What powersaves CAN do:
>Clone (Up to a whole box at once) >Shinify (Up to 10 'mons at once, but 'mons that are shiny locked can't be traded back to you. Also can't be nicknamed afterwards) >Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once) >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time) >Natures (One 'mon at a time) >Get you items/berries, although they may say no to multiples as they'd have to trade you as many >pokemon as you need of that item. >Unshinify 'mons (One 'mon at a time. The OT will become the powersavers, but still can't be nicknamed) >Change form of Floette, Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist, Vivillon, Shellos/Gastrodon, Basculin, >Burmy/Wormadam, Deerling, Furfrou, Unown (You can change genie and deoxys form in game) >Change the region of a 'mon to US, UK or JP (One 'mon at a time) >Change balls (One 'mon at a time) >Give pokemon pokerus (One 'mon at a time) >Generate event 'mons from gen 6 that have happened (Recent events will not likely be able to be done shortly after launch) What powersaves can NOT do:
>Change abilities >Generate 'mons for you >Get certain moves >Evs >ID/SID/PID >Nickname >Ribbons >Edit location caught (i.e. route 7, but I want route 10. Born in Kanto, can't change to Johto) >Specific levels Please make your request in your first post along with FC. Be patient with savers. Both make life easier on us.
joeg 3969-5307-8878
>>21409225 Ill bite; can you just make 5 of my pokes shiny?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
joeg 3969-5307-8878
>>21409367 if you could give them all lefties or something that would also be boss... maybe 1 or 2 ability caps?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
>>21409225 Can I plug that Powersave into my Power Save to save energy?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21409405 you didn't take the items off reuniclus and slowpoke though
Hey domi were already friends, can I get some leftovers?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21409531 how many do you need?
>>21409534 What's an acceptable amount?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21409545 dunno, just tell me how many you are looking for
joeg 3969-5307-8878
Quoted By:
>>21409467 Yeah i realized that after- its OK.
Thanks for the charitywork; and I had no idea you couldnt trade HM pokes from your party.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Rei 1392-4800-4845
Anyone willing to shinify 4 of my pokemon and give them 6 31 iv? I also want to ask if it's possible to make my Scatterbug evolve into a Marine Vivillon.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21409584 Can do that.
I could quickly evolve your Scatterbug, then change the pattern if you want.
Rei 1392-4800-4845
>>21409603 Yes that's great thank you very much.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21409584 the vivillon also shiny or just the rest?
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Tue 21 Oct 2014 13:23:42 No. 21409780 Report >>21409744 hey domi, can powersaves get my pokemon a certain moveset if they aren't egg moves?
Or they just can't do it in general?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Rei 1392-4800-4845
Quoted By:
>>21409744 All of them if you can please.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Tue 21 Oct 2014 13:35:41 No. 21409887 Report >>21409783 I just need 3 pokemon fixed if you could help me out?
Pancham just needs to be 6IV, male, and adamant nature with weakness policy
Aegislash needs to be ultra ball, 6IV, shiny, and quiet nature with air balloon
Skorupi needs to be 6IV male and careful nature
holding black sludge
thanks in advance
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Rei 1392-4800-4845
Quoted By:
Thank you very much Domi, I appreciate the help.
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu)
Tonnura-san 0963-1300-0507 (Manectric, Helioptile, Pachirisu) Tue 21 Oct 2014 13:58:34 No. 21410115 Report Quoted By:
>>21409908 Thanks Domi, I don't need the Talonflame haha, because I'm using the other one you helped fix for me last time :^)
Isn't this cheating though?
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
So I got an event Gengar a week ago, but I got impatient SRing and settled for a neutral nature. Could anybody make her Timid and give her 5IVs? Thanks in advance!
>>21412129 What do you want?
>>21413823 Could you set 5 of my mons to level 100? And i need 3 of them, Toxicroak, Darmanitan, and Crawdaunt to be made male.
craster 3239-3154-3276
Quoted By:
anyone taking requests? i would like to have a couple of things shinified if possible.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
I can do some saving now! Who's still here?
>>21414776 Can you get me an American Diancie? I live where those codes will never exist.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21414875 >American Diancie uh well, I've got some Diancie that actually has the english name, but is still from the movie 14 with a jap OT. close enough for you?
would be naive with HP fire if you don't request any changes
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
Quoted By:
>>21414934 I'm ok with that I'll add you, thanks.
FuiFui !vjd3tHCqgo
>>21414776 Can you get me a 6iv Eevee in a Heal Ball? How does it work, do I just trade you any Eevee and you change it?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415019 I can't add moves, so you might want to get eggmoves on your Eevee.
Other than that, yeah.
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
I'm looking for a level 100 Mudkip, 6iv's with Yawn, Avalanche, Curse and Refresh. Anyone able to do that for me? I was breeding one myself, but now that I've got a job, I have a lot less free time for Pikamenz and need a hand
FuiFui !vjd3tHCqgo
>>21415040 Can you change genders? Like if it's a male Eevee, can you make it female?
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
>>21415041 Just read the post above mine. I have some with the egg moves, I'd just need the IV's changing, if that's okay.
Quoted By:
>>21415040 Again, Thank you!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415054 yes
>>21415062 adding you. I can also level it to 100 if you need that
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
>>21415084 Oh, that'd be great, thanks! I'll add you now.
FuiFui !vjd3tHCqgo
Quoted By:
>>21415084 Cool, I've got one for you then.
If you could change it's gender to female, make it 6ivs, and make it be in a Heal Ball that would be awesome. :3
My fc is 3738 0974 3273.
Let me know when you're ready.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415093 and it should stay a mudkip? or do I evolve it?
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
Quoted By:
>>21415144 Keep it as a mudkip, that's totally fine.
Also dat trade fodder, holy crap!
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
Alright um anybody doing this out there, I have 2 mons that just need a few things edited. I have a Manectric that only needs its nature changed from Modest to Timid. The other one is a shiny Treecko I got a while back in a giveaway, and it needs a few things changed. It needs its ball changed back to a regular Pokeball, it needs to be switched to 6IVs instead of just 5, and I would appreiate it if the nature could be changed from Timid to Jolly. Thanks to anyone who volunteers to help a dude out
I noticed that nowhere in the can do/cannot do list ate genders mentioned. So can it change gender or no?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
Quoted By:
Thanks a ton for the Mudkip <3 and the leftovers! This will make breeding go soooo much faster, thanks a ton.
Can anyone change my metagross' nature from adamant to jolly?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415169 adding you in a sec
FuiFui !vjd3tHCqgo
Sorry Domi, the Rayquaza was in my party and has hm moves, I'll trade it back to you if you want it back also, just give me a sec to move it to my pc and thank you for Eevee!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415477 Feel free to keep it as GTS fodder
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
Quoted By:
>>21415466 Alright I added back and am online now
Sibi 2766 8704 2150
>>21415503 Hey Domi.
Do you have time for another request?
>>21413823 Can you get me a Thick Club?
IronMan 3926-5572-7274
I have a request I'm not sure how this works.. I want to Shinify my Ghastly and make it 6ivs also need a Charizard X stone on it if you could do that.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415704 adding you in a sec
>>21415540 what do you need?
Kyle ~1048 - 9233 - 2741~
Quoted By:
>>21415736 Thank you I appreciate it
IronMan 3926-5572-7274
>>21415736 Was I supposed to keep your Charizard? Also thanks for the request your a absolute madman.
Hopefully you can do other requests in the future for me.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21415917 feel free to keep my shitmons as trade fodder, they have 0IVs anyway.
>>21415933 adding
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
IGN Jean Grey
Quoted By:
>>21415937 Hey Domi, can u change the nature of my treecko from modest to timid please?
Sibi 2766 8704 2150
>>21415736 Oh, max IV addition for Terrakion. It has 4/6 IVs but I want to max his speed too.
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
can someone shinify my honkcrow?
Quoted By:
anyone want to clone my chansey with wish and distribute it?
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Quoted By:
>>21415937 Thank you very much. I appreciate this a lot!
§†‡¦§ 2380-4662-2222
>>21412324 Is anybody available to "fix"(Nature to Timid, 5IV) my Gengar? Also, could it be holding a Pinsirite if possible? IGN is Ymir, thanks in advance!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
IGN Jean Grey
Thanks Domi, I keep trying to get my ORAS team ready but end up fucking uP. The ova shouldn't change when u change the nature, right? Reason is they are optimized for hp fire
IGN Jean Grey
Sibi 2766 8704 2150
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21416051 adding you also, can do yours and sibi together after i'm done with treecko
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
Quoted By:
>>21416239 ok ill add you thanks
>>21416239 Hey Domi, It's me Law from yesterday. Could you help me out with this later
>>21413845 Sibi 2766 8704 2150
Quoted By:
>>21416239 Alright, just give a shout if yer ready. =)
dartus: 1950-9963-8913
Quoted By:
thanks a lot domi
Sibi 2766 8704 2150
Quoted By:
>>21416383 I forgot to mention. Could you shinyfy darmanitan and talonflame too man? Thanks as always for doing this!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
Offering private power saves service unlimited number of pokes. All I require is the ORAS demo code.
Noire 1134-8486-8712
any savers alive? if so can they make my event gengar all 31 except in atk can clone it and keep one as a thanks
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Lux 3840-7568-6564
>>21417195 Hi! I need a couple of pokemon to modify, would you do it for me please?
This is what I need:
Riolu -> 6iv, Hasty
Snorlax -> 6iv, Brave, Heal ball
Talonflame -> 6iv
Noire 1134-8486-8712
Quoted By:
>>21417195 added
that face on friendlist
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417216 I can help you right after the gengar
Lux 3840-7568-6564
Quoted By:
>>21417266 Cool, I'll wait.
(I'm adding you in the meantime :D)
Noire 1134-8486-8712
§†‡¦§ 2380-4662-2222
>>21416117 Can someone help me out with this? I need my event Gengar's nature changed to Timid and I'd like her IV's sans Attack raised to 31 if it's not too much trouble. IGN is Ymir, thanks again!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417452 I'll just quickly do Lux' request then i'll help you.
Lux 3840-7568-6564
>>21417500 Hey can I keep one Charizard? I only have it normal -_- (if not possible then no problem!)
§†‡¦§ 2380-4662-2222
>>21417500 You're awesome man, adding you right now.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417534 Sure, but they literally have 0IVs everywhere. So they're not really good for anything but trading away.
Lux 3840-7568-6564
Quoted By:
>>21417594 NP, i want it to show off to my friends xD
Also, thanks a lot, you're awesome!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417587 Is that also your IGN? Can't see you online
Anyone else getting powersaves issues? I'm getting web operation failed error (500)
>>21417776 Ya it's down atm
IGN MDGL13 FC 5129-1618-9869
Quoted By:
anyone can shinify my rhyhorn and heatmor pls
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417797 I'm not trying to sound like a whiny bitch, but I'm just curious if this happens often and if so how long does it usually last? I'm newish to powersaves
§†‡¦§ 2380-4662-2222
Quoted By:
>>21417750 Nah, IGN's Ymir. This is the first time I've done this, I wasn't 100% ln what info to put down.
Quoted By:
>>21417842 No idea,
I got mine today Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21417587 hey m8, how fond are you of this very specific gengar? I got the same event(with a jap OT) that already has the Timid 5IV 0 attack. So if you don't wanna wait until datel gets the shit together I could just give you that one.
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
Quoted By:
>>21417929 Fine with me if it's fine with you.
scruffy 3411-1863-1854
can i get a shiny shuckle with perfect iv's
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
>>21418034 Servers aren't working currently and since not even their website is accessible I'm gonna call it a day.
Hopefully I can get some more stuff done tomorrow.
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
Quoted By:
>>21417929 Thanks based Domi, you're a true bro.
Question: Can powersaves change the gender of a pokemon? If so, I've got two pokemon I want to be made female. My FC: 5215-1567-9262
>>21419113 furfag detected
>>21419124 >furfag Lol I love this. I don't even know where it comes from.
My reason for wanting pokemon made female is so that I can breed them and pass down their moon balls.
>>21409225 Do any of the following influence the trainer id/OT/ability to nickname the mons?
>Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once) >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time) >Natures (One 'mon at a time) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21419218 Servers for Powersaves are off ATM so it'd be better if you come back later.
Quoted By:
>>21420590 Nothing changes OT except making them shiny.
wonton 2208-5693-3828
just got a powersave willing to help anyone got a diance if u want colletral or something
>>21421983 so the powersave servers are on now?
wonton 2208-5693-3828
Quoted By:
>>21422026 i guess ive been cloning my pokemon for the last hour
Chugging !!QSvwrQMMkoH
Quoted By:
>>21422349 Can you get a Thick Club?
Chugging !!QSvwrQMMkoH
garvals 1950-8128-4761
>>21409225 I really really wish anyone could shinify my Rampardos and (if they have enough time) Houndoom.
But Rampardos please!
David 5344-0275-3540
>>21422522 If you're still around, can I get my Nidoking's nature changed to Timid and my Trevenant shinifed?
Quoted By:
>>21422743 >>21422687 Ebin, simply ebin. :^)
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
anyone free ? want to shinnify my Tyrunt also need one razor claw if possible
I don't really know how powersaving works. I guess I just give you my friend code, you add me, I add you, and then I go online and we trade the pokemon I want modified. Is that generally the plan? Anyway, my FC is 5215-1567-9262, any powersaver can reply to this and I'll add them and we'll start a thing. By the way, my request is changing a Ghastly and an Eevee to female.
Sonder !!Cz+dULxc3AA
>>21422836 Yeah I can do you
Sonder !!Cz+dULxc3AA
>>21422917 FCC is 3969 5307 8878
Sonder !!Cz+dULxc3AA
>>21422886 I can do you too
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
Quoted By:
>>21422955 Oscar 4656-8284-9337 in case you cant see the name
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
Quoted By:
Need right IVs on my Gothita for hidden power fighting
Quoted By:
>>21422970 cool. send me a trade request when you're free. my trainer name is Alex. I've already added you.
Quoted By:
>>21422955 Can you take care of this request?
>>21422673 Oscar 4656-8284-9337
so there is someone here ?
Quoted By:
>>21423457 does not look like it.
Quoted By:
What exactly is Powersave? Can I buy it? If it's cheap enough i'll do free favors for /vp/ every week
Quoted By:
Could i trade event Mons i've savved over to ORAS? I've read you can't trade Wondercard pokemon.
Do event pokes can be obtained with this thing ?
Owen 4570 - 9146 - 6174
Quoted By:
>>21424387 Yeah, only events that happened in x and y tho
Beowulf 1006-1056-6001
Anyway that I can get a Mew? I want to trade on for a shiny Espeon on GTS.
Quoted By:
>>21424797 >mew on GTS >shittiest shiny a person could have. nice troll
>>21424797 Pretty sure GTS blocks out pokemon that special to be traded dude, I've tried it before, just plebs trying to ruse you for something you can't even trade.
Quoted By:
>>21424862 mew for a squirtle please
Beowulf 1006-1056-6001
Well, in that case, is there any chance I can get a shiny Espeon?
Quoted By:
>>21424882 You need to at least have an espeon and you can have it power saved to do so from there
Quoted By:
>>21424882 >wanting a shiny espeon Zee 3196-5418-6438
Quoted By:
>>21409225 Hey Domi can you change my Victini to 6 31 IVs please?
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
>>21409225 Can someone get me a Shiny Torchic with Blazikenite and a shiny Froakie, both level five?
>>21424968 >get me lv. 5 powersavers alter mons making them is way outta the way and its lv.10
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
>>21424985 Oh shit. 'scuse me for not reading the OP thoroughly. I'll get breeding in that case
Quoted By:
>>21425058 >not reading OP and requesting when OP stays the same 90% of the time. Anonymous
>>21425058 01010100011010000110100101110011001000000100111001101001011001110110011101100001001000000110001001100101001000000110010001110101011011010110001000101110
>literally cheating why even play this game
>>21425329 literally going out of your way to shitpost. Don't like this don't post.
>>21425285 underrated post
>>21425349 Not shitposting. Was hoping someone would explain to me their personal reason for doing this/not caring that it's cheating in order to give me a better understanding of why this gets its own thread. I truly believe that I would completely stop enjoying Pokemon if I did something like this, so I'm just a bit confused. Sorry if I pissed you off or something, didn't mean to. I probably should've put more time into my post.
>>21425354 It's fucking codes and numbers. Some people want to change the color and make their codes and numbers into better codes and numbers. Simple as that.
>>21425354 Trading rare mons are a type of ingame currency. You have the power to make or alter mons to make them more valued then you are in game rich. People trade rare mons or egg move mons you dont have time to breed for and thats why people cheat this game. If it was power we would make them 999attack n defense n shit. But its cheating for time sake.
>>21425367 This is a dumb reason. I'd say you're the one shitposting now.
>>21425368 I might understand if it was for a competition you didn't have time for, but are you guys really trading cheated 'mons? That seems harmful to me. The time thing sorta makes sense, but I definitely disagree with it. Playing the game at all takes time, and it's supposed to be time you enjoy wasting away. Grinding, getting closer to your Pokemon, battling against your friends, etc. It all takes up a lot of time, but that's why it's fun. You dedicate yourself to the game. Cheating in the best shit doesn't sound fun at all.
Sorry I basically rolled up to bash on you guys, was hoping for a more specific argument, but this is the typical "lol cheating isn't even bad" argument I'm used to hearing everywhere. I'm not even a moralfag, but cheating just feels disgusting. Thanks for the chat anyway. I'll leave you guys alone now.
Quoted By:
>>21425381 at the end of the day its all 011011110110111001100101011100110010000001100001011011100110010000100000011110100110010101110010011011110111001100101110
i dont want to waste time being nostalgic and raising neopets for best moves. I cheat and share my cheats with others if they want it. I think cheating is more fun than grinding in any game. When people thank me for cheating their pokemon to shiny it makes me feel good to know I help people no matter how small. Help someone cross the street or help alter mons, helping is helping.
>>21425350 011101000110111101110000001000000110101101100101
Quoted By:
>>21425409 trying to memorize it so its awesome.
Anybody got time to iv 2 or 3 of my Pokemon in about 10 hours?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
I'm ready to literally cheat for you guys again.
Quoted By:
>>21425462 I'm at work right now and don't have a WiFi connection here and I just wanted to know if somebody will be around when I get home.
Can Powersaves add the blue pentagon to older Pokemon?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21425730 Able to get some delicious IVs onto my Pinsir?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21425748 What? Pretty sure I heard that feature a month ago or something
Klaus 2036-90202872
>>21425760 >>21425764 Alrighty then. Though curious, possible to throw Pinsirite or Life Orb onto it?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21425770 this is all I've got
>>21425774 sure
Klaus 2036-90202872
Quoted By:
>>21425784 Thanks a bunch, Domi.
Quoted By:
>>21425784 Fugg I must have missed it or got rused
We're looking at the same thing btw
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
>>21425730 Mind if you shinify a Torchic and a Froakie for me, and give the Torchic a Blazikenite? Thanks in advance
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Don 1693-2797-4630
Quoted By:
Am I Too late? I just want my Infernape shinified and if you can Change her nature to calm. For no particular reason I just like having a calm Infernape.
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quoted By:
>>21426035 That's it, then. Thanks a bunch
Don 1693-2797-4630
Also is there a price? Usually these guys want a luvdisc or something
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426070 I do it for free.
I'll add you after I traded back the other mons.
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quoted By:
>>21426084 Coolio. Might have another request later if I'm feeling the need for more shinies. Thanks again m80
>>21426084 Are you taking requests currently? if so could you change the pokeball of my miltoic to a dream ball?
Shawnai 4124-5420-5620
Don 1693-2797-4630
>>21426084 I don't want you to think im cheating you out of your charizard. It wouldnt let me trade it back
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426149 heh, you guys can feel free to keep those shitmons. they are just 0IV trade fodder.
>>21426142 adding in a sec
Don 1693-2797-4630
Quoted By:
>>21426149 Cause of HM moves. Hold up you clearly want it back
Don 1693-2797-4630
>>21426154 Oh okay. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think I was stealing it. Thank you so much man. You're really awesome.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426164 do you want the thundurus back?
Don 1693-2797-4630
Quoted By:
>>21426171 Nah I got that in a wonder trade. I have its babies. Its fine.
Shawnai 4124-5420-5620
Quoted By:
>>21426171 Thank you very much!
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quick question to Domi: if you could see all of the items in the game, are there any Mega-Evo items that aren't obtainable or saved for future events?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
>>21426335 All the stuff about XY is known already anyway.
The only unreleased stuff I can get are the Lati@ megastones, but I can't trade them away.
Do you have some minutes for me ?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl
1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl Wed 22 Oct 2014 13:25:20 No. 21426449 Report >>21426428 Thanks, I would like you to max Jynx's IV, replace his first move for Nasty Plot (I tjought it would learn it naturally) and give a Life Orb
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426449 I can't give it moves
1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl
1693-2911-7712 Octillery Quagsire Poliwhirl Wed 22 Oct 2014 13:28:32 No. 21426471 Report Quoted By:
>>21426467 Never mind then, thank you
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
I have one of those shiny jirachi from that Tanabata Festival event the only problem is that the Jirachi is from France and don't have the japanese name (ジラーチ) anyone want to help me? captcha: science bpplock
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426502 I'm gonna try making my game language japanese and create a wonder card of that jirachi
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>21426516 thanks domi
can you aswel set the date to the event so it become more legit?
and what would you like in return?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21426536 Can't change date but it says 8/1/2014. is that okay?
any nature and IV wishes?
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
Quoted By:
>>21426552 modest nature and the IV's can be random
and august the first was the day of the event so it's all cool.
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
Quoted By:
Anyone in Australia have one of these? Do I have to get a certain version for Australian games to work?
Quoted By:
>>21424862 You're able to trade event pokemon as long as they do not have a ribbon on them that would have come from an event. Too bad powersaves can't affect ribbons. If you could obtain a mew without a ribbon on it, you might be able to trade it on GTS.
However, I have no idea if GTS can detect that sort of thing as an inconsistency and block you out anyway.
Nymeros 0946-2446-8808
Anybody taking requests? I really want a Naive Diancie with good IVs; I don't have the event where I live.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427262 still got some naive HP fire diancies. adding you
Quoted By:
>>21427262 I'm in the same boat if someone could help me out too.
Nymeros 0946-2446-8808
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>>21427285 Wow, that was a fast reply! Now I can play a decent Monorock team. Thanks a lot, Domi!
I'd really appreciate it if somebody could take my ghastly and eevee and make them both female for me. FC: 5215-1567-9262 let me know if anybody's willing to take this request.
Quoted By:
>>21427285 Thanks a lot! That really means a lot to me
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Rico 0619-4152-6540
Can someone give my Litwick a 31iv in SpAtk? It's the fourth shiny I've hatched with an incorrect spread and I think I want to get off this ride now.
>>21427424 Hey domi do you have a landorus that you could clone?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427456 therian or normal?
>>21427460 Anything, I have the key item that lets you change form
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427468 I should have a timid normal one and the therian is either adamant or jolly, dunno
Quoted By:
>>21427476 I'm looking for a jolly therian. Trying to build my showdown team on X.
>trade a powersaver >receive a shiny lvl 100 rayquaza as collateral >check the moves >strength, fly, surf, waterfall nigga u wot.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427562 check the IVs :^)
>>21427585 a bit too late for that now, but it wasn't marked at all.
I'm not sure which would make it worse, all 31s or all 0s.
>>21427585 Oh I got 2 more requests domi(or maybe 3?)
Editing these Pokemon of mine
Mew: Careful nature
Heatran: Calm, 5IV(0 Atk)
And if you have a suicune clone,
Suicune: Bold, 5IV(0 Atk)
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427449 you still here?
>>21427598 I made it as shitty as possible on purpose
>>21427608 LITERALLY cheating
Rico 0619-4152-6540
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427628 I'd like to get the litwick done, then I gotta go. I'll be back a bit later.
Quoted By:
>>21427643 Sure, no probs.
>>21427608 Do you also post "Jewing" in the trade general or something?
Everyone here knows its cheating and we're OK with that
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21427639 do you just need 31 spattk or also something like 0 attack?
>>21427654 Anon I never implied there was anything wrong with it.
Is that a guilty conscience I'm detecting?
Rico 0619-4152-6540
>>21427664 Both would great please.
Rico 0619-4152-6540
Quoted By:
Thanks Domi, I really appreciate it.
This has most likely been answered before, but does altering a mon's IV's, ball, or shininess set off legitimacy checkers? I mean does it conflict with ID/SID and raise red flags?
>>21427665 You posted "Cheating" with a reaction image commonly used to express that one is amused by silly or stupid antics.
Unless I'm wrong in which feel free to correct me.
As for a guilty conscience no, after I hatched a shiny HP psychic froakie with torrent I can't be damned to play RNG Bike Hell anymore.
>>21427679 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21427806 Didn't mean to quote, phone.
Polite sage.
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
>>21415169 That sounds like a giveaway I did ;-; My Treeko ain't good enough for you bro???
Quoted By:
>>21427824 the treeko was called Gex Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21427824 NO.
I'm just messing with you, I didnt even take part in the giveaway. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Any powersavers on? If So I would greatly appreciate if you could Give my Ghastly 6IV, Make it shiny and change it to Male. My FC is 1907-9470-1724 IGN: Y
>>21409225 Curious anon here. Would any of the following mess up a mon's Trainer ID/ OT/ ability to be nicknamed?
>Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once) >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time) >Natures (One 'mon at a time) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21428145 only shiny should affect that
I remember when having a shiny actually meant something.
>>21428186 Yeah, it meant you were lucky and nothing else
Quoted By:
>>21428199 >it meant you were lucky Yeah.
>>21428186 >I remember when having a shiny actually meant something. how delusional
Quoted By:
>>21428247 Wow, you're so cool
Quoted By:
>>21427786 Reposting.
Looking for an answer.
Anybody have a gale wings fletchling or a multiscale dratini that they would be willing to let me clone and trade back?
>>21428439 I have a Multi Scale Dragonite?
Quoted By:
>>21428439 Also a lando-t would be apreciated
>>21428465 Perfect whats u r friend code?
Pokemon Trainer Chris 3110-6401-7205
Quoted By:
6iv ditto please? will trade anything
Quoted By:
>>21428501 K mine is 1993 8650 2302
>>21428501 Hey go online so I can trade u back
Quoted By:
>>21428628 I got a Lando as well I can let u clone it just let me change its form to Lando T
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Hey Domi, do you have time to shinify a Typhlosion and a Charmander, give one of them that Shiny Trinket?
>>21428887 Where the fuck do you fags come from? If you are requesting an item, look up the type of item you are requesting.
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quoted By:
>>21428999 I assumed it was a held item. Cool it, was a simple mistake
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
anyone free to help me with this
>>21422836 ?
except now is a Tyrantrum
Quoted By:
Any powersavers around who can help me out real quick?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
alright, I'm back. which one of you requesters is still here?
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430141 Can you get me a Thick Club?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
>>21430198 Can't generate those, sorry. Gotta hunt for one yourself.
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21430165 why i cant return your rayquaza ?
its says iy have an important move
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430283 give me anything
>>21430141 sup domi, nice to see you!
can you help me out with the IVs on 1 of my pokemon?
IGN Mr Anderson I'm already in your friends list
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
Quoted By:
>>21430289 wow
thanks a lot dude
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430302 6Ivs or specific spread? come online
IGN MDGL13 FC 5129-1618-9869
Anyone can shinify my rhyhorn, heatmor and accelgor please
Quoted By:
>>21430311 would be enough to have 31 on everything missing sp attack
Domi 3797-8287-9664
IGN MDGL13 FC 5129-1618-9869
Quoted By:
>>21430311 thanks for helping me out
all the time ! and thank you for the bonus too.
IGN MDGL13 FC 5129-1618-9869
>>21430354 you want your mons back Domi?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21430440 by chance do you happen to have a spare Meloetta that you dont care ?
i looking for one for my bitch team
still missing a loopuny but thats more easy to obtain
IGN MDGL13 FC 5129-1618-9869
Quoted By:
>>21430440 Thank you so much for your help Domi
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430473 Yeah I can clone one. Gotta change IVs and stuff first though. Any wishes?
I also have one with the name "u suk LOL" if you prefer that 4554 1057 9185
Anyone can help me with the IVs of my Zapdos? I need it to have 31/xx/31/31/31/31 And nope, I don't need it with HP Ice thanks.
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21430546 to be hones t i dont even know whats best for her
i read Hasty nature is good
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21430546 friggin awesome
thanks a lot
do legendaries can be breeded ?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
Is there anybody out there?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430561 I meant adding this, fug
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
>>21430754 I hear events are something powersaves can do? Is there anyway I can get a Diance since IRL events are a shit?
4554 1057 9185
>>21430766 Ok bruh, adding
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430779 still got diancies with naive/quiet and HP fire left
Terry 4270-1185-7959
>>21430754 Would you mind shinifying a Clauncher and changing its ball to Pokeball? Nothing else needed, since it's already perfect. I'd however really appreciate an Ability Capsule stuck on it if it's not too much of a bother.
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
>>21430797 Dope. I'm not picky. Just wanna be able to keep a complete dex.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430785 what's your IGN?
>>21430812 adding you in a sec
Terry 4270-1185-7959
Quoted By:
>>21430797 ...Oh shit. Anyting you want in return?
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
>>21430811 you got a text list of stuff you want?
4554 1057 9185
Quoted By:
>>21430821 I sent request,
Danny Terry 4270-1185-7959
>>21430829 Nothing else.
Er, am I asking for too much? I apologize if that came out wrong. Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
>>21430854 lol i meant to reply to domi. I'm stupid today.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430878 how about some hot pockets?
>>21430854 no worries m8, I'll help you after the zapdos
Soundstorm 0061-0334-7067
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
>>21430821 You mind Shinifying three 'mons of mine?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21430927 zapdos->terry->you
4554 1057 9185
Quoted By:
>>21430942 Thanks based Domi
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Terry 4270-1185-7959
Quoted By:
>>21430981 Just a moment, wi-fi issues took place.
Dylan 3523-20416855
>>21430141 Hey Domi! I'd like to request a few edits if you're still doing the thing.
>change Espurr's SpA to 31 and put it in a Heal Ball >change Xerneus' nature to Mild and its Speed and Attack to 31 Anonymous
Domi, words are not enough to express how based you are. Do you maybe need a Deoxys for cloning? A V-Create Rayquay? Something I might have?
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21431082 nah I've got everything
except a gf ;_; Anonymous
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quoted By:
>>21431103 You mind tossing in a Charizardite X you sexy bitch?
>>21431103 Eh, can I have the Ryqy back then? I was hoping you might have some use for it.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Quoted By:
>>21431187 >dat Songfu I lol'd.
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
>>21431187 That Yveltal I sent, you mind Shiny-ing that too? Forgot to put that instead of Typhlosion. Also you're doing God's work Domi. Keep it up
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21431323 edgebird is shiny locked, can't trade it back. Do you need at least nature or something?
Corgi (4511-0970-4020)
Quoted By:
>>21431332 Yeah, I guess. Calm nature would be alright. Toss in a ridiculous item that doesn't do anything if you want as well. Thanks anyways m8
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21431010 are you still here?
Dylan 3523-20416855
Domi 3797-8287-9664
Dylan 3523-20416855
Quoted By:
>>21431512 You are human of the year. :^)
Domi 3797-8287-9664
IGN: Alejandro 0146-9250-2249
Can someone shinify my Bagon and give it 6 31iv's please? I'd also like to shinify my solosis please!
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21431973 Can you clone my Shuppet and Aggron pls?
Both O+ 1.
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21432145 give FC. You're the last request for today.
IGN: Alejandro 0146-9250-2249
Domi 3797-8287-9664
>>21432343 no problem!
now time to let this thread die
Blazin' Asian FC:4398-9805-0107 !!RRwRSF3ID/+
Blazin' Asian FC:4398-9805-0107 !!RRwRSF3ID/+ Wed 22 Oct 2014 23:46:57 No. 21432728 Report Quoted By:
im here to do some bidding
Blazin' Asian FC:4398-9805-0107 !!RRwRSF3ID/+
Blazin' Asian FC:4398-9805-0107 !!RRwRSF3ID/+ Wed 22 Oct 2014 23:53:01 No. 21432797 Report Quoted By:
>>21432791 I made a new thread for this.