Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need. Help yourself, too!
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons.
Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
> DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Favorite Pseudo Legendary? Feel free to make requests, so long as they don't fall within the above noted categories. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Old thread:
Quoted By:
first for shit thread is shit
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Last call for Regenerator Slowpokes and Knock Off Minccinos with Skill Link, and then I move on to my Whimsicott giveaway. Put up a pidgey on the GTS for one with /vp/ in the summary!
>making more of the same terrible general kek
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 01:54:29 No. 21081235 Report Quoted By:
anyone got cheese sandwich? :3
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 01:55:52 No. 21081251 Report Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Ty 0130-1812-9845
>>21081213 pidgey up for slowpoke, thank you
>>21081213 Pidgey is up, thanks a lot!
mavm 1821-9933-5703
Quoted By:
Giving away : 28 beldum 5 iv jolly
>>21081291 forgot the IGN.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:03:24 No. 21081336 Report >>21081213 Could I also grab a minccino knock off if its not too much trouble?
Pidgey up thanks
IGN: Russano
Seems like the right general to give these away in. Got 3 Female Deinos, 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest in Premier Balls. Look for the ones with "/vp/ giveaway" as the summary, and asking for a Luvdisc.
>>21081376 edgelord pls go
Quoted By:
>>21081227 some people can't learn
>>21081376 >Premier Ball Nice taste.
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
IGN: Russano
>>21081388 Liking mons with 125 base SpAtk is edgy now?
>>21081417 Yeah, I figured the black of the ball would go well with its natural coloration.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:12:14 No. 21081431 Report Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
mavm 1821-9933-5703
>>21081430 Only premier ball is white and red you idiot
Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
>>21081442 there were only 2 replies
IGN: Russano
>>21081448 Er wait, Luxury ball. Disregard, suck cocks, et cetera.
>>21081451 >Being this slow >Using a trip when you are literally a nobody kek
Ty 0130-1812-9845
Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
>>21081464 dont care captcha 420
>>21081464 beggars want to feel special as if they matter
>>21081474 Fuck off to reddit
Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
>>21081476 i use it because some fag pretended to be me fuck off.
>>21081486 yeah, but it's not like being you matters in the first place
Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
>>21081484 lol k been on 4chan way longer than you faggot go cry about shit somewhere else you literally do nothing by bitching about shit on here
Quoted By:
>>21081486 >some fag >implying somebody gives a fuck about shitposting you now so special
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Quoted By:
>>21081422 I'd say so if they were shiny.
Rico[3886-6046-8402] !kaG1RQHV96
>>21081495 god that hurts my feelings intensely '
Quoted By:
>>21081244 bumping for this!
IGN: Russano
Quoted By:
>>21081436 >>21081440 Yours are sent.
>>21081431 Sorry Tonnura-san, yours got sniped.
>>21081527 okay lol never said i didnt beg
>>21081516 Dude, stop fucking replying to them.
>>21081540 fuck off faggot
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
I have 5iv imperfect female Fletchling in Level Balls Gale Wings | Adamant Egg Moves: Quick Guard + Tailwind Nicks if you want. Disc up and reply with IGN if you want to give a brave bird a brave home. Thanks Mal.
Quoted By:
>>21081541 name on and stfu :3
>>21081544 go kill yourself
>>21081540 >contributes less than nothing >proud of it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21081561 go and beg yourself
>>21081562 how is if different that the other 300 people who do the same fucking thing? you care so fucking much
>>21081558 >Level Ball get out ray rizzo
>>21081574 because I cant shitpost everybody in vp fucking retard
Quoted By:
>>21081574 millions of other people followed hitler in the war and in the holocaust, you know
>>21081582 fair enough but it still just seems like you care waaaay too much maybe i do too though gonna go fuck off and beat my dick
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>>21081575 I'm 3 time World Champion Ray Rizzo, star of my own DLC in BW2 and I approve this general.
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>>21081596 >being this butthurted IGN Tuatara
>>21081558 Would love one, disc up.
Quoted By:
>>21081603 apparently he has 420 dicks in his ass
Ty 0130-1812-9845
>>21081558 disc up, thank you.
>>21081558 Disc'd up, thank you.
IGN Tuatara
ATTN Niggers:
>>21081190 >Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Illiterate fucks should be put in the spreadsheet and listed "cancer"
>>21081626 who the fuck are you?
