Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>21024518 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on Topic of the Thread:
What are you working on?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
I definitely meant to use this image, believe me!
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21030466 TotT:
4 egg move HA Timid Snorunts in Dive Balls Ann - 4356-1102-5271
Quoted By:
Hatching quickie love ball Lapras so that I've got a backup if shit goes awry. >>21030480 Nice. Anonymous
Need a Colbur Berry and Dusk Stone.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
TotT: Checking IVs of some of my Celebi. Celebi - #251 (Adamant) : 31 / 31 / 7 / 30 / 31 / 31
>>21030491 How's reddit today?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Please take them, I need more space in my giveaway box. Anonymous
Making a mono grass team, how can I get celebi?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21030489 I'll give you both of those items for a Heatwave Litwick and a 4EM Torchic.
I don't care about natures, IVs or gender I just want the egg moves.
>>21030489 egg moves on honedge?
>>21030472 May I have a male Cranidos?
I have a Porygon up.
Ign Andres.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21030505 Hold on then, gotta quickly breed a Torchic.
>>21030518 None, I bred them pre-bank and just couldn't bother rebreeding them because I never actually use Aegislash.
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>>21030541 >Never use aegislash you can go
Jack 2535-4076-4203
I've got some imperfect HAF Carvanha, pls take
>>21030472 gib Cranidos
>>21030498 pls gib Riolu
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21030550 Throw something in the GTS.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>21030563 I put up a Porygon
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 19:53:54 No. 21030589 Report I'm still in the market for an Ally Swap Natu unless my friend from the last thread is still here. All kinds of balltism 'mons.
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After I make a box of Minccinos to put on Wonder Trade I'm going to make a box of Regenerator Slowpoke in Dream Balls to give out for free.
>>21030584 I have a shiny mew
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 19:54:58 No. 21030600 Report Quoted By:
>>21030589 ally switch*, whoops
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21030596 Got anything legit?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
I have a couple of male 4 egg move HA Snorunts if anyone wants them. I haven't started breeding with a Dive Ball female so they're just in regular Pokeballs.
>>21030602 Its legal, i pokecheked it by myself to make sure it passed bank
>>21030584 Oh no I don't have any events
>>21030472 Can I have the Dream Ball Female Cranidos?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21030616 Then your best bet is to buy Pokebank, but I think the Celebi promotion ended.
Quoted By:
>>21030633 Well balls. Thanks
>>21030505 I have them both ready, waiting for you to add me.
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21030589 I'm still around, I'll go breed my Xatu. I'll just take one of those Mawile.
>>21030633 I got a Celebi from pokeback four days ago.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21030533 sent
>>21030619 gts something that isn't a luvdisc and confirm your ign
Quoted By:
got powersaves today, doing balltism request my fellow breeders
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21030676 Ah, okay. I believe it ended in September, but couldn't remember if it was the end or beginning of September.
>>21030682 female bellsprout level 1
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:06:04 No. 21030717 Report >>21030676 that sounds lovely, thank you. Added you, and I'll hang around on the PSS screen for a while.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21030682 Thanks!
And does anyone happen to have a spare Dubious Disc? I need help evolving my Porygon.
Quoted By:
>>21030753 Get it from the maison in like 30 mins
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21030472 Could I get a male Cranidos? I'll put up a Meditite
Quoted By:
>>21030498 could I have the karrablast? put up a bunnelby
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Did someone say
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21030803 >picking anyone but jvk jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
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>>21030820 >jvk >not timmy for ebin OU meymey Jack 2535-4076-4203
ign abdullah
Quoted By:
does anyone have a cacturne or cacnea I just need it for dex purposes.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21030799 I'm almost done with Panpour
never again, 12.5% female rates are worse than hitler
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21030860 B-but you should be working on Pansear while I"m working on Pansage
Send TR whenever for togeprii
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Looking for Luxury: Omanyte and Lileep Premier: Cranidos and Lileep or anything else I don't have yetPremier/Dive Kabuto, Great Cranidos and Premier Omanyte pending~ ToTT:Heal ball Aerodactyl
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21030870 >quickball shieldon >not ultra ball who did this shit
where are they
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21030868 I still need to find a HAF Pansear, but I think I've got a safari for them
;_; Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21030896 I'd get it but I have no Pansear safari ;_;
Remember Repeat ball best ball for it Ann - 4356-1102-5271
Finally got Xatu into the daycare.
