Quoted By:
>>21469568 Amie's returning for ORAS. Honestly, by the looks of things and how it was renamed, it might be a permanent feature from now on.
>will they keep pokemon-amie and friend safaris in ORAS? No. Also added My fc: 2423-4051-9189
Ehhh sure if you guys want to add me. Putting Pokémon aside, I also have Smash Bros and Mario Kart. As far as my Safari goes, I think I'm a bug type.
Off topic, but how come everyone has an awful looking mii? I mean, it doesn't matter that much, but I've never seen any of you motherfuckers with a decent looking little guy.
Quoted By:
>>21469602 >no >mfw Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>21469712 I like to think mine isn't too bad given that miis aren't exactly humanoid.
Quoted By:
>>21469712 >but how come everyone has an awful looking mii well, how come you would make a normal looking one? Nobody said it has to look like you, and it's fun to make "ugly" things. Just look at stuff like spore, or ugly people's kids.
Quoted By:
>>21469712 >not enjoying hideous miis beating the shit out of each other in smash Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21469680 that mii looks cute
n-no homo
Quoted By:
the fact that they won't keep pokemon-amie in the game makes me a bit upset. I love to find the spots pokemon don't like petted, and purposely petting them. Pokemon are so cute when pissed.
nigga !!x6LohE8baWN
Quoted By:
Do people still need codes I have an EU one and NA one I can dump
Quoted By:
>>21470461 OP here, adding. Thank you =D
Edgar 2423-1838-3141
>>21469568 adding whomever I can
FC: 4768 7628 2677
sammay/may firerose (fc:5413-0249-7323)poison
sammay/may firerose (fc:5413-0249-7323)poison Sun 26 Oct 2014 04:46:37 No. 21470509 Report sammay/may firerose (fc:5413-0249-7323)poison
sammay/may firerose (fc:5413-0249-7323)poison Sun 26 Oct 2014 04:47:40 No. 21470517 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>21470496 OP
added. Thanks.
Edgar 2423-1838-3141
>>21470509 By the way, my safari is:
Fighting.- Meditite, Pancham, Breloom
Quoted By:
My only complaint is that a handful of regional dex Pokemon are friend safari exclusive, while the friend safari also has a handful of Pokemon that aren't in the regional dex. Make up your damn mind.
Quoted By:
>>21470537 OP here, added.
Will 5086-2310-0293
Add me and I'll add you back. I'm busy trying to unlock this fucking "secret adventure" in the ORAS demo.
Quoted By:
>>21470630 Op added, thank you =D
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 26 Oct 2014 05:13:27 No. 21470743 Report Will add back anyone who adds me
Will 5086-2310-0293
>>21470743 OP added, thank you.
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 26 Oct 2014 05:17:27 No. 21470779 Report Quoted By:
>>21470630 >>21470743 added
fc: 4768 7628 2677
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 26 Oct 2014 05:27:44 No. 21470862 Report Quoted By:
Edgar 2423-1838-3141
Will 5086-2310-0293
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Ryo 3668-8888-9645
>>21472623 Ill add anyone that replies.
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanphy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanphy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 11:33:34 No. 21472712 Report I'll add anyone who wants to add me. Also, if you have a Friend Safari with Audino in it and have a spot for me on your roster, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Craig 0361-6230-7189
>>21472726 I will ad who ever adds me.
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 11:45:53 No. 21472759 Report Quoted By:
>>21472730 I'll add you just for the hell of it.
Breadbox 3222 6978 8711
Hi! I've got an empty friend safari at the moment so some adds would be awesome! Thanks
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 11:57:01 No. 21472837 Report Ryo 3668-8888-9645
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Breadbox 3222 6978 8711
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim)
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim) Sun 26 Oct 2014 12:02:57 No. 21472880 Report Will add whoever adds me
Breadbox 3222 6978 8711
Craig 0361-6230-7189
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
>>21472712 >>21472726 >>21472810 >>21472857 Added. Would greatly appreciate reciprocation, fellas.
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 12:24:35 No. 21472987 Report Quoted By:
Fc 5413-0840-8632 can someone tell what type I am in friend safari thanks I'll add anyone
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 12:29:30 No. 21473015 Report Quoted By:
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 12:33:34 No. 21473038 Report Quoted By:
>>21473012 You've got a Bug Safari with Beautifly and Buterfree. Can't tell what the third one is yet.
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Can anyone tell me why I'm only getting two pokemon per safari. Have I gone full retard?
Craig 0361-6230-7189
>>21473045 on the PSS you have to click on the blue icon that says internet.
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
>>21473053 Thanks, that was really confusing me.
Quoted By:
>>21473065 Hi I just add you
Matt 1821-9580-1816
Anyone with Spritzee safari? I'm in need of one with Aroma Veil. My FC's up so feel free to add me
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 13:07:12 No. 21473243 Report Quoted By:
>>21473193 I'll add you just cause. No Spritzee Safari though.