Javier !Xyl4eFZ9qE
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>21081558 have one for me?
is good to see you again ~ Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21081641 haha wow what a fucking loser
>>21081558 IGN is FoulxLaw
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>21081675 And your gf it's cute sir uzcategui
>>21081558 Disc up. Thanks
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
>>21081602 >>21081613 >>21081640 gotchu
>>21081623 urs is up for talonnflame btw>>21081648 >>21081670 Lemme make sure i have 5iv ones, stiill hatching
Quoted By:
>>21081709 I know. was a joke
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
shark 4141-3068-9783
I have rotom, happiny with egg move and vullaby with egg moves that i would like to trade for some mons outside of x, so i can complete the dex. If someone has a phanpy/donphan with stealth rock (pref female) that would be sick
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
feed me donkey balls!
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:45:44 No. 21081743 Report hello i have quite a bit to give away so reply and disc up if interested 1 elekid (m) - adamant static em: ice punch/cross chop (got in wt) 1 poochyena (m) - impish quick feet em: play rough/ elemental fangs (got in wt) 6 inkay (5f/1m) - 5 iv adamant contrary 4 roselia (3m/1f) - 4-5 iv timid natural cure em: leaf storm/spikes/sleep powder 1 bagon (m) - 5 iv adamant sheer force em: dragon rush/dragon pulse/dragon dance/hydro pump 1 scyther (f) - 4 iv adamant technician 9 eevee (2f/7m) - 4-5 iv impish adaptability/run away em:yawn/curse/wish 13 doduo (8m/5f) - 4-5 iv jolly 4 early bird/9 tangled feet em: quick attack/brave bird EXTRA: 1 penta perfect run away female 1 skarmory (m) - 5 iv impish sturdy em: drill peck/whirlwind/stealth rock/brave bird 5 taillow (3m/2f) - 4-5 iv jolly guts em: defog/brave bird/mirror move/boomburst 16 eevee (2f/14m) - 5 iv adamant anticipation EXTRA: 2 pentaperfect males/1 hexaperfect female with adaptability/runaway i'm also MM-ing mudkips so i have a shit ton of pentaperfects, all adamant torrent em:yawn/double edge/curse/avalanche please be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send what ever i have more of
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>>21081739 fuck off to wfg
Quoted By:
>>21081739 >trading not the place, go to /wfg/ here:
>>21078167 mavm 1821-9933-5703
giving away 28 beldum pentaperfect jolly
>>21081743 scyther please
IGN FoulxLaw
Quoted By:
>>21081759 gotta go fast
>>21081761 fuck off beggar
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:49:25 No. 21081775 Report >>21081743 disc up for poochyena
msg: /vp/
Lf Kalos born, Ice Punch Tyranitar. Willing to give anything that's asked, baring Hoopa, volcanion & event shit, like Z-Floette and Darkrai. Anyone? Going to nats this week, first my country ever has, and I find it usefull.
Quoted By:
>>21081761 fuck off beggar
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:50:56 No. 21081790 Report >>21081759 cool, disc is up, thanks in advance
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:51:24 No. 21081793 Report >>21081775 sent
>>21081761 i see you asking for a fletchling, let me know when youre ready
>>21081782 fuck off shitlord
can't even read the fucking OP
as if kb tyranitar can even learn ice punch
>>21081775 > Sup guysen lang
>>21081782 fuck off
this bread sure is getting bumped! looking for cheese sandwich! :3
Quoted By:
>>21081803 >shitlord Are we on tumblr now?
>>21081805 >>21081808 >tfw no tuna sandwich mavm 1821-9933-5703
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:54:35 No. 21081824 Report >>21081743 would like that elekid if its still available, for dex. disc up when the current one is gone
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
>>21081670 >>21081707 gotchu
>>21081803 The event one comes with ice punch and pentagon.
>>21081648 no disc
>>21081623 still up for talonflame, needs to be fletchling
>>21081813 do you have cheese sandwich? maybe we can trade... and nice glasses!
>>21081710 My bad, image through me off a bit.
>>21081840 >I was pretending to be stupid Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 02:57:38 No. 21081844 Report Anonymous
>>21081793 ill upload the disc for the scyther now. thanks for the free mon by the way
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21081743 Disc up for Roselia (5 iv pls) thanks <3
>>21081782 ill take a Tyranitar. What level is it?
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:00:35 No. 21081868 Report >>21081844 cool, thanks. could i snag the skarmory too?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 3381
>>21081859 <3fuck<3off<3cancer<3
>>21081867 are you retarded?
