Pokégen is still alive for those who have an action replay/R4 flashcart and a retail cartridge,
Pokecheck.org is down for "maintenance" and there's only a few genners left! Remember that only Pokémon from Gen 5 and below can be genned. When requesting a Pokémon use the format below:
>Pokémon: >Nickname: >Level: >Shiny: >Gender: >Ability: >Language: >--Moves-- > > > > >Nature: >IVs: >EVs: >OT Name: >OT Gender: >ID/SID >Pokéball: >Origin game: Pleeeease try to use this format when requesting Pokémon, it can add about an extra 2 minutes to the time it take me to gen stuff when all the criteria is out of order.
Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, balltism females, other breeding leftovers.. Breeding leftovers are always nice I guess. Please don't just chuck us a Disc though, it actually takes a while to get these Pokémon into Gen 6.
>FAQ: >Can you generate any Pokémon I want? Only 'mons from Gen 5 and below.
>Is there a Pokégen for Gen 6 'mons? Not that we have access to.
>Can the location be set to XY? Nope.
>Can you put a Gen 4 Pokéball on a Gen 5 'mon? Nope.
>My Pokémon has egg moves; can I put a specific Pokéball on it? Nope.
>Can I check online for a guide on egg/level up/tutor moves? http://www.pokemondb.net/pokedex ; you can also try Serebii or Bulbapedo.
>Is there any risk at using genned pokemons online? Other than being horribly humiliated by a complete stranger, no.
>Isn't this cheating? Maybe, some people don't want/have the time to breed for pentaperfect 'mons; if you're against cheating what the fuck are you doing here?
Please make sure the Pokémon you are requesting is legal IN GEN 5. I cannot generate 6th gen egg move/Pokéball combos for you.
>>21183496 Are there actually genners here this time?
Ian 3582-9569-0649
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Ledian >Nickname: Jason >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Iron Fist >Language: English >--Moves-- >Bug Bite >Dizzy Punch >Drain Punch >Knock Off >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31 all >EVs: 4HP, 252Atk, 252Speed >OT Name: whatever >OT Gender: whatever >ID/SID whatever >Pokéball: whatever >Origin game:whatever Based genbro, can you make this happen? I'll pay for your kid's college in return.
Rick 0447-5628-9084 {2383} {0922} {2003}
My dang flashcart broke a few months ago and I haven't been able to gen shit since then. What's the best option as far as getting a new one goes?
>>21185044 I've used a SuperCardDSTWO for the past few years and haven't had any problems. Had a DSTT before that and it was shit. If you're going to gen a lot of stuff and have a retail cart though, an AR would be much more convenient.
>>21185044 Action replay. Instantly Gen 7 pokemon at a time to your cart. None of that bs trading from flashcart to game cart then Pokebank.
IGN Michael
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Scizor >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Technician >Language: English >--Moves-- >Bullet Punch >Knock Off >Swords Dance >Roost >Nature: Impish >IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31 >EVs: 248 HP / 84 Attack / 176 Special Defense >OT Name: [your name] >OT Gender: [your gender] >ID/SID: [your ID] >Pokéball: Premier Ball >Origin game: Platinum (Or whatever works; doesn't matter to me) Can offer ANY BP item you might want. Thanks a million.
>>21183496 >Caring about pokegen now that Powersaves 3DS can manipulate IV's LOL
Rick 0447-5628-9084 {2383} {0922} {2003}
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>>21185376 >>21185350 I actually do have an AR, but I lost the usb cable for it.
Some codes are short enough to input manually, but most would take fucking forever, even assuming I don't fuck up somewhere.
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>>21186366 >what are transfer only moves Anonymous
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>caring about pokegen when you can literally use powersaves to spawn and modify pokemon >should only be caring about pokegen if you need egg and transfer moves >pls
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Any kind would who could take a request?
Jamie 4442-0241-8968
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pokemon: genesect no nickname shiny please OT name: jamie OT gender: male origin game: black2 i don't give a shit about IV's and i can EV train it myself. i just want the standard moves for genesect and if you could put it in a cherish ball that would be A fucking +. i can give you a Yveltal in return. thanks genbro
Danny 0903-2843-3150
>>21183496 >Pokémon: Unknown >Nickname: The D >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender: unknown......Get it? >Ability: levitate >Language: USA >--Moves-- > Hidden Power (Rock) >.... >.... >.... >Nature: Modest >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Special attack/ 252 speed/ >OT Name: Danny >OT Gender: Male >ID/SID: 51125 >Pokéball: Duskball >Origin game: Diamond Putting up Inkay
Danny 0903-2843-3150
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>>21192716 I can't believe I actually misspelled that pokemon's name
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Any helpers around?
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
Quoted By:
Pokemon: Rayquaza Nickname:Raqiz Level:100 Shiny:Yes Gender:N/A Ability:Air Lock Language:English Earthquake Dragon Claw Extremespeed Overheat Nature:Jolly IVs:All 6 EVs:252 Atk/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe OT name:Jozzle OT Gender:Male ID/SID:20214 Pokeball:Cherish Origin Game: whatever
IGN Jozzle 1435-4668-9923
Quoted By:
>>21183496 Pokemon: Rayquaza
Ability:Air Lock
Dragon Claw
IVs:All 6
EVs:252 Atk/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
OT name:Jozzle
OT Gender:Male
Origin Game: whatever
offering a weakness policy
>>21192716 That's not HP Rock.
Let me help you.
IVs: 31/0/30/31/30/30
IGN:Dr.Love Ph.D 4699-7173-1909
Quoted By:
If Anyone is around to help with a request>Pokémon:Zekrom >Nickname: >Level:100 >Shiny:no >Gender:genderless >Ability:terravolt >Language:english >--Moves-- >Bolt Strike >Volt Switch >Outrage >Draco Meteor >Nature:Naughty >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe >OT Name:any >OT Gender:any >ID/SID:any >Pokéball:premier ball >Origin game:white
Kael – 2878 9579 6916 !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
>>21186366 >not using both Nick 0447-7071-7278
Quoted By:
>Pokémon:Reuniclus >Nickname:Reuniclus >Level:100 >Shiny:y >Gender:m >Ability:Magic guard >Language:English >--Moves-- >trick >Psychic >heal lock >recover >Nature:calm >IVs:31 all >EVs: 252 def 252 Spc Def rest on hp >OT Name:Nick >OT Gender:m >ID/SID n/a >Pokéball: n/a >Origin game:n/a I have a shiny Ninjask with leftovers for your troubles
Danny 0903-2843-3150
somebody wanted a Bulky Swords Dance Scizor?
