Welcome to /vp/'s Giveaway General. Feeling generous? This is the place for you!
Want to chat, fuck around, shitpost or circle jerk?
Go here:
https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#/gg/ channel: #/gg/
http://pastebin.com/gwEhXD5A We're also having a monotype tournament, you can still join us here:
http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/W0lcwG2hH5# This thread is for giveaways using the GTS primarily, but all types of giveaways are welcome.
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have threads like wifi general for that.
Old and busted:
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holy shit maximum ded
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first for free shit when
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Aint gun miss free mons dis time
Its probably been done to death but i took some of those Gengar codes when i left work today. i have like 3 left. im going to clone the one i have soon enough but if anybody wants one of their own that isnt cloned by me, i could give those out i guess? I'll probably get more the next time i close my store.
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>>21314188 Got mine today, but thanks for the gesture anyway
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>>21314188 Yea man if i could take one of you that'd be great.
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i havnt been able to go out and get one for myself and would love it if you could send one my way
[email protected]
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>>21314188 Could I have one of those man?
>>21314188 If i could grab one thatd be nice
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>>21314327 well, a cloned one. Just expressing interest in it.
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>>21314188 i could use one cap
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Anyone interested in some kalos shiny steelix and glalie i could clone some
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>>21314343 Oh yes please, I just realised today that steelix and glalie are my bros.
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the 3 extra i had are gone, sent to the first 3 that replied. Like i said, i'll be cloning mine anyway. probably later tonight, playing SSB at the moment. Keep your eye out though.
I don't get why everyone's going ape shit over these Gengar codes. The sludge wave Gengars will inevitably be cloned and distributed. There's no need to beg for them you fucking jews
>>21314400 >i offered >begged This flavor of shitpost is just as bad as begging.
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>>21314343 i am definitely interested
>>21314424 >Implying i was referring to your post. Check the last two threads moron.
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>>21314450 shut up you faggot, just enjoy the free shit
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21314343 nevermind my glalie has 0 attack.
If still anyone wants i got 11 of each and can nickname, reply to this post once.
Upload something at thr Gts with pan in the message box.
>>21314572 Discing up for both if thats okay
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21314572 Oh, their egg moves are:
Steelix:Rollout-Defense Curl-Rock Blast-Heavy Slam
>>21314572 Fletchling is up for a Steelix, thanks
No nickname if possible
>>21314572 Wipi and I are doing a Huge Steelix and glalie giveaway tomorrow.
>>21314572 Spritzee going up for Glaile! Thanks, Pan. Love the name.
>>21314572 Uploading a gulpin on GTS for the Steelix. Thanks Pan!
IGN FoulxLaw
IGN: Rico
>>21314572 Bagon up for Steelix, thanks!
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>people arguing in a giveaway thread YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, ORAS
Bromide = IGN
>>21314572 Golett up for a Steelix! Thanks Pan!
>>21314572 Uhhh sent a goomy for a steelix
>>21314572 Deposited a lv.21 male wombat for steelix. Thanks in advance, Pan
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21314572 steelix plz (uploaded an eevee)
ign : ty
>>21314572 Fletchling up for Steelix. Thanks!
IGN: Desirey
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>>21314607 spheal with it.jpg
>>21314572 Smoochum going up for glalie
>>21314572 Uploaded Flabebe for Steelix. Thanks in advance.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21314584 steelix is sent
IGN Rizzoto
>>21314572 Chansey is up for Steelix
>>21314644 Autocorrected: Wombat=Woobat. Sorry
>>21314572 I put up a svatterbug for glalie
Message is /VP/ GG
Ign emilee
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21314683 Thank you kindly!
>>21314572 Hi Pan, I deposited a remoraid for Glaire pretty please
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
IGN:Sofi 3840 6749 9168
>>21314572 if you have one plz slushvall for me
disc up
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>21314572 ive got a disc up for the steelix!