>>21081868 holy beggar
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21081743 Disc up for skarmory if its still available.
Msg: vp
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:02:37 No. 21081886 Report >>21081871 >not taking free stuff if you need it and someone is offering ???
Quoted By:
>>21081886 >Being a beggar >Being to stupid to breed your own shit >Asking for everything just because it's free u w0t m8?
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21081743 Disc up for skarmory if its still available.
Msg: vp
Quoted By:
>>21081743 disc up fo skarmory
>>21081910 maybe, your sandwich its 6 ivs? shiny??
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:07:02 No. 21081920 Report >>21081856 sent
>>21081859 sent, its lvl 26 but it has its eggmoves
<3 >>21081894 sent, sorry to the others who requested it ;_;
Quoted By:
>>21081912 its not shiny sorry :(
>>21081743 disc up for roselia
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:08:34 No. 21081936 Report >>21081920 all good, thanks a bunch for elekid, again
Quoted By:
>>21081931 shut the fuck up beggar
Quoted By:
>>21081931 beggars cant numbers
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
Thanks for skarmory! !
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21081759 Disc up, thanks!
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:10:19 No. 21081954 Report >>21081936 no problem, im glad i could help
>>21081931 sent
mavm 1821-9933-5703
where's my free shiny shit?
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21081743 I just chucked a geodude up, could i have one of those mudkips pls?
Quoted By:
>>21082013 certainly not, fuck off
Can someone give me a quick help with a few mons for my dex? Here they are: Krikceot, Shieldon, Glameow, Lumineon, Bronzor, Tirtouga, Beheeyem, Boufalant Thanks
Quoted By:
>>21082013 >trading free shit in wfg pls go
>>21082013 >taking free shit from here and then trading it elsewhere you're lucky we don't have a blacklist of some sort like /gg/
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:19:14 No. 21082049 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21082032 this fucking beggar
kill yourself
>>21082042 everybody here it's cancer, except the givers
Quoted By:
>>21082065 >implying the givers are any better for feeding the cancer shark 4141-3068-9783
Don't know why everyone's so mad. The guy said he was giving away pokemon. What's the difference between geodude and luvdisc? I just want these mons for my team and i don't have the old games
Quoted By:
>>21082080 >for my team >trading in wfg >old games >Implying they are hard to get Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21082080 the difference is you're a fucking freeloader
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:24:49 No. 21082101 Report >>21082080 >the guy i-i'm a girl ;_; Anonymous
>>21081743 disc up for inkay, thanks!
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21082049 Thanks.
Anyone want some rotom, happiny or vullaby freebies? I don't know much about ivs but they might help your 'dex. Happiny and vullaby have egg moves
Quoted By:
>>21082124 you're a beggar, those iv's should be shit
Quoted By:
>>21082124 >I don't know much about ivs so basically what you're offering is worthless
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:30:57 No. 21082154 Report Quoted By:
>>21082116 i dont see your disc
>>21081743 Discing up for a taillow
My god, the ignorance. I honestly can't believe it, so many fucking idiots speaking as if they know. > P-pokes can't only learn Ice Punch with Tutors, baka! Ignorants, all and every one of you.
>>21082163 literally kill yourself retard
Cynthia 2.0 !iCynP7f5Sc
>>21081843 just a simple mistake
>>21081840 is ok
dont see ur disc tho
>>21081870 gotchu
sorry i took so long, moot thinks im a bot cuz i keep failing captcha
>>21081837 this meme will never be as good as heavy ball shellder or snorlax
Also don't forget to ignore shitposts
but feel free to report them by clicking the little > next to a post number. Just in case you see any~ Gonna do dishes and cook, I'll be back later.
>>21082002 http://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/21079087/giveaway-general-gg-cringe-edition#top try there
>>21082065 thx anon
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:34:34 No. 21082184 Report Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:35:42 No. 21082194 Report >>21082184 forgot to type sent ._.
>>21082182 >can't even cross-link threads properly Hullinov
Quoted By:
>>21082182 Removed it, a friend told me he had a perfect IV one I could have, didn't want to take more than I needed. Thanks for responding though.
shark 4141-3068-9783
Haha this is brilliant. You ever heard the phrase 'beggars cant be choosers'? Who cares if you think they might be worthless... its what im offering. So, stfu, and take it or leave it
>>21082199 >'beggars cant be choosers' >asks for 5iv shit kek
>>21082199 if beggars can't be choosers, why do you choose to be so retarded?
