Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>21078167 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on Topic of the Thread:
Rename a Pokemon. Try to make it clever.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Wed 24 Sep 2014 05:03:07 No. 21082823 Report Vote for Timmy~ Got a perfect Magikarp except for an unknown Special Attack. Useful for anything or shall I just set it free~
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>not using Black Sludge on a QuiverPass Venomoth Look at all these casuals.
>>21082823 >useful for anything What's the nature? :^)
Brent 4570 6724 4866
>>21082823 Sometimes I'm still amazed how devalued a 5 IV pokemon has become since gen 5.
Thank fuck for destiny knot
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21082823 Might as well use it to bred. The OTism is strong, so it's useless otherwise.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Wed 24 Sep 2014 05:06:40 No. 21082849 Report Quoted By:
>>21082828 Jolly, Swift Swim : ^) Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21082834 Right? There were times when I would settle for things with 3 perfects.
le super casual face Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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Would anyone have a spare stick item? Anonymous
I need advice on a good sap sipper azumarill set for doubles. i know huge power is far more superior but im trying to think of a set that i can pull off effectively with.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21082921 I don't have any ideas about what nature/EVs are optimal for doubles but there was a cool Sap Sipper set with Scald, Helping Hand, Protect, and Perish Song with Sitrus/Leftovers that was posted on NuggetBridge a while ago.
>>21082948 would you happen to have a link or know how to get the link to it?
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The dead hours have set in
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
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>>21083025 >not Timmybur The rest of the line is ugly but timbur a cute
I feel like my recently-caught shiny 'karp is devalued because of heartgold. i didnt even play any of the DS games.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>21082956 No idea, the link I had in my history doesn't work anymore.
It was probably shit anyways. >>21083065 At least it's worth something in your heart. :^D
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083065 It is. Don't evolve it, level it to 100, just keep it that way. Unless it's actual useful for battle, in which case evolving it might not be that bad.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21083203 If it's got the right nature then it's good enough to evolve, imo. Not everyone wants to MM their pokes to get them shiny and competitively viable.
Did you get your dwebble?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Might as well post list of leftovers to get activity in dead thread. They're free!
>>21083237 I meant that since it's a Magikarp it's only worth evolving if it is good competitively, otherwise it's just another shiny Gyarados and there's a million and one of those out there.
Ann is still working on getting me a foreign Dwebble, so I'm stuck waiting for her, but I don't mind.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21083248 but are you free bby?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21083248 >vullaby >no knock off u wooooot m8
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083287 Depends, free for what? ;)
>>21083317 Yeah, that's why I rebred it and why I'm giving these away.
>Poke Ball J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21083327 breeding together
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21083353 Wow, get that ego checked.
I meant Pokemon o-of course.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083362 W-what Pokemon did you have in mind?!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21083370 6IV shiny imposter japanese Ditto w/ pokerus and all ribbons Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21083406 Sounds naughty. Anonymous
Breeding Swablu for ORAS. What would be better Dragon Dance Altaria or Pixilate Hyper Voice Altaria?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21083445 Breed both and see what happens.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
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>>21083445 Short answer, we don't know yet. Its base stats aren't exactly confirmed yet. Seems as if they'll both be usable, though.
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TotT: I named my Sableye 'Crystal Jeff'
Howdy Wi-Fi General cool kids, I was wondering if any of you kind folk could help me out with obtaining a female unaware wooper? I have been trying my luck at a water friend safari with no luck.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083490 You're in luck, I have one for you.
Toss something up on the GTS asking for a level 1 female.
Let me know what and when.
>>21083505 I have placed a level 65 female Chatot for a female wooper
you have made me very happy, Ravi. Thank you.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083559 It's been sent, enjoy!
I've been looking to give this thing away and I'm happy someone finally took it.
>>21083566 Whoo hoo!
Swagsire here i come!
Thanks again, mister!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>21083566 Why don't you suck his dick too?
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>>21083578 I can do that too, no homo
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21083575 Quagsire a best.
>>21083578 I will if you suck mine.
No homo Higgs 1676-4289-0437
Got a 5 IV Bold Porygon for whoever wants to help me evolve mine.
