovers?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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PLEASE, does anyone have a typhlosion on their multi-battle AI? I'm sick of this fucking maison and its fucking bullshit, I just want to get it over with.
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
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Anyone have Love ball Sneasel right now? Tell me what you want, don't care about the IVs because I can fix them myself.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Looking for a timid HA litwick with heat wave, can do spitback for spitback
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006326 I'd like a Deino with Earth Power please. What would you like in return?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>21006406 what do you have?
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Alright Ramsey, your zebra is ready~ I'm adding you now
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006418 I have some Dream Ball HA Mr Mime with 4 egg moves.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21006426 That was quick~
Adding you now booboo~
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21006450 Could you be so sweet and help me evolve 2 trade evos while we're at it?
Just TR me whenever~
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>21006448 Do you have anything else? I've already got a Mr mime
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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>>21004819 if you're still here, I have HP ice electrike spitbacks if you want one
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21006460 Oh shit didn't see this I was wondering why it was still open. sending TR now~
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006464 I'll make a small list:
>female HA Carvanha with 1 egg move >male HA Kecleon with 4 egg moves >male Larvesta with 4 egg moves >male Piplup with 1 egg move >male HA Lileep with 4 egg moves Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>21006500 I'm interested in the larvesta, what nature is it and what egg moves does it have?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21006500 >female HA Carvanha with 1 egg move >male Piplup with 1 egg move bby y u do dis just kill yourself faggot :3
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21006522 takes one to know one
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21006498 Thank you for the qt alien and especially thank you for the help with the evolution~~
Enjoy the Blitzle~ Now it's time for me to get my 7 hours of sleep, goodnight WFG!
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006517 Timid nature, penta perfect IVs.
Endure, Zen Headbutt, Magnet Rise, Morning Sun.
>>21006522 The Carvanha were for beggars and the Piplup was for Zoelle.
Leica - 1779-0294-5105
Hi buds. Any of you have a male Forretress or Beedrill with Drill Run by chance? (Or a Karrablast with Drill Run is fine too.) Don't give a shit about IVs, I'll give you something back in return obviously.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21006530 Duhhhh. That's how I can spot all these faggots.
>>21006541 Thank you too bby~ Sleep tight
>>21006542 >not giving 4 egg moves anyway >not having pokemon with 4 egg moves already to just rebreed >actually breeding something without 4 egg moves Turrible
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>21006542 sounds good, I'm assuming you want 6IV for 6IV?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21006542 Would you happen to have a leftover imperfect male? I WT'd most of my shit except the Noibat, but I can offer BP or other items.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
So, I'm interested in doing a Froakie giveaway, but I'm not sure which to make: Standard SpA Shiny Babies, or Physical Shiny Tadpoles. Which would be better?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006572 Pls no bully, they're old leftovers...
Everything I breed now has 4 egg moves, no matter how useless most of them are!
;_; >>21006579 The Larvesta is penta perfect. Penta perfect = 5IVs
I just want the egg move Earth Power so I don't have to transfer a shitty Deino from GenV.
>>21006590 A male HA Carvanha? Yes.
Disc up~ Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21006606 Oops, should have clarified, I meant Larvesta. Got any leftovers of those?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>21006606 >The Larvesta is penta perfect. Penta perfect = 5IVs Yeah, sorry, should've clarified, that's what I meant. The deino is also penta. Did you want the perfect deino or did you want a eftover? The perfect one is timid but if you want a modest one they're all imperfect
>>21006604 physical froakie is worthless
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21006606 You're forgiven :3
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006609 Oh, yes to that too. What are these Noibats you have?
>>21006626 I'll take a penta timid please!
>>21006628 ~
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>21006604 You should probably consult a general that would be taking them, as I doubt many people here would be interested in one.
Either way, go timid or hasty.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21006642 Timid, either ability, with all their egg moves (Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind). I've been MMing them so I have tons.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006604 I recommend this for your giveaway:
>Brave nature, Torrent ability, regular Pokeball. >Bestow, Mud Sport, Water Sport and Camouflage egg moves. >Non shiny and 0IVs. >>21006667 I'll take one of those please!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21006680 Infiltrator or Frisk?
I'll add you since fuck using the GTS for actual trades rather than giveaways. 0190 0057 7161
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
Going to breed Love ball Absol. Because I just remembered I said I'd do that. Any egg moves I should Absolutely put on it?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006695 Infiltrator please.
Added you~
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21006708 Alrighty. I don't check them as I go, so give me a bit to find a perfect and I'll trade you.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21006680 Do you still have extra snivy?
>>21006703 play rough
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21006721 That's about what I figured. Thanks.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
I have given up on the Oddish for now. At leats I have a pentaperfect great-granddaughter of my Emerald Bellossom and FR Vileplume, ready for ORAS. ;_; Also:>Cuan (German from giveaway threads) sends me a TR >wants to evolve a Haunter >pick some random Pokémon to send him in return >happens to be my old Quagsire >realise too late that its nickname was „ICHLIEBEDICH“ (“I love you” in German), named after a friend's showdown set Fug, that was embarrassing :DDDD
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>>21006788 zen headbutt is bretty good too. not really that many options for the last slot, though.