>>21030870 I went poking through my Entralink and was pleasantly surprised to find a lady Omanyte.
She's still sitting there. Ben FC 1048 8820 7623
>>21030717 Yo Ian. I am having second thoughts right now (well, more like one of my friends is chewing me out for giving away something ''THAT precious''.) Mind if we retrade? I'll give you something else.
>>21030466 looking for vivillions for my living dex.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:30:35 No. 21030984 Report >>21030911 thanks. also that's adorable, keep her there forever.
>>21030925 heh. totally acceptable. You wouldn't happen to have a female Dream Ball Alomomola with its HA
or access to one would you?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21030887 It's for the shiny bbq~
I want Ultra Shieldon as well ;__;
>>21030911 Oh geeze I'd be ecstatic if you can catch it in a Luxury. Of course I'd be willing to breed whatever off the list for a HAF of any IVs.
I still have that penta EMM Lapras for a derp regardless~ Ben FC 1048 8820 7623
>>21030984 Sadly no! But hey, about the Pichu, I could ask one of my friend to clone it if you want. I'll send you a trade when I get it one day. So be on your toes! Thanks a bunch and sorry for all this craziness.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21030868 >Send TR whenever for togeprii I'll TR when one of these fucks come out HAF Pentaperfect
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21030943 I can get you Icy Snow. Just give me a bit to catch one.
>>21031034 This should be good
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031035 I-I don't need a penta perfect bby 4iv is okay
>>21031060 Thanks very much. Do you want a garden for it?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21031077 Nah, I have them all.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>21031075 Parents are 3IV and 5IV, so I should get a good one in the next batch or so
>>21031077 I have an extra sandstorm, but I don't want any other vivillions. do you have anything else?
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:38:53 No. 21031095 Report >>21031034 I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT CLONING WHAT IS CLONING
yes please >>21031068 shhhhh
>>21031083 Anything else you want? I can breed anything at this point.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21031034 It's happening.
>>21031094 I can breed you anything. Don't have anything in the way of IVs, shinies or spare legends though.
>>21031083 pssssst
ask for a cacnea Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21031097 Not really, I have pretty much everything. Don't worry about it.
>>21031115 Why?
>>21031136 So you can give it to me.
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21030984 Online with Natus.
>>21031008 I'd like to work out a deal for Dive Omanyte and Dream Lileep.
Not right this second tho, because Love Lapras are painful to hatch without trying to breed myself a Lux Oma on top of it. Anonymous
Looking for a good lotad, have some larvestra leftovers
>>21031095 >>21031034 I'm not going to bitch about it, but I did cap this for future reference
Chilli: 0774-4332-1291
>>21031136 Mystery egg it is then! Just added my fc.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21031112 Did that guy clone himself and eat the clone? Because holy shit.
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:47:39 No. 21031210 Report >>21031150 Mmm. Thanks for this almost useless move I wanted for some reason on my crab.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21031146 Trade for one yourself.
>>21031174 Mystery eggs require effort. Put something I can release and ask for Scatterbug.
Would have been Vivillon but apparently I deleted my Vivillon safari.
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:48:54 No. 21031219 Report Quoted By:
>>21031170 ruined and notorious
Quoted By:
>>21031170 god damn dude you're so epic, cleansing wfg of clonerdsand hackers and memesters!
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii) !2kawaiiwJA
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii) !2kawaiiwJA Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:49:28 No. 21031227 Report >>21031002 I think I'm pretty much the only one around here who has been breeding Burmy so I think I can get you one. I actually have a non-HA hexaperfect Burmy on hand right now but I can breed a HA penta in a reasonably short time. Bold nature (intended to be Wormadam-Trash), regular Poke Ball, obviously no egg moves since Burmy doesn't have any.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21031217 >Put something I can release and ask for Scatterbug On the GTS, I meant. That bit's kind of important.
Chilli: 0774-4332-1291
>>21031217 You wanna do it via gts? Sure, my name is X in game.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031227 >Pokeball No thanks
I'd rather have Nest/Friend/Dream/Level/Love
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031210 A lust for strange and unusual crabs is nothing to be ashamed of.
Or proud of either for that matter. Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21031260 Okay, but you have to tell me what you put on the GTS.
