Hey /vp/, been a month or two since I've taken the time to do this.
To anybody who needs things genned, please don't go making Pokégen threads unless you are actually able to gen and take people's requests. Genners usually aren't going to appear out of nowhere and take your requests, and in addtion; most people will assume that you, being the OP, are the thread's genner. So please, do yourself and everyone else a favour by waiting until threads are created by real genners.
When requesting a Pokémon use the format below:
>Pokémon: >Nickname: >Level: >Shiny: >Gender: >Ability: >Language: >--Moves-- > > > > >Nature: >IVs: >EVs: >OT Name: >OT Gender: >ID/SID >Pokéball: >Origin game: Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, balltism+egg move combos; pretty much anything that's only obtainable in Gen 6. Please don't just chuck us a Disc though unless you reeeeeally have to.
>FAQ: >Can you generate any Pokémon I want? Only 'mons from Gen 5 and below.
>Is there a Pokégen for Gen 6 'mons? Not that we have access to.
>Can the location be set to XY? Nope.
>Can you put a Gen 4 Pokéball on a Gen 5 'mon? Nope.
>My Pokémon has egg moves; can I put a specific Pokéball on it? Nope.
>Can I check online for a guide on egg/level up/tutor moves? http://www.pokemondb.net/pokedex ; you can also try Serebii or Bulbapedo.
>Is there any risk at using genned Pokémon online? Nope, break a leg.
>Isn't this cheating? Yes it is son, yes it is. Though if you want to take your time soft-resetting for legends with perfect stats or riding your bike around in Gen 5 for hours so you can simply hatch a Pokémon with 5 IVs and then grind on the PWT to earn shards so you can afford to pay move tutors, then be my guest.
Please make sure the Pokémon you are requesting is legal IN GEN 5. I cannot generate 6th gen egg move/Pokéball combos for you.
I hope none of you are just beggars who've flocked in from other sites.
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
Heading to bed if no requests in 10 minutes.
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
Quoted By:
>>21108003 Welp, so much for that then.
Good night /vp/.
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
>>21108121 >my first post doesn't bump the thread >the second one does How can I help you?
c: Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21107904 For a second i thought the arm was a really long neck
>>21108152 Could you maybe do...
>Pokémon: Scolipede >Nickname: >Level: 50 >Shiny: nope >Gender: Male >Ability:Quick Feet >Language: English >--Moves-- >Megahorn >Earthquake >Iron Tail >Protect >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 30 in all >EVs: 132HP 252Attack 124Speed >OT Name: Iski >OT Gender: Female >ID/SID: 26665/any >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Black/White 2 Iski (3024-6863-8874)
shark 4141-3068-9783
Hey mate, hope you haven't gone to bed yet. Here's my request. I can offer bp items, a blastoisinite or some egg move vullaby, happiny or rotom>Pokémon: Donphan >Nickname: Donphan >Level: 50 >Shiny: if its not too troublesome >Gender: fem >Ability: sturdy >Language: English >--Moves-- > Stealth rock > > > >Nature: impish >IVs: all 31 >EVs: 252 hp 252 def, atk >OT Name: Sharkradical >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID >Pokéball: Premier ball >Origin game: not sure, gen v i think
James 0146-9948-1121
>>21108152 Hey could you gen any event legendaries? Need pretty much all of them for dex but a Arceus or Mew would be great.
I can offer a Charizardite X, assault vest, Electrizer x2 or Tyranitarite. No gen 6 Shinies or anything like that to offer though sorry.
shark 4141-3068-9783
James 0146-9948-1121
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>>21108229 also dont really mind as far as stats/natures go.
>>21108182 >>21108228 Doing these, it's late so just feel free to throw up Luvdiscs. Don't do it until your stuff's in Kalos though, which I'll let you know when that is.
>>21108229 Just wait online and I can trade you an Arceus and Mew I have sitting around. I can gen one for myself later.
>Pokémon:Bisharp >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Male >Ability:Defiant >Language:English >--Moves-- >Psycho Cut >Sucker Punch >Knock Off >Substitute >Nature:Adamant >IVs:31,31,31,30,31,31 >EVs:252 AT252 Speed 4 Def >OT Name:Ed >OT Gender:Male >ID/SID:N/A >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:BW 2 >Pokémon:Skarmory >Nickname:Ridley >Level:100 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Female >Ability:Sturdy >Language:English >--Moves-- >Stealth Rock >Whirlwind >Roost >Brave Bird >Nature:Impish >IVs:31,31,31,30,31,31 >EVs:252 HP 252 Def 4 At >OT Name:Ed >OT Gender:Male >ID/SID NA >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game:BW2 FC; 5344 0023 0772 Would really appreciate it if you could gen me these two mons!
James 0146-9948-1121
>>21108254 Awesome dude, thanks. Want the mega stones for them?
>>21108255 Doing these as well.
>>21108287 Nah, the only megastone I'm looking for at the moment is the Heracronite. Thanks for the offer though.
Quoted By:
>>21108310 Thank you so much anon! If theres anything you want in return just let me know
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
Thank you anon! Ill be lurking til you give the signal
Quoted By:
>>21108310 I forgot to mention my ign is FoulxLaw
>>21108255 Once again thanks a ton for doing this anon.
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
>>21108182 >>21108228 >>21108255 All your stuff's in Kalos, throw something up onto the GTS.
>>21108229 Gonna add you for a trade, standby.
