Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
Want to chat, fuck around, shitpost or circle jerk?
Go here:
https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#/gg/ channel: #/gg/
http://pastebin.com/gwEhXD5A This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
did you get meloetta to scream out a relic song?
>>21127787 holy shit op, that pic might be a little too much
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This the same zek guy? Cascade here lol
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Fucking love you, this guy delivers
No more discs for Zekrom. I should probably just do full boxes when giving stuff out.
>>21127835 Janitor is a furfag who hates humans, not sure either way to be honest.
>>21127905 You're that waifufaggot from that other thread.
>>21127897 how about the other 2?
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>>21127935 U fokkin wot m8?
I'm not bui
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Is op still here?
IGN: beaniegirl
Does anyone have shiny yveltal? disc is up
>>21127995 Is it shiny disc
>>21127945 Maybe some other time it gets slightly hectic trying to get to everyone. I only had planned on giving out 3 of each mon. But then people came out of the wood work for it.
>>21127995 It's shiny locked I believe. It wouldn't be able to leave the cart that it's on.
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>>21128019 Thanks for what you were able to do though!
IGN: beaniegirl
>>21128001 im not giving you a shiny disc are you reyarded
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>>21128030 shiny disc is honestly really easy to get though, could probably catch one in 15 minutes if youre good at pressing buttons at correct times
William 2895-8521-4806
IGN: beaniegirl
>>21128030 Stop copying my name
IGN: beaniegirl
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Hey faggots where's my free shit at
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Why does getting the event legends have to be such a pain?
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Nigggga you missed out
William 2895-8521-4806
looking for a meowth, in GTS everyone asks for legendaries
>>21128045 >>21128103 This isn't really the place to be asking.
But if you're willing to wait and don't care about the ball I can breed you one
William 2895-8521-4806
>>21128111 >sorry I know, but there isn't anyone in wfg I can wait and dont care about ball
>>21128134 fair enough
It'll be in a pokeball, adamant
Gender preference? or nickname?
William 2895-8521-4806
>>21128142 no preference and no nickname, thanks
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>>21128153 Luvdisc up for it
William 2895-8521-4806
>>21128279 sorry Im here, can i put something else, dont have ludisc now
William 2895-8521-4806
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>>21128279 swirlix up for meowth, thanks
>>21128286 Yeah just let me know what.
Only hatched males but got one with technician, should be at least 5ivs
William 2895-8521-4806
>>21128306 Ok sent, enjoy.
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Alright, Kanto birds are all cloned and ready to go for tomorrow morning. So in maybe 8-9 hours
William 2895-8521-4806
I have some leftover scizor from last time, if you want one put a zubat on the gts with "/vp/ Chloe" as the message
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>21128345 sure thing! many thanks!
bat is up!
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>>21128345 Forgot to mwntion, theyre lv 50 and female
>>21128345 I will have one if you don't mind.
Ign Andres, bat up.
>>21127787 Anybody have the actual image version of this?
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>>21128345 >>21128356 Oh are they nicknamable? If so, can you surprise me with a nickname?
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>21128373 oh nevermind! thanks!
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>>21127787 Damn, that's the hairiest arm/hand I've ever seen.
I have FIVE of these. They are NOT shiny. They're adamant, 6IV, in a premier ball holding an enigma berry. They know Swords Dance, Extremespeed, Earthquake and Overheat. Since they're not tradeable over the GTS, here's how to get one: 1. Reply to this post with your IGN. 2. Upload a combee asking for a combee. Once I've traded you, leave the GTS. 3. I'll acquaintance trade you and give you an Arceus for a random shitmon. Remember I only have 5 so be fast
Lux 3239-3557-2190
IGN: Xanniqua
>>21128466 Give me a moment.
Ign Andres
Still doin it? Ign Cascade
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21128466 I already have you as an acquaintance Mend, ty you superstar
>>21128466 Bee is up. Thank you.
