Quoted By:
>deleting the other thread even though it was made earlier how ncie
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 21:54:21 No. 21100757 Report Got a shit ton right here: Reply if interested.
>>21100757 What are you looking for?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 21:58:41 No. 21100831 Report Quoted By:
>>21100771 Mainly a Focus Punching Heracross, but feel free to suggest whatever you have!
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
Got your hermit crab Ravi.
>>21100695 who is that semen demen
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21100853 Sweet.
Send TR whenever bbq~
Will gib things of value if I have, or nothing of value if I don't.
>>21100884 Kris from Crystal.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21100853 Thanks~~
Enjoy random deer.
Ann - 4356-1102-5271
Quoted By:
>>21100901 >deer Nothing of value indeed bbt.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Free shit Also have some HAF Cranidos in dream balls with 4ivs to give if someone's interested
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21100695 TotT:
>preordering VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:13:53 No. 21101024 Report Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:15:30 No. 21101040 Report >>21100967 4EM Swablu up for Female Spearow
IGN: tonnura-san
msg: /vp/
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21101040 sent
>>21101024 just gts something that isn't a luvdisc
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21100757 Any chance I can get my hands on a Pawniard for Aerodactyl with Roost / Tailwind / Wide Guard?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:27:08 No. 21101205 Report >>21101137 Torchic up, with "/vp/ freebie" as message.
>>21100757 i would need that pawniar, would you be interested in a dreamball buneary with HA and egg moves?
also which ball is in pawniar?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
God damn Why does no one have a kricketot?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:40:37 No. 21101344 Report >>21101206 Got that one already I'm afraid, anything else?
>>21101239 Uploading another one now!
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a 5-6iv Combee or a HA ability Chimchar? I've got some breeding leftovers and goodies I can trade for them
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21101344 sorry, my computer rebooted by itself anf took me a lot of time to get back here. Can you upload the cranidos you received so it'll be harder to snipe?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:48:31 No. 21101429 Report >>21101318 4EM swablu up for Dream Ball Ralts
IGN: Tonnura-san
msg: /vp/
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:49:22 No. 21101436 Report >>21101405 Sure, add me! (assuming its bred, got good IVs and all that jazz)
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:50:30 No. 21101449 Report >>21101413 Uploaded a Cranidos, male, lv. 20 /vp/ freebie
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
Zach - 4785-6626-3251 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
Zach - 4785-6626-3251 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:52:24 No. 21101474 Report >>21101318 Can I get that female litwick?
putting up a sableye.
message will be /vp/
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>21101449 found and sent. Sorry for the trouble
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21101436 O'll hunt through all my leftovers for a 5IV one, might take me a while.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:53:43 No. 21101481 Report >>21101477 I've added you, take your time! I'm online so just hit trade when ready
>>21101476 Np, shit happens mate. Thx!
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21101474 sure, as soon as I see it.
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
>>21101318 Can I get that there Lunatone?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:54:45 No. 21101501 Report >>21101329 I do have a kricketot if you still want one?
What's your IGN
Put up a scatterbug asking for a lv 1-10 Female kricketot
msg: /vp/
Zach - 4785-6626-3251 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
Zach - 4785-6626-3251 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Thu 25 Sep 2014 22:55:13 No. 21101510 Report ign abdul
Quoted By:
>>21101501 nice
just give me a min to go catch one
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21101495 yep, it's free, but you should tell me what you'll put on the GTS for it.
>>21101510 sent
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
>>21101522 A luvdisc has been put up, if you're into that sort of thing.
ign abdul
>>21101501 It's up.
Couldn't select gender though since I haven't seen one.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
>>21101481 Turns out I had a hexaperfect one that I must have forgotten to check, you can have it.
Sending request now.
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
Quoted By:
>>21101563 Thanks a bubbly bundle
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Thu 25 Sep 2014 23:01:48 No. 21101588 Report Quoted By:
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 23:04:20 No. 21101618 Report >>21101580 Man, I just saw that the Pawniard lacked SpDef, I hope it's cool anyway? Thanks a million for the Aerodactyle!
>>21101618 it's aerodactyl fucking retard
Miwa 3625 9078 6329
Quoted By:
>>21101618 It's all good, won't take me long to breed it up to scratch.
>>21101655 It's Aerodactyl, you fucking retard.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Thu 25 Sep 2014 23:16:29 No. 21101756 Report >>21101655 Actually it's Aerodactyl, names begin with a capital letter, you fucking retard. At least get it right if you're attempting to insult me.
