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No.21317173 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>People thinking the Battle Frontier will be in
>No news at all and only one month left until the game is out
Seriously, why would they hide from us what basically was one of the main attractions of Emerald? The interview was clear, they want to put more postgame things in the form of more Contests options and Secret Bases, and probably some postgame missions like the Looker one too, but the Frontier is pretty much already deconfirmed. There is no reason to keep it a surprise just because it's postgame because pretty much everybody that is a fan of the series knows about it already, and past Corocoro issues always had a whole month focused only on new Battle facilities/mini games, while this time we only got that for Secret Bases and Contests. People should start to let their hopes drop to avoid massive disappointment, and start instead on focusing on all the new features and improvements from the past that ORAS will include. Sadly cuts are inevitable when Game Freak is in charge, but at least they always deliver something new to keep people busy.