>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon that someone is giving away.
> DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try elsewhere.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN).
>Come circlejerk with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Quoted By:
>continuing to force shit generals
9x Dream Ball HA Timburr - Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Counter, Wide Guard 7x Luxury Ball Darumaka - Encore, Flame Wheel, Focus Punch, Yawn 7x Nest ball Sandile - Double Edge, Thunder Fang, Me First, Pursuit 3x Premier Ball Pidove - NighT Slasg, Uproar, Wish, Hypnosis 1x HA Dream Ball Riolu - Follow Me, Agility, Bullet Punch, Vacuum Wave 7x Premier Ball Tympole - Earth Power, Refresh, Mist, After You 4x Dive Ball Wailmer - Body Slam, Curse, Zen Headbutt, Aqua Ring 5x Poké Ball HA Scraggy - Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch 4x Timer Ball Castform - Disable, Clear Smog, Reflect Type, Cosmic Power 3x Level Ball Spearow - Quick Attack, Steel Wing, Feather Dance, Whirlwind 3x Dream Ball HA Cleffa - Charm, Stored Power, Wish, Aromatherapy 4x Luxury Ball HA Purrloin - Charm, Encore, Foul Play, Yawn 3x Level Ball Makuhita - Wide Guard, Bullet Punch, Helping Hand, Feint 1x Level Ball Cubone - Perish Song, Belly Drum, Iron Head 1x Poké Ball HA Chimchar - Quick Guard, Encore, Fire Punch, Fake Out Jesus, sent you last Machop, needs to relearn egg moves (that 1:4 ratio is painful)
>>21428144 Thanks! Would you mind If I disc for more pokes?
Quoted By:
>>21427925 >no old thread >no tott Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21428173 after all, jesus was a jew!
Terry 4270-1185-7959
>>21428144 Do you mind if I disc up for that Scraggy goodness?
Jamie 2852-8110-9716 spheal, bergmite, lapras
Jamie 2852-8110-9716 spheal, bergmite, lapras Wed 22 Oct 2014 17:10:00 No. 21428277 Report >>21428144 Scraggy please?
>>21428173 Not at all
>>21428269 >>21428277 All of you gimme half an hour, I'll have them sent then
Terry 4270-1185-7959
Quoted By:
>>21428318 Sure thing, thank you.
IGN: David FC: 1607-3837-3172
Quoted By:
>>21428144 Discin up for wailmer
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Wed 22 Oct 2014 17:16:52 No. 21428364 Report Quoted By:
Jamie 2852-8110-9716 spheal, bergmite, lapras
Jamie 2852-8110-9716 spheal, bergmite, lapras Wed 22 Oct 2014 17:17:01 No. 21428365 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>21428144 IGN : Omar . placed a disc for a castform, thanks !
All sent, also out of cubones
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Wed 22 Oct 2014 17:47:44 No. 21428656 Report Quoted By:
>>21428611 Discing for a F Chimchar with HA.
It'll say /vp/
Quoted By:
>>21428611 Disc for a cleffa, thank you
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Wed 22 Oct 2014 17:57:34 No. 21428768 Report >>21428611 Thanks a bunch! Discing for a Riolu F If you don't mind.
Quoted By:
>>21428768 holy shit look at this jew go
>>21428144 >>21428611 Disc is up for a Timburr, IGN is Michael.
Also, did you run out of Nest Ball Chikoritas already, and are you able to breed more if you wanted to?
>>21428144 disc up for a cleffa!
thank you
>>21428803 I've run out of them, and I don't think I'll be rebreeding 'em soonish.
>>21428805 sent and jesus got his riolu too. Out of them.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Wed 22 Oct 2014 18:03:50 No. 21428834 Report Quoted By:
>>21428144 Thank you. Discing for a Timburr F.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Wed 22 Oct 2014 18:07:07 No. 21428867 Report Quoted By:
>>21428144 I can't say how grateful I am, honestly thanks. Discing one last time for a F Spearow.