>>21101756 ebin, now go back to reddit
>>21101779 ebin, now go back to reddit
>>21101793 ebin, now go back to reddit
>>21101756 >being this edgy go back to gotham city, you fucking weirdo
Jordy: 0533 6293 1461
>>21101318 You still around?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21101318 I'd appreciate one of those Shroomish. Put up a Dunsparce up for it.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
Quoted By:
>>21102191 Forgot my name and to tell you the message, "/vp/"
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21102222 Gib Gulpin.
If you know what I mean. Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21102191 all right, I'll send momentarily.
>>21102222 may I have one of those karrablast? I'll put up a nincada for it.
>>21102222 >googling ramsey image >Suspected child abuse content has been removed from this page. Report child abuse content. kek
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102231 Oh bby
>>21102232 Sent
>>21102248 Bby if you just want the real thing then just pm me :3c
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21101986 >tight shoes while the rest of the fit is slobby/relaxed >what appears to be a belt is either black or white which both don't fit the shoes >bag only fits in with the jacket which both have this glossy effect onto them while wearing a scarf >shiny bag as a fur tail >no detail on right hand chain >shirt seems nice only if you actually went for the casual baggy look if not it's a terrible fit >overall no synergy way to many tones of brown-black >outfit itself has no visible style burn it all and start all over or go back to dadcore.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21102286 best post in this thread
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:02:48 No. 21102324 Report >>21102286 You jealous fucking retard? It's a fucking LV Bag, you poorfag.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102286 >all this fashion knowledge Wow Yang I didn't know you were gay, wanna go to the lockeroom and fuck you faggot?
>>21102291 >>21102309 ~ np thanks for neat stuff
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:04:28 No. 21102349 Report VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:05:45 No. 21102367 Report Quoted By:
>>21102324 >Copypasting my name >LV Bag Geez, are you even trying?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:06:18 No. 21102374 Report I love dicks.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21102265 Now I'm curious.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:08:33 No. 21102400 Report I'm girl, a boy or a fag /wfg/??
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21102374 Good thing Ramsey and Honky are here, then.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
>>21102400 Does it matter?
>>21102222 nice quads nerd ~
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102349 Put something on GTS then
>>21102375 Just go to /hm/ silly >>21102401 Please no, I am the only faggot WFG deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21102438 Welcome back~
Why were you b&? VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:14:48 No. 21102463 Report Quoted By:
Where's my Skarmory?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102450 :]
>>21102454 I wasn't banned I was just trying to avoid you, I thought you would be gone by now.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21102324 >manages to steal a LV bag >attaches a furry tail to it >>21102335 >fashion knowledge o-oh no you~
dat filename >>21102400 a girl
pls multis tonight?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:16:07 No. 21102482 Report >>21102438 Aerodactyl up!
(hopefully you can see when it's me and not the shitposter/s)
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21102482 If you're actually worried, you might want to get a trip. You didn't hear it from me. >>21102464 >I wasn't banned I was just trying to avoid you, I thought you would be gone by now. Rekt
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102478 > >>21102480 Battle me on cart and see what happens
>>21102482 >(hopefully you can see when it's me and not the shitposter/s) Wow you must be literally retarded to think that "shitposters" have the capacity / want to waste the time creating a new file with your name and then breeding an Aerodactyl just to put it up on GTS to spite you. Truly everyone is out to get you and you should just leave. Consider the Skarmory your parting gift.
Or stay I don't really care >>21102495 bby pls it was just silly pig gif Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21102513 Someone accused Yang of shitposting anonymously today when it was actually me.
This place is nothing but a circlejerk. Shitposting needs to be sent here not /ggg/
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:21:58 No. 21102549 Report Quoted By:
>>21102503 ravi let me bully the jap fag pls ;-;
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21102543 Didn't mean to reply to Ramsey with that. Sorry about that Yang, it was pretty amusing though~
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:24:05 No. 21102573 Report >>21102503 Yea, maybe I should.
>>21102513 Lel, I'm not worried about the Pokémon itself. More that it would piss people off if they use "my name" and "where's my pkmn hurr". So, not as retarded as you might think.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:25:13 No. 21102583 Report Quoted By:
>>21102573 I think you should follow Ravi's advice and put on a trip, if you plan on sticking around here.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:25:53 No. 21102591 Report Quoted By:
>>21102573 You should kill yourself
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102573 >So, not as retarded as you might think. You're right, I mispoke, I'm sorry.