Quoted By:
>>21082197 If you click the link it works anyways
I have some Igglybuff with competitive Random 5IV Female in loveball EM: Captivate, Covet, Wish and Perish Song
Quoted By:
>>21082168 What?
>>21082170 Nice comeback. Grandma really made an effort inventing it :]
>>21081743 disc up for taillow! Message /ggg/ Thank you!~~
IGN: Gebargs
giving away 30 shiny regigigas disc up!!!! put as your message gebargs
IGN: Gebargs
>>21082279 >ignore shitposters Anonymous
>>21082282 it's not shitposting, that's the thread for this kind of thing
IGN: Gebargs
>>21082286 shut up shitposter
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 03:47:47 No. 21082291 Report Quoted By:
>>21082275 disc up
lv 15 luvdisc female
>>21082287 ...right, well, i'll try talking sense to a brick wall instead
might have more luck
IGN: Gebargs
Quoted By:
>>21082293 use your ass shitposter
Quoted By:
>>21082275 Why does your name spell "Beggars?"
Quoted By:
>>21082275 disc up for regigigas, thanls in advance
Quoted By:
>>21082275 >Gebargs >anagram of beggars This was a fun ruse to bust
IGN Pedro 2036-8071-3385
>>21082226 discing up for iggly !
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21082218 >>21082212 The answer to you both is, i never was able to choose. If i had to explain to you what a giveaway was, i wouldnt, because if you hadnt grasped that idea yet then theres nothing i could do to help. Havent seen either of you two offer giveaways recently, lol you're like a couple of grumpy bastards in an old folks home groaning at the winner of deal or no deal.
Quoted By:
>>21082339 shut the fuck up
Quoted By:
>>21082339 >being this butthurted Dam
Quoted By:
>>21082226 disc up for igglybuff, thanks
Quoted By:
>>21082339 >shark >keeps taking the bait kek
Nigga, just stop. Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Introducing my next project! Cottonees with Encore, Memento, Worry Seed, and Switcheroo!
>>21082339 can one person be this fucking stupid?
>>21082226 disc up, cheers!
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:01:25 No. 21082408 Report >>21082400 disc up
lv 15 luvdisc female
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
>>21082400 Oh and put up a pidgey for one.
Quoted By:
>>21082400 thanks for the blog, but i'm sure plenty of people have already bred those
you're not very special
Quoted By:
>>21082409 who the fuck are you? read the fucking op you are not special, do your own thread if you want a pidgey
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:02:49 No. 21082426 Report >>21082400 >>21082408 >>21082409 Changed to pidgey lv. 30 female
Quoted By:
>>21082409 >muh special pidgey! Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
>>21082426 You need to change it to Cottonee. Sorry! I was an idiot and put Whimsicott as the picture.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:05:55 No. 21082452 Report Quoted By:
>>21082439 changed to cottonee
Quoted By:
>>21082426 Confirmed for ruse then.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:07:14 No. 21082464 Report >>21082400 disc going up, thanks so much!
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:08:13 No. 21082475 Report Quoted By:
>>21082439 thanks for snuggy
shark 4141-3068-9783
Offering Vullaby w EM, Rotom, and Happiny w EM. Reply with what shitmon u send msg
>>21082402 >goes to giveaway thread >receives giveaway, offers mons in return >what a fucking idiot RedMoon FC:0087-2302-6615
Gave a Groudon for a shiny Luvdisc. SPREAD THE LOVE.
Quoted By:
>>21082464 She's asking for a pidgey >>21082486 Sent
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
>>21082464 I don't see your disc or pidgey anywhere.
>>21082381 a momentary error, now disc up
>>21082486 how about you spread your ass
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:11:10 No. 21082507 Report >>21082479 lv 26 fem inkay for vullaby is up
shark 4141-3068-9783
RedMoon FC:0087-2302-6615
Quoted By:
>>21082500 If you give me a Skrelp. Sure.
>>21082528 venipede lvl 10 for happiny
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:17:07 No. 21082562 Report Quoted By:
>>21082406 Sent!
>>21082400 Discing up for one
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Wed 24 Sep 2014 04:20:34 No. 21082579 Report Quoted By:
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
>>21082560 Can't find your venipede mate
Quoted By:
>>21082498 it gor sniped, maybe.