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:54:07 No. 21031285 Report Quoted By:
>>21031272 don't I know it
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii) !2kawaiiwJA
Joni 1521 - 2878 - 5294 (IGN: Kawaii) !2kawaiiwJA Fri 19 Sep 2014 20:54:50 No. 21031293 Report >>21031268 I know you would, but since Burmy's HA is transfer-only, it's not so easy to get a balltism HA female. Let's hope someone else has one.
Chilli: 0774-4332-1291
>>21031217 Just put up a vulpix, message hey kirzi
Chilli: 0774-4332-1291
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21031163 anyone? i keep getting crap traded to me on GTS
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21031150 Yeah no rush at all because I need to finish up to at least a 4IV HAF Aerodactyl before starting anything else.
I'll give you a penta HAF Cradily just to avoid breeding them and I'll work on Dive Omanyte soon enough~
Maybe my EMM can help with the Lapras hell My FC is 4355-9876-8611
Chilli: 0774-4332-1291
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031293 >transfer-only, it's not so easy to get a balltism HA female. Let's hope someone else has one. Having hope is better than settling for shit balltism :3
ShiPidgeot !!tAf8sZFRsML
>>21031385 why so mad today?
>>21031002 I have a Moon Ball Piplup which isn't entirely legal but also is really boss so I think its fair
>>21031423 >thinking ramsey is mad when he's just being his regular self git gud
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Fri 19 Sep 2014 21:09:25 No. 21031464 Report Quoted By:
anyone up for 6v6?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21031423 I'm mad because people still think balltism is a disease ;___________;
>>21031442 It's not even a little bit legal. No thanks. :]
>>21031346 Premier ball was a nice touch
>>21031448 i know ramsey since trade general, he's a dick, but today he's more dick than usual
Brittany !!tZZtrZpUdyX
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21031474 It was the least I could do given it was literally a wild shitmon.
>>21031495 Nah, he just wants dick.
Kirzi !KirziqSAMA
>>21031532 post the trip generator pls, my usb got deleted
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031495 >i know ramsey since trade general, I know you think I'm le ebin oldfag but I never posted in Pokemon General sorry m8 :3
>>21031505 gib Love, Friend, and Level pls
>>21031511 This guy gets it.
Quoted By:
>>21031495 ramsey always acts like a douche, this thread is nothing new
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Caught Lapras and Sudowoodo in Love Balls. What next?
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031331 Sorry, I've entered a busy phase of the day.
Also I've no idea what your ign is. !KirziqSAMA
Quoted By:
>>21031553 Then it looks like you're out of luck.
>>21031495 hes mad because some dude bullied his waifu last night
Brittany !!tZZtrZpUdyX
>>21031542 I'll loan you again because I'm working on something else at the moment.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21031564 Breed Sudo of course :^)
>>21031571 It's cool but it's BEN YO
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (noibat, dragonair, ??) Fri 19 Sep 2014 21:19:08 No. 21031602 Report >>21031594 That murkrow you sent me has evolved into a mob boss revenge killing superstar. thanks!
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21031594 I'll do that...eventually. I just want to catch mons right now. I'm working on getting all 8 Kanto badges so that I can get Rock Climb, and then I can get your Love Ball Combee, as well.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031580 Hokay at least let me finish Torchic/Timburr~
>>21031574 So mad.
Just let me
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031603 Do you have SS or HG?
Quoted By:
>>21031615 don't post combee r34 pls
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21031602 Awesome, glad she came to good use~
>>21031603 Oh neat :3
Catch everything Loveball :^D
>>21031621 I'll get online to give you Lapras just send a derp~
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21031621 HeartGold.
>>21031659 I'll do my best, good sir!
I'm working on doing that anyways, so I can help out Zoelle, bless her heart. Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales)
Ian 1993-7792-1019 (Fire - Pyroar, Growlith, Ninetales) Fri 19 Sep 2014 21:26:57 No. 21031693 Report Quoted By:
>>21031385 that filename lol
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031680 Oh, could you grab a Fast Ball Growlithe? I'm stuck with SS myself so I've got no hope of catching one.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Ramsey I finally have a 4IV Panpour, its x/0/31/31/x/31 Now to start with Pansear ;_;
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21031725 I've already got some in Bank.
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031755 Awesome, what would you like for one?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031746 Shh no tears. It's gonna be okay <3
>>21031114 so you can breed me anything but with shit ivs and no egg moves?
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21031766 Do you have a list?