>>21006789 >going to giveaway threads Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>21006800 I was a regular in the GTS giveaway threads until they started dying out. Always bred a few more pentaperfects than I needed.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21006804 Thanks for the add~ Anonymous
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
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>>21006789 >not naming all your leftovers and sending them out in hopes of getting a qt3.14 German girl Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
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>>21006813 No problem.
I think.
DasWooj FC:2165-6479-2987
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Anyone in here have Dark safaris?
>>21006822 meh, the place used to be good, then we had to move here
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>>21006919 and now you're the better for it
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!V8oWDaUFy5s
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Are J Sal and Ramsey around? Pls respond
Leica - 1779-0294-5105
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
Hi, does anyone have a Poochyena ? Not shiny, not pentaperfect, nothing, just a regular, wild poochyena. It's the last fucking pokémon I need to complete the Kalos dex ! Hell, even a Mighthyena would be good !
>I was only 9 years old >I loved ravi so much, I had all the breeding leftovers and 6iv pokemon >I pray to ravi every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given >"ravi is love" I say; "ravi is life" >wfg hears me and calls me a faggot >I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek >I called him a cunt >He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep >I'm crying now, and my face hurts >I lay in bed and it's really cold >Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me >It's ravi >I am so happy >He whispers into my ear "This is my thread." >He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees >I'm ready >I spread my ass-cheeks for ravi >He penetrates my butt-hole >It hurts so much but I do it for ravi >I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water >I push against his force >I want to please ravi >He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love >wfg walks in >ravi looks him straight in the eyes and says "It's all ogre now." >ravi leaves through my window ravi is love. ravi is life.
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007225 Wtf are you talking about ?
I need it because it's X exclusive and I have Y.
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007247 I checked, the only poochyena or mighthyena there ask for legendaries or shit like a Lv 91+ gastrodon...
>>21007259 >being this retard Anonymous
>>21007235 >>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Shrek you fucked up
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007267 >insulting people without reason You need to be 18 years old to browse, shithead
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21007259 You could easily put something up on the gts for one, or search in a mightyena safari
But I have one I could give you, I'll need it right back though.
Touch trade it
These are the last 25 pokemon I need for my breed dex. pls help
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>>21007281 my devotion is for both of them actually
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>Olive >OT: Scotch Oh wow.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21007259 >>21007287 >Forgot FC 1607-2348-9941
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007287 I can give you a patrat (on top of sending back your poochyena)
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21007259 It's easier to get things from the GTS by depositing things rather than trying to search for it. All the halfway reasonable offers get snatched up quick, which is why you see the shitty legendary offers.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21007302 if it has egg moves and a good nature gib. if not don't bother
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21007300 >breed dex >mew >arceus Ellis pls
>>21007315 >Implying retards like him know how to breed Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007315 Ah, sorry, I don' have that...
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21007320 >not breeding mew and arceus with your wild abra Wow you fucking pleb, learn to play the game
>>21007324 it's fine.
Trading is easier if you add me back
>>21007300 Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007322 What the fuck is wrong with you, anon ? I haven't wronged you, so please stop pissing me off.
And for the record, I've bred some fine, 5 IV pokémon from scratch.
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007341 Thanks a lot ! Going to get my sweet, sweet oval charm now !
>>21007376 I just can stand beggars that are so stupid using gts.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21007393 I need the poochyena back m8
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
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>>21007404 Oh right, sorry !
Quoted By:
>>21007413 Stop creating confusion and shitposting on purpose. Didnt you read OP's post?
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007394 Yeah, I admit that asking for very common, version-exclusive a pokémon I can't obtain by myself, and on /wfg/ on all places, is utter autism. Sorry for, uh... for whatever you like. Just don't forget to take your meds.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
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Breeding for HAF pokemon with 12.5% female rates a shit Ramsey I'm almost done with Panpour, I'm just getting a HAF so I can pass Hydro Pump then I can breed for IVs And I've held onto a Male so I can easily pass the moves that all monkeys can learn (Role Play, Low Kick and Nasty Plot) so I only need to worry about Leaf Storm and Heat Wave
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!V8oWDaUFy5s
>>21007439 >not learning to ignore faggotry You must be somewhat new here
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
>>21007456 Just go and heat your medicine kid, you're annoying as fuck.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!V8oWDaUFy5s
>>21007529 Acquire some reading comprehension skills, I was telling you to ignore the faggot.
>heating medicine What is this, the 16th century?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21007529 Please stop projecting, and heed his advice. If you did you wouldn't be responding to begin with.
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>>21007529 >heat >medicine lel
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
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>>21007543 Stop being a faggot.
Also I mean eat, stop sucking dicks so hard Optimus Fag
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Paulus (IGN Sekket) 3540-1159-8301
Quoted By:
>>21007547 >>21007554 Calm down, he isn't out of place.
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>>21007587 NEW THREAD:
>>21007587 NEW THREAD:
>>21007587 NEW THREAD:
>>21007587 NEW THREAD:
>>21007587 NEW THREAD: