Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Trailer for upcoming events:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oizngjbAxM Pokemon the Movie XY 2 trailer:
http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/ Next episode:
XY49: Mobilize, Lapras Defense Corps! Bonnie Does Her Best!! [October 30th]
http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer Upcoming episodes:
>Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ [November 6th] >XY50: Dance, Pancham; Charm the Public, Fennekin! Do the Step Towards Tomorrow!! [November 13th] >XY24: The Castle on the Seabed! Skrelp and Dragalge!! [November 20th] >XY51: Hawlucha and Dark Hawlucha! [November 27th] >XY52: Ninja Art Showdown! Frogadier VS Barbaracle!! [December 11th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- Yes, it's fucking good just start watching it already.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No. |The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? KAORI has recently returned to voice acting, so we'll see. heh.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing XY but their releases can happen any time of the week.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, Battling Into the Hall of Fame!
>Muh episode 24 when? NOVEMBER 20TH, MOTHERFUCKERS!
>Last Thread >>21477068
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Pocket Monsters 66 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_-_066_(038.75)_-_An_Iwark_Bivouac[H264_SUB][DC5C7697].mkv.torrent
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_047_Serena_Gets_Her_First_Pokemon!_Yancham_VS_Fokko!![H264_720P][C9835AF8].mkv.torrent
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=613708 NEXT:
>Eureka meets a group of three kids calling themselves the Laplace Defense Corps, who are protecting a wounded Laplace. Eureka and the others start working on returning it to the sea, but then the Rocket Gang...! >Summary: >As they continue their journey, Satoshi and the others take a break in a forest. Each of them relax the way they see fit, with Eureka deciding to explore the forest together with Dedenne. There, she runs into three children around her own age, Hina, Ken and Joe, who call themselves the Laplace Defense Corps. The three of them are treating and looking after an injured Laplace. >The Laplace occasionally sounds sad, so Eureka and the Laplace Defense Corps decide to return in to the sea, but trouble occurs when the Rocket Gang interferes. Neither Eureka nor the Laplace Defense Corps have any Pokémon of their own; will they still be able to protect the Laplace from the Rocket Gang and safely return it to the sea!? Anonymous
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UPCOMING SHIT POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 55: (Nov 2nd)>Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act I~ / In the Second Installment of 'PokéBoard', Kasuga from Audrey Gets Help from Taku Suzuki from Drunk Dragon as he Challenges Kids Who Love Pokémon / The Latest Information on ORAS! Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Nov 6th)>Alan continues his journey to master Mega Evolution and stand on the top as the strongest. Waiting for him in the Houen Region are new mega evolved Pokémon as well as Houen's strongest Trainer, Champion Daigo. >A fierce mega evolution battle against Daigo awaits. >During the battle, a mysterious man suddenly appears. >Also, legendary megaliths lay hidden in Houen. >As all the keys align, the mystery of Mega Evolution gradually unravels. And when those roots are touched upon, the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza descends from the distant sky. All is ready for a fierce battle that will shake the Houen Region to the core. XY50: Dance, Pancham; Charm the Public, Fennekin! Do the Step Towards Tomorrow!! (Nov 13th)>Serena and others are polishing up the Pokémon's moves in order to enter a Tripokalon tournament. But then the Pokemon are kidnapped by Team Rocket! XY24: The Castle on the Seabed! Skrelp and Dragalge!! (Nov 20th)>Ash and friends help investigating a sunken luxury ship. However, Team Rocket are sneaking around in the shadows, wanting to get treasure from the ship... XY51: Hawlucha and Dark Hawlucha! (Nov 27th) XY52: Ninja Art Showdown! Frogadier VS Barbaracle!! (Dec 11th)>Ash and friends reunite with Sanpei and his Greninja. Together, they battle a masked ninja! During the battle, Froakie transforms!?
also dubbed Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction on November 8th, not sure how to add it to the op
>>21481469 Is that...is that seriously Serena cowering behind Alpha Ash?
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>>21481469 >not even trying to use an arm to shield Clemont or moving a bit farther to shield both of them like he did with the little shit Max and May back during the Taillow assault Anonymous
>>21481583 No, it's Ash becoming Satoshield to protect the waifu.
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>>21481606 S-so...so beautiful...
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>>21481469 >centralizing with Pikachu Obviously.
>>21481523 It's just the dub, no point in adding it until after the next episode has aired.