Quoted By:
>>21108484 Disc is up for the bisharp
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>>21107904 >Pokemon: Mew > Nickname: N/A >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: N/A >Ability: Synchronize >Language: English >--Moves-- >Metronome >Psychic >Barrier >Ancient Power >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: N/A >OT Name: FAL2010 >OT Gender: Female >ID/SID: 10160 >Pokeball: Cherish Ball >Origin game: Heart Gold Anonymous
>>21107904 Question, is it possible to gen mons from the Gamecube games? Electabuzz and Magmar are capable of learning Follow Me, but only after being purified in Gale of Darkness. I dunno if it's legal or not though for passing through Bank.
>>21108484 Oh I thought you were going to trade them.
Disc up for the scoliopede
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
>>21108484 Lv 15 Disc up for donphan. Msg: /vp/
James 0146-9948-1121
>>21108484 thanks, ready when you are
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Swampert >Nickname: Tidal >Level: 100 >Shiny: nope >Gender: Male >Ability: Torrent >Language: Eng >--Moves-- > Avalanche > Curse > Aqua Tail > EQ >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 30/30/31/x/16/31 >EVs: 208 HP252 Atk4 SpD44 Spe >OT Name: Caius >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: >Pokéball: Premier Ball >Origin game: Pokemon White 2 FC: 4957-3412-7728 i'll give in return a nice little chimchar or a totodile w/ egg moves
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
>>21108549 You don't seem to have added me.
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>>21108541 Sweet, thanks Ross
James 1306 6538 0721
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>>21108600 Ah sorry man, using the code from the old DS, fixed now
Quoted By:
>>21108600 I just got the Bisharp, second disc is going up for the Skarmory!
James 1306 6538 0721
>>21108600 Thanks alot dude
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
>>21108674 All good! The megastones really weren't necessary though.
James 1306 6538 0721
>>21108679 Ah well, had extras and im probably not gonna need them now with an arceus. Thanks again
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
>>21108684 Do you have an extra Heracronite?
James 1306 6538 0721
>>21108690 still haven't finished my Y game so no sorry
Ross - 3496-9919-7516
Quoted By:
>>21108710 No worries.
>>21108726 All good, thanks anyways.
>>21108514 Yes, Bank doesn't forget about stuff like EXSpeed Linoone so those should work as well.
Anyways now I should probably head to sleep, sorry to anyone who had requests pending.
Quoted By:
so, thread is pretty much dead again?
Scarlett 3583-0549-4354
Quoted By:
>Pokémon:Jirachi >Nickname:Pippin >Level:100 >Shiny:No >Gender:Genderless >Ability:Serene Grace >Language:English >--Moves-- >Wish >Iron Head >U-Turn >Thunder Wave >Nature:Impish >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Atk >OT Name:Scarlett >OT Gender:Female >ID/SID:Doesnt matter >Pokéball:doesnt matter >Origin game:Doesnt matter i can trade any BP item or gen 6 event mon!
>Pokémon:Gardevoir >Nickname:No >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Female >Ability: Trace >Language: English >--Moves-- >Hypervoice >Psyshock >Focus Blast >Protect >Nature:Timid >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 SPA: 252 SPE : 4 HP >OT Name: Velyia >OT Gender: Female >ID/SID: Doesn't matter >Pokéball: Luxury Ball >Origin Game: Doesn't matter I can trade any of the X megastones and a Shiny fennekin with eggmoves I bred.
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I can do PowerSave stuff for >Pokémon:Kangaskhan >Nickname:No >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Female >Ability: Scrappy >Language: English >--Moves-- >Wish >Seismic Toss >Yawn >Protect >Nature:Calm >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP: 252 SDEF : 4 DEF >OT Name: whatever >OT Gender: whatever >ID/SID: whatever >Pokéball: Poké Ball >Origin Game: FRLG
>Pokémon: Drapion >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: >Gender: Female >Ability: Battle Armor >Language: English >--Moves-- > Knock off > Acupressure > Rest > Taunt >Nature: Jolly >IVs: Perfect please >EVs: 252HP 126DEF 126SPDEF >OT Name: Chris >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: What works >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: White >Pokémon:Thundurus >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: >Gender: >Ability: Prankster >Language: English >--Moves-- > Thunderbolt > Hidden Power Ice > Taunt > Thunder Wave >Nature: Modest >IVs: Perfect please >EVs: 212HP 128DEF 52SPA 96SPD 20SPEED >OT Name: Chris >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: What works >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: White I can offer BP items. I know that is not that great so I do not expect you or anyone to help but it will be greatly appreciated.
Chris 3239-4856-2677
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>>21114063 Don't know why it didn't keep my name and FC....
luke: 4398 8674 2984
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>>21107904 >Pokémon: rayquaza >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender: >Ability: air lock >Language: eng >--Moves-- > hyper beam > outrage > crunch > dragon pulse >Nature: adamant >IVs: all 31 >EVs: att 252 hp 4 sp atk 252 >OT Name: legal >OT Gender: legal >ID/SID: legal >Pokéball: Cherish ball/ legal ball >Origin game: legal Anonymous
Genner here, i accept paypal
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i have a lot of requests (more than 10 pokemon) but i have a 3ds powersave so i can get you unlimited of any items, change any of your gen 6's pokemon's ivs, shiny status, gender, etc. whoever's up for it, i'll give you my skype
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Magnezone >Nickname: zap7 >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: >Ability: Magnet Pull >Language: Eng >--Moves-- >Flash Cannon >Thunderbolt >Volt Switch >Hidden Power [Fire] >Nature:Timid >IVs: 31/0/31/30/31/31 >EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe >OT Name: David >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 22972 >Pokéball: Dusk Ball >Origin game: Black 2 I can get any BP Item, and I'm willing to give an Ability Capsule.
