[82 / 5 / ?]
Hello /vp/, I'm back with part 1 of my Dragon giveaway. This time the following Pokemon will be available (Mega Stones cannot be traded over the GTS and thus you must supply your own): Dragonite @ Choice Band Ability: Multiscale EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Dragon Claw - Fire Punch - Extreme Speed - Earthquake Garchomp @ Garchompite Ability: Rough Skin EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Naughty Nature - Earthquake - Draco Meteor - Fire Blast - Stone Edge Goodra @ Choice Specs Ability: Gooey EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD Modest Nature - Dragon Pulse - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Focus Blast Kingdra @ Scope Lens Ability: Sniper EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA Naive Nature - Focus Energy - Draco Meteor - Surf - Waterfall Put up a Axew on the GTS asking for the Pokemon of your choice Level 91 or Higher with the message "Deej pleece" to receive your Pokemon. Please check the thread to see if the Pokemon you are asking for is still available, especially if the giveaway has been going on for 2+ hours.>Nickname/Shiny? It's a secret to everybody.>Can I have more than one? Sure, but don't be a dick about it, don't take more than one of a single Pokemon>Did I get skipped? I'm slow. Please be patient.>Can I put up a different mon? I choose the mons I do for a reason. It slows the queue and lowers wait times.
Alan 1134-7468-3603
>>21247423 Axew going up for one Kingdra, thanks DJ.
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>>21247423 putting axew up for goodra
thanks dj
Worker 4957-3511-1943
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>>21247423 Female Axew put up for Dragonite. Thanks brah
Alan 1134-7468-3603
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>>21247464 Or better, for one Dragonite, i don't have one ES Dragonite yet
IGN: Braulio
>>21247423 Putting up axew for Goodra, later for Kingdra
Freya 3024-5610-4825
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>>21247423 Axew going up for Dragonite.
IGN: Haya
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>>21247423 Axew up for garchomp thanks!
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
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>>21247423 Putting up an Axew for a Dragonite. Thank you!
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>>21247423 Axew up for Dragonite! Thanks!
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>>21247423 Put one up for the gooey one. Thanks, DJ! Ign is Serena.
>>21247423 Axew up for Goodra. Thanks
Manuel (FC:4725-8945-2226)
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>>21247696 Dang, I forgot to put my in game info. Sorry about that
ign stacy
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>>21247423 Axew up for kingdra. Thanks!
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>>21247423 Axew up for a Dragonite!
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>>21247423 Axew up for Garchomp.
IGN: Braulio
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>>21247532 Thanks for Nick!
Axew up for Kingdra.
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>>21247423 putting up a axew for a dragonite and a f.e..ma..le thanks DJ!!!!
IGN FoulxLaw
Jinx 4484-8115-0050
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>>21247423 Axew up for Goodra, thank you based DJ!
Danny 0903-2843-3150
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>>21247423 Upping for kingdra
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The feel when you still have your honedge up waiting on a sableye from the last giveaway
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
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>>21247423 Axew for Kingdra, thanks!
Tomoyo 2637-9771-8588
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>>21247423 Thank you for the Dragonite! Putting up another for a Kingdra.
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>>21247423 Goodra is male, isn't it?
aldo210 0103-9701-3254
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axew up for dragonite! thanks!
>pleasedad What's that supposed to mean
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>>21247423 axew up for garchomp op
Manuel (FC:4725-8945-2226)
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>>21247423 I put another one up for Kingdra, if that's okay
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Axew up for kingdra thanks deej
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>>21247839 >being this new Anonymous
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>>21247423 Axew up for Dragonite, IGN is Xavier! Thank you so much!!
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>>21247423 those players have terrible taste in dice
they're all mismatched and crap, there's not even a single full matching set of polyhedrals
sorry, go on
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>>21247423 Axew up!
IGN: Fairyn
Thank you so much for doing this! You're awesome!
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>>21247423 Axew up for kingdra
Ign is serena
Ryan: 4484-9788-0387
>>21247423 Based OP is based. Thanks!
