Pic related. R8 me pls.
>>2131774010/10 would battle/trade eggs/adventure with
>>21317808I can dig it. 9/10.
>>21317848Super cool. 9/10.
>>2131791710/10 Clefable is one of the coolest pokemon.
>>213179349.9/10 mad respect
>>213179839/10 love the kek
>>2131800611/10 Best Bug, Bonus for not using the mega
>>21318029One of my favorite nfes, 10/10
>>21318088Really solid choice...seriously 9/10
>>213181878/10 for unique
>>213181929/10 for the mence
>>213183719.5/10 one of the best Ghosts
>>21318752Bronzong is cool 7.8/10
>>21321528Sableye is cool 8/10
>>21321855Really cool choice, would join adventure team, 10/10
>>213219138/10 for lurkin'
>>213239869.3/10 for Tropiusbro
>>21324834100/100 top tier bro-master would nominate for champion/use as rival
>>213259869/10 slaking is a really cool pick you should stand by him, his day will come
>>213258849/10 super cool shouldermon
This thread is fucking reeking good taste. I love you all.