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
Atleast they got their happiny. Alright, im off. Ill be back in an hour or so if anyone wants more mons
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
I'm going to sleep so my giveaways are ending. I just got a Tyrunt with all the egg moves I was planning on breeding. I'll start breeding up those bad boys along with Amaura soon!
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>>21082695 nice blog faggot
I am looking for a non-American adamant ditto. I don't care much about IVs (I prefer not to have 0 IVs though.) Luvdisc is up.
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>>21082822 fuck off beggar
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>>21081558 Still got some? id like a brave bird
Posting up now
>>21082573 Hey Pan, you can do the powersaves magic right?
What happens if you make a female Rufflet and breed it?
>>21082884 babies are always male and inherit ball
>>21082888 Does it pass down level up moves?
>>21082893 only if both parent know the move
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>>21082897 So no ditto breeding?
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>>21082400 Is this still going on? If so, may i deposit a luvisc for one of your cottonees?
Howdy Wi-Fi general's cool kid crowd, Would any of you be so kind as to help be obtain an unaware wooper? I have been catching female woopers in a friend safari all day and have yet to find one.
>>21083182 wrong thread, this is /wfg/
>>21082806 Anonymous
>>21083211 Well i feel dumb,
Sorry about that.
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>>21083240 This guy has exactly what you're after
>>21083248 Anonymous
>>21082400 should i put up a disc or a pidgy?
>>21082226 disc up for iggly thx OP
>>21084255 >>21084265 Nice one, Me..
>>21084268 You're a bit late there, Spoody
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>>21081710 I knew it was a thread by you. Wraith
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>>21085656 beggars gonna beg
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
hey i got at least 15 impish DD, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Fake Out Scraggys disc up if you want one
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>21086387 most of them are 4 IV btw, the rest are 3 IV
Nodd 4828-4230-2451
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>>21086401 Will take one. Need for dex.
Putting up Happiny w/ msg "/vp/ Dangle"
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>>21086551 fuck off beggar
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>21086515 yep let me know when you put up the disc I'll try getting first responders 4 IVs but i didn't mark any of them
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disc up for disc
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Disc up for what
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>>21086614 yeah, but it's not for you
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Disc is up for espurr
>>21086556 Can i put anything? Dont have disc
Dangle 1048-9037-2050
>>21086644 we use disc cause theyre easy to get but yeah tell me whats going up so i can find it
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does someone have a luvdisk leftovers? disc up for a luvdisk
Nodd 4828-4230-2451
>>21086692 Is your game defective? Why can't you catch one?
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>>21086673 Snubbul is up, thanks
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>>21086703 his brain is defective, just like everyone else in this thread
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>>21086703 the poor anon is just asking for a fucking espurr you dumb idiot
Nodd 4828-4230-2451
>>21086739 you can hatch one. It's not that hard.
Can I get a shiny competitive Keldeo, pls? Ty all <3~
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>>21086746 try to get the same region parents of the pokemon, your chance to get shiny is tripled!
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>>21086770 ops, forgot ign=baldo
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>>21086746 Sorry it was for the anon
>>21086770 You can't ask for that.
>>21086785 ign kill yourself
>>21086789 Can I get a non-shiny one instead?
I dont want to siund like a beggar, but Im trying to train EVERY pokemon with good iv/moves. If anyone has any leftovers will be appreciated, need 180
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>>21086966 you sound like a beggar so fuck off
Nodd 4828-4230-2451
>>21087149 no, just cheezus, sorry
>>21082226 Is it too late for one? I put my disc up now. Level 15 and my IGN name is Izanagi.
>>21087149 I do. Disc up for a level 1-10 4iv breeding leftover Yeezus with Yeezusite.
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>>21087274 >16 hours Yes you are late. Sorry
>>21087247 >Ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Anonymous
>>21087291 Is the OT yeezy?
Anyone have a Karrablast with Megahorn + Drill Run + Knock off? Nature and ivs don't matter.
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>>21087950 fuck off beggar
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
Anyone have a spare HA roselia/budew?
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>>21088517 will do for a shone klefki
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>>21088517 fuck off beggar
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
A bit late to the thread as i didn't realize there were a /ggg/ up. Giving away 5-6 IV loveball bunearies
I have a disc up for Kricketot if anyone has a spare. I need it for dex purposes, please.
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>>21089587 I don't have it either, sorry. I will after I finish playing through emerald and move on to pearl, lol.