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Quoted By:
>>21473193 Added but I don't have Spritzee, sorry.
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim)
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim) Sun 26 Oct 2014 13:11:38 No. 21473265 Report >>21473193 added you but don't have a spritzee safari, hope you don't mind
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Quoted By:
>>21473265 Added you, forgot to tell you.
>>21473193 Added you, too.
Name: Daniel FC: 2750-2077-5942 Want I have my safari checked out, I'm in the hall of fame, dunno my type or pokemon. Looking too add a ditto or whirlipede safari.
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Ryo 3668-8888-9645
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Lucas 0662-4275-8885
>>21469712 Alright, normally I wouldn't do this, but it's fucking time. I have the greatest Mii in existence.
That said, my Safari is garbage. It's like... Teddiursa, Loudred, and either Smeargle or Eevee.
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim)
Nate 4699 - 6071 - 3525 (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Drifblim) Sun 26 Oct 2014 13:35:15 No. 21473380 Report Quoted By:
Sibi - 2766-8704-2150 Steel
Anyone with a Kecleon safari?
Craig 0361-6230-7189
>>21473382 I'll add you, no Kecleon though, sorry.
Sibi - 2766-8704-2150 Steel
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
>>21473377 I'll take that, I need a HA Eevee to breed with my 6iv Sylveon.
>>21473382 Sorry, I don't, but I'll add you anyway if that's OK.
Craig 0361-6230-7189
Sibi - 2766-8704-2150 Steel
>>21473392 Sure, go ahead. Btw, what is the friend limit? I am almost at a 100.
Daniel - 2750-2077-5942
Thanks, added everyone who added me.
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Quoted By:
>>21473410 Not sure, don't know how to delete provisional friends, either.
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632
Lucas 0662-4275-8885
Quoted By:
>>21473519 >all these Bug Safaris in my friend list Fug :DDD
Eric 1848 1684 9961
Quoted By:
>>21470743 Hope I'm not too late, I miss having a ditto safari
Daniel - 2750-2077-5942
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 14:09:19 No. 21473577 Report >>21473353 Has anyone told you yet what's in your Safari? If not, I'll be more than happy to. Love doing that.
Daniel - 2750-2077-5942
>>21473577 Not yet, I'd really appreciate it man!
Craig 0361-6230-7189 (Beautifly Combee Vivillion)
Craig 0361-6230-7189 (Beautifly Combee Vivillion) Sun 26 Oct 2014 14:14:50 No. 21473613 Report >>21473601 Ledyba and Masquerain
Daniel - 2750-2077-5942
>>21473613 Cool thanks a lot.
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby)
Jeremy 0189 8924 0919 (Phanpy Dugtrio Diggersby) Sun 26 Oct 2014 14:19:33 No. 21473634 Report >>21473619 Yeah, I can't see the third one yet, but it's Ledyba and Masquerain
Daniel - 2750-2077-5942
Quoted By:
>>21473634 Thanks, good to know
Will 5086-2310-0293
Hussain 2552-0747-8289
Think my safari ghost type. I forgot what it has. ign is Lydia.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a bagon/shelgon safari?
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto)
Yvonne 4296-3021-4954 (Aipom, Loudred, Ditto) Mon 27 Oct 2014 11:12:24 No. 21484658 Report I am still here. Come and get some Ditto.
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632(butterfree-beautifly-?)
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632(butterfree-beautifly-?) Mon 27 Oct 2014 11:42:39 No. 21484791 Report Quoted By:
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632(butterfree-beautifly-?)
Jonsey 5413-0840-8632(butterfree-beautifly-?) Mon 27 Oct 2014 11:53:17 No. 21484824 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Barry FC:4914-4405-5614
Quoted By:
>>21484658 >>21477931 Added you two guys. Think I'm Ground-type.
gitgood 1263 - 6771 - 3495 (Meditite, throh, tyrogue)
gitgood 1263 - 6771 - 3495 (Meditite, throh, tyrogue) Mon 27 Oct 2014 13:40:57 No. 21485426 Report Quoted By:
>>21484658 added. Seriously need some dittos.
Quoted By:
>>21484658 Added, add me please,
I've got onix kek Nyan 1263-6961-4130
Quoted By:
>>21484658 Added, add me please,
I've got onix kek Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Mon 27 Oct 2014 14:55:32 No. 21485938 Report after a clefairy safari
Karen 1951-0029-0428 (Inkay, Cacturne, Nuzleaf)
Karen 1951-0029-0428 (Inkay, Cacturne, Nuzleaf) Mon 27 Oct 2014 15:22:11 No. 21486137 Report Quoted By: