Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>21424391 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on Topic of the Thread:
Say something you hate about your bro. No special snowflakes allowed.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433052 JSal, I can easily do a 5IV/4EM Zigzagoon in Level, Premier, and Love Ball. Regrettably, Safari Ball Zigzagoon is illegal. I have 5IV leftovers in Luxury and Heal balls too.
All of those counts as one. Let me see what else I have. IGN smax
>>21433159 the pentaperfect
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>>21433159 Add Dream Ball Zigzagoon to that list of 5IV leftovers I have on hand. I can also do Love Ball Kricketot, Love Ball Burmy, and Love Ball Chatot. Deal?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433171 I dont want to ask for too much. Also I havent updated, but got level from someone.
As for non-apricorn balls, I like HAs with them. Anonymous
>>21433221 Ok! I can do HA Zigzagoon in Premier, Luxury, and Dream Ball.
I know that breeding a female Snorlax is difficult, so please don't worry about EM/IV/Nature.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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ToTT: Houndoom is bad competitively. Plus, edgy as fuck.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21433159 Do you still need Swablu and Misdreavus in love balls?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433182 sent
>>21433239 whats difficult about it?
also, do you want anything outside the lax?
>>21433262 sure, what do you want in return?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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TotT: His shiny colourations are complete and utter shit.
>>21433273 the gender ratio a shit. I'm not going to ask you for anything else besides Snorlax. Thank you very much, this helps us out an incredible amount.
IGN: Jenna
Reposting from previous thread. I have a small stock of 5IV adamant shield dust Weedle in dusk balls. 6 male, 8 female Just tell me what shitmon you'll put up on the GTS, and I'll get right to you!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433283 alrighty.
just gib HA premier and dream ziggy. love too if you're up for it. no more.
>>21433308 HA Premier is the only one I'll have to breed. HA Dream, HA Lux, Love, and Heal are ready to go if you want those. Gimme 15 minutes to breed you a good HA Premier.
my bro is Route 2 rodent trash. timmy !GTSHonch.6
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vote for timmy #vtf >thread wasn't 7 posts early alright out of ten ToTT: Absolute garbage defenses and lower than average speed.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Thu 23 Oct 2014 00:48:07 No. 21433399 Report Quoted By:
Vote for Timmy. ToTT? Absolutely fucking useless in battle. Still love you Skitty Finally dug up a 5IV Dragon type to father with so hopefully I can be done with Swablus.
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
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Good morning, WFG. I've got a bunch of 5IV Bagons from my MM project looking for homes! Duskball, Naive, RegularAbility, Thrash, Hydro Pump, DragonDance. Tell me if you want one! TOTT: One poke and his signature move goes out the window. He's a one-trick-pony that isn't fast enough or hits hard enough to play with the big boys, despite having a great move. I still love you Typhlosion.
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
>>21433286 Ooh, I'd like a Weedle, maybe a female one. Would you like a Bagon in return?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21433273 I can also get you a lux ball Eevee if you still need that.
I'd like heavy ball Swinub, moon ball Sneasel, and lure ball Hera. All adamant. Does that sound ok?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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TotT: Fucking useless piece of shit can't get anything done. worthless in battles, worthless in amie, outspeeded even by fucking npcs. It's shiny is ugly as shit and it used to be so pretty in Pokémon XD Won't even get proper art because no one else likes it why is this shitstain my favorite I don't understand. And yet... just look at it :3 it's the best
IGN: Jenna
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TToT: I think it's in game sprite somewhat looks like shit. I can barely see the qt emotions it shows with its eyes in Amie. Although I find it cool and adorable, it's still an edgy razor teeth sarcophagus with shadow hands.
IGN: Jenna
>>21433432 Sounds good! I'll be lurking in the GTS!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433346 just the 3 is good
>>21433480 if its HA, yeah. otherwise, nah.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21433585 It's HA. I'll work on them tonight.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433286 >>21433572 ill get one as soon as this nigger gives me my skarmory
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
>>21433572 Great, just sent a Bagon up for a weedle, the message is /vp/
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21433644 What is a spitback? A non penta?
I was going to breed penta females but whatever is fine.
IGN: Jenna
>>21433650 Haha, alright! Let me know what mon you're putting up!
>>21433666 Sent the antichrist caterpillar! Enjoy!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433690 sure, penta females then
what natures/abilities do you want?