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21031778 Fuck, I don't think I have a Pansear safari and only Fletchinders are showing up in this one so far
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21031880 ;_; K-keep looking it's all up to you
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031790 Not at the moment.
The only Penta loveball poke I've bred has been Absol, although I could catch and rebreed a Meditite easily.
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21031924 Love Ball Absol sounds nice. I'll add you and get online in a few minutes. In a gym leader battle in HG right now.
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!vs/gqYq3F6b
Alright dorks, I'm giving away 4em premier ball Blitzle. ALL 3 ABILITIES ARE AVAILABLE Sap Sipper, Motor Drive, and Lightning Rod just specify what gender and ability. I'll do GTS trades or Friend Code trades; whichever you are most comfortable with. Pls take.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21031906 Oh shit, the last little shit in this safari was a pansear
Ok, so I just need to pass Panpours moves over then pass on Heat Wave then IVs, I just need a male in the Field group for HW
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
>>21031957 I'll have to catch you later, I need to start dinner.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Red (1564-4472-6884)
Quoted By:
>>21031961 would love sap sipper
added your FC
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Quoted By:
>>21031970 Alright, seeya.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21031961 Allen? In my WFG?
Pls gib female with HA, tossing a female Druddigon up.
>>21031970 Pls respond later for your mons, I still have them
>>21031786 You got it buddy.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>mfw This is true suffering
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
>>21032038 Sorry I've been ded for a while. I-I'll be around more. I-I promise!
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21032072 I'll hold you to that.
Thanks for Zebra~
New TOTT: Best pokemon in amie?
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Looking for a 6v6 NU battle
>>21032494 ur mum xD Anonymous
>>21032044 that seems a wee bit pointless. Do you have a living dex or something?
>>21030472 > That diggersby tho...Could I get that from ya?=3
Quoted By:
>>21032607 >diggersby tho >=3 no
>>21032504 I'll battle you.
I'm not on my laptop so I don't have my trip but it's Jamie.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
These Archen need to hatch fucking female already.
>>21032607 Le OU Smogon using Shofu face. :^)
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>21030472 Not that other memespouting faggot, but I'd like the diggersby. You still around?
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Quoted By:
>>21030870 Is there anything you want for that nest ball lileep? I don't have anything on that list but I do have some premier ball karrablast and luxury ball litwick with HP fighting
>>21032705 How do I know which pokemon to bring? I don't want to wreck you with muh bros.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21032725 >Looking for a 6v6 NU battle Just bring NU mons m8
Allen [X] {0490-5337-3726} !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Quoted By:
>>21031961 D-does anyone still want a Blitzle from here?
Pls take
>>21032736 Ah right I was unsure whether you wanted just NU or PU too.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21032771 it really doesn't matter
NU and below is fine.
but half of my team is PU Anonymous
>People installing the smogon's patch in his game
>>21032529 Almost complete. Collecting vivillions, and white flabebe and then it's pretty much finished. Every form, every pokemon.
>>21032792 I think my team is NU, I checked the list while putting it together.
>>21032803 >people being bitter that other people choose to follow an entirely optional ruleset designed for a specific part of the community >people failing to properly use grammar Anonymous
>>21032843 Okay.
I need a kabutops. Otherwise I don't have any reason to let go of it.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21032852 The only one on your team that isn't NU is sigilyph, but it's fine
>>21032870 I fucked up. You win.
Also: BL 3: These Pokemon can only be used in Ubers, OU, UU, and RU matches.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21032870 How does this work exactly? I'm not really a smogon/showdown person but I hear people sometimes complain about non-OU okemon (from low-tiers) being used in OU matches.
Is Sigilyph above NU? Below? Why doesn't it matter?
>>21032927 BG for me. I threw that team together too fast, most of those Pokémon have never even seen a battlefield. That was a Magcargo massacre.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>21032929 Sigilyph is BL3, meaning too good for NU, not good enough to be banned to RU
Tiers are set so super strong pokemon arent put against the weaker ones.
I wanted a NU battle because my team has weaker pokemon that usually won't be able to win against things like latios and bisharp
I've never seen someone complain about having a non ou mon in an ou match.
>>21032953 I love magcargo, so many people think it's defensive, but then things like that happen
Maybe I should change the nickname so people don't guess the set
>>21032979 I was fucked the moment I realised Aqua Jet was the only Water type move on my team. I was expecting a Stealth Rock / Yawn switchfest then I saw the Shell Smash Focus Sash.