>>21194772 Yes please.
IGN: Michael
FC: 5386 - 8479 - 9512
Thanks a lot. Do you want any BP items?
>>21194782 IGN: Lobster
FC: 0189-9414-6441
not particularly unless you're drowning in BP
>>21194822 You want a random KB 5IV leftover then?
Also, added you. Online now.
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>>21194830 Thanks a lot! Should be a pentaperfect adamant Axew in premier ball with DD.
Unless I messed up.
>>21194830 ty. i realized as we were trading that i didn't think through the end-to-end legality. it passed through bank in a pokeball and i PSed it to premier. i think i should have genned a DW "scyther" in premier ball instead of a bred one (default pokeball). anyway i didn't want to delay the trade at that point. i can redo everything now if you want though.
>>21186366 I bet pokesaves cant do this :^)
I also have a wonder guard eelektross holding air baloon. Anonymous
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>>21194871 >not wonder guard mega manectric with air balloon smh
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>>21194867 It passed through Battle Spot just now.
Thoughts? Pokeball is fine if that's easier.
>>21194871 can you use those in a battle vs passer-bys?
>>21194871 >can't be used in battles it's fucking nothing
>Pokémon: Kyurem >Nickname: Hail >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: n/a >Ability: Pressure >Language:English >--Moves-- >Earth Power >Ice Beam >Substitute >blank >Nature:Rash >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe >OT Name: doesn't matter >OT Gender: doesn't matter >ID/SID doesn't matter >Pokéball: Masterball >Origin game: Black 2 I have plenty of Gen 6 shinies, BP items, and a spare HP fire Greninja for trade.
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>>21194904 Forgot to add friend code
3883 6511 2054 ign Garrett
>>21194867 If it's not too big of a deal, I'd rather have you PS it into a Pokéball someday.
Thanks again, though.
>>21194904 okay this will be the last one for tonight though. see
>>21194822 for FC
>>21194918 oh, sure i'll just resend the pkm and trade you when i finish the above.
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>>21194921 Also, I'd like to compliment you on the excellent OP name.
Garrett 3883 6511 2054
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>>21194936 i derped the Kyurem and bank didn't like it. gonna retry
Zeruel [3110-5242-1866]
>>21183496 >Pokémon: Tyranitar >Nickname: Your choice >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Unnerve >Language: yours >--Moves-- >Stone Edge, Crunch, Pursuit, EQ >Crunch >Pursuit >EQ >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs:252 ATK/ 4 DEF/ 252 INIT >OT Name: yours >OT Gender: yours >ID/SID: yours >Pokéball: you decide, make something cool >Origin game: HG/SS maybe? dunno I've got some nice Elekids with eggmoves, 4 IVs mainly. Would give you one.
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Scizor re-do. You are a good... crustacean.
>Pokémon: Blissey >Nickname: Blissey >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: female >Ability: Natural cure >Language: English >--Moves-- >Wish >aromatherapy >seismic toss >toxic >Nature: Calm >IVs: 31 all >EVs: 4HP, 252def, 252SpDef >OT Name: Sharkradical >OT Gender: m >ID/SID 02763 >Pokéball: something cool >Origin game:whatever Wish Blissey was originally an event mon i believe. Not sure if its possible to gen. To whomever can do this for me, i can give you bp items, a blastoisinite, breeding leftovers or anything else you name ill try get for you. Thanks in advance
Garrett 3883 6511 2054
Thanks for the kyurem bud!
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>>21195009 sorry that took so long, i must be misreading bulbapedia's encounter info cuz the Black 2 data just wasn't working. I switched to Black and bank accepted it immediately
>>21194969 Unnerve is the HA so it'll hve to come from genV
>>21195001 Aromatherapy is an egg move so it's incompatible with Wish.
if you guys are still here i can transfer these two in a couple minutes
Zeruel [3110-5242-1866]
Quoted By:
>>21195065 >Unnerve is the HA so it'll hve to come from genV Yeah, no problem, isn't important. Do it from genV then, please.
Zeruel [3110-5242-1866]
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>>21195065 I've added you, but you didn't add me until know. I can't see you online.
Quoted By:
>>21195065 Im still here.
Ign shark fc 4141 3068 9783
Added you.
Micheal 4441-9582-4040
>>21195065 Woul you be willing to do this as well
>Pokémon: Hippowdon >Nickname: None >Level:100 >Shiny:No >Gender:Female >Ability:Sand Stream >Language:English >--Moves-- >Stealth Rock >Slack Off >Toxic >Earthquake >Nature:Impish >IVs:Flawless >EVs:252 HP/4 Atk/252 Def >OT Name:N/A >OT Gender:N/A >ID/SID: Doesn't matter to me >Pokéball:Nest ball >Origin game:White 2 I have Stealth rock swinub with thick fat, Belly Drum, aqua Jet Superpower Marrils, and Adamant DDance Outrage Charmanders.
Micheal 4441-9582-4040
>>21195122 actually could I get whirlwind instead of toxic on that set?
>>21195122 Do you actually spell your name "Micheal"?
As a real Michael, I find that highly offensive.
Micheal 4441-9582-4040
Quoted By:
>>21195134 yes, it's pronounced "my cheel"
shark 4141-3068-9783
Not sure why, but i cant see you in my FL lobster. I got a msg saying that we were registered and everything
>>21195122 >I have Stealth rock swinub with thick fat, Belly Drum, aqua Jet Superpower Marrils, and Adamant DDance Outrage Charmanders. You do realize they can gen those themselves right?
>>21195144 i got your blissey past bank
>>21194969 apparently im not good at balls so i'll try one more time with just a pokeball (i've gotten HA tyranitars past bank before by creating them as hatched mons) also im sleepy so i might be missing something super obvious
shark 4141-3068-9783
>>21195162 Thanks. Do you want anything in return?
>>21195170 not particularly, as
>>21195152 points out, cheating scum like me can gen/ps almost anything i want
Zeruel [3110-5242-1866]
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>>21195162 >i'll try one more time with just a pokeball no problem
shark 4141-3068-9783
Quoted By:
>>21195184 well thank you very much. Your a legend. A king amongst men.
Zeruel [3110-5242-1866]
>>21195130 bank doesn't like Whirlwind and Nest Ball so i'll transfer a toxic nest ball and a whirlwind pokeball once i'm done trading with zeruel
Micheal 4441-9582-4040
>>21195233 Eh just make it a whirlwind pokeball one, I'm not super picky and toxic is a tm. Thank you though.