>>21314572 uploading ferrorseed for the steelix
ign: jam
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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I've got a ganger code, but it won't work with pal version x, so if someone wants the code and then clones me a ganger I'd really appreciate it!
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 05:18:37 No. 21314772 Report >>21314572 vivillon is up for a steelix if you still have any available.
>>21314572 eevee up for steelix
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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Are there anymore Gengars?
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Bromide = IGN
>>21314572 >>21314762 Shellder up for a Glalie if it's okay to double dip. Otherwise just ignore me. Thanks again Pan!
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>>21314791 lol can we get both?
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
>>21314572 disc up for steelix if any left, thanks
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21314780 thanks pan (also i like its nickname)
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
IGN Rizzoto
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21314870 C-can i re up for a glalie?
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>>21314906 You're awesome! Thanks
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
>>21314572 disc up for any glalie left, plz
>>21314870 the a ferroseed up for a slushball
ing jam
>>21314572 Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
>>21314572 one up for glalie if theres any left
>>21314929 re upping eevee for glalie
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
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>>21314930 >>21314572 forgot poke. uploaded a bagon.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21314572 special glalie
why? it was before the mega leaks?
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>>21314976 no shit sherlock
>>21314962 larvesta up for glalie
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21314924 >>21314930 >>21314937 >>21315002 sent and all glalie are gone too enjoy!
>>21314976 Yeah, i can rebreed one later using a shiny seed with 31-07-31-31-31-31
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>>21314572 larvesta up for glalie
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>>21315022 thanks for slushball :)
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>>21315022 thanks a bunch!
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>>21315022 i will love you if you do that because shiny glalie is fucking asome
>>21314572 If you've got anymore shiny Glalie, can I have one?
Deposited an Ivysaur.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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Is Ponder still coming back with those Doexys and Cresselias?
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315757 its ok pan take your time
>>21315757 >recording a video just to show progress now that's dedication. bravo.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315823 >>21315783 They are ready, all info is in the video, disc up one.
>>21315828 wait so what was the Glalie from earlier about then?
IGN:Sofi 3840 6749 9168
>>21315828 so we ask for a lvl 1 snorunt?
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315834 0 attack this one is 31-31-31-07-31-31
>>21315835 yes
IGN:Sofi 3840 6749 9168
>>21315847 ok disc up
tnx based pan
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315828 If i received a glalie can i still get a snorunt? or trade the glalie for this snorunt?
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>>21315828 Disc'd up :3
Message is /vp/ gg
>>21315847 disc up. IGN Jeffrey.
out of curiosity how do people know the exact number on the IV that's not perfect? >female glalie I know I shouldn't care but my autism meter is off the charts right now kek Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315757 Is there a guide anywhere on how to do this?
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>>21315828 Disc is up, thanks
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>>21315883 Alright thanks! discing up.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315881 keysav >>21315886 you need a powersaves Anonymous
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>>21315916 disc up, thanks pan.
>>21315916 wait a second. you need a powersave to breed a shiny pokemon when you can just shifiny it without any of that? Anonymous
>>21315916 I have one. What do? ;_; Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21315948 Based. Thanks, gonna give this a shot now.
IGN: Haya
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>>21315883 Can I have one? disc is up just in case, thanks!
>>21315948 Wait, how do Powersaves come into it? I just skipped to the abridged version
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21315990 so you can restore the game and change parents as many times as you want
>>21315948 >>21315990 Yeah I read it too and can't see how powersaves are used
Bromide = IGN
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>>21315828 Disc up for future mega ice nugget. Thanks again Pan.
>>21316010 >>21315990 At this point wouldn't it just be easier to shinify the Pokemon after breeding the egg moves on it?
>>21316023 Not if you're an autist
like me that only uses things that have their OT/ID.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
I ve sent all snorunts i found at the gts enjoy!
>>21316030 Wait. Shinifying changes OT? I didn't know that.
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>>21316039 No, just the ID. It really bugs my autism though.
>>21316035 still taking discs?
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21316062 yeah i was about to Wt the rest
Can you soft-reset spam to get a Gengar with ideal maxed IVs and natures or is it a very unlikely I'll get a 5IV gengar with an ideal nature?
>>21315948 >>21316008 So this method lets you know what IVs you'll get but how did it get you a shiny on the first egg?
I'm sorry if it's clear and I'm asking a dumb question Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21316089 it wasnt the first egg you just save before hatching it until you get a shiny, when it hatch shiny you reset the game and make a backup with power saves so you can always restore the game change parents and have a shiny with a fixed IV spread and ability
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21316122 disc up im about to leave
>>21316126 Disc up. Can I be a total Jew and get one of each?
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
>>21316138 oh, i only have snorunts left
the one in this video:
http://youtu.be/UWtkq-U4Fxs Skohly
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>>21316145 Ok, re-upped my disc for snorunt
>>21316145 Got it, thanks m8.
Pan !!EwNauMIru7h
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>>21316163 enjoy,
Good nigth all.
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I was hoping to get my hands on at least one extra code for Gengar at Swedish Gamestop today, but they had only gotten 2 damn codes and I didn't feel like jewing out because they said it had been asked about a lot this week. The second closest Gamestop where I live is like 100km away, no kidding.
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>>21319161 I am. Quite sad i missed the steelix.
>>21319161 I'm here, what's the go?
>>21319295 Miscellaneous mons I think, some event
>>21319372 I'm down to get any mons given to me, i'd kill for a shiny gengar, I don't think EB games are giving away codes for them.
>>21319456 I have an Event Gengar, but it's 2 IV hardy. I can change that real quick if you guys want
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>>21319372 I'm down for any mons
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 16:08:24 No. 21319509 Report Quoted By:
>>21319480 Either that... or fancy vivillon
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>>21319480 That would be great!
>>21319480 I dont care for IVs or nature, what do you want for it?
If someone do a giveaway of shitty iv nature ahiny gengar would be great. I dont do 60km for get a stupid code from gamestoop
>>21319662 There is no way to get the code in the country i live, you should be glad you can get to a gamestop
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>>21319683 I wouldn't drive 60km for a pokemon. Especially when you get there, they might say "Sorry, but we're all out of codes, but would you like to preorder Omega Ruby!"
>>21319606 Bugger it, i'll chuck on a name so people don't try and steal my mons.
>>21319714 Names can be stolen too
alright, let's start with Gengar. If you're on my acq or friend list, just wait for a trade. If you're not, upload a bunnelby to GTS with message "/vp/ Gengar" looking for a bunnelby, then we'll acq trade. First 5 get one, after that maybe another 5 depending on if GTS is going to cooperate.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 16:31:50 No. 21319751 Report >>21319731 \Even regular pokemon that are event can't go on GTS?
>>21319731 Bunny up for bunny
IGN CaioNipz
>>21319745 No, don't know if you even can since the trainer name is "OCT2014"
>>21319751 Probably not
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>>21319724 That is a good point..
Is there anyway I can avoid that?
ign- beaniegirl
>>21319751 ponder does a powersave plug into the computer? and i dont want gengar just asking questions
>>21319731 Putting bunny up, ign Igano.
>>21319768 >>21319731 Did you give me SPA bunny or was i sniped?
ign- beaniegirl
>>21319809 ok and i just put the game in and such. sorry to ask questions but my step-brother has one with no instructions. so im at a loss on how to use it
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 16:36:33 No. 21319834 Report Quoted By:
>>21319731 And bunnelby has been put up. thanks
>>21319827 Yeah I think so, send me a TR if you see me on your acq list cause PSS is being a shit
>>21319731 got one up, IGN is Pyro.
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>>21319772 Can you join us for a chat on the irc?
its kinda of quiet[/spoiler Anonymous
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>>21319827 Oh, don't worry, i have you an acquantainces already
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>>21319840 William here, thanks ponder
>>21319831 download the software from the website, plug it into the computer and put the cartridge in
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>>21319840 Thanks a lot for the spoopy ghost!
>>21319816 >>21319862 Waiting for you to say youve sent.
ign- beaniegirl
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>>21319862 ok thank you ponder
>>21319902 Sent your bunny just now, PSS being a shit so send me a request
What giveaways are running atm?
>>21319990 event Gengar
>>21319842 You have to request a bunnelby, this gengar won't pass through GTS
>>21319929 Thanks, were you lucky with modest nature or all event gengars have modest?
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>>21320004 Oh, so i become your acquaintance, right. derp, sorry.
watching my neighbor totoro, not really paying much attention.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 16:53:22 No. 21320023 Report >>21319929 I don't suppose your in game name is george, or did my bunnelby get sniped?
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>>21320023 His ign is Ponder.
>>21320018 Mine was Hardy, but changed it to Modest and gave it 5 IVs. Figured
>>21320023 My IGN is podner, I saw yours earlier but didn't send a bunny
>>21320004 I got you on acq but you said only first 5 :(
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>>21320040 put a shinx up for a bunnelby.
>>21320050 I cloned 11 of them, don't tell anyone though
ign- beaniegirl
>>21320073 so i should RT when you are available? Anonymous
What mons would generally be the best partners for the event Gengar?
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>>21320105 nothing you have
>>21320079 Goied if thats you please come on the irc I need to ask you something
>>21320105 On a mono team? With sludge wave, probably something with the ability Telepathy
>>21320140 Cant right now, im on the phone
what is it?
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>>21320105 Klefki. Would work nicely in doubles/Vgc
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>>21320142 Sorry i took so long to trade then, enjoy the hell out of this movie.
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>>21320142 Thanks for the gengar!
>>21320153 I kinda need your FC for the tourney to make it easier for anons to find and battle you
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>>21320179 I posted it 3 days ago or so.
Are you sure it isnt there?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 15 Oct 2014 17:09:10 No. 21320197 Report Thanks Ponder! I still don't know how people find each other through passerby, but thanks again
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>>21320197 I found you through acquaintances, i'm surprised it actually showed you. Half the time it doesn't update so the other person needs to send the TR
Will sludge wave really make a difference compared to sludge bomb?
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>>21320264 You can hit multiple opponents with sludge wave. so yeah, it will in vgc when mega gengar. something with a sky high spa stat can hit two targets with a stab sludge wave
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>>21320264 Can it hit pokemon behind subs? It just says on pokemondb that pokemon behind subs can't be poisoned
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>>21319731 If I'm lucky enough for this to still be on, I've got a Bunny up.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:26:42 No. 21321101 Report >>21320957 Free shit now, lemme see them luvdiscs.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:27:45 No. 21321112 Report Quoted By:
>>21321101 Also put a recognizable message.
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>>21321101 Ign is Alessa, thank you!
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>>21321101 Luvdisc is up, message is /GG/ Baptiste. Thanks in advance!
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>>21321101 The disk is up thank you
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>>21321101 Luvdisc's up with "recognizeable" message.
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>>21321101 >EVs: None into the trash it goes
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>>21321101 Disc up, thanks a lot!
IGN CaioNipz
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:31:21 No. 21321167 Report >>21321101 Welp, wait a min, seems there's a little problem, lemme investigate.
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:32:07 No. 21321175 Report Quoted By:
>>21321101 Disc up. Thanks!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:34:41 No. 21321203 Report >>21321167 Okay, update on Steelix, will have to do by acquaintances, sorry about that.
So, luvdisc for luvdisc and I'll give it to you.
Forgive me /gg/ not used to that.
>>21321203 Luvdisc upped for luvdisc
Quoted By:
>>21321203 Tried again.
Message is "recognizable"
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:39:33 No. 21321256 Report Quoted By:
>>21321203 Disc up for disc
Quoted By:
/vp/ as message. Free shit always welcomed
Quoted By:
>>21321203 luvdisc is up
ign william
>>21321203 There is a Pokemon in your party that can't be traded or something
>>21321101 luvdisc is up
Quoted By:
>>21321302 the jew is back
Quoted By:
Disc up. Ign garl
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:45:43 No. 21321351 Report >>21321268 Alright, appears that I gotta fix the balltism, so lemme work on this.
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>>21321351 Call off Disc for Disc then?
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:47:47 No. 21321382 Report Quoted By:
>>21321101 sent a Lovdisc, message is /vp/ Baptiste
ign- beaniegirl
the steelix giveaway is down at the moment
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 18:54:37 No. 21321490 Report Quoted By:
>>21321471 Confirmed, something was illegal, i'm redoing it entirely, be back in 10.
>>21321524 You missed the party
>>21321554 ;_; not even a clone?
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>>21321637 at least a diance? pleeeeease? :3
>>21321702 probably 20 or so people waiting on the steelix reboot
>>21321718 Brandom, its that you?
Quoted By:
Are these codes only good for XY or can you grab one from GS and sit on it until ORAS come out? My Y version was stolen a while ago.
>>21321717 Well Wipi and I's steelix and glalie giveaway are tonight at 7 pm est. hes doing a fairy type i think later tonight too, and I might do a givevaway right now if there are enough people. im making the pictuer for it right now
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:14:33 No. 21321778 Report >>21321717 Almost there.
Gotta test if this one is legal first and then we're on.
>>21321766 >making a picture Just start giving it away now you atttention whore
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>>21321790 fuck you m8. my pal enjoys making pictures for them.
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>>21321766 oh i didnt know yall were doing one too, i was talking about baptiste's thing
>>21321778 bruh, take your time. you're doing gods work here
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
Quoted By:
>>21321101 Are these still being distributed? If so, disc up, thanks!
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
Im here to jew like theres no tomorrow
ign- beaniegirl
Quoted By:
my love disk is ready to go up
>>21321778 Its good to go.
Enjoy ralts
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:26:00 No. 21321932 Report Quoted By:
>>21321915 Nice, so i'll just make clone it a few more times and it's up.
>>21321218 I have your gift from 5ever ago now.
Pls gib Luvdisc when trade
>>21321954 AAAW DAS A QT thank you very much based anon <3
we miss you Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21321954 I remembered you had blue, so I got pink for you.
Later. Say hi to friends for me my people need me.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:31:58 No. 21322001 Report >>21321101 Okay this time it's for real guys, sorry for fucking up the first time.
Got two boxes of this little guy, put up luvdiscs on GTS with a message.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:33:22 No. 21322012 Report Quoted By:
>>21322001 Also, watch out, it's no more lvl 88.
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>>21322001 Good luck on your giveaway Baptiste.
>>21321991 I miss you guys too.
Be good.
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Nah it's ok, you're giving us free stuff. Thanks for your time!
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Luvdisc up fo dat giant snake
ign- beaniegirl
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Love disc up, btw.
>>21322001 No evs? so how are people supposed to ev train it at lvl 100?
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>21322001 Luvdisc is up.
message is "baptised"
Quoted By:
>>21322001 disc'd up then
Ign Emilee
message simply /vp/ gg
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
>>21322046 You can stil train it at lvl 100
>>21322046 EVs take effect immediately this gen, not after leveling up.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>21322046 if you EV train a pokemon at lv 100 and then deposit it in the PC it will gain all the stats you have trained it in
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Its up again thanks
>>21322067 >>21322071 I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know people!
>>21322001 Just a note for next time, you messed up the exp buddy, it's not gonna pass any legality checks anytime soon if you care about that stuff
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Re-upped with correct level. Thanks Baptise!
Manuel (FC:4725-8945-2226)
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Luvdisc is up. Message is /vp/Baptiste
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>21322089 no prob, though i think
>>21322067 was right in that they take effect immediately, but in past gens you can train and then deposit them for stat gainz
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:41:17 No. 21322142 Report >>21322100 Daaaamn, i'm not making that mistake next time, sorry.
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:41:46 No. 21322150 Report Wasted hours again for nothing. Next week Ill buy a PS for myself.
Quoted By:
>>21322150 sick blog
where can I subscribe?
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc up! message is "thanks!"
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:44:19 No. 21322187 Report >>21322150 Well steelix is still passing GTS, I think I just sent you one to be honest.
Quoted By:
>>21322150 stfu entitled prick
>>21322142 >mfw -59.860 Exp. to next lvl Azurielle 3883-6091-4886
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Luvdisc is up, please give it a cool nickname!
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
>>21322187 I like the part where steelix needs negative exp to level up. TY anyway
IGN: Coyote (0533-4859-6447)
Quoted By:
>>21322196 Guys nevermind, one quick battle fixes it. Thank you Baptiste!
Quoted By:
>>21322196 >>21322100 It changes once you battle something. It has happened to me before.
>>21322150 Fucking jew, you show up to every thread for the sole purpose of jewing and you always seem to complain about everything.
Fuck off.
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc is up!
IGN is Richard. Thank you so much!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:49:53 No. 21322269 Report Quoted By:
Some of you are still requesting a steelix level 81-90, make sure to request a lvl 100.
Quoted By:
IGN its azul, disc up, thanks /vp/ro
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl
Ondine 1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:50:42 No. 21322280 Report >>21322229 You can't call people "jew" if if people actually never send stuff. Still waiting for the 4 pokés vp promised :^)
Quoted By:
Thanks baptiste
alright get a zigzagoon ready soon ya goons
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc up with messagge /vp/ thank you!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:53:12 No. 21322335 Report Quoted By:
Half a box gone.
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
>>21322313 for what?
glalie hype xylia
was the steelix giveaway a ruse? I was one of the first and still haven't received anythign yet
Quoted By:
>>21322001 disc up! ign xenia, thanks nignog!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 19:57:04 No. 21322392 Report >>21322380 What's your IGN?
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
>>21322380 Nope. Maybe Baptiste hates you.
Red 1349-7093-1184
>stahlos wow thanks for telling us you nicknamed it
>>21322392 Happen the same to me, maybe you skipped me.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:00:36 No. 21322436 Report Quoted By:
>>21322412 It's not nicknamed, it's the name in german cause I evo traded it with a german.
Quoted By:
>>21322280 You're an ungrateful piece of shit.
>>21322392 Baptiste did you get me yet ign is Kori
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:01:50 No. 21322455 Report >>21322417 If you're K you just got one.
Quoted By:
>>21322351 no, glalie is later ronight.
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc up. IGN: Max
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:02:56 No. 21322468 Report >>21322449 You messed up the level, it's 100
Quoted By:
>>21322455 maybe you skiped me, my ign its azul c;
Quoted By:
Disc up Ign garl
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc up anyway. Thanks!
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
>>21322468 Disc still up, message /vp/ Baptise
Quoted By:
>>21322468 Ohh thought you kept it the same
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
Quoted By:
>>21322517 Just got it, thanks for this beauty Baptise!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:09:53 No. 21322589 Report Alright, one box gone, one more box to go.
Quoted By:
>>21322589 thanks bro, i love you
Quoted By:
>>21322468 Thank you so much!
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Quoted By:
>>21322589 Got mine, thanks.
Now waiting on Chase's Glalie giveaway tonight.
Oi m80s. Based Chase here, with another giveaway. No nickname, I am not OT I'm asking for a fucking zigzagoon, so put one up with the message: /vp/ Based fuck you guys, reply with your ign, only have 30
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Zigzagoon is up, IGN as usual is Richard. TYBC
Red 1349-7093-1184
Quoted By:
>>21322676 ign is Alessa, thank you
pls no gender war xylia
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Zig is up, ign is Paul.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:22:35 No. 21322772 Report Alright guys, I think you've all got one.
IGN: Coyote (0533-4859-6447)
Quoted By:
>>21322676 goon up! ign xenia thanks
Midna 0018-2159-3234
>>21322772 Oh and Baptoste next time if you wanted a pokemon with its normal name make it level 99 or under
since they you make it gain a level it goes to the normal name for your region Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Zigzag up
Ign Emilee
Thanks based chase
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby)
Vsi 4313-2340-0469 (phanpy, dugtrio, diggersby) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:28:16 No. 21322881 Report Quoted By:
>>21322676 Zigzagoon is up, thanks~
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:28:17 No. 21322883 Report Quoted By:
>>21322835 Welp i'm OT so I could have renamed it but I kind of liked german name.
and also I was in a hurry because I fucked up previously Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:30:15 No. 21322915 Report IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>21322676 ive got a zizagoon up!
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:32:32 No. 21322949 Report >>21322676 Zig up! Thanks Chase.
Quoted By:
>>21322001 Disc up in case there is any left
IGN CaioNipz
Quoted By:
>>21322745 Got the goodra.
Thank you.
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:38:38 No. 21323044 Report Quoted By:
>>21322915 Hey bro, can you add me? I want a Safari Skarm
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:40:05 No. 21323073 Report >>21322915 Oh yeah I'd like a safari with skarmory please!
I added you.
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Zig up
Ign William
Thanks chase
Quoted By:
>>21323073 >>21323073 Thanks for the Steelix, bro
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Am I too late to snag one? Ign george
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Wed 15 Oct 2014 20:51:15 No. 21323217 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Thanks for the goodra!
IGN : Ollie
>>21322001 Disc up with /vp/ bap
IGN : Ollie
IGN : Zenn
>>21322676 Thank god it's female.
I really, really hate male ones for obvious reasons.
Caballoster (3136-7861-9980)
>>21323556 This is why we should only give MALE
IGN : Zenn
>>21323587 I should've spoilered my text.
I'm not slugfucker okay? I just don't like male ones. Thanks for the slug btw Chase!
Quoted By:
>>21323599 Nice dubs but i think you're lying
Quoted By:
>>21322676 Are you done with Goodras? Or can I still get one?
IGN Jean Grey (3411-1697-3621)
Quoted By:
>>21322676 if any left, ill take one. zoon up, thanks
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
I've got a bit of a small giveaway that i wanted to do. I'd take it to /wfg/ or /ggg/ but neither general like obviously genned/powersaved shit. So would it be alright if i gave them out here? Or should i make my own thread?
Quoted By:
>>21324053 here is alright
>>21324053 What are you planning to give out?
Quoted By:
>>21324053 go for it, whatchyoo got?
Quoted By:
>>21324053 I second what anon
>>21324078 said
Midna 0018-2159-3234
Quoted By:
>>21324053 Wait for a new thread
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324078 Breeding leftovers. Shit I got in trades/giveaways. 95% of everything ill be giving away has egg moves and great IVs. If either of the two are right, ill add a bp item.
Here's a list if you're interested .
http://pastebin.com/BQrPsLd4 This is just a bit of what i have. I've got more but i know that breding leftovers are frowned upon here
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324133 I think rather than giving away level 1's people would be more happier with fully evolved, battle ready pokemon (meaning movesets and already EVd). That's just me though, I can't speak for anyone else here.
>>21324133 >Breeding leftovers Best take it to /ggg/ anon and try to help the general out a bit
>>21324186 You're speaking for most of us, you're right
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
Quoted By:
>>21324188 I would take it to /ggg/ but that place is a shit hole. I'd much rather hand these out here. To people who need them
>>21324186 I have some battle ready mons too but I wont be getting powersaves till this weekend so I cant clone enough for everybody
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:01:24 No. 21324226 Report >>21324133 I may be interested in scyther and kanga. Do you happen to have clorophyll bulba?
Although i must agree this doesnt belong here
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324226 Disc up for both. Both are level 1
Quoted By:
Goodras still being distributed?
>>21324210 >You're speaking for most of us You're speaking for yourself anon I like to raise my giveaway mons myself without have the giveaway person to do everything
>>21324281 You're speaking for yourself.