>>21083622 >Ataraxia FC: 0104-0287-7615
Zach [5043-2451-2691]
Seeing as the N3DS is coming out on the same day as ORAS for me , which model should I get? I like the idea of the interchangeable faceplates, but none of them interest me as of yet
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
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>>21083590 You're going to need a better reason than that.
Higgs 1676-4289-0437
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>>21083653 Custom plates will be a thing.
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>>21082823 Meme for Memey~
Higgs 1676-4289-0437
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>>21083638 hey
wake the fuck up
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21083653 As higgs said, custom plates will probably be made and they'll probably go the limited edition route with them too for special ones.
Also, when does it come out for you?
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Best ball for shone Dedenne?
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
So anyone out there got a Speed Boost Adamant Destiny Bond Carvanha for trade? I don't even care about evs. I'm pretty sure this pic is still relevant.
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
>>21083774 I know, I'm sorry, I didn't get that 6IV ditto until recently :(
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>>21083779 Oh boy, here we go.
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
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>>21083767 >>21083779 >>21083796 I don't even know where to start with this.
Zach [5043-2451-2691]
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21083883 What were you, New Zealand?
How odd they ship them to Aussieland and there before everything short of japan. Seems like a bad business move on their part.
Zach [5043-2451-2691]
>>21083909 Australia.
If anything it's a good business move, they get to test the N3DS on a small Western market before shipping to larger markets.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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>>21083930 Hm. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Anyone around for a battle? Gotta take a break from beating the everloving shit out of everything as villager.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Is there any good stat calculator thingymajig? I've caught a decent Articuno and I was wondering how many speed EVs I need if I'm gonna run a Tailwind one
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 09:56:25 No. 21084036 Report Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21084036 How do I use it to calculate speed and such?
Also it's pretty irrelevant since I realized that I have a timid one and modest would be better, since if Tailwind doubles my speed, and Articuno has base 85 (base 170) after Tailwind, wouldn't it outspeed pretty much anything except a few very fast scarfers even with minimum investment?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 10:06:02 No. 21084088 Report Quoted By:
>>21084069 notice how there is an EV distrubution option which you can change.
and notice how you can see the total speed value between the 2 pokemon you have chosen in comparison; higher the value speed, the faster it is, etc - self-explanatory shit
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 24 Sep 2014 10:29:49 No. 21084178 Report Quoted By:
How does hatching shinies work. I read up the guide and I don't understand if you're meant to box your eggs and stack them straight away. Then after you've boxed how many ever boxes you want. Then you do the 3 2 3 2 3 2 with Masuda method?
best 4 eggmoves for machamp? leaning towards; firepunch icepunch bulletpunch knock off would thunderpunch be a better option?
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Anyone not from Murrica have a Pokemon that can breed with Blaziken that's pentaperfect? I have a few things I can trade that's all pentaperfect. Cottonee, Impish, Prankster, Memento/Switcheroo/Encore Abra, Timid with Magic Guard Pinsir, Jolly, Hypercutter, Quick Attack/Close Combat/Feint
Anybody got a spare Charizardite X?I have a couple pentaperfect pokemon with egg moves I can offer in return
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>>21084771 The usual price for megastones here is another megastone
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>>21084211 Quick Guard > Fire / Thunder Punch
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tfw trying to hatch females with a 12.5% ratio
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 14:50:35 No. 21085164 Report Time to tripfag it up.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21085164 someone said... tripgag?
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 14:59:59 No. 21085227 Report Quoted By:
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21085207 Anyone want an EMM Aerodactyl with Wide Guard / Roost / Tailwind
It will likely have shit IVs since I haven't got round to breeding for good ones yet.
Only have one atm but I can breed more if there's demand. I'll accept pretty much any breeding leftovers.
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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Celebi for shiny carbink, good trade? GTS so I have no idea what nature/IVs.
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21085477 >130 Spe >Tailwind It's for VGC anyway, all I really want is to outspeed Zard and maybe a few other things.