Greed | 3711-8214-4011 !uRgku3GJXw
>>21195162 May I make a request?
>Pokémon: Gardevoir >Nickname: >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Female >Ability: Telepathy >Language: English >--Moves-- > Hypervoice > Focus blast > Psyshock > will-o-wisp >Nature: Timid >IVs: 24 Def232 SpA252 Spe >EVs: all 31's >OT Name: any >OT Gender: any >ID/SID any >Pokéball: Premier ball >Origin game: any Anonymous
>>21195252 okay good cuz bank still hated my toxic nest ball
>>21195258 okay but this is the last one for reals
Greed | 3711-8214-4011 !uRgku3GJXw
Quoted By:
>>21195258 You should have picked 0 iv for attack. That way confusion does minimum damage.
>>21195122 have you added my FC? see:
>>21194822 >>21195270 i made both as requested and with 0 attack because i luv gardevoir
Quoted By:
>>21195270 That faggot is from reddit and coming here to jew.
>The mystery behind Ash's age, solved by Pokemon X/Y! (i.imgur.com ) submitted 10 months ago by Mage_BaneGreed | 3711-8214-4011 | 3050 to /r/pokemon
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>>21195311 don't give to the ledditor
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
If anyone will be here in about 5 hours, you can post your requests and get it from me then. Reply to this post with your request.
Greed | 3711-8214-4011 !uRgku3GJXw
>>21195311 Thanks for the pokemon. Had that 5iv'd froaking and some other 4iv'd shit so decided to go with it.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>Pokémon:Eelektross >Nickname: >Level:50 >Shiny:No >Gender:Male >Ability:Doesn't matter >Language:English >--Moves-- >Giga Drain >Knock Off >Superpower >Wild Charge >Nature: >IVs:31 across >EVs:None >OT Name: >OT Gender: >ID/SID >Pokéball:Quick Ball I'll be back in say 7-11 hours I have Powersav so I can pay you back with nearly anything you want.
>>21196208 >I'll be back in say 7-11 hours >implying we'll wait for you Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>Pokémon:Eelektross >Nickname: >Level:50 >Shiny:No >Gender:Male >Ability:Doesn't matter >Language:English >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Knock Off >Superpower >Wild Charge >Nature: >IVs:31 across >EVs:None >OT Name: >OT Gender: >ID/SID >Pokéball:Quick Ball I'll be back in say 7-11 hours
I have Powersav so I can pay you back with nearly anything you want.
>>21196213 Just got off work and I'm hoping when I wake up somebody might have genned it.
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>>21196217 Might have it genned, but might not be on. Your loss.
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Can anyone gen this event
http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/485.shtml with 31 ivs in all stats except for speed?
Rawrlz 5215-0396-0068
>>21183496 Altaria
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk) EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, and 4 Def/HP
Ability: Natural Cure
Dragon Pulse
Heat Wave
Ice Beam
OT: Dani
Pokeball: Luxball
White 2
I'm in need of an Altaria with heat wave, please..!!
Rawrlz 5215-0396-0068
>>21196279 Oh forgot lvl 1 100 I guess. It doesn't matter, but female please! First time ever requesting a genned.
Pokémon: Sableye Nickname: Level: 100 Shiny: yes Gender: male Ability: prankster Language: english --Moves-- Knock off Will o wisp Recover Poison jab Nature: impish IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252Hp 252Def 4SpDef OT Name: SynkRz OT Gender: male ID/SID random Pokéball: pokeball Origin game: Emerald I have some 5V dratinis with hidden abilities.
>>21196312 I forgot my fc is FC: 2105 9780 7283
Can anyone gen this event
http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/485.shtml with 31 ivs in all stats except for speed and ev trained 252 HP 252 SpA 4 SpD ?
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>>21196312 >HA >Emerald I don't see why you can't get this yourself in XY, anyway.
FC 4012-5333-1843 IGN Ulysses
Pokémon: Forretress Nickname: Level: 100 Shiny: yes Gender: female Ability: sturdy Language: english --Moves-- Rapid Spin Spikes Toxic Volt Switch Nature: Calm IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs:248 HP/10 Def/252 SpD OT Name: Ulysses OT Gender: male ID/SID random Pokéball: pokeball Origin game: Any Pokémon: Latias Nickname: Level: 100 Shiny: yes Gender: female Ability: Levitate Language: english --Moves-- Defog Draco Meteor Psyshock Roost Nature: Timid IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 72 HP/186 SpA/252 Spe OT Name: Ulysses OT Gender: male ID/SID random Pokéball: pokeball Origin game: Any Pokémon: Darkrai Nickname: Level: 100 Shiny: yes Gender: Gendeless Ability: Bad dreams Language: english --Moves-- Dark Void Dark Pulse Nasty Plot Thunder Nature: Timid IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 6 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe OT Name: Ulysses OT Gender: male ID/SID random Pokéball: pokeball Origin game: Any If you require anything in return ive got a few breedjects i can offer: Tyranitar, ferrothorn, gible 4-5IV, thanks!
>>21196821 Nice to meet you jew.
IGN Gepfel
FC 4012-5333-1843 IGN Ulysses
>>21196836 Woah bro, I'm actually offering stuff in return.
IGN Gepfel
Quoted By:
>>21196862 I could offer any x mega stone, Bp item or some safari shinys or if anyone really needs some pentas
>>21196872 >Tyranitar, ferrothorn, gible 4-5IV Mons genners can gen themself, and they can do flawlessly.
>>>/out/ Anonymous
>>21197101 Fine how about some 6IV protean greninjas, happy?
>>21197197 I only have 1 shiny left.
>>21197205 good, get rid of that last shiny, wonder trade it or something
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>>21194890 >>21194896 Yes, it can be used in passerby battles.. just not battle spot
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Any gunners around?
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>>21199758 i did a very quick check on transporter and all pkms except Heatran and Latias can pass (but i personally don't have time)
>>21194871 How'd that get through the bank?
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>Pokémon: Scrafty >Nickname: Glocks >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Moxie >Language: English >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Poison Jab >Dragon Dance >Knock Off >Nature: Jolly >IVs: 31s >EVs: 252Atk/252Speed >OT Name: Yourself >OT Gender: NA >ID/SID: NA >Pokéball: Luxury Ball
>>21196821 You can breed that Forretress yourself, you stupid fucking slut.
>Pokémon: Lapras >Nickname: OU in Gen 1 >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: Doesn't matter >Ability: Hydration >Language: Engrish >--Moves-- >Curse >Rest >Ice Shard >Drill Run >Nature: Careful >IVs: Hexa Perfect >EVs: 252 HP 216 SpDef 40 Atk >OT Name: Doesn't matter >OT Gender: Doesn't matter >ID/SID Doesn't Matter >Pokéball: Dive Ball >Origin game: Doesn't matter If any genners are around, I'd really appreciate help.
Quoted By:
>>21200333 What's your point?
>>21199758 literally no one took (or at least no one blogged about taking) the easy job of banking and forwarding these pkms while i was at work?
in any case, pinging
>>21196217 >>21196279 >>21196312 >>21196821 will retry heatran and latias and then move on to
>>21199830 and
>>21200942 JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
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>>21201289 Not dead. Just busy. MOOCH !5NZkWIBrK.
>>21201765 Thanks man, anything you want in return?
>>21201765 Do you have time for another one?
>Pokémon: Porygon2 >Nickname: diedbroke >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Gender: n/a >Ability: Trace >Language: en >--Moves-- >Rest >Psych Up >Iron Tail >Toxic >Nature: Bold >IVs: straight 31's >EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD >OT Name: Aaron >ID/SID: 01024/whatever >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: White Offering whatever Powersaves can do in the form of BP or otherwise rare items and gen 6 event pokemon.
I'm aware it's a terrible set, that's the idea. Anonymous
>>21201810 not really. get6 HAs are about the only thing i'd "want" that can't be counterfeited right now but i'm not picky
Garrett 3883 6511 2054
>Pokémon:Azumarill >Nickname: Feed Me >Level: 65 >Shiny: no >Gender: doesn't matter >Ability: Huge Power >Language: English >--Moves-- >Aqua Jet >Waterfall >Knock Off >blank >Nature: Adamant >IVs:31/31/31/x/31/31 >EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 HP >OT Name: doesn't matter >OT Gender: doesn't matter >ID/SID doesn't matter >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Black 2 I have gen 6 shinies, BP items, and an HP fire froakie for trade
>>21201914 How about a gale wings talonflame with a heartscale?
Also, my FC is 3668-8576-3150 in case you want a direct trade
>>21202065 talonflame works4me
Curse is an egg move so it has to be in a pokeball, is that okay?
>>21202120 That's ok, I don't really have balltism
>>21201765 So did Heatran fail again?
>>21202247 >>21202135 yeah im derping really badly, can't seem to get Heatran or this Lapras through bank right now
>>21202336 I think i just got a nameless lapras through but i'll try one more time with magical escape sequences.
also I grabbed someone else's unmodified upload of the event heatran and that's not getting through either.
>>21201765 Jewlysses here, thanks for doing this bro.
>>21202135 I guess I don't understand how names work and what names are acceptable to PokeBank. I have an unnamed Lapras and one named "OU" bank hated everything else I tried.
>>21202490 Just send me the OU one, I'm still really grateful
>>21202506 dfskjlfs i figured it out and it should have been obvious. the name you picked is exactly 11 characters; the actual limit is 10 because the 11th character has to be \FFFF gonna transfer "OU in Gen1" real quick (unless bank hates that one too >:F)
you and
>>21202411 can go ahead and add me: 0189-9414-6441
>>21202505 that file is identical to the one i tried. my next plan is i can try to rom up a gen4 sav and inject the wondercard in a lil bit
>>21202538 Shit, sorry about that, I thought it could be eleven characters. Thanks so much for your help.
>>21202560 np, i didn't even bother to check length until just now. had to check bulbapedia because even then it didn't click immediately. i should have known better given all the time i spent on touhoumon (though it has been 5+ years now)
Quoted By:
>>21202490 Did you change the PID?
>>21202573 Fug, the talonflame knows fly and I can't trade it
>>21202600 any trashmon is okay, really
Quoted By:
>>21202604 Ok, sorry about that
>>21202589 it keeps saying "There is a Pokemon that cannot be traded in your party" when i try Latias
>>21202411 Looks like latias cant be traded
>>21202678 >>21202695 Yeah it might have something to do with
>>21202600 I belive defog was an HM in gen IV, Thanks for the other two though
>>21202706 I can regen it with something instead of defog? or i can delete it and trade idk
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21201765 Are you still around?
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>21202706 Try making it from HG. It should pass like that.
>>21202720 Yeah you can try just deleting and see if that works.
Quoted By:
>>21202720 >>21202734 or regen it to have it originate in gen IV to make it seem more "legit" I think either of those might work.
>>21202723 yeah i'm still around i haven't gotten to your scrafty yet. will start as soon as i see whether this latias will trade or not.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21202760 Awesome. No rush so take your time.
Quoted By:
>>21202760 There we go, thanks man.
>>21202772 it'll have to be pokeball because you have egg moves, okay?
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21202813 Fine by me. I can get it powersaved later.
>>21202826 what
apparently there's no legit PID for hexaperfect scrafty with moxie in GenV. and of course bank doesn't like the forced PID(s) pokegen assigns for the combination.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21202917 Could drop Sp Atk to whatever to see if that'll work?
Quoted By:
>>21202917 oops, forgot Jolly. there's no legit PID for hexaperfect Jolly scrafty with Moxie.
>>21202939 Highest I could find is 28 SpA with method 7 and lowest is 0 with method 1
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21202973 When it comes to Scrafty SpA really doesn't matter since he's gonna be a physical attacker.
But if it can't be done thanks for trying regardless :3
>>21203013 alhghaglhgalh i fucked up Strings again. did you actually want "Yourself" to be the OT? that overwrites the required \FFFF character at the end.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21203043 "Yourself" as in the person who's genning the pokemon :P
>>21203050 well okay then this is 1000% my fault for trying to be cute.
>>21203057 and so i was also wrong about bank rejecting PIDs not generateable by algorithms actually used in the games. i have the scrafty in bank now. did you already add me? 0189-9414-6441
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21203088 I'll get on and add you right now.
Anything you're looking for so I can help?
>>21203098 nothing specific, for now i'm actually genning to get FCs for friend safari since i can't gen GenVI HAs. everything else i can hax so it's pointless offering anything of actual value.
>>21203098 son of a bitch, my 3DS got disconnected from inter net
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>21203131 Looks like we got disconnected right when the trade was about to end.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21203146 Thank you, man.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Quoted By:
>>21203164 not at all, thanks for being patient while i fumbled around with beginner mistakes
>>21203131 If you're looking for a Friend Safari with Frogadier in it I have that.
