I will be Wonder Trading 30 Rayquaza soon in honor of the upcoming ORAS release. These Rayquaza are: - Shiny - Jolly - 31/31/31/29/31/31 - Dragon Dance/Outrage/Extreme Speed - In a Luxury Ball The moves it knows are PP Max'd, and there's an empty slot for Dragon's Ascent. I will be Wonder Trading a box of them almost every day from now until ORAS comes out. I might even do multiple boxes a day. Eventually (when the games come out), I'll start Wonder Trading the V-Create Rayquaza. These won't come with the Ribbon (which is the only way I can get them to go through Wonder Trade), so if you're a stickler about things like that, don't worry about the giveaway. I'm planning on starting at 5:00 PM PST, which is in like an hour and 20 minutes as of posting this thread. Too bad I couldn't use "rayy lmao" as a nickname ;_;
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bemp It looks like I'll be starting sooner.
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>>21466079 No, not yet. I'm changing the time, though.
The time for the giveaway will now be in 10 minutes. Prepare your anuses.
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I am monitoring this thread.
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It begins! The Wonder Trading has now started. Good luck.
Hmm. I should do my next giveaway over the GTS asking for Flabebe. I can't for the life of me find a white one.
Do you have a minute interval in sending the trade? Maybe it will help to synchronize us.
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>>21466266 Well, I'm taking a while in between trades on purpose. It's only like 30 seconds though.
This giveaway is mostly just for fun (and to test the waters since I haven't done a giveaway before). My next one will most likely be on the GTS so I can ensure only /vp/ gets them.
>>21466245 I have a bunch of penta modest/calm white ones if you'll reserve me one of those Rayquazas.
why compels japs to only send shitmons?
IGN: Clarence 1504-6806-5722
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>>21466313 Everyone sends garbage, not just the Japanese.
tfw I have my Jolly V-Create shiny Rayray for ORAS. :)
IGN: Clarence 1504-6806-5722
>>21466310 Do you want a nickname on it?
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>>21466357 Me too :3
I like being nice and giving stuff away, though.
>>21466318 Stay on here until the trades are done, please.
>>21466367 Hmm.
Name it something ridiculous. Surprise me.
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Anyone here get one yet?
this is still going on, right?
What are the chances of actually getting one though ? Even if WTing non-stop at the exact same time as you, there's just way too many people in the world using WT at any given time.
Is dragon ascent physical or magical?
>>21466433 Yeah. I'm about halfway done. I'll let the thread know when I stop.
>>21466438 That's the fun though :3
Later on today (probably), I'll put them up on the GTS and ask you guys to put something dumb in the comment thing so I can just give them to you directly.
>>21466445 It's Physical, as far as I remember.
IGN: Clarence 1504-6806-5722
>>21466382 Alright, I've got one in reserve now. It's modest with 31 IVs in everything except physical attack. It's level 35 because I've been using it as breeding stock, but its EVs are clear.
>>21466461 Okay, dear Robin, I'm gonna need to ask you when's "later today", it being 1 a.m in Europe and all.
Deciding if I'm able to go to sleep or not, you know.
>>21466528 Probably in like 2 hours.
I'll give them away tomorrow, too, so if you miss this one, you can just get one then.
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>>21466538 In 2 hours is fine.
It's not like I can't just wake up at 1 p.m. Monitoring this thread then.
Alright, everyone, I just Wonder Traded the last Rayquaza away. It seems that, for the purposes of giveaways, Wonder Trading sucks.
After I eat and prepare for the next giveaway, I'll return. This next time will be on the GTS, so more details on that when I get back. Hang tight!
>>21466512 My FC is 3196-4716-2565 and my IGN is Robin.
>>21466691 Will it be in this thread, a new thread, or in /gg/?
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>>21466716 This thread, just so I don't waste space.
Ahmed [4871-5917-7467]
>>21466382 Hey could you reserve one for me? My brother is insane about Rayquaza and missed out on all the chances to get him. I was getting him OR for his birthday and how awesome would it be for him to open the game and see this.
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>>21466727 I can't anymore because they're gone. Just sit tight, I'll be back in a while to give them away again.
Alright everyone, I'm off for now. If you guys want, you may bump the thread or whatever.
IGN: Clarence 1504-6806-5722
>>21466691 Nice job with your Mii's face. Pretty neat effect.
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I'll be waiting here too. Ive wanted a shiny Rayquazy for a while
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>>21466744 My boyfriend did that. I thought it was pretty clever.
Now I really have to go. Later.
IGN: Clarence 1504-6806-5722
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>>21466744 Thanks for the trade! Rayquaza is the only legendary I really like the shiny for, so this is really awesome of you. I hope Eurydice does well for you.
I don't care about your rayquaza because you hacked to get it. If you payed me 100 dollars I wouldn't put it onto my game. Stop giving out cheatmons you faggot
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>>21466885 take your bitching somewhere else
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>>21466885 >being rude to someone giving away free stuff >thinking people don't know the difference in rarity between a legit shiny and a hacked >not realizing a lot of people would still like some shinies, even hacked, simply for the color >possibly being angry because it has perfect stats, even though as an Uber it won't be used in any competitive battle on cartridge anyway You're the only faggot here. Get the fuck out.
s-so OP are you still being a cool guy and giving them away?
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>>21467058 read the thread next time
>>21467103 Waiting isn't that difficult anon, why so negative ?
>>21467140 I had a bad day and accidentally hit an own driving back home, noctowl is one of my favorites, now I feel like a monster.
>>21466885 lel fgt
>>21467165 I'm back. I'm going to take just a little while longer to prepare to add them to my game. Sit tight, this shouldn't take that long.
>>21467188 Robin do we have to nickname what we put up or just leave a description? Because I'm in the middle of a cave
>>21467215 It'll just be a description. More on that after these guys are in my game.
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>>21467222 Alright awesome
I'm kinda late for this thread you still giving them away on the GTS?
>>21467370 Yeah. I'll be starting soon. I haven't put up any details about that yet so you're hella early.
>>21467370 It hasn't started yet. How hard is it to read a thread so small ?
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>>21467399 not hard at all I just didn't feel like doing so
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>>21467394 neat, thanks for being a cool guy and giving these away.
Alright everyone, I'm ready to start the GTS giveaway. For this giveaway, please put up a Flabebe on the GTS asking for a Lv. 91-higher Rayquaza. As your message, please include "rayy lmao". I only have another 30 today so first come, first serve! I'll be giving them away in order of oldest Flabebe put up to newest Flabebe put up.
IGN Adrien
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>>21467743 Mine is up.
Thanks, person who is either a girl or a gay guy. Not that it matters.
>>21467759 Nice try shitposter, a bit too slow.
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
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>>21467743 Tripcoding just to be safe. This is me.
>>21467759 This isn't me.
ign: May Firerose
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>>21467743 my flabebe is up
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Flabebe has been added.
Kroptik - 3024-6179-4482 - (Psychic) Drowzee Sigilyph Duosion
Kroptik - 3024-6179-4482 - (Psychic) Drowzee Sigilyph Duosion Sun 26 Oct 2014 00:58:54 No. 21467827 Report Quoted By:
IGN Jorgeuc
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>>21467743 flabebe up!, thanks
IGN Can0
>>21467743 bebe is up pls no ruse
>inb4 this was all an elaborate ruse pls OP you can't do this to us
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21467865 >>21467877 No ruse. I don't like tricking people.
Just got mine. Thanks OP, you're awesome.
>>21467894 >these horrible moments of anticipation to see whether or not OP will deliver. Meatball
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>>21467883 If I had a pogermans related spicy meme where the guy rubs his cheeks I'd post it now. Thanks friend.
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21467905 That depends on whether you put up yours on time or not.
No worries, though. If you guys didn't get one today, I'll have more tomorrow. I'll try and have some crazy amount to give away, like 3 boxes or something.
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I have a Rayquaza similar to OP's. Can anyone here clone and distribute to everybody?
>>21467923 I think I put mine up third or fourth.
it's allright OP, I trust you (and am slightly arroused by your kindness)
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Just put my flabebe up, let's hope i made it in time
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21467946 Oh my.
Anyway, I have like a little more than half a box left.
It's funny. Earlier I was complaining that I didn't have a white Flabebe and now I have like 666 of them. Thanks, everyone who gave me a white Flabebe :3
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bebe'd up. thanks based rayy... lmao
I've never used GTS before if I leave GTS open will it work just fine?
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21467991 Huh? What do you mean?
>>21467980 >tfw you put up a yellow flabebe >tfw you have dissapointed based OP Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468001 psh
Nobody who put up a Flabebe has disappointed me.
>>21467998 like can I just quit the GTS now that my flabebe is up and go dick around elsewhere? Or do I have to leave it open?
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468012 You can just go do whatever, then check back whenever you want.
>>21468012 yeah you can exit the gts
>>21468025 >>21468028 aaight thanks sorry for the dumb question, this is probably the only thing I will ever use GTS for.
you're a cool guy OP, don't let anyone tell you different (except for the times you aren't being cool, which I figure is not often)
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>>21467743 flabebe up, cheers op
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
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>>21468038 I'm always cool. My mommy said so.
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>>21468011 you are much too kind OP
good,luck, prosperity and flabebes may ever come forth your way
>>21468025 sent friend request
i will give you my favorite pokemon in return
slowpoke with regenerator
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>tfw patiently waiting for the rayquaza
Thanks Robin, shiny Rayray looks sweet.
>>21468062 >>21468025 FC is 1521-5084-9096
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468062 I can't even check for friend requests right now. I'm trading. I'll add you later, though. The Slowpoke isn't necessary, but I'll take it anyway. Thanks a bunch :3
>>21468067 >Rayray >black quaza I will never get the idea of a black rayquaza talking like one of those ghetto black people now.
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>tfw OP delivers Hail OP you have made my saturday bruh.
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>>21468074 Alright, I got a hour before work so I'll wait, thanks!
>>21468076 It's like poetry.
IGN Jorgeuc
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>>21467883 Got mine! thanks a lot!
>>21468099 >aye groudon >what's good ma nig >you seen Rayray with her new do? >mmmhmm shit is poppin >aye fo real, aye lemme holla at a shawty >*whale noises* >HEEEEEEEEEEY BOOOO I HERD WATCHU GUYS WAS SAYING, BLACK IS POPPIN EEY Robin !roIC0OeIEw
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>>21468113 >*whale noises* Skohly
IGN Can0
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>>21468114 Just got the rayquaza thank you so much!
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>OP and this thread
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
Alright everyone! I have just finished giving away Rayquaza to everyone who rayy lmao'd as of writing this post. Check the GTS, everyone should have one. If you guys want another one, please check /vp/ tomorrow for either a new thread or another post from me on this one announcing a giveaway. I'm also taking suggestions for stuff to give away in the future, so let me know of things you guys would like to see. Reply to this post with suggestions if you have them, please. Hope everyone enjoys the Rayquaza :3
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
Is this a give away thread? Can I give away things here?
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
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>>21468262 Go for it. There's no rule that says you can't give stuff away on whatever thread you want.
>>21468255 Any event mon would be nice
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
lel, there are a bunch of the shiny Rayquaza I Wonder Traded earlier on the GTS now. They're all asking for Arceus and Diancie and stuff like that.
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>>21468318 Literal retards who don't know you can't trade event mons on GTS.
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>>21468255 Second this anon
>>21468309 I'm personally looking for an english mew or genesect. But what I desire doesn't matter.
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
Alright then, I got an asshole of these cloned up, 6x31 IVs, Male, Protean, Shiny, Nicknamed Bunroku, Modest, and I forget any other details off the top of my head, just put a fletchling onto GTS and it helps to have vp somewhere in your message so that way I know what people are getting them! Hope you all have fun getting these little guys~
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>>21468318 Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay lmao
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
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>>21468340 Forgot my picture, boy am I dumb
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468340 I don't know what this is, but I'm getting one :3
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468071 Oh, guy, if you're still here, I'll add you. My FC is 3196-4716-2565.
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
>>21468354 Luckily I saw you, you should have it now!
>>21468398 IGN Pook it's up
>>21468388 I'm here
IGN Can0
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>>21468398 Bird is up! Thanks in advance
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
Woah! A lot of people showing up, this might take some time guys, hope you all don't mind!
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>>21468425 Got it, thanks Funk.
>>21468425 we waited for those Ebony Rays, we will sure wait for qt froggy.
is it shiny? Can't tell by the picture
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>>21468340 I've always wanted a shiny Greninja, thanks friend. Bird up.
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
>>21468459 It totally is, trying to send them out now, but boy do a lot of people want these little guys!
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>>21468482 well of course bruh
Shiny Greninja is pretty cool.
>two Ebony pokemons given away in one night I'll wait for my nig frog bro.
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
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>>21468414 Just gave you one not too long ago, I saw the name!
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>>21465840 >that thread name Kudos, I laughed
>tfw still haven't encountered a fletchling to catch for trade
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
Getting down to the final pokemon now! Whew this is taking some time!
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>>21468570 >large part of the game is spent avoiding these things >can't find one when you actually need it Anonymous
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>>21468580 Beautiful, thanks captain.
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>>21468340 Fletch is up. Froakie-dokey! Got Ray, cheers, bud.
>tfw patiently waiting for frog bro
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
>>21468652 Im not seeing you I guess, cause there is nothing up left on the list, if you want I just personally trade you one.
>>21468677 odd, it's no problem, really I already have a 6x31 IV frogguy, just not a shiny one. Thanks anyways man
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
>>21468717 Eh, Sorry man, I wanted to help everyone but you're just not appearing on the GTS list, speaking of people looking for Froakies seems to be done so Im gonna stop, thanks everyone who came out, I gave out 40 of the little guys!
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Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
>>21468762 it's quite alright, I appreciate that people are doing these giveaways still, makes me feel like breeding up a batch and doing so myself again.
thanks for the Quazas and Frogbros /vp/
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
>>21468795 You're welcome.
I'm experimenting with stuff to see if I can give away shiny Genesect later on :3
Funk [5000 - 2492 - 2934]
>>21468803 I need to get one of those V-Create dragons from you sometime~ I'd love to have one myself
Robin !roIC0OeIEw
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>>21468845 Those will be given away eventually. Right now I want to give away Rayquaza because of ORAS. After it comes out, I'll be giving away all sorts of different stuff.