he IS ripping the bones and everything. He has a few more ripped and is fixing them so he can upload them. In due time, he said he'll refine the process and share it with the public.
#065: Alakazam / Mega Alakazam
#127: Pinsir / Mega Pinsir
#142: Aerodactyl / Mega Aerodactyl
#214: Heracross / Mega Heracross
#282: Gardevoir / Mega Gardevoir
#359: Absol / Mega Absol
#380: Latias / Mega Latias
#381: Latios / Mega Latios
#409: Rampardos
#549: Lilligant
#566: Archen
#667: Litleo
#673: Gogoat
#677: Espurr
#686: Inkay
#692: Clauncher
#696: Tyrunt
#697: Tyrantrum
#699: Aurorus
#701: Hawlucha
#706: Goodra
#714: Noibat
#715: Noivern
In short: soon every Pokemon will be extracted, rigged, and ready to go.
I can't contain my excitement. I'm a 3d print fag and will do a give-away once I get some rigged/posed files printed. In the past, 3d Pokemon models have sucked in official games. Stadium was okay, but the models used in PBR were awful, even for the time they were made. The X/Y models are of high enough quality, I foresee them being used well into the future.
That being said, I still want to express my thanks to Asuna. You've done some great work yourself!