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>>21089587 fucking beggars
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 04:13:38 No. 21092009 Report Reposted: Anybody want some free EM leftover pokemon with random 3-5 IVs? inb4 I send them to WT Marill USA // Lure Ball // 3x F 2x M // Huge Power // Adamant Muddy Water, Refresh, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet Helioptile JPN // Premier Ball // 1x M // Sand Veil // Timid Camouflage, Glare, Agility
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Anyone got espurr.
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>>21092009 >giving away trash CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Thu 25 Sep 2014 04:22:10 No. 21092118 Report Quoted By:
>>21088796 you still in thread? if so will disc up
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Thu 25 Sep 2014 04:59:47 No. 21092456 Report hello again, i have quite a bit to give away so reply and disc up if interested 5 inkay (5f/1m) - 5 iv adamant contrary 2 roselia (males) - 4 iv timid natural cure em: leaf storm/spikes/sleep powder 1 bagon (e) - 5 iv adamant sheer force em: dragon rush/dragon pulse/dragon dance/hydro pump 9 eevee (2f/7m) - 4-5 iv impish adaptability/run away em:yawn/curse/wish 13 doduo (8m/5f) - 4-5 iv jolly 4 early bird/9 tangled feet em: quick attack/brave bird EXTRA: 1 penta perfect run away female 5 taillow (3m/2f) - 4-5 iv jolly guts em: defog/brave bird/mirror move/boomburst 16 eevee (2f/14m) - 5 iv adamant anticipation EXTRA: 2 pentaperfect males/1 hexaperfect female with adaptability/runaway i'm also MM-ing mudkips so i have a shit ton of pentaperfects, all adamant torrent em:yawn/double edge/curse/avalanche please be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send what ever i have more of
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>>21092456 i have to ask. are you a top or a bottom?
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
>>21092456 I'll take one of those mudkips
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Thu 25 Sep 2014 05:56:23 No. 21092840 Report Quoted By:
Korra 3437-3265-8857 (Ice: bergmite,dewgong, snorunt)
Korra 3437-3265-8857 (Ice: bergmite,dewgong, snorunt) Thu 25 Sep 2014 06:07:01 No. 21092903 Report >>21092456 Could I get that bagon?
What's with the shiny Jirachis on the GTS named "FUCK YOU" from someone named Gammag?
>>21092922 Wait a minute there's a bunch from a bunch of people.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: shelgon, gabite, druddigon) Thu 25 Sep 2014 06:32:47 No. 21093056 Report Quoted By:
>>21092922 There's also someone with a nameless Diancie and a fucked up trainer icon.
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>>21093064 >>21092941 wow thanks for the useful information
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>>21092922 There's also one from Alex.
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>>21092456 Disc up for 5iv taillow thx op
mike 1177-8924-9741
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>>21092456 Disc up for tailow
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Thu 25 Sep 2014 18:46:41 No. 21098435 Report >>21092456 disc up for doduo early bird
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>>21098435 >14 hours later beggars gonna beg
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>>21098435 >early bird >14 hours Legends !XuwMz6o10k
I have 8 Tornadus Therian forms too giveaway. Just put up a luvdisc with /vp/ in the description for one. They are all competitavley viable 6iv and are hold Assault Vests.
Legends !XuwMz6o10k
>>21100715 These can be sent through the GTS so here's fine, besides not enough people in the irc want them.
>>21100648 Disc up! Thanks
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>>21100796 post itt, not everyone uses the irc anyway
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:01:14 No. 21100861 Report >>21100648 disc up thanks
IGN: Tonnura-san
Lv. 15 F Luvdisc
Legends !XuwMz6o10k
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:06:05 No. 21100937 Report Quoted By:
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>>21100924 Uploaded. Thanks a lot
>>21100648 Disc up IGN Dani
Legends !XuwMz6o10k
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
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>>21100648 Disc about to go up, IGN Velyia
>>21101599 you got me, thanks!
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
>>21100648 Disc finally up, sorry they kept using take down at 1 hp
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
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>>21100648 Got it, thanks!
Legends !XuwMz6o10k
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>>21101675 oh okay np
>>21101696 sent
I have 2 left btw.
Asura 2638-0478-1013
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>>21100648 getting a disc now
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>>21100648 Disc is up. thanks.
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new thread:
>>21101814 new thread:
>>21101814 new thread:
>>21101814 new thread:
>>21101814 new thread:
>>21101814 new thread: