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No.21022523 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>loves to give hugs
>has the most f,em,inine smile in the world
>m,otherly antennae
>cry sounds like a w,om,an choking on cum from a bukkake. no seriously, listen htttp:// LISTEN!
>when she uses dragon pulse, she's too f,e,m,inine to exist
>despised as a m,ale
>always portrayed as a fe,m,ale

There is literally NOTHING AT ALL that could make someone see this as a m,ale.

Gardevoir's got the whole "trap" thing going on, so that's it's excuse. G,oodra however.. She has no excuse to be m,ale.

We all know happy things cannot be m,ale, especially if they are cute. This all applies to G,oodra.

Putting a 50/50 g,ender ratio on this Go,oey Gooddess is the worst thing Game Freak has ever done. The g,ender ratio serves no point at all because everyone and I mean EVERYONE hates m,ale ones, and uses a fe,ma,le over the m,ale.