I'm planning on running Smack Down alongside a mixed Garchomp to donk shit like Rotom-W Anonymous
Anyone have a protean Kecleon or any kind of meowth?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21085513 Include Garchomp aswell
>>21085539 Would I have to do something strange for them?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21085544 I actually misread your post. I only have Meowth and Garchomp. You can have the Garchomp for free but I'd have to breed a Meowth so i'd like something small like a bp item or breedject.
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21085542 Sorry, I haven't started breeding for the Garchomp yet so I only have the Aero.
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>>21085553 A breedject? Also I'm not very far in the game so I have no bp items. Also I just realized I have a french meowth from long ago. Sorry for wasting your time/
>>21085557 Sorry, I meant include Garchomp for pokemon you should be aiming to outspeed
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
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>>21085560 Oh right, naturally.
I realised after I made the post that I'd have to beat chomp too.
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daily reminder that ramsey a shit
Can someone tell me why smogon advices to dump most evs in hp and not def? is it to balance out some bulk to sp def, or is this simply statistically the most benefitial?
>>21085619 regarding reuniclus, that is
>>21085619 tbh it's more beneficial to dump into a specific defense, but since you don't know what you're going to be facing all the time, it's always better to invest in HP since it makes you bulkier on both sides
Unless you're using something like Chansey, you can go 4hp/252def/252sdef
>>21085627 Reuniclus benefits from more physical def since Calm Mind is a very common move on it
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Anyone have a Goomy leftover with 4 egg moves? Nature/IVs optional, I just can't be bothered to breed a pseudo where every egg move has to be chained. Can offer other 4EM Pokemon in return.
>>21085619 A lot of builds just go all in HP and defense and let calm mind pick up for the special defense.
So how does one go about breeding a competitive mon with four egg moves? Do you just have to have a ton of heart scales to keep refreshing the four moves or what. Am I missing something else?
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>>21085856 Males and females can pass down egg moves now. I start by getting a female of the Pokemon I'm trying to breed with the desired nature, give it an Everstone and put it in the daycare with the male Pokemon with the egg move you want. Get the eggs and hatch a female with the first egg move, replace your female Pokemon in the daycare with the newly hatched 1 egg move female. Replace the father with a different male which knows a different egg move. Hatch the second generation of eggs and they'll know two egg moves. (one from the mother, one from the father). You need a female to keep passing them on though, so breeding things like Eevee and starter Pokemon are a huge pain in the ass.
Once you have your female with four egg moves, breed it with a penta/hexa perfect male in the same egg group holding Destiny Knot. Keep checking the IVs of the females you hatch and replace the 4EM mother with the offspring that have superior IVs until you're eventually breeding a 5IV with a 5IV.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
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>>21085856 Shit in the daycare only overwrites moves when you take them out of the daycare.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Time to post very expansive list of free shit: Anonymous
>>21085969 I take them both!
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21085930 May i please have a female spearow?
I can put a luvdisc on the GTS for one, or would you be more interested in something else?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21086035 put something else and confirm your IGN
>>21085999 Get online and I'll show you!
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Finished soft resetting the Articuno, I'm pretty satisfied with this
>>21086044 >IGN: Ataraxia I put up a female lvl 1 houndour
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 17:04:39 No. 21086075 Report >>21086057 Congrats~
Dive Ball, right?
>>21086057 Congrats
So are you going to run it offensively or as more of a utility?
Jay -2664-2216-2324 [FS bug ??? ??? Heracross]
Jay -2664-2216-2324 [FS bug ??? ??? Heracross] Wed 24 Sep 2014 17:05:14 No. 21086083 Report Quoted By:
I have some 4 and 5iv Jolly and adamant Zangoose (in dive balls). The have toxic boost and egg moves of Counter, Metal Claw, Disable, and Double Kick. Just looking for some other 4 and 5iv mon offers ToTT: I would rename Arbok to Kobra
>>21085969 Can i Get a Vullaby? Scraggy going up
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21086052 But ... what.
Neat. Thanks~
These are two of the most adorable shinies. You should stop being nice to me
~ Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21086092 >This Pokemon has already been traded I was 2slo
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>21086075 >>21086078 Dive ball yes, was a pain trying to catch it even with catch power but worth it
I'm thinking max HP and sp atk with Tailwind as a bulky attacker/doubles support
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
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>>21085930 I also have some 4iv HAF Cranidos in dream balls, if someone is insterested
>>21086092 Sent, it looked like it was in a Luxury Ball though.
