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CYOA: Scrumptious Calem and Kuudere Serena's Tubular Voyage Part 66: A Frigid Frozen Foe!

!PM597lkh2g No.21310574 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Just when it looks like this is going to be another one of those "ebin annuhmay" finishers, you suddenly grow tired and decide to cut the middleman by doing what any sane trainer would have done in the first place.

"Hexcalibur, Rock Slide!"

Mouth occupied with light, Hexcalibur snaps his fingers and summons a vortex above an unsuspecting Cryogonal. Moments later, an abrupt wave of boulders crash down and pile on top of him, putting an end to the struggle and more importantly, Cryogonal.