>>21201872 Anonymous
Pokémon:Drapion>Nickname:Citizen Snips >Level:100 >Shiny:no >Gender:male >Ability:Battle Armor >Language: >--Moves-- >Rest >Sleep Talk >Knock Off >Acupressure >Nature:Careful >IVs:perfect >EVs:252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SpD >OT Name:yours >OT Gender:yours >ID/SID yours >Pokéball:Master Ball >Origin game:BW2 love this thing in showderp
>>21203227 Nice, I don't think I have a safari with frogadier yet but I sure do have a lot of Proteans. coincidentally, I just started on that request. i know garrett's online but he can wait
>>21203233 that name's too long. the most you can fit is "Citizen Sn"
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier]
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier] Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:58:39 No. 21203269 Report Quoted By:
>>21203242 Alright, FC is in name. I'll make space and add you.
3969 5065 6645 Arty
Quoted By:
>>21203268 just Snips then Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>21203131 I gen legendaries to trade off on GTS to et Gen VI HA mons. Easy peasy and most even already have 5 or even 6 IV's.
fuck yeah! got
>>21201872 >>21201978 and
>>21203233 through bank all at once
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier]
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier] Sun 05 Oct 2014 06:22:26 No. 21203407 Report Quoted By:
>>21203398 Sweet, going online now.
Quoted By:
>>21203398 Protip: use
pokedit.com to create them since pokecheck is down for "maintenance" (especially if you're a beginner)
Asuna !senpaiT336
>>21199819 I didnt lol (notice its kalos born)
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier]
Aaron 5429-8540-3438 [Wartortle, Octillery, Frogadier] Sun 05 Oct 2014 06:26:49 No. 21203429 Report Quoted By:
>>21203398 You the man, thanks dude!
3969 5065 6645 Arty
>>21203441 >0189-9414-6441 3969 5065 6645 Arty
3969 5065 6645 Arty
anybody genning? I need a 6IV Weavile with Fake Out, I don't care about the rest, thanks
I've got both an R4 and a retail cartridge which I'm pretty sure means I have everything I need to gen pokemon; is there any guide/advice to get started? Do I just slap a pokemon together in pokegen, generate a PID, and hope the bank takes it?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21203663 Pretty much. I'm taking a couple of requests now. Go for it.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21203623 Are you still around?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
So no one needs any genning right now?
Quoted By:
>>21203706 uhmm no, but thank you.
>>21203706 i would, but i don't know if some of my ball combinations are allowed.
is there a website you can check?
>>21203826 pokecheck is still down for "maintenance"
what ball would you want and what mon?
>>21203838 do you know if any of these are illegal combinations?
ha poochenya, dusk/ luxury ball
nest ball nincada
ha nest ball shroomish
heavy ball aron
ha nest ball roselia
ha net ball carvanha
ha dive/ premier ball swablu
ha nest ball lileep
dive ball feebas
dive ball clamperl
Ivy/RS FC:5215-0415-9781
Quoted By:
>>21203706 Could you gen me a victini or a mew?
im trying to fill the entire dex including event mons
>>21203706 Can you gen me 2 mon bro?
>Pokémon: Gengar >Nickname: WillO >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: F >Ability: Levitate >Moves >Language: >Sludge Wave >Shadow Ball >Focus Blast >Taunt >Nature:Timid >IVs:31/0/31/31/31/31 >EVs:4def/252satk/252spe >OT Name: w/e >OT Gender: w/e >ID/SID w/e >Pokéball: Dreamball i guess >Origin game: BW2 And
>Pokémon: Garchomp >Nickname: >Level: 60 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: F >Ability: Rough skin >Language: >--Moves-- >Stealth Rock >Sword Dance >Outrage >EarthQuake >Nature: Jolly >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 252atk/4spdef/252spe >OT Name: Ryu >OT Gender: >ID/SID >Pokéball: >Origin game: BW2 Just tell me what you want !
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>21203886 Why would ha shroomish in a nest ball be illegal?
You can get those in x & y via the friend safari
Ivy/RS FC:5215-0415-9781
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Victini >Nickname: Victini >Level: 100 >Shiny: yes >Gender:less >Ability: Victory star >Language: >--Moves-- >Searing shot > > > >Nature: Timid >IVs: perfect 31 everything >EVs: 252 spatk, 252 spd >OT Name: dont matter >OT Gender: dont matter >ID/SID legal >Pokéball: dont matter, cherish if it must >Origin game: black 2/white 2
Quoted By:
>>21203909 >You can get those in x & y via the friend safari fuck me
any of the others illegal combinations?
>>21203886 sorry, was away for a while
these would be illegal combinations:
>heavy ball aron >ha nest ball roselia >ha net ball carvanha >ha nest ball lileep Anonymous
>>21204051 I forgot
>ha poochenya, dusk/ luxury ball Would also be illegal.
Quoted By:
>>21204055 >>21204051 I have to say I've genned a few illegal combos like HA + HGSS balls and successfully transferred them to pokébank.
The thing is they're not tradable in X and Y in any way. I haven't tried breeding them and trading yet though. But I assume once they get bred and are KB + HA + ball they might be tradeable.
>>21204055 mightyena can be found in friend safari in x/y
>>21204051 roselia can be encountered in hordes (therefore ha) in x y
where are you guys getting info from?
>>21204081 But they would be illegal in Gen V. They'd only be legal if they become KB.
If I get a genned pokemon would I be able to use it online and in competitions if it's not from Kalos? Or should I stick to just getting genned pokemon that would make good parents?
>>21204085 >But they would be illegal in Gen V oh, i get it now.
my mistake
Quoted By:
>>21204086 You can only use it in passerby battles and random (both free and rated) battles.
You can't use them in online competitions. For that all your mons need to be KB.
>Or should I stick to just getting genned pokemon that would make good parents? Definitely. That's what I do every time.
Quoted By:
>>21204090 I could be able to transfer them to pokébank though, but they wouldn't be tradeable in any way on X & Y. To make them legal again, I will need to breed them in X & Y.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Hi. Does anyone need/want anything?
Quoted By:
>>21204540 Have to mention I have been able to make a premier ball Meloetta, premier ball Shaymin and nest ball Shaymin and have successfully transferred them to pokébank and been able to trade them on X & Y.
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
>>21204540 Pokémon:Slowbro
>Level:50 >Shiny:yes >Gender:female >Ability:Regenerator >--Moves-- >Calm mind >Slack Off >Scald >Psychic >Nature:Relaxed >IVs:31/31/31/31/31/0 >EVs:252 hp 252 defense 4 special defense >Pokéball:Heal ball if possible Anonymous
>>21204540 could you do some of these please?
don't feel like you have to do them all if i'm being greedy
nest ball
ability; compound eyes
hone claws
night slash
ariel ace
dive ball
ability;shell armor
aqua ring
muddy water
confuse ray
premier ball
ability; trace
destiny bond
mean look
shadow sneak
skill swap
dusk ball
ability; prankster
sucker punch
nasty plot
great ball
ability; sheer force
dragon dance
dragon pulse
hydro pump
premier ball
ability; cloud nine
hyper voice
sucker punch
fire fang
ice fang
play rough
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21204663 I'm pretty sure you can find these in a wfg. But give me a while. I'm dealing with some unexpected shit right now.
Quoted By:
Sorry to bother anons, I only have a mac, is gunning my own out of the question for me?
Quoted By:
If I only own a mac is genning out of the question if I'm not willing to install parallels?
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
>Pokémon: Volcarona >Nickname: Fluffy >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: F >Ability: Flame Body >Language: English >--Moves-- > Quiver Dance > Giga Drain > Fiery Dance > Bug Buzz >Nature: Timid >IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 >EVs: 0/0/0/252/4/252 >OT Name: B >OT Gender: F >ID/SID: 33959 >Pokéball: Pokéball >Origin game: White
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21204657 >>21204786 Are you still here? I'm working on this now.
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
>>21205085 I'm still here man, thanks a lot.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>Pokémon: Hitmonlee >Nickname: Hwoarang >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Unburden >Language: English >--Moves-- >Endure >Reversal >Knock Off >Mach Punch >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31s >EVs: 252Atk/252Speed >OT Name: Yourself >OT Gender: NA >ID/SID: NA >Pokéball: Timer Ball >Pokémon: Hitmonchan >Nickname: Little Mac >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Iron Fist >Language: English >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Thunder Punch >Mach Punch >Ice Punch >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31s >EVs: 252Atk/252Speed >OT Name: Yourself >OT Gender: NA >ID/SID: NA >Pokéball: Timer Ball
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205122 >>21205101 >>21205104 Just bringing it to gen 6 now. How do I trade it to you guys
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
>>21205372 We could use FCs, Mines in the name, I already added you.
Or I can put up a misdreavus on gts for my Volcarona if that works for you better than friend codes.
Whichever works for you
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205372 Adding FCs or us putting up a luvdisc asking for the specific mon on GTS.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205383 GTS works. Sorry I'm just having a bit of a problem with the transporter.
>>21205401 Btw, I would prefer if I got something out of this, especially since you asked for two.
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
Quoted By:
>>21205372 could add me as friend or over gts up to u
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
Quoted By:
>>21205424 Okay, I'm putting up a 5IV Misdreavus on the GTS right now, thanks a lot.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205424 Anything you're looking for in particular?
I got some random legendaries if those matter to you or some breeding left overs.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205475 BP Items maybe?
Quoted By:
>>21201765 Thanks
Fc is 2105 9780 7283
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt Sun 05 Oct 2014 15:33:00 No. 21205508 Report >>21183496 >>Pokémon: Blissey >>Nickname: >>Level:100 >>Shiny:Yes >>Gender:Female >>Ability:Natural Cure >>Language:English >>--Moves-- >>Wish >>Protect >>Counter >>Heal Bell >>Nature:Bold >>IVs:31/0/31/31/31/31 >>EVs:252def 252sp.def 4atk >>OT Name:whatever >>OT Gender:whatever >>ID/SID:whatever >>Pokéball:whatever >>Origin game:whatever I have a male Bagon 5 ivs as offer with egg moves :) my FC is on my nick
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205492 Sure, which ones?
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt Sun 05 Oct 2014 15:37:54 No. 21205538 Report Quoted By:
>>21205508 lol 4HP not attack
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205509 Nothing too fancy, a Weakness Policy maybe?
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205559 Cool. I'll add you now.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21205591 No rush. Still having transporter problems.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205591 Ah there it's done. Could you just put the Weakness Policy on a Luvdisc? GTS.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205631 I'll thrw a disc for Hitmonchan first.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21205661 Ah shit now Bank's having problems. Take it down first.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>21205672 I put it up asking for a level 100 so I doubt some rando will give it lol
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt
Leptos 1091-8776-6524 Lapras, Sneasel & Snorunt Sun 05 Oct 2014 16:11:19 No. 21205747 Report Quoted By:
>>21205508 Someone can help me with thiso ne? :)
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
>>21205672 some ramdom took my misdreavus, putting up another.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21206048 Give me a bit, the banks not letting me save my changes. I'll tell you when it's clear.
Nicholas G. (0662-3160-6397)
It seems like there's a genner around? Thank goodness. I have three pokemon here I can't get. Long, obtuse means to actually to get them (Sans Steel wings, I don't have the HG/SS remakes, thus cannot send him) I have all the BP items, etc. I really want these guys, so tell me what you want and I'll try to get it for you. >Pokémon: Bisharp >Nickname: Cold Steel >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: F >Ability: Defiant >Language: USA >--Moves-- > Knock off > Sucker Punch > Pursuit > Iron head >Nature: Adamant >IVs: Perfect >EVs: 240 attack, 200 HP, 20 speed, 80 def >OT Name: Yours or Nick >OT Gender: Yours or Male >ID/SID: Whatever works, I'm not complaining >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: White 1 >Pokémon: Gallade >Nickname: Soul Guard >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Gender: Male >Ability: Justified >Language: USA >--Moves-- > Knock off > Drain Punch > Ice Punch > Shadow Sneak >Nature: Adamant >IVs: Perfect >EVs: 252 attack 212 Sp.def 44 speed >OT Name: Your name or Nicholas >OT Gender: Your gender or Male >ID/SID: As long as it passes checks, I'm cool. >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Black 2 >Pokémon: Skarmory >Nickname: Steel Wings >Level: 100 >Shiny: No >Gender: Female >Ability: Sturdy >Language: USA >--Moves-- > Brave Bird > Defog > Roost > Whirlwind >Nature: Impish >IVs: Perfect in all but Sp.A. >EVs: 248 HP, 20 def, 240 sp. D >OT Name: Yours or Nick >OT Gender: Yours or Male >ID/SID: Whatever works and passes those checks >Pokéball: Pokeball >Origin game: Soul Silver For anyone who takes these us, thank you.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21206048 >>21205724 Could you guys come back this time tomorrow? Pokebanks being a bitch.
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
>>21206375 same for my slowbro?
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
>>21206375 >Could you guys come back this time tomorrow? Pokebanks being a bitch. Yeah, that works.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21206400 >>21206391 >>21205724 Holy shit I got it let's do this
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
>>21206519 how you wana trade?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21206550 Put something up. If you can make it hold any Power item, I'd appreciate it.
IGN EVE 2294-5665-7312
Quoted By:
>>21206568 swablu female lvl1
Nicholas G. (0662-3160-6397)
>>21206400 Could you add in my three as well to that list?
I don't mind waiting one bit.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21206589 I'm sorry, I had a really rough night, it's 2 am, and I only did these to distract myself. I'll help you out, but tomorrow okay?
Guenievre 1091-9017-7553
Quoted By:
Hi, could anybody make me this buddy please ? It would be adorable. I can offer a 5IV shiny Kangaskan with eggmoves I bred, regular 5IV perfect Kangaskhans with eggmoves and 5IV Froakies.>Pokémon: Kangaskhan >Nickname: Don Rosa >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes please >Gender: F >Ability: Scrappy >Language: FR >--Moves-- > Drain Punch > Fake out > Crunch > Earthquake >Nature: Adamant >IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31 >EVs: 252 Atk 252 Pv 4 Def Thank you !
IGN: B FC: 1950 - 9994 - 8708
Quoted By:
>>21206519 Thanks dude! Appreciate it.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>21206605 Bank finally worked?
Nicholas G. (0662-3160-6397)
Quoted By:
>>21206605 Of course Brandon. Honestly, I'm busy today myself and I really shouldn't even be on /VP/
I'll register your FC.
Not really related I don't think, but I didn't see anywhere else to post this so I'll take a risk and ask it here. Will Nintendo block me from transferring my Suicune (Bold, 31 in all 6) onto my Pokemon X? I caught it via re-battle code in Soul Silver because my original one sucked ass (Naughty, shit IVs) and I didn't want to waste time getting a box/party nature/IV mod code. It's completely legit, aside from having already caught my original one. It's in a Master Ball too.
I don't know if any genners are around, so I'll post this and hope someone finds it.>Pokémon: Registeel >Level: 100 >Shiny: Yes >Ability: Clear Body >Language: English >--Moves-- >Iron Head >Curse >Rest >Sleep Talk >Nature: Careful >IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/X >EVs: 252 HP, 24 Atk, 64 Def, 170 SpDef >Origin game:Ruby Thanks in Advance
Julio 3411-1100-2475
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
Quoted By:
>>21207920 It shouldn't give you any trouble. Anything lower than Gen5 is all (Poketransfer). I don't think there would be anything that would flag it, assuming the moves are legal.
Quoted By:
>Pokémon: Venusaur >Nickname: BlowinSacks >Level: 50 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Clorophyll >Language: Eng >--Moves-- >Giga Drain >Leech Seed >Synthesis >Hidden Power [Fire] >Nature: Bold >IVs: Flawless (Whatever gets HP Fire, still want max atk) >EVs: 232 HP/ 252 Def/ 20 Spe >OT Name: David >OT Gender:Male >ID/SID 29722 >Pokéball: Premier Ball >Origin game: Black 2 I can get any item from Maison, and I have an ability capsule. But ability capsule= 1:2
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
Quoted By:
Any genners around? I've got a few request I can trade Powersaves services for
I'm thinking about getting myself a R4 so I can help out here. What version do you guys use?
>>21210192 Guess I'll go RSI gold then.
Quoted By:
>>21210226 Just take care of the clones.
>>21209853 why get an R4 when hacking gen 6 is just as easy?
>>21210422 oh, right.. powersaves doesnt have that stuff
Lamp/Mutant - 5472-7808-5858
>>21203422 CyberGadget?
Otherwise, how the fuck?
Asuna !senpaiT336
>Pokémon: Landorus-T >Nickname: None >Level:85 >Shiny: No >Gender: Male >Ability: Intimdate >--Moves-- >Superpower >Knock-off >Stone Edge >Earthquake >Nature:Adamant >IVs:31/31/31/whatever/31/31 >EVs: 140 HP/156 Atk/212 Speed >OT Name: Any or yours >OT Gender: Either >ID/SID: Whatever it needs to be legal >Pokéball: Regular >Origin game: Black or White I've got stones, berries, and assorted breeding leftovers. Just let me know if you'd like anything.
Quoted By:
>>21210503 >adamant >shit moves Chadwick (3668-9338-8793)
>>21210756 >>21210765 gonna start genning this then move backward, i guess
Chadwick (3668-9338-8793)
>>21210867 Thanks! Let me know if you'd like anything in return so I can make sure I have it or can get it.
>>21210867 incidentally if anyone wants to make new requests tonight, i'd love if you use this format instead of the OP's
>Pokemon: >Nickname: >Level: >Shiny: >Nature: >Sex: >Ability: >Pokeball: >IVs: >EVs: >--Moves-- > > > > >OT Name: >OT Gender: >ID/SID: >(Optional) Language: >(Optional) Origin Game: So far I haven't seen anyone care about Language and Origin Game might be useful if you know you want Tutor moves from Gen III/IV, for example. I've seen some requests with totally incompatible moves/abilities and requested origins. Also a reminder that if you want any egg moves, the ball will have to be poke. You can check
>>21208314 for all your balltism needs, they tend to be pretty active while I've been genning the past few nights.
>>21210899 I use White to gen and bank everything so I couldn't make Landorus-T directly. do you want me to change the Forme in Y (and/or power save) before trading or you handle that yourself?
FC: 0189-9414-6441
Chadwick (3668-9338-8793)
Quoted By:
>>21211100 All good, I'll be able to change the form. Getting on right now. Appreciate it, man!
Chadwick (3668-9338-8793)
Quoted By:
>>21211100 Thanks again, have a good night!
Quoted By:
>>21210941 Honestly, I'd let the option of game origin out and leave it up to the genner since they know more about the legality than some people requesting.
Language has been requested more than you think, especially for breedin with masuda method.
anybody have extra legendaries leftover from either genning or cloning or whatever?
>>21211249 sent :^) you fucking jew Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>>21211249 I have them all what you need?
Quoted By:
>>21211289 doing this before asking for anything specific. if nobody has anything, oh well. my loss.
>>21211290 i still have this btw
>>21196217 Anonymous
>>21211290 Pretty much all the event mons. Mew, Deoxys, Arceus, Cresselia, Jirachi, Shaymin, Manaphy. Some randos like Genesect and Keldeo as well. Even if you're willing to part with 1 or 2, I'd be grateful.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>>21211314 Sweet, you want anything for it?
