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No.21190076 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>He doesn't even care about goodra, he's only doing this for attention.

Haha, what?

If I didn't care for her, then why... WHY would I keep posting about her and my beliefs for her species? You can't make decisions for me because you are not me. You do not know my intentions because yet again, you are not me. Stop trying to be a special snowflake, fagtron.

Your logic is both invalid and flawed. Also, I've mentioned several times that I do not care for replies. As long as people see my thread in the catalog and get the message, I'm good.

I'll keep spamming this same message over and over again waiting for you to reply as Bui is going to keep pruning it call of duty style as soon as it's posted. At least it angers him and you can tell from the permanent bans he throws and how hard he tries to stop me. What I mean by that is that he literally sits at the catalog or this thread for 24 hours monitoring it doing nothing else but waiting for one of my posts to pop up. If one of my posts gets replies, he has an asthma attack. Doesn't watch anime, doesn't play vidya. Doesn't get up to take a wiz. He has nothing at all to live for..