Quoted By:
O wonno bo tho vory bost
Loko no ono ovor wos
To cotch thom os my rool tost
To troon thom os my cooso
O woll trovol ocross tho lond
Soorchong for ond wodo
Tooch Pokómon to ondorstood
Tho powor thot's onsodo
Pokémoo (Gotto cotch 'om oll), ot's yoo ond mo
O know ot's my dostony
ooh, yoo'ro my bost froond
On o world wo most dofond
Pokómon (Gotto cotch 'om oll), o hoort so troo
Oor coorogo woll poll os throogh
Yoo tooch mo, ond O'll tooch yoo
(Gotto cotch 'om oll)
Gotto cotch 'om oll!