>>21086097 All I wanted was a random female Inkay, instead I got those two.
>>21086115 > Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21086126 >both caught yesterday Oh shit
I should lrn2fast
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Once again, if anyone has a spare 4EM Goomy that'd be really neato. I can offer any of these penta perfects with 4 egg moves:>Slakoth >Meowth >HA Blitzle >HA Treecko.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21086208 Maybe I should have checked that Goomy I got from WT for egg moves before releasing it.
Sr Samuel !qtLLLW6qM2
I'm Looking for a 6/5IVs Victini and intimidate Landorus. I have some KB shinies and some Legends. 6IVs Latios, Mewtwo, Hawlucha, Inmunity Zangoose and Zigzagoon (three last are KB shinies)
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>>21086233 Please reread the OP and then GTFO.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>Round 54 on Super Singles >Opponents teams become weirder and weirder to specifically counter my 3 pokemon Am I going crazy or what?
>>21086208 Let me finis this batteru and I'll check my PC I think I have some goomys I got from the WT
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>>21086093 And recieved, thank you jvk.
I think Sparxie would have been a better name for Dedenne, a combination of spark and pixie Here is my list Wi-Fi General
> Anonymous
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>>21086244 Yes the battle maison does get harder to beat the higher the ranking. Pokemon can be so cruel sometimes.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086208 I had actually bred a Goomy of my own.
Iron Tail, Curse, Acid Armor and Counter. You interested?~
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086244 >54 Congrats for getting that far, my record is 47. And you're not going crazy.
Every time I bring Garchomp to super doubles I start seeing Empoleons and other obscure shit all carrying Icy Wind with Life Orb or the Ground resist berries. Yet as soon as I switch to something like Lapras or Walrein which quad resists Ice and don't really mind speed drops, suddenly every AI brings along fast Fighting types and Electric Pokemon.
Their teams adapt to counter whatever you bring.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086357 Yes please~
What would you like in return?
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086359 >>21086374 Thanks! I'm kinda surprised since my pokes isn't Pentaperfect. Yeah I get what you mean, also loads of hax bullshit. I nearly lost after a floatzel did protect/waterfall shenanigans and flinched me 3 times in a row.
Did you breed a Natu? I'd really like one, if you haven't got one could you just breed a quick one? I can do the breeding myself~
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086400 Oh crap I totally forgot you asked me for a HA Natu, you should have reminded me sooner! I'll get right on it~
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086413 That's cool, take your time I'll battle some more. Just tell me when to jump online~
Best mixed set for any of the genies? Preferably the Hidden Ability ones...
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086423 I have one leftover from breeding, it's level 14, male and has 4 egg moves.
Ready to trade whenever~
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>>21086426 Defiant Thunderus
Knock Off
Volt switch / Thunderbolt
HP Ice
Naive or Hasty
fug I can't even remember my name on the IRC
>>21086448 Does it really matter?
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086441 >Male Did you mistype?
>>21086426 I like Naive Tornadus with some regenerator u-turnan bullshit
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>>21086451 I'm autistic over little things, so yes
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086459 No... but judging from your reply I'm going to assume you wanted a female. Back to bicycle simulator I go~
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>21086475 Sorry for the inconvenience I just wanna make some sexy time with Natu and Noivern as soon as possible~
Just beat this poor soul in a doubles match with my TRIPLE WEAVILE TROUBLE TEAM
>>21085670 Jamie's Weavile, My weavile that I started raising in high school (i graduated college this year) and .. a giveaway shiny named Sherbet.
do you guys ever have multiple pokebros on the same team?
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo) Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:01:16 No. 21086496 Report Quoted By:
>>21086486 forgot to add my FC if anyone wants to go against da weaselz
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Goddamn GTS makes me want to kill myself. Anyone got a shiny Porygon?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086486 Why did you reply to my post with that? I'm confused.
does someone have mawiles leftovers? i have somestuff to trade
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo) Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:08:12 No. 21086535 Report >>21086528 just wanted to give you a nod, jamie, as the sneasel you traded me is now a vital poke in my rotation!
