Okay, 3 boxes of legends to giveaway, so this one may take a while to finish. Be sure to quote this post as I'll try to go by post order as best I can.
Nico 5086-1142-8374
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star going up for groudon, thanks Andiki!
>>21201838 ign:Arty
thanks in advance op
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star up for rayquaza
Quoted By:
>>21201838 IGN: Mack
Star is going up for Groudon.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Glad to see everyone's making it nice and smooth so far. :3
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl]
IGN: Konnor 2320-6136-0565 [Octillery, Floatzel, Poliwhirl] Sun 05 Oct 2014 02:52:29 No. 21201936 Report Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star is up for Rayzuaza. Thanks
>>21201838 Staryu up for rayquaza
>>21201926 Got mine, thanks OP
Nick 0447-7071-7278
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Starring up for Groudon
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Quoted By:
Staryu up for Rayquaza. IGN is Richard. Thanks!
Quoted By:
Ign Adrian star up for shiny Groudon
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
>>21201938 Oh shit, another Adrian
Quoted By:
Why would you ask for a Pokemon exclusive to X?
Nicholas FC 4313-1821-3717
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Putting a Star up for a Kyogre. Thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for Rayquaza.
Thanks OP!
star isn't even available in both versions of the game.
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star up for groudon
Johan FC 3797-8338-2429
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for sea legend
thx for this one
IGN Jean Grey
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Staryu up for kyogre, thanks OP!
Luis 5086-3298-8523 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Luis 5086-3298-8523 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:00:14 No. 21201996 Report >>21201838 Staryu up. IGN is Luis. Thanks.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832 !PBkmyXMslc
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for Groudon! Thanks!
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
Quoted By:
>>21201838 staryu for kyogre, thank you op
Luis 5086-3298-8523 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Luis 5086-3298-8523 (Dwebble, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:01:17 No. 21202008 Report Quoted By:
>>21201996 >>21201838 Staryu up for Groudon. Forgot to mention that!
Quoted By:
>>21202000 People say they get their stuff, so I guess not.
Quoted By:
>>21202000 nope just got mine.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21201838 star up for rayquaza
Quoted By:
>>21202000 Also
>them quads Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21201838 can i re up for a sky worm?
Star is up for Rayquaza. IGN is Xerxes, thanks so much!
Quoted By:
>>21201977 >not buying the correct version of the game what a fag
>>21201838 Possible to post a different shitmon? Have X so no staryu in my game.
Quoted By:
Star up for Kyogre! IGN is Richard
Quoted By:
>>21201977 I'd say you could get one off the GTS but I checked and everyone is asking for Mews and Darkrais.
IGN: NomCha
Quoted By:
star up for ray ray
>>21201838 IGN: Alejandro 0146-9250-2249
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star is up for Kyogre thanks!
Quoted By:
>>21202038 Y is the one without Staryu.
Quoted By:
proof its not a ruse
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:07:38 No. 21202073 Report Quoted By:
Star going up for kyogre!
Lux 3239-3557-2190
Quoted By:
Staryu up Tyvm OP
>using a version exclusive Pokemon for a giveaway Are you fucking retarded?
Quoted By:
>>21202087 > being this mad over a giveaway. What are you, 10?
>>21202087 Maybe OP will do this giveaway again with a Y exclusive mon.
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star is going up for Kyogre thanks!
Quoted By:
>>21202087 >not having a full living dex almost a year after XY's release mods ban this sick filth
Quoted By:
>>21202087 go snipe a staru, that's what i did
Quoted By:
>>21202087 >>21202100 >2014 >Not having a living dex by now Serena
>>21201838 Staryu up for Groudon! Message as "Land /vp/ so it's more than obvious."
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star is up for kyogre! thank you
Quoted By:
>>21202122 Message is "Land /vp/," forgot to end the quotes...
>>21202100 Maybe OP can suck my dong
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202130 Calm down, I just saw someone on the GTS asking for a Tentacruel.
Quoted By:
>>21202142 If you're fast maybe you can suck my dong before OP gets to it.
IGN: Thedrumal
Quoted By:
>>21201838 A Staryu is up for a Groudon; thank you, Andiki.
IGN: Doc
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Staryu is up for Hypequaza. Thanks!
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
Staryus are only fishable in X, Anyway Staryu up for Kyogre
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
IGN: ices
Quoted By:
>>21201838 staryu up for kyogre!
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Up for a Quaza
IGN: Ale
Thanks in advance OP!
>>21202132 Does it have to be exactly land, or open levels for Groudon? I put it up with 45-50 to minimize a lvl 70 sniper with "Land /vp/"
Quoted By:
wtf is up with these shit natures?
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Staryu going up for Kyogre.
>>21201838 Land. Staryu going up
Manuel FC: 3153-3732-6282
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star is up for Kyogre OP! thanks!
IGN: Manuel
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:23:42 No. 21202205 Report Took mine down dont think its true
Quoted By:
>>21202030 Got the ray ray, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
star up for ray
IGN: Ashley; FC: 4399-1219-9921 (Emolga, Luxio, Stunfisk)
IGN: Ashley; FC: 4399-1219-9921 (Emolga, Luxio, Stunfisk) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:24:11 No. 21202211 Report Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for Ray Romano
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202193 Um... do what? You don't HAVE to put land. It's just in the spirit of the giveaway and all.
Quoted By:
>>21202216 Okay. I've seen giveaways where the OP won't distribute to people with even the slightest change in the message. Had to ask. Thanks in advance for when it comes!
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for kyogre thanks
Quoted By:
>>21202201 >>21201838 Msg is "/vp/ Land Andiki"
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202205 Sorry to hear that friend. I'm going by oldest to newest post, so it'll be a wait with all the people seeking a shiny.
Jason 4098-3197-2211
Quoted By:
Star up for Groudon. Thanks based OP!
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21202244 It might help if you give an update periodically about where you're at in the queue
>>21201838 >>21202216 Thanks Andiki. I never double-dip, but I also have one up for Rayquaza as well, if you'd be so kind. Really want both (I'm good on Kyogre already).
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for groudon, thanks OP!
Steven 4356-0420-7673
>>21202259 Wait you got your first one?
I think I got skipped.
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:33:21 No. 21202290 Report Quoted By:
>>21202244 Well i guess ill put my star up again for kyogre probably be too late since my dumbass took it off lol
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202293 Well that sucks. Eli must have been sniped. :(
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21202293 >>21202287 Ah, didn't get skipped then. Awesome.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Enjoy your Kyogre, Steven.
>>21202301 Thanks a TON Andiki. Really appreciate it!
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21202315 You are the best!
Quoted By:
>>21202293 did you draw this? it looks amazing
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Also Star up for Rayquaza if that's okay.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
>>21202316 You traded Tu a shiny once I think. He told me that when he traded me it for another pokemon. Just feel like good karma is due.
Quoted By:
>>21201838 staryu up for kyogre
Quoted By:
>>21202301 another star is up
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Enjoy Rant.. um... R(something) T(something)
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Sea if any left IGN Shane
OP please wait im trying to get a staryu from gts. I own Y so I cant fish one. Please god please
IGN: ices
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202408 What's your IGN my dude. Let me know which you'd want and I'll try to hold on to one.
Enjoy, Johnathan
>>21202426 IGN is Wart, and I'd love to get Kyogre if possible. Thanks a lot Johnathan!
Quoted By:
>>21202426 Same guy: If you run out of Kyogre I'm equally thrilled with Groudon. Thanks!
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202431 >Update Haha, can do. And I'm not Johnathan. That was three trades ago the IGN I just finished.
Quoted By:
>>21202426 I just popped a Star on the GTS Can I can a Kyogre please IGN Shane
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 03:54:01 No. 21202444 Report Quoted By:
>>21202426 I asked for 41 to 50 if i shouldnt have or something
>>21202439 Thanks OP, and I seriously dont have Kyogre in my dex, so I put it as Kyurem. Please don't judge
Steven 4356-0420-7673
>>21202456 Go down to the option "what pokemon" and type it in.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Groudon seems to get no love. :[
Quoted By:
>>21202460 God dammit I brain-farted. I swear I've been playing for years
>>21202408 Hey I'm going to breed one for my roommate who also has y if you want me to breed you one too.
Damn does anyone have a staryu? I can give a dreamball dratini for it
>>21202466 that'd be sick, I'd like to get a Groudon for my brother too. He's been SRing for months and accidentally resetted on the shiny so he'd appreciate it. FC is 2750-1182-0923
>>21201838 >>21202462 Star going up. IGN is Jeff and message is Sea. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>21201838 >>21202354 Hey I'm going to breed mine (that i just caught) for a couple people so you wont be able to find me. Haha.
>>21202462 yo op i'd like a groudon
>>21201838 How do i get a staryu in pokemon y?
>>21202476 Just go ahead and put a luvdisc up for a staryu and I'll get those to you.
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:02:15 No. 21202488 Report >>21202472 Ill trade u one put a luvdisc up hope thats ur ingame name just in case i trade it to someone else haha
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202483 Oh? well, I just sent you one. :3
>>21202485 You cant. Put up a luvdisc and I'll send you one.
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:05:05 No. 21202508 Report Quoted By:
>>21202462 Could you hold raquaza for a few minutes? I just got a star and im breeding it now
Steven 4356-0420-7673
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for Groundon
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202514 Can do. I'm actually taking a five-to-ten minute break to get a bowl of ceral.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
Quoted By:
Star up for Groudon thanks a lot
IGN tobes
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star going up for groudon.
Quoted By:
>>21202526 Wart here, special request: Can I perhaps get a kyogre AND Groudon? My brother is asleep and he's been soft-resetting for Groudon for months and would really appreciate it
Quoted By:
>>21202497 Wart: luvdisc is up. Thanks
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Mkay, back to the trades.
Quoted By:
>>21202526 Thanks star is up, will wait now.
Ign SynkRz
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle)
Frank Dux: 3840-7718-6571 (Rock: Boldore,Magcargo,Babaracle) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:10:36 No. 21202554 Report Quoted By:
>>21202526 Yea i appreciate what your doing but its obvious your fuckin with me at this point been 20 min lol im dipping out
Quoted By:
>>21202539 Woops i put up a mud disc luvdisc is seriously up now
>>21202526 all done breeding! back up.
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up for Groudon
Scotty: 2165 6849 7476
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Hiya up for Gorudon
Quoted By:
ign is Miracles star up for rayquaza, thank you
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig)
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:14:15 No. 21202574 Report Quoted By:
>>21202550 Put my star up, says 'Sky' for message.
>>21202563 P-please give staryu now
IGN is wart
IGN: Kaze
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star up for rayquaza
>>21202577 sure thing. Put up a disc?
IGN Mr Anderson
Quoted By:
>>21201838 staryu up for rayquaza, thanks op!
Quoted By:
>>21202550 Star up for groudon!Thanks
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig)
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:17:51 No. 21202598 Report Quoted By:
>>21201838 Rayquaza plz, I have star and message up.
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig)
Aaron 1822 0666 0519 (Munna, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:19:49 No. 21202615 Report Quoted By:
>>21201838 God my Dragon, Thank you!!!
>>21202591 I put vada as my desc, Vada!
Quoted By:
>>21201838 how about now/star up for rayquaza!
Quoted By:
StarYu up for Groudon. IGN WILL.
Is this still going on? If so Star up
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
Star up for Kyogre IGN is Wart and I'm just gonna keep posting and hopefully get noticed please don't ban me
>>21202619 haha thats awesome. I'll trade you right now.
>>21202619 Done. Hope you get the one you want!
Quoted By:
IGN WILL, I wrote "land, sky, or Sea." As my message on the GTS.
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile]
Danny 2938-8240-1218 [Galvantula / Electrode / Helioptile] Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:27:11 No. 21202687 Report Quoted By:
>>21202666 Star up for Rayquaza. Thanks.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202677 Hey Vada. I don't know if I've traded you yet.
Well at any rate, I'll trade you one of each for being a great help to those without Staryu. I'll even throw in a special Shiny for you as well.
Quoted By:
Shiny staryu up for Kyogre.
Quoted By:
>>21202668 You are awesome, Vada!
Staryu up for Rayquaza!
Quoted By:
>>21202666 Star up for land, thanks in advance.
Quoted By:
>>21202698 and I just checked. We havent traded yet.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202709 What's your code? I've got the three and the gift ready to add you.
Lux 3239-3557-2190
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Last star up for RayRay
Thanks and great givaway!
vada 5129 1641 7872
>>21202716 sorry i thought it was in my name.
Hey OP can you post an update on how many shinies are left? I really really really want a Kyogre
Quoted By:
>>21201838 IGN: Zorrina X
uploading for land
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202727 Okay, just let me finish trading Kael and I'll add you and trade them directly.
>>21202747 Can do
ign John
Quoted By:
>>21201838 I'm putting up my living dex staryu. it was from ex girlfriend anyway
>>21201838 Deposited a star. IGN is steff ;w; thanks op
Quoted By:
>>21201838 For some reason I always thought shiny Kyorge was black. Now that I know its pink, I'm losing control with happiness. You are the best!
IGN: Diogo FC: 1521 3688 3419
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star up for Rayquaza!! thanks op!! SKY!
Quoted By:
>>21202776 Also, that extra shiny is amazing! Thank you so much.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202727 WHOOOOOAAA wait. Shiny Azumarill?
Rilli is my favorite pokebro. How did you know..
Back to the GTS.
>>21201838 Staryu is up for Rayquaza (sky), thanks! IGN is Louis
Quoted By:
>>21202832 haha I just thought it would be fun. I never use it and got it randomly in a trade I think. Glad you like it!
Quoted By:
Star is up for Ray (if you still have him) I'd be happy with the others if you don't. IGN is Chris
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Well shit, there's alot of desire for these legends. I may have to get ANOTHER 90 and keep the fun going.
Kiwiz0r 0147 - 0053 - 3770
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Staryu lvl1 up for rayquaza, thanks.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby]
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby] Sun 05 Oct 2014 04:59:00 No. 21202869 Report Quoted By:
Disc is up for a staryu
Quoted By:
>>21202856 I'm rootin for ya OP!
IGN: Cameron
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Staryu up! Looking for Rayquaza if you got any left.
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby)
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby) Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:03:34 No. 21202889 Report >>21202868 Put up a star for rayquaza~
tfw my only staryu is a modest, good staryu and the only way to get another one is getting pokebank If I am too late after I pay for pokebank and transfer a staryu, I am gonna get five dolalrs out of somebodys ass. Im hurrying, i swear.
>>21202891 If you put up a luvdisc I'll just wondertrade you one
Quoted By:
>>21201838 IGN: Lec
star up for a groudon
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby)
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby) Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:06:55 No. 21202903 Report Quoted By:
>>21202889 I forgot to edit the message sorry!
Reupping with the correct message
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202896 I dont think we can choose who we wonder tradefor but hey, ill put up a disc on GTS in a sec with the /vp/ mark thanks!
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby]
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby] Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:07:34 No. 21202908 Report >>21202896 Can you trade me one as well?
Quoted By:
>>21202896 oh,, and my IGN is Jose
>>21202906 Are you still going through the older requests? Put one up for Rayquaza and didn't get it yet. I can put it up for something different though
>>21202833 Ganolink
2208 6673 5421 IGN:Madara
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21202927 I am. Just in pokebank getting the 90 more pokemon at the moment.
ign zoey
>>21202907 I just search for people who put up a luvdisc and want a staryu then start filling all the request. (which isnt many)
>>21202908 Yup
Quoted By:
>>21202896 Done, IGN; Jose
Godspeed, anon!
>>21202908 >>21202907 K I think I traded you guys. Hope you enjoy!
Quoted By:
>>21202868 Startup up for kyogre
Quoted By:
>>21202974 cool. Thanks! waiting star :)
IGN Light
Quoted By:
>>21202906 Star up, thanks mate
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby]
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby] Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:20:03 No. 21203003 Report >>21202994 Mine is still up, should i re-disc?
>>21202994 Thanks! got another one? I am depositing another one just in case you do :p
Quoted By:
>>21203007 never mind. Ill just deposit my star for my legend. Thanks so much
>>21202941 I know it's a lot to ask but can you hold onto a Kyogre for me? Trying to get a Staryu but I have Pokemon Y.
Quoted By:
>>21201838 >>21202906 Star Up for KyOgre
Thanks a lot, Andiki
IGN Ulysses
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Star up!
Also thanks for the staryu trade kind anon!
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
>>21203015 You've got time my dude. I've just added another 30 of it to the giveaway.
Quoted By:
staryu is up my ign is Tom
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
>>21203003 No. I thought i got them all. I'm sorry. I'm looking right now.
>>21203007 Yup!
Quoted By:
>>21201838 star up for Groudy!
IGN; Jose
Thanks much
>>21203003 K I think I got you now. Sorry about that!
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby]
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby] Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:27:47 No. 21203052 Report Quoted By:
>>21203045 Thank you so much kind vada
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Alright I put up a star.
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby]
Enceladus 0748-3733-8612 [marowak sandshrew diggersby] Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:29:53 No. 21203064 Report Quoted By:
Star is up for rayquayquay, thanks to kind vada
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel (Mawile, Forrettress, Excadrill)
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel (Mawile, Forrettress, Excadrill) Sun 05 Oct 2014 05:30:05 No. 21203067 Report >>21201838 Star is up for Kyogre. Thanks!
>>21202477 Got mine! Thank you!!
If anyone has a spare Staryu they feel like giving me my friend code is 1220-7216-3167. I don't have Pokemon X and all the people offering Staryu on the GTS are you fine people, and the only way I could get one of them is by being a huge dickhead.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Alright I put my star up. I would like a kyogre please.
>>21203080 I can send you one on gts if you like.
Quoted By:
>>21202896 can you send me another staryu? :(
we just traded, that's me.
>>21203090 That would be great! I'll put up a level 10 Eevee with Vada as the note thing. Sorry it's not much :/
Quoted By:
>>21203082 I put up a star ign Bullrock. For rayray
Quoted By:
>>21203090 You are a real hero.
Quoted By:
>>21202784 just got mine! thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>21203090 The Eevee is up there now.
>>21203090 Now for that Piplup ;)
I really was very close to taking it haha
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21203115 i was taking luvdisc for them so eevee is just fine. Also I couldnt find you.
>>21203155 I just got the Staryu, if that wasn't you then I wonder who it was?
Beefcakeman 4527 - 8723 - 6843
Quoted By:
>>21201838 I'd love one of the Groudons, please! Staryu's going up for you, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>21203130 Haha sorry. I thought you just want to trade for shiz and giggles. That piplup is 5iv also. Let me breed up some staryus and Ill trade you.
>>21203161 ha maybe a super nice person?
Quoted By:
>>21203150 I would love me a pinkyogre. Star is up ign thefuckindude
Quoted By:
IGN Zander staryu up for a groudon
Quoted By:
>>21201838 Lv.1 Staryu up for Groudon!
Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>21203150 Deposited Staryu! IGN is Mike! Thanks in advance!
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>>21203130 I'm ready when you are.
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Hey IGN is Wart, put a star up. Just wondering if I could nab a Groudon for my brother. Spanks, OP
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>>21203150 Alright bro. I deposited my STAR. I would love one ray ray. Ign Bullrock
Luvdisc up for kyogre. Thanks op
ign John
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Thank you based OP!
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
Dear sweet Arceus. I didn't expect for these other boxes to go nearly as fast.
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ign: jpj Staryu up! rayquaza please!
>>21201838 How far away am I?
IGN Light
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>>21201838 Thanks again, i've now stared up for a kyogre for my dex.
>>21203171 I don't know if you wanted for sure, but did you want to trade each other's pumpkaboos?
ign zoey
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>>21202955 just got mine, thanks op! :)
>>21203332 Well I was breeding the super sized pumpkaboos for that ghost pokemon tournament. I think its only a 4iv with a hidden abilities though.
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21203330 Let me check. Emceladus, Nate, DaFukin....
I see 13 offers but no Finnic.
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>>21201838 star up for rayquaza :)
message is /vp/
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>>21203345 Ohh I got it haha sorry
>>21203345 Do you see mine? My IGN is Mike.
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>>21203344 lol, mine is just the one from the event haha.
We can always just trade them back and forth if you needed to.
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>>21201838 Just got mine thanks for the Rayquaza OP.
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>>21201838 STARYU UP!
Rayquaza please!
Danny 3368 3101 6852
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>>21203264 Star up for kyogre
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>>21203345 Rayquayquay recieved, thanks op
>>21203345 Do you see me. IGN Bullrock.
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel (Mawile, Forrettress, Excadrill)
Nate - 4124-5549-4442 - Steel (Mawile, Forrettress, Excadrill) Sun 05 Oct 2014 06:14:44 No. 21203376 Report Quoted By:
>>21203067 Got mine, thanks!
>>21203373 Same fpr me IGN Zander, for groudon
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>>21203377 nvm i got it, Thanks OP
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
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>>21203355 Traded you just now
IGN: Osvaldo
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>>21201838 Star up for Kyogre
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>>21203345 Just got it bro thanks.
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>>21203264 Thanks OP! Got mine! :)
>>21201838 fuck, why couldn't it simply be a perfect weather trio giveaway? I've been wanting a Modest 6/5 IV Kyogre for a long time, but ONLY a non-shiny, that's the biggest part, perhaps someone could point me in the direction of a local merchant for one? also maybe one of Rayquaza, I have a perfect one that's shiny, but my collection calls for a full non shiny trio
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>>21203264 Star is up, ign is Mike, would like RayRay
>>21203408 >>using any of these legends competitively Anonymous
>>21203413 >implying I'm using them competitively fuck no, these are going to be my trophies, I also want to use them to wreck the AI
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>>21203424 go 'head
captcha: therednc was
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
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>>21203264 Staryu up for kyogre. Msg 'sea vp', IGN Sharkradical.
>>21203254 Bullrock
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>>21203264 Oh god thank you. The savior is here
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>>21201838 Star up for kyogre!
message is /vp/ sea, IGN: Jose
Danny 3368 3101 6852
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>>21203431 put my staryu back up for kyogre, forgot the message first time
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>>21201838 Lv.1 Staryu up for Kyogre!
Thanks again OP!
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
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Daamn. I think Trio Giveaways are going to be a monthly thing.
>>21203424 I already have a perfect Groudon, a little story to go with this
My luck is fucking amazing with GTS
At some point I put out.... was it a Gible? yeah I think it was a Gible, with Jolly and Pkrs attached, ask for just a Latios, it comes back as a perfect Shiny Latios
Some time later, let's go for more trading, set up another pkrs, ask for a groudon
Get it, just normal color, nothing special, check the nature: Adamant "The fuck? It can't be."
Check IV, perfect 6
next trade, let's get a fucking Rayquaza
At this point, I'm thinking "It's going to be a fucking shiny isn't it?"
What do you god damn think happened next?
These are not all in a row obviously Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
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Whew. Close the the finish line, everyone.
Scotty: 2165 6849 7476
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>>21201838 Star up for Kentucky Oger
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>>21203431 thanks!!!, you're the best Andiki!!!
Danny 3368 3101 6852
>>21203431 Got my Kyogre thanks man...
not sure if you're cool with repeats so if i'm being a jew just tell me to fuck off.
...if not star up for rayquaza
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21203500 You're good. I've seen nearly everyone three times now. That's the point. It's a giveaway. :)
Danny 3368 3101 6852
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>>21203504 righto then putting a star up for groudon, thanks for being awesome man
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!gKtdSxqLS2H
>>21201838 >>21203504 That was the last shiny legend left just sent Danny's way. It was a long and fun giveaway.
Sleep tight, everyone.
>>21203500 I got all three. lol
Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
I jewed.
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>>21203558 who is she? looks familiar, and probably a pokegirl but cant recall
Danny 3368 3101 6852
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>>21203558 Thanks again man
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>>21203558 Thanks Andiki!
>>21203562 Got Groudon and Kyogre, have shiny Rayquaza from BW event so technically I'll be ready for all 3 Primal / Mega :)
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>>21203475 although I will admit I got trolled by a 0 IV Kyogre
Gary Oak - FC: 0877-2126-0300
>>21201838 star up for groudon