Mr. Skeleton
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 27 Sep 2014 15:38:53 No. 21119251 Report >Pokemon: Honchkrow >Nickname: No nickname >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: female >Ability: Moxie >Language: English >Moves (Brave Bird, Pursuit, Superpower, Roost) >Nature: Adamant >IVs:31/31/31/30/31/31 >EVs: x/252/x/x/4/252 >OT Name: any >OT Gender: any >ID/SID: any >Pokeball: Dust >Origin game: Black 2
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21119251 I'll work on this now. Do you have anything to trade?
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21107904 >Pokémon: Ferrothorn >Nickname: PricklePear >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender: Female >Ability: Iron barbs >Language: Spanish >--Moves-- > Gyro ball > leech seed > power whip > protect >Nature: Relaxed >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252HP / 88Def / 168SpD >OT Name: Danny >OT Gender: male >ID/SID: 51125 >Pokéball: Repeat ball >Origin game: Black 2 Putting up skrelp
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21119536 Give me a few minutes.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>21119557 Take your time, Thank you very much.
Eve 2294-5665-7312
>Pokémon:Conkeldurr >Nickname:n/a >Level:50 >Shiny:Yes >Gender:Female >Ability:Iron fist >Language:n/a >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Knock Off >Ice Punch >Mach Punch >Nature:Brave >IVs:all 31 >EVs:108 HP/252 Atk/6 Def/144 Sp.Def
Quoted By:
>>21119251 I can't give this Brave Bird and a Dusk Ball at the same time. Brave Bird is an EM. Pick one.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Is it possible to request a specific hidden power on a pokemon
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>21119536 Also, if its not too late, I don't want perfect speed on this girl
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21119752 Through the IVs, yes.
I'm working out some kinks with the nickname of your Ferrothorn. Give me a bit.
>>21107904 What's a good team for smashing the Battle Maison so I can have something worthwhile to give to a pokegenner? I imagine something that can set up with swords dance or something and start killing fuckers
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>Pokémon: Mawile >Nickname: Nope >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes, why not >Gender: FEMALE >Ability: INTIMIDATE >Language: English >--Moves-- >Fire Fang >Knock Off >Focus Punch >Substitute >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/17 (17 IVs in Speed pls, don't forget it) >EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd >OT Name: idgaf >OT Gender: idgaf >ID/SID: idgaf >Pokéball: LoveBall >Origin game: Soul Silver Please? I need that mawile... Don't forget the Speed IVs!
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21119536 I can't put your Ferroseed in a Repeat Ball and give it Leech Seed at the same time. Balls aren't inherited in gen V and so you can't gen EM+Ball combos.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>21119811 Then forget the ball, I just need the move
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21119695 I'm working on this one as well.
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21119695 >>21119792 These are already in Kalos. Please tell me what you plan to trade.
>>21119536 Your nickname is too long.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21120058 Then just Prickle
Eve 2294-5665-7312
>>21120058 got bp items 6iv ha phantump and a 6vi ha fletchling
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>>21120058 You want a Modest Igglybuff 5IV in LoveBall with Heal Pulse and Wish?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120092 Sure.
>>21120088 An Assault Vest or Weakness Policy would be great.
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Quoted By:
>>21120104 done got a assault vest with ur name on it i added you as a friend
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120067 Prickle's in Kalos. How do you want me to get it to you?
Cory 2165-5754-6609 !yWvEA0P6Jk
>Pokémon: Scizor >Nickname: Artorias >Level: 50 >Shiny: No, thanks >Gender: Male >Ability: Technician >Language: English >--Moves-- > Bug Bite > Super Power > Knock Off >Tail Wind >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31x6 >EVs: 252HP, 252 Attack >OT Name: Cory >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 52321 >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Black 2 In return I can give you Kalos-Born shinies, do you math homework, or do a powersaving request for you.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120173 Working on it. What Kalos born shinies do you have?
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21120161 I have a skrelp on GTS
Cory 2165-5754-6609 !yWvEA0P6Jk
>>21120186 Not a huge selection, but I've got an Axew named Priscilla (which I know is legit because I hatched it), a Wingull, Bergmite, and Snover. I've also got a bunch of event legendaries if you're interested.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120202 If you could name it back to Axew that would be great.
Cory 2165-5754-6609 !yWvEA0P6Jk
Danny 0645 6693 6165
>>21120104 Added... let me know when you can trade me the Mawile...
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Sat 27 Sep 2014 17:28:13 No. 21120257 Report >Pokémon:Landorus-Therian >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:No >Gender:Male >Ability: Intimidate >Language:English >--Moves-- >Earthquake >Stone Edge >Knock Off >U turn >Nature:Adamant >IVs:Flawless >EVs:4 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed >OT Name:N/A >OT Gender:N/A >ID/SID:N/A >Pokéball:Luxury ball >Origin game:BW 2
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21120229 Give me a moment, I'll just process Cory's Scizor first then I'll get to you.