Most of us don't have all day to dick around like you do.
>>21324281 >Most >Not all >Getting mad Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:06:52 No. 21324313 Report >>21324249 Can i have your skarmory? Do you want one of the steelix I gave earlier?
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
Quoted By:
>>21324226 >>21324249 By the way I don't have a Bulbasaur. And if you could put "Foulest Play" in the message box it'll make it a lot easier for me to spot you.
>>21324313 do you still got steelix?
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:08:01 No. 21324328 Report >>21324249 Im out of discs, I sent two Furfrou.
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324313 No a luvdisc will do.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:09:03 No. 21324343 Report >>21324326 Yeah I still got ~20 I guess.
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324328 Sent the Scyther.
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:12:21 No. 21324386 Report >>21324351 Foulestplay Furfrou up
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324297 >Getting mad Who said I was mad anon am just saying I want to work a bit for what I've been gifted with
>>21324294 I just dont like being spoon fed everything unless some anons around here but I respect your opinion anon
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha)
Red 1349-7093-1184 (Woobat, Spearow, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:14:02 No. 21324400 Report Quoted By:
>>21324393 >I only like being spoonfed with a medium sized spoon! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21324343 disc up with the message bap
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:15:02 No. 21324417 Report Quoted By:
>>21324334 Disc is up for Skarmory!
>>21324378 Please do.
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
>>21324343 I've gotta go in a couple minuets so if you still want the Skarmory, now would be the time to upload something on GTS.
Comes with
Sturdy/ Smog Stones and Whirlwind
>>21324419 Autists...I'll never understand them.
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:18:48 No. 21324469 Report >>21324432 Damn i mystiped the name, I just re-uped it.
Quoted By:
>>21324440 >I'll never understand What can I say you're simply a uneducated faggot
FoulxLaw 5344-0023-0772
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha)
Baptiste 3239-4962-3300 (Doduo, Hoothoot, Hawlucha) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:23:29 No. 21324532 Report Quoted By:
Andiki 0233-0106-0090 !!KpSPx5oH5nR
Only have 1 box worth. All level 10 Females. Throw a Snorunt onto GTS and ask for the aforementioned Onix.
Quoted By:
>>21324343 disc is up for steelix
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Snorunt up, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Runt going up for a Onix thank you
Quoted By:
>>21324539 >>21324511 Just in case you'd like to post it over there too.
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Snorunt is up, thanks
>>21324539 Can't find a snorunt anywhere, mind if I throw something else up?
Quoted By:
Still here baptiste?
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Thank you so much, Andiki!
Midna 0018-2159-3234
>>21324674 If you need one, i have some
>>21324720 What do you want?
Midna 0018-2159-3234
>>21324730 I dont care, I just want you to get an onix
>>21324745 Alright, I'm throwing up a cleffa with the message /vp/ midna
Midna 0018-2159-3234
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:44:10 No. 21324811 Report Quoted By:
>>21324797 Thanks man, you the real MVP
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Snorunt up, thanks man
Midna 0018-2159-3234
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 15 Oct 2014 22:51:44 No. 21324897 Report Quoted By:
>>21324539 Snorunt up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>21324539 Something went wrong, Snorunt's up now
crock !!F7TLO6qRhnS
Andiki (mobile) !!KpSPx5oH5nR
Quoted By:
Only 6 traded so far. Sorry for the pause, all. I'm at the Taco-of-Bell currently.
>>21324539 but i dont have a snorunt, or a way to acquire one
Midna 0018-2159-3234
>>21325470 my safari has one if youd like.
>>21325496 that would be kind of you
Midna 0018-2159-3234
Midna 0018-2159-3234
>>21325803 What is your friend code though?
needforsleep 4012-4671-0991
Quoted By:
>>21325838 Oh yeah, im such a dolt
On an unrelated note, I'm still planning on cloning me hexa-perfect IV Giratina for a give away, but I cant seem to find the opportunity to do so as of late.