If you got a shone today, clap your hands
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo) Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:09:15 No. 21086539 Report >>21086529 Mawilite? sure, you can have mine
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086537 I killed a shone today *clap*
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo) Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:11:00 No. 21086552 Report >>21086550 that sucks dude what was it
>>21086529 I've got a imperfect dream ball adamant one with EMs if you'd like.
>>21086539 i mean mawiles from breeding leftovers
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086552 Just a shiny shitmon Scraggy I encoutnered while EV-training
whos the best sticky webber?
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo)
Zoe: 1091-7879-2641 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Sliggoo) Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:12:34 No. 21086575 Report >>21086563 I have a 6IV adamant named simon i got via wondertrade.
you want him?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21086537 The game keeps denying me the things I want and gives me shitty shones instead.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086535 Oh, I totally forgot about that! Glad to hear he/she is doing well.
>>21086567 Your Natu is ready~
Also that sucks, I hate encountering horde shinies that fuck up my EV training.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21086579 Or Smeargle, forgot about that.
>>21086579 That's not Shuckle
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21086567 >not having 5 shiny scraggy from hordes Anonymous
>>21086558 neat, putting a buneary in a dream ball with egg moves in Gts
>>21086575 thanks but i think im already trading
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>>21086579 Well thats lame
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086573 I haven't bred a Galvantula yet but I use a max speed Jolly natured Focus Sash'd Leavanny.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21086586 >>21086579 >>21086587 That's not how you spell Kricketune
De le le le le poooooooooooooooooh Anonymous
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>21086582 Going online~
>>21086588 >Implying my boxes have space Anonymous
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>>21086590 Alright, sounds good.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
multis when
>>21085890 Are you still here?
>>21086604 It's the best setter in PU.
>>21086616 Maybe.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21086622 pls gib Dive Ball Swift Swim Kabuto
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:20:11 No. 21086648 Report I-I bet you're all jelly, r-right?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21086642 ;_; Ariados is so great, too Anonymous
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>>21086648 are you a nazi?
Jack 2535-4076-4203
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>>21086648 >missing attack release it
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>>21086648 >Initiative why am I laughing
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>21086648 >Egotrip kek
Is it it Me First?
Thank you for the qt Natu Jamie-kun~~
>>21086639 Just follow the instructions.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21086648 Only because German games have a move called Egotrip. I need it.
>>21086648 >Sap Sipper >Vegetarier Oh Nazi, you so funny.
>Egotrip >Initiative [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>21086666 I'll put up a Kangashkan
So who wants to help me evolve my Porygon? 5 IV breeding leftovers with your name on em!
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086663 No problem, it even has 0 Attack for minimum Foul Play damage!
Thanks for Goomy~
I'll be sure to breed a
male.. Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>21086693 Good luck with that~
>tfw my shiny Goo-dra is female Jack 2535-4076-4203
Higgs 1676-4289-0437
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>>21086726 Thanks. I had someone else lined up to help but they bailed on me.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:32:22 No. 21086764 Report >>21086663 It is, yeah.
>>21086677 Why are those names so funny? Explain.
>>21086669 :3 Anonymous
>>21086764 Vegetarier means fucking "vegetarian", that's ingenious. And so is Egotrip; Initiative is just a great word for Speed.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21086764 German words are always either really long and/or aggressive sounding. And most of them have hilarious pronunciations in English.
Higgs 1676-4289-0437
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 18:47:56 No. 21086928 Report Anonymous
Anyone willing to trade an Aggronite? I would part with an event blaziken with blazikenite for it.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>21086863 >>21086928 I think german is great, I love german music and being Swedish it's really easy to read since so many words are similar
harder to speak tough. Your pronouns are hard.
Nodd 4828-4230-2451
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>>21086937 Did you check the Blazikenite thread guy?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:05:32 No. 21087019 Report >>21086968 To be fair, he says those words in a really odd way. Nobody speaks like that. Anonymous
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>>21087019 it's supposed to be funny, not acurate. Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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>>21087019 He exaggerates them a bit, and he's probably not German himself, but that is honestly how most German words sound to the average Englishman.