The word I was looking for was ignorant. You should obviously lurk more.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:27:37 No. 21102605 Report [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21102545 >heavily implying that /ggg/-shitposting is of any sort comparable to the high quality /wfg/-shitposting. you can only shitpost in wfg if you got your shitposting degree in Rustboros trainer school.
>>21102614 Was this supposed to be funny?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:28:37 No. 21102623 Report >>21102601 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Quoted By:
>>21102623 only the dankest memes, in wfg.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21102621 It was. I'm sorry Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Okay, put up a disc for a Regenerator Slowpoke, Knock Off Minccino, or a Cottonee with Encore, Memento, Worry Seed, and Switcheroo.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:31:25 No. 21102664 Report Quoted By:
>>21102653 Are they shiny?
Quoted By:
>>21102653 disc up for slowpoke
Jordy: 0533-6293-1461
>>21102022 can i grab nidoran(M) off you?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102605 You can choose to be ignorant. But you can't help being retarded. Just ask Andrea.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21102700 sure, what are you going to put up for it?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:35:43 No. 21102730 Report >>21102716 That was me too, poor andrea
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009 | IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:37:03 No. 21102744 Report >>21102716 >>21102730 Has she actually been back since that embarrassing incident?
Jordy: 0533-6293-1461
>>21102728 just want me to disc up?
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:37:58 No. 21102758 Report Quoted By:
>>21102744 Dunno, regulars just ignore her now
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21102753 sure, I don't really care. I'll send it when I see your disc.
The majority of the people here aren't even talking about pokemon. You fags could join an irc room or a skype room or anywhere else and accomplish the same shit.
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:40:11 No. 21102791 Report Quoted By:
>>21102768 We shitpost people that plays pokemon, it's something at least
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102768 Hey friendo I've already given away 3 pokemon so why don't you put something else and contribute instead of bitching about not enough pokemon posts with posts not about pokemon. :3
Jordy: 0533-6293-1461
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21102819 >caring where the image originated VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas
VINUSHKA | FC: 5300-9428-4009| IGN: Vanitas Fri 26 Sep 2014 00:44:12 No. 21102856 Report Quoted By:
>>21102843 >>21102819 >shitposting about shitposting Anonymous
>>21102768 >You fags could join an irc room or a skype room or anywhere else and accomplish the same shit. agreed
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
>>21102860 Then we would be conceding ground to the advancing forces.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>21100853 Do you still want that Audino? s
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21102843 >not caring where the image is from Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21102959 Perfect example of the white man fucking the non-whites over.
so how about them pokemon
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21103109 MMing Dwebble now, how about you?
>>21103130 MMing scraggy. Good luck
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21103109 breeding something super secret for multi battles
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21103151 Thanks, bud, you too. How far in are you? I'm just starting the second box.
>>21103159 A couple boxes (like 3-4).
I'm coming back from a couple weeks of not playing any pokemon Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21103184 Yeah, I hadn't played Pokemon for a little while, either besides giving away a couple random things here and there.
But I'm ready to get back on the ride.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
I am contributing to the thread by posting this cute anime girl.
Quoted By:
>>21103332 What cute anime girl? I don't see one.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Also, I'll be giving out Luxury Ball Dwebbles for however long it takes until I get a shiny. They have Spikes, Night Slash, Counter, and Endure lol . Male or female, Shell Armor or Sturdy, please specify. They have 5 31s but I'm not checking which. Let me know if you want one.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>21103375 >Not running Endure Crustle in case of Mold Breaker Anonymous
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
Daily reminder that had I found a partner for the multi tournament, me and said partner could have easily won. >inb4 some faggpt reminds us all about my 'cheating' in the mono tournament But does anyone want to multi?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>21103418 Wow not only are you a piece of shit but you have an ego bigger than a Wailord.
Pls go and stay go.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21103418 >stays in and proceeds to sludgebomb steeltypes with weezing while both enemies knock out all 3 of my pokémon >claims he wins the multis easily >ethan participates Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21103418 it's easy to win when you cheat
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
>>21103466 You're confusing with the other Jamie.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Battles? Multi? Good enough. How many do we have?
Quoted By:
>>21103533 remember that time you got rekt by kirzi? good times
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21103533 I might have done this.
I feel no regret about it though.
>>21103566 I'd be in
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21103566 I'd be down for some multis, I got some new ones trained up since last time
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
>>21103599 u wot m8?
>>21103566 May I join? :3
>>21103452 but it's true though
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21103599 >>21103641 >>21103665 Okay, so who wants to start this? We have to add each other, don't we?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21103671 the host has to add everyone I vote for you to host this as you are the unlucky person who quoted everyone.
I'll add you once this batch hatched
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
I also have Moon Ball Chinchou and Dive Ball Lumineon that I didn't have time to put on the list. Looking for: - Balltism - Krikceot, Bronzor, Beheeyem, Boufalant (shitmons)
Quoted By:
>>21103694 >tfw you're not this autistic Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21103694 That is a pretty sexy list.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21103685 Jaime's code appears to be invalid, but I added you and xavier.
Xavier what the fuck is that name seriously Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21103694 oh, hey. mind if I ask for a vullaby? I can do friend ball shroomish or moon ball marill.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>21103737 Sorry about that. 5397 not 5307
Let me grab a team real quick
>>21103694 Is that Love Ball Marill? If so, would you accept a Heavy Ball Onix or Love Ball Slowpoke for one?
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21103737 it's from S.E. Hinton's book the Outsiders -- i've had the name since before it got ruined, but I'm not changing it
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
I've got you all added now. My IGN is END, what're yours?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21103714 what this guy said,
I don't really like how you aren't telling us what abilities they have but I'm assuming you have all abilities possible within the ball ready or something.
please stay so I can trade with you after these multis (I have more I'll tell you about that later)
>>21103773 added you ign is Yang *hints at namefield*
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Just waiting for yang to get on.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21103804 s-sry scratching my team together
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
>>21103760 I'd like a LB Slowpoke, breeding it right now. I'm not looking for IVs, just egg moves and the balltism, ok?
>>21103745 Sure, just let me breed the Love Ball Marill first.
>>21103815 I'll upload a Tentacool for a Shelmet ok?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21103836 I can wait all night, thanks. which one did you want?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Fri 26 Sep 2014 02:13:50 No. 21103846 Report >>21103815 Could I get a F koffing?
4EM Lv. 1 F Swablu up on GTS
IGN: Tonnura-san
Msg: /vp/
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
>>21103694 wow, you're alive
>>21103836 Sure thing. Do you mind GTS trading? I'll put up a slowpoke on your cue.
>>21103815 Could i get one of those Magby please? I put up a mareep. Thank you.
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
Quoted By:
>>21103868 Who are you?
>>21103871 No problem
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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Clear body mvp abilitiy
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
>>21103909 Scratch the Shelmet. May I get a Magby instead?
>>21103913 Sure, just tell me when you've put something up.
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
Well, lets see if anyone is interested Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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Mawile in charge of accomplishing nothing I think I brought the wrong goodra too
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
>>21103944 Tentacool's up.
>>21103871 Maril ready, just let me grab that Magby.
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
>>21103815 Got any Koffing left?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Fri 26 Sep 2014 02:25:33 No. 21103989 Report >>21103946 what gender is the swablu?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Man I should really get around to breeding some doubles guys, my bad xavier. I'll bring my normal team next.
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
Quoted By:
>>21103791 What a nice template, what are you looking for exactly? Id love one of those Spritzee, my list of imperfect stuff is here Breeder (Fairy Safari)
>>21103989 All of them are female!
>>21103974 Slowpoke is up for a female Marill. Message is /wfg/Lucas. Thank you.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Fri 26 Sep 2014 02:29:01 No. 21104036 Report Quoted By:
>>21103791 is it a female gastly/misdreavous?
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21104005 not a problem, we both underestimated WoW and the Intimidate, still fun though when we both survived with 1 HP
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104042 jesus that fucking tentacle monster
round two time?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Fri 26 Sep 2014 02:31:10 No. 21104058 Report >>21104031 Could I grab one of the Swablus?
4EM Lv. 1 M Lure Ball Marill is up on GTS
IGN: Tonnura-san
msg: /vp/
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
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>>21104035 Sent, thank you
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
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>>21104058 Sure, give me 2 minutes
>>21104040 I'm not interested in anything. Just throw up something on GTS for it.
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
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>>21104051 Round two sounds good -- no brakes on the tentacle rape train, I never really had that much faith in Malamar, but it proved its worth today
good luck everyone
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>that sad heavy slam OH BABY A DOUBLEKILL
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Man I should really replace something for protect before I do these things
Breeder (Fairy Safari)
>>21104076 Female Aron!
>>21104058 Sent, enjoy!
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
>>21103844 Vullaby ready. Get online
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21104122 the best part about mega alakazam is it's faint animation.
I'm so proud of my little zapdos almost killing all 3 pokémon on the field
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
guys I have a 2nd team ready after this if anyone wants to keep going I'd be up for it
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21104178 yeah all 5 spoons clattering to the ground is so ignoble, especially compared to how wise it looks with its flowing beard
>>21104216 I didn't put together two teams but I can get another 6 ready to go pretty quick if everyone else is still down
Toby 1564-2518-3629
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Gonna try this again. Looking for a pentaperfect Lucario/Infernape/Anything that can breed with Blaziken male from a non American game. Trying to breed a shiny. I have the following to trade all pentaperfect. I have a few things to trade. Cottonee with Impish nature, Prankster, and Memento/Encore/Switcheroo Pinsir with Jolly nature, Hyper Cutter, Quick Attack/Close Combat/Feint Abra with Timid nature, Magic Guard
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
Does anyone have a Meloetta they'd be willing to part with? I've got some other legendaries that are battle ready and some shinies I'd trade for one. Pic so unrelated.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104255 What're the shinies like? I've got a meleotta.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
that encore lost us the battle well played
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
>>21104279 Shiny 6 iv Tornadus, and Thundurus.
Shiny 5 iv Fennekin
And a non shiny 6 iv Dialga
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104309 So none of those are legit then, I take it? No thanks.
Smullyan 3625-8264-2655 IGN: Velyia
>>21104312 The fennekin I bred, it even has egg moves. the rest I got for my in game legendaries
Lucas 4184-1266-0854
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Does anyone have these to trade? Krikceot, Bronzor, Beheeyem, Boufalant They are some of the last 10 to finish my dex.
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
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>>21104297 That's why you always carry Taunt on Gyarados, sorry I had to learn that one the hard way lol
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>>21104312 >Shiny 6 iv Tornadus, and Thundurus. >I got for my in game legendaries rng pls
>>21104318 so they're not legit
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Woops, attacked the wrong one with haima, my bad.
>>21104338 >not rng's hexa perfect roaming legendaries do you even rng?
obviously he hacked them Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21104318 so everything is fake but the fennekin, which no one gives a good god damn about unless it's female and they're a furfag
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>>21104356 i do actually
obviously Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21104339 wouldn't Rock Tomb have boosted my Speed? That would have been awesome, but it's not like he outspeeds anything even at +1
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
Quoted By:
>>21104239 yes. I'll need to access bank for a bit.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
pls superpower me while he protects
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>21104383 he's with
your mom Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104375 No, no, i attacked the bug instead of the bird.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21104380 or not kek
like I said I have another team ready and waiting those were some fun battles
and your fucking bulletpunch always outplayed me (w-why would you go for an attack that can't ko)
Jaime 3067 5307 5309
>>21104395 I don't think it would have made a difference tbh. Sceptile was dead weight that round. I just wanted to bring it since I haven't brought it yet.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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Guess I'll take a break from hatching camels and train up a few guys that function better in doubles.
>>21104422 I don't know, if it was specially based it could've possibly dealt with malamar.
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21104380 everything turned out okay, congrats on going 3-0, too
I'm ready for Round 2 (battles 4-6) whenever everyone else is
>>21104383 I'm here
ravi you here
bby ?
;__; Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21104452 so toast died?
do you guys want me to add you and we'll see if we can find a 4th person?
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21104485 You asked some stuff about the available balls, what was it again?
Quoted By:
>>21104496 Your mom in a
heavy ball ?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104493 Someone else ended it, but I wanna train a few guys.
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
>>21104509 I backed out, also Jaime said he needed to access the Bank for his next team, but if Toast is out, I might call it a night, too.
Who are you thinking about training up? If you don't wanna give anything away, I get it
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21104422 is your friendcode some kind of joke? it's invalid
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21104525 I have a few guys that need to be trained, although the only one that would be doubles specific would be chespin.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21104525 >>21104422 if jaime gives me a working friendcode I have a 4th man willing to play with us
Jaime 3067 5307 5304
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21104546 good choice -- I bred up a chespin that wasn't doubles-oriented, but I got on WT a good egg move Chespin if you want it
I'm working on a Pachi that will be good for doubles (copying that set from World's)
>>21103754 >>21104562 here is his corrected FC
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>21104562 see
>>21103754 Can you give me like 6 minutes, please? I'll send you a nice after I've added you and an ready.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>>21104576 add me darling
~ Anonymous
Quoted By:
Bronzor with HA up for any Stantler on th GTS. msg was /vp/
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21104596 you see after I made you wait for 10 minutes, now I suddenly am a really impatient man
6 minutes passed
what kind of shenanigans are you up to?