>>21033016 thanks now i know what to expect when i need to battle ellis
>>21032864 Kabutops for sandstorm vivillion? Sure. I'll put it up on the GTS with the message /vp/. Reply to this and I'll do it.
Anthony 1177-7749-1304
Quoted By:
Someone got a male Larvitar with: Iron Head Pursuit Dragon Dance Stealth Rock ? I only care about the egg moves, nothing else is necessary.
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>>21032979 Oh, okay, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>21033071 No problem. After that win I think Ellis deserves to get rek'd.
Casey 2363-7073-5683
Quoted By:
If anyone has a trapinch I'd be willing to give out some legends for it depending on the IVs, I also have a legit shiny spookytree, but I'd only really trade that for a shiny trapinch.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Quoted By:
Anyone have a nest ball HA female lileep? No IVs or egg moves necessary
>>21033077 Alright, put it up then.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
Vivianne Crowley, I have your things.
>>21033169 I'm not seeing it. Were you sniped?
>>21033216 Yep, for a modern vivillion. I can give you a kabuto, but I don't have another tops. Sorry.
>>21033227 Fucking shit, I was on gts the moment you said you put it up. I have a living dex of the original 151, short of kabutops, i've already got a kabuto.
Quoted By:
>>21032855 > complains about grammar > uses a split infinitive Anonymous
>>21033237 Ahh crap. The only consolation is the one you get from me will level up faster. I could train another, but it evolves at 40, so it'll take a while.
>>21033270 If you wanted to do that we could just add each other the normal way afterwards.
>>21033342 I'll get training. fc is 0774-4332-1291
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 metang/ferroseed/klefki
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 metang/ferroseed/klefki Fri 19 Sep 2014 23:50:14 No. 21033378 Report Anyone here have a prankster volbeat? with encore and baton pass bred onto it would be god send but any prankster volbeat would be ideal A friend safari works too
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 metang/ferroseed/klefki
Niqqa 2938-8200-0971 metang/ferroseed/klefki Fri 19 Sep 2014 23:53:52 No. 21033445 Report Quoted By:
>>21033388 Nauh, I can offer stuff to trade just need to know what they're interested in and not sure if anyone even has any
from past experiences the stuff I need no one wants since it's shitmons ;=; Anonymous
need a paras or bug safari
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>21033581 I can give you a shitty 4 iv with wide guard, if interested.
They're also in luxury, so if you want a female tell me. !ShinyDickY
>>21033628 Tripcodes are supposed to be a set of random characters to identify a person. The moment you use an external software to generate your "much cool" trips, you are actually manipulating the trip algorithm into giving you a result you wouldn't get naturally.
At this moment there are lots of people actually putting effort into generating quality trip codes and every time you post with your genned codes, you basically laugh at all their hard work.
Tripcode Explorer is basically the 4chan version of RNG abuse.
>>21033618 i just need paras i dont really what its in
2595 0318 6934
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>>21033628 That's pretty good.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21033666 This pasta never gets old.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21033666 I love this copy/paste.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
I did it! I'm free from the ban! Also, sorry to the guy that wanted manectite, it's because my 3DS refuses to fucking pass time and it never becomes 8:00.
>>21033695 >>21033729 Being a trainer who believed in keeping the game legal and not using hacked shit, the little boy was happy to find WFG, a community who shared his views. He was very nervous the first time he traded online with the regulars there. He remembers the thrill of adding the first FC on his 2DS. And then how sweaty his hands were when he connected his game and finally traded.
It was a 5iv male eevee with 4 egg moves, the kind of thing that would take him ages to breed alone. Using that single pokémon, the boy was able to breed his own pentaperfect in no time.
He became a regular on WFG and even had to take on a trip when some oldfags started impersonating him for fun.
Time passed.
One afternoon, he was lurking when he read the most dreadful news ever. The person he first traded was revealed to use a hacked 6iv ditto, making all his own high iv pokémon have hacked lineage.
Shocked, the boy did the unthinkable: he went to the yard and called for his eevee. The pokémon happilly approached, thinking it was the time for a treat. He saw something was wrong in the eyes of his trainer and tried to warn him by crying, then biting and trying to flee, terrified, but it was all in vain.
The boy's hands closed in on the eevee's neck, slowly, but steadily.