>>21481735 thought it could maybe go on the
>Muh subs when? but I wasn't sure
>>21481816 A dub isn't a sub.
>>21481849 I meant
>Muh dubs when? Anonymous
>>21481861 Well it airs on Sunday in two weeks, so just add it then together with the title of the episode that airs the same day. No need to overcomplicate things, most people don't care about the dub anyway.
>>21481887 >Sunday Nov 8th is a Saturday.
>>21481887 >most people don't care about the dub anyway. That mostly only applies to our thread.
The rest of the board that finds us eternally autistic will stop everything that they're doing and have a yearly thread dedicated to the dub airing to talk and hype about it, usually with a stream too.
We're a very irrelevant minority within an already small minority.
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>>21481914 Just pretend that's what I said, anon.
>>21481936 Watching a movie on TV once a year is not caring about the dub.
>>21481929 why is he always missing his pot of gold?
>>21481979 It's not when there's comfy involved. That's literally three-four hours of uninterrupted Pokemon with tons of people in a talkback, I couldn't care less if it's the dub or sub, I'm getting a blanket and some cereal on that day nigga and you're an undeniable wet blanket if you're too stuck up to not do the same.
>>21482030 Half the people in that thread won't even know who Bonnie is. Nah, I'm fine.
Don't live in murrica anyway Anonymous
>>21482030 This, I really hope there's a stream because fuck bongland.
>inb4 muh spoiled first view anons Anonymous
>>21482049 >won't even know who Bonnie is >what is the game that the anime is based off of Are you implying they're all pic related?
>>21482052 I've seen half the movie already through various promo clips and that theater cap, and I've read the manga adaptation. I know how the movie goes.
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>>21482065 >what is the game that the anime is based off of A game where Bonnie is a piss minor character most have probably forgot about over a year ago.
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>>21482065 >I think I deserve some special treatment here. Anonymous
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>>21482065 Heh, I haven't even been bothered to play XY. Video games aren't even that much fun anymore, it's just that I can't talk about this regularly on /a/, I can only make a thread about once a week that actually gets replies, so I have to come here.
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I want a drawfag to draw a bunch of grumpy, uppity anime discussion thread anons sitting in a corner with their arms crossed while a bigger group of hype anons are all watching a TV.
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>21482117 Mami actually has trips tho, so nice try
>>21482085 >watching the dub >fun Anonymous
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>>21482117 >false-flagging this hard Anonymous
>yfw it really is Mami but he removed his trips so no one would suspect it really is him
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All these falseflaggers trying to kill dub hype. It's literally worse than that calandar faggot from a few days ago.
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>>21482160 At least the dub doesn't have to wait for subs Anonymous
Also Mami doesn't really visit the anime threads until anime hours
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>>21482183 He visits during late hours for amerifats.
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>>21482173 >Mami >shitposting >without actually involving shit Anonymous
>People think Serena is Ash's waifu. >Serena is beta fuck >Can't even call him "amazing" without panicking What a shitty waifu.
what... am I here for again...?
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>>21482316 You're here to remember that (un)fortunately Hilda didn't suffer.
>>21482010 because they be always after his lucky charms
>>21482308 She's 10 years old anon
What do you expect
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>>21482361 I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this
>>21482308 >has strong feelings for him >heals his swollen foot >bakes sweet things for him Sorry but, if I had a waifu, I'd at least want one that cares about me.
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>>21482364 I expect her to take what she wants. Being 10 is no excuse.
>>21482379 This may sound strange, but if I were to get married, I'd want it to be with a girl like Serena.
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>>21482361 Well done, anon.
>>21482379 >heals his swollen foot Anonymous
>>21482379 But wouldn't you want want one who was honest and open with their feelings for you? Not hiding shit?
>>21482423 How close was Serena to his foot?
Do you think she was close enough that
she could get a tempting whiff of it? Anonymous
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>>21482423 There was clearly a lewd point where we should have stopped but we've clearly passed it. Let's keep going.
>>21482397 THAT'S IT ANON!!!
No really, I've really been waiting for someone to say that. It makes sense, all the sense in the world, it isn't as weird as you think at all. Serena is supposed to be a graceful and caring character (the ideology behind the name Serena in the first place). Probably her main quality is caring so much for the people close to her, making them feel better, making them feel special. She's a healer, pretty much. She's that beautiful girl you can go to and just say "I don't feel right, make me feel better" and just her very presence does that, the kind of girl we wish that we can know.
I wish I knew a couple of "Serenas", it isn't easy being a teenager, living in a place where every girl is a little hoe, and you just don't know who's worth your time at all. It would make my life easier, more enjoyable, more happy. So yeah, wanting a wife with her qualities, to me, is really a wonderful thing. It's good that people genuinely want these kinds of things. Unfortunately, no girl is perfect like Serena. That's all unrealistic, the real world doesn't work that way. And that's the tragedy behind it all, that you'll never know a Serena, no matter how hard you look, no matter how many places you've been. You realize the sad truth behind it all, and at times you realize how that really sucks.
>>21482460 >Ash couldn't move when he was on the ground. >The scene transitions to Ash sitting on a rock, so he clearly moved somehow. >tfw we missed Serena lifting As up and falling onto her arms. Anonymous
>>21482450 But Anon, they know of each other's hopes, dreams and doubts. She even conducted a miracle by having Ash let out some of his personal thoughts without a trigger.
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>>21482511 Is this copypasta? It feels like copypasta.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>21482117 This isn't funny at all. Besides, I'm taking a break felm 4chan due to exams.
>>21482539 >lewd You don't even know the meaning of the word.
>>21482511 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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>>21482589 Your butthurt reply made it kind of funny.
>>21482069 Is the manga adaptation online anywhere or just in Nipland?
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>>21482593 It's weird. It always feels like the girl's hand will break while you hold on to it.
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>>21482595 >gorilla warfare Still makes me chuckle.
>>21482582 All those are great and all, but she still isn't fully honest with how she feels about him and that's probably one of the more important factors.
And he's spilled his heart out to his friends before.
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>>21482595 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little transient being? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Blue Sentinels, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret invasions on the Brotherhood of Blood, and I have over 300 confirmed Monastery Scimitar parries. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top Havelmage in the entire Way of Blue. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Drangleic, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with spamming the Decapitate gesture after backstabbing me? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Drangleic and your trail of bloodstains is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking undead, feeble cursed one. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Vanquisher's Seal. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Blue Sentinels and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” gesture was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have shown some respect and used Bow instead. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking undead, hollow.
>>21482625 Chapter 1 is available as a free digital comic at Corocoro's website.
http://corocoro.tv/tachiyomi/pokemon_xy/index.html Anonymous
>>21482552 Gotta save that for future episodes.
>>21482641 Ash has never spilled his heart to you, May. You don't mean shit to him.
>>21482641 Every other time had a trigger. Either people asking or a Pokemon reminding him of his own.
>>21482595 Ever notice how America HATES it's own troops? Imagine coming home to your wife and kids to find little Jimmy has been brain-poisoned by "intellectuals" on his anime forum into thinking daddy is a low-IQ devil and that it's okay to be an anime fan.
LITERALLY telling me I'm an idiot--even though it's clear; my punctuation is far in excess of yours. Heretowithforthall my superfluous nouns strewn throughout. Fistwards unto justice for all anime fans.
Actually literally greentexting whatever Greek-ass school of thought you think sounds cool enough to account for you stroking it five times a day : LOL! Actually literally doing this to reconcile your steamfriends + skypebros faults they won't stop fucking lamenting: LOL! Actually literally being a nigger, tut-tutting at casual usage of the word on an anonymous imageboard and coming to the defense of other minorities that you have never met in the real: LOL! Actually literally being an anime fan in the year 2014 thinking that it isn't a FUCKING shame: LMAO!!!
Meanwhile, me over here, being ripped, having laughs, long walks every day, reflecting, laughing as I go and generally being a beacon of goodwill to everyone. You love me when you see me and tell your friends how cool this guy is, he really doesn't take shit from anyone and is a him do he own bizniz kind of cat. I can only imagine this is how Christ felt when he walked among you retarded faggots...
>>21482673 >>21482680 If you say so.
But either way Serena is not completely honest on the most important aspect of her relationship with Ash.
>>21482743 >beacon of goodwill I read that as bacon of goodwill and now I'm hungry
Can I eat you anon Anonymous
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>>21482798 You're a bigger fatty than Dedenne and Fletchling. Fatty.
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>>21482743 i read that as youre a speed junkie
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>>21482873 Bitch please that's AG
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>>21482873 >speedlines with gradient background AG rerun?
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>>21482873 What is that they're using an old anime screen?
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>>21482873 You gullible fuck
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>mfw it's actually been multiple weeks since we got ANY kind of news on any upcoming episode
>>21482791 Neither was Misty. Who cares.
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Why air new episodes early in the morning when the channel is filled with trash?
>>21482970 Macy: Are you his girlfriend or what?
Misty: No! I'm his...coach.
Macy: Then you should stay out of his personal business.
Am I in the minority when I watch both the subs and dubs? Aside from the voice change in the dub, it's not too bad, and it does a good translation of the original. My only issue with the dubs is the shit opening thanks to CN and the majority of changed BGM that sounds like shit.
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>>21483023 >Am I in the minority when I watch both the subs and dubs? Yes
>Aside from the voice change in the dub, it's not too bad Yes it is
>and it does a good translation of the original No
>>21483005 >Misty said that right in front of Ash >It got so awkward, Ash walked off to go train >tfw Macy killed pokeshipping Anonymous
>>21483005 >>21482970 >>21482791 Misty had her chance for the better part of two massive series in Kanto and Johto, and with all the later appearances she had after that, she had plenty, PLENTY of chances.
But she failed. And failed hard.
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>>21483072 >>21483096 Outright denial. On multiple occasions to boot. So the conclusion is clear.
Pokeshipping never existed.
>>21483005 >yfw we'll get a situation like this in the future Anonymous
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>>21483072 I thought it was Bianca/Latias that did.
>>21482316 You are here because you are not here
You, Hilda, are an offspring of death rather than induviduals.
No matter how loudly we scream for you to exist, the power of the universe will smother and erase your existence
So all we can do is scream
>>21483176 "Of course not...
...you're my husband."
>>21483212 >they're forced to say that shit in the open >the instigator Anonymous
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>>21483176 That would be adorable?
>>21483253 I approve of this
By the time she's even remotely done, she'll have squeezed out all the secrets
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>>21483176 Something about that girl rubs me the wrong way. I don't like her.
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>>21482511 This is why humans developed tulpas
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>>21483536 Yes. Ash is looking nice as well.
Will Bunnelby evolve into Diggersby?
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>>21484281 Nope, and now he will be even more sidelined because of Luxio fucking shits.
>>21484281 better chance than Chespin evolving into Quilladin
>>21484513 Pikachu gettin mega lopunny pussy when?
>>21484554 The wait for xy52 is killing me
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>>21483334 >ftw this gym leader could easily rape you because she'll be much stronger than your weak-ass. Anonymous
>>21483176 >implying Ash knows what a boyfriend is >implying he won't take boy and friend literally and say yes Anonymous
>>21484669 >2014 >still thinking Ash is dumb Anonymous
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>>21484669 The only time Ash will get it, is if one specifically uses the world "love", as seen when TR accused Ash and Misty of being lovebirds, and Oscar/Andie accused Ash and May of being IN love.
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>>21482065 >tfw I haven't played the games either All I do is sit and watch the anime every season.
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>>21484669 Ash knows what a bride is, so its obvious he knows what a girlfriend is
checkm8 atheists
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>>21484689 Maybe they won't set up a situation where someone explicitly asks Ash if he is Serena's boyfriend, but rather a character might outright infer that she is his girlfriend. Depending on the context of the scene, I don't think Ash would really feel the need to establish that she isn't.
>>21484689 That Ash is a pretty smart guy.
>>21484689 >>21484736 >Ash >Smart >Still hasn't picked up on Serena's signs when they appear. Anonymous
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>>21484752 being intelligent or wise doesn't mean they pick up love stuff
>>21484752 >implying he doesn't know >implying he isn't just prepare a way to save his own ass by pairing Clemont and Serena >the most crack pairing of all Anonymous
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>>21484774 ay ay ay Señor b8 be more subtle
>>21483204 Should brown eyed people put blue eyed people on a pedestal? I guess what I'm trying to ask is if a blue eyed person could willingly have a crush or love someone who has brown eyes.
>>21485052 >2014 >Being this stupid. Anon, I'll just let you know that your way of thinking is old and is really sad to see this.
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>>21485052 >m-muh blue-eyed master race Anonymous
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>>21485237 I'm guessing you have brown eyes? I was hoping to get the perspective from someone with blue eyes.
I mean I know that's happening with Serena on Ash, but that's a fantasy setting.
>>21485052 You seem to be lost my friend, here let me help you.
>>>/pol/ >>>/int/ Anonymous
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>reponding >not just reporting and ignoring
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>>21485294 I just came from /pol/ after being there for a week actually. I guess my mind has been poisoned by that place, seeing how I have brown eyes and was hoping on finding a mate with blue eyes, but after going to that place my hopes have been slashed in half.
You know, he might have a point. All the best girls have blue eyes, and Iris, the worst girl, has brown eyes.
>>21485349 I honestly believe people would have liked Iris better had she looked like Shauna/Sana. Iris's current hair/outfit is a total turn off.
>>21485349 Everyone has a soft spot for Iris. Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
don't forget to celebrate halloween with you're waifu
>>21485360 I think I've seen you from somewhere...
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>21485372 /a/? I'm a regular at these threads.
>>21485375 There you go. Wow, you replied pretty fast.
>>21485368 >see through cape >see through mini-skirt My dick, Anon, my dick...
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>21485379 Which thread, precisely?
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>>21485381 Her ribbon is also see-thru
>>21485368 >We'll never get a Halloween special where she dresses like this Anonymous
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>>21485383 An Oreimo thread, but we're getting off topic here.
>>21485395 >Iris is never coming back Anonymous
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>>21485403 You'd like that, won't you?
What kind of costume will Serena wear for Halloween?
>>21485357 Not to mention if she wasn't black.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>21485437 Lack of hype because Americans are asleep.
>>21485442 >Americans are asleep >9:45 AM EST >8:45 AM CST >6:45 AM PST I think they're awake.
>>21485442 No, I mean why does everyone here like Iris all of a sudden? I thought we were all on the Serena train.
>>21485431 >Hating dark-skinned grills Anonymous
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>>21485459 I've always liked all of the girls.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>21485454 Or at work/school.
>>21485459 Shitposting as usual. Get used to it.
>>21485462 I wish Lana never fucked existed. Cia is just so much better.
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>>21485417 Sexy Pikachu. It's her best chance.
>>21484315 >better chance than Chespin evolving into Quilladin Good. Chespin is just fine the way he is.
And so is Fennekin.
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>>21485479 Read that as, "CIA is just so much better."
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>>21485479 But Anon, Lana is 100% waifu material.
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>>21485417 That Fennekin costume was awesome.
>>21484752 Oh, you mean the zero signs that she's given him. Man, what an idiot.
>>21484752 Why exactly should Ash care about any signs that she gives him anyway?
It has no bearing on his goal, and reciprocating will only distract him and be a detriment to him. It's best to just ignore her.
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>>21485546 but fennekin is going to evolve, so together with Greninja they can win the VGC championship
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>>21485594 >will only distract him and be a detriment to him Anonymous
>>21485580 But anon, giving someone cookies should always be considered a sign that they want your dick.
>>21485594 Nice try, bayleef.
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>>21485633 I thought they agreed on Condominium over Ash.
>>21485620 >what is panicking about thinking a girl likes him >what is being really relieved after misunderstanding. >what is girl blushing asking your opinion on her video >what is girl shaking and sweating after calling you amazing. Anonymous
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I dreamed that a new episode had been subbed...
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>>21485740 Oh jeez, you don't suppose she ha a mental condition do you?
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>>21485740 >nobody noticed >could be interpreted as nervousness because it was her first video >implying ash heard that Anonymous
>>21485740 >panicking about thinking a girl likes him Oh, you mean when Ash was in the middle of a battle, standing a distance away from her with his back turned to her and not paying attention to Serena at all as she whispered it to herself?
Yeah, what a moron for not noticing.
>>21485818 >middle of battle. Hadn't started yet.
>whispered Watch the scene again.
Also nice job ignoring the other two points.
For anyone discussing lack of amour hints or something. Just understand that if XY is long as DP/AG, we still got around 150+ episodes to go through (which is around 3 more years) If it goes to the lengths of Jotho/ BW, we still got 100+ episodes left (2 years). We obviously can not have Serena dropping major hints towards Ash this early of the finale will be really dry and unnerve wracking. This goes or Ash as well. If he understands "love" or Serena's feeling this early we will have another stale anime. The amour plot will definitely conclude whether it is for the good or the bad. We all know this as the anime has gotten better quality and the love subplot is pretty important this time around. So before you start discussing shit about amour, think about what I have just said. I personally believe it will "happen" because of all the other happenings occuring in XY. We just gotta take our ride slow and steady.
>>21485888 I want an episode with Delia coaching Serena.
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>>21485888 Feels like this is from Serebii.
Why Is Shauna not the heroine
>>21485919 silly anon this isn't the bible whores aren't heroines
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>>21485919 Too sexual. Those short demin shorts are practically panties with frills.
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>>21485925 >Her ears are disgustingly huge like Mickey Mouse. >Teeth that looks like a rat/ mouse Can they tone these shit down a little? It makes the character look retarded.
>>21485897 I want both mothers to meet, they may know what happened at the camp. What if Ash promised Serena to become a pokemon master so she would never be afraid of a pokemon anymore and his handkerchief was proof of his resolution until they meet again?
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>>21484550 >Chespin stays as a Chespin >The other two evolve >Bunnelby exists I'm ok with this.
>>21485881 She said it to herself in a tone so low that no one actually heard her while Ash isn't even looking at her or paying attention to her. You're an idiot for even bringing this scene up.
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>>21486103 Shitposters will take whatever reaction they can get these days, no matter how stupid they end up looking in the process.
>>21486103 What are you guys talking about? Gym battle in episode 6?
>>21486160 No, the battle with Premier where she said if Ash loses to her, he has to be with her for a little while and then Serena mistakes it as Ash having to date her.
>>21486172 But Ash didn't even hear Serena, and he was certainly beaten not by being distracted but by Attract hax.
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>>21486168 I haven't seen you in a while. Glad to have you back Mary Sue. When are you gonna hipster through?
>>21486184 Like you said. Ash isn't even paying attention to Serena, but that one anon is arguing that it was an example of Ash being oblivious/ignoring Serena's feelings.
>>21486168 >Emolga Mega Evolution Anonymous
>>21486168 I thought we're gonna get a new image for Mary Sue flying through with the Pancham ep
>>21486230 But I thought Ebola isn't airborne.
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>>21486244 I think there's a rotation now.
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>>21485965 >implying Grace didn't already get excited to see that Ash learned about Rhyhorn racing and that he was talking about it in such an excited manner >implying they won't head to Vaniville before going to the League >implying Delia won't go to the League to watch Ash compete >implying both mothers won't join Alexa in the antics Anonymous
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>Torterra and Staraptor not giving a fuck
>>21486216 But how would explain XY40 then, how did he not pick up on her feelings there, especially given her reaction after her initial statememt.
>>21486455 Who says he didn't pick up on them? He said "Huh?" with what may or may not have been a surprised look on his face but then Serena changed the subject ASAP and he didn't press the issue.
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>>21486489 Then he asked why she was acting so weird immediately after, so at the very least, he picked up on the fact that something wasn't right with her.
>>21486556 Why are pokemon attracted to Ash
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>>21486568 It helps deacidify things.
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>>21486556 Why can't Pikachu's electricity be blue too?
>>21486556 have you guys noticed Ash doesnt whip out his pokedex on every damn pokemon anymore in XY? im really glad he doesnt use it old on pokemon anymore.
>>21484550 Is this fucking real?
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>>21486599 He used in on Luxio last episode though.
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>>21486599 Well, Serena has a PokeDex as well, so they take turns.
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>>21486614 Yes. No. Maybe. Anonymous
>>21486599 The reason he did that in BW is because he as the only person in the group with a dex. The writers HAD to have him scan the Pokemon when they wanted someone to scan it.
>>21485888 >>21486103 >>21485740 Honestly, let's be real here guys. Unless Serena is really direct with her confession (if she even does), Ash will remain oblivious to her, and not really see her an anything more than what Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris were to him. Thereby making the subplot stagnate and not develop or progress. She likes him as much as she's gonna like him, so really from the subplot standpoint nothing more can really be done with it.
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>>21486694 >Iris Serena meant more to Ash than Iris ever did as soon as she brought him his backpack.
>>21486694 It took too long for her to express her feelings for him already, she will just be an average Pokegirl from now on.
>>21486694 Why is she so adorably innocent?
>>21486694 >stagnate That's why they started showing random things from Ash's side of things.
I really hope Steven Stone comes back for ORAS promotion and has a more significant role than he did in AG.
>>21486732 First day looking at the thread, I see?
>>21486728 But no one actually wants to acknowledge it because that's just too scary of a thing to consider.
>>21486760 Yeah, Ash holding Serena's purse like a cuckold isn't something I want to think about.
>>21486740 Sorry, the shipping doesn't make me want to come here often.
>>21486760 Of course it's scary. It kills the Status Quo denialfags and emofags are so fond of.
>>21486779 The everything, you mean.
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>>21486792 I was trying to be polite. Anonymous
>>21486715 Exactly.
>>21486728 >>21486760 Neither covering her with a blanket, standing in front of her, nor looking at her for inspiration during Korrina are signs that he's falling for her.
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>>21486773 That's why he goes for being a human shield.
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>>21486786 Yet it doesn't deter the shitposters, then again the Shitposting Corps let no fortification deter them.
>>21486806 Who said its signs he's falling for her? They're just things thrown in to keep things interesting.
>>21486806 >covering her with a blanket isn't a sign He's only ever done that for charizard and he loves charizard second only to pikachu. You don't need to connect the dots to see what's happening.
>>21486849 He thinks Serena is a Pokemon?
>>21486829 >They're just things thrown in to keep things interesting. Which is my point, "to keep things interesting" does not equate to really developing the subplot on his end. Serena will likely stay beta (unless something drastic happens), never confess, and leave it not developed. The writers probably wouldn't be able to handle a confession to Ash from Serena, and keep in relatively realistic to their age.
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>>21486860 >"What a cutie...that fennekin is." Serena knows it's the only way.
Reminder that whiny Pokeshipper from tumblr is among us and is sowing discontent.
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>>21486869 Do you ever discuss anything you actually like about the show?
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>>21486888 Tits too big and dwarf legs, would not fug.
>>21486942 Of course not. We need to spin our wheels on the same fucking amour arguments over and over again because it obviously hasn't become boring and tedious to do so.
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>>21486942 He's just an emofag, anon.
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>>21486656 This got so bad that the few times it actually wasn't Ash's dex it was almost completely forgettable. During the tournament Dawn participated in, Georgia was the one to scan her Mamoswine. Did she even show that she had a Pokedex before that point?
>>21486724 >Ash unintentionally leaves the group without any ill-intentions. >Serena ask the question like Ash will abandon her. She may be a bit retarded.
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>>21486921 Kek, I wonder if its the same one who thinks Pokeshipping still got "recent" evidence and that the Amour thing will be stagnate and not develop.
>>21486977 Salamence is cool.
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>>21486984 Head Trauma is one of the many risks of Rhyhorn Racing.
>>21486993 Flygon lied. Flygon fags cried.
Salamence getting redeemed was so beautiful. Based director delivered again.
>>21486942 >implying I don't like the show, because I can see the flaws in the Amour subplot. Too bad I actually like XY, and I'm partial to the Amour stuff. But can look at it without rose-tinted glasses.
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>>21487005 >from the darkness >through blood >into the future Anonymous
>>21487009 You didn't answer my question. Because quite frankly, I'm suck of discussing shipping and wondering if we can talk about something else.
>>21487071 She's not coming back, you know. 54 is a lie.
>>21487080 But why else would there be a mienfoo?
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>>21487071 >you will never be denied of going near her spats, save for her CorniCorni'sCornies Anonymous
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>>21487099 It tracked down Hawlucha from the forest, hoping to claim the title of Forest champion?
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>>21487099 A lot of reasons. Korrina isn't the only bitch with a mienfoo. And who wants to see her jobberfoo again, anyway?
I really just wish we'd get more info on 53 and 54 soon.
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>>21487172 Probably when November rolls around.
>>21487172 Dude, those are far away in the future, we'll get more information on ep50 at best right now.
>>21487197 It's been almost a month since 51 and 52 were announced.
>>21487038 I've mention I've like what they're doing with Ash before, and how competent they're making him out to be.
I'm just pointing out to the delusional fags, that the Ash/Serena dynamic hasn't changed and there are certainly no signs of anything actually HAPPENING, given how much it's actually brought up here.
>Because quite frankly, I'm suck of discussing shipping and wondering if we can talk about something else. Fair enough. How far will Ash get this league, before he loses then? Will it be legendary hax or some generic league rival?
