I think they're skipping the third version this generation and jumping right to 7, which suits me fine because I didn't really like Kalos.
I actually liked most of the new pokemon, but the region was bland and I really dislike the mega-evo gimmick. It might grow on me when more pokemon have access to it, but I feel some stuff like Mawile just should have gotten normal evolutions, it's not like her BST was preventing her from being a 2 stage or something, fuck even Scyther is a two stage.
>>21178714I hope to god they skip Sinnoh remakes. Hoenn wasn't my favorite region but it was better than that trainwreck of a generation.
>>21179509Pokemon will never be rebooted and I doubt they'll stop milking it, I just hope that Kalos was only so bare because they had to make a lot of new 3D assets, it's sad because IMO Kalos is not only less deep than Unova was, the games look worse than they did with sprites and even suffer from framerate issues.
Gen 5 was recent and shows that they can still take the pokemon core formula and make a fucking fantastic single player experience with it. I know they were discussing a 'simplification' of the battle system in gen 7, I hope this is just a clean up of the hundreds of completely superfluous moves and some balance adjustments to BSTs and some abilities, since the power creep is really getting out of hand, especially with shit like M-Gengar and M-Kanga around.