Quoted By:
>>21104608 now, who could this possibly be?
>>21104608 Ign: Julio
Mind if I disc up for a trapinch?
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21104674 He's doing mindgames, making us all sit around and get lethargic while his painstakingly-crafted team sweeps us all
Quoted By:
>>21104704 Put something else
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21104608 jsal pls respond
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>21104674 Fine. I was just trying to finish up EV training a support/Defensive Dragonite but I guess I'll use another dragon. Getting online now
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Alright, so I wanna make a mixed metagross. What would be a good spread? I'll probably have to look up infernape and see how it was done with him since I can't recall mixed gross being a relevant thing.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21104748 252 attack 252 spe/hp adamant 4 physical moves this is the perfect mixed metagross set :^) ok let's do this fair and square I'll have all the crits and xavier will catch our pokémon
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>21104779 Yeah, nah, you gay.
The 5iv legit shiny I have is miiiillld so I gotta make it work Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21104779 I'm planning on Befriending them and guilting your mons into taking it easy on us, haha
also, good choice on Cinccino and Banette
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
"ok banette now do some good utility damage so that bat will deal less damage">this happens
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21104824 Bat is frail as fuck, I had no hope except CM and get to +2 Special D and Speed and hope to tank a Chandelure hit, we had no hope 2 Psychics v 2 Ghosts. expert prediction on your teams part
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
0,3 * 2 s-stop?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
thank god it died when it was over anyways I thought freeze dry was the 1hko attack and was extremely confused I'll invite again
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
>>21104898 Sheer cold is a 1hko.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
if you expected exactly that to happen and rolled for the speedtie you are hella good
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>3 dragon pulse my aegislash reveals itself as the physical instead of the special one interesting development all around
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21104945 I had no clue, but that was the best possible outcome on Turn 1
>>21104973 I am terrible at predicting with or against Aegis, good plays
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
Scrafty came up a little short, but still a valiant effort One more?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21105032 It's all led up to this, I see --
also, I thought that King's Rock would help, but I shouldn't have strayed from the reliable Life Orb
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
has anyone bred wish igglybuff?
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
>>21105089 do you want a moon ball caterpie? I've got a spare 4iv, don't really need anything for it.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
xavier I love you 10/10 taste 10/10 team 10/10 overall 10/10 Megaevolution
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
>>21105109 Oh no, but thank you very much.
Annabelle 4871-4949-2116
Quoted By:
>>21105120 all right, just wondering before I wonder trade them all.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21105092 I did actually and I have a female left that is competitive and in a loveball
but it's modest as it's intended to be used with rays cookie cutter set
do you have a tradlist/image or something?
Xavier 1693-1349-5871
Quoted By:
>>21105119 same to you Yang -- I saw we both brought matching Cinccino's and Banettes and I knew nothing was going to stop us that battle -- we were on the same wavelength haha
Good games everyone, those were some fun ones, and get yourselves some Cinccinos and M-Banettes if you haven't, I"ll come up with some stuff and be back next week too
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21105175 of things you have to trade
the igglybuff is penta perfect I'd like to trade with you if you get me (wi fi general)
>>21105183 would you like a pentaperfect totodile with DD and Ice punch?
Quoted By:
>>21105183 or pentaperfect jolly spearrow?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21105206 what ball and nature is it in?
if the nature isn't too stupid I'll take it.
I'll need your friendcode though
based multi teams
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
>>21105239 jsal pls respond
what did you want from me
you even sent me a message at the irc
I know it wasn't you, I'm just bored. Anonymous
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21105249 cool still need that friendcode though
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21105260 2895-8521-4806 William
Luc-y 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>21105263 pls respond in irc then
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21105283 in my namefield ^^
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21105283 enjoy the wigglytuff william
>>21105344 thanks, btw how should I train him?
>Enjoy Feraligatr Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>4chan fucked up the threat title :^(
>>21105423 >>21105423 >>21105423 Andrew !LimaITO0j2
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21105354 sorry for the late response Wigglytuff @ Assault Vest
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 4 HP / 188 Def / 236 SAtk / 12 SDef / 68 Spd
Modest Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Hyper Beam
this is for vgc tier doubles and acts as a great counter to all the intimidate users in the tier (especially salamence)
Justin 5215-1710-5371
Quoted By:
Would anyone mind evolving my Haunter for me? I can give a pentaperfect bold male Eevee in a lux ball with or without HA in return.