>>21487229 yeah, but 53 will be airing next year most likely
>>21486694 go to serebii you fucking disgusting amourfaggots, there is a thread for you autists there. get out.
>>21487248 Pokemon has never taken an end-of-year break as early as December 18th before.
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>>21487261 perhaps you're right
this entire thread is just one big amour circlejerk. absolutely disgusting. fuck off, all of you.
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>>21485368 >you're waifu >you're Anonymous
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>>21487326 Actually, disregard that first one. Didn't notice the post timer.
>>21487308 Sitruunashipping too stronk.
Serena is the worst girl with the worst goal. Even Iris is better. Yeah, Iris is better.
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>>21487345 I want Bonnie to wear more costumes.
Quick post Ramos' 3-pokemon team in order to give him an exciting and memorable battle with Ash. Optional: Movesets and Abilities. Hardo modo: No megas for Ramos
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>>21487326 >>21487352 Yeah, he definitely wasn't annoyed about what some anons in vp were saying.
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>>21487407 Venusaur, Gogoat, and uh...Tangegrowth?
>yfw Ramos will be Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino-lite, threatening Ash and co. to get off his lawn with his shears.
>>21487308 >this entire thread is one big a amour circlejerk You new or something? It's been like that for a while. There's a reason why every Ash pairing poll is completely dominated buy Ash/Serena, with results that aren't really even close.
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>>21487452 Pls don't bully, anon; he's from tumblr.
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>>21484550 i like how there is no one in the
TR balloon
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>>21487445 That's not crazy enough for eccentric Ramos.
I just hope Ash catches 30 skiddo so Prof Oak and Tracy get assblasted at the additional work.
>>21487452 There was a poll outside of the anime threads and Ash/Serena still won out.
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>>21487584 >Bulbasaur won't be able to stop them because they all have Sap Sipper Anonymous
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does anyone have any screens of ash and his friends glaring at TR about to rekt their ass?
>>21486715 >Too long to confess >Less than 50 of the probably 180+ episodes >Misty had 273 episodes and never did Be patient, is too soon to say its a failure
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>>21487588 XY turned a lot of people into Amourfaggots, in general.
>>21487709 The show will follow the typical Pokemon patterns, she wont change now. She will probably gets a goodbye like May or Dawn, nothing special or romantic.
>>21487851 Yes, and Ash will never defeat a Lucario, Brock will never leave, Pokemon will never have a Shoujo ending, yes the Status Quo is invincible
>>21487851 Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
>>21487890 All I'm saying is that romance isn't happening.
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>>21487957 A kiss on the cheek is possible.
It's happened before.
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>>21487957 That ties in with
>>21487890 as that's part of the Status Quo.
>>21487957 >romance isn't happening. You mean the romantic subplot of Serena's crush on Ash isn't romance?
Denialfags still being denialfags I see.
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>>21487902 Themselves and us.
>>21488016 Like It was said earlier in this thread, the shitposters don't care how stupid they end up looking as long as they can get a reaction, these days.
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>>21488016 They're still mad that Ash went to shield Serena first before attacking while he attacked first then jumped to the rescue when Ash was dealing with May and her getting attacked by Donphan.
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>>21488084 It's like a bait famine for them. That's why they've resorted to rehashing six month old arguments and cannibalizing themselves.
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>>21488016 >being this desperate for Ash to get serena
that's just really sad.
20 bucks go to this dude claiming there is no romance is an autistic waifu fag, but like real autistic. Like literally jelous of Ash and shit. Like power levels that we've never seen.
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>>21488016 It is romantic I guess, but a relationship will never happen.
>>21488147 >Like power levels that we've never seen. You have no idea, power levels beyond your imagination.
I really would love to see your retarded faces at the end when Ash just throws that skank Serena away like the other females he's traveled with like a used napkin. It's kind of sad really how you are so desperate to have Ash and Serena be together your purposely forget all the other times Ash has saved his other female companions from danger, hell even his male companions at one point. But that's just my opinion. I understand you amorafags are easy to piss off if someone has a different view then you and you begin to cry at the slightest insult to Ash and Serena, but take it like a man, or girl o whatever you are. I dont think Ash will get Serena no matter what he does for her because I'm smart enough to know he's done the same for others in the past Ok you can yell and insult me now with you autism, i am on 4chan after all :)
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is that you pacificpikachu?