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
>>21433698 Thanks a lot! :D
Previously on /wfg/ goes shopping: Adalwolf
>>21433698 sent litwick lvl 1. thanks
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>>21433714 Sounds more like Yang, he likes to pull stuff out of his ass
IGN: Jenna
>>21433705 No problem!
>>21433724 Sending now! Enjoy!
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21433703 Adamant everything.
Guts heracross, oblivious swinub, guess it doesn't matter with sneasel's ability.
My Eevees are bold, Swablu modest, and Mis are timid. I could change Swablu and Mis nature, but Eevee would be kind of a pain but I will if you want. I think they all have 4 EM.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433778 those natures are fine
should be able to do them in 1-2 days
>>21433792 JSal, HA Premier Zigzag is hatched, checking IVs now. Are you free to receive the ones for which you asked?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
TotT: Scrafty has some weird fan art. Is the Glalie mega stone the only thing you get from the demo?
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
>>21433813 What, you actually get the megastone as well?
>>21433813 How about playing it and finding out
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21433819 I assume. Didn't it say at the end of your demo?
>>21433792 Hey JSal, still looking for Luxury ball Cyndaquil?
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
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>>21433831 I was aware you'd get the Glalie, but didn't realize you'd also get the stone.
Now I'm a little concerned that my code hasn't arrived yet..
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21433829 I played it once so far.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21433839 someone else is breeding it for me, thanks though
>>21433808 uh, sure. give me your FC
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>>21433857 > You can play it 9 more times for item rewards.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
TOTT:Spinda, you're terrible in battle Hello thread. I can now legally drink alcohol.
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>>21433872 Get online and I'll TR you, just like we did for Wingull and Miltank.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Thu 23 Oct 2014 01:34:20 No. 21433926 Report Quoted By:
>Hatch 4 Pentaperfect Swablus in one batch >No Cloud Nine at all Life is hard.
anyone have a female Hidden Ability Zangoose they'd be willing to give me?
>>21433934 I have one,
but only if you ask nicely .
>>21433991 Pretty please, good sir. I'll be forever grateful. He was my gen 3 bro. <3
4.0 1160-9897-3012
does anyone have a rotom like any rotom ill love you for one
>>21434037 Put anything up on the GTS for Level 31 female Zangoose, and let me know what you've put up.
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>>21433879 congratulations~
>>21434049 That's any easy one. Put up something on the GTS for Rotom and tell me what.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 01:48:54 No. 21434081 Report So luxury ball for crustle right?
Kel 3153-4638-7105
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Anyone have some pokemon not obtainable in X/Y they're willing to trade? I have some crappy egg move pokemon I could give you in return.
>>21434056 I put up an Eevee with a note that says /VP/ Thank you so much, anon.
4.0 1160-9897-3012
>>21434074 thanks, people were asking for legendaries and dumb shit
ill put up an honedge for it
>>21434106 You're welcome, enjoy.
>>21434121 I'll keep an eye out for Honedge.
>>21433872 JSal, will you be around tonight for the Snorlax trade? No rush if not, but I'm only gonna be online for another hour or so. I can give you the zigzags for junkmons in advance if you like.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21434081 Yeah. If you want a female, I can give one to you.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21434081 >>21434222 A Dwebble, that is. I'm sure we have each other in Acquaintances, so if you want, just send me a TR whenever.
>>21434232 What would you want for a sigilyph
>back to breeding Charmander >8 batches >no females in sight Someone post the /wfg/ version of Mr. Bones Wild Ride.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21434220 depends if you just want the fem moon snorlax
unless you want to do this tomorrow when i breed EMs into it (im probably gonna do it either way)
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21434232 Can I get Helioptile and a Roggenrola?
>>21434283 Just offering, luv disc up for a sig
>>21434282 I'll take a fem Moon Ball Snorlax with zero moves and zero IVs. I can breed you a 4EM 5IV replacement and have it back to you tomorrow.
>>21434232 Puttin up a disc for a male darumaka and a torkoal for a gible
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
>>21434232 Ooh, could I get that Helioptile? Could you name him Dragoni, by any chance?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21434308 I'm not that guy, but I'll quote him for you:
>>21434232 Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21434232 >roggenrolla >sandile Can I get the roggrenrolla and the sandile?
Or just the roggenrolla. Just another thing to eventually MM.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21434313 you're already doing enough (and i owe you a lot).
i'll breed it for you myself for tomorrow.
wwind, pursuit, curse, doubleedge if thats ok.
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>>21434352 >owe you owe me nothing. you're giving me a great bargain on one of the two hardest Apricorn pokes to come by. Take all the time you need, and thank you again so much.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 02:12:47 No. 21434389 Report Thank you ravinder!
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
>>21434270 Sent.
>>21434285 Put something up for one, then the other. Let me know.
>>21434315 Sent Darumaka.
>>21434325 Someone asked for it already, sorry.
>>21434340 Why not both?
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21434414 I'll put up a Pineco for Helioptile first then a Tynamo for Roggenrola
Rizzy 2595-0303-5607
Quoted By:
>>21434414 Yeah, I noticed. Thanks anyway! :)
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21434414 Do you have multiple roggenrolla?
In the mean time I'll put up a numel for a sandile.
>>21434414 Thanks man. Torkoal up. Nice nickname, btw
aj 0834 2704 5831
Quoted By:
Anyone want a shiny deoxys I'll trade it for a non shiny deoxys
>>21434232 disc up for elekid
>>21434232 disc up for Darumaka please, female if possible
dat balltism. Thanks
Moon Ball Dex partner:
I've updated our Pastebin: Tomorrow will be the last day that I'm free to trade because I'm traveling until November 3rd. I intend to continue hunting in HGSS during that time, so with a certain amount of Swarm luck I should have everything except for that freaky wooden tree thing.
I hope to see you tomorrow! Good night!
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>21434427 Tynamo is up now
>>21434427 Sent Helio
>>21434429 I have/had 2. Sent Sandile
>>21434435 Sent Gible
Sorry if I'm slow, wasn't expecting replies.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21434490 okay, uh, I'll put up another numel for roggenrolla then. Thank you.
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>>21434490 It's all good, thanks anon
Ash Kethcup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21434474 Are you who I think you are?
If so let me know when you're back, I can help with a few.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21434500 And sent, done for now.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>21434574 Awesome, thanks.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
So. Anyone have a female penta pineco? Non english would be great too, or just a foreign bug parent.
There's a way to get a charizardite X if I have pokemon Y?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21434759 You'd have to trade for it.
4.0 1160-9897-3012
>>21434232 Disc up for Furfrou
Ash Kethcup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434759 You can have mine if you would like to spare any Y stones, specifically Houndoomite.
>>21434787 you got youself a deal.
Ashley !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434811 Mine is 1478-3818-3357
Adding you now!
ToTT: His shiny palette was a missed opportunity and he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21434906 Hey Nappa~
Was it your birthday recently? Skype told me so but skype lies.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21434923 Today, actually. Anonymous
>>21434932 ~ Happy Birthday ~ Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:00:11 No. 21434976 Report Okay, so I'm breeding crustle, and I'm toying around with it as a talonflame counter. Impish+max defense investment makes it pretty much the only bug type that can take two hits(with a .4% chance of surviving.) I was thinking of using red card to force talonflame out and letting stealth rocks really wear it down? Or should I just use rock blast and use leftovers or something? I know talonflame is banned from monotype brackets, but I'm looking for cart play
>>21434843 >friendcode is not correct Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21434976 I use White Herb, get in Shell Smash, and sweep.
I am also not good.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21435006 Oh my, sorry! I am terrible at typing on my phone.
Anyone have a Male Haunter or Gengar for one of those Gamestop promo Gengar's?
Andrea - FC: 2809-8523-9258
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:07:15 No. 21435058 Report I have a ton of breeding leftovers--and I have a Giratina that I'm not wanting. I have the need--the need for speed--oh wait. Nope. No, I need a shiny 5 or 6 IV Beldum *legit, please* and (preferably, but not ABSOLUTELY necessary) Metagrossite. *I also have a name I'd like him to have, if someone would please be awesome enough to do so~*
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:07:47 No. 21435069 Report >>21435008 I'm using almost specifically for talonflame, so while I do love shell smash crustle, investing anything in speed or attack means it can only take one hit safely and also means it can't safely switch in. Typically a talonflame would just switch out as soon as crustle uses shell smash and then some crustle counter comes in and weakens it to <40% meaning talonflame can later counter crustle.
I guess shuckle can also take two hits pretty comfortably, but can't do much in response
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:08:17 No. 21435077 Report >>21435022 Not male... Female... But I don't want her at all.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:09:27 No. 21435090 Report >>21435058 If you get a metagrossite, it isn't legit for sure. Unless I missed something.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
Quoted By:
>>21435058 Metagrossite isn't available in XY.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:10:33 No. 21435102 Report >>21435090 Wasn't Metagrossite introduced in Gen 6?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !AxekAUTISM
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>>21435102 It has yet to be introduced, you can only ever have one in ORAS.
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>>21435102 not compatible with xy
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>>21435058 I finally get to post one of these.
>>21435102 Only in ORAS. Do you even hype?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:12:01 No. 21435121 Report >>21435102 Well, if you count ORAS as gen 6, then technically yes. It's being released with ORAS, and isn't legal at the moment.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21435069 Like I said, I'm not good. Do you normally play singles or doubles?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
So, while I grind away at these bears, I'm planning my next MM. What ball do I put a shiny Glalie in?Luxury? Premier? Something else?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21435102 yeah wanna trade yours for my blazikenite?
balzikens mega stone is totally event only trust me
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:13:19 No. 21435145 Report >>21435121 Whelp, that's what I get for getting my info from Bulbagarden. *burns his computer*
Shiny 5-6IV Beldum please? *will snag Metagrossite when he gets ORAS*
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:14:17 No. 21435158 Report >>21435127 I'm not so good myself.
I normally stick with singles, but don't battle much. I'm one of those sad people who gets embarrassed by their in battle statistics that read "3900 eggs hatched" "4 times in battle"
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21435138 Premier fits well I guess. There isn't enough black and red to justify Luxury Ball or any other ball really. Unless the Mega shiny sprite goes full retard and is pink or something then do Dream Ball. :^)
>>21435158 >3,900 eggs hatched Wait until you battle one of the oldfruit.
>over 20,000 eggs hatched>only 100-ish battles ;_;
aj 0834 2704 5831
Anyone have a non shiny deoxys they don't want I'll trade a lvl 100 shiny deoxys for it
>>21435138 >breeding explosive megas I like luxury more, its not white enough for premiere Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:16:19 No. 21435192 Report >>21435145 Well, hopefully the shiny beldum that comes with the metagrossite will be nature/IV locked to competitive.
But has that ever happened with anything other than the shiny genesect?
>>21435192 genesect was iv locked?
what was it spread/nature?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:17:35 No. 21435213 Report Quoted By:
Also, I have a few good Totodiles, a couple Fennekin, a TON of excess Horsea... And a few Pichu. And soon to be a Sylveon I can't use because it doesn't have Baton Pass... *has to breed another*
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>>21435180 Why would you want to trade a shiny for a non-shiny?
Try PowerSaves general for ridiculous requests like this one. Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:18:27 No. 21435228 Report >>21435208 the japanese event one was hasty
>not naive and all 31 IVs.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>21435169 >>21435178 Will do, then.
>>21435190 I know it doesn't have enough white, but no gold and only black accents might not fit as well.
>>21435228 The shiny japanese genesect only had 31 in attack and speed.
I know because I have one. Anonymous
>>21435192 >implying it was IV locked >>21435249 I RNG'd mine. :^) Shift Gear Genesect was way too fucking stronk.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:20:46 No. 21435263 Report >>21435192 I think we're giving too much hope to this giveaway. Remember: we're the USA. Japan hates us! xDDD
But no, if you've got a shiny 5IV Beldum... I'd give you my Giratina. I'd even give you the freaking Griseous Orb if you wanted it. I just had no place for him in my party--and Metagross would do well in my team.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21435263 I've got a legit 5iv shiny metagross.
A giratina that anyone can get isn't worth anywhere near that, m8.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:24:31 No. 21435325 Report Quoted By:
>>21435307 I'll take a gander at what I'd give up... Give me a mo, I'll see what I've got sitting in the box. What are you looking for?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:24:45 No. 21435327 Report >>21435262 >>21435249 Ah, wrong on the IV part then. I have one too and should probably recheck it.
There's a decent chance it's hacked, but it's one of the times I don't care. It's a once in a lifetime bug pokemon
Zee 3196-5418-6438
Quoted By:
I have two boxes of Adamant unchecked 4-5 IV Heracross' with Persuit, Rock Blash and Double Edge egg moves if anyone wants one, if you want to give me good IV breeding pokemon that's cool too but not required.
>>21435077 Nah, I already have a female Gengar, but right on anyway.
i like to have one of both sex, i don't know why Anonymous
>>21435263 I'm going to nice because if you continue posting the way you to, you'll end up ticking off some people.
Try to ease off on emoticons if you can (especially xD because that's heavily associated with being underage [which is a bannable offense on 4chan as a whole]).
Try to lurk the thread for a week or two to get a feel of what's worth what.
