>>21222785Speaking as a player of BS singles, people will still use set-up sweepers, since alone they won't be able to sweep 3-0 most likely. The moment that defines using a slot for set up is the force-out turns a player can make--unless they're extremely stupid (someone seriously set up in my Azumarill's face because they had a sash) If they can't do anything to you, it's a free turn. If not, GTFO and reassess your options.
Teams here are usually hyper offensive, and some players choose to Stealth Rock IF their team benefits from this (band sweeper, several rock-weak mons on the other side, eliminating potential sashes, etc.) It's rare to have a replay over 10 turns.
I do not, because my team does not benefit from it very well. I use a bulky offensive team that throws around status for the other members to take advantage of.
It's really a mixed bag. You run into gimmick teams, standard teams, copy-paste teams, etc. or even uber shitters (unranked) and I feel it's up to preference whether this mode of play is fun or not.