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>>21086968 those spanish pronunciations are cringeworthy, not sure about the others, sure they are, too
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:44:17 No. 21087357 Report Anonymous
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:50:39 No. 21087404 Report Quoted By:
>>21087382 i have to find some first so im trying to get good at radar chains
I'm looking for balltism in general, but I'm mainly looking for these: Balltism: Level Ball Combee, Dream Ball Mienfoo, Moon Ball Chinchou Shitmons/Dex: Krikceot, Shieldon, Glameow, Lumineon, Bronzor, Tirtouga, Beheeyem, Boufalant
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21087445 I can do you a shieldon and tirtouga if you have kabuto / omanyte
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:58:25 No. 21087461 Report quick blog update: >is my birthday >go to pokecenter >qt joy wishes me a happy birthday >fireworks and shit :'>
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087445 I've got a moon ball chinchou, if you're willing to wait like 40 minutes. I'm breeding a friend a HA eevee, and it's giving me shit.
mind if I ask what season your deerling are/what ability your tentacool have?
I can also do glameow (dream ball).
>>21087457 I only have Kabuto right now. Good enough?
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 19:59:49 No. 21087472 Report Quoted By:
>>21087461 Happy Birthday, faggot.
:3 Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21087469 yeah that's fine, I'll pop tirt on the GTS looking for kabuto with the message /vp/ ayyy lmoa
>>21087467 Winter Deerling and Rain Dish.
>>21087457 I'd like to mention to both of you, I'm not really looking for 5IV mons, I just need the balltism and EM since I'll rebreed them anyways
>>21087478 Hang on, I'll breed one asap. Need male or female?
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21087487 idc about gender really, did you want tirt in a specific ball because mine is only in a Pokeball
>>21087500 Tirtouga is only legal in Pokéballs. Oh, and I found one Omanyte, breeding it real quick.
>>21087514 >only legal in pokeballs no it's not
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21087514 But that's wrong.
>Dream World >When you catch Pokemon from the Dream World in the Entree Forest, the Dream Ball isn't your only Ball option. You can use any Poké Ball you have in your bag, which means you can catch quite a few Pokemon, that can only be inside Poké Balls when obtained elsewhere, in any regular Ball that you can find in Black and White (2). These Pokemon are Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, and Tirtouga. Anonymous
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>>21087517 My mistake, but it's fine either way, I only need it to finish my dex
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>>21087536 >>21087517 Archeops is the one only avaliable in Pokéballs, messed up
Anyone have any ideas on pokemon that fit in a Net Ball? I don't think I have any Balltism Net pokemon.
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : 3DS : 1633 - 5599 - 2625 !nitroxKN4E Wed 24 Sep 2014 20:13:17 No. 21087564 Report Quoted By:
>>21087552 Bug/Flying types, Surskit, Tirtouga, etc. There are quite a few.
Manuel FC: 3153-3732-6282
>>21082806 Hey guys, i need to evolve my spritzee, can anyone help me? :(
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
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>>21087487 mind if I ask for both, in exchange for moon ball chinchou and a glameow? no need for IVs or anything, just females. just started in on chinchou.
>>21087445 Dream mienfoo is illegal unless you manipulate it, just so you know
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21087514 Are you still about?
Tirt is still sitting on GTS looking for Kabuto. The Tirt is level 33 or somth if that helps you find it.
I have to go now so I'll send Shieldon later if you don't get one any time soon.
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>>21087500 I'm ready, just upload the Tirtouga
>>21087657 Thanks for the headsup
>>21087657 couldn't you get mienfoo in the dream world? or was it male only or something?
>>21087673 Kabuto sent. Uploading the Omanyte for the Shieldon, messagem "/vp/"
Logan 3110-5669-5383
Looking for an Aggronite. Will trade what I can for it.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087755 I've got a spare. What mega stones do you have/are willing to part with?
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>21085930 Can I have that Pachi with Volt Asorb?
>>21087681 You couldn't get it there at all. HA was a hidden grotto
Just so you guys know, There's a cyndaquil up on the gts now for a Scizor.
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>>21087814 wow, okay. thanks. time to wonder trade the one I have. I thought this one I got from WT was legit.
>>21087767 I'm hatching the Deerling right now. GTS or normal trade?
Logan 3110-5669-5383
>>21087767 Blazikenite, Heracronite, Gengarite for sure, maybe more if I check.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087846 doesn't matter to me, but if GTS I should be the one to put up. non-spring deerlings get sniped quick. I'll put up your chinchou in a moment. are you still up for the glameow?
if you wanted to do a direct trade, I'd have to ask for your FC.
>>21087856 you wouldn't perchance have a manectite, would you? if not, that's fine, I wouldn't mind the gengarite, I guess. I'll add you in a minute.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
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If anyone has a female Syther in a sport ball i'm looking for one. IVs/ability don't really matter but if it already had Defog that would be cool.
>>21087585 If you're still there I'll help you.
>>21087870 Yeah I want the Glameow. Upload the Chinchou for the Deerling and then we'll trade from acquaintances, ok?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
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>>21087895 cool, let me start on glameow, then. chinchou is up for you.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087895 just noticed I can also get you a dive ball finneon (the basic stage lumineon), if you wanted.
if you do, can I ask for a surskit?
>>21087918 Sure. I'll be here for the next 30 mins then I need to leave. The Surksuit is ready
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087931 just need to finish up the glameow and finneon, shouldn't be too long to get females. just checked up on chinchou, did you see it?
>>21087946 Just got it. Calm, 2 perfect IVs, right?
Basti 1736-0532-4399
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could someone pls touchtrade me regice, latias, regigigas and reshiram? these are the only ones i'm missing for my shiny charm...
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
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>>21087952 yep, should be. only got the chance to put on 2 egg moves, too. glameow eggs will hatch in like a minute.
Rath 1306-6452-1729 IGN: Aonar
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Anyone have a spare HA roselia/budew?
>>21087445 are you still there? I could trade you a moon ball stantler, moon ball vulpix, moon ball zubat, dream ball swablu, buneary, ralts, or love ball mareep. I'm interested in love ball mawile, dream ball shuppet, love ball hoppip, moon ball absol, moon ball gastly, moon ball misdreavous and love ball chansey.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
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>>21087999 he's here, but he said he needs to leave soon.
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21087696 I guess someone must have beat me to it since I couldn't see you on the list.
I was more interested in getting Kabuto anyway so it's OK.
If I just missed you on the list let me know and I'll hit trade you my shieldon.
>>21087999 I'll probably be back here in 3 hours or so, if you're still here I'd be happy to trade, but I already have Love Ball Mareep.
>>21088015 I'm probably on your acquaintances right now, IGN: Lucas, send me a TR and I'll send you an Omanyte for free
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21087999 if you don't want to wait, I have everything he does except for dream ball shuppet, as long as you're willing to wait for me to breed you a female of each.
>>21088034 done with glameow, just throwing in finneon now.
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
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Thanks, I'll throw in Aerodactyl with some egg moves for you.
>>21088034 uhh, it's going to be the middle of the night where I live by the time you go back and I gotta get up early tomorrow, so I won't be here any more.
>>21088086 I'll probably be here tomorrow in 15hours or so since I'm working on my dex. If you're here, just quote me
>>21088055 that would be great! which of my rareballs would you like for yours? I'd need to breed some as well.
Does anyone have an old safari ball kanga laying around they could breed or throw my way? I hear those kids talking about how good it is, and I think it's about time I try one out
>>21087856 heracronite fot aggronite?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088095 depends on what else you have, because I think all I'd want is a dream ball swablu, since you probably have the HA. if you don't have anything else, that's fine, too.
>>21088103 what do you have?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088093 hey guy, I'm done with finneon, so it and glameow are ready. let me just connect to the Internet again.
>>21088106 sure, just let me finish up a couple things and attach aggronite to something. do you want to pick something from my free shit list here for me to attach it to? Logan 3110-5669-5383
>>21088106 Sounds good. Go ahead and add me.