A legitimate 5 IV Beldum/Metang/Metagross is hard to come by, considering it's a genderless breed and the hatch times are a pain and a half. Trading a Giratina that most anyone can get (not mention the very likely chance it has shit IVs) isn't worth much compared to a legitimate Kalos born perfect Beldum.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:27:52 No. 21435362 Report Quoted By:
>>21435349 Any chance you could breed me one from the original? (hopefully still be shiny)?
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:30:28 No. 21435381 Report >>21435361 Ehhh... Just asking, honestly. I can breed a 5IV Beldum, no problem, it's just the Shiny part. I can't do that. I don't even have a shiny charm, or whatever it is.
>>21435327 >There's a decent chance it's hacked I assume that with every Pokémon I get in trades.
Even from friends. OT Autism is the best autism you can have.
>>21435349 Wait like a month or two, the Gamestop Gengar's are going to be worthless soon because literally everyone is going to be able to have one. It's ridiculous how people are trading legit events and stuff for a shitty promo Gengar.
>>21435381 If you honestly can't handle it, breed a Beldum yourself then take it to PowerSaves general or PokéGen General. The criteria for the trade you're asking for (shiny, nickname-able, perfect IVs, etc) makes it highly unlikely you'll get anytime soon
or have anything of equal value to trade for it. 3453-9845-4028
>>21435388 I'm really just trying to get a male gengar or male haunter traded to me for my Gamestop Gengar (since it seems like a bunch of people want one, but nobody wants to step foot into a Gamestop), the shiny doesn't even matter to me.
I haven't had a Gengar since blue, and he was my favorite thing when I was a kid. Not to mention then i'll have a male and a female Gengar, which will satisfy me beyond belief.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:35:40 No. 21435442 Report Quoted By:
>>21435414 True, it's quite the tall order.
>>21435381 you better just wait for ORAS release then
we'll get a shiny beldum with metagronite event on the first days (in the same way we got torchic with blazikenite for xy)
It wont be 5iv but you can reset for nature and possible not a shit spread
>>21435429 >since it seems like a bunch of people want one, but nobody wants to step foot into a Gamestop This so much. It's not even hard to get multiple of one.
So you just want any old male Gengar?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:36:35 No. 21435455 Report >>21435429 You just want ANY male gengar? I can give you a shit one for free.
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue)
Jet 4184-3498-3389 (Meditite, Sawk, Tyrogue) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:38:22 No. 21435480 Report Quoted By:
>>21435450 Might have to do that... Oh well, I'll have to be patient, then.
Quoted By:
>>21435451 >So you just want any old male Gengar? As long as it isn't an HM slave, named something ridiculous, or too high of a level for me to let it grow with me a bit, yeah.
Nature isn't really super important to me since i'm shit in versus anyway, just any male Haunter or Gengar for this female Gamestop one I have.
>>21435381 also you dont need a shiny charm for that
its not even confirmed that the shiny charm affects breeding in XY, flavor text specifically says wild pokemon and nobody was able to crack its effects yet to see if its only wild or if its just flavor text
>>21435455 Word?
I don't really like taking anything for free, but to be completely honest, the only thing I have to give away apart from this Gamestop Gengar is a Farfetch'd, so yeah.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:45:44 No. 21435599 Report >>21435575 I'll take a scatterbug for it. want to GTS?
Quoted By:
>>21435575 if its just a derp male gengar im sure someone will have spares from breeding
>>21435508 Are people still spreading this nonsense rumor?
>>21435620 > its not a rumor
it was never confirmed
so you believe whatever you want
lots of people say it got easier once they got the shiny charm but they still breed thousands, but since we are talking about random it mens nothing
we need a dataminder to actually crack it's full effects, but nobody did that yet
Quoted By:
>>21435654 ignore the pastebin :3c was an accident
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 03:51:27 No. 21435683 Report >>21435654 Smogon thread has points to the shiny charm increasing hatch shiny rate as well. Sure, I guess through huge statistical anomaly, the evidence isn't guaranteed, but it's pretty likely
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21435575 We give good statted breeding leftovers for free here.
Quoted By:
>>21435599 Sounds like a plan.
>>21435654 >The Shiny Charm returns in X/Y, but its English-language description now specifically mentions 'wild Pokémon'. According to Serebii, the Japanese description says no such thing. I want to determine whether the Shiny Charm still works for Masuda Method breeding in X/Y. It's not confirmed, but neither is what you're saying
which makes what you're saying a rumor, and an unlikely one at that since it's not the most parsimonious explanation. [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21435619 why am I laughing so hard over this picture
>>21435692 That would be exactly what i'm hunting around for, if anyone has a spare.