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>Pokémon: Landorus-T >Nickname: OU-Turn >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: >Ability: Intimidate >Language: English >--Moves-- >Knock Off >Earthquake >U-Turn >Stealth Rock >Nature: Jolly >IVs: perfect >EVs: 252 Spe / 252 Atk >OT Name: David >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID 22972 >Pokéball: Master Ball >Origin game: Black 2 I can get any maison item, and I have a shiny KB Crawdaunt w/ Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Adaptibility.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21120257 >>21120267 I'll trade with the people who's stuff I've finished, then I'll get to you guys.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120257 >>21120267 For the game of origin to be Black 2, I'd have to give Landorus it's Hidden Ability, is it alright if the game of origin is Black instead?
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>21120321 I don't think bank gives a shit. I'm 90% sure I've accidentally left the origin game black 2 with abundant shrine and they still get through.
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Sat 27 Sep 2014 17:39:48 No. 21120366 Report Quoted By:
>>21120321 Thats totally fine.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120346 Eh. Okay then. What about this guy asking for a level 50 one though? The Abundant Shrine encounter is at level 70.
Zac: 1977-0278-2935
>Pokémon: Jolteon >Nickname: Raiden >Level: 20 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Volt Absorb >Language: ENG >--Moves-- > Signal Beam > Thunder > Hidden Power Ice > - >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 >EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >OT Name: Zac >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID 65535 (Random if this doesn't work) >Pokéball: Friend Ball >Origin game: Soul Silver (Black 2 if SS doesn't work) I have a living dex so nearly any pokemon is yours, and can also get any Maison item
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>21120371 That one you'll have to make from Dream Radar. Wish I could help more, but I'm on a shit load of painkillers right now.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120405 He's asking for Intimidate though so I'll have to ask him.
>>21120267 Is a level 75 one okay?
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
Quoted By:
>>21120420 Yes, definitely:)
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120173 >>21120194 I'm having some issues with Bank at the moment, it's not saving properly after transfering. Give me a bit.
Danny 0645 6693 6165
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 27 Sep 2014 17:54:25 No. 21120517 Report >>21120468 Just got back. I'm offering BP item of your choice for
>>21119251 and if Dust ball doesn't work just put it in a regular ball
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120173 How do you want to go about the trade?
Cory 2165-5754-6609 !yWvEA0P6Jk
Quoted By:
>>21120577 I've got you added all ready. If you'd prefer something else, all's good.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Cory 2165-5754-6609 !yWvEA0P6Jk
Quoted By:
>>21120596 THanks muchfords.
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
pokemon: scizor nickname: level: 100 shiny: yes gender: female ability: technitian language: english moves -bug bite -bullet punch -swords dance -superpower nature: adamant IVs: all 31 EVs:248 HP, 252 Atk, 8 Def OT name: Jozzle OT Gender: Male ID/SID: 20214 Pokeball: luxury Origin name: doesn't matter I can offer an assault vest if you want
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
Quoted By:
>>21120669 OH and nickname: formiclaw
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120669 This is the last one I'm doing tonight.
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21120738 What are all of the ones you're doing>
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21120743 Two Landorus, a Scizor and a Jolteon.
I'm looking for a way to get the Landorus onto my legit cart.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Thank you so much for the ferrothorn! If its not too much trouble I would love this>Pokémon: Gardevoir >Nickname: Trap >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender: male >Ability: trace >Language: french >--Moves-- > hyper voice > Psyshock > Focus blast > Magic coat >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >OT Name: Danny >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 51125 >Pokéball: Dusk ball >Origin game: Diamond
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21120855 If someone is doing this, I'd like a clone also. I have a lot of BP munyies
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>21120855 Forgot to say giving klefki
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21120855 Okay. This one's really the last. It's 2:30 AM here and I'm exhausted.
Quoted By:
>Pokémon:Machamp >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:No >Gender:Male >Ability:No Guard >Language:Any >--Moves-- - Dynamic Punch - Knock Off - Stone Edge - Bullet Punch>Nature:Adamant >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Speed >OT Name:Your OT >OT Gender:Your Gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120863 It's done. Life Orb please?
>>21120669 Assault Vest is fine. Scizor is done.
>>21120517 Weakness Policy please.
>>21120394 A Razor Fang would be excellent.
>>21120267 If the Crawdaunt has good IVs sure. If not, a Toxic Orb please.
>>21120257 How do I get this to you?
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:00:10 No. 21121092 Report Quoted By:
>>21121052 Sure, I'll place a disc up with it.
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:00:10 No. 21121093 Report >>21121052 I can trade or use GTS. Still looking for items or is there any pokemon you need?
Zac: 1977-0278-2935
Quoted By:
>>21120394 Razor Fang is ready and on a Disc.
Question, are genners able to get a contrary snivy through pokebank?
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
>>21121052 thank you very much, shall I just put the assault vest on a random 'mon and trade it with you?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21121093 To be honest I could use a Blazikenite or a Tyranitarite, but that seems unreasonable.
Could I ask what Pentaperfects you have on hand?
Zac: 1977-0278-2935
>>21121052 Razor Fang is ready and on a Disc.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21121117 I don't see it on the GTS
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage
Micheal 4441-9582-4040 Grass: Gogoat, Petilil, Pansage Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:07:22 No. 21121173 Report >>21121109 I can give you Blazekenite. I don't really have any good 5IV pokemon on hand right now.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21121173 Excellent. I'll add you up.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:08:28 No. 21121192 Report Quoted By:
>>21121166 Got Honchkrow, thanks.
Zac: 1977-0278-2935
Quoted By:
>>21121166 Sorry about that. Should be up now.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120855 Sent your Trap. While I was happy to help, just a thought for next time: it would be better if you offered the genner something of some value next time, especially if you ask for more than one thing. This takes lots of time to do, so yeah, keep that in mind.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21120863 >>21120267 Are you guys still here?
Zac: 1977-0278-2935
Quoted By:
>>21121166 And got it. Thanks a lot.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21121265 I'm very sorry, I should have considered that. I'll make sure to do that next time
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21121398 It's no problem. Again, I was happy to help :) Cheers
IGN Michael
I'd like to put in a request. Sorry that it is an annoying one.
>Pokémon: Keldeo >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: >Ability: Justified >Language: English >--Moves-- >Hydro Pump >Secret Sword >Scald >Icy Wind >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 Sp.A / 4 Sp.D / 252 Spe >OT Name: WIN2013 >OT Gender: Male >ID: 01163 >Pokéball: Cherish Ball >Origin game: B2 Top event from
http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/647.shtml Can offer any BP item. More than one if you want. Thank you very much.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21120267 I really have to sleep. It's 3:30 AM here. I'll be back in about 12 hours or so.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:48:18 No. 21121642 Report Quoted By:
>>21121575 Have a good night sleep man.
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21121052 I'm sorry, I left for a while. I have the life orb and I will trade it asap, if you respond.
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21121575 >>21121783 Just saw that you left, I'll add you and you can just add back whenever you wake up.
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Quoted By:
Any genners on here that can help me?
Quoted By:
I would love to help out in this thread, but ever since I updated Powersaves to 1.21, I get the error "Web operation failed (0)". The website says it's about my firewall, but I reset everything and it used to work fine on 1.19. Does anyone have a solution?
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
>Pokémon: Latios >Nickname: >Level: 68 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Levitate >Language: English >--Moves-- >-Psycho Shift >-Dragon Dance >-Psychic >-Heal Pulse >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 Its for HP Fire >EVs: No >OT Name: Ignacio >OT Gender: male >ID/SID: 17178 >Pokéball: Pokéball >Origin game: Black 2 And...>Pokémon: Latias >Nickname: >Level: 68 >Shiny: No >Gender: Female >Ability: Levitate >Language: English >--Moves-- >-Psycho Shift >-Charm >-Psychic >-Heal Pulse >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30 Its for HP Fire >EVs: No >OT Name: Elena >OT Gender: female >ID/SID: 20369 >Pokéball: Pokéball >Origin game: White 2 I have 1200 BP, request me everything.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 28 Sep 2014 00:10:20 No. 21124400 Report To any genner pokemon: scizor nickname: level: 100 shiny: no gender: Male ability: technitian language: english moves -bug bite -bullet punch -defog -superpower nature: adamant IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 EVs:248/252/4/x/x/x OT name: any OT Gender: any ID/SID: 20214 Pokeball: regular Origin name: black 2 offer a BP item of their choice
Quoted By:
>>21121106 Yes, although it's untradeable through Wi-Fi in XY, afaik. Wi-Fi legality checks seem to be more stringent than Bank ones.
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 28 Sep 2014 02:10:40 No. 21125634 Report hi guys, been trying to get this for a while now with no luck. thank you for your time.>Pokémon: slowbro >Nickname: slowbro >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Gender: M >Ability: unaware >Language: Fre >--Moves-- >recycle >slack off >block >heal pulse >Nature: bold >IVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpDef >EVs: i can do this >OT Name: Nick >OT Gender: M >ID/SID: na >Pokéball: na >Origin game: na I can get whatever you'd like with BP, i have some good klefkis to trade also.
>>21125634 Them IVS tho.
Ok have fun with your funbro
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 28 Sep 2014 02:16:48 No. 21125695 Report >>21125674 i'm slightly intoxicated, is that not the correct ivs?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21121799 Added back and trade requested. Please respond.
>>21125695 You put the EVs where you should have put IVs.
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Sun 28 Sep 2014 02:50:05 No. 21126078 Report Quoted By:
Eve 2294-5665-7312
>Pokémon:Dusclops >Level:50 >Shiny:yes >Gender:female >Ability:frisk >--Moves-- >Trick Room >Foresight >Night Shade >Brick Break >Nature:Relaxed >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/0 >EVs:252 HP/126 Def/132 Sp.Def got bp items 6iv ha phantump and a 6vi ha fletchling to offer
>>21129411 thats a pretty shit set
Eve 2294-5665-7312
>>21129421 does that mean u wont do it?
>>21129508 im not a genner im just saying its shit
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Genner here. I can work on a few right now if anyone's here. Send your requests.
>>21120267 If you're still here I'm still holding on to your stuff.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 28 Sep 2014 14:25:21 No. 21130669 Report >>21130585 Here we I got
>>21124400 Offering BP item of your choice
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21130669 Working on this.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 28 Sep 2014 14:34:14 No. 21130748 Report >>21130716 Cool, what item you want?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21130748 Focus Sash please.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Sun 28 Sep 2014 14:40:46 No. 21130794 Report Quoted By:
>>21130777 Got it. I place it on a vivillon. putting it up on GTS now.
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
>>21130585 Could you do this one please:
>Pokémon: Manectric >Nickname: Lights >Level: 75 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Lightningrod >Language: ENG >--Moves-- > Overheat > Thunderbolt > Volt Switch > Hidden Power Ice >Nature: Modest >IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 >EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP >OT Name: Luka >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: Any >Pokéball: Any >Origin game: Any I can offer some BP items and 5IV imperfects and perfects, thanks in advance.
IGN: Alejandro 0146-9250-2249
>>21130585 Can you change my chespins nature to impish and shinify it please?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21130915 Wrong thread Sir. This is for genning, not Powersaves.
>>21130848 Sure thing. Could I know what mons you've got to offer?
IGN: Alejandro 0146-9250-2249
Quoted By:
>>21130935 Ah, sorry about that.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21130848 Also I'll need to make your IV spread 31/31/31/31/31/30 for it to be HP Ice.
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
>>21130955 Okay that's fine, guess I got the spread mixed up.
Anyway 5IV Kalos Perfects with EMs (some with baltism): Absol, Larvitar, Sableye, Shiny Feebas, Growlithe, Vulpix.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131007 Think I'll take an item. Choice Band please?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131007 I'm done. How do I get this to you?
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>21131020 Yeah sure, I'll slap it on a lv 1 Bergmite and put it up on GTS. Thanks.
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
Quoted By:
>>21131092 Got it, thanks again!
Sr Samuel
>Pokémon: Landorus-T >Nickname: Beast >Level: 50 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Intimidate >Language: ~ >--Moves-- > Stone Edge > Earthquake > Superpower > U-Turn >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 200HP/252 Atk/ 52 Def >OT Name: Sr Samuel >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 23508 >Pokéball: Dream Ball >Origin game: Black
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131227 Can't have Dream Ball + Intimidate
Sr Samuel
>>21131227 Forgot to say what I have:
Vulpix with 3 EM, Chanmarder with the dragon moves
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>Pokémon:Venasaur >Nickname: >Level:100 >Shiny:no >Gender:Male >Ability:Overgrow >Language:English >--Moves-- >Giga Drain >Sludge Bomb >Synthesis >Sleep Powder >Nature: >IVs:31/x/31/31/31/31 >EVs:172 HP, 240 Def, 96 SpD >OT Name:Julien >OT Gender:Male >ID/SID: Doesn't matter >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Leaf Green Thanks in Advance
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131297 Yep, but I'm telling you a Dream Ball + Intimidate combo won't fly.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131314 Preferred Nature?
>Pokémon:Machamp >Nickname:N/A >Level:100 >Shiny:No >Gender:Male >Ability:No Guard >Language:Any >--Moves-- - Dynamic Punch - Knock Off - Stone Edge - Bullet Punch>Nature:Adamant >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Speed >OT Name:Your OT >OT Gender:Your Gender >ID/SID:Any >Pokéball:Pokeball >Origin game:Black
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>21131441 Bold please. Any specific bp items you need?
Sr Samuel
>>21131327 Oh, okay, so regular poke ball is ok
Quoted By:
>>21131242 Yes you can
Just gen a Landorus-I with a Dream Ball and use the Reveal Glass on it in XY
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131472 Level's also too low. Is 75 okay?
Sr Samuel
Quoted By:
>>21131518 If level 50 can't be posible make it level 100 better
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131452 This is done. Can I ask what you can trade?
>>21131314 Finished. Long shot, but do you have the Maison berries by any chance? If not, a Focus Sash would be great.
>>21131227 I'll take the Vulpix thanks. This is done.
All of you: Please tell me how you'll trade with me. Thanks.
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
>>21131836 Hey, if you're still doing gens, can I get
>>21111523 I can offer a bunch of maison items including Focus sash and all the x megastones, I also have spare master balls.
Sr Samuel
>>21131836 I added you, mine is 4484-9740-6664
>>21131836 I have a focus sash, want to trade it for a 6iv ditto. Could u help?
>>21131836 Shiny Jolly Pinsir?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131881 Alright. GTS it or something. IGN?
>>21131867 Added. Let's do this.
>>21131866 Okay. You're probably my last for the night. I'm more interested in Y megastones, do you have any of those?
Rufus 1950 7505 4053
>>21131836 I have a focus sash, want to trade it for a 6iv ditto. Could u help?
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
>>21131907 I don't but I could try and get some from wi-fi, If I can't is there anything else I could possibly trade that I can get on an X cart?
Sr Samuel
Quoted By:
>>21131907 Thank you so much :)
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
Quoted By:
>>21131907 Also If I can, what Y megaston do you want?
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131923 It was just a thought, don't worry about it too much. Char-Y if you can get it. If not, maybe a Choice Scarf. Thanks :)
>>21131940 Okay.
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
>>21131957 I can get Char-Y!, I will have it for you.
>>21131957 Choice Scarf for 6 IV Ditto?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131940 Details? Ball, origin game?
>>21131962 You are beautiful. Thanks.
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
>>21131975 No, you are. Thanks so much for this.
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131910 >>21131872 >>21131970 Are you guys different people?
What nature do you want the Ditto?
Avaricious 1607 3391 0910
>>21121548 Still requesting this. Still offering any BP item.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132030 Sport Ball's a great touch. Thanks.
>>21132042 I actually was able to process this before going to bed last night, just have to see if it'll pass the Bank. Give me a bit.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21131910 >>21131872 >>21131970 Made 3 Adamant Dittos. Shiny. Korean locale.
>>21132056 Awesome. My FC is 5386 - 8479 - 9512.
What BP item do you want?