Logan 3110-5669-5383
>>21088124 Any mon will do, I just need the item.
>>21088124 Just waiting for your trade request
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>>21088125 thats my fc:4570-7602-6001
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088137 k, adding you.
>>21088142 don't see you in my acquaintances, if your ign is Lucas. do you see me?
>>21088117 Moon ball midreavus or ekans, safari ball ursaring, fearow, yanma croagunk, and skorupi.
In terms of 5 iv stuff I have rioulu, vullaby, scraggy, gastly, and noibat on me
>>21088112 I have apart from what I mentioned earlier, moon ball cleffas, dream ball vulpixes with HA& egg moves, moon ball poochyenas, teddiursas, dream ball sentrets, moon&dream(ha) ball ralts, dream ball slowpokes and dream ball hondedges(not legit). And sadly the dream ball swablu has no HA, only egg moves.
>>21088137 i'm on and i added you
what is.your ign? Logan?
>>21088147 Yeah it's me, I'm sending the second TR right now. Please hurry
>>21088124 i dont need aggronite i want for heracronite
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
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>>21088148 Any chance I could have one of those 5IV Riolu, I can offer an Adamant Aerodactyl with Roost / Tailwind / Wide Guard. The IVs are fairly mediocre but 3 are perfect.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088188 hurrying, but I haven't gotten a TR yet.
>>21088185 waiting for your FC to register.
>>21088175 I could do with a dream ball vulpix and slowpoke, I suppose.
>>21088194 ah, you weren't referring to me, then, since I don't have heracronite. never mind.
Logan 3110-5669-5383
Quoted By:
>>21088194 Sending trade invite now
>>21088208 I'll relog then
>>21088208 dont worry you are a good person
Logan 3110-5669-5383
>>21088208 I got the aggronite from the other guy, but thanks for the offer.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088218 no problem, glad you got what you wanted.
>>21088217 thank you
:3c >>21088213 I'm sorry, I still don't even see you. should we try to do GTS instead?
Lily 4141-4132-2906
>>21088208 Great! Just lemme breed the slowpoke and I'm ready to trade! I'd like a love ball mawile and a moon ball misdreavous, if it's ok!
>>21088228 Don't know what might be the issue here, sad. I need to leave right now, as I said I'll be back in 3 hours or less, if you're still here I'll add you and we try it again, ok?
>>21088228 i see now your list
can you trade to me alomomola with regenerator?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088240 sure, that's good with me. if you still want the others you asked for, I don't mind getting them for you, but you'll have to wait for them a little longer than the others. if you want to try to make other offers, that's fine, too.
>>21088247 I promise, I will definitely still be around. I have nothing better to do. I'll save your pokemon!
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088259 sure! confirm IGN and put a derp on the GTS.
>>21088240 throwing in misdreavus now, it will be ready soon. I think I have a spare love mawile somewhere, anyway.
>>21088268 ign:President
zorua up for alomomola with regenerator
Lily 4141-4132-2906
>>21088260 that would be great! I'll be online tomorrow evening as well, and if I get any new rare balls I'll be sure to make an offer.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088287 excuse me, it was a moon ball mawile I had a spare of. I'll have to put in the love ball one, too, once I'm done with misdreavus. sorry for the wait.
>>21088284 I'm sending it now.
Anybody got anything in the Salamence line? Preferably with at least 1 or 2 perfect IVs. I have some 4IV Sableye to trade for one.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21088383 keep the sableye, but if you're willing to wait a little while for me to finish up some other things, I've got a 5iv imperfect bagon I can throw in the daycare.
>>21088400 That's awesome dude, thanks. Imperfect doesn't matter to me, I just need something to start breeding with.
Lily 4141-4132-2906
>>21088334 I'll wait, don't worry about it.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
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>>21088411 yep, I'll get you a female once I'm done with Lily's stuff.
>>21088413 cool, the misdreavus eggs are starting to hatch now. do you want to do GTS or direct trade, once I have mawile?
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New thread:
>>21088444 New thread:
>>21088444 New thread:
>>21088444 New thread:
>>21088444 New thread:
>>21088444 New thread: