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No.21397310 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well, shitposting on /vp is really annoying right now, and i mean shitposting about presumable lack of shit in ORAS. Let's finish this nonsense.
>expanded plot involving Rayquaza, there is more depth to box legendary with the primal form
>more developed characters, new ones like Aarune, Lucia, Zinnia
>super secret base now works as a gym besides its regular function
>contests are expanded with an addition of cosplay pikachu
>locations are expanded (revamped Mauville)
>more legendaries to catch
>more locations to visit
>game is easier at the beginning, but after 4th gym everything is going to get harder
>your rival has a better team now involving a mega evolution. Wally is a Red tier character (lvls of mons)
>E4 use mega evo in a rematch
>there are some new cool mechanics introduced, like underwater fights, or flying on your latias/latios
>gadgets are more functional

These are all confirmed.

And still there are people who think there won't be Battle Frontier. Let me tell you something - there will be Battle Frontier, and it will be even better.
The only thing they cut off was the customisation, but still it wasnt in the originals. Same thing with Juan - i bet he will appear, think,
why would they introduce new characters and delete already established ones?

It is shaping as a good remake with tons of additional content. And yet we don't know stuff about Trick House and such, and i think it will be expanded too.
I don't force you to hype, just ffs don't flood this board with unconfirmed and most likely nonexistent shit.

Shame on you shitposters.