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>>21128466 In game name BishopGrey
IGN: Xanniqua
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>>21128491 >>21128477 Send me a trade request, I can't see you :(
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>>21128466 tfy missed this...
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21128466 i couldn't find you as an acquaintance so i did the bee thing
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>21128466 i have you on aquantince, can i just get on from there?
IGN: Xanniqua
>>21128466 >>21128477 >>21128482 >>21128486 >>21128488 >>21128493 Ah shit. Arceus can't be traded, probably because I got it from a wondercard
I'll do something else instead, give me 15 mins
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>>21128532 It's cool. Thanks for trying.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21128532 Yep, no worries Mend
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>>21128532 Very well.
Thanks for trying!
Looking for an adamant dratini with multiscale. I need it the maison, just got screwed over at battle 40 in singles. I know I'm begging but I'm desperate.
>>21128558 I've got one laying around.
What have you got to offer?
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21128558 i have 1 in a dream ball
>>21128566 I can trade you Lv 1 Jolly, 4 IV (missing defense and sp atk) Kangashkan in a level ball. It knows hammer arm and double edge.
What are you expecting?
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So whos sean/galle17?
>>21128607 Not him but if you're in the maison you could offer a bp item if you're that desperate.
However I'm sure you could get one from someone who doesn't expect anything in return
>>21128607 It honestly doesn't matter what you give me.
Put something on the GTS and I'll send it your way!
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>>21128621 Waiting for that guy to reply.
>>21128580 Hey, what do you want in return?
>>21128635 Ok sweet!
I'll give you the kangaskhan as promised, hopefully doesn't get sniped
IGN: Anna
Message: /vp/
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Anyone spare a diancie or want to trade shinies
>>21128663 thanks yo
Awww, it;s also holding a starf berry. Made my day anon!!
>>21128672 You're welcome.
That's enough for me. Late as hell.
Night /gg/
>>21128683 goodnight friend
>>21128689 were you doing another thing with Combee's or did i miss that completely?
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>>21128723 I was gonna give away Arceus via acquaintance trade but they're untradeable :(
working on cloning something else now, shouldn't be too long
Diancie giveaway? Cause lord knows gstop screws people over for codes lol
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>>21127787 >that fucking hairy arm jesus man
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>>21128763 i manage a store and i usually try to get as many extra event codes i can get and give them away. if that happens, i got /vp/ covered.
I have 30 of these They're fully EV trained, Bold, in a dive ball, holding leftovers, pentaperfect etc etc etc Put up a combee on the GTS asking for a level 50 female Milotic Lux, Xanniqua, Andres, Cascade and Michi have first dibs because of the last giveaway fail
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Thanks Mend 0w0
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>21128792 bee is up! thanks mend!
>>21128792 up! awesome, she'll be going in my oras team. cant put gender cause i havent seen one yet so hopefully that doesnt mean a skip
IGN: Xanniqua
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>>21128792 Bee is up!
Thank you so much Mend!
>>21128792 Combee is up! IGN is Jeff. Thanks in advance!
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>>21128792 Combee up thanks
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>>21128792 Bee up, thanks in advance.
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Beez in the trap errr i mean up
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21128792 woo thanks Mend! I love you, bee going up
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>>21128792 Combee going up, ign is michelle, thanks in advance!
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>>21128792 Combee going up!
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Mend confirmed best of vp thanks for milotic
>>21128807 Nope that's fine, sent
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>>21128847 hnnnng, thanks once again mend
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>>21128792 ign sean
combee up. thankyou mend
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>>21128814 >>21128792 Just got mine. Thanks so much! You're awesome to do giveaways like this
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>>21128792 bee's up, cheers.
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>>21128792 Just got mine, thanks again. You rock.
>>21127787 >I would have preferred ??? over icing (?), though is that what it says
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>>21128885 the ??? you are referring to is "KY"
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Welp thanks Mend for the pokes gonna go beat off to my Zekrom and shiny Milotic now
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>>21128792 Got it. Thank you.
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>>21128792 Just got mine, thanks a bunch!
All requests on the GTS are cleared, I'll wait another 15 minutes for latecomers though Does anyone have a Kalos caught Zapdos and Articuno I can borrow for 1 minute to clone? :D
>>21128923 Can you hold one milotic for me? Starting 3ds now...
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
>>21128923 I can let you borrow my Articuno if you're still here.
>>21128792 Combee up! Hope I'm not too late. IGN is Ron Jon
>>21128923 Bee up now, ign Igano. Is it possible for you to nickname the milotic? If yes, name her Nowi
Thanks anyway!!!
Thread Hidden Expert !!TNyAHGe8fIO
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>>21128358 Found it via Google search, but it's not the "lube" version.
>>21129168 I can't nickname it sorry
>>21129130 >>21129100 >>21129157 sent
>>21129142 Added you, my FC is 1907-9496-1998
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
>>21129173 Alright, I'm getting on.
>>21129183 Thanks so much. Keep the lotad, give me a random shitmon back for the articuno
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>>21129183 oops I cancelled trade, do you want the Lotad?
Luka | 1349-6385-5686
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>>21129231 Oh, I thought you wanted it back, well it's fine, already got that Milotic from you anyway.
>>21128792 Bee up ! IGN Halibel. Hope I'm not too late. Thanks anywa.
Sr Samuel
>>21128792 Two hours late, but, is there any left? If so I deposited the Bee
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>>21129325 I'm curious about it too
>>21129290 >>21129325 sent both, still have two left
Namena 1306 6538 0721
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>>21129669 Just put a bee up if theyre still there, thanks
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
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>>21129669 Put a Bee up. Thanks!
>>21129669 looks like I missed interesting times again.
>>21130023 I have something to give away in 30 mins - 1 hour, stick around
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21130046 What is your favourite pokemon Mend?
>>21130155 Espeon or Latias, close tie
>>21130199 are you still around mend?
Giveaway: Dead hours edition I have 30 of these girls They are Modest, Level 50, Female, in a Dive ball, with Pixilate (HA). They also have Hyper Voice, a transfer only move. They're holding Choice Specs. Not only that, but they're Hidden Power Ground as well! To get one put up a Combee on the GTS with the message /gg/ Mend. I'll be going in GTS order so be quick.
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>>21130394 heh. I do love Blue Sylveon. Thanks Mend.
Combee up
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>>21130394 Oh they're also fully EV trained, forgot to say that
244 HP, 252 SpA, 12 Spe
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
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>>21130394 Getting a bee up. Thank you Mend!
>>21130394 here's a question. how does HP ground and pixilate work?
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>>21130394 put up a level 17 female combee for you kind anon. IGN is Nayiru. Thank you so much!
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>>21130394 ooo, I'm down
Combeeing up
IGN: Karz
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>>21130444 good question, I'm 99% sure Hidden Power stays as ground type though
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>>21130394 IGN is Jack, cheers man.
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>>21130394 combee up ign sean
thanks mend
>>21130394 Conbee up! Thanks Mend :)
IGN: Kron
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>>21130483 Combee Up! Thanks mend :)
IGN Paula
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>>21130394 Bee's up, man. Thanks!
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>>21130394 Bee up ! You're really the best !
>>21128792 Do you have any more of these? I
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>>21130503 Aww its ok. Thanks for doing this giveaway though!
Danny 3368 3101 6852
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>>21130394 bee up thanks mate
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Sun 28 Sep 2014 13:59:57 No. 21130519 Report Quoted By:
>>21130394 still going? im uploading a bee soon
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Sun 28 Sep 2014 14:06:55 No. 21130556 Report Quoted By:
>>21130394 sheeeit hopefully i got mine in on time
IGN: Xanniqua
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>>21130394 Still up? Bee is up! Thanks Mend!
IGN: beaniegirl
It's still going. Got about 8 left
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21130563 >21130563 bee going up for this
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21130394 oh my god bee up
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>>21130394 Hey! Putting combee up! hope ive made the list! IGN Seb
IGN: beaniegirl
>>21130571 awwww yeeesssss
you just made my morning
IGN: beaniegirl
>>21130571 hay mend i was wondering if you still had a milotic left i will trade you for something.
>>21130645 I don't sorry :( just sent your Sylveon though.
That was the last one, I'm all out of Sylveon now. Giveaway's over
Vote here for the next giveaway or reply to this post with a suggestion
http://strawpoll.me/2664051 IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21130394 Awesome! thanks heaps!
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat)
CptP 2165-7491-6321 (Gabite/Druddigon/Noibat) Sun 28 Sep 2014 14:46:34 No. 21130853 Report Quoted By:
>>21130653 >dratini if i miss that one i will be so pissed
You guys ready for a giveaway?
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>>21131272 I was fucking born ready
Alright guys, first up today is Zapdos, 30 of them EV trained and ready to go. You can adopt this thunder bird, but ONLY if you put a bunnelby on GTS with the message "/vp/ Zapdos"
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>>21131321 fuck man ur so based
>>21131321 >Naughty Dropped.
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>>21127787 I had no idea that Yu Zhenhuan was the Boogie
1848-2791-7645 Mightyena, Sableye, Sandile
1848-2791-7645 Mightyena, Sableye, Sandile Sun 28 Sep 2014 15:37:09 No. 21131375 Report Quoted By:
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>>21131321 jap lvl 5 bunny up. ign xenia.
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>>21131369 No Freki, it's not
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21131321 bunnelby up cheers
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>>21131321 Bunnelby's up. Thanks mate.
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>>21131321 Bunnelby's up, thanks Ponder!
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>>21131321 bunny up
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>>21131321 Bunnelby had hopped into place.
Ign Andres.
IGN: Kron
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>>21131321 Bunny up! This is the last bird i need lol....Thanks!
Incarnate (1907-9257-6870)
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>>21131321 Bunnelby up! Thanks in advance!
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>>21131321 Bummy is up, thanks a lot!
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>>21131321 Bunny up. Thanks.
IGN: Arri
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>>21131321 Deposited! Thank you!
IGN Aleister
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>>21131607 shit forgot my name
ign synkrz
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>>21131321 IGN Karz
Bunnelbying up
One more before I sleep I have 30 of these as usual They're Adamant, 6IV in a Dream Ball. They have Marvel Scale(HA) which becomes Multiscale when it evolves into Dragonite. They have the egg moves Iron Tail and Extremespeed. They're holding Ability Capsules. They're all FEMALE and LEVEL 1. Bee up
ign synkrz
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>>21131627 Lemme go catch a bee after I get done trading these
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Bee up thanks ign bug
IGN: Ganolink
ign synkrz
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>>21131627 Bee is up ign SynkRz
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>>21131627 Bee up. IGN is Shadnic.
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>>21131627 I would like one!
Bee is up, Ign: Andres
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>>21131627 Alright, bee is up
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>>21131627 Bunnelby up IGN Denisse
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>>21131627 Bee up, thanks.
IGN:Michael 1848-2791-7645 Mightyena, Sableye, Sandile
IGN:Michael 1848-2791-7645 Mightyena, Sableye, Sandile Sun 28 Sep 2014 16:15:07 No. 21131748 Report Quoted By:
ign synkrz
>>21131627 Do i have to put /gg/ ?
IGN: Patchhy
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Bee up, thanks Mend!
Duo 3351-4378-7742
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>>21131627 Combee ready to go, thank you for the giveaway
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>>21131627 bee up, thanks mend!
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>>21131749 nah doesn't matter
IGN: Kron
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>>21131627 Be up! Thanks mend!!!
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
IGN Aleister
Jayden 3411-0972-8112
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>>21131627 Bee is up. Thanks
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>>21131627 combee up, thanks!
IGN: Ganolink
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>>21131627 Bunnelby up based god
Sr Samuel
>>21131627 Hey Mend what time zone are you in?
>>21131809 east coast of Aus, 2:20AM here atm lol
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>>21131627 Bee up ! Hope it's not too late. Thanks again for all the giveaways you've done today.
I keep getting random connection errors that force me to restart the game, anybody else getting them?
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21131850 I haven't gotten mine,it kicks you off as you trade or something?
>>21131811 Ah okay. I went to sleep one evening and woke up the next morning and you were still giving away! Im from east coast USA so it makes sense now. I hope to participate in your giveaways soon though. I appreciate it!
IGN Aleister
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>>21131928 yeah exactly. happened twice just now but it seems to be alright again
Incarnate (1907-9257-6870)
>>21131627 Bunny up. Thanks Mend
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21131986 its a combee he is asking for
IGN Aleister
Thanks for the dragonling Mend, hope your net problems resolve soon so you can get yourself some shut-eye.
>>21131972 I see you only have 30 left any way you still have any more?
>>21132010 I have 8 left atm but there's a lot of bees up on the GTS still. Since it's been really popular I might do more tomorrow when I wake up
>>21132000 Thanks!
nice trips Anonymous
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>>21132025 That's cool thanks anyways!
>>21132025 When you do come back do you need any Pokemon for future giveaways? I've got a few larvitars in friendballs with egg moves with the right nature just missing one iv
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21132045 wow, can i grab one of those now? or is that really bad form. I can trade a sycther, adamant 5iv
>>21132045 Anything with egg moves would be awesome. I can alter Nature, Ball, IVs and Shininess with my Powersave so thats not an issue
Transfer moves like stealth rock heatran and hyper voice ralts would be AMAZING as well as most pre gen6 legends.
I'm all out of Dratinis now, sorry to anybody who missed out.
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>>21132081 I can give it to ya that's fine let me see if I have a female
>>21132087 I can give you a shiny hyper voice ralts for one those dratinis
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
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>>21132087 Forgot to add my info
Sadly I don't own a gen5 game but I do have a few pokes with egg moves and bankballs I'll sort them out and see what's good
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>>21132112 Sure. May as well clone some more while I'm at it
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21132081 You're in luck anon I have a flawless female
aldo210 0103-9701-3254(magmar,charmeleon,braixen)
aldo210 0103-9701-3254(magmar,charmeleon,braixen) Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:07:01 No. 21132218 Report Quoted By:
>>21131627 bee up!
hope im not too late
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>>21132112 Do you want me to put a Dratini up for the ralts? My IGN is Tom.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21132148 I would feel bad taking your flawless pokemon, 5iv is fine.I would also like to take the time to decide what to name it since its one of my favourite pokemon but i really appreciate the offer
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21132260 female would be great though since the ball is prefect for it.
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21132260 Dude I have a 6iv one making perfect babies with my whoreditto don't worry I can breed more
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21132329 ok thank you very much, I can only offer my 5iv sycther for it. You are the best gore thanks so much
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Anyone have a female luvdisc in a love ball?
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21132353 gori (auto correct)
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>>21132353 Holy shit I expected that Gif to be gore when you said that
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21132353 Dude keep your scyther like I said I can breed tons of these bastards plus I have enough scythers haha just give me a scatterbug or whatever
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21132429 ok no problem, i think I'm online but my net is slow since i am uploading videos.
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>>21128792 None left I'm guessing? Oh well always next time
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
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>>21132445 Thanks for the "tip" didn't have to but I'll take it
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21132488 thank you so much Gori. I am thrilled. tyranitar is my bro, especially in this ball, this is my grail
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21132529 Haha no worries enjoy should've asked if you wanted a nickname for her
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:40:34 No. 21132590 Report hi guys im looking for a lileep with HA
>>21132590 I happen to have one, but it's male. Put something up.
Reminder that this is NOT the place to ask.
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:44:58 No. 21132642 Report Quoted By:
>>21132614 k dude thanks gonna put up dratini
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:46:01 No. 21132651 Report Anonymous
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:48:57 No. 21132681 Report Quoted By:
>>21132677 >0834-1852-7697 wow thanks dude :)
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21132542 she is perfect as is, thank you
Giveaway Fairy !ZKzDKlh9Bg
Alright I got some Bagons here. Put up a pidgey on the GTS asking either for Sheer Force (Which will become Moxie when it becomes a Salamance) or Rock Head (Which will become Intimidate). They will be holding Roseli berries and have Pokerus on them. Put /gg/ in the summary too. And no, they are not shiny.
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21133463 Pigdy is up. IGN is Shadnic.
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21133500 give me a sec i have to catch one
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
>>21133463 bird up for rock head thx a lot
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21133463 Pidgey up sheer force please
IGN: beaniegirl
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21133463 Hey there, pidgy up, may i please get sheer force baygon please? thanks giveaway fairy
IGN: beaniegirl
IGN: Patchhy
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Pidgey up for Sheer Force, thank you!
After that hiatus, part 2 of this giveaway is this Articuno. It can be hours today, but ONLY if you upload a bunnelby with the message /vp/ Articuno".
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
>>21133793 Bunny up thanks mate
Lux 3239-3557-2190
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>>21133793 bunnnelby up, thanks so much
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
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>>21133588 Thanks I got mine
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>>21133793 Bunny up! IGN is Dv987. Thank you so much!
IGN Gori 5472-7774-4852
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion]
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion] Sun 28 Sep 2014 19:36:59 No. 21133900 Report Quoted By:
>>21133793 Yeeee bess bird, Bunnelby up!
ign abdul
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>>21133793 bunnelby going up
aldo210 0103-9701-3254(magmar,charmeleon,braixen)
aldo210 0103-9701-3254(magmar,charmeleon,braixen) Sun 28 Sep 2014 19:38:51 No. 21133924 Report Quoted By:
bunny up! thanks!!
IGN: Matthew
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion]
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion] Sun 28 Sep 2014 19:44:09 No. 21133979 Report Quoted By:
>>21133793 Thanks Ponder you are a credit to team
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21133793 bunny up. ign xenia.
IGN: Antonio
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>>21133793 Bunny is up. Thanks!
Alright, let's move on to part 3. Put up a bunnelby on the GTS with the message "/vp/ Articuno", and you can adopt one of these fire birds today. If you still want an Articuno, there are 15 left so throw a bunny up for them.
ign abdul
>>21134122 lel you mean /vp/ moltres right?
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>>21134141 Yeah, /vp/ Moltres
Also, next giveaway in four days will be Gourgeist and Crawdaunt
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion]
Aleister 2836-0635-1383 [Psychic:Drowzee,Sigilyph,Duosion] Sun 28 Sep 2014 20:01:49 No. 21134186 Report Quoted By:
>>21134122 Bunny up, also looking forward to Gourgeist!
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Sun 28 Sep 2014 20:04:01 No. 21134202 Report Quoted By:
>>21134122 Bunny is up!
Thank you for the give aways man.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21134122 man i feel really bad, i just wanted to grab an arcane since your message said you where giving them away, i gave you a 5iv rats and although i really love latias i didn't know you where busy with this new give away, so sorry.
bunny is going up
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
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>>21134122 bunny up thanks ponder
>>21134215 If you want an Arcanine just throw up a bunny after you get Moltres
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>>21134122 bunny up ign xenia
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>>21134122 Changed my mind, put a bunny up for Moltres
Lux 3239-3557-2190
>>21134235 done, sorry for any inconvenience i caused you, thank you for everything
>>21134320 Not an inconvenience at all, I have like four boxes of those things waiting to be Wonder traded. Though if you guys want those given away as well, I can do that later next week as well as Gouregeist and Crawdaunt
Lux 3239-3557-2190
IGN: Xanniqua
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
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>>21134122 bunny going up!
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Missed Zapdos, oh well bunny up for Moltres
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New thread, you lazy mongrels:
>>21134497 >>21134497 >>21134497 IGN Ganolink
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>>21133793 Bunnbelby up Ice man