Because for the life of me
>>21435599 i'll have to fly and go try and capture a scatterbug, which isn't even really a huge issue, but good stats would just make it more fun. Especially if nobody is using one they've just stored from breeding.
>>21435703 Because metagame humor is fucking top tier.
>>21435701 >>21435683 but thats exactly what I said, "its not even confirmed that the shiny charm affects breeding " and "lots of people say it got easier once they got the shiny charm"
we need a dataminer to crack actual data information
I'm aware of smogonites tests, but its not a confirmation and we dont have real hardcoded data numbers
>>21435745 [00:23] jvk: here at my home only one person can sleep at a time because we follow smogon rules
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
>>21435741 I might have a male penta drifloon left on X.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>21435803 That's sorta funny.
Quoted By:
>>21434474 Well, I'm real sorry about leaving you hanging. Apparently I was banned for posting a banned URL at some point, which I for one think I'm completely innocent, considering I haven't posted any URLs. It was only for a few hours, but I guess I'll have to see you on November 3rd; by then I should have a ton of moon pokemon ready for you.
>>21435791 Right, but at the same time, it's fruitless to nitpick one change in the flavor text of an item in one language, making it take precedence over what was otherwise already accepted. Spreading that doubt is just as effective as saying that the charm is confirmed to work on breeding.
Instead, we should look solely at the numbers rather than argue about confirmed or unconfirmed, and the numbers strongly suggest it does impact breeding.
>>21435848 but he doesnt need one to MM beldun
wich was what I was saying to begin with
>>21435874 Right, of course he doesn't need one, but it could help.
>>21435900 will almost definitely help*
Quoted By:
>>21435803 This isn't a joke
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 04:11:26 No. 21435978 Report I'm sorry shig, you wanted male. I figured I would let someone else take it because my male haunter is pretty derp. You can still have it if you wanted, but I got a couple of things mixed up
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
Quoted By:
>>21435978 No worries, appreciate the Haunter bruh.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21435981 I'll trade you a dratini for the scraggy. It's a penta male in pokeball.
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
>>21436056 Works for me, what ability do you want? I have a male with intimidate and a female with shed skin left
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21436109 Do you have a 4IV female with intimidate? I would want to breed for multiple abilities.
So I have 2 shiny Wurmples that unfortunately are going to be Beautifly's (I'm hunting shiny Dustox) so I'd be willing to make some trades if people are interested
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
>>21436191 I don't, but I can breed one in a few minutes.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21436224 Alright, thanks. I added you.
Could anybody please help me out? I would really just like to get back to MMing while I wait for ORAS. If any of you folks here could just provide me with Dex entries for the Pokemon listed here I would greatly appreciate it, and if you could provide me with several I could reward you with a shiny Teddiursa.
>>21436206 What ball are they in?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21436413 Pretty sure you'd just need to get Tornadus and Landorus for dex completion and the shiny charm.
>>21436507 Oh my god that is so relieving. I can't believe I hadn't looked this up already. Thank you very much.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:01:04 No. 21436535 Report >>21436413 Don't need events for shiny charm. I can just touch trade you the couple of regular legendaries for free if you like.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
>>21436531 I think Manaphy counts as an event legend, and isn't required.
Andrew 5129.1852.3222
>>21436535 That would be really nice, thank you. Are you sure you wouldn't want anything in return?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:04:22 No. 21436572 Report >>21436561 I'll take a scatterbug if you have an uncommon region. Otherwise, no thanks, adding you now
Andrew 5129.1852.3222
>>21436572 Unfortunately I've just got Modern pattern, which I guess is pretty common. But thank you very much!
Andrew 5129.1852.3222
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Nobody has a steel safari with forretress, do they? Friend safari general is dead as all fuck Still looking for a fem foretress/pineco. If it has 4-5ivs that'd be fucking great. Alongside a nonenglish bug parent that also has good IVs. Probably a pain to get.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:24:48 No. 21436755 Report >>21436727 I got a perfect one. Friend code?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:26:03 No. 21436765 Report Quoted By:
>>21436755 don't know why I said "friend code" but it's 31/31/31/X/31/0 relaxed, 4 egg moves
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21436755 My IGN is end, didn't we add each other the other day?
