>HO kiddies think stall is just hurf use toxic and then spam heals
Confirmed for ELO hell. Stall is so goddamned hard to pull off at the top of the ladder, making a stall team that can handle all the commonly used mons is downright impossible
>Mega GMH are ridiculously hard to prepare for. Heracross legitimately has no good counters besides freaking Aerial Ace Gliscor, HP Flying Lando-T and Doublade. Doublade handles all three but this is a slot stall didn't have to use a few months ago
>Magnezone only makes things worse because Skarmory doesn't work so well as a Pinsir check if Pinsir is paired with Zone. Garde+Zone also is a bitch because all of Garde's checks are steel typed and only Doublade can avoid Zone. Shed Shell fixes this but this means no lefties
>you lose to teams with Gothitelle. There's not a lot you can do about this
>any good rain team steam rolls you. Specs Hydro Pump hits so goddamn hard and really only Chansey can take it. Mega Venusaur could but it needs a bunch of SDef investment to avoid a 2HKO from Kingdra after a small amount of prior damage (cough scald burn cough) and it still takes a wallop from Draco Meteor (and your synthesis is gimped in Rain.) Besides that, it's just Ferrothorn who doesn't have instant recovery. Specs Omastar w/ Knock off legitimately has no counters besides water absorb pokes, which all compete with Slowbro, Mega Luvdisc and Quagsire for the water slot. Oh and SD Kabutops can easily sweep your team after a couple mons are as low as 80%
>stallbreakers like Mew, CM Magic Guard Clefable and basically anything with Taunt+Recovery do lots of damage. CroCune is also something that can solo a lot of stall teams
>this is all on top of the "normal" threats like Mega Dos/T-tar/X-zard, Keldeo, Terrakion, Lando, Azumarill, Y-zard, Latis, etc.
So yeah if someone can actually and consistently make stall work at a high ELO, they're not fags, they're just guder than you