Quoted By:
>>21428144 disc up for Timburr
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064 Wed 22 Oct 2014 18:13:34 No. 21428922 Report Anybody has spare dream ball feebas? Eggmoves prefered but not needed. Don't care about IV's.
Quoted By:
>>21428824 I see, that's too bad, but understandable because of the Gender ratio.
Anyways, thanks for the Timburr and I look forward to whatever you bring us next.
>>21428922 fuck off beggar
Ravi's here, everyone stop having fun
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064 Wed 22 Oct 2014 18:18:42 No. 21428975 Report Quoted By:
evening /gtsg/ and welcome to the FFF: Five IV, Female and Free x9 Great Ball Croagunk (Adamant/Dry Skin) Feint, Fake out, Drain Punch & Quick Guard 1x Dive Ball Vanillite (Modest/Ice Body) Magnet Rise, Water Pulse, Autotomize & Ice Shard plus 5 -atk males 5x Dream Ball Skitty (Jolly/Wonder Skin) Baton Pass, Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt & Wish still breeding Take them away from me.
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
Quoted By:
>>21428967 captcha: cp-extensive stigfun
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>21428922 Disc up for one.
>>21429004 give cade Anonymous
Anyone have a hidden power fight sark pulse Gothita
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>21429004 one skitty please.
and heck why the fuck not. one vanillite with awesome sauce.
>>21429004 Can I get a Skitty please? Disc'd up, message is vp kittykat, same as yesterday. Thanks again, love that picture btw. :)
>>21429019 gotchu~
>>21429035 skitty sent! you asked for a male skitty so I sent you the only
pentaperfect I had! disc up for
vanilla vanillite!
>>21429087 yes silly, I got one just for you~ and glad you liked it!
>>21429019 I've put a heavy ball pancham up, if you don't mind.Thanks!
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064
Diegox Farfetch'd Tranquill Fletchinder 4699-6869-4064 Wed 22 Oct 2014 18:31:57 No. 21429118 Report Quoted By:
>>21429051 >he's a shitposter >on /vp/ >he does it for free >this is what he does on Tuesday >he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life >he trolls images he doesn’t like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack >he will never have a real job >he will never move out of his parent’s house >he will never be at a healthy weight >he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket >he will never have a girlfriend >he will never have any friends ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>21429109 thanks for both.
>>21429087 I don't see you Ymir! Mind re-uploading a disc to the gts? sorry~
>>21429138 my pleasure
I hate to be that guy but does someone has a HA Torkoal to spare?
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
Quoted By:
>>21429136 but it's Wednesday.
>>21429151 Think I might've been sniped. Hold on, reupping in a sec...
>>21429156 then don't be that guy
plus, someone offered to breed one for you a couple days ago or something
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549
>>21429205 gotcha this time!
>>21429151 Aaand redisc'd. Everything's the same except this one has a HS. Sorry for any confusion!
Quoted By:
>>21429241 Yeah, he lied to me.
Quoted By:
>>21429030 Anyone have one
Quoted By:
>>21428144 is scraggy penta?
does anyone have cheese sandwhich
>>21429557 I have legit throw up, that is sorta the same thing.
>>21429557 You keep trying but that meme will never catch on like HB Snorlax and Shellder did
>>21429575 ok I'm putting up a tuna sandwhich for it
>>21429589 wat?? I'm being serious
IGN: Gio
>>21429156 I found a male and female HA Torkoal in my boxes. I'll give one to you if you're still there.
Quoted By:
Sorry for being a noob, just got Y last week.. How does GTS stuff work?
>>21429681 Acting retarded stopped being funny years ago, Mr serious
>>21429815 Thanks a lot, I'l disc up for the female one.
Stop enabling shitposting.
Quoted By:
>>21428611 It's kinda late, but I only just came back to check. Thanks for delivering!
Quoted By:
>>21429847 But I'm bored and the trolls are hungry
IGN: Gio
>>21429829 Enjoy not getting a cheese sandwhich faggot :)
Quoted By:
>>21429882 Yes! thank you very much.