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
Quoted By:
>>21132026 We are the same person :) modest nature plz
Can you make it foreign? Japanese perhaps?
Putting a Luvdisc on gts with choice scarf.
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
>>21132098 I got the Char-Y and a Charmander with eggmoves for whenever you want them.
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
>>21132098 Awesome, can I get one too for my friend?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132137 I'm in the process of bringing them to Kalos. Gen's done already, so just a moment.
>>21132141 I'll give you two, but yeah it won't be Modest. Sorry, I'm already in the middle of transferring.
>>21132119 I'm not sure if it'll pass yet, but probably an Ability Capsule if it isn't too much.
Quoted By:
>>21132193 Capsule works for me.
Luke 5284-1732-4093
Can someone please work on these two for me? I'm out of options here.>Pokémon: Latias >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Femalle >Ability: Levitate >Language: English >--Moves-- > Defog > Draco Meteor > Psyshock > Roost >Nature: Timid >IVs: Flawless >EVs: 160 HP/ 96 SpA/ 252 Spe >Pokéball: Premier Ball >Origin game: Emerald >Pokémon: Eevee >Nickname: >Level: 1 >Shiny: No >Gender: Female >Ability: Anticipation >Language: English >--Moves-- > Hyper Voice > Wish > Heal Bell >Nature: Bold >Origin game: Black 2
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
>>21132193 Thanks a bunch. Two Luvdiscs up! One with the Choice scarf
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21132208 If you're here around this time tomorrow I could probably do this for you. I can gen them now, transfer them tomorrow.
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132208 Actually I can do these now, I made a mistake with
>>21131987 Dusclops so I have to re-transfer. What IVs do you want on your Eevee?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132119 >>21131982 Adding you guys now.
Luke 5284-1732-4093
>>21132317 YES! Make Eevee flawless if possible please.
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
Luvdiscs are up, or did u wanna trade with a FC?
>>21132193 Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132385 Discs are fine.
Velyia 3625 - 8264 - 2655
Quoted By:
>>21132343 Thank you so much!
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>21132403 Just wanted to say dude, holy shit. I thought for sure that these threads would be pretty much dead once I had to take a break.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132457 Didn't think I'd be genning tonight actually, but eh, I wanted to give back a little.
>>21132423 Your Blobs have arrived.
IGN - Rufus - 1950 - 7505 4053
Quoted By:
>>21132403 Thank you, Brandon!
Quoted By:
>>21132482 Thanks a lot for the Keldeo!
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132355 Luke, your stuffs ready, how are we going about this?
>>21131987 For some reason I can't get this Dusclops right, can I work on it some other time?
Luke 5284-1732-4093
>>21132669 Add my fc, that way, I can trade you something worthwhile.
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
>Pokémon: Landorus >Nickname: no nickname >Level: 50 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Sand Force >Language: English >--Moves-- > Stone Edge > Earthquake > Superpower > U-Turn >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 200HP/252 Atk/ 52 Def >OT Name: Kustem >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: anything is fine >Pokéball: Timer Ball >Origin game: Black Please and thank you.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132755 I'm done for the night, but just a hint, your level has to be higher than 70 for it to be legit.
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132731 Wow, when you said something worthwhile I thought you meant pentaperfects. Thanks a bunch!
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
Quoted By:
>>21132813 Sure, thank you.
Luke 5284-1732-4093
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>21131940 Any chance you're still here?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21132868 Yey there are two of us now.
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Eve 2294-5665-7312
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>21132894 Yo I'm back, sorry about that. I have one of the ev reducing berries if you're interested, and I'll add you and trade that way.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21133116 Okay. I was just about to sleep. Adding.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21133116 I've got all the EV reducing berries after all. If not the Starf or Lansat, any BP item will do. Maybe a Choice Specs?
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>21133148 Choice specs it is
Julio 3411-1100-2475
>>21133148 Actually, I have a focus sash if you want that instead
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21133166 Eh. Doesn't really matter. Thanks
Julio 3411-1100-2475
Quoted By:
>>21133199 NP, thanks man!
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
Quoted By:
>>21133199 Hey, if you're still here I'm finally back (Landorus-T for LORB)
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Any genners here willing to do me a favor? pls ;_;
Bump, any genners around?
Quoted By:
>>21136226 Bumping, genres pls be live
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21134224 >>21136226 >>21137133 Will take requests. Can't trade with you for another 9 hours or so though.
>>21139506 Are you still here?
Quoted By:
>>21141118 >six hours later Ryuja 3179 - 7304 - 1345
>Pokémon: Keldeo >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Language: EN >--Moves-- >Hidden Power Electric >Hydropump >Secret Sword >IcyWind >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31HP, 1 ATK, 31 DEF, 30 STAK, 31 SDEF, 31VIT >EVs: 252 SATK, 4SDEF, 252VIT Can offert any BP item !