Probably for a male pineco, I think. Lol.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:28:02 No. 21436783 Report >>21436766 Yeah, I think we did. Let me just breed a new female real quick for a living dex one. Should be quick
Quoted By:
>>21433159 Can I get one of those torchic? Should I gts a derp?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21436783 kay
I can just trade you back the 5iv male you traded me the other day for that, if you wanted.
Quoted By:
>>21433286 There's a pidgey with message /Vp/ Julia for a female please.
>no special snowflakes allowed Heard you talking shit about my bro like I wouldn't find out.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21436822 >not using a shiny image not so special
Quoted By:
>>21434232 Are there any more gibles? I'd really like one.
Quoted By:
>>21436857 >yfw Cryogonal is specially offensive and defensive so even the normal one is a special snowflake Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
Quoted By:
>>21436270 The last two batches were all male, I haven't forgotten you, these thug ass lizards are just being a pain in my ass
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:42:30 No. 21436929 Report >>21436788 Okay, I got one
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>21436929 Thanks man. The lileep needs to relearn it's moves but it's got 4 egg moves.
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
Quoted By:
>>21436270 OK, another batch of almost all male, and the only female has moxie. If you're still around I'll give you an enigma berry or something with it
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>21436929 oh, if you wanted the male back I can just do that too but I figured it'd be good to have both parents to trade to someone with a foreign cart if they come along.
>31/0/31/31/31/31 Modest Female Charmander I'm so happy.Now to breed one more with the same spread. ;_;
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Thu 23 Oct 2014 05:50:34 No. 21437018 Report Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>21433544 you have HA totodile?
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
Welp, I'm pretty sure Justin is gone by now, anybody else want something? Anonymous
>>21437007 >modest literally trash
Quoted By:
>>21437204 you trash faggot
Quoted By:
>>21436472 >having balltism >ever They're in
Pokéballs timmy !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>21436727 I do
ooooooooooooooooooooooont have what you're looking for
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437197 No I just stepped out for a bit. I'd even take a 2-3 IV intimidate if you have it but if not I'll take the penta male and just have the offspring in regular pokeballs. Sorry for making you breed for nothing lol.
I'll get online now.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437314 or I could throw in another pokemon or something and you could give me the HA penta male and the female you just breed.
Quoted By:
>>21437204 >he doesn't play the overcentralized VGC metagame Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
>>21437337 sure, I'll give you the 4iv HA female and one of the penta males. you don't have to give me anything extra, I've almost filled up a box with pokemon I haven't trained yet.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437358 You mean 4iv non-HA female, right? Because if you have a 4iv with HA then that would be all I need.
I have a lvl 100 penta and ev'd as a bulky Dragonite if you'd rather have that. I don't need it because i'm going to rebreed in a different ball
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
Quoted By:
>>21437389 Oh, well, I'll take that then! It's just missing SpD.
Beowulf 1006-1056-6001
LF: Shiny Espeon FT: Events: 10 ANIV Raikou 10 ANIV Entei 10 ANIV Suicune GAMESTP Jirachi WISHMKR Jirachi In Game Captures: Raikou Entei Suicune Mewtwo Lugia Ho-Oh Yveltal Uxie Mesprit x2 Azelf x2 Dialga Palkia Zygarde Regigigas Giratina Cresselia x2 Xerneas Cobalion Virizion Terrakion Volcorona Shiny: Zubat Golbat x2 Geodude Gastly Lapras Ho-Oh Dialga x2 Palkia x2 Giratina
>>21437408 Use a pastebin, holy shit.
Beowulf 1006-1056-6001
Quoted By:
>>21437420 Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm still new to this. Lesson learned.
Why does every source I see recommend I use U-Turn and/or Volt Switch on a choice item user? If I'm sending it out 95% of the time to revenge kill or murder something, when will this be useful? It's not like I can switch to it if they switch pokemon or it kills something.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437609 They either stay in and take a SE uturn/vswitch or switch to their counter which will then take a hit and allow you to switch to whatever checks their counter. It forces switches (good for hazards) and lets you keep the upper hand while dishing out damage. Not all choice users do it well but some do.
Slow uturns and vswitch are good for getting in fast/frail pokemon that wouldn't normally get switch ins.
>>21437654 Thanks for the reply, so why is this recommended for a pokemon like Hydreigon who only has 216 attack on a special set and is fast as hell with a Scarf? It won't be killing much of anything with it, what am I missing here?
is superpower a confirmed move tutor move in r/s?
Tape Deck 0662 3501 5669
>>21437713 iirc swampert gets it
or chestnaught
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437698 Because Hydreigon has a decent attack stat and special walls and fairys that will surely try to wall it early in the match. Hitting the fairy for a little bit of damage and having your next pokemon out safely is better than getting walled and having to switch into a potential status move or something.
>>21437731 i was thinking about whether it's worth breeding onto aron, if it's a tutor move.
can't decide on ability either
>rock head gets stab headsmash with no recoil >sturdy gets sturdy + metal sound for KOing any mega it's too hard
>>21437743 >having your next pokemon out safely But it's using a Choice Scarf. Whatever comes in is getting smacked anyway unless the other pokemon has a scarf too and is faster than Hydreigon. Plus if they switch to the wall, how is Hydreigon switching from what it was locked into, to U-Turn? Apologies if I seem dense here, I just genuinely don't get the logic. Thank you for being patient with me.
IGN: Liamaru (1821-9811-5472)
>>21437754 I have a spare one in a dream ball if you want.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21437757 There are pokemon that can wall all its moves. A specially defensive fairy will be immune to its draco meteor and resist dark pulse. When they see Hydreigon you know they're going to switch to the fairy so instead of getting locked into your dragon move, you use uturn, hit them for a bit of dmg, and can now bring in whatever checks their fairy. It's basically for keeping momentum on your side and putting Hydreigon's counters in bad positions so he can't be stopped later on.
Quoted By:
>>21437807 I see, thank you. You've been a great help. I'll have to give it a try before I knock it.
Quoted By:
>>21437782 >dream ball no thanks
anyone have snorunt/ pooch/ jolly corphish? i have some gengar codes
>>21437884 any snorunt, or do you want specifics?
>>21437899 dive/ premier
>>21437906 Best I can do is 5IV pokeball female naughty inner focus/moody with spikes.
I have leftovers, but bred only for the hexa male.
>>21437919 does the moody female have 31 in spA and speed?
>>21437932 I have two that do. GTS something.
Do the gengar codes work outside the US?
>>21437941 no idea
they're aus codes though
i put up a lv 1 magic carp
post when you want the code and i'll respond quickly so it doesn't get sniped
Quoted By:
>>21437941 It matters which country the code is from.
>>21437964 OK, sent. I'm in Europe so the code is worthless to me.
>>21437982 e4z6y7qdrzanwexf
it's yours to give to someone else then
>>21437991 Huh, it went through. Cool stuff, thanks.
>>21438007 so aus codes work in Europe then?
Quoted By:
>>21437754 roch head + smash is actually useful instead of suiciding
Quoted By:
>>21438016 Yes, AUS uses the EU 3DS.
Quoted By:
anyone have scolipede's? aus/ eu gengar code
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Someone pls help evolve a Shelmet and Onix
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21438749 Sure. I need someone to evolve my Machoke anyway. Adding you.
Let me make sure I have a Karrablast too.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>21438757 Added you, getting online now
Can someone help evolve my Pumpkaboo and Haunter
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21438786 Yeah I'll help you after Jack and I trade, gimmie your fc and add me.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>21438807 So do you have a Karrablast? Just TR me whenever
>>21438807 Alright, thanks. Ill add and wait online
Justin 5215-1710-5371
Quoted By:
>>21438812 I do have one. I sent a TR but got no response. Sending another.
DoctorPhaT 1864-9813-0843 Add me for Friend Safari
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21438822 Adding you now. You're free to keep the pokemon I give you and can trade me a random when I give yours back.
Quoted By:
New ToTT: What's your favorite meme?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>tfw wasted time breeding egg moves onto a Pokemon which gets 3/4 of them as Level 1 moves Fucking Stoutland.
>>21439845 >not checking before hand It's your own fault
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Jess 2466 3428 9050
Quoted By:
I'm looking for any Meowth or Persian. I don't have access to my old games for at least five months and I need to breed one for a rolled run thru. If anyone is willing to help out, I don't care about gender/nature/level/IVs I just need a Meowth. A Totodile would be nice, too if anyone has some breeding extras. I don't have much to offer, honestly, but I can flip through what I do have and try to find something. I really just want a Meowth.
>>21439941 If you have access to the FS and can grab something like a Dragon type throw it up on the GTS asking for Meowth. I didn't need to bring up anything from Kanto, Johto or Sinnoh because I just whored out the GTS.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21440031 Gee, thanks :^)
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21440121 NEW THREAD
>>21440121 NEW THREAD
>>21440121 NEW THREAD