Quoted By:
>>21429898 I got a hexaperfect one already and the one in the sandwich maker is shiny penta -spatk according to sandwichcheck
Quoted By:
>>21429898 Enjoy that useless personality and garbage sense of humor, I'll enjoy the reuben I just made for lunch. Keep forcing that non meme though kiddo ;-3c
Look at my leftovers:
>>21430752 Still looking for Joseph and Oscar. I have a kitty for each of you.
>>21430807 do u still have skittys?
Quoted By:
>>21430847 >what is reading comprehension Mayoi
>>21430847 I do, just disc up and tell me when you do!
>>21430807 just put a disc up, for a skitty pls
>>21430866 disc up for the kitty
msg is /vp/
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
sorry to sound like a jew but do anyone have an treecko with unburden and/or a turtwig with shell armor?
Quoted By:
>>21430972 not for you, no
>>21430972 What do you have to give?
Quoted By:
>>21430963 thank you based anon
Quoted By:
>>21430963 you're the best
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>21431095 a cheese sandwich :3
ign: angelo fc: 0877 1081 1349
>>21431196 Dont you mean lime?
>>21431222 >that's a lime >>21431196 >not liking pickles Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21431222 >confirmed never seeing a lime Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21431235 Who the fuck has PICKLES with a cheese sandwich?
Quoted By:
blaziken giveaway: >>
>>21431547 J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21431790 disc up for heatmor if you plz
msg /vp/
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21431828 male or female?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21431790 disc up for pachirisu , thanks
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21431955 male penta or female lefty?
>>21431790 Can I have a female spiritomb with infiltrator? Discing up now. Ign rodrigo
Quoted By:
sceptile giveaway:
>>21431940 IGN smax
Quoted By:
>>21428144 >>21428144 disc up for darumaka
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
I finally got my HA Torkoal, now I have some leftovers. x8 female x4 male ,Dream Ball Torkoal (Bold/Shell Armor) Flail, Shell Smash, Yawn.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21428144 have any female level spearow or female ha dream cleffa?
>>21432119 Torkoal is my sixth favorite fire pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>21432119 disc up for female torkoal
Quoted By:
>>21432166 Why are you stammering your text?
>>21432135 I have a level ball spearow for you, disc up~
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21432344 opti, do you still have a tympole in premier ball? maybe a female?
>>21432401 I do. Disc up while I finish some stuff.
Anyone have a hidden power fighting dark pulse Gothita I offer shinies
>>21432541 it was sniped, can i up a combee? i am out of discs
IGN smax
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21431790 ludvisc up for meowth
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21432119 disc up for the torkoal.
IGN: Marc
Quoted By:
shiny skarmory giveaway:
>>21433135 Oscar 4656-8284-9337
Ash Ketcup !wWd3Hzobbs
I'm back with more Emolga since my shiny luck is shit. ULTRA BALL EMOLGA Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Ion Deluge, Baton Pass, Charm, Air Slash LEVEL BALL SHELMET (Illegal) Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Spikes, Pursuit, Baton Pass, Encore NET BALL TRUBBISH Nature: Impish Egg Moves: Rock Blast, Curse, Haze, Spikes All have HA, all are at least 4ivs. Take as many as you desire!
Ash Ketcup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434254 Throwing up a disc for emolga
Ash Kethcup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21434520 Its sent, thank you!
>>21434254 Can i put up a zigzagoon for the trubbish?
Ash Kethcup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434573 putting up a ziggy named zigzaton now
Ash Kethcup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434620 Its sent, thanks!
Quoted By:
shiny exeggcute giveaway
>>21434534 Anonymous
>>21434254 Put up a zig for a trubbish as well if that's alright
IGN Francis
Ashley !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434833 Of course, its sent thanks!
Quoted By:
>>21434882 Got it, thanks a lot!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434254 Disc up for emolga!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21435462 Thanks m8. Been such a pain trying to get HAs.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21435531 Need anything in particular? I have most safaris unlocked, and I'm pretty bored at the moment.
>>21435558 Nothing at the moment, just picking up bits and pieces as they come up.
I do have a batch of 5IV breeding leftovers looking for new homes tho, if anyone needs.
- Bagon (sheer force and EM)
- charmander (egg moves)
- gible (rough skin)
- aerodactyl (dream ball)
- kangaskhan (scrappy, premier ball)
- mawlie
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21435708 Sounds good. I should be lurking for the next few hours so holler if you need anything!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21435462 >thanking people when you're the one giving mons u wot
why ash ketchup? Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21435769 I appreciate the luvdiscs, man. Learn to be greatful.
Boredom. ;; Skohly
Red 1349-7093-1184
>>21435769 Hey J, do you still have the jolly torchics?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21436340 im discing up ! plz
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Zee 3196-5418-6438
>>21428144 Discing for Timburr
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21436529 I believe Opt is sleeping.
Zee 3196-5418-6438
>>21428144 nvm no dex entry, discing for scraggy instead please
Quoted By:
>>21436564 you're an idiot
Crawford (4210-4517-8532)
I'm not entirely sure how this thread works, but could someone hook me up with a Chimchar? I could do the GTS thing or we could just trade directly. Any Pokemon in the Chimchar line would do really. Stats, moves, and items don't matter. Just any old Chimchar.
>>21436653 Pop a luvdisc up. I got one.
Crawford (4210-4517-8532)
Crawford (4210-4517-8532)
Quoted By:
>>21436671 It's up. Do I just wait now? Never GTS'd before.
>>21436684 Sent. hope that was you. iGN Avia
Crawford (4210-4517-8532)
>>21436716 It totally was. Thanks pal!
I was really hoping to get a tympole preferably below level 10 to start a new game would be happy with whatever :) I have a luvdisc up if anyone has one to trade
Quoted By:
Bump from work
Quoted By:
>>21428144 Disc up for wailmer! Male if you have it please.
Repostin'>Five IV, Female and Free: x5 Dream Ball Skitty (Jolly/Wonder Skin) w/ Baton Pass, Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt & Wish x6 Great Ball Croagunk (Adamant/Dry Skin) w/ Feint, Fake Out, Drain Punch & Quick Guard 4x Dive Ball Vanillite (Modest/Ice Body) w/ Magnet Rise, Water Pulse, Autotomize & Ice Shard Take them. Still looking for Joseph and Oscar, I've got kitties.
>I'm currently MM'ing a Buneary, so I have lots of them I need gone. Stats: Jolly nature, Klutz/Run Away ability, Love Ball x18 female (7x 5IV, 11x 4IV) x10 male (6x 5IV, 4x 4IV) Disc up!
>>21442186 you and everyone else over a month ago
>>21442212 well then I'm sorry for trying to share this time, not just take. I'm not gonna create a shiny to give away out of thin air, so I'm giving away what I have and what would please me if someone else was giving it away. No one is forcing you to take one.
Quoted By:
>>21442186 which reminded me, the moveset: Switcheroo/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Encore
>>21442262 don't reply to shitposters love, you've come to the right place
>>21442186 Discing up for a female!
>>21442287 I know, I know, it just pisses me off recently. But thanks, anon!(^_^)
Quoted By:
>>21442324 Sent! Enjoy your bunny^_^
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21441070 are you still there ?
fish for cat up
Quoted By:
>>21442338 Switcheroo/Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Encore
Oscar 4656-8284-9337
>>21442186 disc up for a female pls
>>21441070 could I have one Skitty please? Thank you~
Quoted By:
disc up for relicanth, adament one please a couple ivs would be great
x16 Dream Ball Feebas with no Hidden Ability. They all have Oblivious with one or two with Swift Swim, so don't ask for a Swift Swim one. They range in 5-4 IVs. They know Brine, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat, and Haze. x16 Goomy with Sap Sipper, range in 5-4 IV. x17 HA Bagon with Fire Fang, Dragon Rage, Dragon Pulse, and Dragon Dance. Put up a Luvdisc for one.
>>21443586 what are the IVs on the Bagons? :o
Quoted By:
>>21443654 They're bred with a Six IV Ditto, I didn't mark the IVs on the Bagons.
>>21427925 um excuse me would it be okay if someone tossed a superpower/knock off scyther my way
Ign: yuricp
Quoted By:
>>21443586 Disc up for goomy please
Ty in advance
Quoted By:
someone have a linoone with extremspeed?
Quoted By:
>>21443715 >asking for tutor moved mons im not giving you shit
unless you offer other move tutor mons
Quoted By:
>>21443586 disc up for bass
Quoted By:
>>21443586 disc up for bagon
>>21443586 Put up a French 'Lovdisc' for a HA Bagon.
Quoted By:
>>21443586 disc up for Bagon. IGN FoulxLaw. Thanks anon!
>>21442489 sorry I had to leave. if you're still around you can tho
Quoted By:
>>21443586 >>21443908 Received it, thanks!
If anyone happens to have one, could you breed a Damp Mudkip? No IVs or egg moves necessary, I just need the ability itself. Already put up the Luvdisc, IGN is Serena with no message. If you want something in exchange, I can get an HA Chimchar or HA Treecko for you, once the trade's gone through and I can trade directly as an in-game acquaintance.
So I have 4 leftover Litleo's from MMing if anyone wants one just put a Luvdisc with /ggg/ in the description on gts. The Litleo's are in Pokeballs, are all male, have Pokerus, are Timid, and have 31/X/30/31/31/31(HP Ice).
>>21444830 I disked up in case you're still online!~
Quoted By:
Hey can i get a feebas disc is up ign is kehan message says /vp
>>21445192 I'll grab one. Fishing for disc right now, should be up in a moment.
Quoted By:
>>21445192 I'd like one please. Thanks. Disc is up.
Quoted By:
Squatting for a Muk in GTS for a few days. If someone could be a pal I'd appreciate it. Don't need anything special any ol muk will do. Danke.
Quoted By:
can i get a larvesta ign is kehan
Quoted By:
okay last one sorry for being kind of greedy can i also get a scyther ign is kehan
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
http://pastebin.com/rhx4vrzN now with 4em carvanha and snorlax
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21445974 All those males tho :^)
>>21445974 Disc is going up for the breeding leftover HA Elgyem, assuming you still have any left.
IGN: Michael
>>21445050 I appreciate the Torrent Mudkips, Alisson and Lilly, but I'm really looking for a HA (Damp) Mudkip right now.
Put up another Luvdisc.
...Why would people want a random Luvdisc anyways?
IGN Sophie Kane
>>21445974 disc up for spirittomb
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21447831 >>21447382 still here?
>>21447359 so much perfect dick
IGN Sophie Kane
Voules 0173-1324-2074
>>21447457 Discing up for Torchic, thankyou
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21447956 Love you!
Giving away more shit nobody wants, because I have shit luck.
Nature: Timid
Egg Moves: Ion Deluge, Baton Pass, Charm, Air Slash
Nature: Timid
Egg Moves: Spikes, Pursuit, Baton Pass, Encore
Nature: Impish
Egg Moves: Rock Blast, Curse, Haze, Spikes
All have HA, all are at least 4ivs, all female.
Quoted By:
>>21448029 ...A Torchic?
Do you mean (Unburden) Treecko?
And you didn't specify for a Speed Boost Torchic?
>>21445974 disc up for penta torchic
Quoted By:
>>21447457 Nevermind then, guess nobody has one.
IGN Sophie Kane
>>21448083 disc up for trubbish
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21448099 Its sent, thanks qtpie!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21448083 <3
emolga a qt >>21447382 sent
>>21447996 dont see it
>>21448029 im assuming you meant to reply to me
>>21448087 sent
Quoted By:
>>21428144 IGN: Brad would love tympole and wailmer lvl1 male Teddiursa up for both description /vp/ thanks!
Going to be a massive jew and ask if anyone has a HA winter deerling
>>21448083 Disc up for emolga
Quoted By:
Asking here since I just fucked up breeding my own, has anyone got an infiltrator Noibat? Preferably a female balltism one? I'm trying to breed some Halloween-y mons in case there's a wondertrade event for it
>>21428144 What pokemon do you have left
Ashley !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21450510 That list is two days old, buddy.
>>21450492 I'm sorry I was at work. I looked and somebody else must have fulfilled your request. I should be around for a bit so post and I will send you another one!
>>21448083 Bumping this list. Best Pika-clone for all!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Ashley !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21454486 Why so your Flabebe have to be the worst color?
<3 J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21454507 No bully pls.
Orange is bretty cool shiny. Red too. Yellows growing on me cus Wario colors. White is boring and blue is just ok.
I'll probably MM red or yellow sometime instead of orange.
8===D ~ David
>>21454533 Can I get a female snorlax in a moon ball? Discing and thanks!
Ashley !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21454533 Wario is best, the only qt I main in Kart. If you breed yellow, same me one.
Gross. Voules 0173-1324-2074
>>21454486 Discing up for Spiritomb, thanks in advance
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21454580 I use him everywhere. Mario Party, Kart, Smash Bros. Pretty cool goym.
>>21454605 >>21454569 sent
>>21454486 updated with more apricorn stuff
IGN: Mei
>>21454486 Disc up for Torchic. Thanks in advance!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Fri 24 Oct 2014 21:52:11 No. 21454852 Report >>21454486 Discing for a F Torchic with Speed Boost.
It'll say VP
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Fri 24 Oct 2014 21:56:54 No. 21454914 Report Quoted By:
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:15:39 No. 21456144 Report Poke Leftovers-All are RANDOM 5IV Unless specified otherwise, Moves listed are Egg Moves, 0 Moves Listed = No Egg Moves 1x F Dusk Ball Jolly Intimidate Ekans-Sucker Punch, Switcheroo 1x F Dusk Ball Jolly Swarm Spinarak- Rage Powder, Toxic Spikes, Megahorn 1x M Dusk Ball Jolly Swarm Spinarak- Rage Powder, Toxic Spikes, Megahorn 1x F Fast Ball Jolly Hyper Cutter Trapinch 1x F Poke Ball Timid Fire Absorb Houdour- Destiny Bond 1x M Moon Ball Adamant Swift Swim Anorith- Knock Off, Curse, Cross Poison, Acua Jet 1x M Fast Ball Jolly Compound Eyes Nincada 1x F Heavy Ball Adamant Sturdy Aron-Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Head Smash 1x M Poke Ball Jolly Thick Fat Swinub-Icicle Crash 2x M Ultra Ball Jolly Intimidate Sandile 1x F Repeat Ball Adamant Rock Head Cubone-Iron Head 2x M Sport Ball Adamant Technician Scyther-Quick Guard, Baton Pass, Defog, Night Slash 2x F Sport Ball Adamant Technician Scyther-Quick Guard, Baton Pass, Defog, Night Slash 1x F Safari Ball Jolly Guts Larvitar-Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Iron Head 2x M Safari Ball Jolly Guts Larvitar-Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Iron Head 1x F Heavy Ball Jolly Skill Link Shellder-Rock Blast, Icicle Spear 1x M Heavy Ball Jolly Skill Link Shellder-Rock Blast, Icicle Spear 1x F Poke Ball Jolly Guts Rattata-Flame Wheel, Last Resort 1x F Luxury Ball Timid Drought Vulpix- Flail, Heat Wave, Hypnosis 1x F Premier Ball Adamant Effect Spore Paras 1x M Premier Ball Timid Hustle Nidoran 1x M Poke Ball Adamant Archen-Head Smash, Knock Off 5x Poke Ball Adamant Clear Body Beldum 1x M Poke Ball Adamant Torrent Totodile-Dragon Dance, Crunch, Ice Punch, Acua Jet 1x M Poke Ball Modest Clauncher 1x Poke Ball Modest Rotom 1x F Dive Ball Modest Liquid Ooze Tentacool 2x M Repeat Ball Jolly Keen Eye Starly 1x F Fast Ball Jolly Big Pecks Pidgey >I Knew Pidgeot was getting a Mega-Evo 4x F Heal Ball Modest Overcoat Solosis 1x F Repeat Ball Jolly Inner Focus Riolu-Vacuum Wave, Bullet Punch
Just hatched this little fucker. Male, penta perfect, egg moves, timid and in Dusk Ball. 30 clones ready to be distributed. Just put up an Alomomola, to spice things up.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:19:05 No. 21456178 Report >>21456144 1x M Repeat Ball Jolly Inner Focus Riolu-Vacuum Wave, Bullet Punch
1x M Fast Ball Timid Lightning Rod Electrike
2x M Repeat Ball Jolly Pure Power Meditite-Bullet Punch, Fake Out
1x M Ultra Ball PENTAPERFECT(-Sp.Atk) Adamant Inner Focus Pawniard-Sucker Punch, Pursuit
1x M Repeat Ball Timid Hustle Deino
1x M Poke Ball Adamant Rock Head Aerodactyl
2x Poke Ball Jolly Intimidate Tauros
1x F Repeat Ball Jolly Scrappy KangasKhan
1x M Repeat Ball Adamant Guts Heracross-Rock Blast
1x M Repeat Ball Adamant Swarm Heracross-Rock Blast
1x F Repeat Ball Jolly Sand Trap Diglett
1x M Repeat Ball Timid Static Pichu
1x Poke Ball Modest Voltorb
1x M Repeat Ball Adamant Inner Focus Sneasel-Pursuit, Bite, Icicle Crash, Fake Out
1x F Repeat Ball Adamant Keen Eye Sneasel-Pursuit, Bite, Icicle Crash, Fake Out
1x M Repeat Ball Adamant Early Bird Doduo
1x F Repeat Ball Adamant Early Bird Doduo
1x F Dream Ball Jolly Steadfast Riolu-Bullet Punch, Vacuum Wave, Agility, Follow Me
Part 2/2
I would appreciate If one of you gave me a Female Magic Guard Abra in a Balltised Ball, a pokeball is fine too; for one of these giveaway mons instead of the usual Luvdisc.
>>21456144 Disc up for female Paras
>>21456144 Disc up for Aron please? Thank you!
>>21456144 Can i have the fem spinarak?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:23:31 No. 21456226 Report Quoted By:
>>21456207 >>21456213 >>21456221 Give me about 10 minutes. I'm catching a Alomonola.
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>>21456162 Nice! Save me a spot please!
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>>21456162 >Alomomola Should I set it up for a lvl 1 male or female?
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>>21456162 >Alomomola, IGN : Omar . Alomo is up
IGN: Mei
>>21456144 Just caught an Abra for you in one of my friends safari. It's nature is adamant though, is that fine?
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>>21456162 >alomomola >/ggg/ Fuck off with your cloned stuff
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>>21456162 Alomomola up, ign is Richa
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:31:16 No. 21456323 Report >>21456311 Yeah. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Put up a disc up later for something.
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>>21456162 Amola is up. IGN Pat.
IGN: Mei
>>21456323 Don't mention it!
Can I have the Totodile? I'll add you so we can trade in-game. My FC is 2766-9308-3805 (Kai)
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>>21456162 nice. going up now.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:38:18 No. 21456393 Report Quoted By:
>>21456376 Sure. Give me a sec to add you.
>>21456178 >Disc up for pawniard, thanks JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:46:12 No. 21456461 Report Quoted By:
>>21456437 Thanks for the Abra. Now Iet me attend the others.
>>21456144 gligar up for female Sport ball scyther
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 00:52:16 No. 21456516 Report Quoted By:
>>21456221 >>21456213 Sent. Enjoy
>>21456207 >>21456437 Give me a sec I'll get you soon.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 01:00:02 No. 21456586 Report >>21456470 >>21456207 Sent. Enjoy.
>>21456437 I don't see your Luvdisc. Put up a Female one.
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>>21456162 I dont have an alomo can I put a luvdisc up instead? ign ash
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 01:12:14 No. 21456717 Report Quoted By:
>>21456702 No Problem. Jam are you here?
>>21456162 Any left? Just put up an alomomola
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>>21456725 he never delivered
1220-8242-7513 ign smax
>>21456144 disc up for ekans. thank you
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>>21456162 alomomolA up
Ty in advance
Ign yuricp
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 01:55:46 No. 21457092 Report >>21456815 I think you got sniped? Mind putting up another so I can actually give it to you?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598(Marowak, Quagsire) !3Gd1JhmKaA Sat 25 Oct 2014 01:58:50 No. 21457115 Report Quoted By:
Later GTS General. I need to go to sleep. I'l be back tomorrow morning If anyone wants something from my leftovers.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21454486 bumping
now with adamant friend ball ralts
>>21456144 disc up for anorith if you're still here, thanks
Still bumping my lists. Once I hatch my shiny I will be releasing or WTing them all. ULTRA BALL EMOLGA Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Ion Deluge, Baton Pass, Charm, Air Slash LEVEL BALL SHELMET (Illegal) Nature: Timid Egg Moves: Spikes, Pursuit, Baton Pass, Encore NET BALL TRUBBISH Nature: Impish Egg Moves: Rock Blast, Curse, Haze, Spikes All have HA, all are at least 4ivs, all female.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457491 You're a female.
You're having shit luck with this MM m8. Leo
>>21457491 discing for trubbish, thank you!
>>21457569 Its sent. Thanks Leo!
>>21457521 My luck is always shit.
143 Boxes Isaac
>>21457411 Could I get a friend ball ralts please? Disc is up
IV/Natures don't don't really matter. Thanks!
Sue Wacko
>>21457491 can i have a trubbish and a shelmet (if i breed a male then breed it again to change his ball back to a pokeball, it won't be illegal anymore right?)
>>21457654 Absolutely!
And yes that's fine, Pokeball is perfectly legal. That way you can always recapture a female with the legal ball of your choice.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457644 sent
>>21457632 youll get it
after oras is out Anonymous
>>21457654 The Trubbish is sent!
>>21457677 Thanks babe!
Implying I'm going to buy it anyway. Anonymous
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>>21456162 Alomomomomola is up! IGN is Izanagi!
Sue Wacko
>>21457668 >>21457698 Great, thanks a lots
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457698 you're really not getting it?
;----; Anonymous
>>21457737 Shelmet set, thanks again!
>>21457745 I don't know, only if
Knock Off and other item moves remove mega stones. :^) J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457766 why would you want that?
knock off is already OP as fuck
>>21457780 Because I hate megas and think they made the meta worse so I have no hype to play.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457787 >made the meta worse but you suck at competitive :^) It made some broken pokemon, but also useful ones some shitmons needed.
>>21457893 I do suck, but I still have fun. Megas are just meh. There are 5 I like, the rest I could give a shit about. Sure there stats are boosted, but design wise they all seem like de-evolutions. I mean, aren't flapping wings more effective than a harness attatched to a boomerang? I just can't grasp most of the concepts.
I'm going to not mega evolve my shiny Camerept. So qt. Anyway I will stop talking now.
Take my Emolgas, etc. :C
Sue Wacko
>>21457766 i should be the one thanking you.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21457970 so..because you dont like some designs you wont get ORAS?
that sounds..silly. no offense. oh well, see you gen 7 maybe, i unno.
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>>21457997 Gen 3 is also my least favorite gen, so meh, I will buy it eventually out of boredom, I'm sure . Or Z-version!
>>21457974 I liked your Luvdiscs!