ebinrusemaster2001 !Je5EXfukqI
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
>>21141573 >Pokémon: Landorus >Nickname: no nickname >Level: 90 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Sand Force >Language: English >--Moves-- > Stone Edge > Earthquake > Superpower > U-Turn >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 200HP/252 Atk/ 52 Def >OT Name: Kustem >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: anything is fine >Pokéball: Timer Ball >Origin game: Black I can offer you any BP item.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21141587 I think I've genned like 5 Landorus already lol. Give me a moment.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>21107904 >Pokémon: Ditto >Nickname: Ditto >Level: 100 >Shiny: no >Gender: >Ability: limber >Language: english >--Moves-- > transform > > > >Nature: Bold >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: >OT Name: MATEO >OT Gender: male >ID/SID 01598 >Pokéball: regular >Origin game: black 2 Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141587 Also if you don't mind I'll wait for a couple more requests before bringing this to Kalos. It's been genned already, but I'd rather not do the whole transfer process for just one Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>21141612 Sure, no problem.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141621 Chill man I already saw it.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>21141624 ok, let me know when you're ready so i can put something on the GTS for it
Mic 0001-3560-7869
>Pokémon: Flygon >Nickname: Libelldra >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Female >Ability: Levitate >Language: German >--Moves-- > Earthquake > Stone Edge > U-Turn > Outrage >Nature: >IVs: 31 in all stats except Sp.Atk >EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe >OT Name: Mic >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: Doesn't really matter >Pokéball: Luxury ball >Origin game: Black 2 Can offer Powersave favors in return or a 6 IV's Xerneas/Yveltal that was given away a few weeks back. Thanks!
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141650 Aryt. What nature do you want this?
Mic 0001-3560-7869
>>21141672 Oops, skipped that one! Jolly, please.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141693 >>21141608 >>21141587 All done. Kustem, a Life Orb would be fantastic. Mateo, I don't know how you want me to give this to you. Mic, could you shinify a Greninja for me and put it in a Luxury Ball?
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21141858 Hey, you online?
>>21141858 Done I got you the Life Orb.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Mic 0001-3560-7869
>>21141858 Sure, can do that.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141862 Could you just put something up on the GTS holding the item? Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>21141871 I'll put a lvl 30 Camerupt.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21141869 Cool. Let me just do the GTS ones first.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>21141858 i'll put a Floatzel on the GTS for a Level 100 Ditto
Quoted By:
>>21141871 Got it, thanks a lot mate.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21141869 Hang on I've got to put the Greninja in the box sorry.
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
Quoted By:
>>21141866 I'm adding you RN
David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
>>21141866 I was the landorus-t guy
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21141947 You asked for this too.
>>21120863 David 1865 - 0156 - 4272
Quoted By:
>>21141959 oh, oops. Well my internet just crashed and I really got to go :< thanks again though
>>21141959 Are you still online?
I am
>>21122555 Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21142022 How long will you be online? I'll wait for a couple more requests before transferring this. I've got some journal articles to read. I'll gen it now though.
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
>>21142043 Well, I guess that one hour I can stay online.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21107904 >Pokémon: Bidoof >Nickname: Perfection >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender: male >Ability: moody >Language: Usa >--Moves-- > Hyper Fang > Super Fang > Superpower > Aqua Tail >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Attack/ 4 defense >OT Name: Dylan >OT Gender: male >ID/SID: 10000 >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Black 2 Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21142059 Really? Whatever floats your boat.
Danny 0903-2843-3150
Quoted By:
>>21142059 Putting up a good IV inkay
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21142070 It's the bidoof from pokemon rusty, its for my brother
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21142058 Sigh. It takes about that long to finish up everything. Okay then I'm transferring them now, along with the Rusty Bidoof.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21142022 Do you happen to have a Starf or Lansat berry? I'd prefer those, but if you don't have them, any of the 48 bp items (except rare candy) will do.
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
>>21142197 Focus Sash and Choice Scarf are fine?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21142265 Sorry, would a Specs and a Band be okay?
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
>>21142280 Sure, there's no problem. I already bought them.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>21142306 Awesome. GTS? or FC?
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
Quoted By:
>>21142317 FC better, is more secure.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>21142078 I've sent your Buff Bidoof btw.
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534]
Quoted By:
>>21142317 Thanks dude, I appreciate it.
Was weird because you appeard in passersby section. Anonymous
>Pokémon: Mismagius >Nickname: None >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: >Ability: Levitate >Language: English >--Moves-- >Shadow Ball >Filler (For Dazzling Gleam) >Nasty Plot >Substitute >Nature: Modest >IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 100 Hp/252 Spa/156 >OT Name: Dan >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: N/A >Pokéball: Heal Ball >Origin game: BW2 Don't have much, but can offer breeding leftover Vulpix and Drifloon
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>>21107904 Dear diary, the ass was fat
Dan 0877 0204 4806
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>>21107904 >>Pokémon: Sableye >>Nickname: >>Level: 1 >>Shiny:no >>Gender:male >>Ability:prankster >>Language:english >>--Moves-- >>knock off >>recover >>will-o-wisp >>taunt >>Nature: impish >>IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31 >>EVs: >>OT Name: Devon >>OT Gender: Male >>ID/SID: 55164 >>Pokéball: pokeball >>Origin game: kb shiny talonflame, kb shiny charizard, kb shiny fearow, kb shiny larvesta for trade
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>>21129515 well my "shit" Dusclops did pretty well it turns out
>ZSTG-WWWW-WWW9-TL86 Sibi - 2766-8704-2150
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>Pokémon: Latias >Nickname: Aeoin >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: F >Ability: Levitate >Language: English >--Moves-- > Defog > Water Pulse > Shock Wave > Trick >Nature: Timid >IVs: 30/1/30/30/31/30 >EVs: 252 Speed 184 Special Attack 56 HP 16 Special Defense>OT Name: SuB >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 23169 >Pokéball: Dream Ball >Origin game: Heart Gold
David 5344-0275-3540
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Any genners still around?