Ryan: 4484-9788-0387
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>>21247951 also, up for Dragonite
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
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>>21247423 posting for dragonite! thank you based deej
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Axew up for Goodra, thank you based deej
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>>21247423 axew up for goodra op thanks
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>mfw filter fags miss out on the giveaway because they can't tolerate a few Goodra threads
IGN Camilo
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>>21247423 Axew up for Dragonite
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Axew for Dragonite, thank you based Deej.
Camellia 2208-5919-9915
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>>21247423 Hi I would like to trade my axew for a garchomp.
WOuld you like a specific name?
So what's the legendary Deej?It's Rayquaza right?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>21248256 My Rayquazas have Classic Ribbons
>>21248261 My vote is for Zygarde
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>21248263 It's not a vote I'm giving out both
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>>21248268 It is a vote. Don't deny my right!
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21247423 >21247423 axew up for goodra
>>21248268 Is it going to be tonight or tomorrow?
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>>21247423 axew up for kingdra
Hunter 3969 5056 5228
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>>21247423 i got dragonite, but i would love to have mix garchomp as well! thank you deej
>>21248285 Its always the next day
>>21248268 Hey, DJ do you have any mamoswines and abomasnows left over from your ice type giveaway?
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>>21248309 The ice giveaway was eons ago.
>>21248309 go away. shooo
I'm guessing Deej doesn't have time to cater to every single straggler who wants their own spoon feeding
>>21248336 How is asking if he has any leftovers from an old giveaway asking to be spoon fed moron?
>>21248351 That's the literal definition you god damn autist.
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Axnew up for a goodra, thanks.
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>>21247423 Axew up for a Critdra, thanks
>>21248355 >Hmm seem like I cant back up what im saying, let me just call him an autist! Yeah that'll show him Yeah, alright retard.
>>21248351 >Hey, can you interrupt your current project and make everyone who is waiting to hold on for a minute so that you can grant my one specific request which I already saw? Anonymous
>>21248393 >Hmm seem like I cant back up what im saying, let me just call him an retard! Yeah that'll show him Yeah, alright autist.
>>21248401 I dont see me asking him to stop his giveaway anywhere in my post. I just happened to ask him if he had any left. He's obviously busy right now so why would i ask him to drop what hes doing to cater to me?
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>>21248408 >>21248393 No fighting, this is a place of love.
IGN Camilo
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>>21247423 Another little guy going up for Kingdra, Thanks man.
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>>21248393 >How does water = wet? >water is wet you retard >HUH, SEEMS LIKE YOU DON'T HAVE A COUNTERARGUMENT, TIME FOR SOME GREEN TEXT! Get the fuck out
>>21248419 Because fuck off. There's a reason these are daily giveaway threads by category. If he just catered to every retard that had their own specific requests any time of the day then he would be perpetually swamped by every random whim. You missed your mamoswine, get the fuck over it and stop trying to play mr innocent
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21247423 >>21247423 axew for dragonite plz
mercury !!kTN22jpb12E
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>>21247423 hey DJ, I put up mine, asking for a kindra.
thanks in advance
IGN: beaniegirl
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>>21247423 axew for garchomp please
IGN Camilo
IGN: Chris
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Axew up for Kingdra, TYBOP
IGN: beaniegirl
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axew for kindra please. and thank you so much for mons
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
As of this post, I am out of Kingdras. If you have listed for one and would like to list for another Pokemon, feel free to do so.
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>>21247423 axew up for dragonite if you've still get em. thanks mang!
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
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As of this post I am out of Dragonites.
MERCURY 2122-7922-5839
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>>21248844 just got mine, thanks DJ!!
i think i forgot to post my game info before; could I also scoop a Goodra?
(if it's not too much trouble)
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
At this time I'll be ending the giveaway. Thanks to all who participated!
>>21249057 Don't fucking say thanks.
The greatest and sexiest pokemon trainer should only accept platitudes
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>>21249064 For some reason I read that last word as platypus.