>>21211330 nothing in particular. see
>>21211100 for FC
Quoted By:
>>21211328 entitled bitch pls
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>>21211328 I'll get you all of them and in return all I want is HA pokemon.
>>21211338 Alright adding.
>>21211338 the jew has powersaves, at least ask for stuff in return you retard
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
Quoted By:
>>21211362 Since when am I a jew?
>>21211362 i have powersaves too. im like a Super Saiya Jew
>>21211408 If you're a Super Saiyan Jew, then where's your e-buy store with the pokémon you're selling?
>>21211350 getting HA mons ready.
IGN: Zer0
FC: 0963 0279 3167
>>21211419 oh, maybe i misunderstand the meaning and now i'm guilty of cultural appropriation
Quoted By:
>>21211350 ready when you are.
>Pokemon: Hitmonchan >Nickname: Little Mac >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Adamant >Sex: male >Ability: Iron Fist >Pokeball: pokeball >IVs: straight 31's >EVs: 252 Atk / 72 SpD / 184 HP >--Moves-- >Drain Punch >Ice Punch >Mach Punch >Thunder Punch >OT Name: Aaron >ID/SID: 01024/doesn't matter Offering BP/rare items and/or gen 6 event mons.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
>>21211513 i missed pokeball vivillon if you have that. if not, trashmons.
Quoted By:
>>21211513 Little Mac is ready, btw
>>21211575 I have it, just give me a second to clone. Also is Lobster or someone different? Just asking in case I need to add someone new.
Quoted By:
>>21211530 thanks a ton!!! you're the best. sorry i couldn't give you bette HAs.
>>21211609 Thanks a bunch! Are you up for more requests?
>>21211616 yeah i'll be here a couple more hours
>>21211620 you have Victini or Regigigas?
>>21211620 Good good, got two things I need for my Ubers box.
>Pokemon: Ho-Oh >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Adamant >Sex: n/a >Ability: Regenerator >Pokeball: Dream Ball >IVs: straight 31's >EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe >--Moves-- >Brave Bird >Sacred Fire >Earthquake >Sleep Talk >OT Name: Aaron >ID/SID: 01024/doesn't matter >Pokemon: Giratina >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Naughty >Sex: n/a >Ability: Pressure (going to make it Giratina-O on my end though) >Pokeball: Master Ball >IVs: straight 31's >EVs: 252 Atk / 248 SpA / 8 Spe >--Moves-- >Will-O-Wisp >Shadow Sneak >Earthquake >Draco Meteor >OT Name: Aaron >ID/SID: 01024/doesn't matter Any other specific things you're looking for in return?
>>21211657 I'm not the same anon who was trading legendaries a few minutes ago, but I could try to gen them?
>>21211662 Okay i'll get started. I only recalled that I missed the US window for pokeball vivillon. I don't have specific desire for any other mons right now.
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>>21211699 yeah i know, was just wondering if you had any extras. if it's a hassle, don't worry about it. if not, then that'd be awesome. get the other guy first though.
>>21211699 Ah alright. I'll try and give you useful items at least during the trade.
I want to ask though, are you able to get gen 3/4 event mons through bank? Some genners have problems with that.
>>21211723 I haven't tried that many Gen III/IV events. I was having trouble with Heatran the other day. Haven't gone back to trying it yet.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
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Didn't I already do this one?
>>21211739 They can be tricky in that every little detail needs to be correct or else poke transfer wont let them through. A month ago I requested an event Celebi from Gen 4 because the moveset I wanted needed Nasty Plot and some gen 5 tutors but it couldn't get through. I think it was missing the right SID?
>>21211723 I have no problem with those.
Which ones do you need?
I gotta get to work in 10 min though, but I can gen them after work and then post in a new thread.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
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>>21206217 Working on this now. If anyone needs anything I can gen it now, and will be online in about 5 hours so I can trade it to you then.
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>>21211788 Let me rephrase that. I only have problems with the Pichu.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
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>>21206217 Dude your EV spreads are all wrong.
>>21211788 >>21211798 The Celebi in question I'm looking for:
>Pokemon: Celebi >Level: 50 >Shiny: no >Nature: Timid >Sex: n/a >Ability: Natural Cure >Pokeball: Cherish Ball >IVs: 31/0/30/31/30/30 >EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Speed >--Moves-- >Nasty Plot >Giga Drain >Earth Power >Hidden Power Rock >OT Name: WIN2011 >ID/SID: 02211/don't know the SID offhand Anonymous
>>21211824 Noted.
I get back in about 11 hours. Then I'll gen it.
Either keep this thread bumped or get a new one ready.
>>21211846 We're past the bump limit so there'll probably be a new one by tomorrow morning my time. I'm in EST so I'll probably be asleep when you get back from work but I will check when I wake up and post in either this thread or the next one.
Also that Celebi has Classic Ribbon on it.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
>>21211824 I can also gen this now and get it to you in about 6 hours.
>>21211824 found
OT: WIN2011 // ID: 2211 // SID: 20073
Leaf Storm
Nasty Plot
Healing Wish
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>>21211871 I'll be asleep by then but I will definitely check the thread tomorrow and I have a good stretch of time when I'm free.
>>21211880 Thank you! The moveset I listed should still pass though as they're gen 5 tutor/TM moves aside from Nasty Plot.
>>21211662 I'm a derp and set the wrong encounter on Giratina the first time. Got it through bank on the second try. I'll be online in a couple mins.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
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>>21211894 Yep I think I got it. I'll try sending it though Bank later.
>>21211913 Gotcha, shit happens sometimes.
>>21211923 omg sorry. i totally overlooked the Ho-Oh's level despite sending it 3 times due to failed Giratinas
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>>21211962 It's okay, I can bump it up to 49 with Powersaves and give it one Rare Candy for 50. Thank you so much!
I've just got into the genning game having recently bought my AR. I'm having a hard time making legit legends. I've been working on a Cresselia but it won't seem to go through. I've set the Location to Marvelous Bridge (2), Level is 68, as is correct, but I think where I'm messing up is the Encounter tab. Which should I set it to? Met-in-the-middle-of-a-bridge isn't one of the options... and would checking Fateful Encounter change anything? If a more veteran genner could help me out that'd be great... once I get myself sorted out I may take some requests myself.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
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>>21212089 I don't think that's a fateful encounter. Also, try making the location just Marvelous Bridge, without the (2). For the encounter type, I think Egg/Pal Park/ Event works.
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i made a new thread
>>21212148 i hope you like it