Stories like these happen everyday in Kalos. Pokémon have no fault for the hacks of their ancestors. Please stop the butchering of these pokémon by wondertrading them to a place where the past won't haunt them.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
So I'm thinking of breeding Tyrunts for a /vp/ giveaway. Which one's a better egg move, Rock Polish or Dragon Dance? I have Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, and Fire Fang lined up.
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>>21033754 Poison Fang isn't a good enough move.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21033733 Get a new 3DS then or send in your old one for repair through the official Nintendo service.
>>21033736 10/10, dying.
>>21033754 Dragon Dance, as Rock Polish is a TM move. Also remove Poison Fang for Ice Fang. A neutral Stone Edge/Rock Slide does more than a super effective Poison Fang on Fairies/Grass types (except on Whimsicott).
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Has Love Ball Snorlax been done yet?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21033809 Not that I know of.
Surprised Ben hasn't done it yet. :^) Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
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>>21033798 Got it. Thanks!
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21033817 Me too, honestly.
Oh well, I guess I'll go for it, then!
Is it worth using Chandelure with its hidden ability or should I stick with Flash Fire/Flame Body?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21033817 I did though :3
>>21033839 Go for Friendball instead :^)
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Guy training kabuto, I'll be out for like twenty minutes but I'll be back. I have you added already and stuff.
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>>21033865 I prefer infiltrator
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
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>>21033865 Do you need something to absorb fire attacks? If you don't, go Infiltrator.
Maddie Line !FsTTxUcRPg
>>21033798 >>21033798 The sad part is that the dude could be decent looking if he started to lift and lost that look of unfathomable sorrow. Like a mix of Russell Crowe and a duck.
Also Fucking FINALLY done getting all the legendaries in HGSS. It wouldn't have taken so long if I hadn't caught goddam balltism from you gays. Both Timid Mewtwos in Masterballs and both Rayquazas in Premiere Balls.
Now time for Black and White... Fugg
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>>21033865 Flash Fire's actually more common than Infiltrator. Personally though I like Infiltrator, given that people will already be hesitant to use fire moves when they see you have a Chandelure.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
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Anyone interested in 31/x/30/30/30/x disable, nasty plot yamask? I'm looking for nest ball female HA lileep
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21033839 >Snorlax's shiny isn't pink >just a slightly darker blue :^(
>>21033865 Any ability Chandelure is good (for different reasons). Flame Body Choice Chandelure was a good check to MoxieCross in Gen V as the burn chance would fuck it over. Infilitrator is better this generation for Choice Scarf sets especially if you need to take out things that have a Substitute up while still playing mind games having them think you're Flash Fire.
>>21033878 Y-You #rekt me! :^(
>>21033906 >The sad part is that the dude could be decent looking if he started to lift Mattie, Candito is a powerlifter, he does lift! :^(
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21033921 :^D
>>21033923 It's one I don't have of course and
Zoelle is getting Lure ball, she also appreciates you got the Love Sudo for us~ Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
>>21033956 How are you talking to her? Tell her I miss her.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21033987 She was briefly on irc but I'll let her know next time I catch her~
>>21033729 One of my fondest childhood memories has always been of my mother's cooking pasta on our kitchen during those cold, cold war nights. I would sit on the table and hit it with the spoon until she either was done or was pissed off.
On the night of my 15th birthday, my parents moved to a better house and left me living alone.
The next day was a sunny summer afternoon. I woke up late and was starving, and the only thing left was some noodles. I tought about eating those noodles but they were so tiny I figured they wouldn't be enough to fill my starving stomach. I filled a pot with water anyway and threw the noodles inside, mixing them with regular pasta.
As the water was boiling, I left the kitchen to go to /vp/ and beg for a free shiny. When I came back, THERE WERE FUCKING NOODLES EVERYWHERE IN THE POT. I searched the kitchen for a reason, finding out the noodle I used had some kind of micro noodles that grew when cooked in hot water.
I ran to the other side of the kitchen in search of a bigger pot, but it was too late. The pot was overflowing with delicious noodles I would never be able to eat.
I sob for a moment, while cleaning the floor and trashing the noddles. A good quantity is still in the pot, and I figure I can still use them. I turn the oven on again, and turn my back to get some kind of sauce. But disaster strikes again, with the remaining noodles overflowing and messing the kitchen again.
And that's why I need some of this pasta. Disc up
Can anyone help me evolve my Porygon into Porygon-z? I have extra Porygon if you would like one for the trouble.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
Shit that you do that you wish you didn't in pokemon games, go. I'll start: I always spend 10 seconds facing the direction of the trainer's hometown before embarking on my adventure.
>>21033945 wifi it's ok for me.
>>21034045 can help, but i'm playing in other language so the name might change , i dont need anything back
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>21034033 > >>21034084 >Shit that you do that you wish you didn't in pokemon games, go. I shitpost while breeding.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Sat 20 Sep 2014 00:41:00 No. 21034113 Report >>21034045 I'll do it and take you up on that Pollygin offer. What are it's IVs? Add me.
>>21034097 I don't think it will, but I won't mind.
My Fc is 5043-2969-4002
My Ign is Andres
Thank you for helping and are you sure you don't want anything?
>>21034113 Would you like a Porygon?
I have plenty to spare.
I have 5ivs and some Pentas.
>>21034144 Sure, don't worry,
I'm playing japanese and korean, any language preference?
3840 7262 3206
Kia !YY68a2Lb4Q
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>>21034027 Thanks! Zoelle's too hard on herself.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Sat 20 Sep 2014 00:46:28 No. 21034190 Report >>21034169 Sure
If you don't mind waiting a minute I'll snag a Larvesta from my breeding project for you in return. It's in a Pokeball if that's okay with you.
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>>21034178 Go back to reddit, Ivory
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>>21034178 Well it doesn't matter to me.
Whatever is more convenient for you.
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>>21034190 Sounds good!
I'll add you once I'm finished.
>>21034178 Once more for Z please?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21034274 Thanks so much!
>>21034190 Okay, I'm ready for you.
I'm adding you and I'll be ready when you are.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034320 > I'll take the rats.
I want the nickname to be Lydia.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Sat 20 Sep 2014 01:05:33 No. 21034403 Report >>21034352 Hey, I stepped away for a second, adding you now.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034438 Shit, gimmie a sec, i'll catch one.
Wait a sec, what rods are used to catch Luvdisc?
>>21034403 Enjoy your virtual waterfowl!
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21034475 Old, and just throw anything in the gts.
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>>21030472 Could i have the squirtle
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
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I seek Kia, Ravi, and Ethan.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Sat 20 Sep 2014 01:15:32 No. 21034515 Report >>21034486 Thank you for it, enjoy Larvesta. I've been trying to get a Porygon project underway since Gen5, unfortunately lost all my progress back then. The oldfags keeps reminding me of it.
Now to farm the Friend Safari for a high test Ditto.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034515 How are you gonna exactly do that? Are you just going to catch dittos until you get a 3-4 (or 5 or even 6) IV one? I've been wanting to into genderless breeding but it seems like a daunting task in a way
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Sat 20 Sep 2014 01:19:50 No. 21034564 Report >>21034549 Yeah. I'll probably Wondertrade the rest so hopefully people who want to breed can get a Ditto if they don't have access to a Friend Safari. It will be a daunting task, but I'm up to it.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034574 It's shauna's froabble. search 10 or under.
>>21034549 >>21034564 It's not that bad.
Assuming 3IV Ditto+4IV leftover:
>Breeding parents 31/x/x/31/31/31 and 31/x/31/31/x/x will produce a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Pokemon 2.6042% of the time or 1 out of every 38.4000 eggs! Anonymous
>>21034549 >>21034564 It can be a pain sometimes, but it's not as bad as you'd think.
I recently got my hands on some 6iv Dittos and it's made it all easier.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034634 Do you just wanna trade via friend code?
>>21034590 >>21034616 Thanks for the inspiration, everyone -- where there's a will, there's a way. What genderless pokemon should I start with? I'm leaning towards Timid Cryogonal because you rarely see it and I could help this community by giving away 3-4IV Cryos,
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21034675 Don't forget Hidden Power Ground on them :3c
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21034655 Nah, I don't have time for that.
>>21034675 >Timid Cryogonal >you rarely see it No wonder why
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034690 I put a nicknamed honedge up.
>>21034691 Probably because it's too shy to reveal itself.
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034712 Female, level 25.
You should filter to pokemon you have, if you haven't already.
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
2062-9304-3450 Domo
>>21034756 Thank you kindly.
Sorry 'bout the trouble.
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New thread:
>>21034782 New thread:
>>21034782 New thread:
>>21034782 New thread:
>>21034782 New thread:
>>21034782 New thread:
>>21034782 Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>21034778 No problem, enjoy.